Disclaimer: This Pre-week/LMT reviewer includes only a. Afford full protection to labor, local and overseas,
the most important topics to master, relevant Bar Chair's organized and unorganized
cases, and topics that have been previously and/or
frequently asked in past Bar exams. Please note that not b. Promote full employment and equality of employment
all topics under the 2024 syllabus are incorporated. opportunities for all.
⚖️⚖️ The State shall: (WISER Full Enter) Note: Two-fold requirements for the lawful dismissal of an
employee by his employer (Twin Notice), is a statutory, not
a. Protect rights of workers and promote their welfare a Constitutional, requirement
[Sec. 18]
b. Provide incentives to needed investments [Sec. 20]
c. Promote social justice [Sec. 10]
d. Affirm labor as a primary social economic force [Sec.
18] b. Right to Assemble (Sec. 4)
e. Recognize the indispensable role of the private sector
[Sec. 20]
f. Promote full employment, a rising standard of living,
and an improved quality of life for all [Sec. 9]
g. Encourage private enterprise [Sec. 20.]
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Relations between labor and capital (Also known as B. ⚖️⚖️ Construction in favor of Labor (Art. 4)
the “Principle of Non-Oppression”)
REGULATION OF RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT 7. Sole proprietors of duly licensed agencies are
ACTIVITIES prohibited from securing another license to engage in
recruitment and placement
LABOR CODE, ART. 18 8. Sole proprietors, partnerships or corporations licensed
to engage in private recruitment and placement for local
employment are prohibited from engaging in job
contracting or subcontracting activities.
GR: No employer may hire a Filipino worker for overseas R.A. No. 8042, as amended by R.A. No. 10022, sec. 6
employment except through the Boards and entities (j);
authorized by the Secretary of Labor.
Special disqualification
XPNs: An officer or agent of a recruitment or placement agency
to become an officer or member of the Board of any
1. Members of the diplomatic corps corporation engaged in travel agency is disqualified to
2. International organizations engaged directly or indirectly in the management of travel
3. Heads of state and government officials with the rank agency;xxx
of at least deputy minister
4. Other employers as may be allowed by the Secretary Land-based Overseas Employment:
of Labor and Employment, such as:
a. Those provided in (1), (2), and (3) who bear a lesser
rank, if endorsed by the Philippine Overseas Labor
Office (POLO) or Head of Mission in the absence of the
b. Professionals and skilled workers with duly a. Travel agencies and sales agencies of airline
executed/authenticated contracts containing terms companies;
and conditions over and above the standards set by b. Officers or members of the Board of any corporation or
the POEA. The number of professional and skilled partners in a partnership engaged
in the business of a travel agency;
B. ENTITIES AND PERSONS PROHIBITED FROM c. Corporations and partnerships, where any of its
RECRUITING officers, members of the board or partners is Also an
officer, member of the board or partner of a corporation or
For local employment: partnership engaged in the business of a travel agency;
d. Individuals, partners, officers or directors of an
1. Travel agencies and sales agencies of airline insurance company who make, propose or provide an
companies, whether for profit or not. [Art. 26] insurance contract under the compulsory insurance
coverage for agency-hired
2. Those who are convicted of illegal recruitment, Overseas Filipino Workers;
trafficking in persons, anti-child labor violation, or crimes e. Sole proprietors, partners or officers and members of
involving moral turpitude; the board with derogatory records,
such as, but not limited to the following:
3. Those against whom probable cause or prima facie
finding of guilt for illegal recruitment or other related cases 1. Those convicted, or against whom probable
exist particularly to owners or directors of agencies who cause or prima facie finding of guilt is determined
have committed illegal recruitment or other related cases. by a competent authority, for illegal recruitment, or
for other related crimes or offenses committed in
4. Those agencies whose licenses have been previously the course of, related to, or resulting from, illegal
revoked or cancelled by the Department under Sec. 54 of recruitment, or for crimes involving moral
these rules. turpitude;
5. Cooperatives whether registered or not under the 2. Those agencies whose licenses have been
Cooperative Act of the Philippines.
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revoked for violation of RA 8042 (Migrant Workers Who can suspend or cancel the license?
and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995), as amended,
PD 442 (Labor Code of the Philippines), as
amended, and RA 9208 (Trafficking in Persons
Act of 2003), as amended, and their implementing
rules and regulations;
1. DOLE Secretary
3. Those agencies whose licenses have been 2. POEA Administrator (Now DMW Secretary)
cancelled, or those who, pursuant to the Order of
the Administrator, were included in the list of
persons with derogatory record for violation of E. PROHIBITED PRACTICES
recruitment laws and regulations; and
It shall likewise include the following prohibited acts
f. Any official or employee of the DOLE, POEA, OWWA, committed by any person whether or not a licensee or a
DFA, DOJ, DOH, BI, IC, NLRC, TESDA, CFO, NBI, PNP, holder of authority:
Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), a. To charge or accept directly or indirectly any amount
international airport authorities, and other government greater than that specified in the schedule of allowable
agencies directly involved in the implementation of RA fees prescribed by the Secretary or to make a worker pay
8042, as amended, and/or any of his/her relatives within the recruiter or its agents or acknowledge any amount
the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. greater than that actually loaned or advanced to him;
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designated medical clinics, institutions, entities or
i. To fail to submit reports on the status of employment, persons, except in the case of a worker whose medical
placement vacancies, remittance of foreign exchange examination cost is shouldered by the principal;
earnings, separation from jobs, departures and such other
matters or information as may be required by the t. To impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement
Secretary under penalty of law; whereby an Overseas Filipino Worker is required to
undergo training, seminar, instruction or schooling of any
j. To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the worker, kind only from specifically designated institutions, entities
employment contract approved and verified by the DOLE or persons, except for recommendatory trainings
from the time of actual signing thereof by the parties up to mandated by principals where the latter shoulder the cost
and including the period of the expiration of the same of such trainings;
without the approval of the DOLE;
u. For a suspended recruitment agency to engage in any
k. For an officer or agent of a recruitment or placement kind of recruitment activity including the processing of
agency to become an officer or member of the Board of pending workers’ applications; and
any corporation engaged in travel agency or insurance
agency or to be engaged directly or indirectly in the v. For a recruitment agency or a foreign
management of a travel agency or insurance agency; principal/employer to pass on to the Overseas Filipino
Worker or deduct from his/her salary the payment of the
l. To withhold or deny travel documents from applicant cost of insurance fees, premium
workers before departure for monetary or other insurance related charges, as provided under the
or financial considerations, or for any other reasons, other compulsory worker’s insurance Coverage.
than those authorized under the Labor Code and its
implementing rules and regulations; F. ⚖️⚖️ ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT
m. To fail to actually deploy a contracted worker without Illegal Recruitment of Migrant Workers
valid reason as determined by the DOLE;
Profit Immaterial
n. To fail to reimburse expenses incurred by the worker in
connection with his/her documentation and processing for Recruitment may be for profit or not. It is the lack of the
purposes of deployment, in cases where the deployment necessary license or authority, and not the fact of payment
does not actually take place without the worker's fault; that renders recruitment illegal.
4. By a 1. Undertakes either:
syndicate a. recruitment and placement
b. Any of the prohibited practices
Economic Dependence
C. Two-Tiered Test
It involves:
Under the "control test," the employer is the person who 1. the putative employer's power to control the employee
has the power to control both the end achieved by his or with respect to the means and methods by which the
her employees, and the manner and means they use to work is to be accomplished; and
achieve that end.
2. the underlying economic realities of the activity or
The Control Test refers merely to the existence of the
power and not to the actual exercise thereof. It is not This two-tiered test takes into consideration the totality of
essential for the employer to actually supervise the circumstances surrounding the true nature of the
performance of duties of the employee; it is enough that relationship between the parties.
the former has a right to wield the power. As such, proof
of the existence of such power is enough. This is appropriate in cases where there is no written
agreement or terms of reference to base the
B. Whole Economic Activity Test relationship on and due to the complexity of the
relationship based on the various positions and
The determination of the relationship between employer responsibilities given to the worker over the period of the
and employee depends upon the circumstances of the latter’s employment.
whole economic activity, such as:
In 2017, the petitioners (Lazada riders) discovered that
1. the extent to which the services performed are an
they had been removed from their usual routes and would
integral part of the employer's business;
no longer be assigned any schedules. This prompted
2. the extent of the worker's investment in equipment and
them to file a complaint against Lazada before the NLRC
for illegal dismissal.
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Wyeth's business, which is developing and
The High Court applied a two-tiered test to determine manufacturing of milk products.
whether an employer-employee relationship existed
between Lazada and the petitioners: the four-fold test and 2 Categories of Regular Employees
the economic-dependence test.
First Category Second Category
When the control test is insufficient, the economic realities
Those who are engaged Those who have rendered
of the employment are considered to get a comprehensive
to perform activities which at least one year of service,
assessment of the classification of the worker and
are usually necessary or whether continuous or
determine if the employee is dependent on the employer
desirable in the usual broken, with respect to the
for his continued employment in that line of business.
business or trade of the activity in which they are
employer. employed.
In the case of the petitioners, the Court found that all
four factors in the four-fold test were present.
Test of Regularity
First, petitioners were directly employed by Lazada as
Nature of work Nature of Service
evidenced by the Contracts they signed.
When the employee has When the employee is
Second, as indicated in the Contract, they received their
been engaged to perform allowed to work beyond the
salaries from Lazada which paid each of them the amount
activities which are usually agreed period of
of P1,200.00 for each day of service.
necessary or desirable in probationary, project,
Third, Lazada had the power to dismiss the petitioners. In
the usual business or seasonal, casual, or fixed-
their contract, Lazada could immediately terminate the
trade of the employer.. term employment,
agreement if there was a breach of material provisions of
irrespective of whether it is
the Contract. just one day or more after
the lapse of such period.
Finally, Lazada had control over the means and methods
of the performance of the work of the petitioners, as
reflected in the way they carried out their work. Lazada b. Casual
required the accomplishment of a route sheet which kept
track of the arrival, departure, and unloading time of the
1. Just cause; and 5. When the same is required by the nature of the work,
2. Failure to qualify as a regular employee in accordance e.g. the probationary period set for professors, instructors
with reasonable standards prescribed by the employer. and teachers is 3 consecutive years of satisfactory service
pursuant to DOLE Manual of Regulations for Private
Probationary employee may be dismissed before the end Schools.
of the probationary period. Termination, to be valid, must
be done before the lapse of the probationary period. Due d. Project
process should also be complied with.
One who is hired for carrying out a separate job, distinct
6 months Probationary Period from the other undertakings of the company, the scope
and duration of which has been determined and made
known to the employees at the time of employment.
XPN: Valid extension of the 6-month period after proper First Type Second Type
evaluation or a second chance to pass the standards of
the company. A particular job or A particular job or
undertaking that is within undertaking not within the
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temporarily laid off during off-season are not separated
the regular or usual regular business of the
from service in said period, but are merely considered on
business of the employer corporation, such a job or
leave until work resumes.
company, but which is undertaking must also be
distinct and separate, and identifiably separate and
They are considered regular and permanent employees.
identifiable as such, from distinct from the ordinary
The nature of their relationship is such that during off-
the other undertaking of the or regular business
season they are temporarily laid off but during summer
company; operations of the
season they are re-employed, or when their services may
be needed.
GR: To be considered seasonal employees, it is not
The services of project employees are coterminous with enough that work or services performed are seasonal in
the project and may be terminated upon the end or nature. The employees must have been employed only for
completion of that project for which they were hired. the duration of one season.
Other Indicators of Project Employment XPN: Although respondent constantly availed herself of
the petitioners’ services from year to year, it was clear
A. The duration of the specific/identified undertaking for from the facts therein that they were not in her regular
which the worker is engaged is reasonably determinable; employees. Petitioners therein performed different
phases of agricultural work in a given year. However,
B. Such duration, as well as the specific work/service to during that period, they were free to work for other farm
be performed, is defined in an employment agreement owners, and in fact they did.
and is made clear to the employee at the time of hiring;
In other words, they worked for respondent, but were
C. The work/service performed by the employee is in nevertheless free to contract their services with other farm
connection with the particular project/undertaking for owners. The Court was thus emphatic when it ruled that
which he is engaged; petitioners were mere project employees, who could be
hired by other farm owners.
D. The employee, while not employed and awaiting
engagement, is free to offer his service to any other f. Fixed-Term
⚖️⚖️ a. Floating Status LABOR-ONLY CONTRACTING
Floating Status should not be more than 6 months c. Free from control/direction of the principal
A security guard may be placed on "floating status" or In performing the work, contractor or subcontractor is free
"temporary off-detail" based on a valid exercise of from the control/direction of the principal in all matters
management prerogative for a period of no more than six regarding performance of the work except the result;
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⚖️⚖️ There are three parties involved
d.Compliance with labor laws
Principal Contractor Contractor’s
Service Agreement ensures that employees of the Employee
contractor/subcontractor are given all the benefits and
rights they are entitled to under labor laws Any natural or Any person or entity Employee of
juridical entity, engaged in a the contractor
whether an legitimate hired to
employer or not, contracting or perform or
2. Labor Only Contracting (LOC)
who puts out or subcontracting complete a
farms out a job arrangement job or work
or work to a providing services farmed out by
contractor. for a specific job the principal.
or undertaking
farmed out by a
a. The contractor or subcontractor does not have principal under a
substantial capital, OR the contractor or subcontractor Service Agreement.
does not have investments in the form of tools,
equipment, machineries, work premises, supervision
(TEMPS), among others, AND Solidary liability of principal and contractor (Master
b. The contractor's or subcontractor's employees
recruited and placed are performing activities which are
directly related to the main business operation of the
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contracting intermediary is direction of the principal
considered "merely as in all matters connected
an agent of the with the performance of
employer", and the ER the work except as to the
himself is made by the results thereof
statute responsible to
the employees of the The employees recruited, The contractor or
"labor-only" contractor supplied or placed by such subcontractor carries on a
as if such employees contractor or subcontractor distinct and
had been directly are performing activities independent business.
employed by the which are directly related
employer. to the main business of
the principal.
Employer-employee relationship – deemed
established In labor-only contracting, the statute creates an employer-
employee relationship for a comprehensive purpose: to
The law itself establishes an employer-employee prevent a circumvention of labor laws. The contractor is
relationship between the employer and the job considered merely an agent of the principal employer and
contractor's employees to prevent any violation or the latter is responsible to the employees of the labor-only
circumvention of the Labor Code contractor as if such employees had been directly
employed by the principal employer. The principal
Labor Only Contracting (LOC) v. Legitimate employer therefore becomes solidarity liable with the
Subcontracting (LS) labor-only contractor for all the rightful claims of the
employees. With the finding that CBMI is a labor-only
LABOR-ONLY LEGITIMATE contractor, it is considered as a mere agent of PPI, which
in turn is deemed to be Conjusta l s employer (★G.r. No.
252720, August 22, 2022, as penned by Justice MVL).
It refers to a situation It refers to a situation
whereby the contractor or whereby a principal
Previous declarations that a company is an independent
subcontractor merely agrees to put out or farm
recruits, supplies or places out with a contractor or job contractor cannot validly be the basis in concluding its
workers to perform a job, subcontractor the status as such in another case involving a different
work or service for a performance or employee. The totality of the facts and surrounding
principal. completion of a specific circumstances, distinct in every case, must be assessed
job, work or service within in determining whether an entity is a legitimate job
a definite or contractor or a labor-only contractor (★G.r. No. 252720,
predetermined period, August 22, 2022, as penned by Justice MVL).’
regardless of whether
such job, work or service is Not all forms of contracting are prohibited. Contracting or
to be performed or subcontracting shall be legitimate if the contractor has
completed within or substantial capital and/or investment, among other things.
outside the premises of Furthermore, regular employees may only be terminated
the principal. for just or authorized cause. In distinguishing between
permissible job contracting and prohibited labor-only
It is considered as a It is considered as a contracting, the totality of the facts and the surrounding
prohibited arrangement. permissible circumstances of the case are to be considered (★G.r.
arrangement. No. 238289, January 20, 2021, as penned by Justice
The contractor does NOT The contractor undertakes
exercise the right to control to perform the job, work or
over the performance of the service on its own
work of the contractual account and under its
employee. own responsibility
according to its own
manner and method, and
free from the control and IV. LABOR STANDARDS
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are employed or of a department or subdivision
A. Conditions of Employment thereof and to other officers or members of the
managerial staff. (Art. 82)
a. Coverage
2. One who is vested with the powers or
GR: Working Conditions and Rest Periods shall apply to prerogatives to lay down and execute
employees in all establishments and undertakings management policies and/or to hire, transfer,
whether for profit or not [Art. 82]. suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, assign or
discipline employees (Art. 219m).
