Nitrogen Containing Compounds
Nitrogen Containing Compounds
Nitrogen Containing Compounds
(A) CH3 3 CNO2 (B) CH3 2 CHNO2 (B) to react Me3C Br with NaCN
(C) to react Me3C Br with ClCn
(C) CH3CH 2 NO2 (D) None of these
Q 9. Write the product in the following reactions: (D) to react Me3C Li with NH2CN
(A) C2H5NO2 Sn + HCl Q 3. CH 3CH 2 Cl
Ni / H2
(B) C2H5NO2 Zn dust + NH4Cl
Acetic anhydride
(Z) in the above reaction sequence is CH3 C NH2
Q 11. CH3 is a
(B) CH3CH2 CH2 NH2 (A) primary amine
(C) CH3CH2 CH2 CONHCH3 (B) secondary amine
(C) tertiary amine
(D) CH3CH2 CH2 CONHCOCH3 (D) quaternary salt
Q 4. Which of the following is obtained in Q 12. The reaction between primary amine, chloroform
carbylamine reaction ? and few drops of alcoholic KOH is known as
(A) C2 H5 NH2 (B) COCl2 (A) Hofmann’s reaction
(B) Kolbe’s reaction
(C) C6 H5CN (D) C6 H5 NC
(C) Carbylamine reaction
Q 5. Ethyl chloride on heating with AgCN forms a (D) Reimer – Tiemann’s reaction
compound (X). The functional isomer of (X) is Q 13. Gabriel phthalimide synthesis can be used to
(A) C2 H5 NC (B) C2 H5 NH2 prepare
(A) ethanamine
(C) C2 H5CN (D) None of these
(B) N-methylmethanamine
Q 6. State the product available by the following (C) N,N-dimethylmethanamine
reaction: (D) p-toluidine
CH3CH2CN ethanol H 2 O
conc. H2SO4
Q 14. Primary amines are identified by
(A) Hofimann’s reaction
(A) ethyl formate + NH3
(B) Carbylamine reaction
(B) ethyl propanote + NH3 (C) Friedel-Crafts reaction
(C) ethyl butanoate + NH3 (D) Biuret reaction
Q 15. In the given reaction
(D) ethyl acetate + NH3 H2SO4
CH3 – CH2 – C – CH3 +
Q 7. CH3 NH2 CHCl3 KOH nitrogen H 2O/H ,
containing compound is (A) and (B) are
(A) CH3 C N (B) CH3 NH CH3 (A) CH3COOH and C2 H5 NH 2
(C) CH3 N C (D) CH3 N C (B) CH3CH 2 COOH and CH3 NH2
Q 8. Carbylamine test is not answered by (C) CH3 NH2 and C2 H5 NH 2
(A) aprotic acid (B) neutral compound
(C) Lewis acid (D) Lewis base
Q 9. Write the products in the following reactions: Q 16. Hinsberg’s reagent is
(A). CH3 – C ≡N + H2O (A) benzene sulphonamide
(B). CH3 – C ≡N + Ni/H2 (B) benzene sulphonic acid
(C) benzene sulphuryl chloride
(C). CH3 – C ≡N + SnCl2/HCl
(D) benzene sulphonyl chloride
(D). CH3 – C ≡N + CH3MgCl
Q 17. Which one ofthe following on reduction with
Q 10: (A). R –N≡C + S8 ?
(B). R –N≡C + 2HgO ?
LiAlH 4 yields a secondary amine ?
(C). R –N≡C + O3 ? (A) Methyl cyanide (B) Nitroethane
(C) Methyl isocyanide (D) Acetamide
Q 18. By passing the mixture of the vapours of alcohol
was evolved. (A) on warming with CHCl3 and (C) CHCl3 / KOH (D) NaOH
caustic potash gave (C) which on reduction gave Q 10. An organic compound ‘A’ containing nitrogen,
isopropyl methylamine. on acid catalysed hydrolysis produces a water
Predict the structure of (A). soluble organic compound ‘B’ and a gaseous
compound ‘C’ When methyl magnesium bromide
(A) CH3CH2 CH2 NH2
is slowly added to ‘A’ in 1 : 1 ratio and The end product B of the above reaction is
hydrolysed, it produces a compound which can
be obtained by dry distillation of calcium salt of
‘B’. The compound ‘A’ is (A) (B)
(A) N-methyl methanamide
(B) N-ethyl methanamide
(C) N,N-dimethyl methanamide
(D) methyl isocyanide (C) (D)
Q 11. The rate Hofmann’s bromamide degradation with
following amide will follow the order
Q 15.
The correct route for the above transformation is
(A) (i) Br2/KOH (ii) H 2 / Pt (iii) CH3COOH
(B) (i)P2O5/Heat (ii) H2/Pt (iii) CH3CO2 2 O
(C) I II III IV (C) (i) CH3CO 2 O (ii) H2/Pt (iii) Br2 / KOH
(D) I III IV II (D) (i) Br2 / KOH ; (ii) CH3COCl
Q 12. The amines that will give off N 2 upon treatment
with NaNO2 and dil. H 2SO4 is/are at 0 to 5°C
Q 16.
The final product (Y) is
(A) (B)
(A) (B)
Q 13.
2 A (major)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q 14.
Answer Key
1. Alkyl Nitrites, Nitroalkane
(1). B (2). A (3). B
(4). B (5). C (6). B
(7). A (8). C
(9). (A). C2H5NH2 (B). C2H5NHOH
(10). C (11). C (12). B
(13). A