There Was e There Were
There Was e There Were
There Was e There Were
O there was e there were seriam o passado Para fazermos pergunta, devemos seguir a
do there is e there are, conhecidos como o verbo seguinte estrutura:
Was there?
Como no presente, o passado também
Were there?
apresenta duas formas.
There was = tinha / havia /existia
Was there a pen here?
There were = tinham / haviam / existiam
(Havia uma caneta aqui?)
There was usamos no singular e there were
usamos no plural. Were there ten apples?
Exemplos usando there were: car - a - in the garage -> There was a car in
the garage.
There were two books on the table.
on - there - the - table - hammers - were ->
(Havia dois livros sobre a mesa.) There were hammers on the table.
There were three boys outside. 1. there - book - was - on - a - table - the.
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4. the - were - table - there - two - books - on. 7. there - boys – outside – three - were.
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8. box – candies - in this - there - were. Exercise 2: Fill the gaps with the correct
form of there was and there were:
1. ___________ a lot of traffic in Valencia.