Aisa-Fenix 1K
Aisa-Fenix 1K
Aisa-Fenix 1K
Mapping Asphaltic Roads’ Skid Resistance Using
Imaging Spectroscopy
Nimrod Carmon 1, * and Eyal Ben-Dor 2
1 Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 6997801, Israel
2 Department of Geography, School of Earth Science, Faculty of Exact Science, Tel-Aviv University,
Tel-Aviv 6997801, Israel;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate a realistic feasibility of using hyperspectral remote
sensing (also termed imaging spectroscopy) airborne data for mapping asphaltic roads’ transportation
safety. This is done by quantifying the road-tire friction, an attribute responsible for vehicle control
and emergency stopping. We engaged in a real-life operational scenario, where the roads’ friction
was modeled against the reflectance information extracted directly from the image. The asphalt
pavement’s dynamic friction coefficient was measured by a standardized technique using a Dynatest
6875H (Dynatest Consulting Inc., Westland, MI, USA) Friction Measuring System, which uses the
common test-wheel retardation method. The hyperspectral data was acquired by the SPECIM
AisaFenix 1K (Specim, Spectral Imaging Ltd., Oulu, Finland) airborne system, covering the entire
optical range (350–2500 nm), over a selected study site, with roads characterized by different aging
conditions. The spectral radiance data was processed to provide apparent surface reflectance using
ground calibration targets and the ACORN-6 atmospheric correction package. Our final dataset was
comprised of 1370 clean asphalt pixels coupled with geo-rectified in situ friction measurement points.
We developed a partial least squares regression model using PARACUDA-II spectral data mining
engine, which uses an automated outlier detection procedure and dual validation routines—a full
cross-validation and an iterative internal validation based on a Latin Hypercube sampling algorithm.
Our results show prediction capabilities of R2 = 0.632 for full cross-validation and R2 = 0.702 for
the best available model in internal validation, both with significant results (p < 0.0001). Using
spectral assignment analysis, we located the spectral bands with the highest weight in the model and
discussed their possible physical and chemical assignments. The derived model was applied back
on the hyperspectral image to predict and map the friction values of every road pixel in the scene.
Combining the standard method with imaging spectroscopy may provide the required expansion of
the available data to furnish decision makers with a full picture of the roads’ status. This technique’s
limitations originate mainly in compositional variations between different roads, and the requirement
for the application of multiple calibrations between scenes. Possible improvements could be achieved
by using more spectral regions (e.g., thermal) and additional remote sensing techniques (e.g., LIDAR)
as well as new platforms (e.g., UAV).
1. Introduction
A key element of traffic safety in paved roads is Skid Resistance, a measure of the resistance
force of pavement surface to sliding or skidding of the vehicle [1]. This force is essential for providing
tire-pavement grip needed for vehicle control and emergency stopping [2]. The physical property
used to measure skid resistance is termed Dynamic Friction Coefficient (DFC), which quantifies the
friction amount between the road and the tire surfaces while the vehicle is moving. The friction
coefficient is calculated by dividing the motion frictional resistance by the load acting perpendicular
to the interface [3]. Under wet conditions, newly constructed roads exhibit high friction, whereas
older roads may experience aging effects, causing structural damage and compositional alteration of
the pavement, resulting with friction loss. These effects are a consequence of mechanical weathering
inflicted by passing vehicles, and of environmental effects changing the asphalt pavement’s surface
properties (temperatures, dust, rain, snow, and oxidation). Furthermore, friction loss can be caused by
tire erosion, leaving skid marks on the road surface, and by oil or gasoline leaks leaving material on
the road surface [4,5].
Asphalt pavement is a compound of rocky aggregate and a binder material. The rocky material is
usually indigenous in respect to the local mineralogy and is prominently dominated with limestone
and basalt minerals in Israel. The binder material is a complex substance mostly comprised by bitumen
and polymers. The Bitumen is produced by refining crude oil and has adhesion and water sealing
properties. Polymers are added to the bitumen to enhance its qualities and reduce the chance of
cracking under load [6].
