SSC CPO Pre 2024 MOCK TEST by Prashant Solanki Sir
SSC CPO Pre 2024 MOCK TEST by Prashant Solanki Sir
SSC CPO Pre 2024 MOCK TEST by Prashant Solanki Sir
1. Select the word which means the same as the group 10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
of words underlined in the given sentence. substitute for the given group of words.
These glass windows are so old and one can’t even see A woman having more than one husband at the same
through them, they need to be replaced. time
(a) Black (b) Opaque (a) Monogamy (b) Polymathy
(c) Dirty (d) Transparent (c) Polyandry (d) Endogamy
2. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 11. Select the most appropriate option that can
idiom. substitute the underlined segment in the given
By leaps and bounds sentence.
(a) Slowly (b) Rapidly Shakespeare is great than any other English poet.
(c) Unknowingly (d) Normally (a) was great than (b) was greater than
3. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) is greatest than (d) is greater than
highlighted word 12. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the
The worker is known to exert himself a lot. underlined word in the following sentence.
(a) stress (b) crouch A good critic should also be a person of great candour.
(c) relax (d) emerge (a) will (b) resolution
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) honesty (d)power
substitute for the given group of words. 13. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
A professional rider in horse races idiom.
(a) Batsman (b) Jockey Yeoman’s service
(c) Stuntman (d) Southpaw (a) Fraudulent service
5. Select the most suitable expression that can (b) Working under a cruel master
substitute the underlined part of the sentence (c) Excellent work done
without any change in meaning. (d) A thankless and tedious job
Planning to go for a movie just before the nal-year 14. Select the most appropriate option that can
examination is nothing but skating on thin ice. substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) doing hard work sentence.
(b) enjoying the moment I prefer walking than riding.
(c) going to hill stations (a) walking with riding (b) walking above riding
(d) being in a risky situation (c) walking from riding (d) walking to riding
6. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 15. Select the word from the sentence below, which is
(a) Equally (b) Occured an antonym for the word ‘uniformity’
(c) Unwilling (d) Argument A great variety of birds is found in the sanctuaries of
7. Parts of the following sentence have been given as India.
options. Select the option that contains an error. (a) Great (b) Sanctuaries
We were grateful for a book they gave us. (c) Found (d) Variety
(a) grateful for (b) they gave us 16. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
(c) a book (d) We were underlined part in the given sentence:
8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Sohan was very much perplexed to nd that his
phrase. younger brother Mohan had taken poison.
Hit the sack (a) At any rate (b) At logger heads
(a) Cracking the exams (c) At his disposal (d) At his wit’s end
(b) Making money quickly 17. Select the sentence that uses the given idiom
(c) Going to sleep correctly.
(c) Running on the beach Skating on thin ice
9. Parts of the following sentence have been given as (a) He was on thin ice after making a controversial
options. Select the option that contains an error. statement.
Can we go visit a Statue of Liberty on our trip to the (b) They were on thin ice due to the icy conditions on
United States? the road.
(a) Can we go (c) They were on thin ice when they skated on the
(b) visit a Statue of Liberty frozen lake.
(c) on our trip to (d) She was on thin ice while trying to balance on a
(d) the United States? tightrope.
1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 8. Based on the situation in the sentence, select
underlined word in the given sentence. the most appropriate idiom for the underlined
Mr. Satterthwaite was shrewd enough to penetrate her segment.
meaning. After the Pandemic, his business crumbled and he is
(a) Aged (b) Smart in a difcult situation.
(a) Be in a tight corner (b) Give a cold shoulder
(c) Funny (d) Innocent
(c) Bolt from the blue (d) Pull the last straw
2. Select the most appropriate option that can
9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word
substitute the underlined word in the given in brackets to ll in the blank.
sentence. Queen Gulnaar of Arabia mourned her ________
The culprit had been shot from the back by the police beauty. (waning)
inspector. (a) false (b) fading
(a) by (b) off (c) futile (d) frightening
(c) in (d) to 10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
3. The following sentence has been divided into four substitute for the given group of words.
segments. Identify the segment that contains an A story intended to teach moral lessons
adverbial usage error. (a) Parable (b) Parole
(c) Parasite (d) Parboil
Mrs. Gomathi was / that tired and weak / that she
11. The following sentence has an error in its tense.
could / scarcely walk.
Identify the error and select the correct sentence
(a) Mrs. Gomathi was (b) that tired and weak from the given options.
