1121425-Bhaals Chosen

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a one-to-two session adventure

for first level characters

Michael J. Thompson
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
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haal’s Chosen is designed to be played in 1-2 your party is new to the region, there are a host of

sessions by 1st level characters. Although the reasons PC’s would want to visit, as it is the kind of
adventures in this series are set in, and rough & tumble area where anything is possible.
around the city of Phlan on the Moonsea in This adventure will take place completely within (and
the Forgotten Realms D&D setting, but can underneath) the city of Phlan itself. In it PCs will
easily be adapted to any fantasy setting you (hopefully) foil a plot by an evil cult of Bhaal that has
choose. This is the first adventure in a series decided to take advantage of the chaos in Phlan to
that will take players from level 1 to level 5. This one is create a foothold on the Moonsea from which to expand
designed to get players to level 2. Each Adventure and eventually conquer all of Faerun.
should take approximately four hours.
These adventures are designed for use with the
Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition ruleset. In order to Throughout Bhaal’s Chosen you will notice text inside boxes

play, you should have access to the D&D 5th Edition like this. This text is designed to be read to your players.

Player’s Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Masters Guide

(DMG), and Monster Manual (MM). Unless noted otherwise, all NPC’s are Commoners
These adventures are also designed to be both (MM 345), and all Cultists are Cultists (MM 345) per the
straightforward & easy to play. You can add them to any 5e Monster Manual, abbreviated as MM. The number
campaign, but it was designed to act as the prequel of next to the abbreviation is the Monster Manual page
the Wizards of the Coast adventure: Light of Xaryxis. If number where the entry for that monster can be found.
devoted to one of The Dead Three, but not always.
Finally, at long last you’ve arrived in the frontier city of Phlan.
Happily, cults to evil gods rarely gain significant power
You left home many tendays ago seeking adventure in this because they tend to burn out from within due to the
untamed region of Faerun along the shores of the constant, deadly, competition for leadership that these
treacherous Moonsea. You started out on foot, working your gods encourage in their followers. Currently a cult of
way as merchant guards to get to the port of Suzail in Bhaal has been gathering power and murdering any
Cormyr, then worked your way as security aboard the ship who oppose them. They call themselves The Order of
Bhall’s Chosen and are currently led by a man who’s
“Manfred’s Folly” along the Sea of Fallen Stars and finally
charisma is only surpassed by his sadism.
Isaac is the leader of this particular sect and is having
across the Moonsea to Phlan. You are travel weary, tired of
the sea, and looking for a place to get a meal and a mug.
his followers commit a series of gruesome murders to
When you got off of your ship you found your way to Madam work up the population. They started by killing and
Freona’s Teakettle where you hoped to get both. mutilating undesirables, but are about to escalate by
killing a respectable family. Once the populace is
The once prosperous city of Phlan is in terrible shape. consumed by fear, Isaac and a few of his followers
After the untimely death of the childless Lord Protector intend to show up in town and solve the problem they
Anivar Daoran the leadership of the city has fallen to
created by framing Ector Brahms and his Black Fists
Ector Brahms, the Knight Commander of the Black
for the fell deeds. They will then destroy the Knight
Commander along with his soldiers and believe the
Fists (A military order dedicated to the evil god Bane).
His hold on the city is tenuous at best, and his men grateful citizens will hail them as the new leaders of the
struggle to maintain the Marshal Law he has ordered. town. They have placed agents inside Ector’s household
The remaining noble houses, trade consortiums, to help with their plan.
wealthy merchants, and thieves guilds could easily It is never particularly warm in this region, but this
topple him and seize power if they could stop plotting adventure starts in the early spring of the year, when the
against one another long enough to unite. The entire wind off of the sea is still bitterly cold. If PC’s are
city is at a slow boil and could explode into full on exposed to the elements without proper cold weather
anarchy at any moment. gear for more than an hour they take a level of
In addition to the other, more public groups vying for exhaustion.
control of the city there are groups that work from even
deeper within the shadows than thieves guilds.
Throughout the course of its long history, Phlan has a
long tradition of being controlled or manipulated by a
wide array of religious cults. Often these cults are
Chapter 1: Adventure Calls
Warm air that smells of cooking bread and stew assaults
your senses as you step through the door to Madam
Freona’s Teakettle. The lights are dim, a merry fire crackles in
the fireplace, and the lively sound of lute music fills your
ears. As you’ve primarily lived out of doors for months now
during the coldest times of the year, you pause to take it all
in. Before you’ve taken a full breath however, a pleasant
looking middle aged halfling woman comes bustling over to
you, and says in a motherly yet stern tone.
“Close the door, fools. What, were ye brought up in a barn? You
think I spend all this money on firewood so you lot can heat the
whole city? Sit down, sit down. Welcome to the Teakettle. Get
yerselfs settled, and one of the girls’ll come over ta see to yer
The Murder
The Teakettle is neither the best nor worst inn in the
city. It is tended by Madame Freona and her five Just as the bard finishes his rendition of “The Dead Three”,
daughters, Blaizette, Briez, Grelinda, Reece and the door to the Inn bangs open loudly. A frigid gust of air

