Reinforced HSC Beams Strengthened With CFRP Plates Under Bending
Reinforced HSC Beams Strengthened With CFRP Plates Under Bending
Reinforced HSC Beams Strengthened With CFRP Plates Under Bending
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All content following this page was uploaded by Seyed Hamid Hashemi on 21 July 2015.
Poststrengthening and retro®tting is a growing reality, as existing structures are required
to meet the demands of modern society. Apart from the need to increase load capacity,
upgrading of a structure may be necessary due the deterioration of the structure on
account of corrosion or accidental damage, a change in the structural system, or to
rectify initial design and construction faults. A commonly observed mode of failure for
beams strengthened using carbon-®ber-reinforced polymer composite material plates is
due to the plate peeling o prematurely and unpredictably at relatively low magnitudes
of applied loading. End plate anchorages and long unanchored plate lengths, which can
add signi®cantly to the overall cost of a strengthening solution, overcome this problem.
The objective of this investigation is to study the eectiveness of the length of carbon
FRP laminate on performance of repaired reinforced high strength concrete (HSC)
beams. This objective is achieved by conducting the ¯exural four-point testing of
reinforced HSC beams with a dierent amount of tensile reinforcement that is
strengthened with dierent plate con®guration up to failure and calculating the ¯exural
response. The result of tests show that, in contrast with a control beam, initial cracking
loads of strengthened beams increase slightly, while ductility decreases and ultimate
loads increase considerably. Examination of the crack distribution indicated that the size
and density of the cracks were signi®cantly less in the strengthened beams than in the
control specimens, thereby producing a more durable system, which is less susceptible to
the ingress of water and other potentially corrosive solutions. After the experimental
study, three-dimensional nonlinear ®nite element models (FEMs) are adopted by
ANSYS to examine the structural behavior of the reinforced high strength concrete
(HSC) beams strengthened with FRP sheets. Lastly, a comparison between the ®nite
element analysis results and the experimental data available on the specimens is made.
2 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
The load de¯ection plots obtained from the numerical study show good agreement with
the experimental results.
Keywords: CFRP Plates; Finite Element Model; serviceability; HSC; ¯exural;
Strengthening, upgrading and retro®tting of existing structures are some major
challenges that modern civil engineering is currently facing. One of the most
promising answers to these needs is the use of strips made of ®ber reinforced
polymers (FRP) bonded to the tensile face of the member. Comprehensive
experimental investigations conducted in the past have shown that this
strengthening method has several advantages over traditional ones, especially
due to the high strength, low weight and improved durability of the composite
In FRP-strengthened beams, failure may occur due to beam shear, ¯exural
compression, FRP rupture, FRP debonding or concrete cover ripping as
presented by Ascione & Feo (2000), Bonacci & Maalej (2000, 2001). Based on
experimental results conducted by Teng et al. (2003), the most common failure
mode is due to debonding of FRP plate or spalling of the concrete cover. These
failure modes are undesirable because the FRP plate cannot be fully utilized. In
addition, such premature failures are generally associated with a reduction in
deformability of the strengthened members. Premature failure modes are caused
by interfacial shear and normal stress concentration at FRP cut-o points and
at ¯exural cracks along the beam.
Extensive testing of such strengthened members has been carried out over the
last two decades. A number of failure modes for RC beams bonded with FRP
sot plates have been observed in numerous experimental studies to date (e.g.
Alagusundaramoorthy et al. 2003, Arduini & Nanni 1997, Chahrour & Soudki
2005, GangaRao & Vijay 1998, Hashemi et al. 2007, Maalej & Bian 2001,
Nguyen et al. 2001, Oh et al. 2003, Rahimi & Hutchinson 2001, Saadatmanesh
& Ehsani 1991 and Toutanji et al. 2006).
