Neuropsychological Assessment Domains

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Why Neuropsychological
 To assess effects on human functioning
caused by brain dysfunctioning
 conducting psychological evaluations of
brain– behavior relationships
 gain expertise in neuropsychological
assessment and diagnosis- differential
 are to identify a patient’s cognitive and
behavioral strengths and weaknesses
Rationale of NeuroPsychological
 NP evaluation is an objective, comprehensive
assessment of a wide range of cognitive and
behavioral areas of functioning, which the
neuropsychologist typically integrates with
intellectual and personality assessments and
evaluates within the context of CT and MRI
 NPE leads to
 recommendations for rehabilitation and
 identifying, quantifying, and describing
changes in behavior that relate to the
cognitive integrity of the brain
 demonstrate gradual improvement or
deterioration in mental status over time
 allow better differentiation of cognitive
deficits, and assist in treatment and
disposition planning
Hence, NPE may address issues of
cerebral lesion lateralization, localization,
and progress
 NPE has a number of advantages that many
standard neurodiagnostic techniques do not
 noninvasive and provides and descriptive
 the intensive study of behavior by means of
standardized tests that provide relatively
sensitive indices of brain– behavior relationships
 used on an empirical basis in various medical and
psychiatric settings
 sensitive to the organic integrity of the cerebral
hemispheres, and can often pinpoint specific
neurologic or psychological deficits
 a useful tool for clinical service delivery and for
Neuropsychological tests
 Neuropsychological tests traditionally
have been defined as those measures that
are sensitive indicators of brain damage.
 Today, scientists consider a measure to be a
neuropsychological test if a change in brain
function is systematically related to a
change in test behavior.
 Neuropsychologists generally recognize that
there is considerable overlap among all types
of psychological tests
Neuropsychological tests
 Neuropsychologists generally recognize that
there is considerable overlap among all types
of psychological tests. It is difficult to
 aptitude without measuring achievement
 vocational interest without measuring
 intelligence without measuring neuropsychological
 One way to deal with this overlap is to reduce
the complexity to two basic neuropsychological
constructs: “crystallized” and “fluid” functions
 crystallized functions to be most dependent on
cultural factors and learning
 fluid functions to be culture free and independent
of learning
Neuropsychological Domains

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