CCS355 SET1 Anna University Lab Manual Question Set
CCS355 SET1 Anna University Lab Manual Question Set
CCS355 SET1 Anna University Lab Manual Question Set
Fifth Semester
(Regulations 2021)
20 30 30 10 10 100
1. Implement mathematical operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and dot product, length,
concatenation of vectors using Tensorflow
2. Use AutoMPG data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and build the models to
predict the fuel efficiency of the automobiles (Use Keras API)
3. Load the MNIST dataset from Tensorflow and implement a multilayer perceptron in
Tensorflow environment. Initialize the input vector, Train the network weights, and Make
predictions with the perceptron.
6. Using the VGG-16 Deep Convolutional Network as a Transfer Learning framework, Classify the
Fruits dataset into 3 classes namely Apple, Banana and Orange.
7. Create a feedforward neural network to classify images of handwritten digits from the MNIST
dataset into one of the ten classes (0-9). Use softmax activation and categorical cross-entropy
8. Implement the image classification using the VGG-16 Deep Convolutional Network used as a
Transfer Learning framework in the Fruits dataset to classify the fruits into Apple, Banana and
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9. Implement a transfer learning solution for image classification problems using Pretrained model
on Keras
10. Import IMDB dataset from keras and perform Sentiment Analysis with an Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN).
11. Implement a simple Long Short Term Memory autoencoder with the help of Keras and python
(Can use for example S&P500 Daily Prices dataset with Date and Closing Price). Reduce
overfitting if necessary.
12. Generate images and discriminate the true and fake images for MNIST data set using
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
13. Build a CNN for image classification using the CIFAR-10 dataset, which consists of 32x32 color
images across ten classes. Design a CNN architecture with convolutional layers, pooling layers,
and fully connected layers for image classification.
14. Implement a RNN to generate text character by character. Train the network on a dataset of text
and generate sequences of text. Train an RNN on a corpus of Shakespearean text to generate
new text passages in the style of Shakespeare
15. Use LSTM networks for sentiment analysis on a dataset of movie reviews, predicting positive,
negative, or neutral sentiment.
16. Given a dataset of two features (X1 and X2) and binary labels (0 or 1), create a neural network
with a single neuron to perform binary classification. Train the network using the sigmoid
activation function and binary cross-entropy loss.
17. Create a feedforward neural network to classify images of handwritten digits from the MNIST
dataset into one of the ten classes (0-9). Use softmax activation and categorical cross-entropy
18. Load a pre-trained BERT model and fine-tune it for sentiment analysis on a dataset of movie
reviews, predicting positive or negative sentiment
19. Create a convolutional autoencoder to compress and decompress images. Train the
autoencoder on a dataset of grayscale images.
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20. Optimize the hyperparameters of a neural network for image classification to achieve the
highest accuracy. Experiment with different learning rates, batch sizes, and architectures to
improve the accuracy of an image classifier
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