3 Content
3 Content
3 Content
This chapter is presented to the discussion of several main points which serve
learning writing. The points meant include background of the study, statement of
study, assumption of the study scope and limitation of the study, and definition of
There are many ways for the teacher in creating a conducive teaching
There are instructions and guidelines which are provided for students to
learn independently. It means that the students can learn and do the all
Susi, Menata Ulang Pemikiran Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dalam Abad 21, (Yogyakarta: Safira
Insania Press dan UII, 2003), Cet.1, hlm. 15,
Moreover, written product are often the result of thinking, drafting, and
revising procedures that required specialized skills and not every student
Department in STKIP PGRI Blitar (2012) stated that the fourth semester
that with the dominant purpose of convincing and or persuading, the writing
tasks and exercises are in the form of argumentative and persuasive writing
17,5% of the them feel that producing a good writing was a difficult job
and. There are two main problems that make them feel like that. First, in
their daily study, they mostly got individual writing tasks. They said that in
producing the paper, whether that was an individual task, they still need
finish it. It means that in completing their tasks, they students did not realize
that in fact they used collaborative writing technique. The second problem is
the students’ score analysis conducted by the researcher. There were two
periodic scores that were used in this analysis. First was the Writing 4 score
periodic 2010/2011 and the second was the Writing 4 s2core periodic
2011/2012. There are 9 grades used in STKIP PGRI Blitar. They are A, A-,
B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, and E. In the Writing 4 score periodic 2010/2011, there
were 8% of the students got A, 14% got A-, 34% got B+, 30% got B, and
14% got B-. In this period, there was no students got score under B-. In the
Writing 4 score periodic 2011/2012, there were 12% of the students got A,
13% got A-, 28% got B+, 22% got B, 19% got B-, 3% got C+, 1% got C,
and 2% got E. When the researcher compared the result of the two periods,
he found that there was decrease of the amount of the students who got good
score. In 2010/2011 period, none of the students got score under B-. In the
other hand, there were students who got score under B- in 2011/2012
and develop their ideas widely. Practically, writing module will help the
the lesson material based on the provided indicators. The term collaborative
writing refers to projects where written works are created by multiple people
Brown, dkk., Pengukuran dalam Bidang Pendidikan, (Jakarta PPS Universitas Negri jakarta,
2000), hlm 10.
Ibid. (bila mengutip Halaman yang sama)
Ibid., hlm, 30. (bila mengutip pada halaman yang berbeda)
together actively. The module created must fulfill valid, practical, and
effective criteria. The module is valid when it has been validated by the
experts of module and material. The score form both of the experts must be
≤ 2.00. The module is practical when it has been applied in the field and the
application must be observed by the observer. So, the ones who said that the
module is practical is the students and the observer. For the last criteria, the
module is effective when the students score after using the module in
draw the conclusion as the title for his study as “Developing Module of
In line with above-mentioned problem, this study tries to find out how
the task completion, d) useful for heterogeneous students with any levels, e)
with other products is that the collaborative module can help the students
It is expected that that the finding in this study will support the theory
Blitar. So, the students can improve their English skill on writing. Finally,
and effectively.
In fact, there still many factors that influence the developing a module
but not stated because the limitation of time and fund. So, the scope is
limited. The limits include: (1) the skill focused is in writing, (2) the
4-D by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel, and (4) the module only treated
terms and contents of this paper, it is necessary to clarify the following key
terms. The definitions of the key terms of this study are as follow:
This chapter gives the discussion of some related topics, which are important
to give us ideas about the implementation of the study. Here, some topics to
discuss are mainly focusing on some related topics such as collaborative writing,
critical essays, module, and some related studies that have relation with this study.
between members of a group using a common set of tools; and thus, the
classroom, it has created a site in which collaborative writing can take place.
quality work. Collaborative writing is a good way for making the students to
ability to add, edit, and remove text. It is easier to do if the group has
academics can:
shared out;
contributor can assist in the writing and the editing of the paper,
For first one, Sharples, et. al. (1993) in Mitchell (1996) states
the draft, and revises the document. The explanation is in table 2.1.
parts that members play in the group. The models based on the roles
Roles Explanation
Writer The member writes the document.
