Actions Taken On The Previous Team Reccomendations

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Previous Team’s Compliance or Implementation of the Recommendations Evidences of School’s Actions

E.I.1 Key non-teaching personnel that provide academic support services are licensed or qualified according to national standards:
I.1.2. Librarian* From the year 2022, a licensed librarian was hired to train and help monitor systems Photocopy of license and contract of
and practices in the library. Since the population of the school is not big enough, the service of the licensed librarian;
licensed librarian was hired only on a part-time basis. By the year 2022, before the Updated accession book and
school year opens, the librarian trained (on a Saturday) the teachers assigned in the catalogue card; Narrative report and
library on how to restructure the library and position books based on classification. documentation of training conducted
They served as assistants of the librarian to facilitate and fast track the accession and to library-assigned teachers.
cataloguing of books. Twice every quarter, the licensed librarian reports at the school
to continue accessioning and cataloguing, but during school days, a library-assigned
teacher monitors the daily affairs of the library, under the mentoring and guidance of
the licensed librarian. The process continues from 2022 up to the present school year.
I.1.3. Guidance* Since licensed Guidance Counselor is limited within Pangasinan II, but a need to Narrative Report and documentation
cater to the Homeroom Guidance program of the school is needed, a trained on the training for class advisers and
Guidance Designate of the public school served as the trainer and consultant of the school principal on the conduct of
school for its Homeroom and career guidance needs. The class advisers, together homeroom and career guidance
with the school principal was trained from the year 2022-2024 on the conduct of program and Positive Discipline for
homeroom and career guidance program, including the use of guidance-related forms Everyday Teaching from the year
and materials. By the year 2024, a google classroom was created by the class 2022-2024; Soft copies of Homeroom
advisers of the Grades 7-10 students, to serve as online system for downloading or Guidance Modules and Activity
uploading homeroom guidance modules and activity sheets, while soft copy of Sheets; Guidance-related forms and
modules for Kinder to Grade 6, and Grades 11-12 were given to the class advisers for materials
them to properly discuss and implement the Homeroom Guidance program. The
school principal serves as the Guidance Designate, in the absence of a licensed
Guidance counselor. In cases that a pupil/ student needs professional help, a referral
system was in place. There is a line-up of contact persons to support the counselling
and referral needs of the students such as Developmental Pediatrician, Behavioral
Therapists, Psychologists, Psychometrician, and Psychiatrists.
G2. Qualified The school principal continued schooling for his Master’s Degree from the year 2023 Certification from the school stating
School Principal and had completed it by the year 2024. He is currently enrolled in his Doctor of that the principal had finished his
with MA Degree in Philosophy class, and had already gained 12 units. Master’s Degree (Note: Official
Education* Transcript of Records will only be
released if the school head had
finished his doctorate degree. He is
now currently enrolled in his Doctor
of Philosophy at the same school.)
B1 A Curriculum
Map in each subject
area that:
1.4 consistently By the year 2022, System of Curriculum Development and Updating was *Updated Curriculum Maps
shows horizontal institutionalized. Curriculum maps were updated, aligning which to instruction, *System of Curriculum Development
alignment between assessment and resources in all learning areas. Teachers were trained on how to and Updating
standards, prepare Periodical Tests using Table of Specifications, aligning which to curriculum *Use of mapping codes that shows
competencies, standards and competencies, and instructions, in all learning units. For a smooth horizontal alignment and
assessment, transition and process of adoption, during the first year, a curriculum and instruction correspondence between standards,
instruction, and consultant, who conducted the training, visits the school monthly to check the competencies, assessment,
resources in all the application of the training conducted and alignment of standards, competencies, instruction, and resources in all the
learning units* instruction, resources and assessment. Quarterly, the School Head, together with the learning units
Department Heads meet to conduct curriculum auditing. Yearly, from 2023 to 2024, *Narrative report and documentation
a training to revisit the process of curriculum updating and alignment to standards, on the conduct of training for teachers
assessment, instruction and resources is conducted to develop mastery among
teachers, and to introduce to the newly-hired teachers the process.
