White Paper Arc Absorber Rev2 10-09
White Paper Arc Absorber Rev2 10-09
White Paper Arc Absorber Rev2 10-09
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GE Arc Vault Protection System
device for a given level of arcing current. maintenance practices. The simplest example of
Reducing clearing time is critical to reducing the active mitigation is to not approach or work on live
impacts of arcing fault. electrical equipment. Figure 2 contains a list of
passive and active items.
• Conductor gap distance. Defines the distance
between conductors that an arc must cross.
Varies by equipment type and manufacturer, but Passive Active
is fixed for a specific piece of equipment.
Reduce exposure with Technology to reduce arcing
• Working distance. The distance from a potential equipment options time & incident energy
arc source to a worker’s face and chest.
• Insulated/ isolated bus • Arc Vault
Typically assumed to be 18”. Items such as
• IR scanning windows • ZSI of instantaneous
remote monitoring and racking can be
• Closed door drawout of • Crow bar
implemented to remove the operator from the breakers • Bus differential (87B)
flash zone to for routine maintenance tasks. • Side section barriers • Maint settings (RELT)
• Current limiting devices
• System configuration. Solidly grounded, • Hinged vs. bolted doors
resistance grounded, etc. This category also • Heaters
takes into consideration whether the arc
Reduce exposure with Design practices to reduce
environment is enclosed or open. equipment types arcing time & incident energy
• Arc resistant structures • Consider fault currents
Given a basic understanding of what variables
• Transformer sizes
contribute to an incident energy calculation, the • Grounding
next logical question is to ask what the engineer • Single or double ended
can do to reduce this energy or exposure to it?
Since energy is a function of current, voltage and Others? Reduce exposure via
time, there are several strategies that can be maintenance practices
explored: • Follow NFPA 70E
• No live maintenance
• Reducing the available fault current • Remote switching
• Reducing the arcing time • Remote racking
• Transferring the energy into a less damaging • Remote monitoring
form or place quicker than it could otherwise be • Remove contaminants
• Training & labeling
interrupted. This is the basis of the GE Arc • Use of proper PPE
VaultTM Protection System
The paragraphs that follow will highlight several of Figure 2 – Arc Flash Mitigation Techniques
these strategies.
One clear distinction between the passive and active
Methods of Limiting Incident Energy methods is that the passive method does nothing in
and The Exposure to Arcing Faults the way of detecting or removing an arcing fault. It is
focused solely on containing the arc blast or
eliminating a potential starting point for an arc flash
Over the years, different methods to limit arc flash
via equipment options. One should not employ
exposure and incident energy have been
passive techniques without thinking through items
introduced and can be divided into two general
such as thermal scanning. Equipment options like
categories; active and passive. Passive mitigation insulated main bus and isolated phase bus are good
is defined to be an equipment option or type that preventative measures, however they present an
either contains and re-directs the arc blast or helps issue to performing thermal scans of items other
to eliminate the potential of a flash event (i.e. than load connections.
insulated main bus). This type of mitigation does
not require any actions or settings by an operator The active methods seek to attack on both fronts;
to implement. On the opposite end of the incident energy reduction and reduced exposure.
spectrum is active mitigation. Active mitigation The newest technology on the active side is the GE
takes a pro-active approach to reducing both Arc VaultTM Protection System. To highlight the
incident energy and the exposure to arcing faults application of theArc VaultTM , the following
through the active use of technology, design and
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GE Arc Vault Protection System
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GE Arc Vault Protection System
Installation Considerations
Where does the effluent go when it is vented from
the structure? Does the room size need to be
increased? Does a restricted area need to be SWGR
developed and labeled? Is placement of the
structure limited to certain areas?
Cost & Size Impacts FDR1 FDR2
What are the cost & size impacts associated with Containment
the structure itself? Does the room size need to
be increased?
Existing Equipment
The arc resistant structure cannot be retrofit onto
existing equipment. Figure 5 - Architecture
The comments above are not meant to disparage The current sensor looks for the signature of an
the arc resistant design. Rather they are meant to arcing fault while the light sensor looks for a
highlight that with all products there are application simultaneous optical event. The combination of the
considerations that must be taken into account. two is fed into a logic controller which makes the
Items such as live maintenance, equipment decision on whether to engage the absorber or not.
damage, room size and venting are real concerns
that need to be thought through and contrasted At this point you may be thinking that GE has
against other mitigation techniques. created a crow bar. Rest assured, we have not,
please read on.
How is the GE Arc VaultTM Different?
The Arc Absorber has no moving parts and makes
The GE Arc VaultTM is an active mitigation use of a plasma gun and containment chamber.
technique and aspires to the same basic goal as When the logic controller activates the absorber, two
the arc resistant structure; to protect the operator. simultaneous actions take place. A trip signal is
However it does so in a much different fashion sent to the main breaker and the absorber is
than arc resistant structures. Instead of containing activated. When activated, the absorber triggers the
and venting the arc flash effluent, it seeks to limit plasma gun to break down the dielectric in the air
incident energy via the identification and removal gap within the absorption chamber. The resulting arc
of an arcing fault before it escalates into the creates a lower impedance, phase-to-phase path
signature arc blast and elevated hazard risk than the “in equipment” arcing fault presents to the
categories. The result is a solution that addresses system. This low impedance path is not a bolted
three key areas: fault and in turn re-directs/ absorbs fault current
originally flowing towards the arcing fault within the
• Reduction of the arc flash hazard. controlled environment of the containment chamber.
• Improved equipment uptime/ reduced damage. The arc within the containment chamber is then
• Ability to retrofit existing switchgear safely cooled and vented. The open air or “in
equipment” arc is extinguished as the bus voltage
The architecture for the absorber is depicted in decreases due to the low impedance path within the
figure 5 and consists of a current sensor, a absorber. The time required to quench the open-air
arc is 8ms. The event is brought to conclusion when
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GE Arc Vault Protection System
The Arc VaultTM will be reusable, with minor
maintenance or parts replacement, depending on
the available fault currents it is applied on. Arc
resistant structures will in all likelihood sustain
some form of damage and require repair to place it
back into service.
Maintenance Activities
The Arc VaultTM does not depend on doors being
closed to provide arc flash protection. Hence the
established Hazard Risk Category does not
change whether the doors are open or closed.
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