Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Here, either frequency or phase of the carrier is changed with respect to the
modulating/message signal
• When phase of the carrier is changed according to message signal – Phase modulation
The frequency-modulated wave is therefore
Few important properties of angle modulated waves
From these expressions, despite the fact that we readily
see that the principle of superposition is violated because
3. Tradeoff of increased transmission bandwidth for improved noise performance
• This advantage is attributed to the fact that the transmission of a message signal by
modulating the angle of a sinusoidal carrier wave is less sensitive to the presence of
additive noise than transmission by modulating the amplitude of the carrier
For NBFM, we have 𝛽 < 1 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛, and we can apply two approximations
Hence we can represent the NBFM signal as
BW ?
Few observations :
1. Spectrum contains carrier component and infinite number of sidebands. Hence
the bandwidth of FM is infinite .
3. Power calculations
Transmission Bandwidth of FM waves
Modulation index same
Relationship between PM and FM
Varactor Diode Modulator
Foster Seeley Discriminator
Foster Seeley Discriminator
▪ Also Known as phase shift discriminator.
▪ The capacitance value Cc, C1 and C2 are chosen
such that they are short circuit for IF centre
▪ Right side of L3 is at AC ground potential and the
input signal is directly fed into L3.
▪ The input signal is inverted 180 degree by
transformer T1 and divided equally between La
and Lb.
Foster Seeley Discriminator
At resonant frequency (XL= XC)
▪ The secondary current is in phase with total secondary
voltage and 180degree out of phase with VL3.
▪ The primary of T1 act as an inductor and primary current is 90
degree out of phase with Vin.
▪ Magnetic induction depends on primary current, the voltage
induced in secondary is 90 degree out of phase with Vin.
▪ VLa and VLb are 180 degree out of phase with each other and
90 degree out of phase with VL3.
▪ VD1 vector sum of VLa and Vin (VD1 = VD2)
▪ Vout = VC1 – VC2 = 0
Foster Seeley Discriminator
Resonant frequency (XL>XC)
▪ The secondary circuit impedance become inductive.
▪ Secondary current lags voltage by some angle which
is proportional to magnitude of frequency deviation.
▪ VD1 > VD2
▪ C1 charges and C2 discharges.
▪ Vout = VC1-VC2 (positive value)
Foster Seeley Discriminator
Resonant frequency (XL<XC)
▪ The secondary circuit impedance between
▪ Secondary current leads voltage by some angle
which is proportional to magnitude of frequency
▪ VD1 < VD2
▪ C1 discharges and C2 charges.
▪ Vout = VC1-VC2 ( negative value)
S- Curve
▪ Output voltage is directly proportional to magnitude and direction of
frequency deviation.
▪ Output voltage versus frequency deviation produces more linear.
Crosby Direct FM Transmitter
Amstrong Indirect FM Transmitter
Amstrong Indirect FM Transmitter
FM Transmitter
Superhetrodyne FM Receiver