The two major components creating friction in asphaltic roads are adhesion and hysteresis. The
adhesion results from the shearing of molecular bonds formed when the rubber tire is pressed into
close contact with the pavement surface particles. Changes in asphalt adhesion are caused by the
surface’s micro-texture (0.1 to 0.5 mm), which is an aggregate composition related property, as the
aggregate ability to retain the roughness against the traffic polishing action controls the rate of decrease
in adhesion. Hysteresis is the lagging of peak deformation behind peak load, occurring to the tire
after passing across asperities of rough surface, caused by the asphalt’s macro texture (0.5 to 50 mm),
created by cracks and fractures in the asphalt [7].
Road segments with low DFC contribute to a significantly longer stopping distance for passing
vehicles, along with the reduction of the driver’s control over the vehicle. As this could lead to an
increasing potential for accidents, DFC is considered the key measured property imperative for defining
the road safety [3,8]. Usually, state or city authorities are responsible for maintenance operations of
the roads within their jurisdiction. In Israel, this is an important endeavor, as insurance companies
may claim damages in case of accidents caused by poor road conditions. The maintenance operation
itself is a costly exertion with environmental impacts and effects on the transportation grid function.
Therefore, an informed decision must take place when considering repairing or replacing a road
segment, based on the best available data of the road conditions. To avoid unnecessary operation costs
while maintaining transportation safety, an accurate measurement of the road’s conditions must be
available for decision makers.
The most common method for mapping the road conditions is by measuring DFC using a test
wheel installed on a specialized service car, on which some retardation is applied to cause a skid over
the pavement. Using the Dynatest H6875 system, the skid is applied in constant time intervals by an
automated breaking system (ABS), and the ratio between the car velocity and the test wheel velocity is
correlated to the DFC of the road segment [9]. To create wet conditions, a water tank is coupled with
the service car, spraying water in a constant pressure on the test wheel’s path. As the service car is
operating in a constant velocity, the water column stays constant over all measurements [10].
This technique directly measures the pavement’s friction and therefore is highly accurate, although
the produced data is somewhat limited. The main concern is the minimum operation speed of
60–70 km/h, precluding operation in residential streets in urban areas, as well as increasing sensitivity
to ongoing traffic. As this system measures a ~15 cm width section of the road, determined by the test
wheel’s dimensions, multiple repetitions of the same road must be performed to achieve a more realistic
map—a procedure which is not applied in practice. In addition, operating this system requires highly
skilled personnel, as it is comprised of multiple mechanical, electronic, and computational hardware.
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 3 of 14
Using remote sensing for mapping road conditions have been tested by various academic
and industrial groups, by means of different remote sensing technologies. Mainly, these studies
were focused on providing a structural measure of the road, locating and mapping holes, gaps and
cracks in the pavement. This can be achieved using either a stereoscopic imaging system creating
a high resolution 3D map of the road, or by using LIDAR technology, both mounted on a moving
vehicle [11,12]. Although the available product contains important information for evaluating the
road’s conditions, it is not providing the DFC of the road, and requires the use of vehicle to be in-situ.
Using hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) can provide with the chemical and physical information
needed to model DFC, and is applicable both in-situ and using airborne platform. As it relies less on
the special resolution and more on the spectral resolution, the available product may be superior in
terms of coverage and operational productivity.
Works that deal with pavement monitoring using hyperspectral imaging can be divided into two
groups—those that uses just the hyperspectral data (unsupervised) and those which uses reference
data (supervised). Pascucci et al. (2008) used a thermal airborne multispectral sensor to quantify
the road conditions via the limestone absorption feature in 11.2 microns [13]. This was because the
aggregate mixture used in Italian roads is mainly composed of limestone. Mei et al. (2014) applied a
combination of digital imaging processing (DIP) and spectral measurements from an ASD spectrometer
to quantify the exposed aggregate index (EAI) which is correlated to the amount of bitumen removed
from the road surface [14]. Mohammadi (2012) conducted a research where hyperspectral images
were correlated to a road status assessment produced using orthophotos and field visits information.
In this work, two types of product were developed—a classification to differentiate between concrete,
gravel and asphalt, and a classification to classify three states of the asphalt surface (good, intermediate
and bad). A more chemometric approach was applied by Roberts and Harold (2005 and 2008).