(c) that she could (d) scarcely walk. I will be arrange all the necessary materials for the
4. In the question four alternatives are given for programme.
the underlined word in the sentence. Choose the (a) I is arrange all the necessary materials for the
alternative which best expresses the opposite programme.
meaning of the word. (b) I was arrange all the necessary materials for the
“Well, what if it is? You are not afraid of anything, you programme.
know,” returned the boy, looking wicked. (c) I would arranging all the necessary materials for
(a) Righteous (b) Clean the programme.
(d) I will be arranging all the necessary materials for
(c) Evil (d) Improper
the programme.
5. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
12. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
substitute for the given group of words.
Though Kalpana listened to Sheetal carefully, she Feeling of being in a place before having already
knew that she should take it with a grain of salt. experienced the present situation
(a) regard it as exaggerated and not completely true (a) Spirituality (b) Delusion
(b) move according to the trend (c) Deja-vu (d) Illusion
(c) be do it meticulously as taking salt 13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(d) accept it as really useful and worthy underlined word in the given sentence.
6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given The cacophony in the theatre was too much for us.
word. (a) noise (b) laughter
Mighty (c) smell (d) silence
(a) Haughty (b) Forceful 14. Select the most appropriate synonym for the given
(c) Forcible (d) Weak
7. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
(a) Resistant (b) Variable
sentence and select the option that recties the (c) Safe (d) Asleep
spelling error. 15. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Many promote bamboo planting for erosion prevention underlined word.
and to riverse the effects of global warming. Ramya is an ardent follower of secularism.
(a) Efeccts (b) Prevension (a) committed (b) forced
(c) Reverse (d) Bambboo (c) unhappy (d) temporary
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (c)
1. Select the most appropriate idiom that can (a) Overows (b) Silt
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) Season (d) Gruwn
sentence. 8. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
The players like the coach because he is honest, substitute for the given group of words.
realistic and practical in dealing with them. A lover of mankind
(a) far and wide (b) down to earth (a) Recluse (b) Cynic
(c) sick and tired (d) by and large (c) Psychiatrist (d) Philanthropist
2. The following sentence has been divided into parts. 9. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
One of them contains an error. Select the part that options. Select the option that contains an error.
contains the error from the given options. My neighbours were serious injured in the car accident.
Mr. Vinu / has never / slept in / a igloo. (a) My neighbours were (b) the car accident
(a) has never (b) slept in (c) serious injured (d) in
10. The following sentence has been divided into
(c) Mr. Vinu (d) a igloo
four segments. Identify the segment that has a
3. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
grammatical error.
substitute the underlined segment in the given
I am working with him since 2002, / but even today /
I am unable / to understand his motives.
Popular cosmetics brands in India are very expensive. (a) I am working with him since 2002,
(a) take it with a pinch of salt (b) but even today
(b) cost an arm and a leg (c) I am unable
(c) up in arms (d) to understand his motives.
(d) og a dead horse 11. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
4. Parts of the given sentence have been underlined. substitute the underlined segment in the given
One of them contains an error. Select the option sentence and complete the sentence correctly.
that has the segment with a grammatical error. It is important to take this opportunity to make a
The art historian argued that the painting's value name for yourself – beat around the bush.
has been greatly underestimated, and that its unique (a) ght tooth and claw
style and technique deserved recognition from the art (b) bare the foot
community and the public alike. (c) pass with ying colours
(a) its unique style and technique (d) strike while the iron is hot
(b) has been greatly underestimated 12. Select the option that will improve the underlined
(c) recognition from the art community part of the given sentence.
(d) and the public alike My friend vanished when the goons came to ght with me.
5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) mobilised when the thugs arrived
underlined word in the given sentence. (b) attacked when the thugs arrived
The environmental organisation issued a statement to (c) disappeared when the thugs arrived
condemn the deforestation happening in the protected (d) condemned when the thugs arrived
area. 13. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) Persuade (b) Censure substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select
(c) Compel (d) Foster
‘No substitution’.
6. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given
If I was very rich, I would spend all my time and money
situation focusing on the underlined words.
for the poor.
I invited them to my anniversary dinner but they had
(a) If I am very rich (b) No substitution
other plans, so they decided to politely decline with
(c) If I have much riches (d) If I were very rich
the implication that they may come at a later date.
14. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) Took it with a grain of salt segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(b) To take a rain check spelling error.
(c) To spoil a moment The dried raisons / have an intoxicating /effect on
(d) Call it a day humans as / well as ora and fauna.
7. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given (a) effect on humans as
sentence. (b) well as ora and fauna.
Every season the river overows its banks and when it (c) The dried raisons
goes down it leaves silt for crops to be gruwn. (d) have an intoxicating
1. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 9. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
the underlined part of the following sentence. idiom.
Mathew decided to complete the marathon to prove Beat around the bush.
that he is still t as a ddle in his eighties. (a) To talk about something important.
(a) an owner of a t horse (b) To go around the bush.
(b) a t and energetic person (c) To live around the bush.
(b) a man of great qualities (d) To avoid talking about what is important.
(d) proud and unreliable 10. Select the most appropriate option that can
2. The following sentence has been divided into parts. substitute the underlined words in the given
One of them may contain an error. Select the part sentence.
that contains the error from the given options. If My son will carry out my business in my absence.
you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No error’ as your (a) carry for (b) carry on
answer. (c) carry in (d) carry at
By the time I reaching / the metro station, / the train 11. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
had departed. the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(a) By the time I reaching It is a fact that the same judgement can often be taken
(b) the metro station by more than one way.
(c) the train had departed (a) be taken in more than
(d) no error (b) be taken on more than
3. Select the most appropriate option to ll in the (c) be taken of more than
blank. (d) be taken for more than
Mihir's ability to think outside ____________ always 12. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
gives our team the upper hand when tackling complex word.
(a) the box (b) the bowl
(a) Soothe (b) Strengthen
(c) the cupboard (d) the room
(c) Blame (d) Rebuke
4. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
13. Select the most appropriate option that can
underlined word in the given sentence.
substitute the underlined segment in the given
The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, as the
delicate pink petals bloom for only a short period.
The company plans to expand its business to the
(a) Transient (b) Permanent
international market.
(c) Uniform (d) Unwavering
5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (a) to limit (b) to contract
word. (c) to reduce (d) to increase
Voracious 14. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
(a) Compensated (b) Quenched sentence and select the option that recties the
(c) Appreciate (d) Greedy spelling error.
6. Select the correctly spelt word. The idea is to encourage tourism and allow visitors to
(a) machinary (b) dispensery enjoy the spectacular Rockies, but to ensure that it is
(c) dictionery (d) directory done in hermony with the environment.
7. Select the most appropriate idiom that can (a) Touresm (b) Harmony
substitute the underlined words in the given (c) Encaurage (d) Enssure
sentence. 15. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
It’s Christmas and everything looks so beautiful. It substitute for the given group of words.
makes me believe that life is wonderful and pleasant. The study of Man
(a) I’m facing the music (a) Anthropology (b) Biography
(b) I’m changing my tune (c) Autobiography (d) Biology
(c) life is a bowl of cherries 16. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute
(d) I’m up in the air the underlined words in the given sentence.
8. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given He always used to say that he was not a beggar by
word. choice and if someone could employ him, he would
Dainty like to eat.
(a) Elegant (b) Sable (a) live to work (b) listen to me
(c) Fine (d) Vulgar (c) love to work (d) linger at work
1. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 9. Based on the situation in the sentence, select
(a) Supremecy (b) Prevention the most appropriate idiom for the underlined
(c) Reconsidered (d) Passage segment.
2. Select the sentence that uses the given idiom He always takes up difcult tasks – those which are
correctly. beyond his capabilities.
Have your head in the clouds
(a) Bite off more than you can chew
(a) They had their heads in the clouds by looking up
(b) Pull someone’s leg
at the sky during a meteor shower.
(b) The pilot had his head in the clouds while ying a (c) No pain no gain
plane. (d) Miss the boat
(c) He had his head in the clouds during an important 10. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
meeting. sentence.
(d) She had her head in the clouds by wearing a Generousity is a godly feature among many individuals
cloud-shaped hat. on the earth.
3. Three segments of the following sentence have been (a) godly (b) Generousity
underlined and given as options. One of them may (c) individuals (d) feature
contain an error. Select the option that contains 11. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
the error. If you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No (a) Supersede (b) Vicinity
error’ as your wer.
(c) Entrepreneur (d) Dissapear
When my father will come, I will make sure that I
12. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
discuss the possibilities of a new business venture
with him. underlined word in the following sentence.
(a) I will make sure The government is proposing to incinerate cattle
(b) No error carcasses at many sites, some of which are in
(c) When my father will come populated areas.
