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Sonnet 34 by Edmund Spence

This poem is part of Amoretti (a collection of poems written by

Spencer after his marriage to his second wife , Elizabeth Bolye at the
age of 56. This sonnet appears to describe a break in his relationship
with his wife and how he is left astray(lost) waiting for her forgiveness.
Spencer uses the analogy of a ship losing its way during a storm to
convey the idea of the separation between him and his wife.

In line 1 the poet used simile 1 when he compares himself to a ship in

the ocean. This visual image sets a tone of loneliness. In line 2, Spencer
goes on to tell the reader that the ship has been getting on its way by
following a bright star in the sky. In lines 3 and 4 the poet says that a
storm has rolled in and the weather became dark (dimmed) and the
ship lost its way because of the storm. The sky is dark and cloudy
therefore the ship could not see its way in the ocean and it wanders far
astray. We notice that astrology plays a big part in the poem.

Lines 5-8 Now the poet wander around in darkness because his
guiding light has been concealed by the dark clouds of the storm.
Without the light of the star (his wife),he is left vulnerable to the
changes round him.He misses her bright ray , personality and her
guiding soul. He is consumed with sadness that he lost his way and left
defenseless. The perils that the ship faces in its journey represent the
problems which the poet faces in his life during the absence of his wife
(his guiding star).

Lines 9-12 Here the poet shows his optimism. He hopes that when the
storm passes, the light of the star (his wife) will shine on him again and
guide him back to the port so that they could be together once again.
He calls her Helice ( a mythical name of a wood nymph).
Lines 13-14 These last two lines are known as the rhyming couplet
which sums up the entire poem in afew words as possible.Spencer is
telling his wife that until she forgives him, he will wander aimlessly all
alone with sorrowful thoughts.

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