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Sound 1

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1. (a) An ultrosonic wave is sent from a ship towards the bottom of the sea.

sea. It is found that the time interval between

the sending and the receiving of the wave is 1.5 second. Calculate the depth of the sea, if the velocity of
sound in sea water is 1400 ms1.
(b) A stringed musical instrument, such as the Sitar, is provided with a number of wires of different thicknesses.
Explain the reason for this.
(c) What is meant by noise pollution? Write the name of one source of sound that causes noise pollution
(d) (i) What is the principle on which sonar is based ?
(ii) Calculate the minimum distance at which a person should stand in front of a reflecting surface so that
he can hear a distinct echo. (Take speed of sound in air = 350 ms1.)
(e) (i) Name the characteristics of sound which enables a person to differentiate between two sound with
sounds with equal loudness but having different frequencies.
(ii) Define the characteristics named by you in (i)
(iii) Name the characteristics of sound which enables a person to differentiate between two sounds of the
same loudness and frequency but produced by different instruments.
(f) (i) A person is tuning his radio set to a particular station. What is the person trying to do to tune it?
(ii) Name the phenomenon involved, in tuning the radio set.
(iiii) Define the phenomenon named by you in part.
2. (a) A radar send a signal to an aeroplane at a distance 45 km away with a speed of 3 × 108 ms1. After how long
is the signal received back from the aeroplane ?
(b) (i) What is meant by an echo? Mention one important condition that is necessary for an echo to be heard
(ii) Mention one important use of echo.
(c) (i) Sometimes when a vehicle is driven at a particular speed, a rattling sound is heard. Explain briefly, why
this happens and give the name of the phenomenon taking place.
(ii) Suggest one way by which the rattling sound could be stopped.
3. (a) Define the terms :
(i) Amplitude (ii) Frequency (as applied to sound waves)
(b) A man standing in front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hears the echo after 3 seconds. On moving closer to
the cliff by 82.5 m, he fires again. This time, he hears the echo after 2.5 second. Calculate :
(i) the distance of the cliff from the initial position of the man.
(ii) the velocity of sound.
4. (a) Explain why musical instruments like the guitar are provided with a hollow box.
(b) When a tuning fork, struck by a rubber pad,is held over a length of air column a loud sound is heard.
(i) Name the above phenomenon
(ii) How does the frequency of the loud sound compare with that of the tuning fork?
(iii) State the unit for measuring loudness.
5. (a) Mention two properties ofa wave : one property which varies and the other which remains constant when the
wave passes from one medium to another.
(b) State two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched string can be decreased.
(c) A radar is able to detect the reflected waves from an enemy aeroplane, after a time interval of 0.02 milliseconds.
If the velocity of the waves is 3 × 108 ms-1. Calculate the distance of the plane from the radar.
6. (a) What is Sonar ? State the principle on which it is based.
(b) Differentiate between resonance and forced vibrations.
(c) The wavelength of waves produced on the surface of water is 20 cm. If the wave velocity is 24 ms-1,
calculate :
(1) The number of waves produced in one second and
(2) The time required to produce one wave.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 1

7. (a) The ratio of the amplitudes to two waves is 4 : 9. What is the ratio of their intensities ?
(b) A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun
simultaeously. He hears the echo from a cliff after 8 vibration of the pendulum If the velocity of sound in air is
340 ms1, what is the distance between the cliff and the observer ?
(c) Sound made in front of a tall building 18 m away, is repeated. Name the phenomenon and briefly explain it.
(d) A tuning fork, held over an air column of a given length, prouduce a distinct audiable sound. What do you call
this phenomenon/How does it occur ?
8. (a) An observer stands at a distance of 850 m from a cliff and fires a gun. After what time-gap will he hear the
echo, if sound travels at a speed of 350 ,ms-1 in air?
(b) A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the mouth of a burette filled with water. The tap is opened and the water
level gradually falls. It is ovserved that the sound becomes the loudest for a particular length of air column.
(i) What is the name of the phenomenon taking place when this happens ?
(ii) Why does the sound become the loudest ?
(iii) What is the name of the phenomenon taking place when sound is produced for another length of air
column and is the loudest ?
(c) What change, if any, would you expect in the characteristics of musical sound when we increase :
(i) its frequency ?
(ii) its amplitude ?
9. (a) (i) Give one example each of natural vibration, forced vibration and resonance.
(ii) Mention one practical use of echoes.
(b) Name the physical quantity that is measured in :
(i) Light year (ii) Hertz
10. (a) (i) State three characteristics of a musical sound.
(ii) How does the musical sound differ from noise ?
(b) (i) How does a stretched string on being set into vibration, produce the audible sound ?
(ii) Will the sound be audible if the string is set into vibration on the surface of the moon ? Give reason for
your answer.
(c) Radio waves of speed 3 × 108 m/s are reflected off the moon and received back on earth, the time elapsed
between the sending of the signal and receiving it back at the Earth surface is 2.5 seconds, what is the
distance of the moon from the earth ?
11. Two friends were playing on their identical guitars whose strings were adjusted to give notes of the same pitch. Will
the quality of the two notes be the same ? Give reason for your answer.
12. (a) The rear view mirror of a motor bike starts vibrating violently at some particular speed of the motor bike.
(i) Why does this happen ?
(ii) What is the name of the phenonmenon taking place ?
(iii) What could be done to stop the violet vibrations ?
(b) A sound wave of wavelength 0.332 m has a time period of 10-3s. If the time period is decreases to 10-4,
calculate the wavelength and frequency of the new wave.
(c) (i) Define the terms : Amplitude and frequency for sound waves.
(ii) Name the subjective property of sound related to its frequency and of light related to its wavelength.
13. What happens to the amplitude of the vibrations of a body undergoing (i) forced vibration and (ii) resonance?
14. What are damped vibrations? Draw the displacement-time graph for damped and undamped vibrations.
15. How do trawler men locate shoals of fish in high sea ?
16. Define the following characteristics of sound :
(i) Pitch (ii) Intensity (iii) Quality
17. Distinguish between :
(i) Transverse waves and longitudinal waves.
(ii) Musical sound and noise. (iii) Mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves.
18. Explain why stringed instruments are provided with a sound box.
19. Write down the factors on which frequency of vibrating string depends.
20. A man standing is front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hears the echo after 3 s on moving closer to the cliff by 82.5
m, he fires again and hears the echo after 2.5 s. Find : (a) the distance of cliff from the initial position of man, and
(b) the speed of sound.

