SSC CPO Pre 2024 MOCK TEST by Prashant Solanki Sir

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1. Select the word which means the same as the group 10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
of words underlined in the given sentence. substitute for the given group of words.
These glass windows are so old and one can’t even see A woman having more than one husband at the same
through them, they need to be replaced. time
(a) Black (b) Opaque (a) Monogamy (b) Polymathy
(c) Dirty (d) Transparent (c) Polyandry (d) Endogamy
2. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 11. Select the most appropriate option that can
idiom. substitute the underlined segment in the given
By leaps and bounds sentence.
(a) Slowly (b) Rapidly Shakespeare is great than any other English poet.
(c) Unknowingly (d) Normally (a) was great than (b) was greater than
3. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) is greatest than (d) is greater than
highlighted word 12. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the
The worker is known to exert himself a lot. underlined word in the following sentence.
(a) stress (b) crouch A good critic should also be a person of great candour.
(c) relax (d) emerge (a) will (b) resolution
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) honesty (d)power
substitute for the given group of words. 13. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
A professional rider in horse races idiom.
(a) Batsman (b) Jockey Yeoman’s service
(c) Stuntman (d) Southpaw (a) Fraudulent service
5. Select the most suitable expression that can (b) Working under a cruel master
substitute the underlined part of the sentence (c) Excellent work done
without any change in meaning. (d) A thankless and tedious job
Planning to go for a movie just before the nal-year 14. Select the most appropriate option that can
examination is nothing but skating on thin ice. substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) doing hard work sentence.
(b) enjoying the moment I prefer walking than riding.
(c) going to hill stations (a) walking with riding (b) walking above riding
(d) being in a risky situation (c) walking from riding (d) walking to riding
6. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 15. Select the word from the sentence below, which is
(a) Equally (b) Occured an antonym for the word ‘uniformity’
(c) Unwilling (d) Argument A great variety of birds is found in the sanctuaries of
7. Parts of the following sentence have been given as India.
options. Select the option that contains an error. (a) Great (b) Sanctuaries
We were grateful for a book they gave us. (c) Found (d) Variety
(a) grateful for (b) they gave us 16. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
(c) a book (d) We were underlined part in the given sentence:
8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Sohan was very much perplexed to nd that his
phrase. younger brother Mohan had taken poison.
Hit the sack (a) At any rate (b) At logger heads
(a) Cracking the exams (c) At his disposal (d) At his wit’s end
(b) Making money quickly 17. Select the sentence that uses the given idiom
(c) Going to sleep correctly.
(c) Running on the beach Skating on thin ice
9. Parts of the following sentence have been given as (a) He was on thin ice after making a controversial
options. Select the option that contains an error. statement.
Can we go visit a Statue of Liberty on our trip to the (b) They were on thin ice due to the icy conditions on
United States? the road.
(a) Can we go (c) They were on thin ice when they skated on the
(b) visit a Statue of Liberty frozen lake.
(c) on our trip to (d) She was on thin ice while trying to balance on a
(d) the United States? tightrope.

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18. Select the option that can be used as a one-word 28. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
substitute for the given group of words. word from the following sentence.
Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance Confusing
or merit than is actually possessed The stars twinkled in the dark sky, guiding travellers
(a) Airy (b) Pretentious on their journey.
(c) Glorious (d) Imperious (a) Travellers (b) Twinkled
19. Select the word which means the same as the group (c) Journey (d) Guiding
of words given. 29. Three segments of the following sentence have been
A society or company provides these convenient underlined and given as options. One of them may
features contain an error. Select the option that contains
(a) Equipment (b) Facilitate the error. If you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No
(c) Amenities (d) System error’ as your answer.
20. Identify the most appropriate meaning of the given Since his son has not yet completed the age of eighteen,
idiom. he was reluctant to full his son’s demand of getting
Bread and butter a motorbike.
(a) Comfortable living (b) Means of livelihood (a) to full his son’s demand
(c) Money making (d) The breakfast (b) No error
21. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute (c) he was reluctant
the underlined words in the given sentence. (d) of getting a motorbike
Youth is the time when the seeds of character is sown. 30. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute
(a) the seeds of character had been sown the underlined words in the given sentence.
(b) the seeds of character were sown The referee declared that the participant who will
(c) the seeds of character will have been sowing score the highest points in the tally will take away the
cash prize of Rs. 50 lakh.
(d) the seeds of character are sown
(a) who can score the highest point
22. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) who could score the highest point
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(c) who scores the highest point
An awkward neither grammatically accurate sentence
(d) who settles scores the highest point
is the result of centre implanting.
31. In the following sentence, four words are
(a) awkward unless grammatically
underlined, out of which one word is MISSPELT.
(b) awkward either grammatically
Select the MISSPELT word.
(c) awkward beyond grammatically
The shedule followed by my sister ultimately leads to
(d) awkward but grammatically
stress and other adverse effects.
23. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(a) adverse (b) ultimately
(c) followed (d) shedule
Be in seventh heaven 32. The following sentence has been divided into
(a) To be ignored four segments. Identify the segment that has a
(b) To be in a state of extreme happiness grammatical error.
(c) To start performing better When he resigned, / the company offered him / a huge
(d) To avoid talking about what’s important sum of money but / he refused to agree to it.
24. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) the company offered him
(a) Dessert (b) Journey (b) When he resigned,
(c) Weekend (d) Mountan (c) he refused to agree to it.
25. The following sentence has been divided into four (d) a huge sum of money but
segments. One of them contains an error. Select 33. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
the segment that contains the error from the given (a) ettiquete (b) elopement
options. (c) occasion (d) rationalisation
I am understanding;/ you like her/ because she has 34. Select the most appropriate option that can
/a generous nature. substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) I am understanding; (b) because she has sentence.
(c) a generous nature (d) you like her My friends are on a trip to the world.
26. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (a) within the world
word. (b) around the world
Reckon (c) by the world
(a) Merit (b) Imagine (d) in the world
(c) Assess (d) Count 35. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
27. Identify the most appropriate antonym of the given underlined word in the given sentence.
word. The speaker delivered a profound speech that left the
Freezing audience deeply moved.
(a) brisk (b) tropical (a) Deep (b) Shallow
(c) summery (d) gnawing (c) Inventive (d) Occult

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36. Parts of the following sentence have been given as 44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
options. Select the option that contains a spelling no. 4.
error. (a) himself (b) herself
Joe was so tired that he could scarely stand. (c) ourselves (d) themselves
(a) scarely stand. (b) so tired that 45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(c) he could (d) Joe was no. 5.
37. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) on (b) under
underlined word in the following sentence. (c) for (d) above
He behaved ruthlessly with his junior, to say the least. Comprehension:
(a) Weirdly (b) Politely Read the passage given below and answer the questions
(c) Inhumanly (d) Unexpectedly that follow:
38. The following sentence has been split into four There are no ancient nations anywhere in the world. All
segments. Identify the segment that contains a nations are modern. Ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, ancient
spelling error. India – all of them may have had great civilizations whose
The precarious case of juvenile / deliquency against architecture, art, and literature are objects of admiration.
him / was dismissed by the / jury in the rst hearing. But they are not nations. To realize this truth, you will have
(a) deliquency against him to forget for the time being the history you were taught at
(b) jury in the rst hearing. school. Because it is that history, drilled into your heads
(c) The precarious case of juvenile from the time you were children, and constantly renewed
(d) was dismissed by the by national festivals and ceremonies, the speeches of your
39. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the leaders, and novels, lms, and television serials, that make
underlined word. it seem obvious to you that your nation is ancient. In actual
The repetitive and monotonous task of data entry fact, it is not true. Your nation is not – indeed no nation
made the work seem incredibly long and tedious.
on earth is – ancient. Only modern people can imagine that
(a) Pious (b) Threatening
(c) Interesting (d) Precarious
46. Find out the correct antonym of the following
40. Select the most appropriate option that can
word: realize
substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) Comprehend (b) Misunderstand
(c) Understand (d) Grasp
The Government must strive to provide a/an fair and
47. Which of the following statements is correct?
square deal to the citizen of its country.
(a) Novels, lms and speeches of leaders celebrate the
(a) violent and immoral
modernity of nations
(b) honest and straightforward
(c) exclusive and unreal (b) History books should be read again and again
(d) forward and backward because they celebrate ancient nations.
Comprehension: (c) Only modern people can imagine the existence of
In the following passage, some words have been ancient nations.
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most (d) Ancient India is an ancient civilization but not an
appropriate option to ll in each blank. ancient nation.
Superheroes are ctional characters with 1) ________ 48. Why does the author of the passage ask us to forget
powers who use their powers to ght crime and protect the history that we were taught at school?
the public. Some popular superheroes include Superman, (a) because the history book taught us that there are
Batman, Spider-Man and Wonder Woman. Superheroes often no ancient nations in the world
have backstories that 2) ________ how they have gained their (b) because only the modern people can imagine that
powers, 3) ________ being born with special powers, being way
bitten by a radioactive spider or being exposed to cosmic (c) because the history book asks us to celebrate
radiation. They usually have a specic outt or clothing that festivals which make us believe that our nation is
they wear to hide their identity and protect 4) ________ while modern
ghting crime. Superheroes have been a staple of popular (d) because the history book taught us that our nation
culture 5) ________ decades, appearing in comics, movies, is ancient
television shows, and video games. 49. What does the expression “drill into your heads”
41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank mean?
no. 1. (a) threaten someone repeatedly drill machine
(a) pragmatic (b) extraordinary (b) repeatedly question someone regarding a certain
(c) familiar (d) hereditary issue
42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (c) make someone learn or understand something by
no. 2. repeating it
(a) had explain (b) explain (d) force someone to move his/her head in a particular
(c) explaining (d) was explain direction
43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank 50. Find out the correct synonym of the following
no. 3. word: Obvious
(a) instead (b) subsequently (a) doubtful (b) clear
(c) such as (d) therefore (c) dubious (d) ambiguous

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1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (b)

