PROFED6 (Reporting 01)

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Chapter 3:

Importance of
Educational Technology

a.) Establish the importance of educational technology in facilitating teaching and


b.) Recognize the importance of educational technology

c.) Lend oneself in using educational technology

Technology is the need of the day. Every technological reform is a small step towards
advancement. Every invention in technology is a step towards the progress of
mankind. Centuries ago, people never thought of working on a computer, Generations
of the past would have hardly imagined being able to communicate with people on the
other side of the globe. But there were some intelligent minds who dared to dream of
revolutionary discoveries that they made the impossible possible.

Benefits of Technology in Education

• Instructional Effectiveness
One benefit of multimedia instruction can be an increase in student achievement.
Students appear to be much interested when more senses are involved in lesson
presentation and activities. They learn more when they see and read, hear, and
experience exercises designed for the.
• Active Learning
Interactive technologies supply stimulating environments that encourage student
involvement in the learning process. Students enjoy playing games, solving problems,
and working interactively with computer lessons, modules, and practice exercises.

• Critical Thinking
The structure and use of technology can promote higher-level thinking skills. The
Learner-participants are assisted to remember, understand, apply, synthesize,
evaluate and create. Technology can design exercises to enrich their thinking skills,
making decisions, and testing the credibility of such decisions through reflective and
reasonable thinking.

• Cooperative Learning
Well-structured cooperative learning activities can foster “the development of
leadership abilities, teamwork, and improved self-esteem”. These conditions will uplift
the ego of the slow learners and give a sense of achievement among the bright ones
through helping others improve their learning.
• Communication Skills
Communication skills can be enhanced by using technology in small groups and
by integrating telecommunications into the curriculum. Exposure to correct
pronunciation, diction, and enunciation will encourage the students to emulate
what they hear. Exposure to good and correct grammar will enable them to get
used to speaking and proper communication.

• Multisensory Delivery
Technology supplies information through multiple sensory channels, allowing the
students with various learning styles to assimilate and apply knowledge. As the
experts say, the more senses are involved, the better the assimilation of
knowledge and learnin.
• Technology in school benefits the children during their higher education. It lays a
strong foundation of the successful professional life of an individual.

• Computers can offer livelier explanations of various subjects. The internet is an ocean
of information, which can be harnessed for the rendition of information in school.

• The inclusion of technology in the process of learning makes learning an enjoyable

activity, thus inviting greater interest from the kids.

• The knowledge from all around the world can be better brought about for the children
and can be better assimilated by them.

• The administration processes, the official procedures of school can be simplified by

means of technology. School records, the information about all the students and the
teachers and also other school employees can efficiently be maintained be means of
the advanced technology.

• The data pertaining to the school employees and students can effectively be stored in
a school database.

• The school could have a library system, which, by the utilization of technology, can be
maintained in an efficient manner.

• On similar line, the attendance records of the pupils and teachers can be maintained
by means of a student database.

• Moreover, the school can host a website of its own, holding information about the
school. The introduction of technology in schools can thus result in a decreased use of
paper and in bringing most of the school office in an e format.
Thus, we see that technology not only benefits the students but also eases the
administrative work in schools. It makes possible, a more effective way of storage and
distribution of information. The realization of the importance of technology in schools
and its successful implementation is a necessity.
( technology-in-schools.html)

Importance of Educational Technology in Learning

Technology can be the delivery vehicles for instructional lessons or in a constructivist

way as partners in the learning process. Technology helps the learner build more
personal interpretations of life in her/his world. It makes the learner gather, think,
analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what technology presents.
1. Technology provides important tools to support knowledge construction for
presenting leaners’ ideas, understandings and beliefs and for producing organized,
multimedia knowledge bases for learners. Manuals and workbooks are important
materials in adding knowledge to the existing information of the learners. Using
technology materials can be presented in different media like transparencies, slides,
posters, diorama, and storyboard.

