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Roll No. ......................

Total Pages : 3

BT-6/M-20 36028

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt five questions selecting at least one question from

each section.


1. (a) What is a microprocessor? Differentiate between single

chip microprocessor and chip set microprocessors.
(b) Explain in detail a complete machine cycle with the
help of a timing diagram giving the complete operation
of the microprocessor. (10)
(c) Explain the concept of stored program architecture.

2. (a) Define Instruction cycle, Machine cycle and T-States

with examples. (5)
(b) Give the various types of processors available including
the special purpose processors. (10)
(c) What is a stack? On what principle it works? Is it
necessary to initialize stack pointer while writing
program? Explain with example. (5)

36028/PDF/KD/1261 [P.T.O.

3. (a) Give a general block diagram of a microprocessor based

system. Explain briefly the various blocks of the system.
Give some examples of the types of devices used for
each block. (15)
(b) Explain with schematic diagram how separate address,
data signals can be generated from 8085 common
address-data lines? (5)

4. (a) Sketch and explain the signal diagram of 8085.

(b) Explain the following instructions and show the status
of PSW after each execution :
(1) DAA.
(2) JM, 16 bit address.
(3) PUSH D.
(4) SHLD, fc90h. (10)


5. (a) Sketch and explain briefly the timing diagram of the

instruction LXI rp, 16 bit data. (10)
(b) Interface the following memory to 8085 :
RAM : 4Kx 8-bit, starting address : 0000h
ROM : 4Kx 8-bit, starting address : 8000h
Use absolute address decoding. Show all the control
signals interfacing. (10)

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6. (a) Explain:
(i) Memory mapped I/O.
(ii) I/O mapped I/O.
(iii) Serial I/O. (10)
(b) Explain briefly the bus standards like IEEE 438, RS432,
and RS 232. (10)

7. (a) A Push Button key-board is connected to port A & 7
segment LED display is connected to port B of 8255.
Write a program to monitor the key-board to sense a
key pressed and display the no. of key at 7 segment
LED. Draw the interfacing circuit for the same. (10)
(b) Draw & explain the pin configuration and the internal
architecture of 8255. (10)
8. (a) Interface an A/D converter to 8085 and write a program
to convert the analog input to digital. (10)
(b) Draw the functional block diagram of 8086 mp & also
explain the bit pattern of PSW. (10)

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