B2 The
implementation and
improvement of the
curriclum maps by:
2.1 checking that By the year 2022, System of Curriculum Development and Updating was *Minutes of meeting of Department
the PVMGO in the institutionalized. Quarterly, the School Head, together with the Department Heads Heads
curriculum maps are meet for curriculum auditing, to check that the PVMGO in the curriculum maps are *Subject Learning Plans
reflected in the unit reflected in the Unit Learning Plans, and there is alignment of the curriculum maps, *Subject Table of Specifications
learning plans standards, competencies, assessment, instruction and resources. Subject Learning *Instructional Supervision Program
Plans, TOS, Assessment Instruments are reviewed in the process. To take note of the and Reports
findings and for future plans and prospects, Minutes of Meeting are prepared. *Sample Assessment Instruments
*System of Learning Plan Preparation
*System of Assessment Preparation
*System and Procedures for
curriculum Development and
B3 Learning plans in
each subject area
that show:
3.3 use of varied Since 2022, based on the result of classroom observations, the School Head and *Subject Learning Plans
research-based Department Heads will meet monthly/ quarterly or as needed to improve student *System of Learning Plan Preparation
strategies in the participation during classroom encounters. Brainstorming on the intensity of the *Instructional Supervisory Reports
classroom for active applied research-based and learner-centered strategies during classroom encounters *Minutes of meetings of School Head
and engaged student serve as the basis for coaching and mentoring teachers. A Faculty Development and Department Heads regarding
learning* Training, Seminars and Workshops is then crafted to assist teachers in their classroom strategies
development needs. Mentoring and coaching teachers on a quarterly/ regular basis is *Faculty Development Training
done to ensure that student are active and engaged during learning. Seminars and Workshops
*Classroom Observation Form
3.4 incorporation Since 2022, based on the result of classroom observations, and quarterly checking *Subject Learning Plans
of the philosophy, and review of the submitted Learning Plans, the School Head and Department Heads *System of Learning Plan Preparation
vision-mission and will meet monthly/ quarterly or as needed to ensure the inclusion of PVMGO-CV, *Instructional Supervisory Reports
inter-subject activities related to development of 21st century skills, subject integration, real-world *Minutes of meetings of School Head
integration* challenges or issues, and the use of technology in class activities or assessments in and Department Heads regarding
the learning plans. Brainstorming on the results of the classroom encounters and classroom strategies
checking of learning plans will serve as the basis for coaching and mentoring *Faculty Development Training
teachers quarterly/ regularly/ as needed. A Faculty Development Training, Seminars Seminars and Workshops
and Workshops is then crafted to assist teachers in preparing their learning plans to *Classroom Observation Form
incorporate PVMGO and inter-subject integration. *Integrated Performance Tasks
*Community Awareness, Exposure or
Immersion Activities related to Unit
*System of Technology Integration
3.5 provisions of Since 2022, based on the result of classroom observations, and quarterly checking *Subject Learning Plans
different activities and review of the submitted Learning Plans, the School Head and Department Heads *System of Learning Plan Preparation
that addresses the will meet monthly/ quarterly or as needed to ensure the inclusion of differentiated *Instructional Supervisory Reports
learners varied activities in the learning plans. Brainstorming on the results of the classroom *Minutes of meetings of School Head
interests and learning encounters and checking of learning plans will serve as the basis for coaching and and Department Heads regarding
styles mentoring teachers quarterly/ regularly/ as needed. A Faculty Development Training, classroom strategies
Seminars and Workshops is then crafted to assist teachers in preparing their learning *Faculty Development Training
plans to include differentiated activities in the learning plans. Seminars and Workshops
*Classroom Observation Form
3.6 use of Since 2022, based on the result of classroom observations, and quarterly checking *System of Selection, Procurement,
appropriate and review of the submitted Learning Plans, the School Head and Department Heads Development and Utilization of
instructional will meet monthly/ quarterly or as needed to ensure the inclusion of appropriate Instructional Resources/ Materials
resources that are instructional resources/ materials and alignment of which with curriculum map *Subject Learning Plans
aligned with the resources/ materials specifications. Brainstorming on the results of the classroom *System of Learning Plan Preparation
curriculum maps, encounters and checking of learning plans will serve as the basis for selecting, *Instructional Supervisory Reports
standards and procuring, developing and utilizing instructional resources/ materials. A Faculty *Minutes of meetings of School Head
competencies Development Training, Seminars and Workshops is then crafted to assist teachers in and Department Heads regarding
selecting, developing and utilizing instructional resources/ materials. instructional materials/ resources
*Faculty Development Training
Seminars and Workshops
*Classroom Observation Form
C1 A system that There is a regular updating of the PVMGO with the help of Board of Trustees and *Orientation Program Minutes/
actively Faculty Members during annual/ quarterly meetings. The updated PVMGO is then Documentation
communicates to presented and communicated to parents/guardians and students during Orientation *Presentation of School’s curriculum
various stakeholders Programs and Meetings. But by the year 2022, the K to 12 standards, with the direction with different stakeholders
the school’s Vision, MATATAG curriculum, and directions and school’s development of innovations in such as Board of Trustees, Faculty
Mission and K to 12 curriculum, assessment and instruction are presented and discussed for the Members, and Students
standards and stakeholders, in a more elaborate and detailed manner, to keep abreast of the plans
directions and and prospects of the school.