Based on existing studies, schematic representation of typical failure modes
observed in tests is shown in Fig. 1. These failure modes are termed: Type (1)
¯exural failure by crushing of compressive concrete which could happen before
or after yielding of tensile steel reinforcement; Type (2) rupture of the FRP
laminate after yielding of the steel in tension; Type (3) cover delamination at the
end of FRP (shear delamination of the concrete cover); Type (4) debonding of
the FRP from the concrete substrate: Type (4a) plate end interfacial debonding,
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 3
Type (4b) inter-facial debonding induced by ¯exural crack, Type (4c) interfacial
debonding induced by ¯exural shear crack, and Type (5) shear failure.
Failure types (3) and (4a) have been studied experimentally and analytically
by Ascione & Fao (2000), Maalej & Bian (2001) and Malek et al. (1998). These
types of failure are common in cases where the ends of the FRP sheets are not
properly anchored. Failure Types (4b) and (4c) depend on the bond-slip
4 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
behaviour between FRP sheets and concrete. According to Sebastian (2001) and
Teng et al. (2003), the corrosion of longitudinal steel bars and the change of the
reinforcing bar ratio in the vicinity of large bending moments and shear forces
increase the probability of these types of failures. When FRP reinforcement is
being used to increase the ¯exural strength of a member, it is important to verify
that the member will be capable of resisting the shear forces associated with the
increased ¯exural strength. To avoid failure Type 5, the potential for shear
failure of the section should be considered by comparing the design shear
strength of the section to the required shear strength. If additional shear
strength is required, FRP laminates oriented transversely to the section can be
used to resist the applied shear forces.
In spite of many recent studies on the behaviour of reinforced concrete beams
strengthened using FRP composites, the eect of the reinforcing bar ratio on the
behaviour and the strength of these beams has not yet been explored. The
reinforcing bar ratio of beams aects the pattern and the width of cracks due to
the eect of bending and shear. The in¯uence of the FRP composites on ¯exural
strengthening of reinforced concrete beams should depend on the width and
spacing of these cracks. The ductility of beams, also, depends on the reinforcing
bar ratio. This paper presents the test results of six HSC beam specimens
strengthened by carbon FRP plates. The main variable parameter in these tests
are the reinforcing bar ratio and CFRP length. The types of failure of these
beams are also investigated.
In the case of a beam in four-point bending, the ratio of the length of the
bonded plate within the shear span of the beam (p), to the shear span of the
beam (a), generally referred to as the p/a ratio, is an important parameter in this
respect. In this study, the eect of dierent p/a ratios on the ultimate response of
six reinforced HSC beams is studied in an attempt to develop a relationship
between the bonded length of a plate within the shear span and the load at
which failure by plate peel-o occurs. Two dierent plate lengths were
considered, and although each plate length resulted in dierent ultimate loads,
the strain gradient in the bonded plate length in the shear spans was the same
for all beams when failure by plate peel-o occurred.
Test Specimens
The length, width, and depth (l2b2h) of all beams were kept as 300021502250
mm. Each concrete beam was reinforced with two 16-mm diameter (A series)
and two 22-mm diameter (B series steel bars) for tension and two 10-mm-
diameter steel bars for compression along with 10-mm-diameter bars at a
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 5
Figure 2. Beam details and measurement schemes for half of the test specimen (unit: millimeter)
The remaining four beams were strengthened with dierent CFRP plate
lengths bonded symmetrically about the midspan of the beam with various
tensile bar reinforcement ratios. For the ®rst pair of strengthened beams, the
plates were bonded along almost the full length of the beam (p/a ratio of 0.94).
The reactions developed during the tests thus anchored the plates to the beams
at the support locations. In subsequent pairs of beams, the eect of reduced
plate length p/a ratio of 0.67 were investigated.
Material properties
For each beam three 10021002100mm concrete cube specimens were made at
the time of casting and were kept with the beams during curing. The average 28-
day concrete cube strength (fcu) was 96.2 MPa. The relationship of cylinder
strength (f'c) and cube strength assumed as f'c=0.8 fcu, thus the average
6 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
compressive strength (f'c) was 77 MPa. The measured yield and maximum
tensile strength of the 10 and 16 mm rebar was 420.6, 634.1 and 412.5, 626.4
MPa respectively.
