PV Systems NED
PV Systems NED
PV Systems NED
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My Introduction
• Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Aman
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• Site Assessment
1. Download Magnetic Compass
2. Find-out the dimension of the area.
3. Mark hindrances
4. Find-out the dimension of hindrances.
About Earth
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• Equinox refers to a day with an equal duration of day and
night. We have two equinoxes in a year which are:
1. Spring equinox on March 20
2. Autumnal equinox on September 22
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• Hemi= Half
• Sphere is a 3D shape
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Hemisphere Hemisphere
• Other examples of hemispheres include a football, and an earth • a
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Hemisphere Hemisphere
• The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of • Pakistan lies in the northern hemisphere.
the Equator.
• For other planets in the Solar System, north is defined as being
in the same celestial hemisphere relative to the invariable
plane of the solar system as Earth's North Pole.
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• In the northern hemisphere, the sun rises from the east and set
on the west but the trajectory of the sun is more towards the
south. Therefore, the general rule for solar panel placement is,
solar panels should face true south (and in the southern, true
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Latitude Longitude
• Lines of equal latitude are always the same distance apart, and • Longitude measures the distance east or west of an imaginary
so they are called parallels of latitude; they never converge. reference point, the prime meridian (0 deg), which is now
However, the circles created by the parallels of latitude do get defined as the line passing through Greenwich, England.
smaller as they approach the poles. • Your longitude represents the angle east or west between your
location, the center of the Earth, and the prime meridian.
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PV Systems
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PV systems PV systems
• The two general categories of PV systems are grid-connected • Types of photovoltaic systems
PV systems and off-grid PV systems. a. PV direct;
• Grid-connected PV systems are further split into b. PV stand-alone;
1. Distributed PV Systems and c. Grid TIE without battery;
2. Central PV systems, d. Grid TIE with battery backup
• while off-grid PV systems can be separated into
1. stand-alone systems (with or without battery) and
2. mini- or micro-grids.
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PV systems PV systems
• Types of photovoltaic systems • This is a typical layout of the solar system integrated with the
a. PV direct; grid.
b. PV stand-alone;
c. Grid TIE without battery;
d. Grid TIE with battery backup
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PV systems PV systems
• This is a typical layout of the solar system integrated with the • The power generation unit of a PV
grid. plant is the PV array, which
consists of the PV modules.
• A PV module, in turn, consists of
several PV cells connected in series
and/or parallel.
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PV systems PV systems
• A battery is required to store the energy, generated by sun. • Traditionally solar cells are connected in series within a
• An inverter is required to convert the direct current from the module and these modules make a serial connection known as
PV modules into alternating current which can be injected into as a “string”, and strings are then connected in parallel (maybe
the grid. with their own MPPT) feeding a single inverter.
• For off-grid PV systems with batteries, a charge controller is • Since strings are vulnerable to a single failure, modules are
required to protect the battery from over- and undercharge. often equipped with micro-inverters which are then (grid-)tied
in parallel, instead of the single large inverter.
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PV systems PV systems
• Micro-inverters are themselves more prone to failure than the
solar panels, so an alternative is to go for a DC-DC conversion
before DC-AC conversion.
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PV systems PV systems
• In the configuration below, each string can have a different • Sometimes multiple strings are connected in parallel, into one
numbers of panels and each string can face different inverter input. To do this each string must have the same
directions. You could even have a different type of panel for number of panels and they must be identical brands and
each string. This is because each inverter input is connected to models.
a separate Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT). The
MPPTs optimize each input separately.
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PV Module
• A PV module consists of several PV cells connected in series
and/or parallel.
• For example, Interconnection of 36 cells
• This gives an open-circuit voltage of about 21V under standard
test conditions, and an operating voltage at maximum power
PV Modules and operating temperature of about 17 or 18V.
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How much current and voltage does one solar How much current and voltage does one solar
cell give? cell give?
• One solar cell can produce = 0.5 volts • However, it depends on the type of solar cell, size,
• So a 18-volt ideal solar panel will have 36 solar cells. irradiance and temperature.
• However, when the load is added voltage is drop to 12 to 14V. • Perfect answer. Look at a datasheet, count the number of
• Assuming 320 watts of solar panel with 72 solar cells. cells, then assuming they are all in series divide the maximum
power point voltage by the number of cells and the maximum
• Therefore, generated voltage = 0.5 x 72 = 36 volt power point current is the cell current,
• Active power generated P = VI • This is usually defined at standard test conditions of 1000
• 320 watts = 36 volts x I W/m2 (a very bright day) and 25C (modules are usually 30C
• So, the current supplied by the solar panel, I = 320 / 36 = 8.88 or so above ambient at 1000 W/m2).
Amps. • Current will approximately vary linearly with irradiance,
voltage will depend logarithmically with irradiance and fall
about 0.4%/K away from 25C.