In this work, spectral characteristics of asphalt under aging effects where discovered in order to
qualitatively identify cracks and crevices in the pavement. Additionally, they tried to correlate the
spectral information to a pavement condition index (PCI) used by authorities as a standardized method
to evaluate the pavement status [4,15]. Recently, Carmon and Ben-Dor (2016) showed that a spectral
based model to predict the DFC can be extracted using ground spectral measurements, acquired using
a car-mounted field spectrometer and geo-referenced friction measurement points [16]. In this work,
the spectral information was modeled to predict the road’s DFC using an artificial neural network
(ANN) data-mining technique.
This study aimed at elaborating the use of spectral information over asphalt pavement and use
airborne HRS technology to generate continues friction map of roads. The advantageous of airborne
HRS can consolidate the product available from the standard method by: (1) covering the entire road in
one pass, (2) provide a shorter time gap between data acquisition, (3) provide friction data in previously
unaccusable roads (i.e., residential streets, bicycle lanes, remote locations), (4) reduce operation costs.
Accordingly, we engaged and demonstrate an operational procedure, were the available data are an
HRS image and geo-rectified DFC points, used both for developing the prediction model and for
mapping the entire road surface in the scene.
2.2. Hyperspectral
2.2. Hyperspectral Data
Image data
Image data was
was acquired
acquired on on 55 April
April 2017
2017 at
at 10:24
10:24 local
local time
time using
using aa SPECIM
SPECIM AisaFenix
AisaFenix 1K 1K
airborne system.
airborne system. TheThecamera
mounted on aon
Cessna 172 airplane,
a Cessna recording
172 airplane, data indata
recording a flight
in aaltitude
of 1828 m over sea level, resulting with a ground sampling distance (GSD) of 100 cm.
altitude of 1828 m over sea level, resulting with a ground sampling distance (GSD) of 100 cm. The The AisaFenix 1K
is a push‐broom hyperspectral imaging instrument designed for airborne use, collecting
AisaFenix 1K is a push-broom hyperspectral imaging instrument designed for airborne use, collecting data both in
the VNIR
data (380
both in thetoVNIR
970 nm)
970 nm) (970 to SWIR
and 2500 nm)
to 2500regions. The instrument
nm) spectral regions. Theconsists of two
push‐broom type spectral cameras integrated behind a single common fore optics
consists of two push-broom type spectral cameras integrated behind a single common fore optics in in temperature‐
stabilized housing (seehousing
temperature-stabilized Table 1). This
(see system
Table is unique
1). This systemas is it has anasextremely
unique large swath,
it has an extremely covering
large swath,
1024 pixels or 1 km for a 1 m/pixel spatial resolution.
covering 1024 pixels or 1 km for a 1 m/pixel spatial resolution.
Table 1. Optical
Optical properties
friction values show a relatively normal distribution with a median of 0.562 and a standard deviation
of 0.135 (see histogram in Figure 2c).
2.5. Modelling
Analyzing the data to develop prediction models of the road friction was done using the
PARACUDA II data-mining engine [20–22]. It was developed as a methodic procedure designed
to reduce bias and error propagation, while providing an accurate and realistic model. This system
uses a dual outlier detection module to identify problematic samples both in the spectral and
chemical/physical domains. PARACUDA II uses two types of validation procedures: a leave-one-out
full cross-validation, and a 25–75% internal validation based on a Latin Hypercube sampling
algorithm [23,24]. Latin Hypercube sampling is an iterative process designed to achieve the best
covariability between the calibration and test groups. A prediction model is developed on the
calibration samples, and applied on the test samples to evaluate model performance. The sequence
of sampling and modeling is applied 256 times, where in each iteration the sampling is slightly
different. This enables both observation on the model population, as well as to select the most suitable
sampling and model. The system is capable of applying preprocessing algorithms on the spectral data
using an all possibilities approach (APA), but was configured to do not use any preprocessing for the
current project (more information in the discussion section). The next step is developing a PLS data
rotation in covariance to the friction values, and using the new scores to calculate a linear multivariate
regression model to the friction values [25,26]. PARACUDA-II outputs several spectral assignment
products, including a Beta Coefficient spectrum representing the model’s band weights and sign, as
well as a squared Pearson correlation spectrum calculated between the spectral data and the friction
values before and after preprocessing. Spectral Assignments are used to identify the specific chemical
groups and physical effects with correlation to the modeled attribute. These two products are used to
identify spectral bands with strong correlation to the modeled attribute, by that further validating the
developed model (Specific details are given later in the discussion section).