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1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 8. Based on the situation in the sentence, select
underlined word in the given sentence. the most appropriate idiom for the underlined
Mr. Satterthwaite was shrewd enough to penetrate her segment.
meaning. After the Pandemic, his business crumbled and he is
(a) Aged (b) Smart in a difcult situation.
(a) Be in a tight corner (b) Give a cold shoulder
(c) Funny (d) Innocent
(c) Bolt from the blue (d) Pull the last straw
2. Select the most appropriate option that can
9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word
substitute the underlined word in the given in brackets to ll in the blank.
sentence. Queen Gulnaar of Arabia mourned her ________
The culprit had been shot from the back by the police beauty. (waning)
inspector. (a) false (b) fading
(a) by (b) off (c) futile (d) frightening
(c) in (d) to 10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
3. The following sentence has been divided into four substitute for the given group of words.
segments. Identify the segment that contains an A story intended to teach moral lessons
adverbial usage error. (a) Parable (b) Parole
(c) Parasite (d) Parboil
Mrs. Gomathi was / that tired and weak / that she
11. The following sentence has an error in its tense.
could / scarcely walk.
Identify the error and select the correct sentence
(a) Mrs. Gomathi was (b) that tired and weak from the given options.
(c) that she could (d) scarcely walk. I will be arrange all the necessary materials for the
4. In the question four alternatives are given for programme.
the underlined word in the sentence. Choose the (a) I is arrange all the necessary materials for the
alternative which best expresses the opposite programme.
meaning of the word. (b) I was arrange all the necessary materials for the
“Well, what if it is? You are not afraid of anything, you programme.
know,” returned the boy, looking wicked. (c) I would arranging all the necessary materials for
(a) Righteous (b) Clean the programme.
(d) I will be arranging all the necessary materials for
(c) Evil (d) Improper
the programme.
5. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
12. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
substitute for the given group of words.
Though Kalpana listened to Sheetal carefully, she Feeling of being in a place before having already
knew that she should take it with a grain of salt. experienced the present situation
(a) regard it as exaggerated and not completely true (a) Spirituality (b) Delusion
(b) move according to the trend (c) Deja-vu (d) Illusion
(c) be do it meticulously as taking salt 13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(d) accept it as really useful and worthy underlined word in the given sentence.
6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given The cacophony in the theatre was too much for us.
word. (a) noise (b) laughter
Mighty (c) smell (d) silence
(a) Haughty (b) Forceful 14. Select the most appropriate synonym for the given
(c) Forcible (d) Weak
7. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
(a) Resistant (b) Variable
sentence and select the option that recties the (c) Safe (d) Asleep
spelling error. 15. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Many promote bamboo planting for erosion prevention underlined word.
and to riverse the effects of global warming. Ramya is an ardent follower of secularism.
(a) Efeccts (b) Prevension (a) committed (b) forced
(c) Reverse (d) Bambboo (c) unhappy (d) temporary

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16. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 27. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
(a) Responsibilities (b) Cheerfull options. Select the option that contains an error.
(c) Tsunami (d) Efcient We were driving home when suddenly a deer runs
17. Select the option that can be used as a one-word across the road.
substitute for the given group of words. (a) a deer runs across the road
An unpleasant mixture of loud sounds. (b) home
(a) Irony (b) Cacophony (c) We were driving
(c) Harmony (d) Hegemony (d) when suddenly
18. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given 28. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
sentence. substitute for the given group of words.
The islands of Japan were connected to the Asian A deal of agreement done in a company or rm.
landmass about 12,000 years ago; the rst Japanese
(a) Conformity (b) Acceptance
travelled across the water in serch of animals to hunt.
(c) Contract (d) Concurrence
(a) Serch (b) Landmass
29. Select the most appropriate option that recties
(c) Islands (d) Connected
the error(s) in the following sentence.
19. Select the most appropriate option that can
substitute the underlined segment in the given One must do his/her duty proparly.
sentence. (a) One must do once duty proparly.
The author’s writing style is characterised by its poetic (b) One must do ones duty properly.
language. (c) One must do one’s duti proprly.
(a) simple language (b) lucid language (d) One must do one's duty properly.
(c) prosaic language (d) lyrical language 30. Identify the meaning of the idiom in the given
20. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the given situation.
idiom. I will always stand by my friend.
At the drop of a hat (a) Support in difcult situation
(a) Eventually (b) Immediately (b) Stand next to
(c) Certainly (d) Consecutively (c) Work together
21. Identify the most appropriate antonym of the given (d) Be in a queue
word. 31. The following sentence has been divided into
Summary four segments. Identify the segment that has a
(a) signicant (b) Abrupt grammatical error.
(c) lengthy (d) elliptical His energetic attitude / showed that he had / soundly
22. Select the option that can be used as a one-word slept / the previous night.
substitute for the given group of words. (a) showed that he had (b) soundly slept
An open space usually rectangular and enclosed in a (c) the previous night. (d) His energetic attitude
building 32. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) Quinton (b) Quadrangle underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(c) Quintessential (d) Quadruped
Only those having blue blood can dethrone the evil
23. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
autocrat and restore equilibrium.
substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Bitter relations (b) Vigilant nature
The act or process of going from the simple or basic to
(c) Political ideology (d) Aristocratic lineage
the complex or advanced.
33. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) Wither (b) Evolution
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(c) Ennoblement (d) Flourishing
24. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given grammatical error.
idiom. It is a cheap reasonably / restaurant in this part of the
Go down in ames town / where you can eat / delicious food.
(a) To crash and burn (a) where you can eat
(b) To destroy completely (b) delicious food
(c) To fail spectacularly (c) It is a cheap reasonably
(d) To burn down completely (d) restaurant in this part of the town
25. Select the most appropriate idiom that can 34. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
substitute the underlined segment in the given substitute for the given group of words.
sentence. The doctor who deals with the female reproductive
Read the books of APJ Abdul Kalam, who was a system.
scholar. (a) Orthodontist (b) Cardiologist
(a) a dare devil (b) a queer sh (c) Ophthalmologist (d) Gynaecologist
(c) a man of straw (d) a man of letters 35. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
26. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the underlined group of words.
substitute for the given group of words. Rahul has done a study of statistics that contributed
One who believes in the existence of God to the research.
(a) Atheist (b) Fatalist (a) Demography (b) Choreography
(c) Protagonist (d) Theist (c) Cartography (d) Cinematography

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36. Underlined word in the sentence is not spelt 41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
correctly. Identify the correct spelling from the number 1.
options given below. (a) bangles (b) toe-rings
A congragation of monks reached Shimla for the (c) ear-rings (d) anklets
convention. 42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(a) Congretettion (b) Congregation number 2.
(c) Cangregation (d) Congregetion (a) in (b) with
37. Select the phrase/idiom that will improve the (c) upon (d) by
underlined part of the given sentence. 43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
After two hours of wandering in the desert, we realised number 3.
we were on a wild horse race. (a) ankle (b) toe
(a) wild carpet rug (b) wild jackal hunt (c) waist (d) wrist
(c) wild goose chase (d) wild shadow chase 44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
38. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. number 4.
(a) Dilemma (b) Enterpreneur (a) undaunted (b) ungrateful
(c) Accommodate (d) Disseminate (c) unsafe (d) unbelievable
39. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given 45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
word. number 5.
Condemn (a) impact (b) blow
(a) Denounce (b) Uphold (c) affect (d) result
(c) Elevate (d) Tolerate 46. Which of the following is the best description of
40. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given the tone of the passage?
idiom. (a) Informative (b) Patronising
Ignoring his father’s warnings, he said, “an elephant (c) Populist (d) Laudatory
in the room” to his mother. 47. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
(a) There is an obvious problem word.
(b) Someone hiding in the room Exist
(c) The elephant got stuck in the room (a) Imprint (b) Cease
(d) Someone begins to suspect (c) Resent (d) Prevail
Comprehension: 48. Which of the following represents the structure of
In the following passage, some words have been the passage?
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most (a) Sequence (b) Time order
appropriate option to ll in each blank. (c) Denition (d) Cause-effect
A series of ___1___ of shell or ivory or thin metal clothed 49. Which of the following most accurately states the
her left upper arm all the way down to her ngers. A necklace main idea of the passage?
___2___ three pendants bunched together and a few bangles (a) Plastic waste (b) Plastic pollution
above the elbow and ___3___ on the right hands display an (c) UNEP (d) Climate change
almost modern art. She speaks of the ___4___, ever hopeful 50. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
human spirit. She reminds us that it is important to visit word.
museums in our country to experience the __5___ that a Alter
work of art leaves on our senses, to nd among all the riches (a) Alight (b) Absorb
one particular vision of beauty that speaks to us alone. (c) Preserve (d) Change

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (c)

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1. Select the most appropriate idiom that can (a) Overows (b) Silt
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) Season (d) Gruwn
sentence. 8. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
The players like the coach because he is honest, substitute for the given group of words.
realistic and practical in dealing with them. A lover of mankind
(a) far and wide (b) down to earth (a) Recluse (b) Cynic
(c) sick and tired (d) by and large (c) Psychiatrist (d) Philanthropist
2. The following sentence has been divided into parts. 9. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
One of them contains an error. Select the part that options. Select the option that contains an error.
contains the error from the given options. My neighbours were serious injured in the car accident.
Mr. Vinu / has never / slept in / a igloo. (a) My neighbours were (b) the car accident
(a) has never (b) slept in (c) serious injured (d) in
10. The following sentence has been divided into
(c) Mr. Vinu (d) a igloo
four segments. Identify the segment that has a
3. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
grammatical error.
substitute the underlined segment in the given
I am working with him since 2002, / but even today /
I am unable / to understand his motives.
Popular cosmetics brands in India are very expensive. (a) I am working with him since 2002,
(a) take it with a pinch of salt (b) but even today
(b) cost an arm and a leg (c) I am unable
(c) up in arms (d) to understand his motives.
(d) og a dead horse 11. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
4. Parts of the given sentence have been underlined. substitute the underlined segment in the given
One of them contains an error. Select the option sentence and complete the sentence correctly.
that has the segment with a grammatical error. It is important to take this opportunity to make a
The art historian argued that the painting's value name for yourself – beat around the bush.
has been greatly underestimated, and that its unique (a) ght tooth and claw
style and technique deserved recognition from the art (b) bare the foot
community and the public alike. (c) pass with ying colours
(a) its unique style and technique (d) strike while the iron is hot
(b) has been greatly underestimated 12. Select the option that will improve the underlined
(c) recognition from the art community part of the given sentence.
(d) and the public alike My friend vanished when the goons came to ght with me.
5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) mobilised when the thugs arrived
underlined word in the given sentence. (b) attacked when the thugs arrived
The environmental organisation issued a statement to (c) disappeared when the thugs arrived
condemn the deforestation happening in the protected (d) condemned when the thugs arrived
area. 13. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) Persuade (b) Censure substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select
(c) Compel (d) Foster
‘No substitution’.
6. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given
If I was very rich, I would spend all my time and money
situation focusing on the underlined words.
for the poor.
I invited them to my anniversary dinner but they had
(a) If I am very rich (b) No substitution
other plans, so they decided to politely decline with
(c) If I have much riches (d) If I were very rich
the implication that they may come at a later date.
14. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) Took it with a grain of salt segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(b) To take a rain check spelling error.
(c) To spoil a moment The dried raisons / have an intoxicating /effect on
(d) Call it a day humans as / well as ora and fauna.
7. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given (a) effect on humans as
sentence. (b) well as ora and fauna.
Every season the river overows its banks and when it (c) The dried raisons
goes down it leaves silt for crops to be gruwn. (d) have an intoxicating

