42-JavaScript Techniques

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Issues with JavaScript:


1. It is not a strongly typed language.

2. It will not support all OOP features.

3. Hard to Extend

4. Hard to Maintain and Test

5. Less Secured

6. Lot of compatibility Issues

7. Lot of DOM manipulations

8. Lot of coding

9. Heavy on application

10. Slow

FAQ: Is JavaScript OOP Language?

Ans: No. It supports only few features of OOP.

FAQ: Why it is called as Scripting Language?

Ans: Scripting happend on the top of existing technologies.
Scripting can't be inidividual.
It can't build application, It can only support application.

FAQ: How JavaScript is integrated into Web Application?

Ans: JavaScript can be
a) Inline
b) Embedded
c) External File

Inline JavaScript
- JavaScript functions are written with in the HTML tag.
- Faster in execution.
- But can't reuse.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>
<h2>Your Ticket - Click Print Button</h2>
<button onclick="window.print()">Print</button>

2. Embedded Script
- In this technique the script is defined in head or body section by using <script>
- You can reuse across various elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>
function PrintPage(){
<h2>Your Ticket - Click Print Button</h2>
<button onclick="PrintPage()">Print</button>
<button onclick="PrintPage()">Print Page</button>


FAQ: What is the MIME type for JavaScript?

Ans: "text/javascript" or language="javascript"

<script type="text/javascript">

<script language="javascript">

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function PrintPage(){
<h2>Your Ticket - Click Print Button</h2>
<button onclick="PrintPage()">Print</button>

FAQ: What is JavaScript strict mode?

Ans: JavaScript strict mode allows only good code. It restricts bad
code. [no according to standards]

FAQ: How to enable JavaScript mode?

Ans: By using
"use strict";
"use strict";
x = 10; // invalid - x is not defined
document.write("x=" + x);

"use strict";
var x ;
x = 10; // good

FAQ: How to target JavaScript for Legacy Browsers?

Ans: By enclosing JavaScript in HTML comments.

your code

"use strict";
var x;
x = 20;
document.write("x=" +x );

3. JavaScript from External File

- JavaScript code is written in separate JavaScript file with extention ".js"

- Link to HTML page by using <script> </script>

<script src="print.js"> </script>

1. Create a new folder "scripts"
2. Add a file into scripts

"use strict";
function PrintPage(){

3. Goto HTML and link

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/print.js">

<h2>Your Ticket - Click Print Button</h2>
<button onclick="PrintPage()">Print</button>

Note: Using external file will increase the number of requests

and page load time.

FAQ: How to verify the status of JavaScript in HTML Page?

Ans: By using HTML element <noscript>

<noscript> Please Enable JavaScript </noscript>

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