The Sika CarboDur S-512 system, comprising CFRP composite material
plates and a two-part epoxy resin adhesive (Sikadur 30), was used for the
external plating on the strengthened beams. The Sika CarboDur S laminate, 1.2
mm thick and 50 mm wide, is a pultruded composite consisting of unidirectional
carbon ®bers embedded within an epoxy resin. This material has a Young's
modulus of 165 GPa with a lower bound ultimate tensile strength of 2,800 MPa
parallel to the ®bers. Prior to bonding of the plates, the beams were ground
using a mechanical grinder to expose the aggregate and to obtain a clean sound
surface, free of all contaminants such as cement laitance, grease, and dirt, and
the plate surface was wiped clean with an acetone solution. The adhesive was
applied to both the plate and the beam in a pro®led shape such that the spread
of the adhesive from one surface to the other prevented the formation of air
bubbles within the bonded system. Granular beads, 3 mm in diameter, were
embedded in the adhesive to maintain a uniform thickness, and the adhesive was
given a minimum of three days to cure prior to testing.
Tables 2 and 3 summarize the test results in terms of ¯exural loading capacity
and de¯ection for yield and ultimate stage at mid-span section. Table 2 and 3
also show the increase of yield and peak load according to the various
strengthening lengths of CFRP. The rates of increase of peak loads varied from
19.3 to 26.8%, depending upon the strengthening method. The results clearly
demonstrate the accepted bene®cial eects of CFRP plates with regard to
stiening and strengthening of the beams.
The load de¯ection response for each of the test beams is plotted in Fig. 6 for
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 11
mid-span and in Fig. 7 for load point section. In general, the strengthened
beams were stier and less ductile than the control specimens, and they had
higher ultimate loads.
Ductility is an important factor for any structural element or structure especially
in the seismic regions. A ductile material is one that can undergo large strains
while resisting loads. When applied to RC members, the term ductility implies
the ability to sustain signi®cant inelastic deformation prior to collapse. Since
CFRP repair is a fairly new innovation and the HSC behavior is also like a
brittle material. Therefore, understanding the eect of such materials on the
ductility of a RC beam is critical.
Ductility has generally been measured by a ratio called a ductility index or
factor (). The ductility index is usually expressed as a ratio of rotation (),
curvature (), or de¯ection (displacement) () at failure to the corresponding
property at the yielding of steel (Maghsoudi & Akbarzadeh 2006). In the case of
beams strengthened with FRP laminates, there is usually no clear yield point.
However, it was shown that de¯ection based on tension steel yielding can be
used as a criterion of ductility to evaluate comparative structural performance
of FRP bonded RC beams.
The ductility index in this study is obtained based on de¯ection (d )
computation, and is de®ned as the mid-span de¯ection, at peak load,
divided by the mid-span de¯ection at the point where the steel starts
yielding. Table 2 and 3 show the test results of the beams for yield and
ultimate stage and Table 4 shows the experimental de¯ection ductility ratio
and percent decrease of ductility with respect to the control beam for each
of the specimens.
B BHF 1.87 56
Load-Strain Responses:
The relationship between concrete strains measured experimentally on the
compression face at mid-span for each of the test beams is plotted and shown in Fig.
8. There is a similar increase in strain for all the beams at low loads. However,
cracking of the concrete in the tension zone results in larger increments of strain in
the control specimens. For these beams, concrete strain varies almost linearly with
load, after initial cracking, until yielding of the tension steel. Following yield, strain
increases rapidly with each increment of load, and ultimately the concrete crushes as
the beam collapses. On the other hand, concrete strain in the strengthened beams
remains more or less linear up to failure of the beam and is not signi®cantly aected
by concrete cracking or yielding of the tension steel. These results demonstrate that
the eect of the plate is to reduce strain in the compression ®bers of the beam. The
presence of the plate draws the neutral axis lower in the section and hence, places a
greater volume of concrete in compression, resulting in lower strain and enabling a
more ecient use of the existing material. Thus, externally bonded CFRP plates
may also be bene®cially used to reduce concrete compressive stresses in addition to
acting as additional tensile reinforcement.