Whittlee. Prices for everything are a bit higher than the blasts into the common room, and all music and
conversation stop. A pale faced man, dressed in common
PC’s are used to due to the unrest in town, but they can clothes stumbles into the Inn and says:
use this Inn as their main base of operations during this “Dead. Ripped apart. All of ‘em. Even the little ones.”
After the PC’s sit down one of Madame Freona’s After making his statement he passes out unconscious on

daughters comes over to take their order. Try to get the the floor.

group to do some role play here. This should last no less

than 5 minutes, and no more than 15. The point is to get After reviving him, the PC’s learn that he went to his
the players interacting with one another and some of neighbor’s house to borrow some salt. When he got
the NPCs in the Inn (There are several general there lanterns were seen glowing brightly, but no one
descriptions of NPCs players can encounter throughout was moving around. When he knocked on the door it
this adventure in Appendix A) , in order to find out the opened to reveal a terrible scene where the whole
following information. family lay on the floor dead. The man ran directly to the
The general state of Phlan Teakettle as it was the closest public place. After telling
The city is currently controlled by followers of Bane. the story, and the location of the murder the man
The tale of “The Dead Three” told by a bard in the becomes insensible, and cannot speak. The PC’s can
inn (see Appendix B) get directions to the Home of the Borgers where the
Over the past tenday, bodies of beggars and other murders took place from another patron.
vagrants have been showing up on the streets of
Phlan. This is not terribly uncommon, but the
The home of the Borgers is just a couple of streets from the
mutilated state of the bodies has people worried. Teakettle. The cold wind off of the Moonsea buffets you as
No “regular folks” have been killed yet, but if they you hurriedly make your way to the quiet residential street
are, there will be trouble. they lived on. When you arrive, you notice right away that the
Despite Martial Law having been declared and the lanterns are still lit, and the door is ajar.
Knights of the Black Fist patrolling, the bodies keep
appearing. Any PC with a passive perception score of 15+ notices
Citizens of Phlan are very concerned about these some sand in front of the window to the house. If PC’s
killings. This atop everything else could plunge the are looking for clues outside this is discovered with a
city into complete chaos. DC 15 Investigation check. Any player who is proficient
Once the above items have been found through role in Arcana can determine that this sand is of the specific
play move on to the next section. sort used for a Sleep spell with a DC 12 Arcana check.
murder, and are trying to find the killers. They present
You enter this well appointed home into the the PCs with a platinum badge that has the emblem of a
kitchen/diningroom and step into a scene from a nightmare. Black Fist enameled on it. This badge will allow the
Two adults, and three children lay face down on the floor of PCs to move freely throughout the city, even during
the room with giant, gaping wounds all over their bodies. hours of lockdown. They also tell the PCs that there is a
reward for the heads of whomever is responsible for the
The room has a table with eight chairs, six of which have
killings, and that they should present themselves to the
bowls full of a brown stew, and a small piece of bread on a
guardhouse with any proof for a reward. They let the
plate. In the center of the table is a large pot of what appears
PCs know that Knight Commander Ector Brahms is
to be beef stew, and a partially sliced loaf of bread. It appears generous to those that aid him in keeping the city going.
the Borgers were sitting down for supper when they were
attacked. The room is surprisingly undisturbed. There is also
The blood trail is fairly easy to follow, and you do so for the
a low bench by the door, and eight pegs for jackets. On the
space of about Five minutes. Eventually, the trail heads down
pegs are two larger jackets, and four smaller ones. One end
an alley, and ends at a sewer grate. You pull up the grate
of the room is dominated by the family hearth, beside which
easily and stare down into the darkness below. There is a
are two large barrels one of water, and one of ale. There are ladder here going down past where you can see.
three rooms off of this main room. One has a large bed, two
wardrobes, and a wash-stand. The other two rooms have two
beds each, two small chests each, and a wash basin. The The Sewers
whole house is neat and tidy. Above the hearth, drawn in The PC’s climb down the ladder and into the city
blood, is a skull inside a ring of what looks like raindrops. sewers. Phlan is such an ancient city, and has been
destroyed and rebuilt so many times that underneath is
The Borgers actually have four children which is littered with dungeon complexes of various sizes. Once
alluded to in the above description. The youngest was they climb down read:
being difficult at dinner time, and was not sitting at the
table with the others when cultists of Bhaal cast a Sleep The sewers of Phlan are cold, dank, dismal places. Foul
spell on the family before carrying out their murder smelling, fetid water comes up to your ankles. You know that
ritual. Yorgen is hiding, traumatized behind the barrels.
The cultists did not find him. If the room is searched, he the city has been raised and rebuilt so many times that the