Consultant The member offers information but does not actively involve in the
document creation.
Editor The member modifies the document directly.
Reviewer The member suggests changes to the document without modifying
it directly.
editing, and reviewing. Table 2.3 below explains the model based on
the activities.
Activities Explanation
Brainstorming The member looks for the topic that will be presented.
Researching The member does some researches related with the topic.
Planning The member plans the draft.
Writing The member creates the document.
Editing The member checks and corrects the document.
how, and can change during the course of a project. There are four
cooperate together for the writing task. In table 2.5 below, it can be
because the model gives clear steps how to write a document using
collaborative writing.
As in coin, everything in the world has two sides; good and bad
In university level, the students must not only write whatever they
students must have some kind of value. The essay must be about a specific
topic. The job of university students is to argue using the essay about that
Everything the students say in the essay should be relevant to the argument
stated; reasons are offered as to why the issue is basic, how it is significant
which meanings are clarified. Because there must be at least two sides at
any topic, it is necessary for the students to give reasons fairly for both of
the sides. Then the students give a clear reason why one side is better that
There are three steps in writing a critical essay; pre-writing, writing and
needs in writing the essay. Foreshaw (2010) says that the activities that
include in this step are narrowing the focus, developing a research question,
There are three main parts in outlining the essay; introduction, body
1. Introduction
2. Body
The body must be related to the topic. Every paragraph begins with
be smooth and the presentation of ideas must flow lightly from one
paragraph to another.
3. Conclusion
In writing, the job of the students is to make the essay based on the
outline made before. The students may not feel worry whether the essay is
perfect or not because it is not the final draft. There must be some revision
2.3 Module
There are eight rules on writing good module. They are: (1) module
Munir (2010) states there are three kinds of module. They are
usually haven’t understood about the material yet. So they need this
used to enrich teaching and learning material. The students used this
kind are usually the student who have mastered the material and
the module is used to give facilitation for the teacher and the
b. Overcome the limit time, space, and sensory perception not only
a. Self instructional
competence clearly
self assessment
b. Self contained
c. Stand alone
d. Adaptive
e. User friendly
the students. Students can respond easily and access all the time.
general meaning.
This research is not the only one in developing module. There are some
researches at the same topic. They have some similarities and differences if
we compare with this research. In this part, the researcher presented two
researches that have the same topic. They are the one conducted Ilmiana,
All of the researches are about developing module. The one conducted
Senior High School whether Susanti and Pangesthi (2013) was a module for
Jasa Boga. In developing the module, the first one was using the model
created by I Wayan, whether the second used the same model with this
research, namely 4-D. This model was created by Thiagarajan, Semmel &
called this model as 4-D for it is the abbreviation of the steps namely
Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel is a systematic one. The steps that must be
followed are also quite clear. The module created by the researcher is also
validated by the expert before it goes for developmental tested. It means that
Figure 3.1 R & D design Model of Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel (1974)
Another reason why the researcher uses this approach is that Research
not only to find the effectiveness of certain books and composing the
module, but more about developing module which are valid and practical in
the classroom. This approach has also advantage in case of its procedures
which notice the needs and real contexts systematically in the college.
the researcher took some procedures in order to get the final product like the
following figure:
Expert Appraisal Developmental Testing
Main Preliminary
Final Module
this analysis, we can get the fact in field, hope, and alternative
prepares the score record, questionnaire for the students’ need of the
essay for the second year students of STKIP PGRI Blitar. From the
eight components, they are: (1) cover, (2) introduction, (3) table
validation sheet of writing test, and scoring rubric for writing test.
step. The criterion for the expert is the expert should have finished or
After all of the experts approve the module; it is the time for
testing the product to the subjects. There are two kinds of testing.
expects that he can compare the result of the writing exercise. After
module, (6) learning objectives, (7) the material, and (8) scoring.
testing. The purpose of this step is to see the level of validity and
Stage I
Language, and Data Analysis Revision I
Material and
Module Expert
Stage II
Testing Data Analysis
Revision II
some subjects:
1. Language Expert
and module.
