SU 14 Retirement Benefits
SU 14 Retirement Benefits
SU 14 Retirement Benefits
Study outcomes
Retirement benefits On the successful completion of this study section you should be able
SILKE Chapter 9 • Calculate the taxable income portion of employer lump sum benefits
• Calculate the taxable income portion of fund lump sum benefits
Leanie Groenewald • Calculate the individual’s taxable income that integrates the taxable
portion of retirement benefits; and
• Explain the tax consequences of lump sum benefits received.
SILKE chapter 9 – excluding 9.3.3 (Public sector pension funds), 9.5 (life
policies and divorces).
1 2
Introduction 2nd
Retirement fund contributions Lump sum received Schedule
of the Act
3 4
What does
RLB tax scale RLWB tax scale Normal tax scale mean? Consider whether severance benefit to
determine in which column it should be
Primary, secondary and tertiary rebates may Commutation of amounts due
not be deducted from tax on lump sums
The cumulative principle applies when
calculating tax
5 6
If 2/3 of total value ≤ R165 000/deceased – may elect full amount to be taken as
lump sum Allowable deductions:
• ALL own contributions previously disallowed as a deduction
• Amounts transferred to another fund Example 3
7 8
The lump sums taxed according to other scales are NOT taken into account in
the taxable income used in determining the s11F and s18A deductions
9 10
11 12
SB received or accrued
on/after 1 March 2011
13 14