Actions Taken On The Previous Team Reccomendations
Actions Taken On The Previous Team Reccomendations
Actions Taken On The Previous Team Reccomendations
F6 A system for Since the school started operating, the canteen was managed by the school itself *Canteen Menu
ensuring the safety, ensuring that the food offered are healthy and nutritious. By the year 2022, canteen *Current Health Certificates of Food
health and well- menu are posted, and food handlers regularly secure health certificates. The students, Handlers
being of the school on the other hand bring their own tumbler for a potable water supply, while the
community through canteen offers potable water for sale. There are also available distilled water in the
6.1 healthy food faculty room and principal’s office for consumption purposes.
in the canteen or
nutrition center
H2 An annual
budget approved by
the Board of
Trustees that is:
2.1 CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Minutes of department budget
collaboratively hearings
prepared by the *Consolidated School Budget
various offices* *BOT-approved budget
2.2 regularly CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Quarter Budget Performance
monitored through Reports
the quarter budget *Quarter Cash Flow Statements
performance *Minutes of Orientation-
reports* Dissemination Meetings of the
Quarter Budget Performance
*Distribution of Quarter Budget
Reports to the responsibility centers
2.3 reflective CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Annual Budget
of the Standards- *Budget Performance Reports
based School
Improvement Plan*
I4 A system for There is a yearly monitoring and evaluation of the Annual Operational Plan, but by *Monitoring and Evaluation reports
collaboratively the year 2022, minutes of meeting and attendance list of the monitoring and and of the AOP
monitoring and evaluation meetings, together with the BOT and Department Heads are prepared. *Monitoring and Evaluation reports
evaluating the annual of the SSIP
operational plan and *Minutes of the monitoring and
the standards-based evaluation meetings
school-improvement *Attendance list of the monitoring
plan and evaluation meetings
Promotion policy - depende sa performance, yearly automatic 500 increase; LET Passer may dagdag sa sahod - P500;