21. Figure shows three different modes of vibration of a string.

(a) Which of the vibration is of largest amplitude?
(b) Which of the vibration is the principle note ?
(c) What is the ratio of frequency between (a) and (c)?
(d) Which subsidiary is represented by vibration in figure (a) ?

22. A ship send ultraosnic wave in all directions. A particular wave reflects from the rock inside sea in 4.6 second. What
is the distance of the rock from the ship ? Velocity of sound in water = 1450 ms-1.
23. Why the train is not allowed to move on a long railway bridge with uniform speed ?
24. State two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched string can be decreased.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 2

25. The string shows in the figure vibrates with frequency 256 Hz.
What is the fundamental frequency of its vibration ?

26. Two musical notes of the pitch and loudness are

played on a violin and a piano. The wave forms
are as shown in figures below. Explain
why the wave patterns are different ?

27. The wavelength and frequency of sound wave in certain medium is 40 cm and 825 Hz. Keeping the medium
unchanged if the wavelength is changed to 32 cm. Calculate the resulting frequency.
28. Give reasons :
(i) The troops marching over a suspension bridge are always ordered to break steps.
(ii) The intensity or loudness of the sound emitted by a plucked wire is increased when it is mounted on a board
29. A bucket is placed below a water-tap. We can estimate the height of the water level in the bucket from a distance
simply by listening the sound. How ?
30. Write the frequency range of infrasonic, audible and ultrsonic waves.
31. Sometimes when a vehicle is driven at a particular speed, a rattling sound is heard. Explain briefly, why this
happens and give the name of the phenomenon taking place. Suggest one way by which the rattling sound could be
32. Explain why echoes can't be heard in a small room.
33. Why can we hear echoes in long galleries and big halls ?
34. Two astronauts cannot hear each other on the moon. Why ?
35. Explain why there is usually a time delay between observing a flash and hearing a thunder ?
36. Bats have no eyes still they can ascertain distances, directions, nature and size of the objects. Explain why?
37. Sound is produced due to a vibratory motion, then why a vibrating pendulum does not produce sound?
38. Explain the following :
(i) Why are soldiers asked to walk out of step while crossing bridges?
(ii) Why does a wine glass start rattling, when a note of some particular frequency is struck by a
(iii) Why does rear view mirror of a motor bike start vibrating violently, at some particular speed of motor bike ?
(iv) A tuning fork (vibrating) is held close to ear. One hears a faint hum. The same (vibrating tuning fork is placed
on table, such that its handle is in contact with table, one hears a loud sound. Explain.
39. How does frequency and amplitude affect a musical sound ?
40. How can one distinguish between the sounds of two musical instruments even if they are of some pitch and same
loudness ?
41. How do you account for the fact, that two strings can be used to give notes of the same pitch and loudness but of
different quality ?
42. Which characteristics of a sound wave determines its loudness ? How is the loudness related to this characteristic
of the wave ?
43. What is meant by the 'pitch' of a note ? Does it depend on the loudness or 'quality' of the 'note'? How is pitch 'related'
with frequency ?
44. What is a Pure Note ?
45. What is meant by the 'loudness' of a sound ? How is it related to the intensity ?
46. Explain why strings of different thicknesses are provided on a stringed instrument ?
47. Name the factors on which the frequency of vibrating string depends. What happens if the string is to vibrate in more
than one sgement ?
48. What adjustment will you make for tuning a stringed instrument such as violine to emit a desired pitch?
49. Distinguish between free and forced vibration.
50. Draw displacement-time graph for a water wave and mark on it the amplitude and wave length.
51. Distinguish between noise and musical sound.
52. What is resonance ? Give the conditions under which resonance occurs. Give one example of the phenomenon
based on resonance.
53. What do you understand by the term 'quality' of a musical note ? Illustrate your answer with a diagram.
54. Is it possible for two waves in a medium to produce no disturbance of the medium at certain places ? If so, how ?
55. What is meant by pitch of a sound ?
56. On what factors does pitch depend ?
57. Why is the voice of women of higher pitch than that of men?
58. When does resonance occur ? Give one example of any phenomenon based on resonance.
59. Define the intensity of a sound.
60. How do you account for the fact that two strings can be used to give notes of the same pitch and loudness but of
different quality ?