Note: Article 82 applies to the whole of Title I. This
includes Service Incentive Leaves, which will be Characteristics of managerial employees
discussed in a separate section. (Sec. 2(b), Rule I, Book III, IRR)
⚖️⚖️ XPNs( those NOT covered by Title I): Managerial employees are exempted from the
coverage of Book III Articles 83 through 96 if they meet all
of the following conditions:
1. Government employees (Art. 82; Art. 76) (XPN to XPN: 3. They have the authority to hire or fire employees of
Employees of GOCCs created under the Corporation lower rank; or their suggestions and
Code) recommendations as to hiring and firing and as to the
promotion or any other change of status of other
2. Managerial Employees (Art. 82) employees, are given particular weight.
3. Members of the managerial staff (Art. 82)
4. Field Personnel (Art. 82) Note: Managerial employees and managerial staff are
determined by their job description and not their job title
5. Domestic workers or kasambahay (Art. 141, RA 10361)
(XPN to XPN: Assignment in a Commercial, Industrial or 3. Members of the Managerial Staff (Supervisory
Agricultural Enterprise) Employees)
6. Members of the family of the employer who are Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of
Dependent on him for Support (Art. 82); the employer, effectively recommend such managerial
actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely
7. Persons in the personal Service of another routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
independent judgment [Art. 219(m)].
8. Workers who are paid by Result as determined by
DOLE regulation (Art. 82). Managerial Staff is included as they are considered
managerial employees as well . Officers or members of a
1. Government Employees and GOCC employees managerial staff are also exempted if they perform the
Governed by Civil Service Rules. following duties and responsibilities:
XPN to the XPN: If the GOCC is created by the General 1. Their primary duty consists of the performance of work
Corporation Law, then the Labor Code applies. directly related to management policies of their employer;
2. Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and
2. Managerial Employees independent judgment;
3. Any of the following:
Two definitions of “managerial employee” in the Labor i. Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a
Code: managerial employee whose primary duty consists of
the management of the establishment in which he is
1. One whose primary duty consists of the employed or subdivision thereof; OR
management of the establishment in which they ii. Execute under general supervision work along
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specialized or technical lines requiring special training, The definition of “Kasambahay” excludes:
experience, or knowledge; OR
iii. Execute, under general supervision, special 1. Any person who performs domestic work only
assignments and tasks; occasionally or sporadically and not on an occupational
4. Do not devote more than 20% of their hours worked in basis.
a work week to activities which are not directly and closely 2. Children who are under foster family arrangement, and
related to the performance of are provided access to education and given an allowance
the work described in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above. incidental to education
3. Service providers,
4. Field Personnel 4. Family drivers.
1. Who regularly perform their duties away from the Note that the definition contemplates a domestic helper
principal or place ofbusiness or branch office of the who is employed in the employer’s home to minister
employer; and exclusively to the personal comfort and enjoyment of the
employer’s family.
2. Whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be
determined with reasonable certainty. [Art. 82] ⚖️⚖️ The following personnel are NOT domestic
Legal Test: Control & Supervision of employer
-Sample: fishermen who, though they perform 1. House-help or laundry-women working in staffhouses
nonagricultural work away from petitioner’s business of a company, as well as drivers, houseboys, or gardeners
offices, are under the effective control and supervision of exclusively working in the company, the staffhouses and
petitioner through the vessel’s patron or master its premises.
throughout the duration of their engagement. Hence, the
fishermen are not “field personnel” 2. House-help doing chores for the employer's family,
while also fulfilling tasks connected with the employer's
5. Dependent Family Members business (bakery) such as cooking, filling orders, baking
orders, and other clerical work.
Workers who are family members of the employer, and
who are dependent on him for their support, are outside 7. Persons in the Personal Service of Another
the coverage of this Title on working conditions and rest
periods (Art. 82). Persons in the personal service of another IF and ONLY
IF they:
6. ⚖️⚖️ Domestic Helpers (Workers) a. Perform such services in the employer’s home
which are usually necessary or desirable for the
Domestic worker or “Kasambahay” refers to any person maintenance and enjoyment thereof; or
engaged in domestic work within an employment b. Minister to the personal comfort convenience or
relationship such as but not limited to the following: safety of the employer as well as the members of his
general househelp, nursemaid or “yaya”, cook, gardener employer’s household
or laundry person
8. ⚖️⚖️ Workers Paid by Result (pieceworkers)
"Domestic work" refers to work performed in or for a
household Workers who are paid by results are those whose output
rates are in accordance with the standards prescribed
"Household" refers to the immediate members of the under Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book Three of these regulations,
family or the occupants of the house who are directly and or where such rates have been fixed by the Secretary of
regularly provided services by the kasambahay. Labor and Employment in accordance with the aforesaid
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b. ⚖️⚖️ Hours of work
These include those who are paid on piece work, “takay,”
“pakiao” or task basis, and other non-time work Principles in determining hours worked
Workers under piece-rate employment have no fixed Hours worked shall include:
salaries and their compensation is computed on the basis
of accomplished tasks. 1. All time during which an employee is required to be on
duty or to be at a prescribed workplace; AND
When their work output might have been affected by the General principles in determining if time is
change in their specific work assignments, this does not considered as hours worked.
necessarily imply that any resulting reduction in pay is
tantamount to constructive dismissal. It is the prerogative
All hours are hours worked which the employee is
of the management to change their assignments or to
required to give their employer, regardless of whether or
transfer them
not such hours are spent in productive labor or involve
physical or mental exertion.
⚖️⚖️ Table of Benefits Payable
Benefit Unsupervised Supervised An employee need not leave the premises of the
workplace in order that their rest period shall not be
Applicable statutory YES YES counted, it being enough that they stop working, may rest
minimum wage completely and may leave their workplace to go
elsewhere, whether within or outside the premises of their
Night differential NO YES workplace
Service incentive leave NO YES If the work performed was necessary, or it benefited the
employer, or the employee could not abandon his work at
Holiday pay YES YES the end of his normal working hours because he had no
replacement, all time spent for such work shall be
13th month pay Yes, provided the worker has considered as hours worked, if the work was with the
rendered at least 1 month of knowledge of his employer or immediate supervisor
service during the calendar
year The time during which an employee is inactive by reason
of interruptions in his work beyond his control shall be
Other statutory NO YES considered working time either:
a. If the imminence of the resumption of work requires
the employee’s presence at the place of work, or
Not determinative of EER
b. If the interval is too brief to be utilized effectively and
gainfully in the employee’s own interest
Payment by result is not determinative of employer-
employee relationship. It is a method of compensation
Additional Notes
and does not define the essence of the relation. It is a
method of computing compensation, not a basis for
Rest periods of short duration during working hours shall
determining the existence or absence of employer-
be counted as hours worked [Art. 84]. HOWEVER, where
employee relationship
the exigencies of the service require that they work for six
(6) days or forty-eight (48) hours, they shall be entitled to
an additional compensation of at least thirty percent (30%)
of their regular wage for work on the sixth day.
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2. Meal periods
Attendance in lectures, meetings, and training periods
must necessarily beneficial to the employer.
“Health personnel" shall include: The eight-hour work period does not include the meal
break. Employees are not prohibited from going out of
1. Resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, the premises as long as they return to their posts on
pharmacists, social workers, laboratory technicians, time. Nowhere in the law may it be inferred that
paramedical technicians, psychologists, midwives, employees must take their meals within the company
attendants and all other hospital or clinic personnel. [Art. premises
2. Medical secretaries Compensability of meal periods
Composite or Package Pay NOT per se illegal; Conditions XPNs: It becomes compensable:
for Validity Composite or “package pay” or “all-inclusive
salary” is an arrangement where the employee’s salary 1. Where the lunch period or meal time is predominantly
includes the overtime pay. spent for the employer’s benefit.
In other words, the overtime pay is “built-in”.
2. Meal periods of 1 hour are deemed compensable when
Such arrangement is valid provided that: the employee is on continuous shift.
1. There is a clear written agreement knowingly and freely 3. Shortened meal period of less than 1 hour (say, 30
entered by the employee; and minutes) must be compensable.
2. The mathematical result shows that the agreed legal
wage rate and the overtime pay, computed separately, are Note: To shorten meal time to less than 20 minutes is not
equal to or higher than the separate amounts legally due. allowed. If the so-called meal time is less than 20
minutes, it becomes only a REST PERIOD and is
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considered working time. In this case, the employer may extend the working
hours beyond the regular schedule on that day to
XPN to XPN: Shortened meal breaks upon the compensate for the loss of productive man-hours
employees’ request – NOT compensable. without being liable for overtime pay.
The employees themselves may request that the meal Note: The time during which an employee is inactive by
period be shortened so that they can leave work earlier reason of work interruptions beyond his control is
than the previously established schedule considered working time, either if the imminence of the
resumption of work requires the employee’s presence at
Conditions for shortened meal breaks upon the place of work or if the interval is too brief to be utilized
employee’s request effectively and gainfully in the employee’s own interest
2. There will be no diminution whatsoever in the salary Night Shift Differential is the additional compensation of
and other fringe benefits of the employees existing before 10% of an employee’s regular wage for each hour of work
the effectivity of the shortened meal period; performed between 10pm and 6am. [Art. 86]
3. The work of the employees does not involve strenuous Illustration:
physical exertion and they are provided with adequate
“coffee breaks” in the morning and If an employee has a regular wage of P100 for each hour
afternoon; of work performed between 10PM and 6AM, he/she shall
be paid P110 per hour worked during such time interval.
4. The value of the benefits derived by the employees
from the proposed work arrangement is equal to or Coverage
commensurate with the compensation due them for the
shortened meal period as well as the overtime pay for 30 Aside from those enumerated under Art. 82 as excluded
minutes as determined by the employees concerned; from Title I: Working Conditions and Rest Periods, those
employed in retail and service establishments regularly
5. The overtime pay of the employees will become due employing not more than five (5) workers are also NOT
and demandable if ever they are permitted or made entitled to Night Shift differential
beyond 4:30 pm; and
Rest days (night-off)
6. The effectivity of the proposed working time
arrangement shall be of temporary duration as Night shift employees are entitled to a weekly night-off
determined by the Secretary of Labor (usually Saturday evening) or a weekly rest period of 24
hours beginning at the start of the night shift [See also Art.
3. Power interruptions or brownouts 20 minutes or 91].
less: Hours worked
Work on special days
Brownouts of short duration, but not exceeding 20
minutes, shall be treated as hours worked, whether used Night shift employees are also entitled to the premium pay
productively by the employees or not. on special days and holidays. These days are reckoned
as calendar days which start at midnight and end at the
More than 20 minutes – not hours worked IF: following midnight. The premium pay for the night shift
also starts or ends at midnight.
1. the employees can leave their workplace or go
elsewhere whether within or without the work premises; However, the employment contract, company policy or
OR CBA may provide that in the case of night shift workers,
days—including special days and regular holidays—
2. the employees can use the time effectively for their own shall begin on the night before a calendar day.
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5. ⚖️⚖️ Overtime work Note: 169% was derived by adding 39% (which is 30% of
130 or 1.3x.3 to 130%)
Overtime, defined
d. ⚖️Emergency overtime
Overtime compensation is additional pay for service or
work rendered or performed in excess of eight hours a day Any employee may be required by the employer to
by employees or laborers covered by the Eight-hour Labor perform overtime work in any of the following cases
1. When the country is at war or when any other national
Rationale: There can be no other reason than that he is or local emergency has been declared by the National
made to work longer than what is commensurate with his Assembly or the Chief Executive;
agreed compensation for the statutorily fixed or voluntary
agreed hours of labor he is supposed to do 2. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or property
or in case of imminent danger to public safety due to an
Computation of additional compensation actual or impending emergency in the locality caused by
serious accidents, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake,
Base of Computation: epidemic, or other disaster or calamity;
Regular wage – means regular base pay.
3. When there is urgent work to be performed on
It includes the cash wage only without deduction on machines, installations, or equipment, in order to avoid
account of facilities provided by the employer (Art. 90). serious loss or damage to the employer or
some other cause of similar nature;
It excludes money received in different concepts, such as
Christmas bonus and other fringe benefits 4. When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage
to perishable goods; and
BUT when the overtime work was performed on the
employee’s rest day or on special days or regular holidays 5. Where the completion or continuation of the work
(Art. 93 and 94), the premium pay, must be included in the started before the eighth hour is necessary to prevent
computation of the overtime pay serious obstruction or prejudice to the
business or operations of the employer.
6. Where overtime work is necessary to avail of favorable
a. Overtime on a Regular Day (OTRD) weather or environmental conditions where performance
or quality of work is dependent thereon.
an additional compensation equivalent to his regular
wage plus at least twenty-five percent (25%) thereof [Art. Overtime, Principles
87]. 1. An employer cannot compel an employee to work
OTRD = Hourly wage x 125% x number of hours of OT
work Exception: Emergency overtime work
b. Work on Scheduled Rest Day (WRD) 2. GR: Additional compensation is demandable only if the
employer had knowledge and consented to the overtime
an additional compensation equivalent to 30% of the work rendered by the employee.
regular wage [Art. 93].
XPNs: Express approval by a superior NOT a requisite to
WRD = Regular Wage x 130% make overtime compensable:
c. Overtime on Scheduled Rest Day (OTSRD) a. If the work performed is necessary, or that it benefited
the company; or
additional compensation for work performed on Sunday
only when it is his established rest day [Art.93(a)]. b. That the employee could not abandon his work at the
end of his eight-hour work because there was no
OTSRD = Hourly Wage x 169% x number of hours of OT substitute ready to take his place
Page | 21
⚖️⚖️Overtime needs to be authorized by the Conditions for CWW
1. Express and Voluntary Agreement of covered
Note: However, the Court has also ruled that a claim for employees
overtime pay is NOT justified in the absence of a written
authority to render overtime after office hours during
Sundays and holidays.
The CWW scheme is undertaken as a result of an express
Daily time records cannot prove the performance of and voluntary agreement of majority of the covered
overtime work if the same had no prior authorization by employees or their duly authorized representatives. This
the management. agreement may be expressed through collective
bargaining or other legitimate workplace mechanisms of
3. Compensation for work rendered in excess of the 8 participation such as labor management councils,
normal working hours in a day: employee assemblies or referenda.
a. For ordinary days, additional 25% of the basic 2. Certification from OSHS for industries dealing in
hourly rate. hazardous substances and noise exposure
b. For rest day/special day/holiday, additional
30% of the basic hourly rate. In firms using substances, chemicals and processes or
operating under conditions where there are airborne
4. A given day is considered an ordinary day, unless it is contaminants, human carcinogens or noise prolonged
a rest day. exposure to which may pose hazards to employees’
health and safety, there must be a certification from an
5. Undertime does NOT offset overtime. Undertime work accredited health and safety organization or practitioner
on any particular day shall not be offset by overtime work from the firm’s safety committee that work beyond eight
on any other day. Permission given to the employee to go hours is within threshold limits or tolerable levels of
on leave on some other day of the week shall NOT exempt exposure, as set in the OSHS.
the employer from paying the additional compensation
3. Notice to DOLE-RO
Effects of CWW
1. Compressed Workweek (See page 45) In all cases, the employer shall provide the telecommuting
employee with relevant written information in order to
2. Reduction of Workdays refers to one where the adequately apprise the individual of the terms and
normal workdays per week are reduced but should not conditions of the telecommuting program, and the
last for more than six months. responsibilities of employee.
5. Broken-time schedule refers to one where the work All telecommuting employee shall:
schedule is not continuous but the work-hours within the
day or week remain. (a) Receive a rate of pay, including overtime and night
shift differential, and other similar monetary benefits not
6. Flexi-holidays schedule refers to one where the lower than those provided in applicable laws, and
employees agree to avail the holidays at some other days collective bargaining agreements.
provided there is no diminution of existing benefits as a
result of such arrangement. (b) Have the right to rest periods, regular holidays, and
special nonworking days.
Mitigate Loss of Income of Employees (c) Have the same or equivalent workload and
performance standards as those of comparable workerat
Under these flexible work arrangements, the employers the employer's premises.
and the employees are encouraged to explore alternative
schemes under an agreement and company policy or (d) Have the same access to training and career
practice in order to cushion an mitigate the effect of the development opportunities as those of comparable
loss of income of the employees. workers at the employer's premises, and be subject to the
same appraisal policies covering these workers.
R.A. No. 11165, secs. 3-5
(e) Receive appropriate training on the technical
Section 3, Telecommuting Defined equipment at their disposal, and the characteristics and
conditions of telecommuting.
The idle time that an employee may spend for resting and Notes:
dining which he may leave the spot or place of work
though not the premises of his employer, is not counted 1. Attendance in lectures, meetings, and training periods
as working time only where the work is broken or is not sanctioned or required by the employer are considered
continuous hours worked.
2. Attendance in CBA negotiations or grievance meeting
A laborer need not leave the premises of the factory, shop is compensable hours worked provided that such is
or boat in order that his period of rest shall not be counted, stipulated in the CBA.
it being enough that he "cease to work", may rest 3. Attendance in hearings in cases filed by the employee
completely and leave or may leave at his will the spot is NOT compensable hours worked.
where he actually stays while working, to go somewhere
else, whether within or outside the premises of said 4. Participation in strikes is NOT compensable working
factory, shop or boat. If these requisites are complied with, time.
the period of such rest shall not be counted
Attendance in lectures, meetings, and training periods
b. Travel time must necessarily beneficial to the employer. [Sec. 6(c),
Rule I, IRR]
Travel time Travel from home to work – An employee who
travels from home before his regular workday and returns d. Commuting time
to his home at the end of the workday is engaged in
ordinary home-towork travel which is NOT considered Employees performing tasks during their commute which
hours worked, EXCEPT: are not merely incidental to the employee’s job, and are
1. When called to travel during emergency; primarily for the benefit of the employer (such as a
2. When travel is done through a conveyance company driver performing a carpool service for
furnished by the employer; coworkers according to an agreement with the company),
3. Travel is done under vexing and dangerous are entitled to overtime pay
4. Travel is done under the supervision and control of d. Waiting time
the employer.
