CPE207 Object Oriented Programming (Week 2)

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Week 2

Declaring a class and creating


Dr. Nehad Ramaha,

Computer Engineering Department
Karabük Universities 1
The class notes are a compilation and edition from many sources. The instructor does not claim intellectual property or ownership of the lecture notes.
 In Java, every application begins with a class name, and that class must
match the filename.
 Let's create our first Java file, called Main.java, which can be done in any
text editor (like Notepad).

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");

Save the code in Notepad as "Main.java".

 The main() method is required and you will see it in
every Java program:

 Open Command Prompt
(cmd.exe), navigate to the
directory where you saved your
file, and type:
◦ javac Main.java
 This will compile your code. If
there are no errors in the code,
the command prompt will take
you to the next line. Now, to
run the file type:
◦ java Main

The JVM takes the byte code and generates

machine code.

 Java Standard Edition (SE) contains the capabilities needed
to develop desktop and server applications.
 The Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is geared toward
developing large-scale, distributed networking
applications and web-based applications.
 Java Micro Edition (Java ME) a subset of Java SE. geared
toward developing applications for resource-constrained
embedded devices, such as:
◦ Smart watches
◦ MP3 players
◦ television set-top boxes
◦ smart meters (for monitoring electric energy usage)
◦ and more.

 Objects (comes from classes) are reusable.
◦ Date, time, audio, video, automobile, people objects,
◦ Almost any noun can be represented as an object in
terms of
 attributes (e.g., name, color and size) and
 behaviors (e.g., calculating, moving and communicating).

 Object-oriented design approach is much more

productive than with earlier popular techniques like
“structured programming”
 Object-oriented programs are often easier to
understand, correct and modify.

 Class − A class is a blueprint or
template or set of instructions to
build a specific type of object

 Object- An object is a component

that contains attributes and
behaviors needed to make a
certain type of data useful.

 Instance- An instance is a specific

object built from a specific class

 Objects have
 attributes (e.g., name, color and size) and (variables)
 behaviors (e.g., calculating, moving and communicating). (methods)
 A car has attributes
◦ Color, its number of doors, the amount of gas in its
tank, its current speed and its record of total miles
driven (i.e., its odometer reading).
◦ The car’s attributes are represented as part of its design
in its engineering diagrams.
 Every car maintains its own attributes.
 methods are used to perform some tasks of the

 Just as someone has to build a car from its
engineering drawings before you can actually
drive a car, you must build an object of a
class before a program can perform the tasks
that the class’s methods define.
 An object is then referred to as an instance of
its class.

A class is a blueprint from which individual objects are created.

public class Dog {

String breed;

int age;
String color; attributes public class JavaApplication1 {

public static void main(String[] args)

void bark() {}

Dog dog = new Dog();

void hunger() {}
void sleep() {} behaviors dog.bark();
} }

Object: An instance of Dog class Method call

Another Example: Car class Behaviours

Color Drive

Year Stop


This Car class can be reused many times to build many cars, you can reuse a class
many times to build many objects.
Reuse of existing classes when building new classes and programs saves time and

Need for OOP

 Main focus is on "how  Main focus is on 'data
to get the task done" security'. Hence, only
i.e. on the procedure
or structure of a objects are permitted to
program access the entities of a
 Large program is class.
divided into  Entire program is divided
functions(methods) into objects.
 C, VB, FORTRAN,  C++, JAVA, C#,
Pascal Objective-C, phyton

int myNum = 5; // Integer (whole number)
double myNum = 19.99d; // double
float myFloatNum = 5.99f; // Floating point number

Primitive Data Types

char myLetter = 'D'; // Character
 boolean myBool = true; // Boolean
String myText = "Hello"; // String

 Integer formatted output R
%% Inserts a % sign
System.out.printf("Sum is %x %X Integer hexadecimal
%d%n", sum); %t %T Dime and Date
%s %S String
◦ Format specifier %d is a %n Inserts a newline character

placeholder for an int value %o Octal integer

%f Decimal floating-point
◦ The letter d stands for “decimal %e %E Scientific notation
Causes Formatter to use either %f
integer.” %g
or %e, whichever is shorter
%h %H Hash code of the argument
%d Decimal integer
%c Character
%b %B Boolean
%a %A Floating-point hexadecimal

 Conditional statements
◦ If-else
◦ Switch-case

 Loops
◦ For
◦ While
◦ Do-while
◦ For-Each Loop(with arrays)
 Arrays
◦ Int[], float[], char[]…

 Task: computing average score for students.
◦ We put students name, midterm and final exam

◦ Create a method to compute average score of a student.

 float CalculateScore();

◦ Create another method to show student all info

 void ShowStudentInfoAndScore();

Let's move to IDE

 There is no need for OOP concepts at all. Almost all the software in
the world can be achieved using procedural (POP).

 But OOP allows the programmer to think in terms of objects and

classes that makes it
◦ much easier to understand the code
◦ easy to code and modify it
◦ Reuse and existing code
◦ Much easier to hide data.

 It makes software a set of interacting Objects.

 Task: Same task
◦ We first create a Student class
 put students name, midterm and final exam
◦ Create a student object from the class
 float CalculateScore();
 using student object
◦ Create a method to show all info
 void ShowStudentInfoAndScore()

Let's move to IDE

◦ Every Java program consists of at least
one class that you define.
public class Dog { ◦ class keyword introduces a class
declaration and is immediately
String breed; followed by the class name.
int age; ◦ A public class must be placed in a
String color; file that has a filename of the form
void bark() {…} ClassName.java,
so class Dog is stored in the file
void hunger() {…} Dog.java.
void sleep() {…} ◦ A left brace, {, begins the body of every
class declaration.
◦ A corresponding right brace, }, must
end each class declaration.

 An object must be declared with a name and a type
before they can be used.
 Declaration statement
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 You need to import this:

import java.util.Scanner;
 Scanner Class
◦ Enables a program to read data for use in a program.
◦ Data can come from many sources, such as the user at the keyboard
or a file on disk.

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Please enter first number: ");

int numberOne = input.nextInt();

System.out.println("Please enter second number: ");

int numberTwo = input.nextInt();

int result = numberOne + numberTwo;

System.out.printf(“ the result is %d %n“, result);

Methods can either return something or return void. If a method
returns something, then its name should explain what it returns,
for example:

•void get() BAD!

•boolean isValid(String name); GOOD!
•String content(); GOOD!
•int ageOf(File file); GOOD!

If it returns void, then its name should explain what it does. For

Method Names
• void saveToLocation(File file);
• void process(Work work);
• void append(File file, String line);

•Variable Names
•Eg: name, age. mobileNumber

 Create an Employee class includes
◦ Attributes
 name (string)
 socialSecurityNumber (int)
 Wage (float)
 workingHours (int)
◦ Behaviours
 displayInfo()
 Print name with socialSecurityNumber;
 displaySalary()
 Print salary (= wage * workingHours)
 Create an employee object and initialize attributes.
 Call displayInfo() and displaySalary() methods for employee
 Create another employee, and this time get attributes from the

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