3. Results
a histogram of the friction coefficient values, colored by the corresponding value range and group
rank. Remote
results exhibit spectral dependencies in the friction values, both in the mean 6average
2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 13
spectra and in the CR spectra in Figure 2b. Most prominently, we see a gain dependency in the average
in thethe
spectraalbedo is correlated
in Figure with the group
2b. Most prominently, we see rank, excluding
a gain dependencythe two
in thegroups
the lowest where(groups
friction the overallA albedo
and B).isIncorrelated
the CR with
meanthe group rank,
spectra, excluding
all groups thecorrelation
lie in two groups to with
rank, as lowest friction (groups
absorption depthAincreases—the
and B). In the CRmean
mean friction
spectra, all groups
value lie in correlation
decrease. to theirthat
This suggest rank,the
as the absorption depth increases—the mean friction value decrease. This suggest that
bitumen material (black-high friction) that aimed at adhering the calcite aggregates (light-low friction) the bitumen
material (black‐high friction) that aimed at adhering the calcite aggregates (light‐low friction) is
is eroded. Another observation is a minimum value band location-shift, where a shift towards longer
eroded. Another observation is a minimum value band location‐shift, where a shift towards longer
wavelengths is visible. This may suggest of the spectral dynamic of carbonates and polymers in the
wavelengths is visible. This may suggest of the spectral dynamic of carbonates and polymers in the
samples (further discussion in Spectral Assignment Analysis paragraph).
samples (further discussion in Spectral Assignment Analysis paragraph).
2. Data
FigureFigure 2. exploration plots
Data exploration colored
plots by by
colored group:
Averagespectra by friction
spectra by frictiongroup
with labeled
group group
ranks and
ranksCR range
and in dotted
CR range box; (b)
in dotted box;CR
CR averagespectra (2150–2400
spectra (2150–2400nm)nm)
by friction group
by friction rank;
(c) Histogram
rank; (c)of friction values
Histogram colored
of friction by colored
values corresponding group rank
by corresponding (see rank
group Table(see
2 for group
Table definition).
2 for group
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 7 of 14
detection module results:(a)
module results: (a)PC-1/PC-2
the spectral
spectral data
data with
with a
3 confidence circle; (b) histogram of friction value before outlier elimination; (c) histogram of frictionof
confidence circle; (b) histogram of friction value before outlier elimination; (c) histogram
friction value
value after after elimination.
outlier outlier elimination.
decision when
when developing
developing aa PLS‐R
PLS-R model
model is the number
is the number of of latent
latent variable
variable (nLV)
(nLV)totobe be
used in the model. Too many LVs may result with potential overfitting of the model
used in the model. Too many LVs may result with potential overfitting of the model to the specific to the specific
using not
not enough
enough maymay result with aa low-accuracy
result with low‐accuracy modelmodel [26].
[26]. AA common
commonmethodmethodfor for
overcoming this problem is by developing a multitude of models, with increasing
overcoming this problem is by developing a multitude of models, with increasing nLV and evaluating nLV and
evaluating the root‐mean‐squared
the root-mean-squared error of
error of prediction prediction
for each modelfor[28].each
When model [28]. When
the addition of a LVthe
addition of a LV produces a decrease in RMSEP of less than 1%, the former nLV
produces a decrease in RMSEP of less than 1%, the former nLV is selected. In our case, we configured is selected. In our
case, we configured
to evaluate models with to evaluate
between 5models
and 15 with between
potential 5 and
LVs. This 15 potential
procedure LVs.with
resulted This
an optimalresulted
amount with an optimal
of eight factors toamount
be usedofineight factorsThe
the model. to be used
PLS in theprojects
rotation model.theThedata
PLSon rotation
projects the data on eight new scores, where the first factor represents the most covariance
new scores, where the first factor represents the most covariance to the friction values, and all factors to the
friction values, to
are orthogonal and allother
each factors
andare orthogonal
thus to each Next,
are not correlated. other aand thus are linear
multivariate not correlated.