Rest period – short duration or “coffee break”
Travel that is all in the day’s work – Time spent by an 1. Rest periods of short duration during working hours
employee in travel from jobsite to jobsite during the shall be counted as hours worked.
workday, must be counted as hours worked. Where an 2. Rest periods or coffee breaks running from five (5) to
employee is required to report at a meeting place to twenty (20) minutes shall be considered as compensable
receive instructions or to perform other work there, the working time
travel from the designated place to the workplace is part
of the day’s work. e. ⚖️⚖️On call
Travel away from home – Travel that keeps an employee Compensable work time, if employee is:
away from home overnight is travel away from home. 1. Required to remain on call in the employer’s premises
Travel away from home is worktime when it cuts across or so close thereto
the employee’s workday. The time is hours worked not 2. That he cannot use the time effectively and gainfully for
only on regular working hours but also during the his own purpose shall be considered as working while on
corresponding hours on nonworking days.
Page | 24
(130%) x day
(130%) 130% is the
Note: An employee who is not required to leave word at
OT rate
his home or with company officials where he may be
reached is NOT working while on call.
3. Rest periods
Page | 25
5. Where the nature of the work requires continuous Article, the employer shall pay such higher rate. [Art. 93
operations and the stoppage of work may result in (d)]
irreparable injury or loss to the employer; and
The employer and his employees or their representatives
6. Under other circumstances analogous or similar to the are not prevented from entering into any agreement with
foregoing as determined by the Secretary of Labor and terms more favorable to the employees. [Sec. 9, Rule
Employment [Art. 92]. II,Book III, IRR]
Rest Periods, Principles Nothing in this rule shall justify an employer in reducing
the compensation of his employees for the unworked
1. Rest day of not less than 24 consecutive hours after 6 Sundays, holidays, or other rest days, which are
consecutive days of work. considered paid off days or holidays by agreement or
2. No work, no pay principle applies. practice subsisting upon the effectivity of the Code
3. If an employee works on his designated rest day, he is
entitled to a premium pay.
4. Premium pay is additional 30% of the basic pay.
5. Employer selects the rest day of his employees
6. However, employer must consider the religious reasons
for the choice of a rest day.
CBA on higher premium pay/ Rate Adjustments 1. New Year’s Day – Jan. 1
2. Maundy Thursday – Movable date
Where the collective bargaining agreement or other 3. Good Friday – Movable date
applicable employment contract stipulates the payment of 4. Araw ng Kagitingan – Monday nearest Apr. 9
a higher premium pay than that prescribed under this 5. Labor Day – Monday nearest May 1
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6. Independence Day – Monday nearest June 12 Double Holiday Rule for Monthly-paid employees
7. Eid’l Fitr – Movable date
8. Eid’l Adha – Movable date
9. National Heroes Day – Last Monday of August
10. Bonifacio Day – Monday nearest Nov. 30
11. Christmas Day – Dec. 25 For covered employees whose monthly salaries are
12. Rizal Day – Monday nearest Dec. 30 computed based on 365 days and for those other
employees who are paid using factor 314, or 262, or any
Special (Non-Working Days) other factor which already considers the payment for the
11 (now 12) regular holidays, NO additional payment is
RA 9492 and RA 10966 provide for the observance of the due them
following special holidays:
Successive holiday pay
1. Ninoy Aquino Day – Monday nearest Aug. 21
2. All Saints Day – Nov. 1 According to IRR, Rule IV, Sec. 10, an employee is
3. Immaculate Conception of Mary (RA 10966) – Dec. entitled to holiday pay for both days, IF:
8 1. He is present on day immediately preceding
4. Last day of the year – Dec. 31 first holiday; or
2. He works on first holiday, which entitles him to
Note: Proclamation 269 fixed the data for the observance pay on second holiday.
of the regular and special holidays including additional
special holidays for 2018 and 2019 Where the day immediately preceding the holiday is a
non-working day in the establishment or the scheduled
Notes: rest day of the employee, he shall not be deemed to be
on leave of absence on that day, in which case he shall
be entitled to the holiday pay if he worked on the day
1. Id-ul-Fitr (Eid’l Fitr) and Id-ul-Adha (Eid’l Adha) have
immediately preceding the non-working day or rest day
been added to the list of national legal holidays (RA
[Sec. 6, Rule IV, Book III, IRR].
2. There should be no distinction between Muslims &
non-Muslims as regards to the payment of benefits for
Muslim holidays. Wages & other emoluments granted The divisor assumes an important role in determining
by law to the workingman are determined on the basis whether or not holiday pay is already computed.
of the criteria laid down by laws, and not on worker’s
faith. 1. Monthly paid employees are not entitled to the holiday
pay if their total annual income is divided by 365 days
Holiday pay computation resulting in a wage which is beyond the minimum wage
per day because they are considered paid everyday of the
year including holidays, rest days, and other non-working
An employer may require an employee to work on a
regular holiday but such employee shall be paid a
compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate. If an
employee is required to work on a special holiday, the 2. As a general rule, for a company with a 6- day working
additional compensation should be 30% of his regular schedule, the divisor 313 already means that the legal
rate. holidays are included in the monthly pay of the employee.
The divisor is arrived at by
subtracting all Sundays from the total number of calendar
A special working holiday is considered an ordinary
days in a year.
working day, so there is no premium pay.
Double holiday pay According to “DOLE Explanatory
Bulletin on Worker’s Entitlement to Holiday Pay on 9 April 3. As a general rule for a company with a 5-day working
1993,” if two holidays fall on the same day: schedule, the divisor 277 means that the holiday pay is
already included in the monthly salary of the employee.
1. If unworked, 200% of basic wage.
An increase in the divisor that results in the prejudice of
2. If worked, 300% of basic wage [Azucena].
the employees is a violation of the proscription against
non-diminution of benefits under Sec. 100 of the Labor
Code. Such increases should only be used for
computations which would be advantageous to the
Page | 27
employer (i.e. deduction for absences) and not for holidays falling within the periods shall be compensated
computations which would diminish the existing benefits
of the employees (i.e., overtime pay, holiday pay and 2. The regular holiday during the cessation of operation of
leave conversions) an enterprise due to business reverses as authorized by
the Secretary of Labor may not be paid by the employer
Sundays [Sec. 7, Rule IV, Book III, IRR].
1. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following An employee is entitled to holiday pay for the regular
Monday will not be considered a holiday unless a holidays falling within the period in cases of temporary
proclamation says so. shutdowns or cessation of work, when:
If an employee is on leave of absence with pay on the day a. Holiday Pay of Hourly-Paid Faculty Members
immediately preceding a regular holiday, he is entitled to
holiday pay [Sec. 6(a), Rule IV, Book III, IRR]. Not Entitled to: Regular Holiday Pay Entitled to: Regular
hourly rate on days declared as special holidays or for
If an employee is on leave of absence without pay on the some reason classes are called off or shortened for the
day immediately preceding a regular holiday, he is not hours they are supposed to have taught, whether
entitled to holiday pay unless he works on such regular extensions of class days be ordered or not; in case of
holiday [Sec. 6(a), Rule IV, Book III, IRR]. extensions said faculty members shall likewise be paid
their hourly rates should they teach during said
In case of temporary cessation of work extensions.
1. In cases of temporary or periodic shutdown and 1. They are not entitled to payment of holiday pay
temporary cessation of work of an establishment, as when because they are paid only for work actually done. Since
a yearly inventory or when the repair or cleaning of regular holidays are known to both the school and faculty
machineries and equipment is undertaken, the regular members as “no class day”; certainly the latter do not
Page | 28
expect payment for said unworked holidays.
2. They are entitled to their hourly rate on days declared
as special holidays. When a special public holiday is 1. Those of the government and any of the political
declared, the faculty member paid by the hour is deprived subdivision, including government-owned and controlled
of expected income, and it does not matter that the school corporations;
calendar is extended in view of the days or hours lost, for 2. Managerial employees as defined in Book III;
their income that could be earned from other sources is 3. Househelpers and persons in the personal service of
lost during the extended days. another;
4. Workers who are paid by results, including those who
3. Similarly, when classes are called off or shortened on are paid on piece rate, takay, pakyaw, or task basis, and
account of typhoons, floods, rallies, and the like, these other noontime work, if their output rates are in
faculty members must likewise be paid, whether or not accordance with the standards prescribed in the
extensions are ordered. regulations, or where such rates
have been fixed by the Secretary of Labor and
b. Piece workers Employment;
5. Field personnel, if they regularly perform their duties
The philosophy underlying the exclusion of piece workers away from the principal or branch office or place of
from the 8-hour law is that said workers are paid business of the ER and whose actual hours of work in the
depending upon the work they do irrespective of the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
amount of time employed in doing said work
Premium pay rates
c. Seafarers
Premium pay refers to the additional compensation for Work on a Sunday or holiday which is also a
work performed within 8 hours on non-work days, such as scheduled rest day
rest days and special days.
All establishments and enterprises may operate or open
Coverage (Sec. 7, Rule III, Book III, IRR) for business on Sundays and holidays provided that the
employees are given the weekly rest day and the benefits
GR: All employees as provided in this Rule
Page | 29
SERVICE CHARGES based on actual hours or days of work or service
rendered, among the covered employees, including those
Coverage already receiving the benefit of sharing in the service
The shares shall be distributed to employees not less than
This rule shall apply only to establishments which collect once every 2 weeks or twice a month at intervals not
service charges such as: exceeding 16 days
4. It shall be given twice a month with intervals of not more Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work without
than 16 days; facing threats or reprisals from employers. If the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
6. Payment of service charges will not be considered determines the existence of an imminent danger situation
in compliance with any increase in the minimum not addressed by the employer, the worker can refuse to
wage by law or wage order. work until corrective actions are taken.
6. ⚖️⚖️Occupational Safety and Health 5. Workers' Right to Personal Protective Equipment
Standards Law - R.A. No. 11058, secs. 4-6, 8 and 12 (PPE) (Sec. 8)
2. Duties of Employers, Workers, and Other Persons It is the remuneration or earnings, however designated,
(Sec. 4): capable of being expressed in terms of money, whether
fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission
basis, or other method of calculating the same, payable
a. Employers, contractors, subcontractors, and
by an employer to an employee under a written or
supervisors must provide a hazard-free work
unwritten contract of employment for work done or to be
environment, offer comprehensive safety instructions,
done, or for services rendered or to be rendered (Art.
inform workers of hazards, use approved equipment,
comply with OSH standards, involve workers in safety
programs, and provide emergency measures.
1. Components and Exclusions
b. Workers must adhere to safety standards, use
provided safety devices, follow safety instructions, and Coverage/Exclusions
report hazards to supervisors.
According to Article 97(f), the term "wage" encompasses
c. All individuals visiting or conducting business in a the fair and reasonable value of facilities provided by the
workplace must comply with OSH regulations. employer to the employee. Conversely, allowances are
excluded from the computation of basic salary or wage,
as established in the case of Cebu Institute of Technology
d. When multiple undertakings occur simultaneously in
v. Ople, G.R. No. L-58870 (1987).
one workplace, collaboration in applying OSH standards
is mandatory.
Fair and Reasonable Value Clarification
3. Workers' Right to Know (Sec. 5)
It's essential to note that the fair and reasonable value of
facilities, as stipulated by Article 97(f), should not include
This section guarantees workers the right to safety and
Page | 31
any profit to the employer or any affiliated individual. ⚖️⚖️Facilities
1. Farm Tenancy or Leasehold: This exemption applies to Includes articles or services Refers to extra
individuals engaged in farm tenancy or leasehold for the benefit of the remuneration or special
arrangements. employee or his family; benefits or articles or
services or tools of the
trade given to or received
2. Household or Domestic Helpers: Included within this
by laborers over and
category are household staff, family drivers, and
above their ordinary
individuals providing personal services to others. EXCLUDES tools of the
earning or wages
trade or articles or service
3. Homeworkers Engaged in Needlework: Workers primarily for the benefit of
engaged in needlework from home fall under this the ER
Primarily for the benefit of Primarily for the benefit or
4. Workers in Registered Cottage Industries: Employees the employee and his family, convenience of the
working in registered cottage industries who conduct their for their existence and Employer.
activities from home are exempted. subsistence
XPN: ER may give to his employees half (½) of the f. Terminated Employees: The payment of the 13th
required 13th Month Pay before the opening of the regular month pay may be demanded by the employee upon the
school year and the other half on or before the 24th of cessation of employer-employee relationship [Archilles
December every year. The frequency of payment of this Manufacturing Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 107225 (1995)].
monetary benefit may be the subject of agreement
between the employer and the recognized CBA of the Additional Rules
employees. a. Commissions: If the commissions may be properly
considered part of the basic salary, then they should be
Rationale behind 13th Month Pay included. If they are not an integral part of the basic salary,
then they should be excluded [Phil. Duplicators Inc. v.
a. To further protect the level of real wages from the NLRC, G.R. No. 110068 (1995)].
ravage of worldwide inflation;
b. There had been no increase in the legal minimum wage b. Substitute Payment not allowed: Benefits in the form
rates since 1970; of food or free electricity, assuming they were given, were
c. The Christmas season is an opportune time for society not a proper substitute for the 13th month pay required by
to show its concern for the plight of the working masses law. Neither may year-end rewards for loyalty and service
so they may properly celebrate Christmas and New Year. be considered in lieu of 13th month pay [Framanlis Farms,
Inc. v. MOLE, G.R. No. 72616-17 (1989)].
13th Month Pay in Special Cases
c. Wage Difference: The difference between the
a. Paid by Results: Employees who are paid on a piece- minimum wage and the actual salary received by the
work basis are, by law, entitled to the 13th Month Pay. Employee cannot be deemed as his 13th month pay as
such difference is not equivalent to or of the same import
b. Fixed or Guaranteed Wage: Employees who are paid as the said benefit contemplated by law [JPL Marketing
a fixed or guaranteed wage plus commission are entitled Promotions v. CA, G.R. No. 151966 (2005)].
to 13th month pay (not purely commission); the basis for
computation shall be both their fixed or guaranteed wage d. 14th Month Pay is not mandated: Employers already
and commission. paying their employees a 13th month pay or its equivalent
are not covered by this Decree [Kamaya Point Hotel v.
c. Those with Multiple Employers: Government NLRC, G.R. No. 75289 (1989)].
Employees working part-time in a private enterprise,
including private educational institutions, as well as e. Non-inclusion in regular wage: The mandated 13th
Employees working in two or more private firms, whether month pay need not be credited as part of the regular
on full or part-time bases, are entitled to the required 13th wage of employees for purposes of determining overtime
Month Pay from all their private Employers regardless of and premium pays, fringe benefits insurance fund, Social
their total earnings from each or all their employers. Security, Medicare, and private retirement plans.
Commissions vis-à-vis 13th month pay
Page | 34
the presumption is that
⚖️⚖️ The Rule on Productivity Bonuses these employees perform equal work. [International
School Alliance of Educators v. Hon. Quisumbing, G.R.
No. 128845 (2000)]
An employer who pays less than 1/12th of the employees’ 1987 Constitution
basic salary as their 13th month pay is only required to
pay the difference [Revised Rules]. Employees have a vested right over existing benefits
voluntarily granted by their employer. Any benefit or
2. PRINCIPLES supplement enjoyed by employees cannot be diminished,
discontinued, or eliminated by the employer.
a. No Work, No Pay
This principle is founded on the constitutional mandate to
protect workers’ rights, promote their welfare, and
provide full protection.
GR: If there is no work performed by the employee, there
can be no wage or pay.
Article 4 of the Labor Code reinforces this by stating that
XPN: Unless the laborer was able, willing and ready to doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the
work but was prevented by management or was illegally code shall be resolved in favor of labor.
locked out, suspended or dismissed
Article 100 of the Labor Code
b. Equal Pay for Equal Work
The Labor Code ensures that benefits enjoyed at the time
Employees working in the Philippines, if they are of the Labor Code’s promulgation cannot be reduced or
performing similar functions and responsibilities under eliminated.
similar working conditions, should be paid equally. If an
employer accords employees the same position and rank,
Page | 35
As such, no wage order issued by any regional board shall b. Negotiated benefits
provide for wage rates lower than the statutory minimum c. Reclassification of Positions – e.g., loss of some
wage rates prescribed by Congress (Art. 127, as benefits by promotion.
amended by RA 6727). d. Contingent or Conditional Benefits – the rule does not
apply to a benefit whose grant depends on the existence
⚖️⚖️ Requisites of certain conditions, so that the benefit is not demandable
if those preconditions are absent.
If the following are met, then the employer cannot
remove or reduce benefits (Vergara Jr. v. Coca-Cola Benefits initiated through negotiation between Employee
Bottlers Phils, G.R. No. 176985 (2013): and Employer, e.g., CBA, can only be eliminated or
diminished bilaterally.