(d) I discuss the possibilities (a) Combust (b) Blaze
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) Extinguish (d) Oxidise
substitute for the given group of words. 13. Select the most appropriate option with correct
Consonance of sounds. usage of the preposition to substitute the
(a) Orchestration (b) Woodwinds underlined segment in the given sentence.
(c) Symphony (d) Troupe The Centre of Excellence for Data Analytics (CEDA)
5. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
provides quality data analytic services to various
underlined word.
The arrival of spring brings an ebullient feeling as government departments on all levels as well as to
owers bloom and the weather warms. public sector units at the Centre and in states.
(a) Weary (b) Clamant (a) various government departments at all levels
(c) Deciduous (d) Rude (b) various government departments from all levels
6. Select the option that expresses the meaning of (c) various government departments in all levels
the underlined segment. (d) various government departments through all
Partly, it may be a desire to stop emotions in front of levels
strangers. 14. Select the most appropriate idiom from the options
(a) Quell (b) Put out to replace the underlined segment in the given
(c) Smash (d) Quiet sentence.
7. Select the most appropriate option that can After his business failed, he had to reduce spending
substitute the underlined segment in the given
and adjust to a frugal lifestyle.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select
(a) let the cat out of the bag
‘No substitution’.
In yesterday’s re accident, her feets are burnt badly. (b) hit the nail on the head
(a) her feet was (b) her feet were (c) kick the bucket
(c) her foots were (d) No substitution (d) tighten his belt
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given 15. Select the most appropriate option that can
word. substitute the underlined word in the given idiom.
Upright A goose's eye view
(a) Ethical (b) Stout (a) bird's (b) hornet's
(c) Brave (d) Immora (c) fool's (d) dog's
1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given 10. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
word. options. Select the option that contains an error.
Entail Himalayas include the highest mountains in the world
(a) Necessitate (b) Eliminate and feed almost 20% of the earth’s population.
(c) Flaw (d) Assume (a) the world and feed
2. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (b) highest mountains in
word. (c) almost 20% of the earth’s population.
Fabulous (d) Himalayas include the
(a) Regrettable (b) Resourceful 11. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(c) Restful (d) Remarkable substitute for the given group of words.
3. The following sentence has been divided into four A news article that reports the recent death of a person.
segments. One of them contains an error. Select (a) Centenary (b) Culinary
the segment that contains the error from the given (c) Mortuary (d) Obituary
options. 12. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
The people of / Jammu and Kashmir / has emphasised substitute for the given group of words.
and / appreciated transparency. The original inhabitants of a country
(a) The people of (a) Aborigines (b) Primitive
(b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Citizens (d) Aliens
(c) appreciated transparency 13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
(d) has emphasised and word.
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word Eagerly
substitute for the given group of words. (a) Stringently (b) Playfully
Words inscribed on a tomb. (c) Dubiously (d) Keenly
(a) Prologue (b) Epilogue 14. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Post-script (d) Epitaph (a) Ordinary (b) Reference
5. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) Infurmary (d) Dictionary
substitute the underlined segment in the given 15. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select substitute for the given group of words.
‘No substitution’. The approach or style of teaching
The woman to who I sold my house was a criminal. (a) Platform (b) Pedagogy
(a) to whom sold (b) No substitution (c) Philology (d) Media
(c) to whom I sold (d) to whom I sell 16. Select the most appropriate option that can
6. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute the underlined segment in the given
substitute for the given group of words. sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No
Fertile watery place in a desert substitution’.
(a) Ode (b) Obsolete A sharp fall in the price of jute have led the poor jute
(c) Obscure (d) Oasis farmers to the brink of starvation.
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given (a) No substitution
idiom. (b) have led the poor farmers
Get itchy feet (c) have lead the poor jute farmers
(a) Judge something primarily on appearance (d) has led the poor jute farmers
(b) Join a popular trend or activity 17. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Learn something by memorising it without a underlined phrase.
thought to what is being learnt He's still keeping his chin up despite all his health
(d) To start to want to travel or do something different problems.
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given (a) To stay safe during difculty
word. (b) To keep one’s chin clean and moist
Accolade (c) To save others during difcult times
(a) Criticism (b) Assurance (d) To stay cheerful during difcult times
(c) Tribute (d) Promotion 18. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
9. Select the option that can be used as a one-word sentence.
substitute for the given group of words. Large-scale hunting scenes and slaugter of wild
Someone who speaks more than one language animals is a heinous crime.
