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LATIHAN Soal Bhs Inggris Kelas XII

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Program Keahlian : Semua Jurusan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1 (Ganjil)
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C D dan E di bawah ini!
The following text is for questions 1 to 4 . B. The offered job vacancy
Sofia Ratnasari C. The enclosed documents
Jl. Cotton Candy no. 9 Jawa Timur D. The applicant’s educational background
E. The applicant’s wish to have an interview
December 4, 2020
3. From the letter we can conclude that .....
Mr. Romi Irwan A. The interview invitation can be sent via e-mail
Personnel B. The job vacancy is advertised in a newspaper
Manager C. The applicant can work well, individually
Cemerlang Jaya D. The applicant is good at computer
Jl. Rinding Indah no. 132 Denpasar E. The applicant is a fresh graduate

4. “I would be able to impart my skills...” (Paragraf 2)

Dear Sir,
I wish to apply for the position of Electrical What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
Engineer as advertised on your company’s website. As A. Offering a job D. Reach
requested, I enclosed my resume and other documents in B. Present E. Exhaust
my attachments. C. Acquired

I graduated from Electrical Enggineering of For questions 5 to 7, choose the correct words to
National University in 2017. I have an experience in complete the letter.
handling projects with tight schedules, under pressure, To : earth.alam@hrd.com
and team work. Subject : Application
Dear Sir/ Madam :
I am proficient in computer and have excellent
English, both written and spoken. I would be able to I would like to (5) .....whether you have any
impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for vacancies in your company. I enclose my resume for
professional growth with your company. your information.

I would appreciate an opportunity to have an I graduated from SMK Pemuda Bangsa majoring
interview. I can be reached by phone at in Marketing in 2017. I have a work experience in the
09365260606560. Thank you. (6) .......and industrial sector which has developed my
skills and ability to work in many different
Yours faithfully, environments. I believe that my skills and knowledge
will (7) .......your team. I can operate a computer and
Sofia Ratnasari have a charming personality. I would be grateful if you
would keep my resume on file for any future
1. What is the letter about? possibilities.
A. Offering a job
B. Applying for a job Yours faithfully,
C. Explaining one’s skills
D. Stating one’s career objective Aan Widodo
E. Information about one’s education Jln. Pancasila no.45
2. What is paragraph three about? 08787886289334
A. The applicant’s skills
5. ......
A. Open D. Provide Dear sir/Madame,
B. Enact E. Render Being interested in the post of waiter supervisor
C. Enquire you advertised yesterday in Suara Merdeka, I would like
to apply (11)... the vacancy.
6. ......
A. Retail D. Requirements I am 24 years old and (12)... from SMK Negeri 5
B. Workplace E. Documents Kendal majoring in restaurant service. Currently, I am
C. Expertise working at Sea Food Restaurant.

7. ...... Attaching copies of my certificates, CV, and my

A. Support D. Supporting recent photograph, I am (13)... for an interview at your
B. Supports E. Supporter convenience. I am looking forward to hear from you
C. Supported soon.