1. Ripened company policy
3. Payment of Wages
Form of payment
GR: : Legal Tender Only.
Benefit is founded on a policy which has ripened into a XPN: Check/Money Order if customary OR necessary
practice over a long period. due to special circumstances, as specified by the
Secretary of Labor or the Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA).
4. The diminution or discontinuance is done unilaterally 1. Bank/Facility for encashment is within a 1-km
by the employer. radius from the workplace.
2. Employer did not receive any pecuniary benefit
from the arrangement.
3. Employees are given reasonable time during
banking hours to withdraw their wages (compensable
hours if during working hours).
4. Payment by check is with the written consent of the
concerned employees, in the absence of a CBA
Force Majeure or Valid excuse for delayed 2. Reasonable Time for Withdrawal: Employees should
circumstances payment be given reasonable time to withdraw their wages from the
beyond ER’s control banking facility, and such time spent may be considered
BUT ER must pay compensable hours if during work hours.
immediately after
cessation and not less 3. Compliance with Legal Requirements: The system
than once a month must allow workers to receive their wages within the
period and frequency provided by law.
Tasks which cannot Payments should be
be completed in 2 made with intervals not 4. Accessibility: A bank or ATM facility must be available
week more than 16 days, in within a 1km radius from the place of work.
proportion to work
completed 5. Record Keeping: Upon request, employers must issue
a record of payment of wages, benefits, and deductions
Final settlement is made upon for a specific period.
completion of the work
6. No Additional Expenses: There should be no
additional expenses incurred by employees, and their
Place of payment benefits and privileges should not be diminished.
GR: Shall be made at or near the place of undertaking 7. Employer Responsibility: Employers shall assume
(workplace). responsibility in case of non-compliance with wage
protection provisions under the arrangement.
Person to Pay
1. Deterioration of Peace and Order Conditions or
Emergencies: In cases of deteriorating peace and order GR: Wages shall be paid directly to the employee.
or during emergencies such as fires, floods, or epidemics,
payment may be made at an alternate location for the XPNs:
safety and convenience of employees. 1. Payment to Family Member: Payment may be made to
a member of the employee's family if authorized in writing
2. Free Transportation Provided: If employers offer free by the employee.
transportation to and from the workplace, wages may be
paid at a designated location along the transportation 2. Payment to a Third Person: Payment to a third person
route. is permitted if authorized by law or by the employee
concerned, such as for insurance premiums or union
3. Analogous Circumstances: dues.
Under circumstances analogous to deteriorating peace 3. Payment to Heirs: In case of the employee's death,
and order or emergencies, payment may occur at a wages may be paid to heirs without the need for intestate
different location. However, the time spent by employees proceedings, provided specific conditions are met.
in collecting their wages should be considered
compensable hours worked. 4. Legal Precedent: Payment to the leader of an
organized group of workers does not violate the rule on
Prohibition direct payment, provided it is done in accordance with
labor regulations and the consent of the affected
Payment of wages is prohibited in certain establishments employees [Bermiso v. Escano, G.R. No. L-11606 (1959)].
such as bars, nightclubs, drinking establishments, This allows flexibility in payment arrangements within
Page | 37
organized labor structures.
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate (e.g. to refuse
4. Prohibitions Regarding Wages to pay or reduce the wages and benefits, discharge)
against any employee who has filed any complaint or
Against interference in disposal of wages instituted any proceeding under Title II of the LC.
1. where the worker is insured with his consent, and Wage distortion/rectification refers to a circumstance
the deduction is to recompense the employer for the arising from an increase in prescribed wage rates that
premium paid leads to the elimination or significant reduction of
2. for union dues intentional quantitative differences in salary rates among
3. where the employer is authorized by law or different employee groups within an establishment. This
regulations issued by SOLE situation effectively erases the distinctions embedded in
Against requirements to make deposits for loss or the wage structure, which are typically based on factors
damage (Arts. 114-115) such as skills, length of service, or other logical
differentiators [Art. 124].
GR: No employer shall require his worker to make
deposits from which deductions shall be made for the Elements of Wage Distortion:
reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools, materials, or
equipment supplied by employer 1. Existing Hierarchy of Positions: The establishment
maintains a structured hierarchy of positions, each
XPN: When the employer is engaged in a business where associated with corresponding salary rates.
the practice of making deductions or deposits is a
recognized one, or is necessary or desirable as 2. Significant Change in Lower Pay Class: A notable
determined by SOLE. increase occurs in the salary rate of a lower pay class
without a corresponding raise in the salary rate of a higher
Note: No deduction from the deposits of an employee for one. This change is typically caused by a wage order
the actual amount of the loss or damage shall be made
unless the employee has been heard thereon, and his 3. Elimination of Distinction: The wage adjustment leads
responsibility has been clearly shown. to the elimination of the distinction between the affected
pay levels.
Against withholding of wage
4. Existence of Distortion in the Same Region: The
It is unlawful for any person to withhold any amount from distortion must occur within the same region of the country
the wages of a worker or induce him to give up any part
of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or any Note: the implementation of wage orders in one region but
other means without his consent. not in others does not inherently result in wage distortion.
Also, wage distortion can only arise when the wage
Against deduction to ensure employment adjustment is mandated by a wage order and not by
management prerogative.
It is unlawful to make any deduction from the wages of
any employee for the benefit of the employer as
consideration of promise for employment or retention.
Page | 39
The cause of action to claim his SIL pay accrues from the
SIL DOES NOT apply to the following employees: moment the employer refuses to remunerate its monetary
a. Those of the government and any of its political
subdivisions, including GOCCs 2. If the employee wishes to accumulate his leave credits
b. Domestic helpers and persons in the personal and opts for its commutation upon his resignation or
service of another; separation from employment: The cause of action to claim
c. Managerial employees as defined in Book III of this the whole amount of his accumulated SIL shall arise when
Code; the employer fails to pay such amount at the time of his
d. Field personnel and other employees whose resignation or separation from employment.
performance is unsupervised by the employer
including those who are engaged on task or contract
basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid 2. LEAVES UNDER SPECIAL LAWS
a fixed amount for performing work irrespective of the
time consumed in the performance thereof; A. ⚖️⚖️ EXPANDED MATERNITY LEAVE - R.A. NO.
e. Those who are already enjoying the benefit herein 11210
f. Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least 5
g. Those employed in establishments regularly
employing less than 10 employees
⚖️Piece-rate employees are entitled to service incentive Maternity leave of 105 days with full pay, with an option
leave pay provided that they are supervised. If they are to extend for an additional 30 days without pay.
unsupervised, they are not entitled to SIL.
Teachers of private school on contract basis are entitled
to service incentive leave. Every female worker in government and the private
sector, including those in the informal economy,
Meaning of "1 year of service": regardless of civil status or the legitimacy of her child, is
GR: "At least one year service" shall mean service for entitled to the maternity leave benefits.
NOT LESS than 12 months, whether continuous or
broken, reckoned from the date the employee started This is applicable to pregnancy and miscarriage, or
working, including authorized absences and paid regular emergency termination of pregnancy, regardless of
holidays. frequency of birth
XPN: Service for LESS than 12 months is counted as "at Note: As per amendment, maternity benefit is no longer
least one year service" when: limited to 4 deliveries.
1. The working days of the establishment, as a Maternity leave for female workers in the private
matter of practice or policy, is less than 12 sector, Requisites:
months; or
2. The employment contract provides working a) Contribution: The female worker must have paid at
days that are less than 12 months least 3 monthly contributions in the 12-month period
immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth,
Commutable nature of benefit: miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy. In
determining the female member’s entitlement to the
The service incentive leave shall be commutable to its benefit, the SSS shall consider only those contributions
money equivalent if not used or exhausted at the end of paid prior to the semester of contingency; and
the year.
b) Notice: The female worker shall have notified her
When Entitled EE’s Cause of Action Accrues: employer of her pregnancy and the probable date of her
childbirth, which notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in
1. If the employee did not make use of said leave credits accordance with the rules and regulations it may provide
but instead chose to avail of its commutation into money:
Maternity leave benefit after termination of
Page | 40
employment possible
Allocation of maternity leave credits:
GR: Maternity leave with full pay shall be granted even if
the childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of A female worker entitled to maternity leave benefits may,
pregnancy occurs not more than 15 calendar days after at her option, allocate up to 7 days of said benefits to the
the termination of an employee’s service. child’s father, whether or not the father is married to the
XPN: When the employment of the pregnant woman
worker has been terminated without just cause, the The allocated benefit granted to the child’s father is over
employer must pay her the full amount equivalent to her and above the paternity benefits provided under RA
salary for 105 days for childbirth and 60 days for 8187 (Paternity Leave Act).
miscarriage and emergency termination of pregnancy
based on her full pay, in addition to the other applicable In case of death, absence, or incapacity of the child’s
daily cash maternity benefits that she should have father, the female worker may allocate to an alternate
received had her employment not been illegally caregiver who may be:
1. A relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity; or
Benefit received:
2. The current partner, regardless of sexual orientation
A daily maternity benefit equivalent to 100% of her or gender identity, of the female worker sharing the
average daily salary credit for: same household.
105 days in cases of live childbirth The option to allocate maternity leave credits shall not be
60 days in cases of miscarriage or emergency applicable in cases of miscarriage or emergency
termination of pregnancy. termination of pregnancy
SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer the Conditions for entitlement:
maternity benefits advanced to the employed female
member, only to the extent of 100% of her average daily a. He is married;
salary credit for 105 days, 120 days or 60 days, as the b. He is an employee at the time of the delivery of his child
case may be, upon receipt of satisfactory and legal proof c. He is cohabiting with his spouse at the time that she
of such payment gives birth or suffers a miscarriage
d. He has applied for paternity leave with his ER within a
Availment shall be a bar to the recovery of sickness reasonable period of time from the expected date of
benefits provided under RA 1161 (Social Security Law) for delivery by his pregnant spouse, or within such period as
the same period for which daily maternity benefits have may be provided by company rules and regulations, or by
been received CBA; and,
e. His wife has given birth or suffered a miscarriage.
Sanction: That if an employee should give birth or suffer In case of miscarriage, prior application for paternity leave
miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy shall not be required.
Coverage and Purpose: Where a company policy, contract, or CBA provides for an
emergency or contingency leave without specific
Paternity leave is granted to all married male employees provisions on paternity leave, the ER shall grant to the
in the private and public sectors, regardless of their employee 7 calendar days of paternity leave
employment status (e.g. probationary, regular,
contractual, project basis). C. ⚖️SOLO PARENT LEAVE
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3. Spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal Grant of Flexible Work Schedule:
conviction for at least one (1) year;
The employer shall provide for a flexible working schedule
4. Physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified for solo parents: Provided, That the same shall not affect
by a public medical practitioner; individual and company productivity: Provided, further,
that any employer may request exemption from the above
5. Legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for requirements from the DOLE on certain meritorious
at least one (1) year: Provided, that he/she is entrusted grounds
with the custody of the children;
Protection against Work Discrimination:
6. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as
decreed by a court or by a church: Provided, that he/she No employer shall discriminate against any solo parent
is entrusted with the custody of the children; employee with respect to terms and conditions of
employment on account of his/her status. [Sec. 7, RA
7. Abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year; 8972]
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Competent Physician:
Special Leave Benefit vis-à-vis SSS Sickness Benefit:
A medical doctor preferably specializing in gynecological
disorders or is in the position to determine the period of The SLB is different from the SSS sickness benefit. The
recuperation of the woman employee. former is granted by the employer in accordance with RA
Conditions for Entitlement:
It is granted to a woman employee who has undergone
Any female employee, regardless of age and civil status, surgery due to a gynecological disorder. The SSS
shall be entitled to a special leave benefit, provided she sickness benefit, on the other hand, is administered and
has complied with the following conditions: given by the SSS in accordance with RA 1161 as
amended by RA 8282
a. She has rendered at least 6 months continuous
aggregate employment service for the last 12 months E. BATTERED WOMAN LEAVE - R.A. NO. 9262
prior to surgery;
b. She has filed an application for special leave Victims of any of the acts covered by VAWC shall be
c. She has undergone surgery due to gynecological entitled to take a paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days
disorders as certified by a competent physician in addition to other paid leaves under the Labor Code and
Civil Service Rules and Regulations, extendible when the
Application for Special Leave Before Surgery: necessity arises as specified in the protection order [Sec.
43, RA 9262].
The employee shall file her application for leave with her
employer within a reasonable period of time from the When availed of:
expected date of surgery, or within such period as may be
provided by company rules and regulations or by CBA. A victim leave may be availed of at any time during the
application of any protection order, investigation,
Application for Special Leave After Surgery: prosecution, and/or trial of the criminal case
For purposes of determining the period of leave with pay When denied; employer’s liability:
that will be allowed to a female employee, the certification
of a competent physician as to the required period of The employer/agency head who denies the application for
recuperation shall be controlling leave, and who shall prejudice the victim-survivor or any
person for assisting a co-employee who is a victim-
Availment: survivor under the Act shall be held liable for
discrimination and violation of R.A 9262
The special leave shall be granted to the qualified
employee after she has undergone surgery Compassionate Leaves:
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student solely on the account of her having contracted The phrase "worst forms of child labor" shall refer to any
pregnancy outside of marriage during her term in school of the following:
[Sec. 13(c), RA 9710].
1. All forms of slavery, as defined under the "Anti-
trafficking in Persons Act of 2003", or practices similar to
slavery such as sale and trafficking of children, debt
bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labor,
2. MINORS - R.A. NO. 7610, AS AMENDED BY including recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
R.A. NO. 9231 or
Child labor vs. working child 2. The use, procuring, offering or exposing of a child for
prostitution, for the production of pornography or for
CHILD LABOR WORKING CHILD pornographic performances; or
Refers to any work or Refers to any child
3. The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal or
economic activity performed engaged as follows:
illicit activities, including the production and trafficking of
by a child that subjects
dangerous drugs and volatile substances prohibited under
him/her to any form of 1. when the child is below existing laws; or
exploitation or is harmful to eighteen (18) years of
his/her health and safety or age, in work or economic
4. Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which
physical, mental or activity that is not child
it is carried out, is hazardous or likely to be harmful to the
psychosocial development labor as defined in the
health, safety or morals of children, such that it:
immediately preceding
subparagraph; and
a. Debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth
and dignity of a child as a human being; or
2. when the child is below
fifteen (15) years of age, in
b. Exposes the child to physical, emotional or sexual
work where he/she is
abuse, or is found to be highly stressful
directly under the
psychologically or may prejudice morals; or
responsibility of his/her
parents or legal guardian
c. Is performed underground, underwater or at
and where only members
dangerous heights; or
of the child‘s family are
employed; or in public
entertainment or d. Involves the use of dangerous machinery,
information equipment and tools such as power-driven or explosive
power-actuated tools; or
1. Mining and Quarrying; The employer or any member of the household shall not
2. Construction; subject a domestic worker or “kasambahay” to any kind of
3. Transportation and Storage; abuse nor inflict any form of physical violence or
4. Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and harassment or any act tending to degrade the dignity of a
Remediation Activities; domestic worker [Sec. 5, RA 10361].
5. Forestry and Logging;
6. Fishing and Aquaculture; Board, Lodging, and Medical Attendance
7. Hunting, Trapping and Related Service Activities;
8. Security and Investigation; The employer shall provide for the basic necessities of the
9. Manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, domestic worker to include:
pyrotechnics,weapons, rubber, plastic or chemical
products; 1. At least three adequate meals a day
10. Certain Farming and Animal Produce Activities 2. Humane sleeping arrangements that ensure safety
3. Appropriate rest and assistance in case of illnesses and
3. ⚖️⚖️KASAMBAHAYS - R.A. NO. 10361 injuries sustained during service without loss of benefits
Access to Outside Communication
Domestic work refers to work performed in or for a
household or households The employer shall grant the domestic worker access to
outside communication during free time: Provided, That in
case of an emergency, access to communication shall be
granted even during work time
Household refers to the immediate members of the family Education and Training
or the occupants of the house that are directly provided
services by the domestic worker. [Sec 4(f), RA 10361]
The employer shall afford the domestic worker the
opportunity to finish basic education and may allow
Domestic worker or “Kasambahay” refers to any access to alternative learning systems and, as far as
person engaged in domestic work within an employment practicable, higher education or technical and vocational
relationship such as, but not limited to, the following: training
general househelp, nursemaid or “yaya”, cook,
gardener, or laundry person.
Social and Other Benefits
The term domestic worker or “kasambahay” excludes
A domestic worker who has rendered at least one (1)
any person who performs domestic work only
month of service shall be covered by the Social Security
occasionally or sporadically and not on an occupational
System (SSS), the Philippine Health Insurance
basis. (Sec.4(d), RA 10361)
Corporation (PhilHealth), and the Home Development
Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG, and shall be entitled to all the
Note: IRR, Sec. 2 does not include family drivers. benefits in accordance with the pertinent provisions
provided by law.
