Scan 22 Oct 24 07 36 36
Scan 22 Oct 24 07 36 36
Scan 22 Oct 24 07 36 36
NOTE: Post-employment plans can be formal or informal. A plan is FORMAL if it was established as part of
the remuneration package for the employees. A plan is INFORMAL if it is evidenced only by the entity's
practice to pay postemployment benefits.
The employer commits make fixed to The employer commits to pay a definite
contributions a fund. The amount of
to amount of retirement benefits. Such amount is
benefits that an employee will receive independent of any fund balance.
dependent on the fund balance.
The risk that the fund may be insufficient to
The risk that the fund may be insufficient to pay for the promised benefits rests with the
meet the expected benefits rests with the employer.
Both the employer and employee contribute to Only the employer contributes to the
the retirement fund (e.g. SSS). retirement fund of the employee
The fund is being isolated from the control of The fund being managed by the employer.
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Under a multi-employer plan, yarious An employer may pay insurance premiums to
unrelated employers contribute to a common fund a post-employment plan. It is classified
fund that is managed by a trustee to provide either as defined contribution or defined
STEP 1: Determine
STEP 4: Determine
the Defined Benefit Obligation (DBO)
How to compute the ending balance of DBO? See the following T-account to answer the question.
from employee service in the current period. An employee's retirement benefit expense increases as
he or she renders service.
Past service cost is the change in the present value of defined benefit obligation for employeeservice
in prior periods resulting from a plan amendment or curtailment.
Plan amendment includes introduction of defined benefit plan or changes to an existing defined
benefit plan.
Plan curtailment is a significant reduction in the number of employees covered by the defined benefit
All past service costs, whether vested or unvested, shall be recognized as expense immediately.
Interest expense is computed by multiplying the defined benefit obligation at the beginning of the
reporting period by the "discount rate". The discount rate is based on HIGH QUALITY CORPORATE
BONDS or ON GOVERNMENT BONDS in the absence thereof.
Actuarial gains and losses are changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation resulting
Actuarial assumptions are an entity's best estimate of the variables that would determine the ultimate
cost of providing postemployment benefits. Actuarial assumptions shall be unbiased and mutually
Demographic assumptions deal with mortality, rate of employee turnover, disability, early retirement,
proportion of plan members eligible for benefits, and claim rates under medical plans.
Financialassumptions deal with discount rate, future salary and benefit levels, future medical costs
and taxes payable by the plan.
If the actualbenefit obligation is higher than the estimated amount, there is an actuarial loss. This
means that the projected benefit obligation has increased and the increase is recognized as an
actuarial loss.
If the actual benefit obligation is lower than the estimated amount,there is an actuarial gain. This
means that the projected benefit obligation has decreased and the decrease is recognized as an
actuarial gain.
Benefits paid results from the settlement of the plan. A settlement is a transaction that eliminates all
further legal or constructive obligations for part or all of the benefits provided under a defined benefit
plan. This is referred to as "routine settlement".
An entity shall recognize gain or loss on the settlement of a defined benefit plan when the settlement
occurs. This happens if the employee opted an early retirement.
NOTE: Both are not available to the employer's creditors even in bankruptcy and cannot be returned to the
employer unless the amount returned represents surplus assets.
How to compute the ending balanceof FVPA? See the following T-account to answerthe question.
Fair Value of Plan Assets
Ending Balance
Actual return comprises interest income and remeasurementgain. Interest income is computed by
multiplying the fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the reporting period by the same
discount rate used for interest expense.