School Improvement Plan Template 2013

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School Improvement Plan 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan

Standard I: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment School Goal To begin the process of designing, aligning and implementing common assessments in all curriculum areas Linked District Goal Curriculum To develop a process for regular review and updating of curriculum documents, and unit and lesson plans based on student assessment data. Curriculum To develop a process for regular review and updating of curriculum documents, and unit and lesson plans based on student assessment data. 2013-14 school year Actions/Timelines Sept 13 - June 14 Benchmarks/Products Completed common assessments. Personnel Responsible Curriculum Leaders, Teachers

To complete the Curriculum Mapping of ELA, Science and Social Studies curricula

Completed curriculum maps.

Curriculum Leaders and staff in ELA, Science and Social Studies Depts.

Standard II: Teaching All Students School Goal To further expand the Differentiated Instruction (DI) model for teachers including training and support. Linked District Goal Faculty To establish an annual robust professional development program based on the creation of professional learning teams, who through the analysis of student assessment data, define and solve problems of instructional practice. To complete the documentation of the curriculum with PK-12 and horizontal articulation, clearly identified, standardsbased mastery objectives aligned with the Common Core and a focus on knowledge, skills and Actions/Timelines Sept 13 - June 14 Wednesday afternoons Benchmarks/Products At least two more opportunities to train high school teachers in the practice and implementation of DI Personnel Responsible Principal, Asst Superintendent for Learning, Curriculum Leaders

To expand the implementation of the 1-1 iPad pilot

Sept 13 - Dec. 13

Budget to support initiative Plan for implementation Options for equipment

Asst Principal IPad pilot teachers Curriculum Leaders

abilities students will need to be successful in the 21st Century. To develop and reorganize the IST 1.To review the student pre-referral process and to develop a tiered system of supports to address the needs of at-risk learners and students with identified special needs. 2.To develop a District Curriculum Accommodation Plan that clearly articulates the research-based instructional practices that will be implemented to assist all learners throughout the District. Sept 13 - Dec 13 1. New streamlined process for IST School psychologist, Asst Principal, all inhouse counselors, teachers, nurse

2. Integration of the DCAP

Standard III: Family and Community Engagement School Goal To increase parent outreach and communication with the use of Aspen, Twitter, Weblog, Naviance and Blackboard Connect and to offer professional development for parents for Twitter, Aspen and Google Linked District Goal Actions/Timelines 7/1/ 2113 - 7/1/2014 Benchmarks/Products Implementation of a consistent Twitter feed, Weblog. The use of Aspen by parents to track their childs progress. The use of Naviance by parents to connect with and communicate with guidance. Completion of at least 2 trainings for parents Personnel Responsible Principal

Standard IV: Professional Culture School Goal Develop a five (5) year plan that will guide our progress and work towards improved curriculum, assessment and instruction Linked District Goal To complete the preparation of a Strategic Plan including, the development of processes for the accomplishment of the goals laid out in the plan, and the review and the revision of this Plan. Actions/Timelines 9/1/2013 - 3/1/2014 Benchmarks/Products Completed 5 year plan Personnel Responsible Principal, Asst. Principal,Curriculum Leaders, Staff and Faculty

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