regression Next,
multivariate linear regression model was developed between the eight scores (x‐data)
was developed between the eight scores (x-data) to the friction values (y-data). This was done using to the friction
values (y‐data). This was done using two validation techniques—a full cross‐validation (leave‐one‐
out) and a Latin Hypercube sampling internal validation (75% calibration, 25% validation).
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 8 of 14
two validation techniques—a full cross-validation (leave-one-out) and a Latin Hypercube sampling
internal validation
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, x (75% calibration,
FOR PEER REVIEW 25% validation). 8 of 13
3.2.3. Prediction
Prediction Results
As mentioned,
mentioned, two
two validation
validation procedures
procedures were
were applied
applied using
PARACUDAII: II:full-cross
full‐cross validation
and internal validation (Figure 4). Using full-cross validation we achieved a prediction
and internal validation (Figure 4). Using full‐cross validation we achieved a prediction capability capability
of R 2 = 0.632 and RMSEP = 0.077. In internal validation we show a better prediction capability of
R = 0.632 and RMSEP = 0.077. In internal validation we show a better prediction capability of R =
2 2
2 = 0.702 with a slightly better prediction error of RMSEP ∼ 0.07. As the friction value ranges between
R0.702 with a slightly better prediction error of RMSEP ≅= 0.07. As the friction value ranges between
~0.2 toto 0.8,
0.8, an
RMSEPof ofaround
Figure Model performance
performance results:
results: (a) Measured
(a) Measured vs. predicted
vs. predicted friction friction values
values for for full cross‐
full cross-validation;
validation; (b) Measured vs. predicted values for internal
(b) Measured vs. predicted values for internal validation. validation.
3.2.4. Spectral
3.2.4. Spectral Assignments
Assignments Analysis
Analyzing the
Analyzing the spectral
spectral assignments
assignments (SA)(SA) is
is an
an important
important step,
step, as
as itit further
further validates
validates the
the model
by providing
by providing aa chemical/physical
chemical/physical foundation
foundation underpinning
underpinning the the model’s
model’s results.
results. Moreover,
Moreover, SA SA
analysis may trace new spectral assignments by unveiling direct or indirect
analysis may trace new spectral assignments by unveiling direct or indirect chromophores of the chromophores of the
modeled measurement.
modeled measurement. To To test
test and
and evaluate
evaluate the
the SA
SA found
found byby PARACUDA
we extracted
extracted the
the Beta
coefficient spectrum of the best available model, visualizing the spectral bands
coefficient spectrum of the best available model, visualizing the spectral bands weight in the model weight in the model
(Figure 5).
(Figure 5). The
The sign
sign of
of the
the Beta
Beta coefficient
coefficient indicates
indicates thethe type
type of
of contribution
contribution of of the
the spectral
spectral feature
feature toto
the predicted
the predicted friction.
friction. Increasing
Increasing absorption
absorption features
features in in band
band locations
locations with
with positive
positive Beta
Beta coefficient
will overall decrease the predicted value, whereas in negative Beta coefficient
will overall decrease the predicted value, whereas in negative Beta coefficient locations, an increaselocations, an increase
in the absorption depth will increase the predicted value. An example of
in the absorption depth will increase the predicted value. An example of the Beta coefficient signthe Beta coefficient sign
indications is
indications is evident
evident inin the
the presence
presence ofof polymers
polymers in in the
the asphalt
asphalt mixture.
mixture. Pixels
Pixels with
with higher
higher polymer
content, will exhibit stronger absorption features in the relevant wavelengths
content, will exhibit stronger absorption features in the relevant wavelengths (~1200, ~1700) [28].
