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English Competency Test Ii

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I. Choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e!

Surabaya, September, 4th 2010 Dini Aminarto

To : Human Resources Department Jalan Elang 89
Jl. Ambengan No. 12C
Surabaya October, 30th 2018
PO BOX 1393
Dear Sir, JKB 11013
Based on your advertisement on Jawa Pos
newspaper dated on August 30th, 2003 and with my To whom it may concern,
firm belief of your well established company and I’m applying for the Project Manager position
lead me submit this resume to II Administration advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the
position offered in your company. I am 24 years enclosed resume, I have a strong academic
old, innovative, energetic, highly ambitious, and background in Chemical Engineer graduated from
good leadership. Universitas Indonesia on 2007.
I am fresh graduated from Accounting
Department, State Polytechnic of Malang, with My current work as Project Management in various
predicate “Very SATISFACTORY” and GPA 2.90 multinational company has given me firsthand
(scale 4). I have been usual work in a team and experience in the challenge associated with the
organization. I can learn anything fast with initiative development of a successful Petrochemical
and great will to succeed. I am certain it all can be Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial
useful to work well in this company, and I would and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia
appreciate if you give me the opportunity to discuss as well as English.
my qualification in person.
For detail, I enclosed my CV, Academic This background, combined with over ten years of
Transcript and a recent photograph. Ethylene Plant Operation as Project Management,
Hopefully I may have the opportunity of proving has given me a unique perspective that would be
my ca[ability by being granted an interview. particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities
Thank you for your kind attention of this position, as described in your position. I am
an independent individual who is capable to work
Yours faithfully under pressure.
Dwi Noviana
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you
1. What newspaper did the company put the to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look
advertisement? forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for
a. Solopos d. Jawa Pos your time and consideration.
b. Suara Merdeka e. Jakarta Pos
c. Republika Sincerely,
Dini Aminarto
2. How old is the writer?
a. 22 years old d. 23 years old 5. What are the skills that applicant presented on
b. 24 years old e. 25 years old the application letter?
c. 26 years old a. Managerial and communication skills
b. Accounting and managerial skills
3. Where did the writer study? c. Public speaking and communication skills
a. At State Polytechnic of Surabaya d. Bahasa Indonesia and English
b. At Private University of Malang e. Public speaking and accelerating
c. At State Polytechnic of Malang
d. At University of Malang 6. How long was the applicant working as a
e. At Malang University Project Management?
a. 2 years 8 years
4. What is not the writer’s strengths? b. 15 years 10 years
a. Innovative c. 12 years
b. Energetic
c. Highly ambitious 7. I am an independent individual who is capable
d. Good leadership to work under pressure. The word “capable”
e. Honest has the same meaning to…
a. Irresponsible d. Awkward technical experience and education will make
b. Competent e. Professional me a very competitive candidate for this
c. Available position. The key strengths that I possess for
success in this position include: I have
8. What the applicant has enclosed along with the successfully designed, developed, and
application letter? supported live use applications. I strive for
a. Resume Biography continued excellence, and I provide exceptional
b. Photo Certificate contributions to customer service for all
c. Trophy customers. With a BS degree in Computer
Programming, I have a full understanding of
February 15,2014 the full life cycle of a software development
Ms Rosmayana project. I also have experience in learning and
SMAN 123 excelling at new technologies as needed.
Pettarani Office
Makassar Please see my resume for additional
information on my experience. I can be reached
Dear Ms Yana, anytime via email at
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on john.donaldsonemailexample.com or my cell
Jobs.com. I am available to fill this opening and can phone, 909-555-5555. Thank you for your time
(9) … working immediately after hiring. and consideration. I look forward to speaking
with you about this employment opportunity.
I (10) … obtained my degree from Makassar State Sincerely,
University. As a graduate in English Educatian, I John Donaldson
have acquainted myself with a range of skills that
would allow me to blend with your school. 1. Who is particularly suited for the position?
2. How can John Donaldson be reached?
From your advertisement, I can see that you are 3. Who writes the application letter?
looking for candidates who have excellent spoken 4. Where is the vacancy being advertised?
and written English skills. I look forward to an 5. What strengths point does the applicant have?
opportunity to meet you and further discuss my
qualification. III. Write your Obligations for the following
Very truly yours, situations!
Amar Mundi
Use should + Present/Continuous/Perfect!
9. 1. Mariana invites me to her party tomorrow
a. begin d. pass but I can not come. What should I do?
b. lose e. stop (should)
c. require
2. Erika’s is hospitalized now but Erika is still
10. at home doing nothing. Give your
a. totally d. recently suggestion/obligation to Erika! (should)
b. discussed e. intensively
c. occasionally 3. Joko is so sleepy while studying at class
now as he stayed up until late at night
yesterday. Give your obligation/suggestion
II. Answer the following question correctly! to Joko! (should)

January 23, 2014 Use must/have to

George Sebastian
Prosperous Company 4. Alicia doesn’t to get any punishment from
25 Saint John Court the teacher at school.
Hatfield, CA 08065 Give your obligation/suggestion

Dear Mr. Sebastian, 5. Bagas wants his bedroom to be clean and

I am writing to apply for the programmer comfortable.
position advertised in the Times Union. As Give your obligation/suggestion!
requested, I am enclosing a completed job
application, my certification, my resume and
three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very

interesting, and I believe that my strong

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