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Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 11, November, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727



Eko Wahyu Utomo1, Pratikso2, Siegfried3

1,3Universitas Langlangbuana, Bandung, Indonesia
2Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, Indonesia

Email: utomoeko042@gmail .com

In road network evaluations, road performance is assessed from structural and functional
aspects. Typically, road surface roughness measurements rely on expensive, imported
instruments. Therefore, this research developed a prototype roughness measuring tool
using an ultrasonic sensor, which is more cost-effective. This study aims to calibrate the
"Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" prototype and evaluate its accuracy in measuring the
International Roughness Index (IRI) as a reference for road maintenance. The prototype
was tested through calibration with the standard tool, Gap Man Working Profilometer.
Data were collected from several road segments of a specified length, and measurement
results were analyzed through descriptive statistics to compare data from both tools. The
calibration results indicate that the prototype achieved a high accuracy level, with a
correlation value of 99.51% and a confidence level of 97.05%. The Cronbach's alpha value
of 1.0 shows excellent internal consistency, with an average measurement difference of
approximately 3.11%.The "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" prototype can serve as a valid
and economical alternative for measuring road surface roughness.
KEYWORDS roughmeter, ultrasonic, highway, roadworthiness

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

ShareAlike 4.0 International

Roads in Indonesia are a cohesive network system to connect all parts of
Indonesia as infrastructure. (Government of the Republic of Indonesia 2004). Due
to the very important benefits of road maintenance and construction, it will be a
priority in the development of planning and implementation as well as mainte-
nance. (Yoga Triardhana, Bandi Sasmito, and Firman Hadi 2021).. However,
there must be a way to maintain smooth travel because as the road ages, it will
deteriorate (Alhasan 2015; Alhasan et al. n.d.; Bulaha 2018).

Eko Wahyu Utomo, et.al. (2024). Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic

Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man Profilometer. Journal Eduvest.
How to cite: 4(11), 9869-9880
E-ISSN: 2775-3727
Published by: http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Eko Wahyu Utomo, Pratikso, Siegfried

Based on the role and position of road maintenance today and in the future,
as well as looking at the experience of road maintenance implementation in the
past, it is necessary to take concrete steps to strengthen road maintenance
management today and in the future. (Directorate General of Highways 2011)
Road maintenance in the past has been inadequate due to the weakness of several
factors, including handling methods, limited trained personnel, limited equipment
units, and so on. (Prijo Sadewo 1995; Richard W. V. Uguy and Vanda S. Rompis
Therefore, effective road management is essential. The impact of traffic
intensity and excessive load will affect the quality, so maintenance measures need
to be taken to keep the road in a stable and well-maintained condition. To carry
out road treatments accurately, it is important to carry out preliminary planning
according to data from careful condition surveys.(Indonesian Public Works 1995;
Suwardo and Heru Budi Utomo 2020)
Based on the role and position of road maintenance in the present and
future, and looking at the past experience of road accounting, we need to take
concrete steps in monitoring the management of road maintenance in the present
and future. Road maintenance in the past has been inadequate due to the weakness
of several factors, such as handling methods, restrictions on trained personnel,
limited equipment units, and so on.(Wahyu, Pratikso, and Siegfried 2023)..
To evaluate the condition of the pavement, one method is to use a roughness
measuring device called a rough meter, which aims to measure the consistency
and obtain the straightness value of the longitudinal surface of the road in IRI
values.(ASTM International, 2003; Bahaaeldin Hassan, 2021)
This research was conducted to determine the unevenness value of the road
with different tools and research studies and different tools, namely using a rough
meter with an ultrasonic type sensor, which is named ultrasonic surface rough
meter. With this research, can be considered for experts in conducting road
maintenance planning on-site and also trying to make an IRI-Based Road
Function Performance Evaluation with "Ultrasonic Surface Rough meter", and
this research focuses more on calibrating the "Ultrasonic Surface Rough meter"
Prototype tool with a standard tool, namely the Gapman Working Profilometer.
This study presents an innovation in the method of measuring road surface
roughness using ultrasonic sensors that are more economical than conventional
imported tools. The "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" prototype was developed as
a more affordable alternative solution with a high level of accuracy that is close to
standard tools. This offers a new contribution to road measurement technology,
especially for countries with limited budgets for road infrastructure maintenance.
This study aims to develop and calibrate the "Ultrasonic Surface
Roughmeter" prototype with the standard Gap Man Working Profilometer tool.
Thus, this prototype is expected to provide accurate measurement results against
the International Roughness Index (IRI) as a reference for more efficient highway
planning and maintenance.
This study provides several benefits:
1. Facilitating the evaluation of road conditions with more economical and
effective tools so that they can be widely implemented in various road
maintenance projects.

Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man

Profilometer 9870
Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 11, November, 2024

2. Increase the efficiency of road maintenance budgets with tools that have lower
production costs but still have high accuracy.
3. Provide accurate data on road surface roughness, which can support strategic
planning in extending the service life of highways and increasing the comfort
of road users.

Road condition is an index that objectively uses certain criteria or ranges to
determine the level of deterioration of a road, and there are many types of road
condition measurements. (Transportation Association of Canada, 2006)
From these various indices, there is a difference between the functional and
structural conditions of the pavement. The difference can be used in the same
index when looking at the Remaining Life. The remaining service life is estimated
based on the total number of vehicles passing that year, with the surface still in
functional and structural condition, with only routine maintenance. (Baladi & GY,
In this study, the IRI value can be used to see the function of the road,
while the Pavement Modulus is used to see the pavement structure. The IRI value
is obtained from the results of a road surface roughness survey using a roughness
meter.(Dewi Asri Anugrah, 2021)
Pavement damage (volume and severity) is obtained from the Road Survey
(SRD), which aims to build and develop the road network, while the road surface
roughness value in the longitudinal direction is obtained using the IRI value
expressed in m/km. (SNI 03-3426-1994, 1994)
The pavement condition value obtained from the Surface Distress Index
(SDI) is a system value from visual observations that can be used as a reference
for maintenance. From this visual observation, it can be used to identify based on
the level of road damage (Golov et al., 2022).
Meanwhile, to determine the condition of road damage, an IRI value of <4
means good to light damage, an IRI value of 4 - 8 means light damage, an IRI
value of 8 - 12 means light to heavy damage, and an IRI value of 12 - 16 means
heavy damage (Directorate General of Highways 2011).
The prototype ultrasonic surface roughmeter is a road surface unevenness
measuring instrument that is less expensive but also more accurate than existing
roughmeter equipment to evaluate the performance of road functions based on its
surface. While the Gap Man Working Profilometer is a measuring instrument road
surface unevenness that operation is pushed across the measured surface by one
operator, this tool is lightweight and has a choice of settings and controls that can
be selected and has an IRI measurement mode and can display calculations and
real-time display of surface profile parameters and is equipped with an integrated
GPS unit determines and stores the location of measurements and can be
connected to a USB or Bluetooth computer, which is used as a calibrator.

9871 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Eko Wahyu Utomo, Pratikso, Siegfried

Figure 1. Calibration flow chart

The rare step is to start with a survey and proceed with marking the vehicle
wheel track lane every 25 cm along 300 m at each measurement location point.
Furthermore, measurements were taken with standard measuring instruments and
also with the Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" with the Gap Man
Working Profilometer measuring instrument, and the results of these
measurements were calculated and Descriptive Statistical Analysis.
The calibration locations that have been determined are as follows
1. Jalan Prof. KH Anwar Musaddad on the left, Tj. Kamuning, Tarogong Kaler
Sub-district, Garut Regency, West Java 44151, starting from coordinates
7°10'37.5 "S 107°54'19.2 "E and ending at coordinates 7°10'28.6 "S
107°54'15.1 "E (SP 3), with a distance of 300m.
2. Prof. KH Anwar Musaddad Street on the right, Tj. Kamuning, Tarogong Kaler
Sub-district, Garut Regency, West Java 44151, starting from coordinates
7°10'30.1 "S 107°54'16.2 "E and ending at coordinates 7°10'38.9 "S
107°54'20.4 "E (SP 4), with a distance of 300m.

Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man

Profilometer 9872
Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 11, November, 2024

Figure 2. Calibration Location

Figure 3. Photo of calibration location

Data Analysis
The measurement results were analyzed using descriptive statistics to
compare the results of the prototype with the standard tool. Comparisons were
made through the calculation of mean values, correlations, and Cronbach's alpha
to measure the internal consistency and accuracy level of the prototype. In
addition, the percentage difference between the measurement results of the two
tools was calculated to determine the level of error or difference in accuracy.
Supporting Instruments
In addition to the main measurement tool, this study used a GPS device to
determine the exact measurement location and to link the measurement results to a
specific location. The data obtained were stored in a format compatible with
statistical analysis software.

9873 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Eko Wahyu Utomo, Pratikso, Siegfried

Calibration Procedure
The calibration process begins with marking the path to be measured every
25 cm for 300 meters. After the marking was completed, measurements were
taken using the "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" prototype and the Gap Man
Working Profilometer. Data from both tools were then analyzed to determine the
level of accuracy and consistency.


