Lecture 1 - Introdution of Structural Analysis
Lecture 1 - Introdution of Structural Analysis
Lecture 1 - Introdution of Structural Analysis
Kabul University
Engineering Faculty
Civil Department
Introduction to Structural
Analysis 1 Course
Prepared By: Samim Zaki, MSCE
Date: 25 Aug 2024
Description of Course Policy 03
Lecture and Reference Books 04
Course Outlines 05
What is Structural Analysis 06
Importance to Civil Engineers 07
Importance to Architecture Engineers 08
Description of Course Policy
Course Policy
Assignments 10%
Class Activity 10%
Mid-Term Exam 20%
Final Exam 60%
Total Score 100%
Make-up Exam: Whenever a student is unable to take the Mid-Term exams due to valid reasons, a make-up
exam is offered only once, covering 70% of the content designated for that exam or his/her Mid-Term exam
score will be determined from Final Exam.
Attendance: To be eligible for the final exam, a student must have a minimum attendance rate of 75% in the
class; otherwise, they will be considered ineligible and excluded from taking the final exam.
Lecture Book
Structural Analysis 10th Edition
(R.C. Hibbeler), PRENTICE HALL,
Reference Book
Russell C. Hibbeler : “Mechanics of
Materials”, 8th Edition @ 2010,
Analysis: Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex system or problem into its
individual parts or components, in order to understand its underlying principles,
relationships, and behavior.
Structural Analysis: Structural Analysis is the branch of engineering that deals with the
study and evaluation of the behavior and response of structures under various loads and
conditions. It involves the application of principles from mechanics, materials science,
and mathematics to determine the stresses, strains, deformations, and stability of