The relationship between concrete, CFRP and tensile bar steel strains measured
experimentally at mid-span section (Sec. 1) and load point section (Sec. 2) for all
strengthened beams are plotted in Figs. 9-12. Figs. 9-12 indicate that each curve
consists of almost three straight lines with dierent slopes. The ®rst turning point
(A) indicates the cracking of concrete in the tension zone. The second turning
point (B) refers to the yielding tension steel. The yielding and maximum load
(ultimate load) can be found for each beam from its load-strain curve.
14 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
For all strengthened beams, the tensile steel and CFRP strains are essentially
the same at loads below the cracking of the concrete. After cracking, the strains
in steel exceeded those of the CFRP laminate. As the load approached the
yielding load for the strengthened beam, the strains in steel increased more
rapidly than those in the CFRP. This is because the CFRP had begun to debond
from the concrete surface near the cracks. It was noted that the tensile steel
strains were always higher than the CFRP strains.
Figure 9. Mid-span and load point load-strain curves of CFRP, tensile steel
and extreme top concrete ®ber for beam AHD
Figure 10. Mid-span and load point load-strain curves of CFRP, tensile steel
and extreme top concrete Fiber for beam AHF
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 15
Figure 11. Mid-span and load point load-strain curves of CFRP, tensile steel
and extreme top concrete ®ber for beam BHD
Figure 12. Mid-span and load point load-strain curves of CFRP, tensile steel
and extreme top concrete ®ber for beam BHF
16 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
Figure 13. FE mesh of concrete, steel load plate and steel support plate
Material Modeling
The SOLID65, three-dimensional (3D) reinforced concrete solid element, is used
to represent the concrete in the models. The element, using a 22222 set of
Gaussian integration points, is de®ned by eight nodes having three translational
degrees of freedom at each node. This element is capable of cracking in tension
and crushing in compression, although during this study, it was found that when
the crushing capability of the concrete is turned on, the ®nite element beam
models fail prematurely. Basically, a pure compression failure of concrete is
unlikely. In a compression test, the specimen is subjected to a uniaxial
compressive load and secondary tensile strains induced by Poisson's eect occur
perpendicular to the load. Because concrete is relatively weak in tension, these
actually cause cracking and the eventual failure. Therefore, the crushing
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 17
capability was turned o and the cracking of the concrete controlled the failure
of the ®nite element models.
The most important implementation of the SOLID65 element is the proper
de®nition of nonlinear material properties. The responses of concrete under
loading are characterized by distinct nonlinear behavior. Complete stress-strain
curves for concrete are needed to accurately predict a whole range of beam
behavior, from service loading up to failure and post-failure responses.
Additionally, the descending branch is needed since a portion of the concrete
compression zone is usually in this range of strains at the ultimate limit state.
The response of a RC structure under load depends largely on the stress-
strain relation of the materials and the stress magnitude. In compression, the
stress-strain relation of concrete displays nearly linear elastic behavior up to
about 30 % of the compressive strength. After reaching the ultimate strength
(f 0c ) the diagram descends into a softening area, and follows until failure takes
place by crushing at an ultimate strain ("cu ). The concrete behavior under
tension, on the other hand, is dierent to compression. The stress-strain curve
here is nearly linearly elastic up to the maximum tensile strength. After this
point, the concrete cracks and the strength decrease gradually to zero.
The uniaxial stress-strain behavior of concrete has been proposed by many
empirical formulas. The simplest of the linearly elastic-perfectly plastic model,
which was used by Uy (1998), is shown in Fig. 14. To de®ne a failure surface for
concrete, two strength parameters, i.e., ultimate tensile and compressive
strengths are needed. A three-dimensional failure surface for concrete is shown
in Fig. 15 that represents the 3-D failure surface for states of stress, which are
biaxial or nearly biaxial.