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15. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) putting my nose to the grindstone
substitute the underlined segment in the given (d) up in a creek without a paddle
sentence. 25. Underlined word in the sentence is not spelt
Last night, I failed to sleep because of some familiar correctly. Identify the correct spelling from the
issues that couldn’t be avoided. options given below.
(a) incapable (b) inevitable Raman had been living a reklusive life since he had
(c) unthinkable (d) unsolvable lost his job.
16. Select the most appropriate option that can (a) Recslusive (b) Reclucive
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) Reslusive (d) Reclusive
sentence. 26. Select the word from the sentence below, which is
No sooner had she nished her breakfast that she had an antonym for the word ‘advance’.
received a phone call from her boss, informing her that Clive is a travel blogger who believes that with even
she needed to come to work immediately. an elementary or intermediate Knowledge of the local
(a) than she receives (b) than she received language, you can enjoy your travel more.
(c) that she receives (d) that she received (a) Destination (b) Believes
17. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (c) knowledge (d) Elementary
(a) Knowledgeable (b) Hierarchy 27. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
(c) Neccessity (d) Perseverance word.
18. Select the option that can be used as a one-word Confound
substitute for the given group of words. (a) Expire (b) Suppress
Weak and cowardly (c) Discern (d) Assure
(a) Timid (b) Meek 28. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(c) Pusillanimous (d) Anxious substitute for the underlined words.
19. Select the option that can be used as a one-word He was promoted to a higher position in the rst year
substitute for the given group of words. due to his careful nature and hard-working efforts.
An area/place in which dead bodies are buried (a) extraordinary (b) diligence
(a) Clementi (b) Cemetery (c) elegance (d) business mindedness
(c) Mansion (d) Demise 29. Select the most appropriate option that can
20. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given substitute the underlined words in the given
idiom. sentence.
Gift of the gab
Though very informative, Shweta’s article was
(a) A talent for singing
mercilessly rejected of the editor.
(b) A talent for lying
(a) was mercilessly rejected by
(c) A talent for speaking
(b) was mercilessly rejected of
(d) A gift for a person named Gab
(c) was mercilessly rejected each
21. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
(d) was mercilessly rejected on
30. Select the most appropriate idiom to ll in the
(a) Inscribed (b) Dejected
John was always ________ about becoming a millionaire
(c) Obligatory (d) Verbal
without doing any hard work.
22. Select the most appropriate idiomatic expression
(a) building castles in the air
that can substitute the underlined segment in the
(b) eating like a horse
given sentence.
(c) having an ace up his sleeve
He is very strict with his students but good-natured.
(d) a storm in a tea cup
(a) he has a big mouth
31. Parts of the following sentences have been given
(b) his heart is in the right place
(c) his heart misses a beat as options. Select the option that contains a
(d) his eyes are bigger than his stomach grammatical error.
23. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute Ms. Malathi is living lonely in an apartment.
the underlined wordsin the given sentence. (a) an apartment (b) lonely in
After he leave, we discussed his suggestion. (c) Ms. Malathi (d) is living
Ans 1. he has left 32. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
2. he was leaving word.
3. he had left Mourn
4. he will be leaving (a) Approve (b) Dread
24. Select the most appropriate idiom to ll in the (c) Amuse (d) Grieve
blank. 33. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
When I went to Egypt and lost my wallet and passport, word.
I was _____________. Convalesce
(a) rolling up my sleeves (a) Conceal (b) Collapse
(b) working my ngers to the bone (c) Confront (d) Corrupt

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34. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 45. Select the correct option to ll blank 5.
idiom. (a) in (b) with
To leave no stone unturned (c) by (d) on
(a) To treat someone/something as if of no importance Comprehension:
(b) To control a person completely Read the given passage and answer the questions that
(c) To win everything that is available
Ahoy there, matey! Today, we’re going to talk about
(d) To do everything possible to achieve something
something near and dear to my heart: pirates. You know,
35. Select the option that recties the spelling error in those swashbuckling scallywags who pillage and plunder on
the given sentence. the high seas.
The phone rang, but nobody awnsered. Now, when you think of pirates, you might picture
(a) answorod (b) awmsered them as these tough, intimidating gures. But let me tell
(c) ansvered (d) answered you, there’s a lot more to these buccaneers than meets the
36. What is the most appropriate ANTONYM of the eye. For one thing, have you ever noticed that pirates seem
word ‘uctuate’? to have an unusual fondness for parrots? I mean, come on.
(a) Stabilise (b) Deect They’re birds. What use could a pirate possibly have for a
(c) Vacillate (d) Fickle bird?
And then there’s the whole eyepatch thing. Yes, pirates
37. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
are known for wearing eyepatches, but did you ever stop to
substitute for the given group of words. wonder why? Some people think it’s because they lost an eye
A lively, cheerful outgoing person. in battle, but the real reason is much simpler: it’s so they
(a) Extrovert can switch the patch from eye to eye and maintain night
2. Ambivert vision in both eyes. Genius, right?
3. Introvert But my favourite pirate quirk has got to be their love
4. Orator of treasure. I mean, who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt?
38. Select the word from the sentence below, which is But the way pirates go about it is just hilarious. They’ll
an antonym for the word ‘resolve’ spend months, even years, searching for that one elusive
My cousin Nisha’s curiosity about life will never be chest of gold, only to bury it on some deserted island and
forget where they put it. It’s like they’re playing an eternal
satised because no one knows all the answers to all
game of hide-and-seek with themselves. And let’s not forget
her questions.
about their vocabulary. Pirates have a whole language all
(a) About (b) Satised their own, full of terms like ‘shiver me timbers’, ‘avast’, and
(c) Knows (d) Questions ‘yo-ho-ho’. I mean, what does any of that even mean? It’s like
39. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. they’re speaking a different language entirely.
(a) Mystery (b) Justice So, there you have it, folks. Pirates might be erce, but
(c) Academy (d) Bycycle they’re also pretty darn funny. Who knows? Maybe we could
40. Identify the most appropriate antonym of the given all learn a thing or two from these salty dogs.
word. 46. Which of the following would be the most
Rapid appropriate title for this passage?
(a) smart (b) slow (a) The Serious World of Pirates
(c) lately (d)active (b) The Humorous Quirks of Pirates
Comprehension: (c) The Fierce and Intimidating Pirate Culture
In the following passage, some words have been (d) The Mysterious Language of Pirates
47. What is a common phrase used in pirate language?
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most
(a) Shiver me timbers
appropriate option to ll in each blank.
(b) Yo, dude!
Why do people yawn? No one seems to know the exact (c) Howdy, partner!
(1)________. Some people believe that we yawn (2) ________ (d) Greetings, friend!
we do not have enough oxygen in our bodies. In (3) ________ 48. Which of the following options best describes the
words, we yawn to breathe in (4) ________ oxygen. People also tone of the passage?
believe that yawning is associated (5) ________ boredom. (a) Serious (b) Humorous
41. Select the correct option to ll blank 1. (c) Angry (d) Sarcastic
(a) reason (b) basis 49. What is one of the pirate quirks mentioned in the
(c) explanation (d) reality passage?
42. Select the correct option to ll blank 2. (a) Their fondness for cats
(a) why (b) while (b) Their love for basketball
(c) when (d) as (c) Their tendency to forget where they buried their
43. Select the correct option to ll blank 3.
(d) Their love of gardening
(a) new (b) other
50. Why do pirates wear eyepatches?
(c) rather (d) some (a) Because they lost an eye in battle
44. Select the correct option to ll blank 4. (b) To intimidate their enemies
(a) less (b) more (c) To maintain night vision in both eyes
(c) little (d) much (d) To cover up an embarrassing birthmark

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1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (c)

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1. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 9. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
the underlined part of the following sentence. idiom.
Mathew decided to complete the marathon to prove Beat around the bush.
that he is still t as a ddle in his eighties. (a) To talk about something important.
(a) an owner of a t horse (b) To go around the bush.
(b) a t and energetic person (c) To live around the bush.
(b) a man of great qualities (d) To avoid talking about what is important.
(d) proud and unreliable 10. Select the most appropriate option that can
2. The following sentence has been divided into parts. substitute the underlined words in the given
One of them may contain an error. Select the part sentence.
that contains the error from the given options. If My son will carry out my business in my absence.
you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No error’ as your (a) carry for (b) carry on
answer. (c) carry in (d) carry at
By the time I reaching / the metro station, / the train 11. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
had departed. the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(a) By the time I reaching It is a fact that the same judgement can often be taken
(b) the metro station by more than one way.
(c) the train had departed (a) be taken in more than
(d) no error (b) be taken on more than
3. Select the most appropriate option to ll in the (c) be taken of more than
blank. (d) be taken for more than
Mihir's ability to think outside ____________ always 12. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
gives our team the upper hand when tackling complex word.
(a) the box (b) the bowl
(a) Soothe (b) Strengthen
(c) the cupboard (d) the room
(c) Blame (d) Rebuke
4. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
13. Select the most appropriate option that can
underlined word in the given sentence.
substitute the underlined segment in the given
The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, as the
delicate pink petals bloom for only a short period.
The company plans to expand its business to the
(a) Transient (b) Permanent
international market.
(c) Uniform (d) Unwavering
5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (a) to limit (b) to contract
word. (c) to reduce (d) to increase
Voracious 14. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
(a) Compensated (b) Quenched sentence and select the option that recties the
(c) Appreciate (d) Greedy spelling error.
6. Select the correctly spelt word. The idea is to encourage tourism and allow visitors to
(a) machinary (b) dispensery enjoy the spectacular Rockies, but to ensure that it is
(c) dictionery (d) directory done in hermony with the environment.
7. Select the most appropriate idiom that can (a) Touresm (b) Harmony
substitute the underlined words in the given (c) Encaurage (d) Enssure
sentence. 15. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
It’s Christmas and everything looks so beautiful. It substitute for the given group of words.
makes me believe that life is wonderful and pleasant. The study of Man
(a) I’m facing the music (a) Anthropology (b) Biography
(b) I’m changing my tune (c) Autobiography (d) Biology
(c) life is a bowl of cherries 16. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute
(d) I’m up in the air the underlined words in the given sentence.
8. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given He always used to say that he was not a beggar by
word. choice and if someone could employ him, he would
Dainty like to eat.
(a) Elegant (b) Sable (a) live to work (b) listen to me
(c) Fine (d) Vulgar (c) love to work (d) linger at work

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17. Select the most appropriate idiom that can substitute 28. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. underlined word.
I don't know which career he will choose. He delays Indians tend to be quite conservative in most aspects
making strong decisions. of life, particularly in rural areas.
(a) is as clean as a whistle (a) Authentic (b) Fantastic
(b) sits on the fence (c) Determined (d) Liberal
(c) spills the beans 29. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) turns a blind eye underlined idiom.
18. The following sentence has been divided into parts. Despite multiple obstacles, she continued with her
One of them contains an error. Select the part that endeavour, demonstrating that she has nerves of steel.
contains the error from the given options. (a) The capacity to maintain composure when stressed
Mr. Thomas / is going / to buy / horse. (b) Extraordinary beauty
(a) to buy (b) Mr. Thomas (c) An absence of fear or anxiety
(c) is going (d) horse (d) Relentless determination
19. Select the option that expresses the meaning of 30. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment. the underlined segment in the given sentence.
The regulation bans any direct or indirect promotion The manager, decided at last to bring the stenographer
through radio or television of supernatural practices. to book for her illegal money transactions after trying
(a) Questionable (b) Evident to ignore it several times.
(c) Obtuse (d) Occult (a) bring her for a detailed investigation
20. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) take her into great condence
the underlined segment in the given sentence. (c) make her accountable for her conduct
Rajan’s caused extremely painful headaches. (d) place her in a safe supportive position
(a) excruciating (b) devastating
31. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(c) horrible (d) extreme
substitute for the given group of words.
21. Which is the right set of ANTONYMS from the
A list of books
options for ‘Condential’?
(a) Bibliography (b) Catalogue
(a) Public, Concealed (b) Offstage, Sneaking
(c) Lexicon (d) Manuscript
(c) Hushed, Common (d) Familiar, Revealed
32 In question four alternatives are given for the
22. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
underlined Idiom/Phrase in the sentence. Choose
substitute for the given group of words.
A lm shown during the day, especially in the afternoon the alternative which best expresses the meaning
(a) Theatre (b) Dramatics of the Idiom/Phrase.
(c) Matinee (d) Cinema In life, there will be many situations where you have to
23. Parts of the following sentence have been given as choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.
options. Select the option that contains an error. (a) To be in dilemma to choose
My father is comparatively better today. (b) To be in a good condition
(a) comparatively better (b) today. (c) To be in the deep sea
(c) My father (d) is (d) To choose wisely
24. Choose the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given 33. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
sentence. substitute for the given group of words.
It may seem pretintious to say so but I cannot live The period of time in a person's life when they are
without my essential articles. developing into an adult
(a) cannot (b) pretintious (a) Teenage (b) Adolescence
(c) articles (d) essential (c) Childhood (d) Adultery
25. Select the option that can be used as a one-word 34. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
substitute for the italicised segment in the given (a) Unexpected (b) Programe
sentence. (c) Pilgrimage (d) Campaign
Tin is easy to shape in any desired form. 35. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) rigid (b) immutable (a) dictionary (b) chancellary
(c) malleable (d) gullible (c) directory (d) granary
26. Select the most appropriate idiom that can 36. Select the sentence that has the correct use of
substitute the underlined segment in the given words and spellings from the options given below.
sentence. (a) The skilled surgeon delicately performed the
We need to make sure that criminals like these get more intricate procedure, saving the patient's life with
from the authorities than a very mild punishment. his steady hands and unwavering focus.
(a) a taste of their own medicine (b) The skiled surgeon delicatly performed the
(b) an axe to grind intricate procedure, saving the patient's life with
(c) a blessing in disguise his stedy hands and unwavering focus.
(d) a slap on the wrist (c) The skilled surgeon delicately performed the
27. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given intrecate procedure, saving the patient's life with
word. his steady hands and unwavering focus.
Filthy (d) The skilled surgeon delicatly performed the
(a) Tidy (b) Shiny intricate procedure, saving the patient's life with
(c) Dirty (d) Visual his stedy hands and unwavering focus.