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 3

61. The stem of a tuning fork is pressed against a table top. Answer the following questions
(i) Would the above action produce any audible sound ? (ii) Does the above action cause the table to set into
vibrations ? (iii) If the answer above is yes, what type of vibrations are they ? (iv) Under what conditions does the
above action lead to resonance ?
62. A stretched wire 0.5 m long is made to vibrate in two
different modes as shown in diagram (A) and (B) given
below (i) If the wavelength of the wave produced in mode
(A) is 1 m, what is the wavelength of the wave produced
in mode (B) of the following diagram ? (ii) In which case is
the note produced louder? Give a reason for your note
produced higher ? Give a reason for your answer.
63. What is the relation between frequency, wavelength and speed of a wave ?
64. Differentiate between forced vibrations and resonance.
65. How do the frequency and amplitude affect a musical sound ?

66. Two musical notes of same pitch and loudness are

played on a violin and a piano. The waveforms are
as shown in figures below. Explain why the wave
patterns are different.

67. Why is a loud sound heard at acoustic resonance ?

68. The rear view mirror of motor bike starts vibrating violently at some particular speed of a wave ?
69. If the amplitude of a wave is doubled, what will be the effect on its loudness ?
70. Differentiate between forced vibrations and resonance.
71. How do the frequency and amplitude affect a musical sound ?
72. Name the subjective property of sound related to its frequency and of light related to its wavelength.
73. Two friends were playing on identical guitars whose strings were adjusted to give notes of the same pitch. Will the
quality of the two notes be the same ? Give a reason for your answer.
74. Give one example each of natural vibration, forced vibration and resonance.
75. Mention one practical use of echoes.
76. State three characteristics of a musical sound.
77. How does the musical sound differ from noise ?
78. How does a stretched string on being set into vibration, produce the audible sound ?
79. Will the sound be audible if the string is set into vibration on the surface of the moon ? Give reason for your answer.
80. A-vibrating tuning fork is placed over the mouth of a burette filled with water. The tap is opened and the water level
gradually falls. It is observed that the sound becomes the loudest for particular length of air column :
(i) Waht is the name of the phenomenon taking place when this happens ?
(ii) Why does the become the loudest ?
(iii) What is the name of the phenomenon taking place when sound is produced for another length of air column
and is not the loudest ?
81. What change, if any, would you expect in the characteristics of musical sound when we increase :
(i) its frequency and (ii) its amplitude
82. Sound made in front of a tall building 18 m away is repeated. Name the phenomenon and briefly explain it.
83. A tuning fork held over an air column of a given length, produces a distinct audible sound. What do you call this
phenomenon ? How does it occur ?
84. What is Sonar ? State the principle on which is is based.
85. State two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched string can be decreased.
86. (i) State any two chracteristics of a wave motion.
(ii) What is the relation between frequency, wavelength and speed of a wave ?
87. A person standing between two vertical cliffs and 640 m away from the nearest cliff shouted. He heard the first echo
after 4 seconds and the second echo 3 seconds later. Calculate (i) the velocity of sound in air and (ii) the distance
between the cliffs.
0 0
88. Two waves A and B have wavelength 0.01 A and 9000 A respectively..
(i) Name the two waves.
(ii) Are the speeds of these two waves equal when they travel in vacuum?
(iii) If the amplitude of a wave is doubled what will be the effect on its loudness ?
89. Define the terms :
(i) Amplitude (ii) Frequency (as aplied to sound waves)
90. A person standing between two vertical cliffs and 640 m away from the nearest cliff shouted. He heard the first echo
after 4 seconds and the second echo 3 seconds later. Calculate (i) the velocity of sound in air and (ii) the distance
between the cliffs.
91. A longitudinal wave of wavelength 1 cm travels in air with a speed of 330 ms-1. Calculate the frequency of the wave.
Can this wave be heard by a normal human being ?

