Report Piece (Bio)

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We’ve learnt that in ecological terms, productivity refers to the rate of formation of

biomass in the ecosystem or the energy accumulated in plants by photosynthesis. Our

group investigated the flow of energy and nutrient cycling within the alpine tundra
ecosystem. In this report we will explore the productivity of this ecosystem compared
to the productivity of the coral reef ecosystem. We will also explain how the gas
exchange within our chosen ecosystem will affect earth’s atmospheric oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels as well as briefly touch on stromatolite contribution to earth’s
oxygen-rich atmosphere.

The alpine tundra is characterized by cold temperatures, short growing seasons and
layers of permafrost (the soils are rocky and nutrient-poor). Its producers include low-
growing vegetation i.e. shrubs, lichens etc. these organisms have adapted to the
conditions of the alpines. Because of the harsh conditions, productivity levels are
rather low (around 100-300 g/m²/year due to limited sunlight and available nutrients).
Due to short growing seasons, the amount of produced biomass is restricted. Moving
unto coral reefs, the most biodiverse ecosystem. They are found in shallow, warm
marine waters. Where there is nutrient rich waters with high sunlight availability, coral
reefs thrive. Algae living in coral polyps, phytoplankton and other photosynthetic
organisms make up the producer levels of the coral reef. Because the coral reefs have
access to a great amount of sunlight and efficient nutrient cycling, productivity levels
are quite high (up to 1500-3000 g/m²/year) .

As we compare these two unique ecosystems we can gather that coral reefs are
significantly more productive than the alpine tundra due to more optimal conditions
that support photosynthesis. Both ecosystems function under their own conditions and
therefore have distinct productivity levels. As a side note, coral reefs also benefit from
more efficient nutrient cycling while the alpine tundra is limited to its nutrient cycling
because of unfavourable conditions that exist within the ecosystem.

The alpine tundra ecosystem although it is not as productive as other ecosystems, it

does play a role in the atmospheric levels of O₂ and CO₂ . Through photosynthesis,
shrubs, mosses, lichen absorb the CO₂ from the atmosphere (∴CO₂ levels will ↓) and
utilize the solar energy from the sun to produce O₂ (∴O₂ levels will ↑) and organic
compounds (glucose). During the time of the growing season (summer where
temperatures and sunlight are higher and more abundant) photosynthesis will occur
and contribute to these atmospheric gas levels. Respiration also occurs in the tundra,
but at a low rate. During the growing season, photosynthesis will exceed respiration ∴
leading to a net ↑ in O₂ levels and CO₂ ↓ levels. Additionally, permafrost can have
carbon locked away in it for long periods and if temperature rise high enough to melt
the permafrost layer, that carbon is then released back into the atmosphere ∴ CO₂
levels. So as mentioned during the summer, CO₂ levels will ↓ due to more sunlight
and O₂ will ↑ and the alpine in this case acts as a carbon sink that helps lower CO₂
levels. However during winter, with reduced photosynthesis, atmospheric CO₂ levels
will increase.

Now pivoting from ecosystem productivity into the Earth’s early atmosphere; the
atmosphere was primarily reducing, consisting of carbon dioxide, methane, and water
vapor. Then oxygen production begins with sunlight splitting water vapor into
hydrogen and oxygen, but the oxygen quickly reacted with methane, preventing its
accumulation in the atmosphere. The Emergence of Cyanobacteria began producing
oxygen through photosynthesis, gradually increasing oxygen levels in the ocean. Over
200-300 million years, oxygen was produced at a rate faster than it could react with
other elements or be sequestered by minerals and led to oxygen accumulation. An
event known as the “Great Oxidation Event” was then triggered. Between 2.4 and
2.1 billion years ago, accumulated oxygen started escaping into the atmosphere,
displacing methane and significantly changing atmospheric composition. Eventually
the increase in atmospheric oxygen enabled the rise of aerobic metabolism and
ultimately led to the evolution of multicellular life.

The now oxygen-rich environment created by cyanobacteria made Earth more

hospitable, supporting diverse ecosystems and the existence of life as we know it

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