International Roughness Index) as follows: To determine the IRI value, four
parameters are calculated from the measured road surface profile and are the
dynamic responses of vehicles passing over the measured road profile surface.
The solution of these four parameters from all elevations except the first point.
(Bahaaeldin Hassan, 2021; M. W. Sayers et al., 1986a).To initialize the
parameters, the average slope used in the first 11 m or 0.5 s was used at a vehicle
speed of 80 m/km, and the values were set (M. W. Sayers, Gillespie, and Paterson,
1986) After solving the above equations, solve the four recursive equations
starting from point 2 to point n (number To be faster according to (M. M. Sayers,
1995) the IRI value can be calculated by the following equation:
IRI = (#$!) ∑#&'( 𝑅𝑆𝑖
(M. W. Sayers, Gillespie and Paterson, 1986) (M. W. Sayers et al., 1986b)
= A * z(t) + B * y(t) (M. M. Sayers, 1995)
z = is a vector of 4 variables Z from Equations 1 - 7
A = 4 x 4 description of model dynamics
B = 4 x 1 vehicle description with profile interaction
y(t) = input for the profile on the moving vehicle.
𝑡𝑤𝑜0 1 0 0 𝑜𝑛𝑒0
−𝐾2 −𝐶 𝐾2 𝐶 0
A=J 0 0 0 1 W B = J 0 W.
𝐾2/𝑢 𝐶/𝑢 −(𝐾1 + 𝐾2)/𝑢 −𝐶/𝑢 𝐾1/𝑢
The coefficient S can be calculated using the values of the four constants.
(M. M. Sayers, 1995)
ST = 𝑒 ,∗)+

The image below can show and check the valid IRI calculation, which also
functions as input.

Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man

Profilometer 9874
Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 11, November, 2024

Figure 4. Custom profile input used to check the IRI calculation program
Source: M. W. Sayers, Gillespie and Paterson, 1986

Calculation of IRI values with a quarter-car simulation model. The model

parts are the spring-mass part, and the non-spring mass part, as shown in Figure 2
(S. L. Chen et al., 2020) made the following equation (M. M. Sayers, 1995; M. W.
Sayers et al., 1986a)
𝑚𝑠 𝑍"𝑠 +𝑐𝑠 (𝑍 '𝑠 -𝑍'𝑢)+𝑘𝑠 (𝑍𝑠 -𝑍𝑢)=0, 5
𝑚𝑠 𝑍"𝑠 +𝑚𝑢 𝑍"𝑢 +𝑘t (𝑍𝑢 -𝑦)=0 6
dividing the two segments of Equations (5) and (6) by ms simultaneously,
the equations of motion can be simplified to Equations (7) and (8) (Chen et al.,
𝑍"𝑠 + (𝑍'𝑠 - 𝑍'𝑢) + 𝐾2 (𝑍𝑠 - 𝑍𝑢) = 0, 7
𝑍"𝑠 + 𝑢𝑍¨𝑢 + 𝐾1 𝑍𝑢 = 𝐾1 𝑦 8
𝐶 = 𝑐𝑠 /𝑚𝑠 =6(1/𝑠)
𝑢 = 𝑚𝑢 /𝑚𝑠 =0.15
𝐾 =1 𝑘𝑡 /𝑚𝑠 =65.3 (1/𝑠)2
𝐾 =2 𝑘𝑠 /𝑚𝑠 =63.3 (1/𝑠) 2

Equation (9) to calculate the IRI value

! /
IRI = /
∫0 ⃒𝑍𝑠 − 𝑍𝑢⃒𝑑𝑥 , 9

Figure 5. Illustration of IRI value calculation Source: Chen et al., 2020

9875 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Eko Wahyu Utomo, Pratikso, Siegfried

Calibration Result
The calculated data is compared with the existing reference data from the
measurement of the calibrator using the Gap Man Working Profilometer. The
table below presents data from the measurement results with the Ultrasonic
Surface Roughmeter and data from the Gap Man gap-working profilometer
Table 1. Calculated IRI Value Data measured by Ultrasonic Survace
Roughmeter and Reference Data measured by Gap Man Working
Difference between USR
1 SP 3, 0-100 m 6.04 5.80 0.24 4.14%
2 SP 3, 100-200 m 6.84 6.70 0.14 2.09%
3 SP 3, 200-300 m 7.33 7.50 0.17 2.27%
4 SP 4, 0-100 m 5.01 4.80 0.21 4.38%
5 SP 4, 100-200 m 5.75 5.70 0.05 0.88%
6 SP 4, 200-300 m 4.93 4.70 0.23 4.89%
Total 35.900 35.200 1.040 18.64%
Average 5.983 5.867 0.173 3.11%

Table 1 shows a comparison of the results with the Ultrasonic Surface

Roughmeter and data from the Gap Man Working Profilometer measurements.
The table illustrates the difference between the USR measurement results and the
reference data from the Gap Man Working Profilometer and IRI meter
measurements, which are relatively very small at less than 5%, the average value
is only 3.11%.