In Fig. 15, f 0c and fr are the ultimate uniaxial compressive and tensile strength
of the concrete, respectively. If the most signi®cant nonzero principal stresses are
in the xp and yp directions, the three surfaces presented are for zp greater than
zero, equal to zero, and less than zero. Although the three surfaces, shown as
projections on the xp - yp plane, are nearly equivalent, and the 3-D failure
surface is continuous, the mode of material failure is a function of the sign of zp .
For example, if xp and yp are both negative and zp is slightly positive, cracking
would be predicted in a direction perpendicular to the zp direction. However, if
zp is zero or negative, the material is assumed to crush (ANSYS 2003).
Reinforcing Steel:
In addition to the rebar capability of the element, the reinforcing steel can be
modelled in ANSYS using a series of two node link (truss) elements, called
LINK8, which has three degrees of freedom, translations in the nodal x, y, and z
directions, and which is also capable of plastic deformation. Unlike concrete,
steel is very uniform and as such, generally the speci®cation of a single stress-
strain relation is adequate to de®ne it numerically. Typical stress-strain curves
for reinforcing steel bars used in concrete construction are obtained from
standard tensile tests. Practically speaking, steel exhibits the same stress-strain
curve in compression as in tension. The stress-strain relation at ®rst exhibits an
initial linear elastic portion, followed by a yield plateau until a strain hardening
region is reached in which stress again increases with strain before eventually
dropping o as microscopic fracture occurs.
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 19
As for the program, it is mentionable that ANSYS does not introduce a speci®c
stress-strain curve for steel reinforcement. In order to model the behavior of the
deformed steel reinforcement, several standard tests have been carried out on the
actual samples of the reinforcements that were used for fabrication of the
specimens, and an average of the test results was used to model the stress-strain
curve of the steel reinforcements using multilinear modelling. For this, the
nonlinear stress-strain relation was approximated by a series of straight line
segments in such a way that the critical part of the curve, such as onset of steel
yielding and strain hardening, were simulated by piecewise linear models. The
multilinear models of the stress-strain curves which were used by Schneider (1998)
show a good agreement with experimental results. This shown in Fig. 16.
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer:
The SOLID46, 3D-layered structural solid element, is used to represent the FRP
materials. The element has eight nodes with three translational DOFs at each
node. Assuming a perfect interlaminate bond, no slippage is allowed between
the element layers. The FRP laminates are considered brittle materials, and the
stress-strain relationship is roughly linear up to failure. Consequently, in this
study it is assumed that the stress-strain relationships for the FRP laminates are
linearly elastic.
Analysis Assumptions:
The following are the general analysis assumptions made for the test beam
models in this study in order to provide reasonable simulations for the complex
1 - The bond between each element/material type is assumed perfect; that is,
there is no slippage between concrete and reinforcing steel bars, concrete
and FRP laminates, and dierent FRP layers. Unless the failure mode of a
structure involves a bond failure, the perfect bond assumption used in the
structural modeling will not cause a signi®cant error in the predicted load-
de¯ection response.
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 21
Table 5 shows the increase of yield and peak load according to the various
strengthening CFRP lengths. The rates of increase of peak loads varied from
19.3 to 26.8% for experimental data and 17.3 to 43% for numerical results,
depending upon the strengthening method.
dead load and live loads, respectively. Considering an average load factor of 1.4,
the service stress in steel is (0.9/1.4) times the speci®ed yield stress. This is
approximately equal to 64% of the speci®ed yield stress.
For the steel used in this paper, the speci®ed yield stress is about 400 MPa (60
ksi); the resulting maximum strain in the reinforcement at service is
approximately 1286210-6. When the service strain in steel is permitted to reach
1286210-6, a width of cracks of 0.4 mm is allowed in codes and standards.
