Q1 Las5

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SCIENCE 10 the initial location of Antarctica 250 million years ago?

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET 4 Q4. Is the presence of animal fossils tells that South America, Africa, and Antarctica were
Name of Student: ________________________________________________ Section: once connected?
________________________ Reference Module: Quarter 1 - Module 4: Earth’s Mechanism 6. Examine the giant landmass "Pangaea" and answer the questions below:
____________________________________________ Q5. What clues are useful in reconstructing Pangaea?
Q6. Which continents were obviously neighbors before?
I. Introductory Concept Q7. Where do you think was the location of the Philippines in Pangaea during the time
when it existed? (Note: Recall the lesson on Convergent Plate Boundaries: Oceanic vs. Oceanic
7. Now move one continent relative to its current location. Observe the direction of its
motion carefully as it assumes it current location and position. Do the same procedure to the
other continents.
Q8. If the continents will continue to move, try to predict the Philippines' location 25
million years from now.

Activity 2: Where It All Begins?

Let's find out: What is seafloor spreading?
II. Learning Skills from the MELCs Let's use these materials: Ages of Oceanic Lithosphere map and diagram of the Mid-
Atlantic Ridge and Oceanic Crust
Content Standard Most Essential Learning Competencies K to 12 CG Let's do it this way:
Code 1. Get a clean sheet of paper to write down your answers and observation.
2. Examine the thick line in the map below that crosses from Northern to Southern
The learners 1. investigate the pieces of evidence of the S9ES –Ia-j-36.6 hemispheres. The line represents the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the longest and the most
demonstrate Continental Drift Theory; extensive chain of underwater mountains on Earth.
understanding of the 2. demonstrate the evolution of the oceanic crust
relationship among the through Sea Floor
locations of volcanoes, Spreading; and Ages of Oceanic Lithosphere in million years
earthquake epicenters, 3. realize the importance of the seafloor spreading The colors in the map indicate the ages of the oceanic rocks per million years.
and mountain ranges process relative to the Continental Drift Theory. 3. Answer the following questions:
Q1. What type of plate movement or boundary is happening in the Mid Atlantic Ridge?
Choose your answer from these types of plate boundaries: convergent divergent transform
Activity 1: A Journey From The Past To the Future! fault
Let's find out: What is the evidence of the Continental Drift Theory? Q2. Before Q1, what molten material will come out from the ridge?
Let's use these materials: photocopy of the seven continents, blank globe map, pair of Q3. What can you say about the ages of the oceanic rocks near the Mid-Atlantic
scissors, and world map. Ridge?
Let's do it this way: Q4. What can you say about the ages of the oceanic rocks far from the Mid-Atlantic
1. Use a separate clean paper to write your answers and observation in this activity. Ridge?
2. Look carefully at the continents on a globe or a world map. 4. The figure below shows the cross-section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Oceanic
3. Cut out carefully the picture of the landmasses. These cutout-landmasses represent the Crust.
continents and some of the large islands of the Earth a hundred million years ago. 5. Answer the following questions:
(Note: Before forming "Pangaea," try to place each landmass cut out on top of the present- Q5. What can you say about the thickness of the sediments near the ridge?
day World Map to familiarize yourself about the name of each continent and imagine how it Choose your answer: thicker or thinner
drifted to its present location.) Q6. Before Q5, what can you say about the density of rocks near the ridge?
4. In the drawn circle in a separate sheet, construct the supercontinent using the legends Choose your answer: denser or less dense
as your basis. Q7. What can you say about the thickness of the sediments far from the ridge?
(Note: Consider the possible location and position of each continent based on the legends Choose your answer: thicker or thinner
before pasting it in the blank globe map.) Q8. Prior to Q8, what can you say about the density of rocks far from the ridge?
5. Answer the following questions: Choose your answer: denser or less dense
Q1. Do the Glossopteris fossils tell us all landmasses were once joined together? 6. The diagram below shows the movement of oceanic crust in the Mid Atlantic Ridge
Q2. If Glossopteris fossils were found in Antarctica, what was the climate of this continent and the different geologic processes involved.
before? 7. Answer the following question:
Q3. If the climate and the position of a place were relative to each other, where then was
Q9. If new ocean floor is being formed near the ridge, what will happen to the old 3. Answer the following questions:
oceanic crust materials? Note: recall lesson on types of plate boundaries. Q1. What can you say about the climate of this "Super Continent"?
_______________________________________________________ Q2. Do movements of continents play an important factor in the so called "Climate Change"?
Q10. What is the importance of Seafloor Spreading in understanding the origin of the Q3. Will this new supercontinent be inhabitable for mankind?
plate movement? ______________________________________ Q4. Just for fun, if you can name this Super Continent, what will it be? Why?
Q11. Based on your understanding about seafloor spreading theory, is earth getting
larger and wider when plates drift away from each other? Assessment
_______________________________________________________ Directions: Choose the best letter answer in each item. Write your answer in a separate
Activity 3: The Enigmatic Magnetic Reversal _____ 1. The idea proposed by Alfred Wegener to explain the continental shapes and positions
Let's find out: What is magnetic reversal? is known as _____.