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 4

92. A certain sound has a frequency of 256 hertz and a wavelength of 1.3 m. Calculate the speed with which this sound
travels. What difference would be felt by a listener between this sound and another sound travelling at the same
speed but of wavelength 2.6 m.
93. A soundwave of wavelength 0.332 m has a time period of 10 -3 s. If the time period is decreased to
10-4 s, calculate the wavelength and frequency of the new wave.
94. An observer standa at a distance of 850 m from the cliff and fires a gun. After what time gap will he hear the echo,
if sound travels at a speed of 350 ms-1 in air?
95. A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun
simultaneously. He hears the echo from the cliff after 8 vibrations of the pendulum. If the velocity of sound in air is
340 ms-1, what is the distance between the cliff and the observer?
96. The wavelength of waves produced on the surface of water is 20 cm. If the wave velocity is 24 ms-1, calculate :
(i) the number of waves produced in one second and
(ii) the time required to produce one wave.
97. A radar is able to detect the reflected waves from an enemy aeroplane, after a time interval of 0.02 millisecnd. If the
velocity of the waves is 3 × 108 ms-1, calculate the distance of the plane from the radar.
98. If the sound takes two second to reach the boatman, approximately how much time does it take to reach the diver
at the same depth ?
99. Wavelength of red light is 8000 A . If velocity of light is 3 × 108 ms-1, calculate the frequency and time period.
100. The wavelength and frequency of sound waves in a certain medium is 40 cm and 825 Hz. respectively. Keeping the
medium unchanged, if the wavelength is changed to 32 cm, calculate the resulting frequency.
101. Two strings of a guitar and of lengths 40 cm and 20 cm, such that they are made from same material and are of
same thickness and under same tension. If the freuquency of longer wire is 250 Hz, find the frequency of smaller
102. An electric fork completes oneoscillation in 0.0075 sec. Calculate the frequency of tuning fork. Will the sound
emitted by the turning fork be audible ? Give a reason.

103. In the figure below(X) and (Y) are two waves which
are reprsented graphically with displacement time curves.
Calculate the ratio of their (i) Velocity (ii) Wavelength
(iii) Frequency. Also given reason which produces
(iv) Shrill sound and (v) Louder sound ?

104. Draw a diagram representing a wave of

(i) amplitude = 4 cm and
(ii) wavelength = 2 m.
If the frequency of the wave is 150 Hz,
calculate its velocity.

105. The wavelength of a sound wave is 66 m. Calculate the frequency of the wave if the velocity of sound is 330 ms-1.
Would this sound be audible to the human ear?

106. An observer, situated between two parallel cliffs.

emits an intense sound note. Two successive
echoes are then heard after 5s.and 7s. Calcuate
the distance between the cliffs (velocity of sound = 340 ms-1)

107. A radio transmits waves of frequency 107 Hz. Calculate the wavelength of the waves if their speed in air is 3.0 × 108
108. A man standing in front of a vertical cliff firesa a gun. He hears an echo after 3 seconds. On moving closer to the cliff
by 82.5 m, he fires again. This time he hears the echo after 2.5 seconds. Calculate (i) the speed of sound and (ii)
the distance of initial position of the man from the cliff.
109. The velocity of a sound wave is 332 ms-1. Its time period is 0.005 second. Find its wavelength.
110. (i) If the frequency and wavelength of a certain sound are 512 Hz and 5.2 m respectively, calculate the speed of
the sound.
(ii) If another sound, travelling with the same speed, ware to have a wavelength of 10.4 m, what difference would
it make to a Justener ?
111. A man standing in front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hearn the echo after 3 seconds. On moving closer the the cliff
by 82.5 m, he fires again. This time he hears the after 2.5 seconds. Calculate :
(i) Distance of the cliff from the initial position of the man.
(ii) Velocity of sound.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 5

112. (a) How does a vebrating tuning fork produce sound waves?
(b) Give two difference between free & forced vibrations.
113. Define the terms :
(a) Intensity & loudness (b) frequency & Pitch
(c) Timbre and waveform of sound.
114. (a) An observer stands at a distance of 850 m form a cliff and fires a gun. After how much time he hears an echo
? If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.
(b) A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the mouth of the burette filled with water. The tap is opened and the water
level gradually falls, it is found that the sound becomes very loud for some particular length of water column.
(i) State the name of phenomenon taking place when this happens.
(ii) Why does the sound become very loud ?
(iii) What is the name of phenomenon when sound is produced for other length of air column but it is not very loud
(c) What change, if any, would you expect in the characteriestics of musical sound, when we increase (i) i t s
frequency (ii) its amplitude.
115. (i) How does the frequency of a noise and music differ ?
(ii) State three characterisic of musical sound.
(iii) Name the physical quantity that is measured in (a) Hertz (b) Decibel.
116. Explain the following :
(i) Why strings of different thicknesses are provided on a stringed instrument ?
(ii) Why are soldiers asked to walk out of step while crossing bridges?
117. (a) Differentiate between resonance and forced vibrations.
(b) How does frequency and amplitude affect musical sound ?
118. (a) Bats have no eyes still they can ascertain distances, direction, nature and size of objects explain how ?
(b) Differentiate between infrasonic and ultrasonic waves.

119. The sketches I to IV in figure show sound waves,

all formed in the same time interval.
Which diagram shows (i) note from a musical
instrument (ii) a soft note (iii) a base (low frequency) note
(iv) a shrill note :

120. Compare the values of the speed of sound in the three states of matter.
121. What are the two main differences between light waves and sound waves ?
122. What is meant by an 'echo'?
123. Which characteristics of a sound wave determines its loudness ? How is the loudness related to this characteristics
of the wave ?
124. How are we able to get a sifficiently loud sound in a bell ?
125. Define the intensity of a sound.
126. What is meant by the pitch of a sound ?
127. What is the approximate range of wavelengths in vacuum associated with infrared rays, visible light and ultraviolet
rays ?
128. Identify the name of the wave whose wavelength is found to be 0.001 nm.
129. State the relation between the wavelength, time period and wave velocity for a wave motion.
130. A certain subjective property of sound waves is related to its frequency. Name this property. What is the name of a
similar subjective property of light that is related to its wavelength?
131. The (i) frequency and (ii) amplitude of a given musical sound are increased one by one. How are these likely to affect
the characteristics of the musical sound ?
132. How can we experimentally show that the sound produced by a tuning fork is associated with vibrations?
133. It is well known that a distant lightning flash is seen before the thunder is heard. Give the reason for this observations.