(a) Polyglot (b) Insolvent (a) Slaugter (b) Heinous
(c) Heretic (d) Fatalist (c) Hunting (d) Scenes
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)
1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
idiom. word.
Nip in the bud Unhappiness
(a) To suppress something at an early stage (a) Wicked (b) Woe
(b) To publicise a long-kept secret (c) Willing (d) Wilful
(c) To complete a prolonged or unnished work 10. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
(d) To stop something from growing beyond limit word.
2. The meaning of which of the following options is Habitual
‘Good luck’? (a) Pertinent (b) Diverse
(a) Break a leg (b) All wet (c) Continuous (d) Considerate
(c) Second banana (d) Hang in there 11. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
3. Select the most appropriate option that can underlined word.
substitute the underlined segment in the given Her behaviour was consistent even in challenging
sentence. situations.
He wanted to visiting the Golden Temple in Amritsar. (a) Unpredictable (b) Appreciative
(a) wanted to visited (b) wanted to visit (c) Enthusiastic (d) Standard
(c) wanted to be visit (d) wanted to visitor 12. Select the most appropriate option that can
4. Select the most appropriate meaning of the substitute the highlighted words in the given
underlined segment in the given sentence. sentence.
I sent the agreement over for them to sign so the ball His interpretation of the facts was impressive.
is now in their court. (a) understands of realities
(a) It is time for someone to deal with a problem
(b) understood of realities
or make a decision, because other people have
(c) understanding of realities
already done as much as they can
(d) understand of realities
(b) An approach that uses traditional ideas that have
13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
previously worked
(c) A time when after which programmes for older
audiences may be aired on TV
(a) Tasteless (b) Obscure
(d) Better to be satised with what you have than risk
(c) Dismal (d) Idle
losing it by trying to get something better
14. Select the option that correctly recties the
5. The following sentence has been divided into parts.
One of them contains an error. Select the part that spelling error in the given sentence.
contains the error from the given options. The movie is just beggining.
Mrs. Rani / works for / a international / school. (a) Beginnig (b) Biginning
(a) school (b) Mrs. Rani (c) Beginning (d) Begining
(c) works for (d) a international 15. Select the most appropriate article to ll in the
6. Select the sentence that has a grammatical error. blank (ø-no article).
(a) I will be driving into town later on. _________ SDO is the head of the sub-division of ___
(b) I might drive into town later on. government organisation.
(c) I could be driving into town later on. (a) an; a (b) a; a
(d) I will be drive into town later on. (c) Ø; a (d) an; ø
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 16. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
idiom. underlined word in the given sentence.
From cradle to grave Recession fettered the company from any further
(a) To achieve something you needed investments.
(b) Buying something very cheap or very expensive (a) Liberated (b) Valuable
(c) Giving directions and telling someone to follow (c) Depended (d) Concealed
(d) During the whole span of one’s life 17. Select the most appropriate option that can
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given substitute the underlined segment in the given
word. idiom.
Cowardice A piece of biscuit
(a) Vigour (b) Hazard (a) Toast (b) pastry
(c) Boldness (d) Abundance (c) cake (d) tart
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)
1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 8. Select the most appropriate option that can
idiom. substitute the underlined words in the given
Bite the bullet sentence.
(a) To help someone achieve their goals The road is too busy for elderly people that they cannot
cross safely.
(b) To eat something unpleasant
(a) that it is impossible for them to cross.
(c) To face a difcult situation
(b) to cross safely.
(d) To avoid a situation (c) that it cannot be crossed properly.
2. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (d) that it is difcult to cross.
underlined word. 9. Underlined word in the sentence is not spelt
The artist's abstract painting was enigmatic to the correctly. Identify the correct spelling from the
viewers. options given below.
(a) Clear (b) Mysterious The boys seem irresponsibly insaucient about bullying
(c) Instigating (d) Thrilling the juniors.
(a) Insouceant (b) Insuociant
3. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
(c) Insouciant (d) Insoucient
substitute the underlined words in the given
10. The following sentence has been split into four
sentence. segments. Identify the segment that contains a
I have been living without a lot of money since I lost grammatical/spelling error.
my job. The sons of the old farmer / fell off after their father /
(a) living hand to mouth breathed his last / in the village.
(b) receiving a kickback (a) breathed his last
(c) keeping my chin up (b) fell off after their father
(d) as genuine as a three-dollar bill (c) The sons of the old farmer
(d) in the village.
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
11. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
substitute for the given group of words.