Comparison of usr and Reference IRI Data

SP 3 GRT, 0- SP 3 GRT, SP 3 GRT, SP 4 GRT, 0- SP 4 GRT, SP 4 GRT,
100 m 100-200 m 200-300 m 100 m 100-200 m 200-300 m


Figure 6. Comparison Chart of Calculated IRI Value Data measured by

Ultrasonic Survace Roughmeter and Reference Data measured by Gap Man
Working Profilometer

Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man

Profilometer 9876
Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 11, November, 2024

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Results of Calculated IRI Value Data

measured by Ultrasonic Survace Roughmeter and Reference Data measured
by Gap Man Working Profilometer
IRI difference
No. Descriptive Statistics IRI USR
1 Average (Mean) 5.86667 5.98333 0.116667
2 Median 5.75000 5.89500 0.145000
3 Frequent value (Mode)
4 Standard Deviation 13.28908 13.60315 0.314072
5 Variance or Sample Variance 1.17867 0.93239 0.24628
6 Difference Range 2.80000 2.40000 0.400000
7 Minimum 4.70000 4.93000 0.230000
8 Maximum 7.50000 7.33000 0.170000
9 Confidence Level 97.05% 97.10% 0.05%
10 Correlation 99.51%
11 Cronbach's alpha 1.00000
12 Relative Standard Error (RSE) 1.95%

Table 2 shows the results of the calculation of Descriptive Statistics of USR

measurement data compared to the calibrator measurement data (Gap Man
Working Profilometer). The Confidence Level value (a level of confidence that
measures the extent to which statistics can estimate parameters correctly.) is
97.05% for USR data, and Reference Data is 97.10%, with a difference of 0.05%
very small. The Correlation value, which is a measure of two variables that are
linearly connected (meaning that both change together at a constant rate), is
99.51%, it can be said that the two data have a perfect or very strong relationship
and are supported by the Cronbach's alpha calculation value of 1 which describes
the same relationship. At the same time, the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is
1.95%. So from the results of the Descriptive Statistical Analysis above the value
of the measurement results with the Prototype Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter
measuring instrument can be said to be valid and correct.
The results of the study showed that the "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter"
prototype had high accuracy with a correlation level of 99.51% compared to the
standard tool, the Gap Man Working Profilometer, and a confidence level of
97.05%. The Cronbach's alpha value of 1.0 indicated very good internal
consistency, with an average measurement difference of 3.11%. This shows that
the prototype can provide reliable measurement results for the International
Roughness Index (IRI) on road surface conditions.
When compared to previous studies that also examined road surface
roughness measuring tools, such as those conducted by (Alhasan, 2015b), this
study has comparable results in terms of accuracy and consistency. Previous
studies used expensive geophones and accelerometers, while this study succeeded
in developing an alternative tool with a more economical but still accurate
ultrasonic sensor. (Alhasan, 2015b) showed that expensive road surface roughness
measuring tools can provide a high level of accuracy but are difficult to access by
many parties. This study offers a cheaper solution while maintaining accuracy
standards that can be compared with conventional tools.

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Eko Wahyu Utomo, Pratikso, Siegfried

In addition, in a study by (S.-L. Chen et al., 2020), which used a

profilometer as a standard measurement tool, the measurement error rate generally
ranged from 2-5% in calculating IRI. The results of this prototype, which had an
average measurement difference of around 3.11%, were within the acceptable
error range according to the standards used in these studies. This strengthens the
validity of the "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" prototype as an alternative
measurement tool with a lower cost without reducing the accuracy of the results.

This research was successful and developed a prototype of the "Ultrasonic
Surface Roughmeter" as an alternative tool to measure road surface roughness
(IRI) with a high level of accuracy comparable to more expensive standard tools,
such as the Gap Man Working Profilometer. With a correlation level of 99.51%
and a Cronbach's alpha value of 1.0, this prototype showed very good internal
consistency and a confidence level of 97.05%. The average measurement
difference of 3.11% between the prototype and the standard tool was within the
acceptable error range according to previous research standards. This shows that
this prototype can be relied on as a tool for road evaluation and maintenance.
The use of economical ultrasonic sensors in this prototype allows wider
access to road roughness measurement technology in various regions, especially
in developing countries or areas with budget constraints. This prototype provides
opportunities for related parties, such as local governments and road contractors,
to adopt more cost-effective but still accurate tools in assessing road conditions.

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Calibration Of Prototype "Ultrasonic Surface Roughmeter" With Gap Man

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