is found (no check necessary). He has suffered sewers are a warren of crisscrossing tunnels inhabited by all

significant emotional trauma from witnessing his family manner of unsavory things. It smells of mold, excrement,
being ritualistically murdered, but can be persuaded to and hopelessness. Though certainly cold, the absence of
talk by good roleplay, healing magic, a DC 12 Medicine wind means that though the dampness penetrates your skin
check, or a DC 15 Persuasion check. He tells the group: in an unpleasant manner, though uncomfortable the sewers
are not dangerously cold.
“Everybody but Papa fell asleep, then the bad men came into
the house. Papa hurt one in the leg with his knife, but the The sewers are not the actual lair of the cult. This
rest hurt Papa, and everybody else.” section is how the PC’s get to the cult’s lair. If they look
for a continued blood trail, they won’t find one due to
After that the boy falls to incoherent muttering and the water they are standing in. However, a DC 12
weeping. Investigation or Perception check (PC choice) will
The symbol on the Hearth is that of Bhaal which a reveal a symbol similar to the one they found carved
DC 10 Religion check will reveal. into the wall. Use theater of the mind to describe the
PCs finding three more such symbols at various
turnings in the sewers until they come to a door. At
As you continue searching for clues you find a clear blood some point along the way there should be a combat
trail leading from the house. You begin to follow it, but as encounter. Then read:
you do 11 men in armor, carrying weapons as if they know
how to use them come around the corner, and surround