134. Illustrate the meaning of the terms

amplitude and wavelength by indicating them
on the displacement/time graph for a wave.

135. How can we distinguish between a 'noise' and a 'musical note'?

136. What are free and forced vibrations ? Briefly explain the difference between them.
137. Explain the meaning of the term 'the quality of a musical note' with the help of a diagram.
138. When does resonance occur ? Give one example of any phenomenon based on resonance.
139. It is often observed that two notes, of the some pitch and loudness, can still have different qualities. Give a reason
for this observation.
140. What is meant by the 'loudness' of a sound ? How is it related to the intensity?

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 6

141. The stem f a vibrating tuning fork is put on a table top.
(i) Is the tabel set into vibrations ?
(ii) What type of vibrations, if any, are these ?
(iii) When would we observe resonance in such a case ?
142. A stretched wire is made to vibrate in two different ways as shown in figure (a) and (b).
(i) Compare the wavelength of the wave produced in mode (a) with the wavelength
of the wave produced in mode (b).
(ii) In which case do we get a loud note ?
(iii) In which case do we get a note of higher pitch ?

143. (i) If the frequency and wavelength of a certain sound are 256 Hz and 1.3 m respectively, calculate the speed of
the sound.
(ii) If another sound, travelling with the same speed, were to have a wavelength of 2.6 m, what difference would
it make to a listener ?
144. Two musicians adjusted the strings of their identical guitars to produce notes of the same pitch. Explain, with
reason, whether the quality of these two notes would be the same or not.
145. Mention one example each of natural vibration, forced vibration and resonance.
146. Give one possible practical use of echoes.
147. Name the three characteristics associated with a musical sound.
148. Give the main point of difference between a musical sound and a noise.
149. (i) A stretched string, on being set into vibration, produces an audible sound. How does this happen?
150. A wave has an amplitude equal to 8 cm and a wavelength of 1 m. The frequency of the wave is 300 Hz. Represent
the wave diagrammatically and calculate its velocity.


1. Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, travelling in a medium, are as shown in the diagram
below. 2
Study the two sound waves and compare their :
(i) Amplitudes (ii) Wavelength
2. Draw the diagram of a right angled isosceles prism which is used to make an inverted image erect. 3
3. The diagram above shows a wire stretched over a sonometer. Stems of two vibrating tuning forks A and B are
touched to the wooden box of the sonometer. It is
observed that the paper rider (a small piece of paper
folded at the centre) present on the wire flies off
when the stem of vibrating tuning fork B is touched
to the wooden box but the paper just vibrates when
the stem of vibrating tuning fork A is touched to
the wooden box.
(i) Name the phenomenon when the paper rider
just vibrates.
(ii) Name the phenonomenon when the paper rider flies off.
(iii) Why does the paper rider fly off when the stem of tuning fork B is touched to the box ?
4. A person is standing at the sea shore. An observer on the
ship which is anchored in between a vertical cliff and the
person on the shore fires a gun. The person on the shore
hears two sounds, 2 seconds and 3 seconds after seeing
the smoke of the fired gun. If the speed of sound in the air
is 320 ms-1 then calculate :
(i) the distance between the observer on the ship and
the person on the shore.
(ii) the distance between the cliff and the observer on the ship.

YEAR 2017
5. The human ear can detect continuous sounds in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Assuming that the
speed of sound in air is 330 ms-1 for all frequencies, calculate the wavelength corresponding to the given extreme
frequencies of the audible range. [2]
6. An enemy plane is at a distance of 300 km from a radar. In how much time the radar will be able to detect the plane
? Take velocity of radiowaves as 3 × 108 ms-1. [2]
A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 7
7. How is the frequency of a stretched string related to : [2]
(i) its length ? (ii) its tension ?
8. Name the factor that determines :
(i) Loudness of the sound heard. (ii) Quality of the note.
(iii) Pitch of the note. [3]
9. (i) What are damped vibrations ?
(ii) Give one example of damped vibrations.
(iii) Name the phenomenon that causes a loud sound when the stem of a vibrating tuning fork is kept pressed on
the surface of a table. [3]
10. (i) A wire of length 80 cm has a frequency of 256 Hz. Calculate the length of a similar wire under similar tension,
which will have frequency 1024 Hz. [4]
(ii) A certain sound has a frequency of 256 hertz and a wavelength of 1.3 m.
(a) Calculate the speed with which this sound travels.
(b) What difference would be felt by a listener between the above sound and another sound travelling at the
same speed, but of wavelength 2.6 m ?