Minimum wage
Leave Benefits
The minimum wage of domestic workers shall not be less
than the following: A domestic worker who has rendered at least one (1) year
of service shall be entitled to an annual service incentive
a. P2,500 a month for those employed in NCR leave of five (5) days with pay
b. P2,000 a month for those employed in chartered
cities and first-class municipalities Rest Periods:
c. P1,500 a month for those employed in other Daily Rest Period: 8 hours
municipalities Weekly Rest Period: at least 24 consecutive hours.
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The employer and employee may agree to: Note: No employer shall pay the wages of a domestic
worker by means of promissory notes, vouchers,
a. Offsetting a day of absence with a particular rest coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any object other than
day; the cash wage as provided for under this Act [Sec. 25, RA
b. Waiving a particular rest day in return for an 10361].
equivalent daily rate of pay;
c. Accumulating rest days not exceeding 5 days; or Payslip
d. Other similar arrangements
Pre-Employment Requirement
The employer shall at all times provide the domestic
Prior to the execution of the employment contract, the worker with a copy of the pay slip containing the amount
employer may require the following from the domestic paid in cash every pay day, and indicating all deductions
worker: made, if any. The copies of the pay slip shall be kept by
the employer for a period of three (3) years
The following shall be unlawful: 1. Any liability that will be incurred by the domestic worker
on account of such arrangement shall be borne by the
1. Charging any share in the recruitment or finder’s original employer.
fees against the domestic worker by a private 2. Such work performed outside the household shall
employment agency or third party. entitle the domestic worker to an additional payment of not
less than the existing minimum wage rate of a domestic
2. Requiring a domestic worker to make deposits from worker.
which deductions shall be made for the reimbursement 3. It shall be unlawful for the original employer to charge
of loss or damage to tools, materials, furniture, and any amount from the said household where the service of
equipment in the household. the domestic worker was temporarily performed
3. Placing the domestic worker under debt by the Employment Age of Domestic Workers:
employer or any person acting on behalf of the
employer It is unlawful to employ any person below fifteen (15)
years of age as a domestic worker
Time and Manner of Payment of Wages
Persons between 15-18 years old should only be
1. Directly to the domestic worker in cash employed in non-hazardous work
2. At least once a month
3. With no deductions from the wages other than that Daily Rest Period: Aggregate of eight (8) hours per day
which is mandated by law, unless allowed by the domestic
worker through a written consent
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Employment Certification: employer shall issue the domestic worker within five (5)
days from request a certificate of employment indicating
The employer shall give the househelper a written the nature, duration of the service and work performance
statement of the nature and duration of the service and [Sec. 35, RA 10361].
his or her work performance as househelper upon
severance. Unjust dismissal
Neither the domestic worker nor the employer may
a) Initiated by the domestic worker terminate the contract before the expiration of the term
except for grounds provided in Secs. 33 and 34 of RA
The domestic worker may terminate the employment 10361.
relationship at any time before the expiration of the
employment contract for any of the following causes: If the domestic worker is unjustly dismissed, the domestic
worker shall be paid the compensation already earned
1. Verbal or emotional abuse of the domestic worker plus the equivalent of 15 days work by way of indemnity
by the employer or any member of the household;
2. Inhuman treatment including physical abuse of the Leaving without justifiable reason by the domestic
domestic worker by the employer or any member of the worker
3. Commission of a crime or offense against the a. Any unpaid salary due not exceeding the equivalent 15
domestic worker by the employer or any member of the days work shall be forfeited AND
4. Violation by the employer of the terms and b. The employer may recover from the domestic worker
conditions of the employment contract and other the costs incurred related to the deployment expenses, if
standards set forth under this law; any: Provided, that the service has been terminated within
5. Any disease prejudicial to the health of the domestic 6 months from the domestic worker’s employment
worker, the employer, or member/s of the household;
and Notice to end the working relationship
6. Other causes analogous to the foregoing
If the duration of the domestic service is not determined
b) Initiated by the employer either in stipulation or by the nature of the service, the
employer or the domestic worker may give notice to end
An employer may terminate the services of the domestic the working relationship five (5) days before the intended
worker at any time before the expiration of the contract, termination of the service.
for any of the following causes:
The domestic worker and the employer may mutually
1. Misconduct or willful disobedience by the domestic agree upon written notice to preterminate the contract of
worker of the lawful order of the employer in employment to end the employment relationship [Sec. 32,
connection with the former’s work; RA 10361].
2. Gross or habitual neglect or inefficiency by the
domestic worker in the performance of duties; 4. HOMEWORKERS
3. Fraud or willful breach of the trust reposed by the
employer on the domestic worker; Distribution of Homework
4. Commission of a crime or offense by the domestic
worker against the person of the employer or any For purposes of this Chapter, the "employer" of
immediate member of the employer’s family; homeworkers includes any person, natural or artificial
5. Violation by the domestic worker of the terms and who, for his account or benefit, or on behalf of any person
conditions of the employment contract and other residing outside the country, directly or indirectly, or
standards set forth under this law; through an employee, agent contractor, subcontractor or
6. Any disease prejudicial to the health of the domestic any other person:
worker, the employer, or member/s of the household;
and 1. Delivers, or causes to be delivered, any goods, articles
7. Other causes analogous to the foregoing or materials to be processed or fabricated in or about a
home and thereafter to be returned or to be disposed of
Employment Certification or distributed in accordance with his directions; or
Upon the severance of the employment relationship, the 2. Sells any goods, articles or materials to be processed
Page | 49
or fabricated in or about a home and then rebuys them Mandatory facilities for Night Workers
after such processing or fabrication, either by himself or
through some Mandatory facilities shall be made available for workers
other person. performing night work, which include the following:
3. If subcontractor/contractor fails to pay homeworker, d. Number of employees does NOT exceed a specified
employer is jointly and severally liable with the former to number as may be provided for by the SOLE in
the homeworker for his/her wage subsequent issuances [Art. 156, as amended by RA
10151; Sec. 4, Rule XV, Book III, IRR, through D.O.
4. Employer shall assist the homeworkers in the No. 119-12]
maintenance of basic safe and healthful working
conditions at the homeworkers’ place of work 6. ⚖️⚖️ APPRENTICES AND LEARNERS -
5. Night Workers
Learner Apprentice
This limit shall be fixed by the Secretary of Labor after Commitme There is a No such
consulting the workers’ representatives/labor nt commitment to commitment.
organizations and employers to employ employ the learner
as a regular
employee if he so
desires, upon the
Any employed person whose work covers the period from of the
10:00 pm to 6:00 am the following morning, provided that
the worker performs no less than 7 consecutive hours of
work. Necessity TESDA approval Prior approval
of is not necessary, by TESDA
Page | 50
TESDA Approval required
TESDA only TESDA is required.
approval inspection is
An apprenticeship program should first be approved by
the TESDA before an apprentice may be hired, otherwise
the person hired will be considered a regular employee.
Deductibilit No provision Expenses of
y for training are
Expiration of Apprenticeship Contract; Prohibition
of deductibility deductible
against Second Apprenticeship
expenses of expenses from income
With the expiration of the first agreement and the retention
Compensat of the employees, the employer had, to all intents and
Has Generally
ion purposes, recognized the completion of their training and
compensation compensated
their acquisition of a regular employee status. To foist
which may be at which may be at least
upon them the second apprenticeship agreement for a
least75% of the 75% of the minimum
second skill which was not even mentioned in the
minimum wage wage; But
agreement itself, is a violation of the Labor Code's
may be
implementing rules and is an act manifestly unfair to the
uncompensated if
employees, to say the least
DOLE authorizes
such as when
apprenticeship is part
of OJT required by
“Learners” are persons hired as trainees in semi-skilled
and other industrial occupations which are non-
apprenticeable and which may be learned through
practical training on the job in a relatively short period of
time which shall not exceed three (3) months
"Apprenticeship" means practical training on the job
supplemented by related theoretical Instruction. Learnership Agreement
An "apprentice" is a worker who is covered by a written Any employer desiring to employ learners shall enter into
apprenticeship agreement with an individual employer. a learnership agreement with them, which agreement
[Art. 57, Labor Code] shall include:
1. Apprenticeship agreements, including wage rates of b. The duration of the learnership period, which shall
apprentices, shall conform to the rules issued by the not exceed three (3) months;
Minister of Labor and Employment.
c. The wages or salary rates of the learners which shall
2. The period of apprenticeship shall not exceed six begin at not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the
months. applicable minimum wage; and
3. Apprenticeship agreements providing for wage rates d. A commitment to employ the learners if they so
below the legal minimum wage, which in no case shall desire, as regular employees upon completion of the
start below 75 per cent of the applicable minimum wage, learnership. All learners who have been allowed or
may be entered into only in accordance suffered to work during the first two (2) months shall be
withapprenticeship programs duly approved by the deemed regular employees if training is terminated by
Minister of Labor and Employment. the employer before the end of the stipulated period
through no fault of the learners.
4. The Ministry shall develop standard model programs of
apprenticeship. [Article 61, Labor Code] The learnership agreement shall be subject to inspection
by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly
authorized representative.
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(a) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA7277)
Acts of Discrimination:
Page | 52
Mental Health Act (RA 11036)
1. Private entities that improve or modify their physical
Discrimination, defined facilities in order to provide reasonable
accommodation for disabled persons;
2. Does NOT apply to improvements or modifications
or facilities required under BP 344
Page | 53
whether done verbally, physically or through the use individual’s age;
of technology such as text messaging or electronic
mail or through any other forms of information and 4. Discriminate against an individual in terms of
communication systems; compensation, terms and conditions or privileges of
employment on account of such individual’s age;
Further, pregnancy or the number of children shall not be Health Condition (RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for
a ground for non-hiring or termination from employment. Disabled Persons)
Page | 55
GR: Premium payments or contributions shall be
Discrimination on Employment shouldered by the employer.
No entity, whether public or private, shall discriminate XPNs: If the domestic worker is receiving a wage of Five
against a qualified disabled person by reason of disability thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and above per month, the
in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, domestic worker shall pay the proportionate share in the
promotion, or discharge of employees, employee premium payments or contributions, as provided by law.
compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions,
and privileges of employment. Note: The domestic worker shall be entitled to all other
benefits under existing laws. (Sec. 30, Kasambahay Law)
A. ⚖️⚖️SSS Law (R.A. No. 8282, as amended by Coverage in the SSS shall be compulsory upon such
R.A. No. 11199) self-employed persons as may be determined by the
Commission under such rules and regulations as it may
prescribe, including, but not limited to the following:
By law, the SSS is required to create a provident fund d. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)
using voluntary contributions from employers, employees, Coverage in the SSS shall be compulsory upon all sea-
self-employed individuals, and voluntary members, along based and land-based OFWs as defined under R.A. No.
with their earnings. This fund is intended to provide 8042 or the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act
benefits to members or their beneficiaries of 1995 as amended [by R.A. No. 10022], provided they
are not over sixty (60) years of age (par 1., Sec 9-B, [a])
COVERAGE (COMPULSORY AND VOLUNTARY) Note: The DFA, the DOLE and the SSS shall ensure
compulsory coverage of OFWs through bilateral social
A. Compulsory security and labor agreements and other measures for
enforcement (Sec. 9-B, [e])
a. Employees And Their Employers
B. Voluntary
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d. A self-employed member who realizes no income in any
effect on the first day of his
given month who continues to pay his/her contributions.
operation or on the first
day he hires employee/s.
e. Filipino permanent migrants, including Filipino
The employer is given only
immigrants, permanent residents and naturalized citizens
30 days from the date of
of their host countries may be covered by the SSS on a
employment of the
voluntary basis (Sec. 9-B(g)) A voluntary member (VM)
employee to report the
shall pay his/her contribution in accordance with the
person for coverage to the
guidelines on payment deadline applicable to self-
employed members
2. Employee 2. Separated member
Compulsory coverage of On the month he/she
A. Excluded employers the employee shall take resumed payment of
effect on the first day of contribution.
The government and any of its political subdivisions, his/her employment.
branches or instrumentalities, including corporations (Sec. 10)
owned or controlled by the Government
B. Excluded employees 3. Self-employed 3. Land-based OFWS
1. Services where there is no employer-employee Compulsory coverage of Voluntary coverage of land-
relationship in accordance with existing labor laws, rules, the self-employed person based overseas Filipinos
regulations and jurisprudence; shall take effect upon shall take effect on the
his/her registration with applicable month and year
2. Service performed in the employ of the Philippine the SSS. Registration of the first contribution
Government or instrumentality or agency thereof; shall mean payment of payment.
first contribution
3. Service performed in the employ of a foreign
government or international organization, or their wholly- OFWs
owned instrumentality: they may however enter into an
agreement with the Philippine Government for the i. A sea-based OFW shall
inclusion of such employees in the SSS except those take effect on the first day
already covered by their respective civil service retirement of his/her employment;
ii. A land-based OFW
4. Such other services performed by temporary and other covered shall take effect
employees which may be excluded by regulation of the based on the provisions of
Commission. Employees of bona fide independent the Agreement and its
contractors shall not be deemed employees of the implementing
employer engaging the service of said contractors. (8(j), arrangement;
R.A. No. 11199)
Iii. Land-based OFW not
Note: Upon separation from employment, an employee's covered shall take effect
employer contributions and obligation to pay cease, but on the applicable month
the employee retains credit for contributions paid on their and year of the first
behalf. They remain entitled to benefits under RA No. contribution payment.
11199 and have the option to continue paying
contributions to maintain full benefit rights.
Effective Date of Coverage
1. Primary
Compulsory Coverage Voluntary Coverage
a. Dependent spouse – until remarriage [see above];
1. Employer 1.Non-working spouse
b. Dependent children (legitimate, legitimated, legally
adopted, and illegitimate) ; illegitimate children are
Compulsory coverage of Upon first payment of
entitled only to 50% of the share of legitimate children
the employer shall take contribution
unless there are no legitimate children, in which case,
Page | 57
they get 100%. employed, and who is not continuing contributions
independently, he is entitled to a lump sum equal to his
2. Secondary total contributions paid.
a. Shall only receive when the primary beneficiaries Lump Sum Alternative
are absent
b. Dependent parents Member may opt to receive his/her first 18 monthly
pensions in lump sum but such is discounted at a
preferential rate of interest.
a. Shall only receive when the primary and secondary Eligibility requirement
beneficiaries are absent
b. Any other person designated by member as his/her 1. 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of
secondary beneficiary. disability; same as death benefit; the only difference is that
the pension is paid directly to the member.
2. In case the permanently disabled member dies, it would
1. Monthly Pension be given the same treatment as a retiree dying.
2. Dependents’ Pension
3. Retirement benefits 3. For permanent partial disability, the pension is not
lifetime. (e.g. loss of thumb entitles member to only 10
Eligibility requirements months of pension, while loss of arm 50 months).
1. 120 monthly contributions; It shall be paid in lump sum if the period is less than 12
2. Age months.
a. 65 years old; or
b. a member who has reached 60 years may also avail 4. For multiple partial disabilities, they shall be additive
if he is already separated from employment or has when related or deteriorating – the percentage shall be
ceased to be self- employed. equal to the number of months the partial disability is
entitled to, divided by 75 months.
Note: Entitlement to monthly pension from retirement until
death. The monthly pension shall be suspended upon the Lump Sum Eligibility
re-employment or resumption of self-employment of a
retired member who is less t-han sixty-five (65) years old. A member who has not paid at least 36 monthly
In Case of Death of SSS Member
Lump Sum Alternative
6. Funeral benefits (P12,000 in cash or in kind, upon Shall only receive when the primary beneficiaries are
death of member)) absent:
8. Sickness benefits
1. Dependent parents
Eligibility requirements and other conditions 2. Legitimate descendants, subject to the restrictions on
dependent children.
1. Inability to work due to sickness or injury
2. Confined for at least 4 days either in a hospital or
elsewhere with SSS approval; BENEFITS
3. At least 3 months of contributions in the 12 month
period immediately before the semester of sickness or (1) Computation of Service
injury has been paid; (2) Monthly Pension
4. All company sick leaves with pay for the current year (3) Retirement Benefits
have been used up;
5. Maximum of 120 days per 1 calendar year (i.e Eligibility requirements
maximum permissible for the same sickness and
confinement is 240 days for 2 consecutive years); 6. The 1. At least 15 years of service;
employer has been notified, or, if a separated, voluntary 2. At least 60 years of age; and
or self-employed member, the SSS directly notified within 3. Not receiving pension benefit from permanent total
5 days of confinement; disability.
7. Notice to employer or SSS not needed when
confinement is in a hospital; notice to employer not Note: Retirement is compulsory for employees 65 years
required as well when Employee became sick or injured of age who have rendered at least 15 years of service; if
while working or within premises of the employer. employee has less than 15 years of service, he may be
allowed to continue in accordance with civil service laws.
(Sec. 13)
B. ⚖️⚖️GSIS LAW (R.A. NO. 8291)
Choice between
1. 60 x (basic monthly pension) lump sum payment at the
All public sector employees below the compulsory time of retirement plus basic monthly pension payable
retirement age of 65, irrespective of employment status. monthly for life after expiry of the 5-year guaranteed
period which is already covered by the lump sum; or
1. AFP and PNP; 2. Cash payment equivalent to 18 x (basic monthly
2. Members of the Judiciary and Constitutional pension) plus monthly pension for life immediately but
Commissions who are covered ONLY by life insurance as with no 5-year guarantee.
they have separate retirement schemes;
3. Contractual employees with no employer-employee Note: Subject to periodic adjustment.
relationship with the agency they serve.