The men are Knights of the Black Fist on patrol. Their

leader is Captain Hargrave, they see the slaughtered
family and question the PCs about it. They eventually
believe that the PCs have nothing to do with the
Note on busting down the door: The door is stout, but
After walking through the filthy sewers for what seems like can certainly be broken down with concerted effort. It
hours you come to a stout, steel door. In its center is carved cannot be forced open with strength as there is nothing
a large version of the symbol of Bhaal you saw in the home
to hold on to for leverage, and it opens outward. It has
of the Borger’s and have been following through the sewers
AC 15 and 30hp. If the PCs choose to break it down as
of Phlan. There does not appear to be any sort of handle on
the door. Below the symbol Bhaal are five keyholes in a opposed to picking the locks, it makes an incredibly
horizontal line. At the top of the door are the words “In loud noise that alerts everything in the dungeon. See the
order or not at all”, in Common. Each keyhole has a symbol notes on each encounter to see what happens if the
below it. Below the symbols are five lines of poetry written. denizens are “On Alert”.
The End of Everything began it.
As you pick each lock there is a satisfying click. When the
The Beastlord spoiled the game.
lock above Bhaal’s symbol is finally defeated you hear a
Tyranny won the toss, hatred and strife his domain.
second, even more satisfying click, and the door swings
Next came the Reaper: Lord of the Dead, and the Bones.
outward to reveal a Ten foot wide, Ten foot high passage
Finally OUR Lord, the greatest of all, became Lord of Murder to
heading to the south. The floor is rough cobblestone, and
be their downfall.
the walls are rough cut natural stone. The space is
illuminated by softly glowing greenish witch lights set 8 feet
What do you do?
off of the floor every 20 feet. The witchlight bathes the entire
space in a dim, sickly green glow. The tunnel is dry, and
This door is a puzzle the symbols below the keyholes despite feeling ancient seems very clean.
are the symbols of various evil gods of Faerun. A
successful DC 10 Religion check will reveal that the
symbols underneath the keyholes in order from left to At this point the PC’s have entered the current hideout
right are. Bhaal, Jergal, Bane, Malar, and Myrkul. If the of the Cult of Bhaal’s Chosen. The map for this hideout
PC is proficient in Religion, they make the check with can be found in Appendix C. They enter from off map by
advantage. The locks need to be unlocked in the the section marked Entrance on the eastern edge of the
following order, or the door will not open: Jergal, Malar, map. The whole dungeon is considered to be in dim
Bane, Myrkal, Bhaal. The locks themselves are simple light because of the spacing of the witch lights
to pick as the cultists depend more on the difficulty of throughout. The walls can be climbed with a DC 10
the puzzle, than the difficulty of the lock, as such the Athletics check. This dungeon was built ages ago by
locks are only DC 12 to pick. When the locks are another cult of Bhaal, and for years has been the home
successfully picked (in the correct order) move on to the of unclean things. Months ago, the Cult of Bhaal’s
next section. Chosen discovered the dungeon, and have either killed,
Note on the language the poem is written in: This subjugated, or ignored the rest of the inhabitants. There
language can be any language other than common that are a few wandering monsters; roll on the table below in
any PC knows. I suggest it be a language that isn’t seen any room that is unoccupied, or where markings on the
a whole lot, or something the PCs can figure out with map dictates. Players will only have each encounter
roleplay. ONE time; if they make the same roll again, consider
the result to be “no encounter”.
Wandering Monsters Room 1
1d6 Type
1 6 x Goblins This room has clearly not been cleaned in some time. There
2 5 x Cultists and 1 x Acolyte are piles of rubble and broken furniture scattered
3 2 x Imps throughout, and it is sparsely furnished. The floor consists
4 4 x Cultist Guards and 1 x Apprentice Necromancer of tiles in the colors of the chromatic dragons which
5 1 x Grey Ooze
alternate in a spiral pattern from the center of the room.
6 6 x Stirges
Along the southern wall is a life-size statue of a hydra.
Corridor Encounters
a Pit Trap DC 12 to Find. This trapped floor falls away if a East Entry 1: Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (60hp)
creature steps on it. It can be avoided without a save if Trap: Rune of Confusion: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to
detected. If triggered DC 15 Dex save or 1d6 Bludgeoning disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 15 save or
damage from fall. become Confused (PHB 224) for 1d4 rounds. This door