2. Technology serves as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support

learning-by-constructing. Example: Technology is used for accessing needed
information. Books as technology are used for research and resources for answering
questions. Internet also provides good source of knowledge among the learners.
3. Technology is important when used for comparing perspectives, beliefs, and world
views. Example: Newspaper as technology provides information on the current issues
and events happening around the world. The internet provides a rich pool of data
which enables the learner to compare events, materials, and beliefs. Books as
technology also give information about differences of insects, plants, and animals and
other information.

Technology as context is important to support learning by doing as:

1. Representing and simulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and

contexts. Technology provides varied materials that cater to the different senses that
are stimulated by the activities and technology used to better understand the lesson.
Example is using real object like texture of different barks or trees to develop the
concept of rough and smooth. Smell of wood can also be taken up along with the
varied colors of word. Hard and soft wood can also be tried by using some carving
2. Representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments, and stories of others.
Technology in the form of documentation and picture taking can show some
religious beliefs like the conduct of baptism, wedding, fiestas, and processions.
Religious beliefs of different sects use their perspective bibles as basis for their
arguments. Books, magazines, and other literary features in newspapers reveal
stories of others about events in family life. Engaging in doing the above-
mentioned activities with the use of technology truly represents the beliefs,
perspectives, arguments, and stories illustrate technology as context.

3. Defining safe, controllable problem space for student thinking. Students can be
given exercises about thinking critically. Critical thinking is the reflective
reasonable thing focused on what one believes and does. When confronted with
problems, the technology related to thinking skills are used by the learners to find
the reasonable solution by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating to come up with
a judgement.
Technology as social medium is important to
support learning by conversing through:

1. Collaborating others. Example: with Young students listen to political candidates’

plans after election and collaborate with other voters in analyzing who is the best
candidate to be chosen.

2. Discussing, arguing, and building consensus among members of the community.

Students can form health brigade and discuss with community people how to observe
cleanliness and healthy upkeep of surroundings to prevent diseases like dengue,
typhoid fever, cholera, and other diseases. They can argue on wrong practices in the
use of leisure time like gambling, drinking wine, and the use of drugs through positive
reminders and posters showing the after-effect of these vices.

3. Supporting discourse among knowledge building communities. Example: Students

can initiate activities like putting up a community vegetable garden through sessions on
what, why, and how in gardening. Students can discuss the food value of the
vegetables and the proper preparation and cooking of the vegetables
Technology as an intellectual partner through:
1. Helping learners to articulate and represent what they know reflecting on what they
have learned and how they come to know it. Example: Students can be asked to write
reflective journals about the teacher’s performance by jotting down the objectives of the
lesson for the week, the strategies used by the teacher, and the evaluation applied by
the teacher. In this exercise, the teacher will become aware of how the lesson was

2. Supporting learners’ internal negotiations and meaning making. Example: The

student can be led to a dialogical thinking exercise where two sides will be given like
who is more intelligent, the girls or the boys. The students will be asked to enumerate
why the girls are more intelligent. After having exhausted all the reasons, there will be a
change of ideas to be defended like the boys are more intelligent. After looking at the
two sides, then the students will be asked to select the premise which was defended
well. The teacher will then provide the answer supported by psychological theory and
principle about the role of the environment and heredity on intelligence.
3. Constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinking.
Example: The students will be asked to answer this question: “If you are a communication
gadget, what would you be?” A student may select a microphone and tell the reason for
selecting it. “So that the thoughts could be heard by listeners who are far from the speaker.”
Another will select a radio and would reason out that much news could be relayed to others.
The last student will select a television, so that the news relayed can also be seen by the
viewers. The exercise will promote mindful thinking to support personal representations.

Research indicates technology, that when used whether effectively, from the
traditional or constructivist point of view, and when used effectively, “increases
students’ learning, understanding, and achievement but also augments, motivation to
learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical
thinking and problem-solving skills” (Shacter and Fagnano, 1999)
Certeza, Luxell
Samson, Jerlyn Gambon, Cyan

Tinawin, Marchelle Tiempo, Licel

Caguioa, Jimboy Magusara, Desiree

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