Questions 8 to 10 refer to the following text. Faithfully yours

Jl.Werkudara, 29
Deliserdang Ilham Agung
November 16,2019
Personnel Manager Classic 11. ......
Resto Surabaya A. at D. in
B. on E. under
Dear C. for
Sir/ Ma’am :
12. ......
I’d like to 8) ......the job of “ waiter” as A. graduated D. graduating
9) ..... .......on your restaurant B. graduate E. fresh graduate
website:www.classic_resto.co.id. I have experience of C. graduation
working for a famous restaurant in Aceh and for the last
two years I ‘ve been working at Bukit Biru Restaurant in 13. ......
Bandung. I have a pleasant character and can work A. availability D. ability
overtime. B. able E. capable
C. available
It would be grateful if you grant me and 10) .....at
your convenience. Please contact me from my number Questions 14 to 16 refer to the following text.
attached. Batu Dinding beach is one of the coastal areas
hidden around in Belinyu sub-district, a sub-district in
Faithfully yours, the northern part of Bangka district. This beach has a
unique attraction in form of giant rocks that form like a
Agus Hermawan wall on the beach. The position of this beach faces north
and directly adjacent to the South China Sea.
8. ......
A. Apply for D. Come across Batu Dinding beach is located in Mantung village,
B. Deal with E. Interview Belinyu district, Bangka Belitung Island province. The
C. Talk about location of Batu Dinding beach is next to the Mantung
Port owned by PT Timah or approximately 3 kilometers
9. ...... from the Port of Tanjung Gudang Belinyu. The route to
A. Advertise D. Advertised this beach is from the town of Belinyu sub-district in the
B. Advertises E. Adverb direction of Mantung harbour with direction to Tanjung
C. Advertising Gudang Port. Before entering it, there is an entrance to
the left and follow the road to meet a small villa called
10. ...... Villa Batu Dinding. Access roads can be passed through
A. Oppurtunity D. Expense to four wheeled vehicles or some of minibus. The
B. Interview E. Grateful existence of Villa Batu Dinding suggests that
C. Agreement surrounding land including the Batu Dinding beach area
belongs to the villa or private property.
Questions 11 to 13!
30 Jalan Raya Bogosari 51361 Jan 24, 2013 Batu Dinding beach has a unique in the form of
HRD. Manager giant rock that is 15 meters high that forms like a wall
Tegal Residence Hotel with vertical stripes. The stone is greyish white with
Jl. Rambutan Tegal straight strokes. Around the rock found many rocks that
are smaller in size with the same type. Another opinion A. Computer new owner.
states that Batu Dinding beach is also called Batu Kodok B. Computer programmer.
beach. C. Computer specialist.
D. Computer teacher.
14. ...... E. Students
A. The characteristic of Batu Dinding.
B. The belonging villa in Batu Dinding 19. What should the user do after connecting the IDE
C. The access for going to Batu Dinding. cable to drive?
D. The strategic position of Batu Dinding. A. Setting the master.
E. The famous beach in Bangka B. Connecting the audio cable.
C. Plugging the computer back to power outlet.
15. According to the text, we know that...... D. Connecting the 4-pole power cable to the drive.
A. Batu Dinding is one of tourism place in E. Connect the audio cable
B. There is a private property or villa in Batu Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.
Dinding. Let’s have a party!!!
C. Batu Dinding has a huge stone that form like a Come and celebrate our anniversary on Saturday
wall. October 12, 2020 at 7.00 p.m
D. The location of Batu Dinding beach is next to Adults and teenagers $ 10,00/pax.
the Mantung Port. The price includes Buffet, snack, and soft drink.
E. The existence of Batu Dinding beach. For more information, please contact 0717- 374121
Or E-mail us at : Reservation@SwarnaHotel.com.
16. “......there is an entrance to the left and follow the
road ...” (Paragragh 2) 20. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To enjoy the party.
The underlined word has a similar meaning with ..... B. To invite people to the party.
A. access D. gate C. To give compliment to the guests.
B. ways E. wall D. To congratulate on someone’s birthday.
C. door E. To celebrate the party