3. Developmental Tested
1. Valid
2. Practical
3. Effective
1. Content analysis
2. Descriptive analysis
experts is ≤ 2.00.
3. T-test analysis
1. Front-end analysis
a. Stevenson’s questions
of STKIP PGRI Blitar would be clear and he could find the way
questions. It was because the rest of the questions did not relate
maximally finish their writing task alone. They still needed the
they still needed their friends’ help in finishing it. There was
this material was stated in the syllabus. The general solution for
b. Curriculum analysis
with Writing 4.
2. Objectives Improve his acquired writing Improve the students writing
skill, especially that with the skill especially in implementing
dominant purpose of the ways to convey their ideas
convincing and or persuading, communicatively in the written
in the form of argumentative form (expository text); in
and persuasive writing. showing their enthusiasm,
carefulness, and accuracy in
writing (expository text); and in
conveying their ideas through
written media in the form of
expository writing.
3. Material In the form of argumentative Types of expository essays,
and persuasive writing such as steps in developing an essay
formal letters of advice, (pre-writing,
editorials, and critical essays organizing/drafting, writing,
articles. revising (peer response groups),
and editing) and publishing
expository essays.
4. Activities The class activities will be Lectures, group discussion, and
mostly discussion and presentation.
5. Assessment The evaluation is based on Weekly assignment,
student performance in mid- presentation, and participation
term and final tests as well as (30%), mid-term test (30%), and
written assignments. final test (40%).
6. Handbook/ English for Academic Uses by The Essential of English: a
textbook/ Adam, Judth-Anne cs. (1982), Writer’s Handbook by Hogue
module and Writing Academic English (2003) and Writing Academic
by Oshima, Alice and Haque. English by Oshima, Alice and
(Analysis Result, 2012)
and critical essays articles, but in the course outline the material
there was one book in the syllabus that was also stated in course
between the syllabus and the course outline, but there were
2. Classroom analysis
There were two kinds of data in this step. They were students and
a. Students
1) Score
of the students got A, 14% got A-, 34% got B+, 30% got B,
and 14% got B-. In this period, there was no students got
of the students got A, 13% got A-, 28% got B+, 22% got B,
of the students got score under B-. In the other hand, there
Academic Year
Score 2010/2011 2011/2012
(Person) (Person)
A 18 30
(8%) (12%)
A- 31 31
(14%) (13%)
B+ 79 69
(34%) (28%)
B 70 54
(30%) (22%)
B- 32 47
(14%) (19%)
C+ - 8
C - 2
D - -
E - 4
(Scores Analysis Result, 2012)
2) Questionnaire
answered sometimes
answered no.
that they liked black and white lay out for the module,
they really liked colorful lay out for the module and
discussed the task with their friends. In line with the problem,
when the researcher asked the students whether they had known
For the module, the students wanted it was in the colorful lay
interview is as follows:
one by one.
interview is as follows:
group form.
3. Concept analysis
a. Module
alone, adaptive, and user friendly. The first aspect used in all of
introduction and unit 1-4. The third aspect used in unit 1. The
fourth aspect used in unit 3 and unit 4. The last aspect used in
unit 1-4.
b. Collaborative Writing
All of them are different one from another. The researcher called
members combine the parts as the raw writing and revise them
writing step, one member of the group makes the draft as the
group gather to revise the raw draft. Model 4 is almost the same
the raw draft without consulting to the other member who writes
members of the group gather and revise the raw draft without
draft and revised them. The last model, Model 7, is the most
group does not make any outline. In writing step, one member
dictates the raw draft and one more writes them. In post-writing,
the member who has not performed the task yet revises the raw
about education.