Madness or obsession with males Through thick and thin
(a) Loquacious (b) Andromania (a) Always supporting someone even if there are
(c) Polygamy (d) Misandrist problems or difculties
5. Parts of the following sentence have been given as (b) Never giving up a friendship
options. Select the option that contains an error. (c) Sometimes thin, sometimes thick
There are four tributaries of Ganga and it is ranked as (d) Never giving up on a goal
the fth most polluted river of the world. 12. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
(a) most polluted river of the world.
(b) of Ganga and it
(a) Exceptional (b) Lazy
(c) is ranked as the fth (c) Loyal (d) Energetic
(d) There are four tributaries 13. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the substitute for the given group of words.
underlined word in the following sentence. A mythological animal with one horn on its forehead
The teacher praised the student for his diligent work (a) Unic (b) Unipod
and consistent effort. (c) Unicameral (d) Unicorn
(a) lazy (b) persistent 14. Select the most appropriate option with correct
(c) squander (d) frazzle usage of the preposition to substitute the
underlined segment in the given sentence.
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom
The core part in Articial Intelligence (AI) is knowledge
in the given sentence. engineering, machine learning, machine perception,
She’s feeling under the weather today. and robotics.
(a) She’s feeling happy and energetic. (a) The core part from Articial Intelligence
(b) She’s feeling worried about something. (b) The core part with Articial Intelligence
(c) She’s not feeling well or is a bit sick. (c) The core part of Articial Intelligence
(d) She’s feeling adventurous and ready for a challenge. (d) The core part on Articial Intelligence
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (b)
1. Select the most appropriate option that can 9. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
substitute the underlined words in the given substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. sentence.
My grandmother helps us in all the problems. She has I sometimes accept excess work to please my manager,
a remedy for all the diseases. so I take more responsibilities than one can manage.
(a) ‘Service’ (b) Panacea (a) burn my boats
(c) Fanatic (d) Heretic
(b) get a taste of my own medicine
2. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the
underlined word in the following sentence. (c) bite off more than I can chew
Chameleon usually disguises itself to avoid predators. (d) hear it straight from the horse’s mouth
(a) transposes (b) changes 10/ Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(c) swaps (d) camouages idiom.
3. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Make waves
underlined word from the given options. (a) To have patience (b) To cause difculty
The new government allowed all the corrupt ministers (c) To take it easy (d) To give up
to feel the sufciency of money by banning the specic 11. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
currency. substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Dearth (b) Plenty Modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-
(c) Enough (d) Indeciency
4. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) Determination (b) Assurance
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. (c) Conviction (d) Difdence
Raveena has made / up her mind to / carried minimum 12. Select the option that will improve the underlined
/ luggage with her. part of the given sentence. In case no improvement
(a) luggage with her. (b) carried minimum is needed, select 'No improvement required'.
(c) Raveena has made (d) up her mind to What avour ice cream do you want?
5. Select the most appropriate option that can (a) ice cream avoured\
substitute the underlined segment in the given (b) avours ice cream
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select (c) No improvement required
‘No substitution’. (d) avour of ice cream
He is feeding a male dog and female dog 13. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) a male dog and lady dog (b) No substitution
(a) Matriculation (b) Humorous
(c) a dog and a bitch (d) a dog and puppy
(c) Addmission (d) Prohibition
6. Select the option that recties the spelling error in
the given sentence. 14. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
She is going to resiev a package in the mail today. the underlined segment in the given sentence to
(a) recieive (b) receive make it a meaningful sentence. If no substitution
(c) resieve (d) reseive is required, select ‘No substitution’.
7. Select the most appropriate idiom to ll in the The quality of students of an educational institute is of
blank. great importance and a crucial starting point.
The team always _______ to come up with unique (a) The quality of students in an educational institute
advertisements for all its clients. is in great importance and a crucial starting point.
(a) thinks outside the box (b) No substitution
(b) throw caution to the winds (c) The quality of students in an educational institute
(c) take a back seat
is of great importance and is a crucial start point.
(d) turn the tables
(d) The quality of students in an educational institute
8. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the given
idiom. is of great importance and a crucial starting point.
Back to back 15. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) Present and discuss the details of something. substitute the highlighted words in the given
(b) Try to get something. sentence.
(c) Something follows immediately after something The serenity of the river was a sight to behold.
else. (a) ready to be sold (b) inviting for boating
(d) Do something very fast or with great energy. (c) confusing for all (d) pleasant to see