c Roll on the Wandering Monster Table. Leads to Room 6.
e Tripwire Alarm PP 15 or DC 15 to find, Can be avoided by
stepping over the wire. This section of hallway has been East Entry 2: Locked Iron Door (DC 20 to open, DC 30
trapped with a tripwire attached to a Thunderwave spell. It is to break;(60hp)). This door leads to Room 3, inhabited
designed in such a way that if the trap is triggered the spell
goes off originating from a point directly above the wire. The
by a Hobgoblin and a Worg.
spell is cast with a Con Save DC of 13. On a failed save, any South Entry: Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Iron Door
creature affected takes 2d8 damage from the thunder, and is (DC 10 to open, DC 30 to break; (60hp) The door is
slammed against the floor and knocked prone for another concealed behind a statue of a hydra and opened by
1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a successful save the creature
takes half damage and is not pushed. If the trap is sprung
reaching into several of its mouths to pull hidden levers.
the dungeon is alerted to the adventurer’s presence. Monsters: 5 x Goblins. These goblins are former
i Acid Spray DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets residents of this lair, subjugated by the Cult of Bhaal’s
within a 20 ft. cone, DC 14 save or take 1d10 acid damage Chosen. They try to lead melee fighters over the net trap
for 1d4 rounds. At the end of this corridor is a ladder leading trigger (marked on the floor with an “X”), and will fight
up. to the death. If they have been Alerted by the PC’s
m Tripwire Alarm PP 15 or DC 15 to find, Can be avoided by bashing the front door, or one of the Thunderwave traps
stepping over the wire. This section of hallway has been at “e” or “m”, the goblins are hiding around the room
trapped with a tripwire attached to a Thunderwave spell. It is and get a surprise round. The goblins do not know
designed in such a way that if the trap is triggered the spell
goes off originating from a point directly above the wire. The
about the hidden treasure or the secret door.
spell is cast with a Con Save DC of 12. On a failed save, any Trap: Net Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects
creature affected takes 2d8 damage from the thunder, and is all targets within a 10 ft. square area, DC 11 save or
slammed against the floor and knocked prone for another
1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a successful save the creature
become Restrained.
takes half damage and is not pushed. If the trap is sprung Hidden Treasure: The Hidden (DC 20 to find) Trapped
the dungeon is alerted to the adventurer’s presence. and Unlocked Iron Chest (60hp) is located in the
n Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the walls
abdomen of the hydra statue. Arrow Trap: DC 10 to
r Roll on the Wandering Monster Table.
find, DC 10 to disable; +8 to hit against one target, 2d10
s A fountain of clean, cold water sits in an alcove here
piercing damage. Carnelian (50gp), Jasper (50gp),
u Ray of Frost Trap DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; +5 to hit
Moonstone (50gp), Onyx (50gp), 3 x Potion of Healing
against all targets within a 10 foot cube, 1d8 cold damage on
a hit, and any creature damaged by this spell loses 10 feet of (common, DMG 187).
movement until the end of their next turn.
v A group of humanoid faces frozen in expressions of extreme
pain have been carved into the walls.
w Scythe Blade DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; +5 to hit
against all targets within a 5 ft. arc, 1d10 slashing damage
x A tile labyrinth covers the floor
z Pit Trap DC 12 to Find. This trapped floor falls away if a
creature steps on it. It can be avoided without a save if
detected. If triggered DC 15 Dex save or 1d6 Bludgeoning
damage from fall.
Room 2 Room 4
This room is clearly a temple. In the center of the southern This is a lavishly-appointed living chamber. Rugs cover the
wall, a red-streaked marble statue of a corpse-like human floors, tapestries cover the walls, there is an ornate bed,
wardrobe, and washstand. To one side sits a table with one
male sits in a fountain and large pool of red liquid. There’s a chair and near the center is one of the largest humans
stone table in front of the fountain. The table is stained a you’ve ever seen sitting on a throne made of what appears to
rusty red and is sloped to allow liquid poured on it to drain be human bones. He is wearing jet-black splint mail and
into the fountain pool . The red liquid leaks slowly from atop holding a jet-black greatsword. Kneeling on each side of him
like obedient dogs are two black-robed humanoids. As you
the statue’s skull and runs down its body in rivulets before enter, he stands and stretches his massive arms above his
returning to the pool. head, holding the greatsword in one hand. When he does so,
the two robed figures also stand. The large human speaks:

North Entry: Locked Iron Door (DC 10 to open, DC 30 “Have you come to kneel, or provide entertainment?”

to break;
This is the “Boss” of this dungeon. He is a human
Monsters: Roll 1d6, that is the number of cultists who Veteran named Isaac who believes he is Bhaal’s chosen
are currently at worship here. On a roll of a “1” it is a emissary to Faerun. He is fully sadistic, absolutely evil,
Cult Fanatic. On a roll of a “6” there is also a Priest in and supremely confident in his ability. The two robed
addition to the six cultists. If the cultists have not been figures are an Apprentice Mage named Goram, and an
alerted by the PCs bashing down the door or setting off Acolyte named Heinrich. It is encouraged that you have
Thunderwave traps, the PCs get a surprise round as the some RP banter back and forth with the PCs here. Isaac
cultists are actively praying to their god. will be the recurring bad guy during the four modules in
this set.
After you feel there has been sufficient banter to
Room 3 develop Isaac as a significant NPC, he grows bored with
the conversation, says “Entertainment, then.” and
This room appears to serve as a kitchen/dining hall of sorts. attacks along with his two servants. The servants fight
There is a large hearth for cooking, tables set in neat rows, to the death, but Isaac runs to the north, trying to reach
and food smells permeate the place. As it is not meal time, his escape hatch at the end of the corridor labeled “i”.
the only inhabitants are the Hobgoblin Chef and his pet Whether the PC’s kill this NPC or not, they get the XP
for fighting him. If they kill him, he will get Raised for
Warg. You interrupt the Warg licking bowls clean while the
the next adventure so, don’t worry about keeping him
Chef straightens up. When the Hobgoblin sees you, he
bellows “Get ‘em Fluffy!!” and both he and the Warg attack.
North Entry 1: Unlocked Stone Door (60hp) that leads
North Entry: Locked Stone Door (DC 25 to open, DC 25 into a storage area filled with mounds of rubble, litter,
to break;
(60hp) This door leads to Room 8 and broken things. Clearly this is one of the places the
Cultists have been disposing of their garbage as they
West Entry: Locked Iron Door (DC 20 to open, DC 30 to clean the dungeon.
break; (60hp) This door leads to Room 1, inhabited by 5
x Goblins. North Entry 2: Trapped and Locked Iron Door (DC 25
to open, DC 30 to break; (60hp) Trap: Rune of Fear: DC
East Entry: Trapped and Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10
break; (20hp) Contact Poison: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to ft., DC 14 save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds.
disable; affects each creature which touches the trigger, South Entry: Locked Stone Door (DC 10 to open, DC
DC 13 save or take 1d10 damage no damage on a 25 to break; (60hp)
successful save.
Monster: 1 x Hobgoblin (CR 1/2, MM 186) and 1 x
Worg (CR 1/2, MM 341); 200 xp. If the Chef was alerted
by the front door being bashed in or Thuderwave traps,
he and Fluffy are waiting for the PCs. Fluffy is by the
door and attacks while the Chef shoots his longbow. If
the Chef was not alerted, he and Fluffy both charge into
melee, but it takes them one round to enter combat.
Room 5 (Secret Room) Ⓣ Rune of Confusion: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to disable;
affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 15 save or become
Confused (PHB 224) for 1d4 rounds. Leads to Room 1.
As you push through the secret door from the hallway
outside the door meets resistance as it opens inward due to
Inhabited by 5 x Kobolds.
a massive accumulation of dust, and debris. You can tell by
the rotting furniture, walls hanging, and what remains for Room 7
the rugs on the floor that when this room was last used it
was an incredibly luxurious bed chamber. Witch lights A stone dais and throne sits in the north-east corner of the
illuminate this room as they have with the rest of the room, and several pieces of spoiled meat are scattered
dungeon, but they seem dimmer here somehow. At the throughout the room.
north end of the room you see what was once an ornate
throne. Sitting on the throne is what appears to be the North Entry (Secret): DC 25 to find) Trapped and
skeleton of a fine boned humanoid; a beautiful longsword Locked Iron Door (DC 20 to open, DC 30 to break;
lays across its legs, and its right hand rests on the hilt. (60hp) Ⓢ The door is concealed by an illusion.
Leaning against the throne on the left side is an ornate
Ⓣ Falling Block: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects
shield with an open eye emblazoned on it. On each side of
all targets within a 10 ft. square area, DC 10 save or
the throne stands another skeleton with a bow held in one
hand. As soon as you all step into the room the door slams
take 1d10 damage.
behind you magically, the skeleton on the throne stands up, East Entry (Secret) DC 15 to find. Locked Bone Door
and the two beside it raise their bows. Roll Initiative. (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; (20hp) Ⓢ The door is
concealed behind a statue of an elemental salamander
The skeletal lord and his two guards are the original and opened by setting it aflame.
builders of this particular dungeon. He was an Elven Monster 1 x Imp (CR 1, MM 76); 200 xp
warrior and follower of Bhaal who built this dungeon as
his base of operations to conquer all of Faerun starting
with Phlan. He was the first to consider himself Bhaal’s Room 8
Chosen. As often happens with groups of Bhaal This room features a magical mural on the north wall
worshipers he was betrayed and murdered by those he can be used to scry upon any known individual within