(~1200, ~1700) [28]. The
suggested explanation is that pixels with deep absorption features (i.e., more polymers) will
The suggested explanation is that pixels with deep absorption features (i.e., more polymers) will
contribute less to a decrease in the friction, whereas shallow absorption features (i.e., less polymers),
contribute less to a decrease in the friction, whereas shallow absorption features (i.e., less polymers),
will have a bigger impact for decreasing friction values. An opposite example is the strong feature in
will have a bigger impact for decreasing friction values. An opposite example is the strong feature in
~1100 nm, a band assigned to water molecules, where deeper absorptions will decrease the friction
~1100 nm, a band assigned to water molecules, where deeper absorptions will decrease the friction
value and no absorption will increase the friction. This may suggest of two different mechanisms: (1)
value and no absorption will increase the friction. This may suggest of two different mechanisms:
Hygroscopic water content of the aggregate material being exposed by the binder erosion and (2)
(1) Hygroscopic water content of the aggregate material being exposed by the binder erosion and
Water accumulation in cracks and crevices in the pavement [29]. In SWIR‐2 region, positive and
(2) Water accumulation in cracks and crevices in the pavement [29]. In SWIR-2 region, positive and
negative coefficients can be seen, with two strong peaks (of opposite signs) at ~2340 and ~2380 nm,
negative coefficients can be seen, with two strong peaks (of opposite signs) at ~2340 and ~2380 nm,
assigned to carbonates and polymers respectively [30]. The remaining locations with high positive
assigned to carbonates and polymers respectively [30]. The remaining locations with high positive
values in SWIR‐2 may suggest of organic compounds (e.g., oils, gasoline, skid marks) either trapped
values in SWIR-2 may suggest of organic compounds (e.g., oils, gasoline, skid marks) either trapped in
in cracks or adhered to the road’s surface, reducing the friction. In the VNIR range, usually metal
cracks or adhered to the road’s surface, reducing the friction. In the VNIR range, usually metal oxides
oxides are detectable as well as the surface’ texture [29]. The oxides may be originated from the
aggregate exposure, by oxidation of the aggregate over time, or by eolian accumulation processes.
The surface texture or particle size will have an effect in this range, as bigger particles will amount to
a lower albedo whereas smaller particles will increase the albedo [31]. This mechanism happens in
the early stages of the aging effects, when the asphalt is being compacted but with no binder erosion.
Summary of the possible assignments can be found in Table 3.
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 9 of 14
are detectable as well as the surface’ texture [29]. The oxides may be originated from the aggregate
exposure, by oxidation of the aggregate over time, or by eolian accumulation processes. The surface
texture or particle size will have an effect in this range, as bigger particles will amount to a lower
albedo whereas smaller particles will increase the albedo [31]. This mechanism happens in the early
stages of the aging effects, when the asphalt is being compacted but with no binder erosion. Summary
of the possible assignments can be found in Table 3.
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
Figure 5. Beta coefficient spectrum representing the band weight in the model.
Figure 5. Beta coefficient spectrum representing the band weight in the model.
3.3. Mapping
3.3. Mapping
We applied the developed model directly on the hyperspectral data cube, by that creating a
We applied the developed model directly on the hyperspectral data cube, by that creating a
continuous projection of the friction value in the entire road grid in the scene (Figure 6). As the
continuous projection of the friction value in the entire road grid in the scene (Figure 6). As the
hyperspectral image has a spatial resolution of 1 × 1 m, the newly obtained friction map has the
hyperspectral image has a spatial resolution of 1 × 1 m, the newly obtained friction map has the same
same resolution with available data for the entire road cross-section. This was done by calculating
resolution with available data for the entire road cross‐section. This was done by calculating the dot
the dot product between the spectra at each pixel and the Beta coefficient spectrum extracted from
product between the spectra at each pixel and the Beta coefficient spectrum extracted from
PARACUDA II. The friction layer was loaded into ArcMap 10.3, where a mask layer was used to
PARACUDA II. The friction layer was loaded into ArcMap 10.3, where a mask layer was used to
discard non-asphalt pixels, remaining with a clean road friction map. This data may be transformed
discard non‐asphalt pixels, remaining with a clean road friction map. This data may be transformed
into a vector layer and used in different platforms for mapping purposes.
into a vector layer and used in different platforms for mapping purposes.