Questions 17 to 19 refer to the following text 21. ”The price includes Buffet, snack, and soft drink.”
How to Install CD – ROM (Line 4
 Turn off your computer and unplug power cord from
power outlet. What does the sentence mean?
 Carefully remove the computer cover. A. Buffet, snack, and soft drink are free.
 Set the master/slave jumper on the rear panel of B. Buffet, snack, and soft drink are not free.
drive. C. Buffet, snack, and soft drink must be brought.
 (to get best results, we strongly suggest that you D. Buffet, snack, and soft drink must not be brought.
connect your device to secondary IDE port as the E. Buffet, snack, and soft drink must pay
MASTER device).
 Connect the IDE cable to drive. 22. The guests…contact the number given to get further
 Connect the 4- pole power cable to the drive.
A. can D. might
 Connect the audio cable (if applicable).
B. must E. should
 Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and C. shall
mount it. Then replace the computer cover.
 Plug your computer back to power outlet and then The following text is for Questions 23 to 25.
turn the power on. Simple ways of How to Change a Tire Have you
ever been stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire?
17. What is the purpose of the text? Do you want to change a tire by yourself? Try the simple
A. To explain how to set CD – ROM. steps below.
B. To discuss the influence of CD – ROM on the
computer work. 1. Park on hard, flat ground. Place heavy objects before
C. To tell the readers how to connect computers front and rear tires.
using CD – ROM. 2. Place the jack under the metal car frame, then raise
D. To measure the effectiveness of computer until supporting some of car’s weight.
working with CD – ROM installed. 3. Remove hub cap and partially loosen lug nuts
E. Tell information to the reader underneath the hub cap, using a cross wrench.
4. Raise jack to lift tire fully off the ground. Make sure
18. Who will most probably get the benefit after reading the jack is stable.
the text? 5. Remove lug nuts, then tire.
6. Attach the new tire with lug nuts, then lower car to E. if you understand the instruction
29. Fathur : Where is the black pail? It used to be in
Tips : Check occasionally to make sure that your spare the garage.
tire has sufficient air. Abdullah : Oh, Ray borrowed it yesterday. Why
are you looking for it?
23. According to the text, we know that the instruction Fathur : Can you ask him to return it now? …
is about ... Abdullah : Okay, I’ll call him.
A. checking the tire occasionally. A. I washed my own car.
B. changing the tire in simple ways. B. I was washing my car.
C. keep the spare tire has sufficient air. C. I have washed my car.
D. simple ways to be stuck on the road. D. I’m going to wash my car.
E. repairing a tire E. I wash my car
24. Who might find this information useful? 30. Ryan : Congratulations! You got the best score
A. Mechanic. D. Rider. of math lesson.
B. Passenger. E. Biker Robin : Thank you, how about you?
C. Driver. Ryan : I have a problem with math.
25. What will you do before loosening log nuts Robin : ......
underneath the hub cap?
A. Removing hub cap. I’m positive you will manage to do your math task
B. Placing heavy objects. more easily there.
C. Attaching the new tire. A. How about doing the math test?
D. Raising the metal car frame. B. I suggest you to take a course.
E. Raising jack C. Why don’t you do more exercises?
D. I think you should work hard.
26. Dewi : Glossary and appendik are the same, right? E. I think you should study hard
Arya : ..... ..... .....
A. No. Glossary is a list of special words, while 31. Sandy : I think it is going to rain.
appendik is a section which gives extra Tom : ..... Look at the sky! It’s very clear
information. outside.
B. Sorry, I dont know what we should write in the Sandy : But I watched the weather forecast
glossary and appendix page yesterday. It said that today is going to
C. I always write the glossary and appendix after I rain.
finish writing my report A. I don’t think so
D. Well, I can help you write the glossary and B. I have no doubt about that
appendix of your report C. Yes, I think you are right
E. Yes they are same D. I agree with you
27. Billie : Where is the chocolate cake for Mrs. E. I disagree with you
Nelson, Mom?
Mother : Wait a minute, please … 32. James : Hi John ......
Billie : Alright, Mom. Just tell me when it’s John : Sure. That would be great. Are you good at
done. I’ll go upstairs. computer?
A. It was baked. D. It is still being baked. James : Yes I am. I am a good programmer.
B. It has been baked. E. It was baking John : Great. I need your help to make a simple
C. It should be baked. survey application.
28. Tom : Excuse me, I want to withdraw some A. Would you like me to help you on your new
money from this machine but I don’t assignment?
know how to do it. Would you like to B. Would you mind helping me with my new
help me, please? assignment?
Stranger : Sure. First, insert your card into the slot. C. Would you like helping me with my new
Press your PIN number. Then press assignment?
“withdraw” and the amount of money D. Would you like to help me with my new
you want. assignment?
E. Would you like to help me with my new task
You will succeed withdrawing the money ......
A. if you have been followed the instruction 33. Mary : ......
correctly. Lucy : You do? I just bought this outfit a
B. if you have followed the instruction correctly. couple days ago.
C. if you followed the instruction correctly. Mary : Seriously, it looks really nice on you.
D. if you follow the instruction correctly. Where did you buy it from?
Lucy : I bought it from the Macy's at the Santa medicine in a drugstore”.
Anita mall. From the conversation we know that......
A. I absolutely love what you're wearing today. A. You must go to the doctor.
B. You look terrible on those clothes. B. You may go to the hospital.
C. What a lovely shoes you’ve got. C. You should go to the doctor.
D. You have such lovely earrings. D. You might go to the doctor.
E. E. You will go to the doctor

34. Indah : “Dedy looks very happy today”. The following dialogue is for Questions 38 to 40.
Bella : “Don’t you know he ...... to Marketing Matt : Hey, Zach! Do you want to hang out after
Manager?” work?
A. is promoted D. is being promoted Zach : Sure, why not? What shall we do?
B. could be promoted E. was promoted Matt : I don’t know. What do you have in mind?
C. has been promoted Zach : Why don’t we go to the movie?
Matt : I'm not sure about that, to be honest. The
33. Vania : What does your father do? weather is so beautiful, and we've been inside
Sandra : My father is a Front Office Manager. all day.
Zach : Sounds good. I'll see you then.
He works in the hotel company ......
A. He supervises the reservation process in the 38. What did Matt ask Zach?
hotel. A. Hanged out after work.
B. He worked in handling cleanliness of the hotel B. The weather is so beautiful.
areas. C. I don't think that's a good idea.
C. He has been driving and picking the guests at D. I suggest we sneak out of work.
the airport. E. Go to Cafee
D. He is cooking the food and meals in the hotel
kitchen. 39. What was Zach's suggestion?
E. He is serving the menu in hotel kitchen A. Going to the lake.
B. Going to the office.
36. Gita : “Nissa, are you sure that we are C. Going to the movie.
going to have an English test D. Going to the Chinese restaurant.
tomorrow?” E. Going to garden
Annisa : ...... because we’ve finished lesson
6, right! 40. Xu yi : John had drawn all his money because
A. I hope so. he needed it for his father's operation
B. I agree with it. Yu Xu : ..... If his father's health had not been
C. It’s out of the question. in a such bad condition
D. Maybe we will have it, tomorrow. A. He didn't take all his money.
E. I dissagree with it B. He should take all his money.
C. He would not take all his money.
33. Tina : “I think I have a cold!” D. He wouldn't have taken all his money.
Ryan : “...... and don’t forget to have some E. He wiil take all his money
Tina : “I don’t know”.” I think I will buy some

1 1 1 1
JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 19 20
1 4 6 8
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √
E √ √

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
JAWABAN 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √ √ √ √

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