(4) Disability Benefits
A. Permanent
B. Total
C. Partial
Page | 59
moves from one system (SSS or GSIS) to the other. It
(5) Death benefits applies to cases where an employee switches from
private employment to government service or vice versa.
When a GSIS member dies, the primary beneficiaries are
entitled to only one of the following: Coverage
(6)_Funeral Benefits
The amount shall be fixed by GSIS rules and regulations
a. Labor Code
Who are entitled:
Under the Labor Code, employees' compensation (EC)
1. Active member; benefits are granted to employees or their dependents for
2. Member separated from service but still entitled to work connected disability or death, or those resulting from
funeral benefit; accident arising out of and in the course of employment.
3. Pensioner; [Art. 166, LC in rel. to Sec. 1, Rule III, IRR] Types of
4. Retiree who at the time of retirement was of disability
pensionable age but opted to retire under RA
1616. 1. Temporary Total Disability (Art. 197)
2. Permanent Total Disability (Art. 198)
(7) Loan Benefits 3. Permanent Partial Disability (Art. 199)
C. LIMITED PORTABILITY LAW (R.A. NO. 7699) Disability Benefits Disability does not refer to the injury nor
to the pain and suffering it has occasioned, but to the loss
Republic Act No. 7699, also known as the Limited and impairment of earning capacity.
Portability Law, addresses the transfer of funds and
benefits for workers who shift between the Social Security There is disability when there is a loss or diminution of
System (SSS) and the Government Service Insurance earning power because of actual absence from work due
System (GSIS). to injury or illness arising out of and in the course of
Page | 60
Disability Type Definition Period of Entitlement
Temporary A total disability is temporary if as a The employee is entitled to the benefit from the day of the
Total Disability result of the injury or sickness – start of the disability. It shall not be paid longer than 120
(TTD) consecutive days except where such injury or sickness
The employee is unable to perform still requires medical attendance beyond 120 days but not
to exceed 240 days from onset of disability.
any gainful occupation for a
continuous period not exceeding 120
When after the period of temporary total disability had
days. ceased, an employee was found to be suffering from a
permanent partial disability, he was entitled to an award
based upon partial disability permanent in character.
Permanent A disability is total and permanent if as
Total Disability a result of the injury or sickness – 2. Permanent Total Disability
The employee is unable to perform A disability is total and permanent if as a result of the injury
any gainful occupation for a or sickness the employee is unable to perform any gainful
continuous period exceeding 120 occupation for a continuous period exceeding 120 days.
days. (Arts. 198 in rel. to Sec. 2(b), Rule VII)
A total disability is temporary if as a result of the injury or 1. Temporary total disability lasting continuously for
sickness, the employee is unable to perform any gainful more than one hundred twenty days, except as
occupation for a continuous period not exceeding 120 otherwise provided for in the Rules;
days 2. Complete loss of sight of both eyes;
3. Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrist;
The object of the law in allowing compensation during 4. Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
temporary disability is to compensate the laborer or 5. Brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or
employee for what he might have earned during the insanity; and
period of the treatment of his injury. 6. Such cases as determined by the Medical Director
of the System and approved by the Commission. (Art.
197 (c))
Amount of benefit
Amount of Benefit
An employee suffering from temporary total disability shall
be paid by the System an equivalent of ninety percent The employee suffering from a permanent total disability
(90%) of the average salary credit, provided: shall be entitled to an amount equivalent to the monthly
income benefit, plus ten percent thereof for each
1. The daily income benefit is not less than Ten (10) dependent child, but not exceeding five, beginning with
pesos nor more than Ninety (90) pesos, nor paid for a the youngest and without substitution: Provided, That the
continuous period longer than 120 days. (Art. 197) monthly income benefit shall be the new amount of the
monthly benefit for all covered pensioners. (Art. 198)
2. The monthly income benefit shall be suspended if
the employee fails to submit a monthly medical report
certified by its attending physician (Art.194)
Page | 61
medical examination by a company- designated physician
Period of Entitlement within three (3) working days upon his return.
An employee with permanent total disability shall be XPN: When the seafarer is physically incapacitated to do
entitled to receive benefits monthly for five (5) years. so. In which case, a written notice to the agency within the
However, Art. 198(b) provides that the benefits may be same period is deemed as compliance.
suspended if the employee is gainfully employed, or
recovers from his permanent total disability, or fails to Mandatory reporting requirement
present himself for examination at least once a year.
The object of the law in granting compensation for a Failure of the seafarer to comply with the mandatory
permanent partial disability is to compensate the injured reporting requirement shall result in his forfeiture of the
laborer or employee for the actual and permanent loss of right to claim the above benefits.
a member of the body, or the use thereof. (Cañete v.
Insular Lumber Co., 61 Phil. 592 (1935)) Occupational Diseases (Section 32-A)
3. If the company-designated physician fails to give Under Sec. 20(A)(3) of the 2010 POEA-SEC, if a doctor
his/her assessment within the period of 120 days with a appointed by the seafarer disagrees with the assessment,
sufficient justification (e.g. seafarer required further a 3rd doctor may be agreed jointly between the employer
medical treatment or seafarer was uncooperative), then and the seafarer, whose decision shall be FINAL AND
the period of diagnosis and treatment shall be extended BINDING on both parties.
to 240 days.
Failure to comply with the requirement of referral to a
third-party physician is tantamount to violation of the
POEA-SEC, and without a binding third-party opinion, the
findings of the company-designated physician shall
prevail over the assessment made by the seafarer's
doctor (★G.r. No. 207507, February 17, 2021, as
penned by Justice MVL).
In general, management has the prerogative to discipline The following stipulations in an employment contract are
its employees and to impose appropriate penalties on illustrative of the prohibitions normally agreed upon by the
erring workers pursuant to company rules and employer and the employee:
1. Non-Compete Clause;
Specific provision on the application of company rules in 2. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Clause;
disciplinary actions is paramount over the general 3. Non-Solicitation Clause;
provision on grievance procedures 4. Non-Recruitment or Anti-Piracy Clause; and
5. Inventions Assignment Clause (Intellectual Property
A post-retirement competitive employment restriction is
GR: Bonus is not a demandable and enforceable designed to protect the employer against competition by
obligation former employees who may retire and obtain retirement
or pension benefits and, at the same time, engage in
The grant of a bonus is basically a management competitive employment
prerogative which cannot be forced upon the employer
who may not be obliged to assume the onerous burden of VII. ⚖️⚖️ POST-EMPLOYMENT
granting bonuses or other benefits aside from the
employee's basic salaries or wages. A. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BY
XPN: When Demandable
Article 297 Article 298 and 299 It is the conduct which is so willful, flagrant, or shameless
as to show indifference to the opinion of good and
Dismissal or discharge Separation respectable members of the community. Furthermore,
such conduct must not only be immoral, but grossly
GR: Employer is not liable GR: Employer is required immoral. It must be so corrupt as to constitute a criminal
for employee’s separation by law to provide act, or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high
pay. separation pay to the degree or committed under such scandalous or revolting
employee. circumstances as to shock the common sense of decency
XPN: Based on
compassion financial XPN: Closure or cessation Open and Willful Disobedience (Insubordination)
assistance may be given to of operation due to serious
a deserving dismissed business losses duly
employee. proved.
Procedure: Procedure:
Page | 66
Gross Negligence Habitual Neglect
Furthermore, since fraud implies willfulness or wrongful
act intent, the innocent nondisclosure of facts by the
Extreme lack of care in the Repeated failure to
employee to the employer will not constitute a just cause
performance of one’s perform one’s duties for a
for the dismissal.
duties. It involves acting or period of time.
failing to act willfully and
Loss of Trust and Confidence
intentionally, with conscious
indifference to the potential
consequences for others. Applies only to:
Fraud and willful neglect of duties imply bad faith on the (2) employees who are routinely charged with the care
part of the employee in failing to perform his job to the and custody of the employer's money or property
detriment of the employer and the latter's business. which may include rank-and-file employees e.g., cashiers,
auditors, property custodians
Forms of Neglect of Duty:
1. Abandonment
Those who, in the normal routine exercise of their
Abandonment of employment is "the deliberate and functions, regularly handle significant amounts of
unjustified refusal of an employee to resume his money or property.
Loss of Trust and Confidence as a just cause, requires
Abandonment occurs when an employee fails to report for an underlying act, deed or conduct from which a
work without valid reason, coupled with a clear intention reasonable belief of untrustworthiness might be inferred.
to sever the employer-employee relationship. It is
important to note that abandonment cannot coexist with a
claim for constructive dismissal RANK-AND-FILE MANAGERIAL
2. Tardiness and Absenteeism
To be a ground for valid To be a ground for valid
dismissal, requires proof of dismissal, it is sufficient
involvement in the alleged that there is some basis for
events in question. such loss of confidence,
such as when the
Mere uncorroborated employer has reasonable
assertion and accusations ground to believe that the
3. Poor Performance by the employer will not be employee concerned is
sufficient. (Bravo vs. Urios responsible for the
College, G.R. No.198066, purported misconduct,
June 7, 2017) and the nature of his
participation therein
renders him unworthy of
the trust and confidence
demanded by his position.
4. Dishonesty and Loss of Confidence
4. Commission of A Crime
The fraud must be committed against the employer or
representative in connection with the employee’s work. 1. There must be an act or omission punishable/prohibited
by law;
Thus, the fraud committed against third persons not in 2. The act or omission was committed by the employee
connection with his work, and which does not in any way against the person of his employer, against any immediate
involve his employer, is not a ground for dismissal. member of the employer’s family, against the employer's
Page | 67
duly authorized representative. (DOLE No. 147 s. 2015) industrial depression or seasonal fluctuations or during
lulls over shortage of materials.
5. Analogous cases
It is a reduction in manpower, a measure utilized by an
"Attitude problem" constitutes just cause for termination employer to minimize business losses incurred in the
as it disrupts workplace harmony and hampers operation of its business. (Flight Attendants and Stewards
organizational efficiency. An employee who cannot Association of the Philippines v. Philippine Airlines, Inc.,
collaborate with colleagues adversely impacts company G.R. Nos. 178083 & A.M. No. 11-10-1-SC, March 13,
operations, necessitating management intervention to 2018)
safeguard the organization. Personal conflicts between
employees and management disrupt the peace within the “Last One Hired is the First One Fired" Policy
company (Heavylift Manila vs. CA, G.R. No. 154410,
October 20, 2005). GR: This rule applies only to cases of labor-saving
devices, redundancy and retrenchment.
Immediate Family Members
The immediate members of the family referred to are
limited to spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, 1. When an employee volunteers to be separated from
natural, or adopted brothers or sisters of the employer or employment
of his relative by affinity in the same degrees, and those 2. Determination of the Employees to be Retrenched Is in
by consanguinity within the fourth civil degree. Accord with the CBA
(Subsection 2, Art. 11, RPC)
4. Closures or Cessation of Operations of
2. AUTHORIZED CAUSES establishment or undertaking not due to serious
business losses or financial reverses
1. Installation of Labor-Saving Devices
1. who has been found to be suffering from any disease The rudimentary requirements of due process require that
and whose continued employment is prohibited by law or an employer dismissing an employee must furnish the
is prejudicial to his health as well as to the health of his latter with 2 written notices before the termination of
co-employees. employment can be effected:
Page | 69
Hearing; When not required
Article 116, LC. It is unlawful for an employer to withhold
1. If the employee has admitted his guilt. any payment of wages without the worker's consent. The
2. Termination justified by any of the authorized causes employer is obliged to pay salaries on time as agreed
under Art. 298. upon in the employment contract.
3. Termination initiated by the employee (Art. 300, Labor
Code, as amended). b. Abandonment
4. Termination of the probationary period of employment
(Art. 281, Labor Code as amended). It is the deliberate and unjustified refusal of an
5. Suspension of employment relationship resulting from employee to resume his employment. It is a
bona fide suspension of operation (Art. 301, Labor Code form of neglect of duty.
as amended).
6. In case of project employment, termination upon Requisites
completion of the project or phase thereof for which the
employee is hired 1. Failure to report for work or absence without valid or
justifiable reason, and
2. Clear intention to sever the employer-employee
a. ⚖️⚖️Resignation vs. Constructive Dismissal relationship
The SC ruled that although management prerogative Note: Period of Suspension No preventive suspension
refers to 'the right to regulate all aspects of employment,' shall last longer than thirty (30) days.
it cannot be understood to include the right to temporarily
withhold salary/wages without the consent of the
employee. To sanction such an interpretation would be
contrary to Article 116 of the Labor Code.
Page | 70
D. Reliefs from Illegal Dismissal herein (Art. 229).
In cases of regular employment, the employer shall not Options Given to Employers
terminate the services of an employee except for a just or
authorized cause. a. Actually reinstate the dismissed employees
An employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall b. Constructively reinstate them in the payroll.
be entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights Either way, this must be done immediately upon the filing
and other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive of their appeal, without need of any executory writ. If the
of allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary order of reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter is reversed on
equivalent computed from the time his compensation was appeal, it is obligatory on the part of the employer to
withheld from him up to the time of his actual reinstate and pay the wages of the dismissed employee
reinstatement. during the period of appeal until reversal by the higher
⚖️⚖️Reliefs from Illegal Dismissal
The Labor Arbiter's order of reinstatement is immediately
1. Reinstatement executory and the employer has to either re-admit them
to work under the same terms and conditions prevailing
Reinstatement means restoration to a state or condition prior to their dismissal, or to reinstate them in the payroll,
from which one had been removed or separated. The and that failing to exercise the options in the alternative,
person reinstated assumes the position he had occupied employer must pay the employee's salaries
prior to his dismissal.
No refund doctrine
GR: Reinstatement and backwages
XPNs: An employee cannot be compelled to reimburse the
a. Separation pay salaries and wages he received during the pendency of
b. Closure of business his appeal, notwithstanding the reversal by the NLRC of
c. Economic business conditions the LA's order of reinstatement.
d. Employee’s unsuitability
e. Employee’s retirement/ overage
f. Antipathy and antagonism E. BACKWAGES
g. Job with a totally different nature
h. Long passage of time They are:
i. Inimical to the employer's interest
j. When supervening facts have transpired which make 1. Earnings lost by a worker due to his illegal dismissal;
execution on that score unjust or inequitable or, to an 2. A form of relief that restores the income lost by reason
increasing extent of such unlawful dismissal;
3. In the nature of a command to the employer to make a
Prescription Period public reparation for illegally dismissing an employee.
4. It is not private compensation or damages;
An action for reinstatement by reason of illegal dismissal 5. Nor is it a redress of a private right.
is one based on an injury, which may be brought within 4
years from the time of dismissal Effect of failure to order backwages
In any event, the decision of the Labor Arbiter reinstating A “plain error” which may be rectified, even if employee
a dismissed or separated employee, insofar as the did not bring an appeal regarding the matter.
reinstatement aspect is concerned, shall immediately be
executory, pending appeal: Extent of Entitlement
The employee shall either be admitted back to work GR: An illegally dismissed employee is entitled to full
under the same terms and conditions prevailing prior backwages.
to his dismissal or separation or, at the option of the
employer, merely reinstated in the payroll. XPNs:
Effect of Bond: The posting of a bond by the employer 1. The Court awarded limited backwages where the
shall not stay the execution for reinstatement provided employee was illegally dismissed but the employer was
Page | 71
found to be in good faith.
2. Delay of the EE in filing the case for illegal dismissal COVERAGE
Computation of Backwages
Cause for Termination Entitlement
Full backwages means exactly that, i.e., without Art. 288: Termination by None
deducting from backwages the earnings derived Employer
elsewhere by the concerned employee during the period
of his illegal dismissal. a. Serious misconduct or willful
disobedience of lawful orders
The formula of awarding reasonable net backwages b. Gross and habitual
without deduction or qualification relieves the employees neglect of duties
c. Fraud or willful breach of trust
from proving or disproving their earnings during their lay-
d. Commission of a crime
off and the employers from submitting counterproofs, and
against employer or immediate
obviates the twin evils of: member of his
family or representative
1. Idleness on the part of the employee who would e. Analogous causes
"with folded arms, remain inactive in the expectation
that a windfall would come to him"; and Art. 289: Installation of Equivalent to at
labor-saving devices or least 1 month pay
2. Attrition and protracted delay in satisfying such redundanc or 1 month pay for every
award on the part of unscrupulous employers who year of
service, whichever
have seized upon the further proceedings to determine
is higher
the actual earnings of the wrongfully dismissed or laid-
off employees Art. 289: Retrenchment to Equivalent to at
prevent losses or closure least 1 month pay
The salary base properly used should be the basic salary or cessations of perations or ½ month pay for every
rate at the time of dismissal plus the regular allowances; of establishments or undertaking year of
allowances include: not due to service*, whichever is
serious business losses or higher
1. Emergency cost of living allowances (ECOLA), financial reverses
transportation allowances, 13th month pay.