news that becomes hot lately. Health is the topic for Unit 3. This
topic needs deep research because the students must have proof
The table 4.4 below gave clearer vision about the prototype
1. Designing Module
looking at this part, the user of the module are hoped to find the
the module. There are two kinds of direction, for the lecturer and
for the students. In learning objectives, the researcher put the goal
in every chapter. It is because there are two exercises that use two
theory from Wigglesworth and Storch (2009: 453) and Oshima and
Hogue (2007: 197). There are two kinds of scoring; scoring for the
processes and scoring for the writing result. In the scoring for the
processes are pre, whilst, and post writing. Moreover, the aspects
outline was the same with one used in the English Department of
STKIP PGRI Blitar. There were six points that were stated in the
course outline. All of the point should be in line with the syllabus
course. The course objectives were the course gave the students the
No Date Topic/Activity
1. Meeting 1 Introduction
2. Meeting 2 Discussing of Environment topic
3. Meeting 3 Doing exercise 1 of Environment topic
4. Meeting 4 Doing exercise 2 of Environment topic
5. Meeting 5 Discussing of Today Hot News topic
6. Meeting 6 Doing exercise 1 of Today Hot News topic
7. Meeting 7 Doing exercise 2 of Today Hot News topic
8. Meeting 8 Discussing of Health topic
9. Meeting 9 Doing exercise 1 of Health topic
10. Meeting 10 Doing exercise 2 of Health topic
11. Meeting 11 Discussing of Education topic
12. Meeting 12 Doing exercise of Education topic as Mid Term Test
13. Meeting 13 Discussing and correcting the result of Mid Term Test
14. Meeting 14 Evaluation
3. Designing Instruments
were divided into three big categories. They were valid, practical,
a. Valid
and the second were in the form of choosing answer. The last
given to the experts scored and gave advice for the module
there were six questions that could be used to score the course
the last instrument. The last also had two essay questions.
b. Practical
c. Effective
researcher made a writing test. The result of the writing test then
The test included two points. The first was the Brainstormer
and the second was the test itself. The Brainstormer was in the
1. Expert Appraisal
the experts. The researcher asked the experts to validate the module
and the instruments. There were two experts used by the researcher.
The first was the module and material experts and the second was
linguistics expert. The researcher went to the first expert first. After
the first expert approved the module and the instruments, he then
went to the second expert to get the approval of the language used
a. First Expert
The first expert was a module and material expert. She was
researcher in the front cover of the module. The first expert said
revision was in the Brainstormer of Unit 3. The expert said that the
letter in the first text was too small. So, the researcher had to make it
bigger. The fifth revision was a kind of advice. It was in the first
exercise of third Unit. The expert said that the question in the
introduction was good. It was because it had correlation with the task.
She asked the researcher to check the second exercise in third Unit also.
The second exercise of Unit 3 became the next revision. The expert said
that the question in the introduction was not good because it did not
The form of the seventh and the eight revisions were the same. The
expert asked the researcher to change the format of the text in Unit 4
Brainstormer step. She asked to make the format better. In the ninth and
tenth revisions, the expert asked the researcher to add the source of the
After all of those revisions, the first expert approved the module
and gave it score. Figure 4.7 and 4.8 of the validation sheet were as
Over all, the score was good. She gave score 3 or 4 for each
evaluation point. It meant that the module was proper with the points
evaluated. The expert gave notes that in page 38 there were some
The expert gave score 3 or 4 for each question. He said that the
course outline had been in line with the syllabus and the aspects
good. The expert said that the check lists were appropriate with the
classroom interaction. She stated that there were some points must be
concerned so that there was not any overlapping. The figure of the
The third instrument that had been validated by the expert was
students’ questionnaire toward the module. The expert scored that the
writing module from the students’ side. She did not give any kind of
The last instrument scored by the expert was writing test. She
b. Second Expert
about the content of the module. The second expert said that the
finally approved the module and gave score. The figures of the
Over all, the score was good. It was because the expert
gave score 3 for each questions. It meant that the module was
proper with the points evaluated. The expert said that basically,
The expert gave score 3 for each question. He said that the
course outline had been in line with the syllabus and the aspects
also good. The expert said that the check lists were appropriate
already been led the students to topic discussed. One thing that
2. Developmental Testing
a. Preliminary
1) Activity
a) First Meeting
b) Second Meeting
ninety minutes.
do exercise 1.
c) Third Meeting
d) Fourth Meeting
the exercise. So, the clever students could help the less
2) Observation
should adapt in managing the time with the plan. Hence, the
3) Questionnaire result
answered agree.
answered agree.
not agree.
answered agree.
really agree that the lay out used made them motivated
b. Main
were nine groups that had three members and four groups that
main testing.