YEAR - 2016 [Total marks from the chapter 16]

11. Calculate the mass of ice required to lower the temperature of 300 g of water at 400C to water at 00C.
(Specific latent heat of ice = 336 J/g, Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g0C)
12. The ratio of amplitude of two waves is 3 : 4, What is the ratio of their :
(i) loudness ? (ii) frequencies ? [2]
13. State two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched string can be increased. [2]
14. What is meant by noise pollution ? Name one source of sound causing noise pollution. [2]
15. (i) Name the waves used for echo depth sounding.
(ii) Give on reason for their use for the above purpose.
(iii) Why are the waves mentioned by you not audible to us ? [3]
16. (i) What is an echo ?
(ii) State two condition for an echo to take place. [3]
17. (i) Defien the phenomenon named by you in part (i) above.
(ii) What do you understand by loudness of sound ?
(iii) In which units is the loudness of sound measured ?
(iv) Name the phenomenon involved in turning a radio set to a particular station. [4]

YEAR 2015
18. a. Draw a graph between displacement and the time for a body executing free vibrations.
b. Where can a body execute free vibrations? [2]
19. Name the subjective property of light related to its wavelength. [3]
20. (i) (a) State the safe limit of sound level in terms of decibel for human hearing.
(b) Name the characteristic of sound in relation to its waveform.
(ii) A person standing between two vertical cliffs and 480 m from the nearest cliff shouts. He hears the first echo
after 3s and the second echo 2s later. Calculate :
(i) The speed of sound.
(ii) The distance of the other cliff from the person.
(c) In the diagram below, A, B, C, D are four pendulums
suspended from the same elastic string PQ. The length
of A and C are equal to each other while the length of
pendulum B is smaller than that of D. Pendulum A
is set into a mode of vibrations.
(i) Name the type of vibrations taking place in pendulums B and D?
(ii) What is the state of penedulum C?
(iii) State the reason for the type of vibrations in pendulums B and C. [5]

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 8

YEAR 2014
21. The adjacent diagram shows three different modes
of vibrations P, Q and R of the same string.
(i) Which vibration will prduce a louder sound and why?
(ii) The sound of which string will have maximum shrillness?
(iii) State the ratio of wavelengths of P and R. [3]
22. A type of electromagnetic wave has wavelength 50 A .
(i) Name the wave.
(ii) What is the speed of the wave in vacuum?
(iii) State one use of this type of wave. [3]
23. (i) State one important property of waves used for echo depth sounding.
(ii) A radar sends a signal to an aircraft at a distance of 30 km away and receives it back after 2×10-4 second. What
is the speed of the signal? [3]

YEAR 2013
24. (a) A bucket kept under a running tap is getting filled with water. A person sitting at a distance is able to get an
idea when the bucket is about to be filled.
(i) What change takes place in the sound to give this idea ?
(ii) What causes the change in the sound ?
(b) A sound made on the surface of a lake 3 s to reach a boatman.
How much time will it take to reach a diver inside the water at the same depth ?
[Velocity of sound in air = 330 ms-1; Velocity of sound in water = 1450 ms-1]
25. (a) (i) What is the principle on which SONAR is based.
(ii) An observer stands on a certain distance away from a cliff and produces a loud sound. He hears the
echo of the sound after 1.8 s. Calculate the distance between the cliff and the observer if the velocity of
sound in air is 340 ms-1.
(b) A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the mouth of a burette filled with water. The tap of the burette is opened
and the water level gradually starts falling. It is found that the sound from the tuning fork become very loud
for a particular length of the water column?
(i) Name the phenomenon taking place when this happens.
(ii) Why does the sound become very loud for this length of the water column ?
(c) (i) What is meant by the terms (1) amplitude (2) frequency, of a wave ?
(ii) Explain why stringed musical instruments, like the guitar, are provided with a hollow box.
26. (a) Name the three main parts of a Cathode Ray Tube.
(b) (i) What is meant by Radioactivity ?
(ii) What is meant by nuclear waste ?
(iii) Suggest one effective way for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.

YEAR 2012
27. Which characteristics of sound will change if there is a change in
(i) its amplitude (ii) its waveform
28. (a) (i) What is meant by Resonance ?
(ii) State two ways in which Resonance differs from Forced vibrations.
(b) (i) A man standing between two cliffs produces a sound and hears two successive echoes at intervals of 3
s and 4 s respectively. Calculate the distance between the two cliffs. The speed of sound in the air is 330
(ii) Why will an echo not be heard when the distance between the source of sound and the reflecting
surface is 10 m?
(c) The diagram alongside shows the displacement-time graph for a vibrating body.
(i) Name the type of vibrations prouduced by the vibrating body.
(ii) Give one example of a body producing
such vibrations.
(iii) Why is the amplitude of the wave gradually decreasing ?
(iv) What will happen to the vibrations of the body after
some time ?

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 9

YEAR 2011
29. (a) (i) Name the type of waves which are used for sound ranging.
(ii) Why are these waves mentioned in (i) above, not audible to us ?
(iii) Give one use of sound ranging.
(b) A man standing 25 m away from a wall produces a sound and receives the reflected sound.
(i) Calculate the time after which he receives the reflected sound if the speed of sound in air is 350 ms-1.
(ii) Will the man be able to hear a distinct echo ? Give a reason for your answer.
30. (a) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate words :
(i) During the emission of a beta particle, the.........number remains the same.
(ii) The minimum amount of energy required to emit an electron from a metal surface is called............