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37. Which of the following words has a similar meaning Comprehension:
to the underlined word? Read the given passage and answer the questions that
Numerous tremors without any tectonic plate follow.
movement have bafed geologists. New media is a catch-all term used for various kinds
(a) Angered (b) Perplexed of electronic communications that are conceivable due
(c) Amused (d) Irritated to innovation in computer technology. In contrast to ‘old’
38. Select the option that can be used as a one-word media, which includes newspapers, magazines, books,
substitute for the underlined group of words. television and other such non-interactive media, new media
There was a huge re for celebration on the occasion comprises websites, online video/audio streams, emails,
of Diwali. online social platforms, online communities, online forums,
(a) Flash (b) Bonre blogs, internet telephony, web advertisements, online
(c) Lohri (d) Firecracker education and much more. It is not very easy to draw a line
39. The following sentence has been split into four between the new and old media because the so-called old
segments. Identify the segment that contains a media has found new ways of representation in digital forms,
grammatical error. leaving behind its conventional methods of representation.
If I have recovered from fever, / I will start going / for New media is considered to be the multimedia and digital
swimming classes / from tomorrow. form of communication happening via desktop and laptop
(a) I will start going computers as well as phones, tablets and other devices. New
(b) If I have recovered from fever media has introduced user interaction, rather than simply
(c) from tomorrow consuming media. New media can be customised to users’
(d) for swimming classes preferences and it can be selectively linked from one form of
40. The following sentence has been divided into four content to another.
segments. One of them contains an error. Select 46. What does the term ‘Catch-all’ mean?
the segment that contains the error from the given (a) A category which includes many different things
options. (b) A category which includes all the types of media
Last night I dreamed that / I am looking for the/ (c) A category that includes all the sources of
abominable snowman high / up in the Himalayas. entertainment
(a) I am looking for the (d) A category that includes all the sources of
(b) up in the Himalayas information
(c) Last night I dreamed that 47. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word
(d) abominable snowman high ‘Customise’.
Comprehension: (a) Personalise (b) Generalise
In the following passage, some words have been (c) Realise (d) Ritualised
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most 48. Which of the following is NOT a type/kind of new
appropriate option to ll in each blank. media?
“Can I come along with you on your shing trip, (a) Web advertisements (b) Emails
please?” asked Millie. Her two elder brothers (1)________ at (c) Television (d) Online video streams
her scornfully. “Fishing is a man's (2) ________,” said her 49. How does the passage distinguish new media from
older brother, Derek. “Girls are not (3) ________ at shing.” old media?
(4) ________ a while, however, Millie managed to persuade (a) New media caters to a larger audience and is more
her brothers to take her (5) ________. When they reached the popular than old media.
shing pond, the two brothers wandered off by themselves. (b) New media increases screen time and could be
41. Select the correct option to ll blank 1. addictive and unhealthy, unlike old media.
(a) observed (b) saw (c) New media includes user interaction, whereas,
(c) watched (d) looked through old media, we only consume information.
42. Select the correct option to ll blank 2. (d) New media is fast and digitally based, whereas old
(a) competition (b) gaming media has never been beyond the conventional
(c) matches (d) sport methods of representation.
43. Select the correct option to ll blank 3. 50. Why is it not easy to draw a line between old media
(a) acceptable (b) good and new media?
(c) likeable (d) sound (a) Because both include various kinds of medium
44. Select the correct option to ll blank 4. (b) Because old media has found new ways of
(a) Nearly (b) Then representation in digital forms
(c) Before (d) After (c) Because new media can be customised to users’
45. Select the correct option to ll blank 5. preferences
(a) within (b) among them (d) Because new media is considered to be the
(c) with them (d) along multimedia and digital form of communication.

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1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (b)

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1. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 9. Based on the situation in the sentence, select
(a) Supremecy (b) Prevention the most appropriate idiom for the underlined
(c) Reconsidered (d) Passage segment.
2. Select the sentence that uses the given idiom He always takes up difcult tasks – those which are
correctly. beyond his capabilities.
Have your head in the clouds
(a) Bite off more than you can chew
(a) They had their heads in the clouds by looking up
(b) Pull someone’s leg
at the sky during a meteor shower.
(b) The pilot had his head in the clouds while ying a (c) No pain no gain
plane. (d) Miss the boat
(c) He had his head in the clouds during an important 10. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
meeting. sentence.
(d) She had her head in the clouds by wearing a Generousity is a godly feature among many individuals
cloud-shaped hat. on the earth.
3. Three segments of the following sentence have been (a) godly (b) Generousity
underlined and given as options. One of them may (c) individuals (d) feature
contain an error. Select the option that contains 11. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
the error. If you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No (a) Supersede (b) Vicinity
error’ as your wer.
(c) Entrepreneur (d) Dissapear
When my father will come, I will make sure that I
12. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
discuss the possibilities of a new business venture
with him. underlined word in the following sentence.
(a) I will make sure The government is proposing to incinerate cattle
(b) No error carcasses at many sites, some of which are in
(c) When my father will come populated areas.
(d) I discuss the possibilities (a) Combust (b) Blaze
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) Extinguish (d) Oxidise
substitute for the given group of words. 13. Select the most appropriate option with correct
Consonance of sounds. usage of the preposition to substitute the
(a) Orchestration (b) Woodwinds underlined segment in the given sentence.
(c) Symphony (d) Troupe The Centre of Excellence for Data Analytics (CEDA)
5. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
provides quality data analytic services to various
underlined word.
The arrival of spring brings an ebullient feeling as government departments on all levels as well as to
owers bloom and the weather warms. public sector units at the Centre and in states.
(a) Weary (b) Clamant (a) various government departments at all levels
(c) Deciduous (d) Rude (b) various government departments from all levels
6. Select the option that expresses the meaning of (c) various government departments in all levels
the underlined segment. (d) various government departments through all
Partly, it may be a desire to stop emotions in front of levels
strangers. 14. Select the most appropriate idiom from the options
(a) Quell (b) Put out to replace the underlined segment in the given
(c) Smash (d) Quiet sentence.
7. Select the most appropriate option that can After his business failed, he had to reduce spending
substitute the underlined segment in the given
and adjust to a frugal lifestyle.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select
(a) let the cat out of the bag
‘No substitution’.
In yesterday’s re accident, her feets are burnt badly. (b) hit the nail on the head
(a) her feet was (b) her feet were (c) kick the bucket
(c) her foots were (d) No substitution (d) tighten his belt
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given 15. Select the most appropriate option that can
word. substitute the underlined word in the given idiom.
Upright A goose's eye view
(a) Ethical (b) Stout (a) bird's (b) hornet's
(c) Brave (d) Immora (c) fool's (d) dog's

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16. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 25. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word
idiom. in brackets to ll in the blank.
When pigs y Emotional stimulation provides the necessary
(a) Something that will never happen __________ for creative imagination. (fecundity)
(b) Something that will never deviate (a) freedom (b) fertility
(c) something that will get completed (c) fulcrum (d) force
26. Select the word segment that can substitute the
(d) Something that will never last long
bracketed word segment correctly and complete
17. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute
the sentence meaningfully.
the underlined words in the given sentence. The minister promised to provide free laptops to the
You have tears, prepare to shed them now. public if his (party came in power).
(a) Until you have tears (b) Yet you have tears, (a) he loses the election
(c) Unless you have tears, (d) If you have tears, (b) party loses the election
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (c) party forms the government
word. (d) he comes to a party
Bind 27. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(a) Flourish (b) Secure idiom.
(c) Disengage (d) Amuse Sacred cow
19. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (a) Unquestionable (b) Interrogate
(c) Hateful (d) Harmful
substitute for the given group of words.
28. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
A doubtful look or examination of one's motives.
substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Introspect (b) Suspect Vivacious and enthusiastic
(c) Circumspect (d) Retrospect (a) Introverted (b) Brazen
20. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) Rowdy (d) Effervescent
substitute for the given group of words. 29. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
One who does not believe in God substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Atheist (b) Priest Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots
(c) Catholic (d) Reverent (a) Bonade (b) Bonsai
21. Select the sentence that has the correct use of (c) Orchard (d) Botanical
words and spellings from the options given below. 30. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) The delicious arauma of freshly baked cookies substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select
waftad through the kitchen, making mouths
‘No substitution’.
This is the group of leaders in whom the ruling
(b) The delicious arauma of freshely baked cookes government has placed its trust.
wafted through the kitchen, making mouths water. (a) no substitution
(c) The delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies (b) in who the ruling government
wafted through the kitchen, making mouths water. (c) on who the ruling government
(d) The delicius aroma of freshely baked cookies (d) with who the ruling government
wafted through the kitchen, making mouths water. 31. Select the correctly spelt word.
22. The following sentence has been divided into (a) registration (b) refridgerator
four segments. Identify the segment that has a (c) litrature (d) allegater
grammatical error. 32. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
Soldiers in / the Indian Armed Forces are / trained options. Select the option that contains a spelling
never to / ght cowardly.
My strength is as the strenght of ten because my heart
(a) ght cowardly.
is pure.
(b) the Indian Armed Forces are (a) my heart is pure (b) as the strenght
(c) trained never to (c) of ten because (d) My strength is
(d) Soldiers in 33. Select the most appropriate option that can
23. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given substitute the underlined segment in the given
word. sentence.
Aggravate During the preparation for competitive exams, Meena
(a) Humiliate (b) Alleviate avoided going to parties.
(c) Ignorant (d) Exasperate (a) steered clear of (b) cracked a joke
24. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) red a cracker (d) whispered a secret
34. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
underlined word.
substitute for the given group of words.
The brave knight set out to vanquish the fearsome
The patronage bestowed in consideration of family
dragon and protect the kingdom from its menace. relationships and not of merit.
(a) Engage (b) Instill (a) Egotism (b) Neologism
(c) Measure (d) Liberate (c) Mannerism (d) Nepotism