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 10 of 14
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Figure 6. Roads
Figure 6. Roads predicted
predicted friction
friction map
map of
of the
the study
study site.
4. Discussion
A direct use
use of of hyperspectral
hyperspectralpixel pixeldata
developing a prediction
a prediction model
model to to
be be applied
applied back back
on the same
the same imageimage is innovative
is innovative to some to some
extent. Theextent.
common The common
method methodais
is to develop to develop
model based onaspectral
based on spectral and measurements
and chemical/physical chemical/physical takenmeasurements taken inUsing
in a laboratory setting. a laboratory setting. Usingtaken
surface measurements surface in
situ combined with taken in situ
direct HRS combined
pixel datawith directand
is unique HRS pixel
may data
have is unique
a higher and when
validity may have a higher
projecting the
model forwhen projecting
practical the model
applications. In for practical
general, applications.
hyperspectral In general,
airborne data hyperspectral
may hold different airborne data
may hold different
signatures than data spectral
acquiredsignatures than data acquired
at the laboratory (e.g. dust at accumulates
the laboratoryon (e.g.,
the dust accumulates
surface) along with on
the surface)
different along with
quality (e.g. different
less SNR). quality (e.g., less
Moreover, theSNR). Moreover,correction
atmospheric the atmospheric
applied routine
on the
airborneon the airborne
image may addimage noisemay to theadd noise
data. to the
Even data.
if the Even if the
laboratory datalaboratory
is carefully data is carefully
resampled to
simulate the to spectral
simulate configuration
the spectral configuration
of the airborne of the airborne
sensor, major sensor, major differences
differences still may be stillfound
be found the
between between
datasets. the Indatasets.
addition, In the
airborne thesystem
a muchhas a much
larger larger
surface surfacecompared
footprint footprint
compared to the laboratory
to the laboratory data. Accordingly,data. Accordingly, upscalingmodels
upscaling laboratory laboratory models
to image to may
data image bedata may be
and hence, to and hence,antooptimal
ensure ensure an optimal performance,
performance, modeling modeling
has to be has to be generated
generated and applied and applied
with andwith
to theand to thedata
image image data itself.
Although there was a time gap of of 3–4
3–4 months
months between
between the the friction
friction measurements
measurements and the
hyperspectral campaign, the spectral assignment data extracted from the developed model suggests
constant mechanisms over this time. This was confirmed by the Israeli Road Authorities Engineers,
but has to bebe considered
considered in in any
any future
future work.
work. TheThe suggested
suggested mechanisms
mechanisms are are in
coherence bothboth with
works specific to asphalt
asphalt erosion, as well well asas to
to works
works in in reflectance
reflectance spectroscopy
spectroscopy and and asphalt
asphalt aging
effects. Two distinctive processes with spectral spectral registration
registration werewere found:
found: (1)(1) binder erosion exposing
the aggregate and and (2) (2) material
material fromfrom the the environment
environment adhering
adhering to to cracks
cracksand andholes
holesin inthe
The advantages of using imaging spectroscopy over using in situ car mounted field spectrometers
are two-fold. First, the
two‐fold. First, the obtained
obtained airborne
airborne datadata holds
holds a larger dynamic range, as the car-mounted car‐mounted
spectrometer has has aa very
very small
small surface
surface footprint
footprint (160 cm22), and the measurement is taken place during
(160 cm
movement. This This leads
leadsto toaalimited
dynamicrange range inin
data,as as
thetheradiation amount
radiation amount coming
the sensor is small. Second, while the car systemʹs geometry creates non‐constant illumination
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 11 of 14
sensor is small. Second, while the car system's geometry creates non-constant illumination conditions
on the surface, as well as operational only when driving from south to north (do avoid shade in the
northern hemisphere), using an airborne system is much more realistic.
As we demonstrated a controlled modeling process design to reduce bias, the reported prediction
capabilities can be considered valid. Providing both a full-cross validation and an internal validation
results was done for comparison purposes with future studies, which may use either type of validation.
The decision to withdraw from any preprocessing routines came in the light of our ambition to
represent the data and the application potential as realistically as possible.