• A typical data-sheet
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A typical PV Module
• Layers of a PV modules are shown below:
Module Materials
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Rear Surface (Back side of solar cells) Rear Surface (Back side of solar cells)
• Some PV modules, known as bifacial modules are designed to • a
accept light from either the front or the rear of the solar cell. In
bifacial modules both the front and the rear must be optically
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DC Surge Protector
• It is mainly applicable for the Direct Current surge protection
and over voltage protection in the fields of low voltage DC
power supply.
DC Surge Protector
DC 48V 40kA 2P UL
Certified Surge
Protection Device
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Nameplate Rating
(PV module)
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A typical Datasheet
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Technology Technology
• Single Cell
• Half Cut cell
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Mechanical Parameters
(A typical Datasheet of PV Module)
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Mechanical Parameters
Operating Parameters
(A typical Datasheet of PV Module)
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Operating Parameters
Electrical Characteristics
(A typical Datasheet of PV Module)
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• NOCT stands for Nominal Operating Cell Temperature • The Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) is defined
• A PV module will be typically rated at 25 °C under 1 kW/m2. as the temperature reached by open circuited cells in a module
However, when operating in the field, they typically operate at under the conditions as listed below:
higher temperatures and at somewhat lower insolation • Irradiance on cell surface = 800 W/m2
conditions. • Air Temperature = 20°C
• In order to determine the power output of the solar cell, it is • Wind Velocity = 1 m/s
important to determine the expected operating temperature of • Mounting = open back side.
the PV module.
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Temperature Ratings
• Temperature coefficient of the Voc, Isc and Pmax measures the
change in open circuit voltage, short-circuit current and
Maximum power output values respectively of the PV module
when the temperature increases (or decreases)
Temperature Ratings
(A typical Datasheet of PV Module)
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Problem Solution
• Consider a 60cell module of 260W. The temperature • With the solar module reaching 65°C, the power loss of
coefficient of the maximum output power (Pmax ) at STC is - this module is:
0.41%/°C. • 65°C – 25°C = 40°C, which is the temperature difference
• Calculate the solar module power loss when the solar cells between the module’s Pmax at STC and the hypothetical
inside a solar module reach 65°C. example temperature of 65°C reached by the cells
• 40°C x -0.41% = -16.4%, which means that the module loses
16.4% in power output when the cells reach 65°C
• Solar module power loss: -16.4% x 260W = 42.64W. The
maximum power this module will operate at 65°C is: 217W.
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Mechanical Loading
• ML tests have long been hailed as the de-facto tests for
evaluating the mechanical strength of solar modules,
especially with IEC 61215 having included the 5,400 Pa
(front) and 2400Pa (rear) requirement for passing the standard.
Mechanical Loading
(A typical Datasheet of PV Module)
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IV Curve
IV Curve
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Net Metering
• Net metering Pakistan is an electricity policy for consumers,
who own / plan to setup a Renewable Energy facility, which
allows them to produce electricity (using solar) for their own
use and supply the excess produce to the national grid setting-
off units of electricity consumed during off-peak hours or at
times when the production from RE facility is not enough to
Net Metering meet the consumer load. The consumer will either pay reduced
utility bill or get paid for access energy exported to the grid.
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Net Metering
• NEPRA, in September 2015, issued its net-metering
regulations that allow the DISCOs in Pakistan to purchase
excess units of electricity produced by the consumers, and net
them off against the units consumed from the grid. As per
these regulations, any customer of the national grid (having
three-phase connection) can avail net-metering facility for
small-scale (1kW to 1MW) Renewable Energy installations. Net Metering in KE
Renewable Energy is a long-term power solution. The Solar
PV Technology gives access to affordable electricity supply
during system life. Residential and commercial customers can
switch their electricity load to Renewable Energy (RE) and can
slash their power bills.
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• Q 30. I live in an apartment/multistorey building can I • Q 33. I do not have the KE bill on my name, how am I
avail net metering facility? supposed to apply for net metering?
• Yes, provided you are a 3 phase consumer and rooftop space • While applying for net metering, both the applicant name in
available under your ownership. the forms and the name on the KE bill should be same. The
consumer should initiate the Change of Name process at the
concerned IBC and submit the net metering application at the
facilitation center after the name on the bill is updated.
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How will I be compensated for my export i.e. How will I be compensated for my export i.e.
unit sales to KE? unit sales to KE?
• Consumer is billed for the gross unit sales by KE to consumer • Taxation:
(which is your consumption from KE), all taxes etc. are • For sales by KE to consumer:
applied on this unit. The consumer sales to KE (which is your 1. Taxes are applied on the gross units.
export) is credited in the consumer’s bill at the prevailing tariff • For sales by consumer to KE:
rate. However, following additional aspects need to be 1. Residential: No Taxes
considered: 2. Commercial & Industrial: GST will be charged as per
1. Taxation applicable category. Income tax will be deducted.
2. Sales by Consumer to KE
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Power at STC (Standard Test Conditions) Test Power at STC (Standard Test Conditions) Test
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Hot Spot Test (HS) Test Potential Induced Degradation (PID) Test
• A thermographic camera is used to capture thermal images of a • Potential induced degradation, or the voltage dependent ageing
module. These images can reveal defects at soldering points, of photovoltaic modules, is a type of power degradation that
inactive regions in cells and formation of Hot Spots due to generally appears on the negative side of the module string and
defective bypass diodes which can lead to irreversible damage can affect almost any type of photovoltaic module.
to the module. • Power loss from PID effect must be minimum and a power
loss of 5% should not be exceeded in measurements before
and after this period.
