1 s2.0 S2352012419301699 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012419301699 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012419301699 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/structures
Department of Civil Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Keywords: This study aims at determining an effective technique for anchoring reinforced concrete beams strengthened
Anchoring techniques using FRP composites. Fourteen reinforced concrete beams were cast and strengthened with FRP. Twelve of
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) them were anchored using three different techniques: FRP anchor; bolted steel plates ancho, and FRP sheet and
Debonding bolted steel plate’s anchors, and two beams were unanchored and left as a control. The beams then were tested
Concrete reinforcement
under four-point bending to assess their structural performance in terms of failure modes, and load-displacement
relations. The experimental results have clearly shown that the unanchored beams suffered from premature
debonding failure, while the FRP-anchored beams experienced concrete cover separation failure, and the pre-
sence of end anchorages in the bolted steel plates and FRP sheet and bolted steel plate’s anchor's beams had
shifted the failure mode to a less critical one. The anchored beams showed an increase in the ultimate load-
carrying capacity accompanied by a reduction in mid-span deflection in different percentage with respect to the
control beam. It was also observed that the FRP and/or steel U-jackets increase the shear capacity of the an-
chorage zone, therefore result in higher anchorage efficiency of FRP-strengthened concrete beams. The results
also revealed that the FRP sheet and bolted steel plate’s anchors U configuration was the best anchorage system
in terms of the structural performance factor. Developing an anchor system to prevent plate end debonding
failure is vital for the successful design of strengthening systems using FRP composites.
1. Introduction peeling mode of failure is initiated at the end of the FRP plate, this
failure mode is caused by the transfer of shear stresses from the FRP to
FRP materials are frequently used in structural engineering appli- the concrete. A layer of concrete is separated with the FRP. The amount
cations for repair and strengthening of existing concrete structures. of concrete that debonded has been reported at levels from a few mil-
Externally bonded FRP composite is used to strengthen concrete beams limeters to the entire concrete cover. The peak shear stresses are caused
in flexure and shear. Many experimental observations indicated that the by the beam section geometric discontinuity at the plate end. This
debonding that occurs at the interface between concrete and FRP is a failure mode typically occurs in beams reinforced with plates that are
typical failure mode of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with short and is brittle in nature [15–18]. While mid-span debonding mode
externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP). The premature of failure is initiated at a flexural crack in the region of the maximum
failure due to debonding limits the full use of the FRP strengthening bending moment near the concentrated load, this failure mode is also
system in terms of design guidelines [1]; Near-surface-mounted fiber- caused by the transfer of shear stresses from the FRP plate to the con-
reinforced polymer technique [2]; Near Surface Mounted Carbon Fiber crete. The peak shear stresses are caused by the gradient in the plate
Reinforced Polymer Strips [3,4]; CFRP-based techniques [5]; carbon strain resulting from changes in the moment diagram adjacent to the
fiber-reinforced polymers [6]; CFRP laminates under sustained load concentrated load and the tensile steel reinforcement yielding. This
[7]; debonding failure modes [8]; failure mode analyses [9]; CFRP failure mode is typically more ductile than the previous one because the
flexural and shear strengthening efficiencies [10], epoxy-bonded fiber- response of the beam is taken to a level where the tensile steel yields,
composite materials [11], flexural retrofitting of reinforced concrete allowing for greater deflections and ductility [15–18].
bridge [12], strengthening of RC bridge slabs using CFRP sheets [13], The anchorage of FRP composites, when applied to RC structures as
and embedded CFRP rods [14]. externally bonded reinforcement, is a necessity to achieve higher levels
The most common failure modes of FRP external strengthening are of fiber utilization prior to premature debonding failure. Many re-
classified as the end of plate peeling and mid-span debonding. The plate searchers investigated anchorage devices for FRP strengthening
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anababneh@just.edu.jo (A.N. Ababneh).
Received 4 July 2019; Received in revised form 17 August 2019; Accepted 27 September 2019
Available online 13 November 2019
2352-0124/ © 2019 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
Fourteen beams with a length of 1600 mm, a width of 150 mm, and
a height of 200 mm are reinforced with 2ϕ14 mm as the main steel and 3.2.4. CFRP plate
2ϕ10 mm as a hanger. The details of the beam including a longitudinal CFRP plate and primer resin were used as external strengthening.
section and, and are shown in Fig. 1, while Table 1 presents the testing CFRP plate had a 1.4 mm thickness and 500 mm wide-rolls with uni-
program summary. The beams were designed according to ACI 318–08 directional-continuous fiber in the form of tow sheet. The elastic
so as to cause them to fail in flexure, i.e. flexural deficient beams. modulus, ultimate tensile strength, and ultimate strain capacity of the
Closed stirrups with 8 mm diameter and spaced at 8 cm were used in the CFRP plate were 150 GPa, 2700 MPa, and 0.014, respectively.
shear span, whereas 3 closed stirrups having 8 mm diameter were used
at the mid-span. Two beams were strengthened by CFRP without an-
choring, as shown in Fig. 2, while the other twelve beams were 3.2.5. Anchoring materials
strengthened by CFRP and different anchoring techniques as presented ASTM A36 [40] steel plates 10 mm thickness, (FAZ ll 8/10) bolts of
in the Figs. 3–5. diameter 8 mm from FISCHER were used in vertical anchorage and
(FBN 8) in the horizontal anchorage of the FRP plates and sheets.