trusted. His spirit, and those of his two most loyal
retainers have kept a silent undead vigil ever since. the dungeon, and a tile labyrinth covers the floor.
Despite several groups having inhabited the dungeon he
built over the years, the adventurers are the first to find North Entry Locked Bone Door DC 15 to open, DC 20
his hidden inner sanctum. He carries a Sentinel Shield, to break; (20hp)
and a Longsword +1. His retainers carry non magical
longbows. He wades into melee combat with the West Entry (Secret) DC 20 to find. Locked Bone Door
Adventurers using his sword and shield while his (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; (20hp) Ⓢ The door is
retainers shoot their longbows. Stats for these monsters concealed behind a statue of a hydra, and opened by
can be found in Appendix D. West Entry: Secret (DC 15 reaching into several of its mouths.
to find) Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp) the
door is concealed within a mosaic of legendary South Entry Locked Stone Door (DC 25 to open, DC 25
monsters from the outside, but is clearly visible from the to break; (60hp) Leads to Room 3. Inhabited by 1 x
inside. Hobgoblin and 1 x Worg.
Room 6 Room 9
West Entry 1: Trapped and Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to West Entry Locked Iron Door (DC 20 to open, DC 30 to
break;(20hp) Trap: Electrified Floor tile in front of the break;(60hp) Empty.
door : DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets
within a 10 ft. square area, DC 13 save or take 1d8
lightning damage, and cannot take reactions until after
their next turn. A successful save results in no damage
or reaction penalty.
West Entry 2 Trapped and Unlocked Iron Door (60hp)
Appendix A: Phlan’s Random NPCs
Berric “One-Eye” Flint
Vara Korrin
Berrick is a short, burly dwarf, with a thick red beard
and a leather eyepatch over his left eye. He is gruff but Vara is a wiry and athletic human with a messy ponytail
approachable, often telling exaggerated tales of his and calloused hands. They wear a plain but well-kept
“glory days” as an adventurer, claiming his missing eye tunic with a knife always visible at the hip. Vara is blunt
was lost in a battle with a dragon (the truth is he lost it and always sizing up others. Used to be a sellsword and
in a bar fight). He’s usually found nursing a tankard of now spends most of their time observing people with an
ale and is always keen to gossip. air of quiet menace. Despite her reputation, she’s
surprisingly friendly after a drink or two.
Hawkeye Talbry
Quill Silverstream
Hawkeye is a lean and rugged human with a long coat, a
few scars, and an crossbow slung across his back. At Quill is a small, well-groomed halfling with meticulously
first suspicious and a bit of a loner, Harken will reveal styled hair and ink-stained fingers. Always dressed in
he is former scout for the city’s guard and now works as fine clothing, a bit too flashy for his stature. Quill is
a freelance mercenary who has an extensive knowledge proud and verbose, working as a scribe with a talent for
of the city’s underworld. collecting—and embellishing—stories. He has a
tendency to slip into poetry while talking, which irritates
Thorn Rellwind
some patrons.
Thorn is a dark-skinned tiefling with dark red horns that Mira Dustseeker
curl close to her head. Thorn wears fashionable yet
sturdy dresses and keeps her tail wrapped around her Mira is a sturdy dwarf with neatly braided hair and a
waist like a belt. She is a skilled herbalist healer, with practical leather apron, often smeared with traces of
an unsettling calm demeanor and a tendency to quietly soil and dust. Good-natured and straightforward, Mira is
assess others. She often speaks in whispers, enjoying a miner who knows the earth as well as she knows her
the drama it evokes. favorite ale. She has a deep laugh and a knack for small
Lilandra “Lil” Brightspark
Darian Lyrwind
Lil is a lively gnome with wild copper hair and soot- Darian is a tall and slender half-elf with an elegant air,
stained hands from her work as a tinkerer. Eccentric draped in a long blue coat. His face is angular, with a
and cheerful, Lil makes her living fixing bits and bobs
for the locals but is always tinkering with small hint of mischief in his eyes. Smooth-talking and clever,
mechanical devices, designing (but not quite succeeding Darian is a well-known gambler who often bets on
in creating) everything from self-lighting candles to mini anything from games to street fights. He’s always
crossbow traps. She’s well-liked but slightly keeping tabs on the locals and has an almost uncanny
unpredictable, especially after a few drinks. ability to get others to open up.
Jana Tolethar Rilla Windspur
Jana is a tall and graceful half-elf, with silver hair tied in Rilla is a middle-aged human woman with a sturdy
a loose braid and piercing green eyes. Her attire is a build, graying hair tied back in a simple bun, and
blend of worn leather armor and intricate silver jewelry. wearing roughspun clothes adorned with simple
She seems quiet and mysterious except when she trinkets like a crow feather and tiny charms of bone.
performs as a bard at taverns and street corners, Soft-spoken and attentive, Rilla is a fortune teller who
singing epics about the rise and fall of royal families will offer to do tarokka (tarot) readings for the
across the Realms. She rarely reveals personal details adventurers, for a fee of course. Very high DC for
but has a sharp eye for observing others. Insight checks whether she’s telling the truth.
Appendix B:
History of the Dead Three: Knucklebones,
Skull Bowling, and the Empty Throne
n ages past there was but one god of strife, don’t you divide the portfolios of the office and engage