development of
innovations in
assessment and
C3 Regular Since 2022, Department Heads prepares a consolidated quarterly report on the *Subject Reports on Student
collection, student performance with the help of Item Analysis prepared by the subject teachers, Performance of curriculum Map
interpretation, and to identify least and best mastered skills and competencies in each learning area. The Standards and competencies
dissemination of data identified least mastered skills and competencies becomes the basis for Intervention *Data Presentations on PLC Meetings
on student learning Plans of the teachers, and used as basis in updating and developing the curriculum. *System for Curriculum
and performance to During academic council meetings and periodic/ annual reports on curriculum Development and Updating
top and key school evaluation, the collected and interpreted student and learning performance will be *Sample students’ answers in
leaders towards further discussed for future curriculum updating and revisions. formative assessments in different
informed decision- subject areas
making *Minutes of meeting of Academic
Council or Subject Coordinators’
Council or subject department
*Periodic or annual reports on
curriculum evaluation
C6 A system for Since 2022, Teachers prepare Item Analysis, after every Periodical Examinations, to *Schedules and Minutes of Year
teachers toidentify least and best mastered skills and competencies in each learning area. The Level PLC meetings
periodically andidentified least mastered skills and competencies becomes the basis for Intervention *Sample PLC Reports
collaboratively Plans of the teachers, and used as basis in updating and developing the curriculum. *Minutes on Student Performance
analyze data on As a practice, Remediation is given to students, upon completion of a lesson, who got and Intervention Planning
student performance 60% and below mastery level. Remediation and intervention programs are done after
and planclass hours, with the approval of the parents/ guardians, around 4:00-4:30pm, within
interventions thatthe quarter of after every periodic evaluation. During academic council meetings and
enables students to periodic/ annual reports on curriculum evaluation, the collected and interpreted
meet the standards student and learning performance will be further discussed for future curriculum
and relatedupdating and revisions. And Tutorial classes during summer breaks are done to help
competencies students master least mastered competencies needed to be better prepared for the
coming school year.
D1 A system for: A system for screening and hiring licensed teachers was institutionalized last 2022, *Recruitment, Selection, Hiring/
1.1 screening, and following the Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Process. Once a teacher passes the Placement Policies and Procedures
hiring licensed and qualifications, a contract will be prepared and notarized thereafter. Roles and *Notarized Teachers’ Contracts
qualified teachers* responsibilities, including salary and benefits are discuss to the teachers during the *Administration Manual
orientation period. *Teacher’s Profile
*Teacher’s 201 File
D2 A Faculty There is a regular orientation with the teachers is done to discuss the content of the *Faculty manual
Manual defining faculty manual. All the teachers receives a copy of the faculty manual to serve as *Minutes of the Faculty Meetings
faculty functions, their guide as to their roles and responsibilities. But starting 2022, Minutes of where the contents of the Faculty
duties and meetings is prepared every after orientation to take note of the salient features of the Manual were discussed
responsibilities, faculty manual that need to be stressed and to address issues and concerns regarding
benefits and roles and responsibilities of all faculty members.
privileges that is
accepted, published
and well-
D3 Faculty
Development Plan
designed to:
3.1 help By the year 2022, a Faculty Development Plan was prepared covering the 7 *Faculty Development Plan
teachers meet the development domains prescribed by the PPST. This served as the basis for Faculty *Faculty Performance Evaluation
standards of the Performance Evaluation and for further professional and development growth of each Instruments, Results and Summaries
2017 Philippine teachers.
Standards for
3.2 enable By the year 2022, PLC meetings became a regular forum for teachers to discuss their *List of PLC Activities
teachers to organize concerns that centers on the needs and interests of the learners. This is intended to *Minutes of the PLC Meetings
Professional learning help teachers voice out their concerns, present best practices in each classes, suggest *Attendance Sheets during the PLC
communities for intervention plans and programs and collaboratively address school and student- Meetings
collaborative work, related concerns. PLC meetings are done monthly or as needed to ensure that *Faculty Evaluation reports by Peers
peer observation, classroom-related concerns are addressed according to the need and urgency.
and improved Minutes of meetings are prepared for future references of plans and actions.
student learning*
3.3 reward By the year 2022, Faculty Performance Appraisal Instruments and Results became *Faculty Awards and Recognition
outstanding teacher one of the basis for Faculty Awards and Recognition. Teachers who perform well as Package
performance, coach and have served the school for considerable amount of time are also rewarded, *List of Recipients of Faculty Awards
initiative and as stipulated in the faculty recognition package. *Faculty Performance Appraisal
creativity Instruments and Results
G4 A system that There is a regular updating of the PVMGO with the help of internal and external *School Calendar of Activities
provides structures stakeholders. The update is based on the result of the performance for the past school *Minutes of General Assemblies and
and opportunities for year, targeted at increasing efficiency in operation and addressing needs of the school Council Meetings
consultation and stakeholder in general. During summer breaks, Board of Trustees, together with the *Minutes of Consultation Meetings
collaboration with Department Heads meet to discuss salient points to consider in updating PVMGO to with Stakeholders
internal and external make it holistic and progressive in nature. Updates are then presented to the faculty *Minutes of Planning and Evaluation
stakeholders and the members, parents and guardians, and students during their schedules meetings and Meetings with Stakeholders
wider community orientation. By the year 2022, Minutes of Meetings are prepared for future guide and
towards informed references.
