Scienceq2 W3
Scienceq2 W3
Scienceq2 W3
Name : ___________________Date:____________Score:__________
1. Label the anatomy of an earthquake.
2. Differentiate epicenter from focus
3. Differentiate intensity from magnitude.
4. Discuss the scale adapted in the Philippines to describe the intensity and
magnitude of an earthquake.
• The earthquake has several parts. Focus is the point where an
earthquake begins. It is where seismic energy is released. Seismic
energy travels through seismic waves which move away from the focus
and radiate in all directions towards the earth’s surface. The vibration of
the ground or the earthquake can be felt because of seismic waves.
Focus is located within the fault plane by which movement takes place. A
fault line is an edge at the fault plane that shows how much movement
has taken place. A fault line is defined as a geological fracture wherein
the movement of masses of rock has displaced parts of the Earth’s crust.
When a fault plane is exposed above the ground, it is called a fault scarp,
usually, the best sign that there is a fault in the area.
• When an earthquake happens, news report usually announces the
location of the epicenter, which is the point on the earth’s surface directly
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
above the focus. The epicenter is usually described by its distance to the
closest populated areas, which gives us an idea of whether the
earthquake has caused its significant amount of damage.
• Epicenter is defined as the area which is direct receiver of the energy
released from the focus. It can be accounted for the movement or
shaking of the ground that people usually feel during an earthquake. The
epicenter serves as the geographical point of reference in determining
the relation of the area and the actual location of the earthquake’s
• In simpler terms, “epicenter” and “focus” are both determinants of the
origin of the ground movements. The epicenter, nonetheless, is found at
the crust while the focus is located way beneath the ground. It is because
of the difference in location that seismologists find it easier to first locate
the epicenter for them to detect the focus. In terms of determining the
cause of the earthquake, however, seismologists start first with the study
of the focus.
• Earthquakes may be classified based on the depth of the focus which is
shown in the table below. About 90% of all earthquakes occur less than
100 km from the surface, whereas only about 3% maybe classified as
deep. Shallow focus earthquakes cause more destruction than deep
focus because the seismic waves travel in shorter distance from the
focus to the surface. Less energy is lost along the way from shallow
focus earthquake than deep focus earthquake. However, there are many
factors that determine whether an earthquake will do a lot damage to a
certain area, though the most important factor to consider is the
presence of people.
Table 1
Type of Earthquake Focal Depth from the Earth’s Surface
Shallow focus < 70 km
Intermediate focus 70-300km
Deep focus ➢ 300km
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
1 2
1. ___________________ 4.__________________
2. ___________________ 5. _________________
3. ___________________ 6. _________________
Guide Questions:
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Directions: Fill the table below. Compare intensity from magnitude based on
comparison below.
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
3. What scale is
being used?
4. How is it written?
Scale Shaking Description
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Scale Shaking Description
VI Very Strong Many people are frightened; many run outdoors. Some
people lose their balance. motorists feel like driving in
flat tires. Heavy objects or furniture move or may be
shifted. Small church bells may ring. Wall plaster may
crack. Very old or poorly built houses and man-made
structures are slightly damaged though well-built
structures are not affected. Limited rockfalls and rolling
boulders occur in hilly to mountainous areas and
escarpments. Trees are noticeably shaken.
VII Destructive Most people are frightened and run outdoors. People
find it difficult to stand in upper floors. Heavy objects
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Scale Shaking Description
VIII Very People are panicky. People find it difficult to stand even
Destructive outdoors. Many well-built buildings are considerably
damaged. Concrete dikes and foundation of bridges are
destroyed by ground settling or toppling. Railway tracks
are bent or broken. Tombstones may be displaced,
twisted, or overturned. Utility posts, towers and
monuments mat tilt or topple. Water and sewer pipes
may be bent, twisted, or broken. Liquefaction and
lateral spreading cause man- made structure to sink, tilt
or topple. Numerous landslides and rockfalls occur in
mountainous and hilly areas. Boulders are thrown out
from their positions particularly near the epicenter.
Fissures and faults rapture may be observed. Trees are
violently shaken. Water splash or stop over dikes or
banks of rivers.
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Scale Shaking Description
1. Why does PHILVOCS come up with the PEIS or the PHILVOCS Earthquake
Intensity Scale?
2. Using the PEIS, compare intensity V to intensity VII.
3. What intensity of the earthquake would liquefaction possibly to occur?
4. What is the description of an earthquake if it has intensity VI?
5. Why is it important to know the description of each intensity scale?
Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is stating the fact, and word
FALSE if it is not.
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Prepared by:
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Competency/ies: Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;