Let's use these materials: Diagram of the Earth's Magnetic Polarity A. Pangaea B. Continental drift C. Plate tectonics D.
Let's do it this way: Seafloor spreading
1. Use a clean sheet of paper to write your answer and observation in this activity. _____ 2. Examine the figure on the right, which two are the best examples of different
2. Analyze the diagram that shows the Earth's magnetic polarity. The numbers continental positions in the past?
indicate the ages of the oceanic rocks in a million years, while the legend represents the A. North America – South America C. South America – Asia
normal-reverse polarity. B. North America – Africa D. South America – Africa
3. Answer the following questions: _____ 3. In the Mid-1900s, scientists mapped mid-ocean ridges using what?
Q1. If magnetic reversals are recorded in the seafloor, what kind of rock is the A. Satellites B. Moons C. Stars D. Sonars
seafloor made? _____ 4. Early observers thought continents might have been joined based on what
Note: Materials rise and flow from the mid-oceanic ridge. The material that makes up the observation?
seafloor contains magnetic materials such as iron. These solidified irons in the seafloor can A. rocks and fossils B. earthquakes C. magnetism D. coastline
act like a little compass needle and follow the Earth's magnetic field. _____ 5. Wegener suggested that coal beds discovered in Antarctica indicated that this
____________________________________________________________________ continent was
Q2. What does the magnetic stripes pattern represent? A. once underwater B. once near the equator C. always frozen. D. part
_______________________________________________________________ Note: Remember that solidified of Africa
irons in the oceanic rocks can give information about the direction of the Earth's magnetic _____ 6. In the figure above, what is the age of the seafloor off of the Bahamas?
field. A. younger than 9.6 million years C. 33.0 – 83.0 million years
Q3. Is the magnetic stripe pattern on each side of the Oceanic Ridge equal? B. 9.6 – 33.0 million years D. 83.0 – 141.9 million year
Q4. Are the ages of rocks on each side of the ridge the same? _____ 7. In the figure above, what is the approximate age of the seafloor off the north coast of
Activity: Pangaea Ultima (The Last Supercontinent) A. younger than 9.6 million years C. 33.0 – 83.0 million years
Let's find out: How does climate change related to the movement of continents? Let's use B. 9.6 – 33.0 million years D. 83.0 – 141.9 million years
these materials: coloring materials (pencil and crayons), short bond paper and a world map _____ 8. Peer scientists reviewing Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift rejected his notion
showing the present location of the continents and their movement because _______.
Let's do it this way: A. his evidence was too few to make a valid conclusion.
1. Examine the map on the next page. It shows the present location of each continent. B. he did not explain how continents move and what moves them.
The arrows indicate the direction of each plate boundary/ continent. C. his evidence was not clear in showing how continents were joined.
If you can speed up the time 100 million years from now, predict what will be the location of D. he lied by including false evidence.
the continents? Will they merge into one supercontinent? _____ 9. _______ help explain why Earth is not getting any larger even though the tectonic
plates are always moving.
2. Draw your prediction in a separate bond paper. A. Earthquakes B. Fossils C. Subduction zones D.
Note: You might want to check this video simulation "How Earth will look in 250 Million Years?" Volcanoes
Youtube link: https://tinyurl.com/howearthwilllook250millionyear _____ 10. If there are MORE mid-ocean ridges than subduction zones, what happens to the
Remember also that your output in this activity will be rated by your teacher according to the ocean?
following criteria: A. It gets larger. B. It sinks. C. It gets smaller. D. Nothing will
Accuracy of Details and Information 5 pts change.
(similar to the shapes of each continent) _____ 11. What do ancient glacier scars found in rock surfaces in Africa tells about its climate
Techniques (appropriate colors, lines, shapes) 5 pts in the past?
Neatness of Work 5 pts A. The continents have not moved.
Total 15pts B. Africa has always been near the equator.
C. Africa was once in an area of the Earth that had a very cold climate.
D. Africa was once covered with ice sheets but did not move ever since.
_____ 12. Which of the following increases with distance from the mid-oceanic ridge?
A. The age of oceanic lithosphere. C. The thickness of the lithosphere.
B. The density of oceanic lithosphere. D. All (A, B, & C)
_____ 13. The Seafloor Spreading Theory states that _______.
A. all continents are drifting.
B. ages of rocks near a ridge are older than the ones far from it.
C. fossils of plants and animals are found in almost all continents.
D. hot and less dense material from below the Earth's crust rises towards the surface
at the mid-oceanic ridge.
_____ 14. What can you say about the rate of movement of materials coming out from the mid-
oceanic ridge and the materials sinking in the subduction zone?
A. The rising of the materials from the ridge is slower than in the subduction zone.
B. The movement of the materials in both ridge and subduction zone is the same.
C. The rising of the materials from the ridge is faster than in the subduction zone.
D. There is no much movement of materials happening in both the ridge and
subduction zone.
_____ 15. What strong evidence discovered by our scientist that Earth's magnetic reversal had
been happening in the past?
A. The magnetic reversal occurrence is supported by magnetic patterns in magnetic rocks found
on the ocean floor.
B. The ages of the rocks on the ocean floor are constantly changing.
C. The magnetic field of the Earth becomes weaker.
D. The Earth's magnetic field is fluctuating.

I learned that


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