ELICIT BasicLivingWillAndInstructions Final
ELICIT BasicLivingWillAndInstructions Final
ELICIT BasicLivingWillAndInstructions Final
This Declaration on My Life is made by me (full name of the person)
.................................................................................... ......................................
1. Reach the stage of terminal illness and go into a coma with no reasonable
expectation of regaining consciousness, or
2. Have a disease state from which I have no reasonable expectation of
recovering with acceptable quality of life
3. Reach a persistent vegetative stage with no reasonable expectation of
regaining significant cognitive functioning
then the following steps must be taken. I request that a panel of three doctors of
appropriate expertise and experience should be constituted by the administrative
head of the hospital where I am admitted for treatment. Their views should then
be sought on the above. If any/all of the three situations above are confirmed
then I should be deemed to have declined to receive the following life
sustaining treatments as listed below. Any of these measures already started,
should be removed.
1. Name ............................................................Signature..............................
(Date of Birth………..; ID document and number…………….
of ……............................................................................................ If this
person is not available, the next two persons may be approached in the
same order
2. Name .......................................................................................... (Date of
Birth………..; ID document and number…………….
of ……............................................................................................
3. Name .......................................................................................... (Date of
Birth………..; ID document and number…………….
of ……............................................................................................
DATE……………. PLACE…………………
This ‘Declaration’ and ‘Attorney Authorization’ has been signed in the presence
of undersigned by ................................... (Name of Declarant) who is known to
me and I believe that the signatory is of sound mind.
Witness I.
Name.................... Signature .........................
Address ...........................
Witness II.
Address ...........................
Preferred priorities can be stated. This means those things they wish or prefer to have towards the end of
life. It involves aspects like their preferred place of care and death (home or hospital), nature of treatment
they would like to receive, information about their health and illness they would like to know and the
supports they would like to access at end of life.
It is preferable to be clear about binding refusals. This means those components of medical care they wish
or prefer not to have towards their end of life. It involves avoidance of IV fluids, antibiotics, blood products,
hospitalisation, intensive care admission, oxygen, dialysis, feeding tubes, artificial nutrition etc. It also
involves confirming a preference of not to have invasive medical procedures aimed at resuscitation like chest
compressions, mechanical ventilation, drugs to increase blood pressure, invasive tubes, artificial machines
aimed at keeping a person alive at the end of their life. Although these are termed binding refusals, in certain
situations the Surrogate (the person who has been given Health Care Power of Attorney) can override them
based on medical advice, if it is thought that the situation may significantly improve with a short period of
the above treatments.
Can the person making this decision cancel his/her decision or change the preferred priorities and
binding refusals?
Yes, the person making the Living Will can cancel their decision and discard this form any time. They can
also change your preferred priorities and binding refusals at any time. They can also redo the form again and
change the nominated persons. To ensure that everyone has the current version of the “Living Will” they are
advised to destroy the earlier versions and keep a copy of the current version with them and share the current
version with their general practitioner and with their hospital physician and hospital medical records.
What are my role and responsibilities as a Surrogate (Health Care Power of Attorney)?
This appointment shall become effective only when the person making the Living Will is unable to
participate in the health treatment decisions. You will act on behalf of the person making the Living Will
and advocate for person’s wishes, preferences and refusals stated in the document. You may have to advocate
on behalf of the person with the person’s family, health care provider and hospital administration. You have
to agree and accept the role of the Surrogate and if possible demonstrate your acceptance by signing the
Living Will form.
You will not exercise powers concerning the person’s finances or businesses, family custody, legal
transactions, property, employment etc. You cannot receive payment for serving as a Patient Advocate and
will not be reimbursed for expenses which you may incur in fulfilling your role and responsibilities as a
Patient Advocate. The person making his Living Will has every right to revoke your appointment and appoint
others. You cannot override the decision of the healthcare provider if he/she feels that you are not acting in
the best interests of the patient or the wishes and preferences stated in the Living Will are not applicable to
the current health situation.
Please read the complete document before completing the Living Will Form.
Nominating someone to make decision for you (Appointing the Surrogate or Health Care Power of
• Please indicate the name of the Surrogate with whom you have discussed your living will
• Please ask the Surrogate to read the complete document before completing this section
• The Surrogate has to accept this responsibility preferably by signing the document.
• Health care providers cannot be surrogates unless they are related to the patient.