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35. Select the incorrect form of the verb. 44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(a) stricken (b) strucken number 4.
(c) strike (d) struck (a) captivate (b) manipulate
36. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given (c) magnify (d) register
word. 45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
Tight number 5.
(a) Resilient (b) Cordial (a) ordinary (b) enchanting
(c) Comfortable (d) Slack (c) abnormal (d) surprising
37. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
Read the given passage and wer the questions that follow.
Black sheep
(a) Disreputable (b) Miscreant On 3 September 2016, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake
(c) Intelligent (d) Naive struck just northwest of Pawnee, Oklahoma, causing
38. Select the option that can be used as a one-word moderate to severe damages in buildings near the epicentre.
substitute for the given group of words. It was the largest ever recorded in the state. The Pawnee
A place for storage of arms and ammunition earthquake followed the dramatic increase of seismic events
(a) Mint (b) Monastery in the central United States beginning in 2009, associated
(c) Scullery (d) Arsenal with the increase of underground wastewater disposal by oil
39. Identify the error in the verb form in the following and gas operators. This and other events in the area raised
sentence and choose the correct sentence from the public concerns and led governmental agencies to shut
given options (Present Tense). down injection wells and establish new regulations regarding
The committee work diligently to ensure fair and wastewater injections. While human-caused earthquakes
unbiased decision. have been documented for more than a century, their
(a) The committee is work diligently to ensure fair and increasing number reported worldwide hasdrawn much
unbiased decision. scientic, social and political attention. Such earthquakes are
(b) The committee worked diligently to ensure fair and related to industrial activities such as mining, construction
unbiased decision. of water dams, injection of liquids such as waste water and
(c) The committee has work diligently to ensure fair carbon dioxide, and extractions associated with oil and gas
and unbiased decision. exploitation. With the ever-increasing demand for energy and
(d) The committee works diligently to ensure fair and
mineral supplies worldwide, the number of human-caused
unbiased decision.
earthquakes is expected to rise in the upcoming years. Some
40. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
of the largest and more destructive earthquakes of the past
underlined part in the given sentence:
Amar was left in a difcult situation by his business few years have been related to manmade activities, such as
partners. the 2008 magnitude 7.9 Wenchuan (China) earthquake and
(a) Heart and soul the 2015 magnitude 7.8 Nepal earthquake. In most of the
(b) Hard and fast cases industrial activities do not induce earthquakes. But
(c) High and dry this becomes problematic when such activities are close to
(d) Head and shoulders above active faults. In this case, even small stresses underground
Comprehension: caused by man-made activities can destabilise faults,
In the following passage, some words have been inducing earthquakes.
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most 46. Human-caused earthquakes are related to _________.
appropriate option to ll in each blank. (a) population explosion
Mowgli is a (1)____________ character from Rudyard (b) articial intelligence
Kipling's classic ‘The Jungle Book’. Raised by wolves in the (c) space expedition
Indian jungle, Mowgli (2)___________ thrilling adventures (d) industrial activities
and forms friendships with various animals, like Bagheera 47. Select the most suitable word from the passage
the panther and Baloo the bear. Throughout the story, he which me ‘create’.
(3)____________ the challenges of living among both hum and (a) Destabilise (b) Increase
jungle creatures, all while learning essential life lessons. ‘The
(c) Deplete (d) Seismic
Jungle Book’ continues to (4)___________ readers of all ages
48. Identify the most suitable title for the passage.
with its (5)______________ portrayal of Mowgli's remarkable
(a) Man Vs Man
journey of self-discovery and the beauty of the natural world.
41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (b) How Safe Are We on this Earth?
number (a) (c) Seismic Depression
(a) despised (b) overlooked (d) Industrial Threats
(c) beloved (d) scorned 49. Why does the passage observe that more human-
42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank caused earthquakes are expected?
number (b) (a) It is due to the fragility of the earth.
(a) exaggerates (b) excavates (b) It is due to the demand for energy and minerals.
(c) experiences (d) enunciates (c) It is due to the Greenhouse Effect.
43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (d) It is due to the over soil erosion.
number (c) 50. What is the tone of the speaker?
(a) procures (b) customises (a) Contemptuous (b) Cynical
(c) navigates (d) coordinates (c) Apologetic (d) Dogmatic

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1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (a)

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1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given 10. Parts of the following sentence have been given as
word. options. Select the option that contains an error.
Entail Himalayas include the highest mountains in the world
(a) Necessitate (b) Eliminate and feed almost 20% of the earth’s population.
(c) Flaw (d) Assume (a) the world and feed
2. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (b) highest mountains in
word. (c) almost 20% of the earth’s population.
Fabulous (d) Himalayas include the
(a) Regrettable (b) Resourceful 11. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(c) Restful (d) Remarkable substitute for the given group of words.
3. The following sentence has been divided into four A news article that reports the recent death of a person.
segments. One of them contains an error. Select (a) Centenary (b) Culinary
the segment that contains the error from the given (c) Mortuary (d) Obituary
options. 12. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
The people of / Jammu and Kashmir / has emphasised substitute for the given group of words.
and / appreciated transparency. The original inhabitants of a country
(a) The people of (a) Aborigines (b) Primitive
(b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) Citizens (d) Aliens
(c) appreciated transparency 13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
(d) has emphasised and word.
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word Eagerly
substitute for the given group of words. (a) Stringently (b) Playfully
Words inscribed on a tomb. (c) Dubiously (d) Keenly
(a) Prologue (b) Epilogue 14. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Post-script (d) Epitaph (a) Ordinary (b) Reference
5. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) Infurmary (d) Dictionary
substitute the underlined segment in the given 15. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select substitute for the given group of words.
‘No substitution’. The approach or style of teaching
The woman to who I sold my house was a criminal. (a) Platform (b) Pedagogy
(a) to whom sold (b) No substitution (c) Philology (d) Media
(c) to whom I sold (d) to whom I sell 16. Select the most appropriate option that can
6. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute the underlined segment in the given
substitute for the given group of words. sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No
Fertile watery place in a desert substitution’.
(a) Ode (b) Obsolete A sharp fall in the price of jute have led the poor jute
(c) Obscure (d) Oasis farmers to the brink of starvation.
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given (a) No substitution
idiom. (b) have led the poor farmers
Get itchy feet (c) have lead the poor jute farmers
(a) Judge something primarily on appearance (d) has led the poor jute farmers
(b) Join a popular trend or activity 17. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Learn something by memorising it without a underlined phrase.
thought to what is being learnt He's still keeping his chin up despite all his health
(d) To start to want to travel or do something different problems.
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given (a) To stay safe during difculty
word. (b) To keep one’s chin clean and moist
Accolade (c) To save others during difcult times
(a) Criticism (b) Assurance (d) To stay cheerful during difcult times
(c) Tribute (d) Promotion 18. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
9. Select the option that can be used as a one-word sentence.
substitute for the given group of words. Large-scale hunting scenes and slaugter of wild
Someone who speaks more than one language animals is a heinous crime.
(a) Polyglot (b) Insolvent (a) Slaugter (b) Heinous
(c) Heretic (d) Fatalist (c) Hunting (d) Scenes

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19. Select the most appropriate option that can 27. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
substitute the underlined words in the given underlined word.
sentence. Maria thinks the animals that live in freedom have a
We should not underestimate the signication of sad look in their eyes.
female education. (a) Liberty (b) Surrendered
(a) underestimate signication (c) Captivity (d) Carefree
(b) underestimate at signication 28. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) underestimate the signicance the underlined segment in the given sentence.
Amit is also a chip off the old block like his brother,
(d) underestimate on signication
20. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(a) resembling his parents in character and
idiom. appearance
On thin ice (b) talking to others tough like a stone
(a) On an investigating job (c) planning things ahead neatly
(b) On a summer vacation (d) getting ready for the future endeavours
(c) Communicating with friends 29. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(d) In a risky position substitute for the given group of words.
21. Select the most appropriate option that can Referring to something from the past of high quality
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) Outdated (b) Vintage
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select (c) Culture (d) Epoch
‘No substitution’. 30. Select the option that best explains the underlined
Half of the property given to his sons by the idiom in the given sentence.
businessman last year. A team's captain always keeps a level head, even in the
(a) Half of the property has been given most challenging situations.
(b) Half of the property was given (a) Keeps his head protected with a helmet
(c) No substitution (b) Prefers to keep his head covered with a cap
(c) Maintains an equal number of players on the eld
(d) Half of the property is given
(d) Remains calm and composed
22. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
31. The following sentence has been divided into four
idiom. segments. Identify the segment that contains an
Bread and butter adverbial usage error.
(a) Breakfast (b) Party Mr. Sukesh and / his family / ate the / food greedy.
(c) Livelihood (d) Sharing (a) his family (b) food greedy
23. Select the most appropriate idiom that can (c) ate the (d) Mr. Sukesh and
substitute the underlined segment in the given 32. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
sentence. substitute the underlined segment in the given
Even after becoming bankrupt, Charlie is able to sentence.
maintain an outward show. Reena decided not to go to work today because she
(a) bell the cat (b) cut a sorry gure was feeling sick.
(c) bring down the house (d) keep up appearances (a) sitting on the fence (b) t as a ddle
24. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (c) going down in ames (d) under the weather
word. 33. Underlined word in the sentence is not spelt
Grisly correctly. Identify the correct spelling from the
(a) Dire (b) Glorious options given below.
(c) Pleasant (d) Atrocious He was a benaevolent young man who would help his
25. Identify the most appropriate ANTONYM of the colleagues.
underlined word in the given sentence. (a) Benevolent (b) Benavolent
The door was ajar and a faint wisp of smoke oated (c) Benevalant (d) Banevolent
through it. 34. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
(a) Trickle (b) Itchy word.
(c) Wind (d) Lot Concordant
(a) Unanimous (b) Abnormal
26. Select the sentence that has the correct use of
(c) Certain (d) Harmonious
words and spellings from the options given below.
35. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) The scientist meticulusly analysed the complex
underlined word.
data, uncovering ground-breaking insights that
The hypothesis that the police believed in led to a lot
would revaulutionise the eld.
of chaos.
(b) The scientist meticulously analysed the complex (a) speculation (b) trepidation
data, uncovering ground-breaking insights that (c) breakthrough (d) encounter
would revolutionise the eld. 36. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
(c) The scientiest meticulously analysed the complex sentence and select the option that recties the
data, uncovering ground-breaking insights that misspelling.
would revolutionice the eld. There are difcult times too, especially when the
(d) The scientist meticulously anelysed the complex economy takes a dip and we have to lai people off.
data, uncovering ground-breaking insights that (a) Lay (b) Dipe
would revolutionise the feild. (c) Dicult (d) Economie