YEAR 2010
31. Name the subjective property.
(i) on sound related to its frequency.
(ii) of light related to its wavelength.
32. The waves of the same pitch have their amplitudes in the ratio 2 : 3.
(i) What will be the ratio of their loudness ?
(ii) What will be the ratio of their frquencies ?
33. (i) A man stands at a distance of 68 m from a cliff and fires a gun. After what time interval will he hear the echo,
if the speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1 ?
(ii) If the man had been standing at a distance of 12 m from the cliff would he have heard a clear echo ?

YEAR 2009
34. (a) An ultrosnic wave is sent from a ship towards the bottom of the sea. It is found that the time inteval between
the sending and the receiving of the wave is 1.5 second. Calculate the depth of the sea if the velocity of sound
in sea water is 1400 ms-1.
(b) A stringed musical instrument, such as the Sitar, is provided with a number of wires of different thicknesses.
Explain the reason for this.
(c) What is meant by noise pollution ? Write the name of one source of sound that causes noise pollution.
(d) (i) What is the principle on which sonar is based ?
(ii) Calculate the minimum distance at which a person should stand in front of a reflecting surface so that
he can hear a distinct echo. (Take speef of sound in air = 350 ms-1).
(e) (i) Name the characteristics of sound which enables a person to differentiate between two sound with
equal loudness but having different frequencies.
(ii) Define the characteristics named by you in (i).
(iii) Name the characteristics of sound which enables a person to differentiative between two sounds of the
same loudness and frequency but produced by different instruments.
(f) (i) A person is tuning his radio set to a particular station. What is the person trying to do to tune it ?
(ii) Name the phenomenon involved, in tuning the radio set.
(iii) Define the phenomenon named by you in part (ii).

YEAR 2008
35. (a) A radar send a signal to an aeroplane at a distance 45 km away with a speed of 3 × 108 ms-1. After how long
is the signal received back from the aeroplane ?
(b) (i) What is meant by an echo ? Mention one important condition that is necessary for an echo to be heard
(ii) Mention one important use of echo.
(c) (i) Sometimes when a vehicle is driven at a particular speed, a rattling sound in heard. Explain briefly,
why this happens and give the name of the phenomenon taking place.
(ii) Suggest one way by which the rattling sound could be stopped.
36. (i) What is meant by an echo ? Mention one important condition that is necessary for an echo to be heard
(ii) Mention one important use of echo.
37. (i) Sometimes when a vehicle is driven at a particular speed, a rattling sound is heard. Explain briefly, why this
happens and give the name of the phenomenon taking place.
(ii) Suggest one way by which the rattling sound could be stopped.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 10

YEAR 2007
38. (a) Define the terms :
(i) Amplitude
(ii) Frequency (as applied to sound waves)
(b) A man standing in front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hears the echo after 3 seconds. On moving closer to the
cliff by 82.5 m, he fires again. This time, he hears the echo after 2.5 second. Calculate :
(i) The distance of the cliff from the initial position of the man.
(ii) The velocity of sound.
39. For sound waves, what are the definitions of the terms (i) amplitude and (ii) frequency?
40. The following observations are made by a man standing in front of a vertical cliff :
(i) He hears the echo of the gun, fired by him, after 3 seconds.
(ii) He hears the echo of the gun, fired by him, after 2.5 second, when he moves 82.5 metres closer to the cliff.
Use these observation to find the ;
(a) distance between the man and the cliff in the first case.
(b) velocity of sound.

YEAR 2006
41. (a) Explain why musical instruments like the guitar are provided with a hollow box.
(b) When a tuning fork, struck by a rubber pad, is held over a length of air column.
(i) Name the above phenomenon.
(ii) How does the frequency of the loud sound compare with that of the tuning fork ?
(iii) State the unit for measuring loudness.
42. A tuning fork is set into vibrations by striking it gently against a rubber pad. When this vibrating tuning fork is held
over an air column in a tube, we get a loud sound for a fixed length of this air column.
(i) What is the name given to this phenomenon ?
(ii) Does the loud sound produced have a greater, same or smaller frequency than the frequency of the vibrating
tuning fork ?
(iii) In what units do we measure loudness ?

YEAR 2005
43. (a) Mention two properties of a wave: one property which varies and the other which remains constant when the
wave passes from one medium to another.
(b) State two ways by which the frequency of transverse vibration of a stretched string can be decreased.
(c) A radar is able to detect the reflected waves from an enemy aeroplane, after a time interval of 0.02 milliseconds.
If the velocity of the waves is 3 × 108 ms-1. Calculate the distance of the plane from the radar.
44. State on example each of resonance and natural vibration.
45. A wave passes from one medium to another. Name one property each of the wave that (i) remains constant, (ii) varies
during this passage of the wave.
46. What are the two possible ways in which we can decrease the frequency of transverse vibrations of a stretched
string ?
47. A radar is used to 'throw' e.m. waves on an enemy airplane. If the waves, reflected by this plane, are received back
after an interval of 0.02 milliseconds, calculate the distance of the plane from the radar Given : velocity of e.m. waves
in air = 3 × 108 ms-1)