3.2. Materials properties Table 4 summarizes the properties of the bolts from the manufacturer
3.2.1. Concrete beams
The concrete mixture proportions are shown in Table 2. The mix
was prepared using Type I Portland cement (OPC) cement, coarse 3.3. Concrete mixing, casting, and curing
The mixing procedure followed the ASTM C192 [40]. Each batch
was enough to cast ten samples and four cylinders. The casting was
performed in two layers each layer was compacted using manual
compaction (rod) and the surface was finished using a towel. The beams
and the test cylinders were de-molded after 24 h and cured using wet
burlap covering and plastic sheets. After curing and before applying any
treatment, the beams were kept in the laboratory environment for 5-
Fig. 1. Beams reinforcing detail. days.
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
3.4. Bonding fiber reinforced concrete polymers and the bottom side of the beam to record the vertical deflection. The
beams were tested under monotonically increasing load up to failure.
According to the manufacturer, manual beam surface and corners
must be treated before applying the materials. The concrete surface was
prepared mechanically to get the required surface. Corners were treated 4. Test results and discussion
to prevent stress concentrations and to achieve good adhesion to the
concrete substrate. White emulsion paint was applied on the surfaces of 4.1. Mode of failure
the beams to examine crack growth during testing.
The unanchored beams (control beams) illustrated premature de-
bonding failure mode with sudden debonding of FRP plate at a total
3.5. Anchoring methodology load of 130 kN as shown in Fig. 8. On the other hand, the presence of
anchorages prevented the debonding of FRP plate at edges of the six
A marker was used to locate the holes place as shown in Fig. 6(a). anchored beams (AB-1 to AB-6) as displayed in Fig. 9. The FRP an-
The spacing between two bolts was taken 35 mm for min. spacing. chored beams AB-1 experienced shear failure with concrete cover se-
According to bolts manufacturer, manual beam holes must be drilled paration at the FRP edge, while AB-2 beams failure started from cracks
with 8 mm diameter before applying the bolts. The holes must be drill at FRP edge. These cracks propagated vertically and horizontally
mechanically using a controlled speed electrical drilling until the holes causing longitudinal rupture of FRP with the direction of fibers fol-
meet desirable depth. The hole must be inflated using a plastic tube. lowed by spalling of the bottom concrete cover and eventually de-
The bolts must be hammered to install in the hole. The wood models bonding of FRP sheets. These failure modes are due to the high inter-
were used to take the bolts places. Before the steel plate put in its place, facial shear and normal stresses near the plate end due to the
the steel plate was drilled with 9 mm hole as the place of the bolt in termination of the plate. Beams AB-3 and AB-5 undergo shear failure
wood models. The washer was tensioned by wrench torque until the with split concrete and steel plate at FRP edge. Similarly beams AB-4
maximum allowable torsion was reached for the bolt. The U-steel plates and AB-6 experienced shear failure mode with concrete spalling at the
must be drilled 9 mm hole before fixing the steel plate in its place and bolts level with buckled steel plate. Steel plates buckled due to the
welding it by electrical welding machine as shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c). compressive stresses at the top of the beam. Steel plate buckling can be
After the steel plates were welded together, the washer tensioned by prevented by either restricting the plate to the tension zone of the
wrench torque until the maximum allowable torsion was reached for beam, or redistribution of the bolts in a way that buckling is prevented.
the bolt. It is clear that end anchorage depressed the separation of the FRP plates
or sheets, thus preventing the premature plate end interfacial de-
3.6. Test procedure and instrumentation bonding and concrete cover separation failure modes. Fig. 9 clearly
shows that the shear failure occurred between the support and the end
The testing setup consists of hinge support at one end of the beam, of the composite plate. This failure mode is common in bolted ancho-
and roller support at the other end as shown in Fig. 7. The specimens rage systems due to inadequate shear reinforcement in this region of the
were tested as simply-supported beams under four-point loading. The beam [38,39]. This important observation draws our attention to use
loading was applied using a hydraulic testing machine of a capacity of the continuous reinforcement embedded at ends technique in order to
400 kN and a loading rate of 50 N/s. An LVDT has placed the mid-span provide an increase of the shear strength at that point, and therefore, it
Fig. 3. Sketch of the strengthened beam with FRP anchor.
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
Fig. 4. Sketch of the strengthened beam with steel anchor.
Fig. 5. Sketch of the strengthened beam with FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors.
Table 2 Table 3
Concrete mix proportions. Mechanical properties of steel reinforcement.
Material Weight (kg/m3) Bar diameter, mm Yield stress Ultimate stress Strain at failure
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
Cement 313
Gross water 187 8 291.0 632.7 33.7
Coarse aggregates 1372 10 493. 0 644.4 11.9
Fine aggregates 578 14 428.8 632.7 14.9
Super-plasticizer 4
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
Table 4
Properties of bolts.