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Cable Sizing
• For finding a right cable, following factors are considered:
1. Rated or Nominal Current
2. Correction Factors
• Depth of laying
• Ambient temperature
• Grouping Factor
Cable Sizing 3. Design Current
4. Core material
5. Method of laying
6. Voltage Drop calculations
7. Short Circuit bearing capacity
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Problem Solution
• Consider a three-phase load, the requirement for a load of • The rating tables(Appendix 4) in the IEE Regulations indicate
100A to be transmitted over a route length of 150m, the cable that a 35mm2 copper conductor PVC SWA PVC 3C cable
to be clipped to the wall and close protection provided. would be suitable for the loading required, but the voltage drop
• Select the appropriate cable size which can satisfy the voltage must be checked.
drop. • Volt drop = K x current x length
• Hint: Use three or Four Core Cable Three phase A.C. = 1.1 x 100 x 150 millivolts
= 1.1 x 100 x 150 volts/1000
= 16.5 volts
• where K = 1.1 mV/A/m from cable tables (Three or Four Core
Cable Three phase A.C.)
• This shows that 35mm2 cable is not acceptable as per IEE
wiring regulations.
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Solution Solution
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• Let as per IEE Regulations, the allowable total volt drop =
10.5 volts for three phase.
10.5 = 𝐾 × 100 × 150
• Therefore K = 10.5/100 x 150= 0.7mV/A/m
• Reference to the voltage drop tables indicates that the cable Short Circuit Capacity of Cable
size with a voltage drop of 0.7mV/A/m OR LESS could be
used, therefore 70mm2 copper conductor multicore PVC is a
right choice.
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Roof Structure
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Solar Structure
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Solar Structure
• Galvanized iron: In galvanizing zinc coating is applied to
iron or steel to prevent it from rusting. There are several
methods of galvanising. The most common method employed
in module mounting structure is the hot dip galvanization. In
hot dip galvanization, the material to be galvanized is
submerged in molten zinc at a temperature of around 449 °C. Mounting of Solar PV Module
In solar PV module mounting structure, iron is used for
galvanizing process.
Mounting Structures
• Mild Steel: Mild Steel is made by melting iron ore and coal
together in a furnace. Once the melting is done, it is moved to
another furnace to burn of any impurities.
• Aluminium: Aluminium is a silvery white, soft, flexible
material. It is very resistive to corrosion and does not corrode
easily. Compared to galvanised iron, this is light weight and
cost-effective. 259 260
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Pile Foundation
• Pile foundation, a kind of deep foundation, is actually a
slender column or long cylinder made of materials such as
concrete or steel, which are used to support the structure and
transfer the load at desired depth by either end bearing or skin
Pile Foundation
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Other Accessories
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Anchor bolts
• Anchor bolts are designed to attach structural elements to
• In our industry, anchor bolts are typically used to attach steel
to concrete. One end is embedded into the concrete, while the
opposite end is threaded to attach structural support.
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Tilt Angle
• Solar irradiance reaching to the earth has different components
including direct radiation, reflected radiation and diffuse
irradiation. However, most of the contribution or percentage is
due to the direct radiation.
• Therefore the direction of the solar panel must be
perpendicular to the sun rays.
Tilt Angle
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Azimuth Angle
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Altitude Angle
• Solar altitude refers to the angle of the sun relative to the
Earth's horizon. Because it's an angle, you measure solar
altitude in degrees.
• The value of the solar altitude varies based on the time of day,
the time of year and the latitude on Earth. Regions close to the
equator have a higher solar altitude than regions near the
Altitude Angle Earth's poles.
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Example: Example
• Calculate the minimum distance between the panels at location • Knowing the minimum angle of incidence of sunlight during
A where the latitude (𝛼) = 12.9 degree. the year, it is possible to determine the distance between
• During the winter solstice (December 22), the sun is at its successive rows of photovoltaic panels.
zenith over the Tropic of Capricorn. At that time, location A • (𝛼) = 12.9 degree.
has the lowest angle of incidence of sunlight during the year, • The height of the selected panel is 2000 m.
which is calculated according to the formula:
𝛽 = 90° − 𝛼 + 23.27° = 53.83° 𝐿 × sin 𝛼
Y = 1.2 × = 394𝑚𝑚
tan 90° − 𝛼 + 23.27°
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