community support,
and attainment of the
G5 An There is a yearly review and updating of the Administration Manual.This is done by *Administration Manual
Administration the Board of Trustees and then presented to the Department Head for some inputs. *Minutes of the General Assemblies
Manual on school An orientation meeting is then held with the Administration staff, followed by on discussions of the Administration
policies, processes distribution of the manual. But by the year 2022, Minutes of Meeting was prepared Manual
and a procedure that for future plans and prospects. *Records of Distribution of the
is accepted, Administration Manual
published, and well-
G7 Established Since the school started operating, there are SOP’s during transfer of responsibilities. *Turn-over SOPs
policies, processes But by the year 2022, turnover SOP’s became institutionalized as it clearly *Personnel Clearance Forms
and procedures that stipulated in the administration manual to ensure that there is a smooth transfer of
ensure: responsibilities and documents during change of management. Clearance form is
7.1 smooth secured by the concerned personnel to ensure that all necessary paper works and
transfer of responsibilities are settled prior to transfer.
responsibilities and
documents during
changes in
E.II.2 AdmissionSince the school started operating, there are postings and announcement in the *Announcement and Bulletin Board
and enrollment
Bulletin Board, but by the year 2022, the posting included the SOP’s for admission postings of Registrar’s Office
procedure is well- and enrollment. Admission and Enrollment SOPs
disseminated *Registrar’s Office Handbook
E.VI.2 Updated
Due to the pandemic, regular check-up with the medical practitioners affiliated with *Student Health Records
medical and dental the schools, such as dentist and medical doctor came to a halt, but by the year 2022,
records of students*medical and dental records were updated because restrictions were lifted. Students
has their updated health records starting school year 2022-23.
E.VI.3 Provisions Since the school started operating, there are assigned staff to provide emergency *Assigned staff to provide emergency
for adequate care, a school clinic, and first aid emergency kit. But by the year 2022, the clinic was care
emergency care move to the first floor and near the principal’s office to address emergency cases *Emergency care SOPs/ Clinic
with more ease and promptness. The clinic has a wider space, and in the absence of *Student Handbook/ Manual
available teacher to conduct emergency, the principal can easily act upon the *First Aid and emergency care SOPs
concerned due to the proximity of the clinic to his office, and can call for necessary
help and assistance immediately.

F6 A system for Since the school started operating, the canteen was managed by the school itself *Canteen Menu
ensuring the safety, ensuring that the food offered are healthy and nutritious. By the year 2022, canteen *Current Health Certificates of Food
health and well- menu are posted, and food handlers regularly secure health certificates. The students, Handlers
being of the school on the other hand bring their own tumbler for a potable water supply, while the
community through canteen offers potable water for sale. There are also available distilled water in the
6.1 healthy food faculty room and principal’s office for consumption purposes.
in the canteen or
nutrition center
H2 An annual
budget approved by
the Board of
Trustees that is:
2.1 CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Minutes of department budget
collaboratively hearings
prepared by the *Consolidated School Budget
various offices* *BOT-approved budget
2.2 regularly CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Quarter Budget Performance
monitored through Reports
the quarter budget *Quarter Cash Flow Statements
performance *Minutes of Orientation-
reports* Dissemination Meetings of the
Quarter Budget Performance
*Distribution of Quarter Budget
Reports to the responsibility centers
2.3 reflective CARE OF MAM ALLIE *Annual Budget
of the Standards- *Budget Performance Reports
based School
Improvement Plan*
I4 A system for There is a yearly monitoring and evaluation of the Annual Operational Plan, but by *Monitoring and Evaluation reports
collaboratively the year 2022, minutes of meeting and attendance list of the monitoring and and of the AOP
monitoring and evaluation meetings, together with the BOT and Department Heads are prepared. *Monitoring and Evaluation reports
evaluating the annual of the SSIP
operational plan and *Minutes of the monitoring and
the standards-based evaluation meetings
school-improvement *Attendance list of the monitoring
plan and evaluation meetings


Name and Signature of Principal
S.Y. 2024-2025

Promotion policy - depende sa performance, yearly automatic 500 increase; LET Passer may dagdag sa sahod - P500;

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