PROFED6 (Reporting 01)
PROFED6 (Reporting 01)
PROFED6 (Reporting 01)
Importance of
Educational Technology
• Critical Thinking
The structure and use of technology can promote higher-level thinking skills. The
Learner-participants are assisted to remember, understand, apply, synthesize,
evaluate and create. Technology can design exercises to enrich their thinking skills,
making decisions, and testing the credibility of such decisions through reflective and
reasonable thinking.
• Cooperative Learning
Well-structured cooperative learning activities can foster “the development of
leadership abilities, teamwork, and improved self-esteem”. These conditions will uplift
the ego of the slow learners and give a sense of achievement among the bright ones
through helping others improve their learning.
• Communication Skills
Communication skills can be enhanced by using technology in small groups and
by integrating telecommunications into the curriculum. Exposure to correct
pronunciation, diction, and enunciation will encourage the students to emulate
what they hear. Exposure to good and correct grammar will enable them to get
used to speaking and proper communication.
• Multisensory Delivery
Technology supplies information through multiple sensory channels, allowing the
students with various learning styles to assimilate and apply knowledge. As the
experts say, the more senses are involved, the better the assimilation of
knowledge and learnin.
• Technology in school benefits the children during their higher education. It lays a
strong foundation of the successful professional life of an individual.
• Computers can offer livelier explanations of various subjects. The internet is an ocean
of information, which can be harnessed for the rendition of information in school.
• The knowledge from all around the world can be better brought about for the children
and can be better assimilated by them.
• The data pertaining to the school employees and students can effectively be stored in
a school database.
• The school could have a library system, which, by the utilization of technology, can be
maintained in an efficient manner.
• On similar line, the attendance records of the pupils and teachers can be maintained
by means of a student database.
• Moreover, the school can host a website of its own, holding information about the
school. The introduction of technology in schools can thus result in a decreased use of
paper and in bringing most of the school office in an e format.
Thus, we see that technology not only benefits the students but also eases the
administrative work in schools. It makes possible, a more effective way of storage and
distribution of information. The realization of the importance of technology in schools
and its successful implementation is a necessity.
( technology-in-schools.html)
3. Defining safe, controllable problem space for student thinking. Students can be
given exercises about thinking critically. Critical thinking is the reflective
reasonable thing focused on what one believes and does. When confronted with
problems, the technology related to thinking skills are used by the learners to find
the reasonable solution by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating to come up with
a judgement.
Technology as social medium is important to
support learning by conversing through:
Research indicates technology, that when used whether effectively, from the
traditional or constructivist point of view, and when used effectively, “increases
students’ learning, understanding, and achievement but also augments, motivation to
learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical
thinking and problem-solving skills” (Shacter and Fagnano, 1999)
Certeza, Luxell
Samson, Jerlyn Gambon, Cyan