Diameter (mm) Min. drill hole depth (mm) Effective anchorage depth (mm) Anchor length (mm) Wrench size (mm) Min. spacing (mm)
8 75 45 100 13 35
8 63 48 100 13 35
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
AB-1 (FRP bottom sheet anchor)
AB-2 (FRP U sheet anchor) AB-6
AB-3 (Steel bottom plate anchor)
200 AB-4 (Steel U plate anchor)
AB-5 (FRP bottom sheet & steel bottom plate anchor) AB-2
AB-6 (FRP U sheet & steel U plate anchor) AB-5
CB (Control Beam - No Anchorage) AB-4
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Deflection (mm)
Table 5
Deflection, ultimate total loads, and failure modes.
Group No. Beam designation Δu (mm) Pu (kN) εs, με εf, με εf/εfu,% Mode of failure
Control (No anchorage) CB 8.30 0% 130.0 0% 709 1462 10 Plate end debonding
FRP anchor AB-1 8.60 4% 145.0 12% 1136 2343 17 Concrete cover separation
AB-2 9.00 8% 168.6 30% 1810 3733 27 Diagonal crack debonding
Steel anchor AB-3 8.45 2% 140.0 8% 1446 2982 21 Shear failure
AB-4 8.78 6% 155.9 20% 1681 3468 25 Shear failure
FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors AB-5 8.90 7% 165.0 27% 1529 3154 23 Shear failure
AB-6 9.90 19% 208.0 60% 2049 4226 30 Shear failure
Note: εs: Steel strain, εf: FRP strain, εfu: Ultimate FRP strain which is equal to 14,000 με.
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
Table 6
Stiffness, toughness, and performance factors.
Group Beam designation Stiffness (KN/mm) Toughness (kN.mm) Ductility Factor, DF Strength Factor, SF Performance Factor, PF
pacity un-strengthened beam). The concept of structural PF is related to
MTest / MDesign
0.96 Table 6 reveals that the anchorage system has more impact on SF
0.81 crease in DF were not affected by the overall performance of anchorage
0.73 0.70
beams. The FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors U configuration is
0.6 the best anchorage system in terms of PF (2 times the control one), SF
(60% enhancement than control beam), and DF (20% enhancement
1 AB-1
2 AB-2
3 AB-3
4 AB-4
5 AB-5
6 AB-6
7 than control beam).
Tested Beam
4.4. CFRP tensile strains
Fig. 11. Normalized tested load capacity versus theoretical load capacity.
The tested CFRP strain values are shown in Table 5, respectively.
(8% enhancement), and toughness (14% enhancement) which reflect Inspection of Table 5 reveals that the tested CFRP strain with respect to
the efficiency of U-sheet configuration in term of structural behavior ultimate CFRP strain (14000 με) was 10%, 17%, 27%, 21%, 25%, 23%
and implementation of the configuration in reality. Drilling and appli- and 30% for CB, AB-1, AB-2, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5 and AB-6, respectively.
cation of steel U plate configuration bolts may damage the concrete and Whereas the enhancement in the CFRP strain due to anchored beams
the reinforcement reducing the shear strength of the anchorage zone. with respect to un-anchored ones (CB) was between 7%, 17%, 11%,
For the third group beams that were anchored with FRP sheet and 15%, 13% and 20% for AB-1, AB-2, AB-3, AB-4, AB-5, and AB-6, re-
bolted steel plates anchors, Table 5 shows the ultimate loads of beams spectively. Therefore, the FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors U
AB-5 and AB-6 were about 27% and 60% higher than that of the control configuration is the most efficient anchorage system in terms of the
(CB), whereas the mid-span deflections at ultimate load for the same tested CFRP strain with respect to ultimate CFRP strain.
beams were about 7% and 19% higher than that of the control. The
stiffness of beams AB-5 and AB-6 were increased by 18% and 34% 4.5. Experimental versus design strength capacity
compared to the control, while the toughness for the same beams were
increased by 27% and 78% compared to the control which indicated For all tested beams, the minimum design load capacity was cal-
that the FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors U configuration (AB- culated theoretically based on the sectional analysis considering the
6) is better than the FRP sheet and bolted steel plates anchors tension critical section as shown in Table 7. The equivalent stress block analysis
configuration (AB-5) in terms of ultimate load (33% enhancement), was implemented in order to calculate minimum design load capacity
ultimate deflection (12% enhancement), stiffness (16% enhancement), considering that the actual stress of steel and CFRP strip. The actual
and toughness (51% enhancement). concrete characteristic strength is considered for each beam as reported
Finally, the enhancement values indicated that FRP sheet and bolted in section 3.2.1 and Table 7. Fig. 11 shows the ratio of tested moment
steel plates anchors U configuration is better than the U-sheet capacity over the theoretical moment capacity. Inspection of Table 7
A.N. Ababneh, et al. Structures 23 (2020) 26–33
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