Some limitations of using this technique should be pointed out. First, the standard criteria
for friction measurements accuracy is much higher than the accuracy demonstrated in this work.
A standardized measuring method should be accurate and constant, whereas the suggested method
in this study is still not accurate enough. Nonetheless, a significant increase in accuracy could be
obtained via a number of key points. Foremost, reducing the time gap between friction and spectral
measurements will ensure the absence of changes to the road surface and the representation of the same
reality in both datasets. These changes may be due to sand and dust setting on the pavements’ surface,
as well as oil and gasoline leaks from deriving vehicles washed off the road. Moreover, although in
this work we successfully modeled the systematic aging effects of the pavement affecting friction loss,
the reduction of the pavement’s friction as measured by the DFC service car is related also to cracks
and holes in the pavement, which are not detectable in a 1 × 1 m/pixel resolution and requires a
higher magnitude in resolution. As a possible solution for this obstacle which may increase the overall
accuracy of the prediction may be combining a high resolution RGB camera with the hyperspectral
system. An elaborate yet expensive solution is to have a LIDAR sensor and a hyperspectral camera
on the same aircraft. The LIDAR is capable of providing a very high resolution digital terrain model
(DTM) and identify locations with structural damages to the pavement as needed. Moreover, as the
LIDAR and hyperspectral sensors are covering the same area, the latter may benefit with a much better
geometric correction and improve the overall data quality. The second limitation of this technique is
the alteration of mineral aggregate and binder mixture between different roads in different locations.
Although in Israel the aggregate mixture is relatively constant, the binder composition may change
between asphalt factories. Because the prediction model is based on spectral features of the observed
materials, one model may not be correct for all roads. Although a more robust model may be developed,
the tradeoff will be a more generalized determination and a limit to the prediction accuracy. Therefore,
for using this suggested method in a large scale mapping survey, multiple calibrations are needed in
order to account for the different road types.
In spite of the mentioned limitations and disadvantages, using this approach as is, will provide
a major upgrade to the data available today using the traditional method. The produced maps are
far superior in terms of resolution and continuity, and despite of the limit in prediction accuracy they
provide important information about the road's friction. Additionally, the operational complexity and
financial resources needed for using this technique are minor relatively to the traditional technique.
Performing an airborne hyperspectral campaign to map an entire metropolitan is a matter of a few
weeks, compared to a few months using the friction measurement vehicle. In addition, the airborne
system has no accessibility limitations and can operate in urban environments and other inaccessible
locations of the DFC measuring vehicle.
5. Conclusions
Using airborne hyperspectral images with ground friction-coefficient measurements to provide a
wider overview of the road conditions is feasible. Accordingly, it can be an applicative operational
method to assist road monitoring. Using this approach requires careful attention to atmospheric
correction routine, as well as special regard to model development procedures and data analysis.
Significant progress may be achieved using this technique in combination with other sensors to
account for the variety of pavement conditions affecting the road-tire dynamic friction.
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 430 12 of 14
Acknowledgments: This study was funded by the Israeli Prime Minister Office through the Institute of Innovation
in Transportation, in Porter School of Environmental Studies, in Tel-Aviv University. We want to show our
gratitude to Netivei Israel—National Transport Infrastructure Company Ltd. for providing the friction data
for our study area. Special gratitude to Mr. Shimon Nesichi, Chief Scientist of Netivei Israel, for his important
remarks. We also want to thank Envirosense Hungary Ltd. ( for successfully producing
the 2017 Israel HRS campaign, with special thanks to Csaba Lenart and Nagy Zultan. We want to acknowledge
the contribution of Gila Notesco for providing insights regarding the chemical and physical assignments of the
spectral features. We want to thank Renata Balgley for her support. PARACUDA II is written entirely in MATLAB
R2015b, and uses the available toolboxes for its functionality.
Author Contributions: N.C. wrote the paper, designed and conducted the research, designed the algorithms,
wrote the codes and analyzed the data. E.B.-D. provided advisement and guidance, and participated in the results’
analysis and discussion, as well as in the HRS data acquisition.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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