YEAR 2004
48. (a) What is Sonar ? State the principle on which it is based.
(b) Differentiate between resonance and forced vibrations.
(c) the wavelength of waves produced on the surface of water is 20 cm. If the wave velocity is 24 ms-1, calculate :
(1) The number of waves produced in one second and
(2) The time required to prouduce one wave.
49. Explain, in brief, the principle on which the sonar works.
50. Explain, in brief, the difference between forced vibrations and resonance.
51. Waves produced on the surface of water are found to move with a velocity of 24 ms-1. If the wavelength of these
wave equals 20 cm, find the (i) frequency (no. of wave produced per second) and (ii) the time period (i.e. the time
required to produce one wave) for these waves.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 11

YEAR 2003
52. (a) The ratio of the amplitudes to two wave is 4:9. What is the ratio of their intensities?
(b) A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a fun
simultaneously. He hears the echo from a cliff after 8 vibration of the pnedulum. If the velocity of sound in air
is 340 ms-1, what is the distance between the cliff and the observer ?
(c) Sound made in front of a tal building 18 m away, is repeated. Name the phenomenon and briefly explain it.
(d) A tuning fork, held over an air column of a given length, produces a distinct audible sound. What do you call
this phenomenon/How does it occur ?
53. When a sound is made from a distance of 18 m, in front of a tall building, it is found to get repeated again. Which
phenomenon is associated with this observation? Give a brief explanation of this phenomenon ?
54. We observe a distinct audible sound when a tuning fork is held over an air column of a given length. Name this
phenomenon. How does it occur in this case ?
55. Find the ratio of the intensities of two waves whose amplitudes are in the ratio 4 : 9.
56. An observer, standing in the open and facing a cliff, fires a gun and simultaneously starts a pendulum kept near him.
He finds that he hears an acho of the gun shot after the pendulum has complted 8 vibrations. The pendulum is
known to have a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. Use this observation, and the known value of the velocity of
sound in air (= 340 meter per second), to find the distance of the observer from the cliff.
57. A radar sends a signal to an aeroplane at a distance 45 km away with a speed of 3 × 108 ms-1. After how long is the
signal received back from the aeroplane ?

YEAR 2019
58. Two waves of the same pitch have amplitudes in the ratio 1 : 3.
What will be the ratio of their :
(i) intensities and (ii) frequencies [2]
59. How does an increase in the temperature affect the specific resistance of a :
(i) Metal and (ii) Semiconductor ? [2]

60. It is observed that during march-past we hear a base drum distinctly from a distance compared to the side drums.
(i) Name the characteristics of sound associated with the above observation.
(ii) Give a reason for the above observation. [3]
61. A pendulum has a frequency of 4 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun
simultaneously. He hears the echo from the cliff after 6 vibrations of the pendulum. If the velocity of sound in air is
340 m/s, find the distance between the cliff and the observer.
62. Two pendulum C and D are suspended from a wire as shown in the figure given below. Pendulum C is made to
oscillate by displacing it from its mean position. It is seen that D also starts oscillating. [4]
(i) Name the type of oscillation, C will execute.
(ii) Name the type of oscillation D will execute.
(iii) If the length D is made equal to C then what
difference will you notice in the oscillations of D?
(iv) What is the name of the phenomenon when the
length of D is made equal to C?

YEAR 2020
63. Draw a graph between displacement from mean position and time for a body executing free vibration in a vacuum.[2]
64. A sound wave travelling in water has wavelength 0.4 m. [2]
65. (i) Name the system which enables us to locate underwater objects by transmitting ultrasonic waves and detecting
the reflecting impulse. [3]
(ii) What are acoustically measurable quantitites related to pitch and loudness?
66. (i) When a turning fork [vibrating] is held close to ear, one hears a faint hum. The same [vibrating tuning fork] is
held such that its stem is in contact with the table surface, then one hears a loud sound. Explain. [4]
(ii) A man standing in front of a vertical cliff fires a gun. He hears the echo after 3.5 seconds. On moving closer to
the cliff by 84 m, he hears the echo after 3 seconds. Calculate the distance of the cliff from the initial position
of the man.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 12

YEAR 2022
63. When a body vibrates under a periodic force, the vibrations of the body are
(a) natural vibrations (b) damped vibrations (c) forced vibrations (d) resonant vibrations
64. Two notes are produced from two different musical instruments, such that they have same loudnecss and same
pitch. The produced notes difer in their:
(a) Waveform (b) Frequency (c) Wavetength (d) Speed
65. A metal foot ruler is held at the edge of a table. It is pressed at its free end and then released. It vibrates. [2]
(a) Name the vibrations produced.
(b) State one way to increase the frequency of these vibrations.
66. (a) Which characteristic of sound is affected due to the larger surface of a school bell? [3]
(b) Calculate the distance covered by the Ultrasonic wave having a velocity of 1.5 kms-1 in 14 s, when it is received
after reflection by the receiver of the SONAR.
67. We are able to see the T.V. channels clearly when we set T.V. on auto-tuning. [4]
(a) Which phenomenon led to the clear visibility of the channels, due to autotuning?
(b) Define the above phenomenon mentioned by you.
(c) Give any one more example of this phenomenon.

A.P. Coaching, \ ICSE-X \ Physics\ Sound 13

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