Webinar Module 7 and 8
Webinar Module 7 and 8
Webinar Module 7 and 8
Date: 16/10/2023
Summary Notes
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Learning Objectives
Basic principles
Relays Types
2-Static type
The analogue type received mixed responses, and in today’s installations, digital relays are found to be
more important due to technology advancement.
One main difference between them is electromechanical relays have moving parts, whereas solid-state
relays have no moving parts.
Solid state relay is an electrical relay in which the response is developed by electronic /magnetic/optical or
components, without mechanical motion of components.
Pick up setting by a plug (PSM), which decides when the disk starts to rotate.
Time setting by an adjusting knob which changes the angular rotation required to close the contact (TMS)
Thumb rule:
Pick up setting in the case of DMT relays should be less than 50% of the minimum short circuit current
A minimum value of fault current will depend upon the system configuration. A system may normally have
a few parallel sources.
Under certain conditions, only a few of them may be in service and will result in a lower fault level.
The current I1 from the line CTs, set up a magnetic flux A and also induces a current I2 in the secondary
winding, which in turn sets up a flux in B.
Fluxes A and B are out of phase, thus producing a torque in the disc, causing it to rotate.
Speed I/\2
Time=distance /time
This gives an inverse characteristic ( the higher the current – the shorter the rotating time)
Since IDMT characteristic is similar to the current vs. thermal withstand time characteristic of electrical
equipment, such relays are useful for obtaining a range of current values.
An attracted armature relay picks up when the measured parameter (current/voltage) exceeds a set value
with no time delay and drops out when the value falls below the set value.
Simples construction
Instantaneous operation
The plug setting adjusts the setting current by means of plug bridge which varies the number of turns on
the upper magnet.
This setting determines the level of current at which the relay will start or pick up
BS142 says that – the relay must definitely operate at 130% setting and definitely reset at 70% setting
Normally, the relay picks up at about 105% -130% of its plug setting.
Plug setting: This adjusts the setting current by means of plug bridge which varies the number of turns on
the upper magnet.
Loads conditions: Must not trip for healthy conditions e.g starting currents.
The time multiplier setting rotates the tripping bar attached to the disc closer to or further away from the
This curve shows the relay will operate in 3 seconds at 10 times the plug setting.
Different Operating
Characteristics are shown a 3 seconds operation at ten times the current plug setting i.e if the plug bridge is
set at 1A, and when 10A flows through, the relay will close its contacts after 3 seconds -sometimes called a
3/10 relay.
In the era of induction-type IDMT relays, two relay families were commonly used.
Very inverse
Extremely inverse
Relay Burden
The selection of the plug setting increases or decreases this burden as more or fewer windings are inserted
into the circuit.
As there is a minimum ampere-turns required to produce the flux to start the disc turning – the lower the
current, the more turns are needed.
As the burden presented by the relay for lower settings is higher, the ct can go into saturation aerly and wll
be unable to drive a current through the relay proportional to the primary
As the burden presented by the relay for the lower settings is higher, the CT can go into saturation early
and will be unable to drive a current through the relay proportional to the primary current.
Thus it requires a higher primary current to operate even though the relay setting current secondary may
be lower.
CT burden
K=time multiplier
I= measured current
Normal β 0.02
Very β1.00
Extreme β 2.0
Normal α 0.14
Very α 13.5
Extreme α 80.0
Numerical relays obtain current and voltage input from the instrument transformer connected to the
The instantaneous values are sampled at a pre-determined rate and converted to numerical values
Based on the magnitude and sign, the relay can work out the nature of the waveform.
The higher the sampling rate, the higher the accuracy of this calculation. The relay can measure various
harmonic components present, the fundamental frequency, its peaky and RMS values, etc.
Asymmetry can also be computed and rejected where necessary. The tripping time is calculated using
specific mathematical functions or logical relationships.
In a numerical relay, it is possible to compute the current, disregarding the initial asymmetrical behaviour.
This is done by taking an average of the first positive and negative peak current values.
Normally, a delay is given to avoid incorrect operation due to asymmetrical values. The advantage of this
feature is that it can have a shorter delay.
Low CT burden
Integrate breaker fail protection
Voltage tolerant
As per IEC255
Insulation test
Impulse test
Trip tests
Control functions, including local and remote control isolators and breakers
Monitoring including condition monitoring breaker loads, number of trips, and gas density monitoring of
SF6 breakers.
Metering functions currents, voltages, frequency, kw, kVar , PF, Energy, harmonics and transient recorder.
One big drawback is manufacturers implement proprietary protocols that inhibit the networking of
different manufacturers’ equipment on a common platform.
Substations automation
Automation in existing substations
Use computers
Human-machine interface
Basic Principles
Based on current
Based on time
Impedance direction
When the coordination is based on time delay, a minimum interval us necessary between the operation of
the relays being coordinated.
Coordinations by current
Used in situations where the fault current differs significantly when proceeding upstream. Protection
coordination between secondary faults and primary faults in the transformer feeder can use this principle.
Cannot use MV low resistance earthed industrial system with short cable lengths as they do not
significantly differ in earth fault current at different points.
Coordinations by time
Used In industrial circuits where the fault current anywhere in the system may not be very different since
the source forms the major impedance.
Need about 0.4-second intervals between successive relays due to the acceptable errors.
Can get coordination with considerably reduced time intervals due to better accuracies.
Open point may not be the optimum from a copper loss or operational point of
Coordination rules
Time/current coordination delay must be realised at a maximum value of the fault current
When using IDMT relays, choose similar IDMT characteristics on the relays to be coordinated (nORMAL
inverse,VI, Etc) so that the chance of intersection of curves is minimal.
Using zone-based protection (unit protection) wherever possible since such protections do not depend
upon the operation of any other protection.