Fig. 19 presents the measured maximum observed ¯exural crack width versus
the maximum applied loads for tested beams. The crack width measurements
were made using a hand-held microscope of 40X magni®cation with a least
count of 0.02mm.
For serviceability limit state during the beams test, the experimental values of
steel tensile strain ("s ), the extreme layer of concrete compressive strain ("c ),
strain of FRP, crack width (for four dierent environmental conditions, i.e., 0.1-
0.4mm), and de¯ection are measured at mid-span section (Sec. 1) and load point
section (Sec. 2) and given in Table 6. However, their normalized experimental
values are given in Table 7.
Figure 19. Experimental applied load versus crack width for tested beams
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 25
0.1 AHF 16.7 536 406 166 757 686 663 1.7 1.56
AHD 15.33 333 311 410 320 707 604 1.09 1.12
0.2 AHF 48 1147 1114 775 1225 1603 1749 6.33 5.59
AHD 37.33 960 935 854 570 1576 1318 4.72 4.32
0.3 AHF 70 1699 1678 1010 1390 2569 2200 9.82 8.62
0.4 AHF 84 2955 5309 1285 1932 3869 3299 13.9 12.12
0.1 BHF 31.3 542 469 509 432 421 984 3.12 2.84
BHD 37.33 592 497 585 263 1185 893 3.02 2.85
0.2 BHF 48.7 812 725 659 728 826 1416 4.92 4.44
BHD 57.33 919 773 808 527 1666 1289 5.03 4.62
0.3 BHF 109.33 1756 1616 1570 1347 2144 2721 11.7 10.32
BHD 105.3 1636 1406 1011 1309 2668 2180 10.07 9.03
0.4 BHF 122 1959 1791 1794 1432 2446 2964 13.04 11.51
BHD 134 2315 1872 1741 1540 3432 2817 13.5 12.11
26 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
The tensile bar and concrete extreme compressive strain values are converted
in terms of stress for dierent environmental ¯exural crack widths (i.e., 0.1-
0.4mm) permitted in almost all codes, and the obtained values are shown in
Table 7 for two sections. The ratios of fs/fy and fc/f'c are presented in Table 8 for
Table 8. Experimental values of concrete and steel strain and stress for dierent
permissible ¯exural crack widths of the control and FRP strengthened beams
WIDTH TEST fs(Mpa) fs/fy fc(Mpa) fc/f'c
(mm) BEAM Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 1 Sec. 2
AH0 16.6 6 0.04 0.01 2.06 2.14 0.03 0.03
0.1 AHF 107.2 81.2 0.26 0.20 6.15 26.26 0.08 0.34
AHD 66.6 62.2 0.16 0.15 14.79 11.66 0.19 0.15
AH0 33.4 13 0.08 0.03 4.10 4.29 0.05 0.06
0.2 AHF 229.4 222.8 0.56 0.54 26.83 40.18 0.35 0.52
AHD 192 187 0.47 0.46 29.29 20.20 0.38 0.26
AH0 50 20 0.12 0.05 6.12 6.62 0.08 0.09
0.3 AHF 339.8 335.6 0.83 0.82 34.01 44.68 0.44 0.58
AHD 319 314 0.78 0.77 35.83 42.55 0.47 0.55
AH0 68 26.4 0.17 0.06 8.11 8.47 0.11 0.11
0.4 AHF 410 410 1.00 1.00 41.84 57.88 0.54 0.75
AHD 410 410 1.00 1.00 47.78 49.52 0.62 0.64
BH0 20.2 23.8 0.05 0.06 2.81 36.58 0.04 0.48
0.1 BHF 108.4 93.8 0.26 0.23 18.16 15.55 0.24 0.20
BHD 118.4 99.4 0.29 0.24 20.70 9.64 0.27 0.13
BH0 40.4 47.6 0.10 0.12 5.53 63.58 0.07 0.83
0.2 BHF 162.4 145 0.40 0.35 23.12 25.34 0.30 0.33
BHD 183.8 154.6 0.45 0.38 27.86 18.77 0.36 0.24
BH0 96.2 96 0.23 0.23 14.17 67.48 0.18 0.88
0.3 BHF 351.2 323.2 0.86 0.79 49.32 43.53 0.64 0.57
BHD 327.2 281.2 0.80 0.69 34.03 42.50 0.44 0.55
BH0 145.6 144.2 0.36 0.35 18.43 70.51 0.24 0.92
0.4 BHF 391.8 358.2 0.96 0.87 54.75 45.78 0.71 0.59
BHD 410 374.4 1.00 0.91 53.50 48.57 0.69 0.63
28 Seyed Hamid Hashemi, Ali Akbar Maghsoudi and Reza Rahgozar
In general for normal strength concrete (NSC), the analysis of a section may
be considered linear, when the coecient of fc/f'c and fs/fy do not exceed the
values of 0.5 and 0.62 respectively. Although in literature, no suggestion was
