CLS - Final Concept
CLS - Final Concept
CLS - Final Concept
It is a perspective that critiques and challenges traditional legal thought and practice,
particularly from the perspective of political and social justice.
The law is not a neutral or objective set of rules, but rather is shaped by power dynamics
and the interests of dominant groups.
The legal doctrine and systems of legal interpretation are inherently indeterminate.
The law should be more responsive to the needs and interests of marginalized and
oppressed groups.
It is influenced by the American school of law as well as by some European philosophers
mostly Karl Marx, Max Weber, max Horkheimer, Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault.
Apart from them, W. Gordon, Duncan Kennedy and The Brazilian social theorist Roberto
Mangabeira Unger played an important role in CLS. Britain, Canada, and Australia also
influenced Critical Legal Studies movement.
Critical theory involves challenging the status quo through intellectual analysis.