Art. 290: Disease when Equivalent to at
2. Also included are vacation leaves, service incentive
continued employment is least 1 month pay or ½
leaves, and sick leaves. prohibited by law or is month pay for every year of
prejudicial to his health or service*, whichever is
Note: Inflation does not apply. The effects of extraordinary health of co-employees higher
inflation are not to be applied without an official
declaration thereof by competent authorities. Note:
When the EE is suffering from a
Note that according to Nacar v. Gallery Frames, when the disease not curable within a
judgment of the court awarding a sum of money becomes period of six (6) months and
final and executory, the rate of legal interest …. shall be his/her continued employment is
prejudicial to his/her health or to
6% per annum from such finality until its satisfaction, this
the health of his/her
interim period being deemed to be by then an equivalent coemployees [Art. 299]
to a forbearance of credit
Note: Lack of service assignment of security guard for a Amount: equivalent to 10% of the amount of
continuous period of six (6) months. In no case will an wages recovered.
employee get less than one (1) month separation pay if
the separation is due to the above stated causes. It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or accept,
in any judicial or administrative proceedings for the
One-Month Pay per Year of Service recovery of wages, attorney’s fees which exceed 10%
percent of the amount of wages recovered. (Art. 111,
An employee is entitled to separation pay equivalent to CC)
his/her one-month pay for every year of service, a fraction
of at least 6 months being considered as one whole year, GR: attorney's fees and expenses of litigation, other than
if his/her separation from service is due to any of the judicial costs, cannot be recovered
XPN: stipulation to the contrary in actions for the
1. Installation by employer of laborsaving devices; recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and
2. Redundancy, as when the position of the employee has skilled workers
been found to be excessive or unnecessary in the
operation of the enterprise; ⚖️⚖️Doctrine of Strained Relations
3. Impossible reinstatement of the employee to his/her
former position or to a substantially equivalent position for
reasons not attributable to the fault of the employer
4. Lack of service assignment of security guard by reason
of age.
Under the doctrine of strained relations, when there is no
Basis of Separation Pay
doubt that the relationship of employer to employee
is so strained and ruptured as to preclude a
The computation of separation pay of an employee shall
harmonious working relationship should reinstatement
be based on his/her latest salary rate. [DOLE
of the employee be decreed, the employee should be
Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Monetary Benefits, 2018
given separation pay so that he can be spared the agony
ed.] plus the regular allowance that the employee has
of having to work anew with the employer under an
been receiving
atmosphere of antipathy and antagonism and the
employee does not have to endure the continued services
When Non-taxable
of the employee in whom it has lost confidence.
In case of separation of an official or employee from the
The payment of separation pay is considered an
service of the employer due to death, sickness or other
acceptable alternative to reinstatement when the latter
physical disability or for any cause beyond the control of
option is no longer desirable or viable. On one hand, such
the said official or employee, any amount received by him
payment liberates the employee from what could be a
or by his heirs from the employer as a consequence of
highly oppressive work environment.
such separation shall likewise be exempt from tax.
On the other hand, it releases the employer from the
grossly unpalatable obligation of maintaining in its employ
The employee is entitled to moral damages when the
a worker it could no longer trust
employer acted:
But strained relations must be demonstrated as a fact.
a. in bad faith or fraud;
This doctrine should not be used recklessly or applied
b. in a manner oppressive to labor; or in a manner
loosely nor be based on impression alone
contrary to morals, good customs, or public policy.
Liabilities of Corporate Officers
In labor cases, the court may award exemplary damages
"if the dismissal was effected in a wanton, oppressive or
Corporate officers and directors and partners solidarily
malevolent manner."
liable If the recruitment/placement agency is a juridical
being, the corporate officers and directors and partners as
Attorneys’ fees
Page | 73
the case may be, shall be joint and severally liable with
the corporation or partnership for the claims and Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the term
damages. one-half (1/2) month salary shall mean fifteen (15) days
plus one-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash
Burden of Proof equivalent of not more than five (5) days of service
incentive leaves.
1. Existence of ER-EE Relationship: Employee
2. Fact of dismissal: Employee An underground mining employee upon reaching the age
3. Validity of Dismissal: Employer of fifty (50) years or more, but not beyond sixty (60) years
which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age
i. EE has burden of proving fact of employment and of for underground mine workers, who has served at least
dismissal before a case for illegal dismissal can five (5) years as underground mine worker, may retire and
prosper, an employer-employee relationship shall be entitled to all the retirement benefits provided for
must first be established by the employee. in this Article.
The employee must first establish by substantial Retail, service and agricultural establishments or
evidence the fact of his dismissal from service. If there operations employing not more than ten (10) employees
is no dismissal, then there can be no question as to the or workers are exempted from the coverage of this
legality or illegality thereof. provision.
ii. ER has burden of proving valid dismissal Violation of this provision is hereby declared unlawful and
Unsubstantiated accusations or baseless conclusions subject to the penal provisions under Article 288 of this
of the employer are insufficient legal justifications to Code.
dismiss an employee. The unflinching rule in illegal
dismissal cases is that the employer bears the burden Nothing in this Article shall deprive any employee of
of proof. benefits to which he may be entitled under existing laws
or company policies or practices.
For an alien employee to exercise his right to self- Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
organization, the following requisites must be complied membership in the collective bargaining unit of the
with: rank-and-file employees
a. He should have a valid working permit issued by Nevertheless, supervisory employees may join, assist or
the DOLE; and form (JAF) separate collective bargaining units and/or
legitimate labor organizations of their own.
b. He is a national of a country which grants the
same or similar rights to Filipino workers or which
has ratified either International Labor Organization
(ILO) Convention No. 87 or 98, as certified by the
Philippine DFA
Page | 75
Recognition of the tenets of a sect should not infringe on
the basic right of self-organization granted by the
Constitution to workers, regardless of religious affiliation
The following are allowed to form labor organizations for Private Sector
their mutual aid and protection and other legitimate i. Managerial employees; and
purposes except collective bargaining: ii. Confidential employees
1. Ambulant workers;
2. intermittent and other workers; Public Sector
3. the self-employed; i. High-level employees whose functions are normally
4. rural workers and considered as policymaking or managerial or whose
5. those without any definite employers. duties are of a highly confidential nature;
ii. Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines;
iii. Police officers;
Non-Employees are not entitled to join or form a labor iv. Firemen; and
organization for purposes of collective bargaining v. Jail guards
Freedom of Religion is superior to contract rights. While the Labor Code singles out managerial employees
as ineligible to join, assist or form (JAF) any labor
Religious objectors can form and join their own union
Page | 76
organization, under the doctrine of necessary implication, Tests to determine the appropriate bargaining unit
confidential employees are similarly disqualified. This
doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is as much 1. Community or mutuality of interest
a part thereof as that which is expressed 2. Will of the employees or “Globe Doctrine”
3. Collective bargaining history
Who are Confidential Employees 4. Similarity of employment status
Bargaining Unit The inclusion of workers who are not part of the collective
bargaining unit (CBU) is called "commingling." Another
form of commingling is when supervisors are included in
It refers to a group of employees sharing mutual interests
a rank-and-file union.
within a given employer unit, comprised of all or less than
all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit or
any specific occupational or geographical grouping within
such employer unit.
Page | 77
Commingling of Supervisory and Rank-and-file percent (20%) of all the employees in the bargaining unit
Employees where it seeks to operate;
(b) The names of its officers, their addresses, the (a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in
principal address of the labor organization, the minutes of connection with the adoption or ratification of the
the organizational meetings and the list of the workers constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto, the
who participated in such meetings; minutes of ratification, and the list of members who took
part in the ratification;
(c) In case the applicant is an independent union, the
names of all its members comprising at least twenty (b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in
connection with the election of officers, minutes of the
Page | 78
election of officers, and the list of voters; Validation conference
For this purpose, the employer or any representative of
(c) Voluntary dissolution by the members. the employer shall not be deemed a party-in-interest but
only as a by-stander to the process of certification.
(SEBA) If the requesting union or local fails to complete the
requirements for seba certification during the conference,
the request for seba certification shall be referred to the
election officer for the conduct of election pursuant to rule
of this rules.
Modes to Acquire Status
Action on the submission
A. Request for sole and exclusive bargaining agent If the regional director finds the requirements complete,
(SEBA) certification he/she shall issue during the conference a certification as
sole and exclusive bargaining agent enjoying the rights
Where to file and privileges of an exclusive bargaining agent of all the
employees in the covered bargaining unit.
Any legitimate labor organization may file a request for The regional director shall cause the posting of the seba
SEBA certification in the regional office which issued its certification for fifteen (15) consecutive days in at least
certificate of registration or certificate of creation of two (2) conspicuous places in the establishment or
chartered local. covered bargaining unit.
Within one (1) day from the submission of the request, the
regional director shall:
a. Determine whether the request is compliant with the Upon the issuance of the certification as sole and
preceding section and whether the bargaining unit sought exclusive bargaining agent (SEBA), the certified union or
to be represented is organized or not; and local shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of an
b. Request a copy of the payroll for purposes of seba exclusive bargaining agent of all the employees in the
certification pursuant to section 4 of this rule. covered bargaining unit.
If he/she finds it deficient, the regional drector shall advise Request for certification in unorganized
the requesting union or local to comply within ten (10) establishment with more than one (1) legitimate labor
days from notice. failure to comply within the prescribed organization
period shall be deemed withdrawal of the request for seba
certification. If the regional director finds the establishment
unorganized with more than one legitimate labor
Request for certification in unorganized organization, he/she shall refer the same to the election
establishment with only one (1) legitimate labor officer for the conduct of certification election.
organization; validation proceedings The certification election shall be conducted in
accordance with rule rx of this rules.
If the regional director finds the establishment
unorganized with only one legitimate labor organization: Request for certification in organized establishment
he/she shall call a conference within five (5) work days for
If the regional director finds the establishment organized,
the submission of the following:
he/she shall refer the same to the mediator-arbiter for the
a. the names of employees in the covered bargaining unit determination of the propriety of conducting a certification
who signify their support for the certification, provided that election in accordance with rules vill and ix of this rules.
said employees comprise at least majority of the number
of employees in the covered bargaining unit; and b,
certification under oath by the president of the requesting
union or local that all documents submitted are true and b. ⚖️⚖️Certification/Consent Election - DOLE D.O.
correct based on his/her personal knowledge. No. 40-03, Rules VII and VIII, as amended
The submission shall be presumed to be true and correct “Certification Election" or "Consent Election" refers to
unless contested under oath by any member of the the process of determining through secret ballot the sole
bargaining unit during the and exclusive representative of the employees in an
appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of collective
bargaining or negotiation. (DOLE D.O. No. 40-03[h])
Page | 79
Certification Election v. Union Election
Certification Election Consent Election Certification Election Union Election
Ordered by the department Voluntarily Agreed upon To determine the To elect union officers
by the parties, with or Exclusive Bargaining
without the intervention by Agent
the Department.
All members of the Only union members may
Appropriate Bargaining vote
Purpose Unit
The purpose of a certification election is precisely the
ascertainment of the wishes of the majority of the Who May Vote (Sec. 6, Rule IX, Book V, IRR)
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit: to be or
not to be represented by a labor organization, and in the All employees who are members of the appropriate
affirmative case, by which particular labor organization bargaining unit three (3) months prior to the filing of
the petition/request shall be eligible to vote.
An employee who has been dismissed from work but
1. The parties may agree to hold a consent election has contested the legality of the dismissal in a forum
of appropriate jurisdiction at the time of the issuance of
a. Where no petition for certification election was filed; or the order for the conduct of a certification election shall
b. Where a petition for certification election had been filed, be considered a qualified voter, unless his/her
and upon the intercession of Med-Arbiter dismissal was declared valid in a final judgment at the time
of the conduct of the certification election.
2. Mediator-Arbiter shall call for the consent election, In case of disagreement over the voters’ list or over the
reflecting the parties’ agreement and the call in the eligibility of voters, all contested voters shall be allowed to
minutes of the conference. vote. But their votes shall be segregated and sealed in
individual envelopes.
Regional Director or authorized representative shall
determine the Election Officer by raffle in the presence of Who May File
representatives of the contending unions if they so desire. 1. Legitimate labor organization (Art. 219h)
3. First pre-election conference is scheduled within 2. Local/chapter that has been issued a charter certificate
ten (10) days from the date of the agreement
The chapter shall acquire legal personality only for
Note: Subsequent conferences may be called to expedite purposes of filing a petition for certification election from
and facilitate the holding of the consent election. the date it was issued a charter certificate
Petition For Cancellation of Union Registration does
not Suspend or Prevent Filing of Certification Election 3. National union or federation that has issued a charter
certificate to its local/chapter (in behalf of the latter)
A petition for cancellation of union registration shall not:
1. Suspend the proceedings for certification election; 4. A group of legitimate labor unions in a private
nor establishment organized for collective bargaining or for
2. Prevent the filing of a petition for certification election dealing with employers concerning terms and conditions
(Art. 246). of employment for their member unions or for participating
in the formulation of social and employment policies,
A certification election can be conducted despite standards and programs, registered with the BLR
pendency of a petition to cancel the union registration
certificate. For the fact is that at the time, the union, whose 5. Employer (when requested to bargain collectively and
registration certificate is sought to be canceled, filed its no existing CBA)
petition for certification, it still had the legal personality to
perform such act absent an order directing its cancellation Requisites
Filing of Petition is by a Legitimate Labor The certification shall bar the filing of a Petition for
Organization Certification Election (PCE) by any labor organization for
a period of one (1) year from the date of its issuance.
It cannot be filed by an unregistered labor organization.
Art. 251 enumerates the rights granted to a legitimate Upon expiration of this one-year period, any legitimate
labor organization and one of those rights is the right to labor organization may file a PCE in the same
be chosen as the exclusive bargaining representative. bargaining unit represented by the certified labor
This is one way the law encourages union registration. organization, unless a CBA between the employer and
the certified labor organization was executed and
Note: Art. 269 should be related to SEBA Certification. If registered with the Regional Office in accordance with
there are multiple LLOs in an unorganized establishment, Rule XVII.
Art. 269 applies.
If there is only one LLO in an unorganized establishment, Denial of the petition; Grounds
Rule VII on SEBA Certification applies. Under this rule,
when there is failure to complete requirements, the The Med-Arbiter may dismiss the petition on any of the
Regional Director will refer it to the Election Officer. following grounds:
II. Certification election in an organized a) The petitioner is not listed in the Department's registry
establishment of legitimate labor unions or that its legal personality
has been revoked or cancelled with finality in
Organized Establishment accordance with Rule XIV of these Rules;
Failure of election
Action on the motion Note: "No Union" shall not be a choice in the run-off
Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the motion,
the Election Officer shall immediately schedule the Notice of run-off elections shall be posted by the Election
conduct of another certification or consent election within Officer at least five (5) days before the actual date of run-
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the motion and cause the off election.
posting of the notice of certification election at least ten
(10) days prior to the scheduled date of election in two (2)
most conspicuous places in the establishment. The same Qualification of voters
guidelines and list of voters shall be used in the election.
The same voters' list used in the certification election shall
Proclamation and certification of the result of the be used in the run-off election. The ballots in the run-off
election (Section 20, Rule IX) election shall provide as choices the unions receiving the
highest and second highest number of the votes cast. The
Within twenty-four (24) hours from final canvass of votes, labor union receiving the greater number of valid votes
Page | 82
cast shall be certified as the winner, subject to Section 20, election when the relationship of employer and employee
Rule IX – Proclamation and certification of the result of the does not exist between the company and the employees
election. sought to be represented by the petitioning union.
Re-run election refers to an election conducted to break a An employer can validly oppose a petition for certification
tie between contending unions, including between “No election when the petitioning union is not a legitimate
Union” and one of the unions. It shall likewise refer to an labor organization because it is not listed in the Registry
election conducted after a failure of election has been of Legitimate Labor Unions or its registration has been
declared by the election officer and/or affirmed by the cancelled with finality.
election Mediator-Arbiter.
3. Inappropriate Bargaining Unit
Re-run Election v. Failure of Election
An employer can validly oppose a petition for certification
Re-run Election Failure of Election election when the bargaining unit sought to be
represented by the petitioning union is not an appropriate
There is a valid certification The number of votes cast bargaining unit.
election but because of in the certification or
certain circumstances, the consent election is less
4. Lack of 25% Consent
election is nullified and than the majority of the
another one is ordered to number of eligible voters
In an organized establishment, an employer can validly
truly reflect the will and and there are no
oppose a petition for certification election when the
sentiment of the electorate- challenged votes that
petition is not supported by the written consent of 25% of
employees in the choice of could materially change
the employees covered by the bargaining unit.
their bargaining the results thereof.
5. Election Year Bar and Certification Year Bar
6. ⚖️⚖️EMPLOYER AS A MERE BYSTANDER RULE An employer can validly oppose a petition for certification
election when the petition was filed within one(1) year
Bystander Rule from a valid certification election or from certification of a
union as bargaining unit.