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37. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Comprehension:
idiom. Read the following passage and answer the questions
Keep your pants on that follow:
(a) To keep calm and quiet Facial recognition is based on AI technology that
(b) To wear the dress neatly
recognizes human faces. In fact, the technology considers
(c) To work like a tailor
(d) To make things proper a number of factors for face recognition: jawline length,
38. Select the most appropriate option to ll in the the form of the cheekbones, eye sockets depth, and so on.
blank. A majority of these factors assist the technology “recall”
She ________ her painting by this time next week. who's the proprietor of the face. Other than unlocking your
(a) nishes (b) will nish phone, facial identication brings different advantages to the
(c) will have nished (d) nished agencies:
39. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word… The primary component to start with is surveillance.
(a) Reciept (b) Hindrance With the assistance of face recognition technology , it will
(c) Necessitate (d) Irritate likely be less complicated to catch any burglars, thieves,
40. The following sentence has been split into four
or different trespassers. On the governmental level, facial
segments. Identify the segment that contains an
error. recognition can help us to nd out terrorists or other
Ramesh licked (A) / honey and (B) / said that (C) / it criminals. Face recognition is the most effective means in
tasted sweetly. (D) today’s world. The procedure of recognizing a face takes a
(a) C (b) B second or much less. Considering that facial recognition is
(c) D (d) A almost instant, it offers a quick and successful verication
Comprehension: of a person.
In the following passage, some words have been 46. As per the passage which facial factors are not
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most recognized with face recognition?
appropriate option to ll in each blank. (a) Eye sockets
It is important to (1)________ a healthy lifestyle to
(b) Cheekbones structure
maintain good physical and mental well-being. Regular
(2)________ helps improve cardiovascular health and (c) Face shape
boosts the immune system. Eating a balanced diet rich (d) Jawline length
in (3)________ vitamins and minerals is crucial for overall 47. Read the following line from the passage and select
health. Additionally, (4)________ stress through activities like the most appropriate option that describes it :
yoga or meditation can enhance mental clarity. Getting an Considering that facial recognition is almost instant, it
adequate amount of (5)________ each night is essential for offers a quick and successful verication of a person.
restorative activity and optimum bodily functions. (a) Face recognition is fast and veries a person
41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank successfully.
number 1. (b) Face recognition is not on spot and veries a
(a) adeptly (b) adept
person partly.
(c) adapt (d) adopt
42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (c) Face recognition is uneasy and veries a person
number (b) successfully.
(a) exertion (b) exercise (d) Face recognition is easy and veries a person
(c) exalt (d) exclaim unsuccessfully
43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank 48. What is the primary component of face recognition?
number (c) (a) Locking (b) Surveillance
(a) necessity (b) essential (c) Verication (d) Identication
(c) necessitate (d) necessarily 49. Based on your reading of the passage, select the
44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank most appropriate antonym of excessive:
number (d)
(a) Lavish (b) Moderate
(a) managing (b) management
(c) manages (d) managed (c) Extreme (d) Accurate
45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank 50. Select the most appropriate title for the given
number 5. passage:
(a) relax (b) sleep (a) Hacking and Safety (b) AI interface
(c) resting (d) slumber (c) Human Face (d) Face Recognition

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)

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1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
idiom. word.
Nip in the bud Unhappiness
(a) To suppress something at an early stage (a) Wicked (b) Woe
(b) To publicise a long-kept secret (c) Willing (d) Wilful
(c) To complete a prolonged or unnished work 10. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
(d) To stop something from growing beyond limit word.
2. The meaning of which of the following options is Habitual
‘Good luck’? (a) Pertinent (b) Diverse
(a) Break a leg (b) All wet (c) Continuous (d) Considerate
(c) Second banana (d) Hang in there 11. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
3. Select the most appropriate option that can underlined word.
substitute the underlined segment in the given Her behaviour was consistent even in challenging
sentence. situations.
He wanted to visiting the Golden Temple in Amritsar. (a) Unpredictable (b) Appreciative
(a) wanted to visited (b) wanted to visit (c) Enthusiastic (d) Standard
(c) wanted to be visit (d) wanted to visitor 12. Select the most appropriate option that can
4. Select the most appropriate meaning of the substitute the highlighted words in the given
underlined segment in the given sentence. sentence.
I sent the agreement over for them to sign so the ball His interpretation of the facts was impressive.
is now in their court. (a) understands of realities
(a) It is time for someone to deal with a problem
(b) understood of realities
or make a decision, because other people have
(c) understanding of realities
already done as much as they can
(d) understand of realities
(b) An approach that uses traditional ideas that have
13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
previously worked
(c) A time when after which programmes for older
audiences may be aired on TV
(a) Tasteless (b) Obscure
(d) Better to be satised with what you have than risk
(c) Dismal (d) Idle
losing it by trying to get something better
14. Select the option that correctly recties the
5. The following sentence has been divided into parts.
One of them contains an error. Select the part that spelling error in the given sentence.
contains the error from the given options. The movie is just beggining.
Mrs. Rani / works for / a international / school. (a) Beginnig (b) Biginning
(a) school (b) Mrs. Rani (c) Beginning (d) Begining
(c) works for (d) a international 15. Select the most appropriate article to ll in the
6. Select the sentence that has a grammatical error. blank (ø-no article).
(a) I will be driving into town later on. _________ SDO is the head of the sub-division of ___
(b) I might drive into town later on. government organisation.
(c) I could be driving into town later on. (a) an; a (b) a; a
(d) I will be drive into town later on. (c) Ø; a (d) an; ø
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 16. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
idiom. underlined word in the given sentence.
From cradle to grave Recession fettered the company from any further
(a) To achieve something you needed investments.
(b) Buying something very cheap or very expensive (a) Liberated (b) Valuable
(c) Giving directions and telling someone to follow (c) Depended (d) Concealed
(d) During the whole span of one’s life 17. Select the most appropriate option that can
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given substitute the underlined segment in the given
word. idiom.
Cowardice A piece of biscuit
(a) Vigour (b) Hazard (a) Toast (b) pastry
(c) Boldness (d) Abundance (c) cake (d) tart

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18. Select the most appropriate option that can 28. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) Notation (b) Vagabond
sentence. (c) Gallantry (d) Witharing
Had I known that you were planning to visit me, I 29. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
should have done all the necessary arrangements. word.
(a) I would have do (b) I would have made Indigent
(c) I must have made (d) I should have made (a) Bust (b) Impoverished
19. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) Afuent (d) Low
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
30. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
grammatical error.
Most of the committee / are here to / decide the fate of substitute for the underlined words.
/ this ancient building. I do not like him because he always disapproves the
(a) Most of the committee (b) this ancient building. things or opinions of others.
(c) are here to (d) decide the fate of (a) is jealous of other people
20. Select the most appropriate option that can (b) is critical of others
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) is insensitive of others feelings
sentence. (d) is a hate monger
What exactly have the teachers being doing wrong? 31. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) teachers have been doing underlined word.
(b) teachers are doing The reports of the medical tests done are now
(c) teachers been doing accessible on phone.
(d) teachers being done (a) Invisible (b) Useless
21. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) Free (d) Restricted
substitute for the given group of words.
32. The following sentence has been divided into parts.
During vacations, Geeta saw a saltwater lake separated
One of them may contain an error. Select the part
from the sea by rocks and sand where she did kayak
that contains the error from the given options. If
for the rst time.
(a) sea (b) ditch you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No error’ as your
(c) lagoon (d) river answer.
22. Select the most appropriate option that can When Ramu was working / as a clerk, / he asked me
substitute the underlined segment in the given money.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select (a) No error
‘No substitution’. (b) he asked me money
If his father will give money, he will buy a sports bike. (c) as a clerk
(a) If his father gives money (d) When Ramu was working
(b) No substitution 33. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(c) If his father give money idiom.
(d) If his father gave money See eye to eye
23. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given (a) To agree with someone
(b) To get upset with something
Chip on the shoulder
(c) To do something pointless
(a) Elated (b) Emotional
(d) To ignore someone
(c) Happy (d) Offended
24. Select the option that can be used as a one-word 34. Select the most appropriate idiom to ll in the
substitute for the underlined group of words. blank.
The liberal leadership simply joined the ranks of the She now has more than a year as minister___________.
existing government by the few. (a) under her belt (b) on her thin ice
(a) Plutocracy (b) Oligarchy (c) in the fast lane (d) down for the count
(c) Democracy (d) Autocracy 35. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
25. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) Bueraucracy (b) Acquaintance
(a) Ambigous (b) Nostalgia (c) Rhinoceros (d) Miscellaneous
(c) Gregarious (d) Luminous 36. Identify the proper explanation of the error in the
26. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given given sentence.
idiom. Mohan insisted to go there.
Spill the beans
(a) Error is in the sentence formation. Preposition and
(a) Accomplish a lot
gerund are required. The correct sentence should
(b) Tremble at possibilities
(c) Cornered by someone read like this: Mohan insisted on going there.
(d) Reveal a secret (b) Error is with the verb. The correct sentence should
27. Select the option that can be used as a one-word read like this: Mohan insist to going there.
substitute for the given group of words. (c) Error is with the tense. The correct sentence
A person who is lled with excessive enthusiasm should read like this: Mohan insisting to go there.
(a) Horticulturist (b) Narcissist (d) Error is with the preposition. The correct sentence
(c) Extrovert (d) Introvert should read like this: Mohan insisted go there

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37. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the Comprehension:
underlined word in the following sentence. Read the given passage and answer the questions that
Looking after small children is a real conundrum for follow.
working parents. The story of Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s near magical
(a) pacication (b) plan rise to fame is almost as well known as the characters she
(c) problem (d) peace creates. Rowling was constantly writing and telling stories
38. Select the option that can be used as a one-word to her younger sister Dianne. “The rst story I ever wrote
substitute for the given group of words. down was about a rabbit called Rabbit.” Rowling said in
A soldier who ghts for the sake of money an interview. “He got the measles and was visited by his
(a) Marine (b) Mercenary friends including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since
(c) Admiral (d) Veteran Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have always wanted to be a writer,
39. Select the option that recties the spelling error in though I rarely told anyone so. However, my parents, both of
whom come from impoverished backgrounds and neither of
the given sentence.
whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive
They broght their dog to the park for a walk.
imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would
(a) bruaght (b) brought
never pay a mortgage or secure a pension. A writer from the
(c) brahgt (d) braoght
age of six, with two unpublished novels in the drawer, she
40. In the following question a statement has been was stuck on a train when Harry walked into her mind fully
given with highlighted text. You are required to formed. She spent the next ve years constructing the plots
replace the text with correct phrase given in the of seven books, one for every year of his secondary school
options. life. Rowling says she started writing the rst book, Harry
His intriguing mastery of the English language allowed Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in Portugal, where she was
him to write eloquently. teaching English. At rst nobody wanted to publish Harry
(a) least known talent Potter. She was told that the plot was too complex. Refusing
(b) captivating expertise to compromise, she found a publisher.
(c) master In 1997, Rowling received her rst royalty cheque. By
(d) wellness known skill book three, she had skyrocketed to the top of the publishing
Comprehension: world. A row of zeros appeared on the author’s bank balance
In the following passage, some words have been and her life was turned upside down. Day and night she had
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most journalists knocking on the unanswered door of her at.
appropriate option to ll in each blank. Rowling’s quality control has become legendary, as
It was an unusual dark night. In the (1)________ of an is her obsession with accuracy. She’s thrilled with Stephen
enjoyable dream, Jim thought he heard his dog (2)________ Fry’s taped version of the books and outraged that an Italian
loudly. He groaned and glanced (3)________ his clock sleepily. dust jacket showed Harry minus his glasses. “Don’t they
Twelve o'clock the green uorescent (4)________ of his clock understand that the glasses are the clue to his vulnerability?”
read. Suddenly, Jim (5)________ hushed voices outside his 46. What quality do we get to know about JK Rowling
house. He immediately became alert and jumped out of bed. that helps her become a successful writer?
As his parents had gone on a holiday, Jim was alone at (a) Flexibility (b) Perseverance
home. He decided to look who was outside. (c) Humility (d) Focus
41. Select the correct option to ll blank 1. 47. Select the word from the passage that is the
ANTONYM for ‘conformity’.
(a) middle (b) end
(a) Secure (b) Quirky
(c) between (d) side
(c) Amusing (d) Constantly
42. Select the correct option to ll blank 2.
48. Select an appropriate title for the passage.
(a) jumping (b) barking (a) The Publishing Journey
(c) shouting (d) dancing (b) Rowling’s Life
43. Select the correct option to ll blank 3. (c) Rowling's mystery
(a) on (b) upon (d) The Craft of Writing
(c) at (d) in 49. What was Rowling doing when she started writing
44. Select the correct option to ll blank 4. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone?
(a) light (b) hands (a) Designing (b) Teaching
(c) points (d) dial (c) Writing full-time (d) Accounting
45. Select the correct option to ll blank 5. 50. What is the tone of the passage?
(a) listened (b) heard (a) Anxious (b) Mystical
(c) thought (d) saw (c) Gloomy (d) Informative

