examSectionGuide1473 - Pattern - 2024 10 12 04 07
examSectionGuide1473 - Pattern - 2024 10 12 04 07
examSectionGuide1473 - Pattern - 2024 10 12 04 07
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IBPS PO 2024 Pattern Visit on Shiksha
T he candidates should practice with the IBPS PO exam pattern as mentioned in the of f icial IBPS PO notif ication. T he Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
(IBPS) mentioned the details about the IBPS PO 2024 exam pattern in the of f icial notif ication. T he candidates are suggested to internalise the IBPS PO exam
pattern to score better in the IBPS PO exam 2024. It will help the candidates in time management during the exam. T he IBPS PO exam pattern coupled with the
IBPS PO syllabus is the two main components of exam preparation.
IBPS PO exam pattern f or prelims, mains and interviews are mentioned separately by the IBPS. According to IBPS PO exam pattern 2024, the prelims exam
comprises three sections - English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. T he total marks allotted to the prelims exam are 100. T he
main exam is a mix of both objective and descriptive-type tests. T he total marks allotted to the mains exam of IBPS PO are 225. T he interview carries 100
marks. Read below f or more details on the IBPS PO exam pattern 2024.
Given below is the IBPS PO exam pattern f or prelims, mains and interview.
IBPS PO prelims exam pattern consists of three sections. T he paper will have 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions. Questions in the exam are
asked f rom Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language. T he total time allotted to candidates to solve questions in IBPS PO prelims exam
is 60 minutes. Candidates will get 20 minutes to attempt each section.
Sect ions Tot al quest ions Tot al marks Durat ion (In minut es)
English Language 30 30 20
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20
Tot al 100 100 60
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Candidates qualifying this paper are eligible to appear for the mains exam
Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 12-Oct-20 24.
T he marks secured in this paper are not considered f or the f inal merit list
T o qualif y the paper, candidates need to secure both sectional and overall cutof f marks
Also Read:
T he mains exam consists of both objective and descriptive type tests. T he objective test is divided into four sections-Reasoning & Computer
Aptitude, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, English Language, and Data Analysis & Interpretation. T he descriptive section carries questions
f rom English Language (Letter Writing and Essay). T he duration of the test is 3 hours 30 minutes. T here is also a sectional time limit in the mains exam. T he
total marks allotted to the test are 225.
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Sect ion name Tot al quest ions Allot t ed Time Tot al marks
English Language 35 40 40
Data Interpretation and Analysis 35 45 60
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 45 60 60
General Awareness 40 35 40
Tot al 155 180 200
English (Essay and Letter Writing) 2 30 minutes 25
Grand Tot al 157 3 hours 30 minut es 225
Get the T op Score in DI and Logical Reasoning section of Competitive Entrance Exams with Expert Prep T ips
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T here will be sectional and overall IBPS PO cutof f marks in the mains exam
T he marks of the mains exam are counted f or the f inal merit list
T here is not a separate section f or Computer Knowledge. It has been combined with the Reasoning section
Also Read:
IBPS PO Result
IBPS PO Salary
IBPS PO interview is conducted f or candidates who clear the mains exam. T he interview carries a total of 100 marks. T he minimum qualif ying marks in the
Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 12-Oct-20 24.
interview are 40 per cent and 35 per cent f or SC/ST /OBC/PWBD candidates. T he interview assesses a candidate's intellectual capability, overall personality,
and general knowledge. IBPS PO interview usually lasts f or 15 to 20 min. However, document and background verif ication takes a long time.
T he f inal merit list is prepared based on the score of the mains exam and interview
T he ratio of the weightage given to the mains exam and interview is 80:20
Af ter completion of the interview round, provisional allotment is done based on the IBPS PO vacancies in dif f erent banks
T here is IBPS PO negative marking in the objective exam. For each wrong answer, one-f ourth or 0.25 marks assigned to that question are deducted as IBPS
PO negative marking to arrive at the corrected score. T here is no IBPS PO negative marking f or unattempted questions.
IBPS PO marking scheme is prescribed by the examination authority. T he marking scheme is given below:
T he total marks are calculated based on the number of correct and incorrect answers
IBPS decides paper duration f or IBPS PO exam. Prelims and mains exams have separate timings. T here are also sectional timings in IBPS PO exam. T he
prelims exam is held f or 60 minutes whereas it is 3 hours 30 minutes f pr the mains exam. IBPS PO exam duration is given below.
T he examination authority releases IBPS PO qualif ying marks in the f orm of cut of f marks. T he cut of f marks are applied on overall score and section-wise
Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 12-Oct-20 24.
marks. IBPS PO cut of f marks are released f or dif f erent categories and based on it candidates are selected f or the dif f erent rounds of selection. Candidates
can check below IBPS PO previous years' cut of f marks.
IBPS PO mock tests are like actual tests that help candidates know the exam pattern. Solving the mock tests candidates can know the pattern of the exam.
Candidates can build their ability to solve questions easily. Mock tests also help candidates to learn ef f ective time management skills.
Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 12-Oct-20 24.