Research Assessment 4 1
Research Assessment 4 1
Research Assessment 4 1
Subject: Neurology
As I began conducting interviews the past week, I realized that the professionals I
spoke with collaborated with medical practitioners from fields, other than Neurology,
quite frequently. I know of the grey line that exists between different fields that all deal
with the brain in some form or another, and I thus wanted to research the precise
differences between Neurology and Neuropsychology, two fields that experience
overlap. In the article What is the Difference Between a Neurologist and a
Neuropsychologist?, published by ApaCenter, the clear distinctions in duties are listed
out, along with the differences in how patients are assessed. This is followed by an
extensive section about one of the most significant components that are treated - the
executive function - and how it can lead to collaboration between multiple fields. Going
into future interviews, having a better idea of the difference between Neurology and
Neuropsychiatry will be extremely beneficial in order for me to ask well-developed
Lastly, I learned about the significance of the executive functions, which help us
accomplish tasks on a daily basis. I now realize the significant practical implications of
Neurology and Neuropsychology and just how essential these fields are for the overall
quality of life of an individual. Although executive functions may be more relevant for
neuropsychologists, it is equally important for neurologists to be able to recognize when
there is an issue in the executive functions of a patient. Because executive functions play
an integral role in an individuals development from childhood to young adulthood, I
now know why neurologists and neuropsychologists must collaborate to resolve
problems in ones executive functions - these functions can be examined from both a
scientific and social standpoint. Erg0, I realized the widespread importance of the
executive functions and the effect of their impairment in the brain.
All in all, I hope to apply the knowledge I learned from this article directly into
my questions, as I am curious to see if neurologists are familiar with other fields that
deal with the brain. By asking higher-level questions, I will be able to stimulate and
facilitate a more insightful interview with medical practitioners. More importantly,
however, I now carry knowledge of the clear difference between Neurology and
Neuropsychology and how the collaboration that exists between the two fields allow for
patients to receive effective diagnoses and treatment plans.
Neurologists may treat individuals who experience a stroke as well as individuals with
epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, and hundreds of other neurological issues.
Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between the brain and behavior.A
neuropsychologist, for example, may assess a persons ability to learn and recall
information, to attend to their environment, concentrate and focus, as well as their
emotional well-being. Neuropsychologists administer a battery of psychological tests
that measure problem-solving skills, reasoning and conceptualization abilities,
sensory-motor abilities, learning, memory, receptive and expressive language,
perceptual-motor skills, and cognitive abilities, to examine an individuals overall
From the information gathered during the evaluation, a neuropsychologist uses the
individuals pattern of strengths and weaknesses to assess brain functioning. From this
complex and detailed set of measurements, a variety of inferences can be drawn relating
directly to the functioning of an individuals brain and their overt behaviors.
Neuropsychologists help assess and monitor the recovery of function of individuals who
experience traumatic brain injury, examine the ability of an individual with a disorder
that affects reasoning abilities, or help discriminate between disorders such as
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Tourettes Syndrome.
Over the last ten years there has been increased interest in executive functions and
their role in behavior and emotional functioning. The term executive function (EF) is an
umbrella term which encompasses a set of several abilities which primarily reside in
the frontal lobes of the brain. Planning, problem-solving, self-monitoring, organization,
divided attention, shifting or mental flexibility, and initiation of behaviors are often
included under the term executive functions.
Attention and working memory are also sometimes listed as executive functions. EFs
develop throughout childhood, adolescence, and even into young adulthood. The
development of executive functions is considered to be important because they are
necessary for purposeful, planned, organized behaviors such as goal-setting and
attainment. There are a variety of reasons that an individual may have difficulty with
executive functions.
Some individuals with ADD/ADHD have problems with executive functions. Individuals
with Aspergers Syndrome, autism, Tourettes Syndrome, bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, traumatic brain injuries, emotional problems, and other developmental
or genetic disorders may struggle with executive functions as well. Impairments in
executive functions can cut across many areas and affect academic performance, social
interactions, and vocational performance.