death, and the dead, and he was known as Jergal, in a game of skill for them?” asked Jergal.
Lord of the End of Everything. Jergal fomented Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul considered the god’s offer
and fed on the discord among mortals and and agreed. Jergal took the heads of his three most
powers alike. When beings slew each other in powerful liches and gave them to the trio that they
their quest for power or in their hatred, he would compete by bowling the skulls. Each mortal
welcomed them into his shadowy kingdom of rolled a skull across the Gray Waste, having agreed that
eternal gloom. As all things died, everything came to the winner would be he who bowled the farthest.
him eventually, and over time he built his power into a Malar the Beastlord arrived to visit Jergal at this
kingdom unchallenged by any other god. Eventually, moment. After quickly ascertaining that the winner of
however, he grew tired of his duties for he knew them the contest would get all of Jergal’s power, he chased off
too well. Without challenge there is nothing, and in after the three skulls to make sure that the contest
nothingness there is only gloom. In such a state, the would be halted until he had a chance to participate for
difference between absolute power and absolute part of the prize. Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul again fell to
powerlessness is undetectable. fighting as it was obvious their sport was ruined, and
During this dark era, there arose three powerful again Jergal intervened. “Why don’t you allow Lady
mortals - Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul - who lusted after the Luck to decide so you don’t have to share with the
power Jergal wielded. The trio forged an unholy pact, Beast?”
agreeing that they would dare to seek such ultimate The trio agreed, and Jergal broke off his skeletal
power or die in the attempt. Over the length and breadth finger bones and gave them to the players. When Malar
of the Toril they strode, seeking powerful magic and returned from chasing the skulls, he found that the trio
spells and defying death at every turn. No matter what had just finished a game of knucklebones.
monster they confronted or what spells they braved, the Bane cried out triumphantly, “As winner, I choose to
three mortals emerged unscathed at every turn. rule for all eternity as the ultimate tyrant. I can induce
Eventually the trio destroyed one of the Seven Lost hatred and strife at my whim, and all will bow down
Gods, and they each seized a portion of his divine before me while in my kingdom.”
essence for themselves. Myrkul, who had won second place, declared, “But I
The trio then journeyed into the Gray Waste and choose the dead, and by doing so I truly win, because all
sought out the Castle of Bone. Through armies of you are lord over, Bane, will eventually be mine. All
skeletons, legions of zombies, hordes of noncorporeal things must die - even gods.”
undead, and a gauntlet of liches they battled. Eventually Bhaal, who finished third, demurred, “I choose death,
they reached the object of their lifelong quest - the Bone and it is by my hand that all that you rule Lord Bane will
Throne. eventually pass to Lord Myrkul. Both of you must pay
“I claim this throne of evil,” shouted Bane the tyrant. honor to me and obey my wishes, since I can destroy
“I’ll destroy you before you can raise a finger,” your kingdom, Bane, by murdering your subjects, and I
threatened Bhaal the assassin. “And I shall imprison can starve your kingdom, Myrkul, by staying my hand.”
your essence for eternity,” promised Myrkul the Malar growled in frustration, but could do nothing,
necromancer. and yet again only the beasts were left for him.
Jergal arose from his throne with a weary expression And Jergal merely smiled, for he had been delivered.”
and said, “ The Throne is yours. I have grown weary of
this empty power. Take it if you wish - I promise to serve
and guide you as your seneschal until you grow
comfortable with the position.” Before the stunned trio
could react, the Lord of the Dead continued: “Who
among you shall rule?”
The trio immediately fell to fighting amongst
themselves while Jergal looked on with indifference.
When eventually it appeared that either they would all
die of exhaustion or battle on for an eternity, the Lord of
the End of Everything intervened. “After all you have
sacrificed, would you come away with nothing? Why
Appendix C

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