1) Activity
plus one more meeting for writing test. The meetings were
rest of the meetings were used to discuss the theory and the
No Date Activity
1. Sep 2nd 2013 Introduction
2. Sep 4th 2013 Discussing of Environment topic
3. Sep 9th 2013 Doing exercise 1 of Environment topic
4. Sep 11th 2013 Doing exercise 2 of Environment topic
Kinds of
First exercise
Process 32 32 32 32 29 32 30 32 28 30 33 32 26
Final Product 50 52 46 56 50 55 57 48 45 51 50 46 45
Total 82 84 78 88 79 87 87 80 73 81 83 78 71
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 51 53 51 48 54 55 55 51 47 51 52 47 48
Total 83 86 83 80 86 87 87 83 79 83 84 79 80
Third exercise
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 54 53 50 53 53 55 54 52 51 54 46 46 49
Total 86 86 82 85 85 87 86 84 83 86 78 78 81
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 52 51 54 56 51 53 51 49 51 53 51 50 50
Total 84 83 86 88 83 85 83 81 83 85 83 82 82
Fifth exercise
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 52 52 54 50 49 51 55 52 53 52 52 50 49
Total 84 84 86 82 81 83 87 84 85 84 84 82 81
Sixth exercise
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 50 52 52 51 50 53 52 54 51 50 53 52 51
Total 82 84 84 83 82 85 84 86 83 82 85 84 83
Process 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Final Product 54 53 53 50 53 53 52 52 52 54 50 54 50
Total 86 85 85 82 85 85 84 84 84 86 82 86 82
The results of the test were good. All of the students got
4. A Ri 78 85
5. A Ro 80 84
6. BY 75 80
7. BT 85 90
8. CWR 80 88
9. DA 78 87
10. FF 74 85
11. HHA 80 90
12. IR 70 80
13. I 70 84
14. LD 70 78
15. L 74 85
16. MWS 75 88
17. MS 75 86
18. NTS 80 90
19. NNT 75 83
20. NRA 78 86
21. PAW 78 90
22. RDV 80 90
23. SK 80 89
24. SC 80 88
25. S Sa 80 90
26. ISN 65 75
27. ELM 65 78
28. RSP 68 75
29. ATC 64 78
30. IDA 74 85
31. MM 78 85
32. PP 75 88
33. RDE 80 89
34. S Sh 80 90
35. SN 75 86
36. TS 75 85
37. WMN 70 85
38. ZR 75 85
39. SF 75 84
40. LNI 80 88
41. MBH 85 90
42. FAK 78 80
43. NM 70 80
Average Score 74.93 84.44
2) Observation
3) Questionnaire result
really agree that the language used was not make any
not agree.
really agree that the lay out used made them motivated
3. Final Module
teachers, and English Lecturers. The name of the group was “Let’s
From the first and the second experts, the researcher got score. The
mean score of the module from both of the experts was as follow:
No Evaluated Point
Expert 1 Expert 2
1. Content
Applicability to the syllabus 3 3
Applicability to the material 4 3
Correctness of the concept/material 4 3
Developed critical essay understanding 4 3
Topics used are suitable with the difficulty level 3 3
Topics used are able to develop by the students 4 3
Topics used are able to motivate the students to write 4 3
2. Language, writing, and lay out
Use the standardized English 4 3
The language is clear 4 3
Use communicative language 3 3
Use simple structure language 3 3
Use understandable symbols 3 3
Completed with table, figure, and diagram related to the content 4 3
The color, size of the letter, and picture are interesting and readable 4 3
3. Module benefit
Facilitate the lecturers in teaching and learning process 4 3
Can be used as the students’ guide book in learning 4 3
Make the students active and independent in learning 3 3
Total score 62 51
Average score of all points 3.65 3
Average score of all points for both of the experts 3.33
used and valid if the average scores of the module was ≥2.00. It can be
shown in the table above that from the calculation, the average scores
was 3.33 ≥ 2.00 It meant that the module was valid and appropriate to
observation sheet. The observation sheet was filled by the observer, not
the researcher. The observer filled the observation sheet in the end of
was out of sixteen questions, the observer gave thirteen check signs in
the time well, whether the students did researching before they made
first draft, and whether the interaction among students in the group the
same with expectation. The observer also gave note. He stated that it
seemed that the teacher (researcher) should adapt in managing the time
was out of sixteen questions, the observer gave all check signs in ‘yes’
column. Although the observer gave ‘yes’ check signs in all of the
teaching process and the practical module work well. However, the
compares the average of students’ score before using module and after
before using the module, the average of students; score was 75.5. After
using the module, the average was increased, 84.5. To know the
significant difference before after using the module, the researcher used
t-test. To help the researcher compute the data, he used SPSS 17. The
that there was significant different between before and after using the
module, 0.009 < 0.05. It could be seen also that the mean score of after
using the module was higher than before using the module, 84.5 > 75.5.