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)

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1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given 8. Select the most appropriate option that can
idiom. substitute the underlined words in the given
Bite the bullet sentence.
(a) To help someone achieve their goals The road is too busy for elderly people that they cannot
cross safely.
(b) To eat something unpleasant
(a) that it is impossible for them to cross.
(c) To face a difcult situation
(b) to cross safely.
(d) To avoid a situation (c) that it cannot be crossed properly.
2. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (d) that it is difcult to cross.
underlined word. 9. Underlined word in the sentence is not spelt
The artist's abstract painting was enigmatic to the correctly. Identify the correct spelling from the
viewers. options given below.
(a) Clear (b) Mysterious The boys seem irresponsibly insaucient about bullying
(c) Instigating (d) Thrilling the juniors.
(a) Insouceant (b) Insuociant
3. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
(c) Insouciant (d) Insoucient
substitute the underlined words in the given
10. The following sentence has been split into four
sentence. segments. Identify the segment that contains a
I have been living without a lot of money since I lost grammatical/spelling error.
my job. The sons of the old farmer / fell off after their father /
(a) living hand to mouth breathed his last / in the village.
(b) receiving a kickback (a) breathed his last
(c) keeping my chin up (b) fell off after their father
(d) as genuine as a three-dollar bill (c) The sons of the old farmer
(d) in the village.
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
11. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
substitute for the given group of words.
Madness or obsession with males Through thick and thin
(a) Loquacious (b) Andromania (a) Always supporting someone even if there are
(c) Polygamy (d) Misandrist problems or difculties
5. Parts of the following sentence have been given as (b) Never giving up a friendship
options. Select the option that contains an error. (c) Sometimes thin, sometimes thick
There are four tributaries of Ganga and it is ranked as (d) Never giving up on a goal
the fth most polluted river of the world. 12. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
(a) most polluted river of the world.
(b) of Ganga and it
(a) Exceptional (b) Lazy
(c) is ranked as the fth (c) Loyal (d) Energetic
(d) There are four tributaries 13. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the substitute for the given group of words.
underlined word in the following sentence. A mythological animal with one horn on its forehead
The teacher praised the student for his diligent work (a) Unic (b) Unipod
and consistent effort. (c) Unicameral (d) Unicorn
(a) lazy (b) persistent 14. Select the most appropriate option with correct
(c) squander (d) frazzle usage of the preposition to substitute the
underlined segment in the given sentence.
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom
The core part in Articial Intelligence (AI) is knowledge
in the given sentence. engineering, machine learning, machine perception,
She’s feeling under the weather today. and robotics.
(a) She’s feeling happy and energetic. (a) The core part from Articial Intelligence
(b) She’s feeling worried about something. (b) The core part with Articial Intelligence
(c) She’s not feeling well or is a bit sick. (c) The core part of Articial Intelligence
(d) She’s feeling adventurous and ready for a challenge. (d) The core part on Articial Intelligence

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15. The following sentence has been divided into parts. 26. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute
One of them may contain an error. Select the part the underlined words in the given sentence.
that contains the error from the given options. If Mr. Patel is likely to win the elections in the sweeping
you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No error’ as your majority.
answer. (a) elections of a sweeping majority
I had done/my cooking when/Vishnu came to see me. (b) elections on a sweeping majority
(a) my cooking when (c) elections at a sweeping majority
(b) No error (d) elections by a sweeping majority
(c) I had done 27. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(d) Vishnu came to see me
16. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
Beat around the bush
substitute for the given group of words.
(a) To take on a task that is way too big
One who does not express himself freely.
(a) Outgoing (b) Introvert (b) To await an explanation
(c) Approachable (d) Immodest (c) To do something without any hesitation
17. Select the phrase/idiom that will improve the (d) To avoid talking about what is important
underlined part of the given sentence. 28. Select the most appropriate option that can
When our principal said she was leaving the company, substitute the underlined segment in the given
I played out the opportunity to ll the job. sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No
(a) glided at the opportunity substitution’.
(b) ran to the opportunity Not a word didn’t they speak to the others about the
(c) started at the opportunity sad turn of events.
(d) jumped at the opportunity (a) did they speak (b) had they speak
18. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given (c) No substitution (d) do they speak
word. 29. Identify from the given options the word which is
Quaint similar in meaning to the following word.
(a) Distinct (b) Ridiculous Efface
(c) Brisk (d) Ordinary (a) Hidden (b) Makeup
19. Rectify the sentence by selecting the correct (c) Destroy (d) Daily
spelling of the underlined word from the options.
30. Select the word which means the same as the group
The baby smiled and laughed at the pickaboo game.
of words underlined in the given sentence.
(a) pekaboo (b) peakaboo
Today, a man who betrayed his own country in
(c) pikaboo (d) peekaboo
20. Select the most appropriate synonym of the exchange for money was the topic of every news report.
underlined word. (a) Gangster (b) Traitor
I was astonished to know the truth. (c) Terrorist (d) Conman
(a) Stunned (b) Blindsided 31. Select the most appropriate option that can
(c) Sickened (d) Awesome substitute the underlined segment in the given
21. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given sentence.
word. Ratul’s capability of being able to speak two languages
Suspend is apt for this post.
(a) Extend (b) Terminate (a) bidialectical (b) lingual
(c) Project (d) Resume (c) bilingual (d) bicultural
22. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 32. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given
the underlined segment in the given sentence. sentence and select the option that recties the
The veteran footballer was expected for reach here by spelling error.
10 o’clock, the notice said. Thousands of years ago, great masters of Ayurveda,
(a) expected to reach here notebly Sushrut and Charaka, discussed in detail the
(b) expected on reach here use of spices for culinary and medical purpose.
(c) expected of reach here (a) Cullinary (b) Notably
(d) expected by reach here
(c) Parpose (d) Discused
23. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
33. The given sentence is divided into four segments.
underlined word.
Identify the segment that contains a grammatical
I will strive to win the race.
(a) Attempt (b) Support error.
(c) Assume (d) trouble Had you been / working regularly, / you had completed
24. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. / the project yesterday.
(a) Accumulation (b) Exestenalism (a) the project yesterday (b) working regularly
(c) Pluckiness (d) Assimilation (c) Had you been (d) you had completed
25. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given 34. Select the most appropriate option that can
word. substitute the underlined word in the given idiom.
Pitiable At the last hour
(a) Aggregate (b) Eradicate (a) twelfth (b) eleventh
(c) Grievous (d) Pleasant (c) sixth (d) half

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35. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given golden and beautiful memories during this period which
idiom. are (2)________ in their adulthood. It is the responsibility
The best of both worlds of parents and guardians to shape the future of a child as
(a) Everyone gets a chance he is very (3)________ and can drift in any direction. Ifthey
(b) Stay strong in a difcult situation have made any mistakes, we should (4)______ them instead
(c) Do a perfectly good job of misbehaving with them. How we have behaved with them
(d) Good in every way will be (5)________ on their minds which will reect in later
36. Select the most appropriate option that can stages.
substitute the underlined segment in the given 41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
sentence. No. 1.
Before she began, she asked the teacher whether she (a) careful (b) stressful
write with a pen or a pencil. (c) cautious (d) carefree
(a) she wrote (b) she can write 42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(c) she should write (d) she did write. No. 2.
37. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given (a) blocked (b) neglected
idiom. (c) dumped (d) cherished
A vicious cycle 43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(a) a situation in which one problem creates another No. 3.
one, making the original problem easy to forget. (a) innocent (b) crafty
(b) a situation in which several problems merge and (c) mature (d) guilty
become one extremely complex problem. 44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(c) a situation in which one problem causes another No. 4.
one, making the rst one easy to solve. (a) design (b) damage
(d) a situation in which one problem causes another (c) rectify (d) create
one, making the original problem impossible to 45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
solve. No. 5.
38. Select the most appropriate segment to substitute (a) bleached (b) published
the underlined words in the given sentence. (c) imprinted (d) coloured
The Sumo wrestler seemed to be incapable in being Comprehension:
tired. Read the given passage and answer the questions that
(a) incapable from being tired follow.
(b) incapable by being tired Have you ever taken the time to stop and consider the
(c) incapable of being tired dirt under your feet? Leonardo da Vinci said, “We know more
(d) incapable to being tired about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil
39. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given underfoot.” Yet, our very survival as humans – and life on
sentence. this planet – is intimately linked with the health of a thin
Mount Vesuvius is a volcano that erapts hot ashes layer of soil enveloping the earth.
which fall from the sky like a blizzard. Soil provides society with essential food, feed, bre
(a) Volcano (b) Erapts and raw materials, as well as being home to a quarter of
(c) Blizzard (d) Ashes the earth’s biodiversity. Soils are also the largest organic
40. Select the sentence that has the correct use of carbon reservoir on Earth and although highly dynamic,
words and spellings from the options given below. are very fragile. Chop a forest down and it might grow back
(a) The professional athlete pushed her body to the in 50 years, but lose 10 cm of soil and get ready to wait
limit, surpasing all expectations and acheving a 1,000 years to get it back. Without soil, our planet would
new personal record. be unrecognisable to us, and more like the barren and
(b) The profesional athlete pushed her body to the inhospitable surface of the Moon or Mars.
limit, surpassing all expectations and acheiving a Until recently, we did not even know how deep the soil
new personal record. is below our feet. Like the best mysteries, a bit of digging is
(c) The professional athlete pushed her body to the required for soils to be fully understood and for their history
limit, surpassing all expectations and achieving a to be laid bare.
new personal record. When they are visible, a range of questions arise.
(d) The profesional athlete pushed her body to the What does the variation in colour with depth mean? How
limit, surpasing all expectasions and achieving a much carbon is stored? Is the soil dense or light, damaged or
new personal record. healthy? Answering these questions is important, but presents
Comprehension: a signicant challenge and may require years of training.
In the following passage, some words have been 46. Identify the most suitable title for the given
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most passage.
appropriate option to ll in each blank. (a) The Uninhabitable Universe
Childhood is an important phase in a person's life. (b) Moon and Mars Expedition
Children are free from worries, tensions and stresses so they (c) Necessity of Mining
lead a very (1)______ life. This is the only reason they create (d) Mysteries Under Man’s Feet