founded for HSC (Maghsoudi & Akbarzadeh 2006) ¯exural beams. However,
here the same coecients are assumed for concrete and steel in HSC beams
strengthened with FRP. Based on this assumption, it is obvious that,
irrespective of the amount of , 0 , fy and f 0c for all tested beams at mid-span
section, the coecient fc/f'c is equal to or less than 0.5 for permissible crack
widths of up to 0.2mm.
The external bonding of a CFRP plate oers an extremely eective means of
strengthening reinforced HSC beams in ¯exure. Flexural tests carried out in
this test program demonstrated an increase in stiness and ultimate strength
for reaction anchored plates. Examination of the crack distribution indicated
that the size and density of the cracks were signi®cantly less in the
strengthened beams than in the control specimens, thereby producing a more
durable system, which is less susceptible to the ingress of water and other
potentially corrosive solutions.
The eectiveness of the external plates in strengthening was not reduced as
the plate lengths were shortened. Each of the strengthened beams with
unanchored plates failed by plate peel-o when the strain gradient in the plate
within the shear span reached sensibly the same value. This is an important
result that requires further research to examine whether this same limit can be
applied universally.
The results of tests performed in this study indicate that signi®cant increase in
the ¯exural strength can be achieved by bonding CFRP plates to the tension
face of high strength reinforced concrete beams. The gain in the ultimate
¯exural strength was more signi®cant in beams with lower steel reinforcement
ratios than compared to a beam reinforced heavily with steel only. Beams
reinforced with both steel and CFRP have adequate deformation capacity, in
spite of their brittle mode of failure.
The extreme compressive strain of concrete ®bre in the strengthened
beams remains more or less linear up to the failure of the beam and is not
signi®cantly aected by concrete cracking or yielding of the tension steel.
These results demonstrate that the eect of the strengthening plate is to
reduce strain in the compression ®bers of the concrete. It was also found
that for all strengthened test beams, the tensile steels strains were always
higher than the CFRP strains.
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 29
The ®nite element model results show good agreement with observations and
data from the experimental full-scale beam tests. This numerical study can be
used to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with FRP
more precisely by assigning appropriate material properties to develop design
rules for strengthening a RC member using FRP.
ACI Committee 318-2005. Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-05) and
Commentary (ACI 318R-05). American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
Alagusundaramoorthy, P. & Harik I. & Choo, C. 2003. Flexural behavior of R/C beams
strengthened with carbon ®ber reinforced polymer sheets or fabric. Journal of Composites for
Construction 7(4): 292-301.
ANSYS, I., 2003. ANSYS Manual Set., ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA 15317, USA.
Arduini, M & Nanni, A. 1997. Behavior of pre-cracked RC beams strengthened with carbon FRP
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Submitted : 25/6/2007
Revised : 25/5/2008
Accepted : 3/6/2008
Reinforced HSC beams strengthened with CFRP plates under bending 31
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