Class IX Sci CH - 11 VI
Class IX Sci CH - 11 VI
Class IX Sci CH - 11 VI
Chapter - 11 Assignment
1. What do you mean by a wave?
2. What does wave transfer-matter or energy?
3. Where is density of air higher at compression or at rarefaction?
4. What is relation between time period and frequency?
5. Name two animals that communicate using infrasound?
6. Name the waves used by bats while flying in the dark.
7. A girl claps and hears the echo after reflection from cliff which is 660 m away. If the velocity
of sound is 330 ms–1, calculate the time taken for hearing the echo.
8. Explain, how is the principle of echo used by the dolphin to locate small fish as its prey?
9. Give two practical applications of the reflection of sound waves.
10. Why are longitudinal waves called pressure waves?
11. Sound travels faster on a rainy day than on a dry day. Why?
12. What is SONAR?
13. Define one hertz.
14. Define wavelength.
15. What is the audible range of the average human ear?
16. What is sound and how is it produced?
17. Why is sound wave called as longitudinal wave?
18. Flash and thunder are produced simultaneously. But, thunder is heard a few seconds after
the flash is seen, why?
19. The frequency of a source of sound is 100 Hz. How many times does it vibrate in a minute?
20. Name the two types of mechanical waves.
21. What is a trough?
22. What do you understand by the term infrasonic vibrations?
23. Which of the following sound waves we can hear : 10 Hz, 500 Hz, 1500 Hz, 12000 Hz, 25000
24. What do you understand by the term ultrasonic vibrations?
25. What do you understand by the term echo?
26. Name the term associated with the travelling disturbance in a medium.
27. What is the other name of a long flexible spring?
28. Can you produce both types of waves (i.e., longitudinal and transverse) on a slinky?
29. Where is the density of air higher; at compressions or at rarefactions?
30. Name the quantity that represents the length of one complete wave.
31. What is the distance between two consecutive crests in a wave called?
32. Is the amplitude of a wave the same, as the amplitude of the vibrating body producing the
33. What is the range of frequencies associated with :
a) Infrasound b) Ultrasound
34. Give difference between loudness and intensity of the sound.