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47. Select the most suitable word from the passage 49. What is the tone of the speaker?
which means ‘difcult to stay or live in’. (a) Sarcastic (b) Alarming
(a) Essential (b) Inhospitable (c) Dogmatic (d) Derisive
(c) Dense (d) Barren
50. Mankind’s survival, according to the passage,
48. 48 How many years are required to renew the loss
of 10 cm of soil? solely depends on _________ .
(a) 100 (b) 10,000 (a) reproduction (b) soil
(c) 1,000 (d) 1,00,000 (c) celestial bodies (d) inventions

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (b)

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1. Select the most appropriate option that can 9. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
substitute the underlined words in the given substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. sentence.
My grandmother helps us in all the problems. She has I sometimes accept excess work to please my manager,
a remedy for all the diseases. so I take more responsibilities than one can manage.
(a) ‘Service’ (b) Panacea (a) burn my boats
(c) Fanatic (d) Heretic
(b) get a taste of my own medicine
2. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the
underlined word in the following sentence. (c) bite off more than I can chew
Chameleon usually disguises itself to avoid predators. (d) hear it straight from the horse’s mouth
(a) transposes (b) changes 10/ Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
(c) swaps (d) camouages idiom.
3. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Make waves
underlined word from the given options. (a) To have patience (b) To cause difculty
The new government allowed all the corrupt ministers (c) To take it easy (d) To give up
to feel the sufciency of money by banning the specic 11. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
currency. substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Dearth (b) Plenty Modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-
(c) Enough (d) Indeciency
4. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) Determination (b) Assurance
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. (c) Conviction (d) Difdence
Raveena has made / up her mind to / carried minimum 12. Select the option that will improve the underlined
/ luggage with her. part of the given sentence. In case no improvement
(a) luggage with her. (b) carried minimum is needed, select 'No improvement required'.
(c) Raveena has made (d) up her mind to What avour ice cream do you want?
5. Select the most appropriate option that can (a) ice cream avoured\
substitute the underlined segment in the given (b) avours ice cream
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select (c) No improvement required
‘No substitution’. (d) avour of ice cream
He is feeding a male dog and female dog 13. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) a male dog and lady dog (b) No substitution
(a) Matriculation (b) Humorous
(c) a dog and a bitch (d) a dog and puppy
(c) Addmission (d) Prohibition
6. Select the option that recties the spelling error in
the given sentence. 14. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
She is going to resiev a package in the mail today. the underlined segment in the given sentence to
(a) recieive (b) receive make it a meaningful sentence. If no substitution
(c) resieve (d) reseive is required, select ‘No substitution’.
7. Select the most appropriate idiom to ll in the The quality of students of an educational institute is of
blank. great importance and a crucial starting point.
The team always _______ to come up with unique (a) The quality of students in an educational institute
advertisements for all its clients. is in great importance and a crucial starting point.
(a) thinks outside the box (b) No substitution
(b) throw caution to the winds (c) The quality of students in an educational institute
(c) take a back seat
is of great importance and is a crucial start point.
(d) turn the tables
(d) The quality of students in an educational institute
8. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the given
idiom. is of great importance and a crucial starting point.
Back to back 15. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) Present and discuss the details of something. substitute the highlighted words in the given
(b) Try to get something. sentence.
(c) Something follows immediately after something The serenity of the river was a sight to behold.
else. (a) ready to be sold (b) inviting for boating
(d) Do something very fast or with great energy. (c) confusing for all (d) pleasant to see

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16. Parts of the following sentence have been given as 26. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
options. Select the option that contains an error. word.
For the past / three years, / my uncle is /away from Destitute
home. (a) Broke (b) Corrupt
(a) three years, (b) away from home. (c) Broken (d) Firm
(c) For the past (d) my uncle is 27. Parts of the following sentences have been given
17. Select the most appropriate option to ll in the as options. Select the option that contains a
blank and make the sentence the meaningful. grammatical error.
Rathna is known for _____ tears.
Mr. Prabhakar was rst man to arrive at the venue.
(a) student’s (b) crocodile
(a) to arrive (b) at the venue
(c) animal’s (d) babies’
18. Select the option that can be used as a one-word (c) was rst man (d) Mr. Prabhakar
substitute for the given group of words. 28. Select the most appropriate option that can
A person who is critical of the motives of others substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) Cynic (b) Chauffeur sentence.
(c) Curator (d) Interviewer She asked me where my hometown is and where I
19. The following sentence has been divided into parts. worked.
One of them contains an error. Select the part that (a) hometown would be (b) hometown was
contains the error from the given options. (c) hometown were (d) hometown has been
Mr. Raghav / brushes his / teeth four / times the day. 29. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) Mr. Raghav (b) brushes his substitute the underlined words in the given
(c) teeth four (d) times the day sentence.
20. Select the most appropriate option that can Ice melts fastly,in the sun.
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) melt fast (b) melts fastest
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select (c) melts fast (d) melt fastly
‘No substitution’. 30. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given
Inspite mother’s milk is vital to a child’s health, idiom.
a number of FMCG companies wrongly advertise
Up the ante
articially prepared infant formulas as being the best
(a) Mediocre (b) Increase demands
for the child.
(a) Mother’s milk (c) Expensive (d) Cost cutting
(b) Though mother’s milk 31. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) No substitution underlined word in the following sentence.
(d) Despite mother’s milk The woman in the crowd broke down in hysterics.
21. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Calm (b) Insanity
underlined word in the given sentence. (c) Cray (d) Aghast
Her sarcastic comment earned a few chuckles from 32. In the following sentence, four words are
the audience, who understood the irony in her words. underlined, out of which one word is MISSPELT.
(a) Sardonic (b) Unsavoury Select the MISSPELT word.
(c) Humorous (d) Courteous Everyone admired her because of her charesma,
22. Select the option that can be used as a one-word but she was a narcissist full of self-admiration and
substitute for the given group of words. treachery.
A person who is a lover of women. (a) charesma (b) treachery
(a) Monogamist (b) Misogynist (c) narcissist (d) self-admiration
(c) Philologist (d) Philogynist 33. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
23. In the question four alternatives are given for underlined segment in the following sentence.
the underlined word in the sentence. Choose the Don’t you think that the cat’s in the cradle? You never
alternative which best expresses the opposite make time for me.
meaning of the word. (a) Busy in your work
We embraced each other overjoyed at our success, (b) Complicated relationship
then I took photograph of Tenzing holding aloft the (c) Busy in minting money
ags of Great Britain, Nepal, the United Nations and
(d) Newly married life
34. Three segments of the following sentence have been
(a) Limited (b) Cradled
underlined and given as options. One of them may
(c) Contained (d) Junked
24. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. contain an error. Select the option that contains
(a) Interference (b) Auditions the error. If you don’t nd any error, mark ‘No
(c) Greengrocers (d) Interogative error’ as your answer.
25. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Although there is no proven data, the Centre for Policy
idiom. Research estimate that India has the largest stock of
Spill the beans iron ore in the world.
(a) To have happy period of your life (a) India has the largest stock
(b) To be in a state of shock (b) Centre for Policy Research estimate
(c) To expose a secret (c) Although there is no proven data,
(d) To have an excuse (d) No error

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35. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word 43. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
in brackets to ll in the blank. number (c)
Her million-dollar wedding was a ________ display of (a) platform (b) planking
wealth. (pompous) (c) plank (d) planks
(a) mock (b) prestigious 44. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(c) pretentious (d) outrageous number (d)
36. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given (a) provokes (b) withers
word. (c) avoids (d) cultivates
Prudent 45. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank
(a) Difdent (b) Precious number 5.
(a) became (b) become
(c) Doubtful (d) Judicious
(c) becomes (d) becoming
37. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined part of the given sentence.
Read the given passage and answer the questions that
All the kith and kin of my deceased landlady were follow.
present to attend her funeral. Several major airlines have pledged to reach net-zero
(a) secret enemies (b) blood relatives carbon emissions by mid-century to ght climate change. It’s
(c) ofce colleagues (d) special students an ambitious goal that will require an enormous ramp-up in
38. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. sustainable aviation fuels, but that alone won’t be enough,
(a) buoyant (b) assasination the latest research shows. The idea of jetliners running solely
(c) schedule (d) obscurity on fuel made from used cooking oil from restaurants or corn
39. Parts of the following sentence have been given as stalks might seem futuristic, but it’s not that far away.
options. Select the option that contains a spelling Airlines are already experimenting with sustainable
error. aviation fuels, including biofuels made from agriculture
Grievances cannot be redresed unless they are known. residues, trees, corn and used cooking oil, and synthetic
(a) are known. (b) unless they fuels made with captured carbon and green hydrogen.
(c) Grievances cannot (d) be redresed United Airlines, which has been using a blend of used
40. Select the word from the sentence below, which is oil or waste fat and fossil fuels on some ights from Los
an antonym for the word ‘dishearten’ Angeles and Amsterdam, recently announced plans to power
Many of the world’s greatest art pieces are encouraged 50,000 ights a year between its Chicago and Denver hubs
by kings and are inspired by nature and society. using ethanol-based sustainable aviation fuels by 2028. The
(a) Inspired (b) Pieces airline also launched a US$100 million fund on 21 February
2023, with Air Canada, Boeing, GE Aerospace, JPMorgan
(c) Greatest (d) Encouraged
Chase and Honeywell to invest in sustainable aviation fuel
start-ups to expand the industry.
In the following passage, some words have been
46. What is the tone of the speaker?
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most
(a) Casual (b) Hopeful
appropriate option to ll in each blank.
(c) Depressing (d) Worried
Literature is a reection of society and often (1)______
47. Biofuels are not made from _________ .
insight into the human experience. Through various forms (a) agricultural residue (b) cooking oil
like novels, poems, and plays, literature allows us to (c) trees (d) coal
(2)______ different emotions and perspectives. It can serve 48. Select the most suitable word from the passage
as a (3)______ for social issues, shedding light on topics that which means ‘empirical’.
need attention. Reading literature not only enhances our (a) Ambitious (b) Sustained
language skills but also (4)______ empathy by helping us (c) Enormous (d) Latest
understand the feelings of characters. In a rapidly changing 49. Why have major airline companies pledged to reach
world, literature (5)______ a timeless portal to diverse worlds net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century?
and cultures. (a) To create better revenue
41. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (b) To ght climate change
number 1. (c) To moderate expenditure
(a) denies (b) suggests (d) To reduce trafc jam
(c) garnersprovides (d) offers 50. Identify the most suitable title for the passage.
42. Select the most appropriate option to ll in blank (a) Success Story of Airline Companies
number (b) (b) Threats of Climate Changes
(a) exploit (b) explore (c) One Good Turn from the Aviation Industry
(c) exclaim (d) explain (d) Biofuels Vs Synthetic Fuels

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1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (d)
41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (c)

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