Page | 83
Labor Organization v. Legitimate Labor Organization 1. Authorization by a written resolution of the
majority of all the members at the general
Labor Organization Legitimate Labor
Organization membership meeting called for the purpose;
1. Membership fees;
2. Union dues;
3. Assessments;
4. Fines; a. Deductions for withholding Tax mandated under the
5.Contributions for labor education and research, mutual National Internal Revenue Code.
death and hospitalization benefits, welfare fund, strike
fund and credit and cooperative undertakings; and b. Deductions for fees for Mandatory activities such as
6. Agency fees. (Article 292(a), 259(e), Labor Code) labor relations seminars and labor education activities.
f. Deductions from wages ordered by the Court. b. Other party replies not later than 10 calendar days
from receipt of such notice;
g. Deductions authorized by law such as for premiums for
PhilHealth, SSS, PAG-IBIG, employees’ compensation c. If difference arises on the basis of the notice and reply,
and the like. (Id., p. 455-456) either party may request for a conference;
Authorization to effect a check-off of union dues is Conference shall begin no later than ten (10) calendar
coterminous with the union affiliation or membership of days from the date of request.
employees. (Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc. v. Joaquin,
G.R. No. 110007, October 18, 1996) d. If the dispute is not settled, the NCMB shall intervene
upon request of either or both parties or at its own
⚖️ ⚖️ Collective Bargaining initiative.
a. Party desiring to negotiate an agreement shall serve a. The obligation to bargain collectively is mutual;
b. The parties are required to meet and confer
Page | 85
promptly and expeditiously and in good faith; wage rates, paid vacations, pensions, health and welfare
c. The parties are required to bargain on a plans, and other fringe benefits. (No. 9, NCMB Primer on
reasonable terms and conditions of Grievance Settlement and Voluntary Arbitration)
d. They are required in good faith to negotiate an Non-Economic Provisions and Conditions
e. They must execute a contract incorporating
the agreement reached by the parties. (PNEI v.
NLRC, 259 SCRA 161); and
f. The duty to bargain does not compel any party
to agree to a proposal or to make any concession
(Article 263, Labor Code)
Employer’s duty to bargain exists only with SEBA Non-economic provisions refer to those whose
monetary cost cannot be directly computed such as the
The duty to bargain collectively does not exist when the no-strike no-lockout, union security and check-off clauses,
majority status of the employees’ representative is not grievance procedures, etc. (No. 9, NCMB Primer on
established. The employer has no such duty to bargain Grievance Settlement and Voluntary Arbitration)
with the individual workers or with the minority union.
(Lakas ng Manggagawang Makabayan vs. Marcelo Mandatory Provisions in a Collective Bargaining
Enterprises, G.R. No. L-38258, November 19, 1982) Agreement
Two (2) Situations Contemplated when the duty to ⚖️ ⚖️ CBA – Law Between the Parties
bargain exist:
The terms and conditions of a collective bargaining
1. Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of contract constitute the law between the contracting
CBA (Art. 262, Labor Code); and parties.
a. Grievance Procedure
Page | 86
of Labor and Employment if it does not contain a provision
on grievance procedure/machinery which is a “must” It is an expression of the firm commitment of the parties
provision required of all CBAs. thereto that, on the part of the union, it will not conduct
a strike during the effectivity of the CBA, and on the
“Grievance or Grievable Issue” part of the employer, it will not a stage a lockout
during the lifetime thereof. (Chan, 2017)
Any question raised by either employer or the union
regarding any of the following issues or controversies: A "no strike, no lock-out" provision in the CBA "may only
be invoked by an employer when the strike is economic
1. Interpretation or implementation of the CBA; in nature or one which is conducted to force wage or
2. Interpretation or enforcement of company personnel other agreements from the employer that are not
policies; mandated to be granted by law.
In order to be grievable, violations of a Collective It is not applicable when the strike is grounded on
Bargaining Agreement, except those which are gross in nfair labor practice. (Guagua National Colleges v.
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor Guagua National Colleges Faculty Labor Union, G.R. No.
practice and shall be resolved as grievances under the 204693, July 13, 2016)
Collective Bargaining Agreement. (UST Faculty Union vs.
UST, G.R. No. 203957, July 30, 2014). Effects of Non-Registration of the CBA
The CBA shall remain effective and enforceable even 1. Civil aspect; and
after the expiration of the period fixed by the parties as 2. Criminal aspect
long as no new agreement is reached by them and no
petition for certification is filed. (Labor Laws and Social The civil aspect of ULP includes claims for actual, moral
Legislations, Duka, 2016, p. 561) and exemplary damages, attorney‘s fees and other
affirmative reliefs (Art. 258, Labor Code) Generally, these
g. Union Security Clause civil claims should be asserted in the labor case before
the Labor Arbiters who have original and exclusive
Enforcement of Union Security Clause in CBA jurisdiction over ULP cases. (Art. 224, Labor Code)
Page | 88
To require as a condition of employment that a person or
The criminal aspect, on the other hand, can be an employee shall not join a Labor Organization or
committed by the agents and officers of the employer who shall withdraw from one to which he belongs.
participated, authorized and/or ratified the act.
c. Contracting out services
Kinds of ULP
1. Contracted-out services or functions are performed by
Acts violative of the Acts violative of the
union members; and
right of self-organization right to collective
2. Contracting out will interfere with, restrain, or coerce
employees in the exercise of their right to self-
a. Interference, restraint, a. Violation of the duty to
and coercion Non-Union bargain
d. To Initiate, Dominate, Assist (IDA), or
(or Withdrawal from)
otherwise interfere with the formation or
Membership as Condition b. Negotiation of Attorney‘s
administration of any Labor Organizations,
for Employment Fees
including the giving of financial or other
support to it or its organizers or supporters.
b. Contracting Out to c. Violation of the CBA
Discourage Unionism
Company Dominated d. Failure to make a timely
Union reply to the proposals;
within ten (10) calendar
c. Discriminating to days (General Milling Corp.
encourage/ discourage vs. CA, GR No. 146728,
unionism February 11, 2004)
e. To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of
d. Retaliation for
work and other terms and conditions of
testimony against
employment in order to encourage or
discourage membership in any Labor
e. Exaction –
f. To dismiss, discharge, or otherwise prejudice
or discriminate against an employee for
Parties who may be liable for ULP having given or being about to give testimony
– Includes not giving testimony
1. By Employers - Labor Code, art. 259
g. To violate the duty to bargain collectively.
a. To Interfere with, Restrain, or Coerce
employees in the exercise of their right to self- Collective bargaining does not end with the execution of
organization an agreement. Being a continuous process, the duty to
bargain necessarily imposes on the parties the obligation
to live up to the terms of such a collective bargaining
agreement if entered into, it is undeniable that non-
compliance therewith constitutes an unfair labor
practice. (Shell Oil Workers Union v. Shell Co., G.R. No.
L-28607 (1971)
Page | 90
6. Featherbedding A. ⚖️ ⚖️ Strikes
It is in nature of exaction, for services which are not Any temporary stoppage of work by the concerted action
performed or not to be performed, as when a union of the employees as a result of an industrial or labor
demands that the employer maintain personnel in excess dispute. (Art. 219(o), Labor Code)
of the latter’s requirements. It is an unfair labor practice of
the union through coercive means for exacting or It is the most powerful weapon of workers in coming to an
attempting to exact the employers for services not agreement with management as to the terms and
rendered or not intended to be rendered. conditions of employment. Premised on the concept of
economic war between labor and management, staging a
Peaceful Concerted Activities strike either gives life to or destroys the labor union and
its members, as well as affect management and its
A concerted activity is one undertaken by two or more members. (Ilagan v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. Nos.
employees to improve their terms and conditions of work. 211746 & 212077 (Notice), January 22, 2020)
Workers shall have the right to engage in concerted Since strikes affect not only the relationship between labor
activities for purposes of collective bargaining or for and management but also the general peace and
their mutual benefit and protection. progress of the community, the law has provided
limitations on the right to strike.
The right of legitimate labor organizations to strike and
picket and of employers to lockout, consistent with the Procedurally, for a strike to be valid, it must comply with
national interest, shall continue to be recognized and Article 278 of the Labor Code. These requirements are
respected. However, no labor union may strike and no mandatory, and the unions failure to comply renders the
employer may declare a lockout on grounds involving strike illegal. (Piñero vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 149610, August
inter-union and intra-union disputes. 20, 2004)
Strike Area
Bargaining Deadlock 30 days
The establishment, warehouse, depots, plants or offices,
ULP 15 days including the sites or premises unused as runaway shops
(no union-busting) of the employer struck against, as well as the immediate
vicinity actually used by picketing strikers in moving to and
ULP NO COOLING-OFF PERIOD from before all points of entrance to and exit said
(with union-busting)
establishment (Art. 219(s), Labor Code, as amended)
Should the dispute remain unsettled until the lapse of the
requisite number of days from the mandatory filing of the Any person who obstructs, impedes, or interferes with by
force, violence, coercion, threats or intimidation any
notice, the labor union may strike or the employer may peaceful picketing affecting wages, hours or conditions
declare a lockout. (Art. 278e). work or in the exercise of the right to self-organization or
collective bargaining, also called a “scab” (Art. 219(r),
Labor Code, as amended)
4. Notice of strike vote meeting to National
Not Valid Grounds for a Strike
Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) within 24
hours before the strike vote (Sec. 10, Rule XXII, Book
V, IRR) 1. Violations of CBAs (except those that are gross in
2. Inter-union and internal union disputes
5. Strike vote 3. Issues brought to voluntary or compulsory arbitration;
4. Legislated wage orders; and e. Labor standard cases
A decision to declare a lockout must be approved by a
majority of the board of directors of the corporation Good faith Strike
or association or of the partners in a partnership,
obtained by secret ballot in a meeting called for that GR: A strike based on a non-strikeable ground is an
purpose. (Art. 278(f), Labor Code, as amended) illegal strike.; a strike grounded on ULP is illegal if no
such acts actually exist.
6. Strike vote report sent to NCMB
XPN: Even if no ULP acts are committed by the employer,
In every case, the union or the employer shall furnish the if the employees believe in good faith that ULP acts
Department the results of the voting at least 7 days exist so as to constitute a valid ground to strike, then
before the intended strike or lockout, subject to the the strike held pursuant to such belief may be legal.
cooling-off period herein provided. (Art. 278f) (NUWHRAIN v. NLRC, G.R. No. 125561, 1998)
7. Observance of the waiting period (7- day strike ban) Note: A mere claim of good faith would not justify the
holding of a strike under the aforesaid exception as, in
addition thereto, the circumstances must have warranted
Strike Ban
such belief. It is, therefore, not enough that the union
believed that the employer committed acts of ULP when
the circumstances clearly negate even a prima facie
showing to sustain such belief. (Interwood Employees
Assoc. v. Int’l Hardwood, G.R. No. L-7409, 1956)
The 7-day waiting period or strike ban is a distinct and
Page | 93
A good faith strike must still comply with the proper personnel of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines or
procedural requirements. Without proper notice and a the Integrated National Police, or armed person, shall
strike vote, even if the union believes the company is bring in, introduce or escort in any manner, any individual
engaging in unfair labor practices, the strike is illegal. who seeks to replace strikers in entering or leaving the
(Grand Boulevard Hotel v. GLOWHRAIN, G.R. No. premises of a strike area, or work in place of the strikers.
153664, 2003). (Art. 279d).
No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with, by Mere participation in illegal strike
force, violence, coercion, threats, or intimidation, any
peaceful picketing by employees (Art.279(b), Labor Code, Mere participation in an illegal strike by a union officer is
as amended); sufficient ground to terminate his employment. In case
of a lawful strike, the union officer must commit illegal acts
1. Blocking the free ingress to/ egress from work during a strike for him to be terminated. (Art. 279a)
premises for lawful purposes
2. Obstruction of public thoroughfares Note: The mere fact that the criminal complaints against
3. Threatening, coercing and intimidating non- terminated Union members were subsequently dismissed
striking employees, officers, suppliers and does not extinguish their liability under the Labor Code (C.
customers Alcantara & Sons, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 155109 (2011).
4. Resistance and defiance of assumption of
jurisdiction by the Labor Secretary or an injunction B. Picketing
5. Acts of violence (Association of Independent
Unions in the Philippines (AIUP), et. al. vs. NLRC,
G.R. No. 120505, March, 25, 1999)
B. By the Employer
The purpose of the picket line is to persuade employers An innocent third party shall not be adversely affected by
peacefully by publicizing the labor dispute to inform the the picketing. The lawful ingress and egress of passage
public of what is happening and thus cause other workers of an innocent third party cannot be blocked.
not to work in the establishment and for customers not to
do business there (Phimco Industries, Inc. v. Phimco The third party employers or “innocent bystanders” who
Industries Labor Association (PILA), et al., 628 SCRA 119, have no employer-employee relationship with the
2010). picketing strikers, may apply for injunction with the regular
courts to enjoin the conduct of the picket. Because of the
Elements of Picketing absence of such employer-employee relationship, the
NLRC cannot entertain such application for injunction
a. There must be a labor issue; from innocent bystanders. (Chan, 2019)
b. It must be a concerted activity of the union;
and The right to picket is not an absolute one. The right may
c. Characterized by the peaceful marching to and from at be regulated at the instance of third parties or "innocent
the employee’s premises with placards to appraise the bystanders'' if it appears that the inevitable result of its
employer and the public of their demands. exercise is to create an impression that a labor dispute
with which they have no connection or interest exists
Requisites for LAWFUL picketing between them and the picketing union or constitute an
invasion of their rights. (MSF Tire & Rubber, Inc. v. Court
a. The picket should be peacefully carried out; of Appeals, G.R. No. 128632, August 5, 1999)
b. There should be no act of violence, coercion or
intimidation attendant thereto; Strike v. Picketing
c. The ingress to or egress from the company premises
Strike Picketing
should not be obstructed; and d. Public thoroughfares
should not be impeded. To withhold or to stop Picketing outside of the
work by the concerted company compound usually
Prohibited Activities action of employees as a accompanies the work
result of an industrial or stoppage
1. By any person labor dispute
No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with, by Focuses on the stoppage Focuses on publicizing the
force, violence, coercion, threats or intimidation, any of work labor dispute and its
peaceful picketing by employees during any labor incidents to inform the public
controversy or in the exercise of the right to self- of what is happening in the
organization or collective bargaining, or shall aid or abet company
such obstruction or interference. (Art. 279b)
Refers to the actual Simply means marching to
2. By police force stoppage of work and fro in front of the
employer‘s premises,
The police force shall keep out of the picket lines unless usually accompanied by the
actual violence or other criminal acts occur therein: display of placards and
Provided, That nothing herein shall be interpreted to other signs; separate and
prevent any public officer from taking any measure different from the actual
necessary to maintain peace and order, protect life and stoppage of work
property, and/or enforce the law and legal orders. (Art.
279d) Guaranteed under the Right to picket guaranteed
Constitutional provision under the freedom of
3. By person engaged in picketing on the right of workers to speech and of expression
conduct peaceful and to peaceably assemble
No person engaged in picketing shall commit any act of concerted activities
violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free
ingress to or egress from the employer’s premises for
lawful purposes, or obstruct public thoroughfares. (Art.
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C. ⚖️ ⚖️ Lockouts Illegal strike and illegal lockout/In Pari Delicto
Lockout is the temporary refusal of an employer to furnish
work as a result of an industrial or labor dispute. (Art. When the employer engaged in illegal lockout and the
219p) employee engaged in illegal strike, both parties are in pari
delicto, and such situation warrants the restoration of the
Grounds for lockout status quo ante and bringing the parties back to the
respective positions before the illegal strike and illegal
Similar to a strike, the proper grounds for a lockout are: lockout. [Philippines Inter-Fashion Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No.
L-59847 (1982)]
1. Bargaining deadlock (BD);
2. ULP by labor organizations. ⚖️ ⚖️ Assumption of Jurisdiction by Secretary of
Labor and Employment
Mandatory procedural requirements
When May the SOLE Assume Jurisdiction
1. Effort to bargain (in case of bargaining
2. Filing and service of notice of lockout to the
3. Observance of cooling-off period;
Bargaining 30 days
1. Hospital sector;
Procedural Requirements
2. Electric power industry;
3. Water supply service, to exclude small water supply
1. Notice of lockout vote meeting within 24 hours
services, such as bottling and refilling stations;
before the intended vote (Sec. 10, Rule XXII,
4. Air traffic control;
Book V, IRR);
5. Other industries as may be recommended by the
2. Lockout vote;
National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (TIPC) (Sec.
3. Report of lockout vote;
16, Rule XXII, Book V, IRR as amended by D.O. No. 40-
4. Observance of the waiting period (7- day strike
Who determines industries indispensable to the
Effect of illegal lockout
national interest (Art. 278g)
1. Secretary of Labor and Employment;
Any worker whose employment has been terminated as a
2. President
consequence of an unlawful lockout shall be entitled to
reinstatement with full back wages. (Art. 279(a), Labor
Page | 96
Requisites for Assumption of Jurisdiction
Immediately Executory
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Note: For a ULP case to be cognizable by the Labor Arbiter,
and the NLRC to exercise its appellate jurisdiction, the
allegations in the complaint should show prima facie the
concurrence of two things, namely: [1] gross violation of the
CBA; and [2] the violation pertains to the economic
provisions of the CBA.