It meant that the module was effective when it was applying in the
preliminary testing.
score was 74.93. After using the module, the average was increased,
84.44. To know the significant difference before after using the module,
the researcher used t-test. To help the researcher compute the data, he
that there was significant different between before and after using the
module, 0.000 < 0.05. It could be seen also that the mean score of after
using the module was higher than before using the module, 84.44 >
74.93. It meant that the module was also effective when it was applying
During the research, the researcher got some module revisions from both
of the experts. From the first experts, the researcher got ten revisions. First
revision was about the address of the researcher in the front cover of the
module. The first expert said that it was not necessary. So, it must be omitted.
The second revision was in the acknowledgement of the module. The first
expert advised to researcher to add the reasons why he chose the topics stated
The introduction was also revised. The researcher had to add clearer
the Brainstormer of Unit 3. The expert said that the letter in the first text was
too small. So, the researcher had to make it bigger. The fifth revision was a
kind of advice. It was in the first exercise of third Unit. The expert said that
the question in the introduction was good. It was because it had correlation
with the task. She asked the researcher to check the second exercise in third
Unit also. The second exercise of Unit 3 became the next revision. The expert
said that the question in the introduction was not good because it did not have
The form of the seventh and the eight revisions were the same. The
expert asked the researcher to change the format of the text in Unit 4
Brainstormer step. She asked to make the format better. In the ninth and tenth
revisions, the expert asked the researcher to add the source of the scoring
Furthermore, from the second expert, the researcher got five revisions.
Four of the five revisions were about the diction of the word and grammatical
structure. The last was about the content of the module. The second expert
said that the list of learning objectives were not actually the objectives. He
said that those were the directions in using the module. He advised the
researcher to adopt the learning objectives in module from the course outline
or from the syllabus of English Department on STKIP PGRI Blitar. All of the
This chapter explains about the product discussion and usage suggestion.
Finishing doing the research, the researcher came to some discussions. The
discussions were about whether the product was valid, practical, and
valid with some revisions. It was proved by the validation result from the
first and second expert. From the first expert, the module got 3.65 as the
average score. Furthermore, the second expert gave 3 as the average score
of the module. When both of the average scores, the researcher got 3.33
as the module score. It was good. It meant that the module was valid,
Appendix 9.
2. From the result of the observation sheets filled up by the observer (not the
testing the result was not too good, the researcher improved the way in
implementation was better. The researcher could did all of the evaluated
points in the observation sheet.
3. Knowing the product was valid and practical, the researcher tested
whether it was also effective. The researcher did testing in the final
meeting in the end of preliminary and main testing. Getting the result, he
compared the students’ average score before and after implementing the
using t-test. The computation was done by SPSS 17. As the result of the
product was significant in .009; whether in main testing, the product was
some suggestions.
1. Application
2. Dissemination
3. Next Development
The product only focused on critical essay material. For the next
writing by Ede and Lunsford (1990) in Mitchell (1996). For, the next
development, the next researcher can use the other model of collaborative