Crim 2 (Part 2 - Liberty)
Crim 2 (Part 2 - Liberty)
Crim 2 (Part 2 - Liberty)
CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL The boy was allowed to play in the house where
LIBERTY & SECURITY he was kepy but the fact remains that he was
under the control of accused Bravo who left him
there as he could not leave the house until she
shall have returned for him. Because of his
tender age and the fact that he did not know the
Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. – way back home, there is deprivation of liberty.
Any private individual who shall kidnap or detain
another, or in any other manner deprive him of his
liberty, shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua Illegal detention is committed as long as there
to death: is deprivation of liberty of the victim in whatever
form and for whatever length of time. However, to
1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted
more than three days. consider deprivation of liberty as an element of
consummated illegal detention, there must be an
2. If it shall have been committed simulating public appreciable period of time within which the victim
was deprived of his liberty.
3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been
inflicted upon the person kidnapped or detained; or if The fact that the victim voluntarily went with the
threats to kill him shall have been made. accused did not remove the element of deprivation
4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a of liberty. In kidnapping, the victim beed not to be
minor, except when the accused is any of the parents, taken by the accused forcibly or against his
female or a public officer. will. What is controlling is the act of the accused
detaining the victim against his or her will.
The penalty shall be death penalty where the
kidnapping or detention was committed for the
purpose of extorting ransom from the victim or any To consider intent to deprive liberty as an element
other person, even if none of the circumstances of illegal detention, the deprivation of liberty must
above-mentioned were present in the commission of not be incidental. There must be indubitable proof
the offense.
of the actual intent of the malefcator. i f the
When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of deprivation of liberty is just incidental to the
the detention or is raped, or is subjected to torture or commission of the crime, the latter absorbs illegal
dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty shall be
FACTS: AAA and her common-law husband lived Illegally arresting a person despite lack of
rent-free in a house owned by the accused probable cause is arbitrary detention. However,
Concepcion. When AAA arrived home, Concepcion
arbitrary detention can only be committed by public
was at the gate drunk. He held a knife to her back and
officers in pursuit of their duty to arrest.
dragged her to his room then proceeded to raped her.
Shortly after, the police arrived asking for the release
of AAA. Concepcion made several demands to the But if the police officer arrested the victim for
police which they complied but AAA was still not purposes of extorting money, the crime committed
released. He proceeded to raped AAA again while is either robbery or kidnapping for ransom with the
holding a knife to her neck. The police then decided to special aggravating circumstance of taking
forcibly entered Concepcion's room, breaking the advantage of public position.
window and the door and successfully got AAA out.
The RTC found Concepcion guilty of the complex
crime of forcible abduction with rape. On appeal, the Special Complex Crime
CA ruled that the crime of rape absorbed the forcible
abduction. Thus, the Concepcion is found guilty of the Rules on Special Complex Crime of
crime of rape under Article 266-A of the RPC.
Kidnapping with Homicide, Murder or Rape:
1. Original Design
RULING: AAA testified and narrated two separate
incidents of rape and this Court finds that the evidence ● To be held liable for a special
was sufficient to establish accused-appellant's guilt of complex crime it is indispensible that
the second rape charge. Although the initial abduction the original design of the accused is
of AAA may have been absorbed by the crime of rape, to commit the principal component
PEOPLE vs MIRANDILLA and thereafter with abuse of superior strength and
evident premeditation hacked and clubbed the
FACTS: A man grabbed AAA’s hand and wrapped his Richard who thereby sustained mortal wounds which
arm on her shoulders, with a knife’s point thrust at her directly caused his death. The trial court found both of
right side when she was walking her way back to the the accused guilty of kidnapping with murder.
plaza. Another man joined and went beside her, while
two others stayed at her back, one of whom had a RULING: The circumstances of the case showed
gun. After a four-hour walk, they boarded a tricycle beyond reasonable doubt that the accused-appellants
and brought AAA inside a concrete house. Therein, are indeed guilty of kidnapping with murder and that
AAA was raped and sexually asaulted. They they both conspired to kill the victim. The positive
repeatedly detained her during the daytime and then identification by the witnesses prevails over the alibi
moved her back and forth from one place to another and denial of the accused. By placing the victim in an
on the following nights. She was allegedly raped 27 enclosed place consisting of the luggage compartment
times until she was able to escape. In the police of the car, they detained or otherwise deprived him of
station, AAA positively identified the accused as his liberty. There was also actual restraint of the
Felipe Mirandilla, Jr. The accused was charged before victim's liberty when he was taken at gunpoint from
the Regional Trial Court with kidnapping with rape, Pasig to accused-appellants' apartment in Tanay. The
four counts of rape, and rape through sexual assault. evidence proves that Mercado initiated the kidnapping
The Court of Appeals affirmed with modification the of the victim. Acebron's subsequent loading of the
RTC ruling. It found him guilty of the special complex victim into the car's compartment after tying the latter
crime of kidnapping with rape, four counts of rape, shows community of criminal purpose with Mercado. It
and one count of rape by sexual assault. does not matter whether there are circumstances
qualifying the killing as murder. Under the last
RULING: The Supreme Court find Mirandilla guilty of paragraph of Article 267, it is sufficient that the victim
the special complex crime of kidnapping and is "killed or dies as a consequence of the detention."
illegal detention with rape. Evidently, Mirandilla Hence, even if there is a qualifying circumstance of
kidnapped AAA, held her in detention for 39 days and treachery, the accused is still guilty of the crime of
carnally abused her while holding a gun and/or a kidnapping with murder.
knife. AAA was able to prove each element of rape
and sexual assault under Article 266-A, par. 1 & 2 of ● However, in the special complex
the Revised Penal Code. Likewise, kidnapping and
crime of kidnapping with murder
serious illegal detention is proven under Article 267 of
or homicide, the original design of
the RPC. The last paragraph of Article 267 states that
when the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of
the accused is not material because
the detention or is raped, or is subjected to torture or of the mercado principle. The
dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty shall be accused is liable for a special
imposed. This provision gives rise to a special complex crime of kidnapping with
complex crime. Hence, in the present case, there is murder or homicide as long as the
only one crime committed – the special complex crime victim is killed in the course of the
of kidnapping with rape. detention; regardless whether it is
purposely sought or just an
2. Victim of Homicide
FACTS: SPO2 Elpidio Mercado and SPO1 Aurelio ● In rape with homicide, the victim of
Acebron of the Philippine National Police of Tanay, homicide can be a person other than
Rizal conspired and aid one another in kidnapping the victim of rape.
Richard Buama, a 17 year old minor and Florencio ● In robbery with homicide, the
Villareal boarded them in a Red car against their will victim can be a bystander, a
thus depriving them of their freedom of liberty. They responding police officer, or even a
brought him to Tanay, Rizal in a safe house and there
subjected Richard to extreme/brutal physical violence,
● However, in kidnapping with RULING: The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of
homicide, it must be the victim who the trial court. On the first offense, there is the
is killed as a consequence of the presence of aggravating circumstances of nighttime
detention. If not the victim, it will be a and dwelling considering that nighttime facilitated the
separate crime. commission of the crime and the accused-appellants
3. Multiple Kidnappings took advantage of the darkness to successfully
● In robbery, if the accused is consummate their plans while dwelling is clear from
motivated by a single criminal the abuse of confidence which the victims reposed in
the offenders by opening the door to them, as well as
impulse to rob a particular place,
the violation of the sanctity of privacy in the victims'
they are only liable for one count of
homes. There is also the presence of aggravating
robbery although there are several circumstance of band for the first and second crimes.
victims because of the delito It is indubitable that there was conspiracy in the
continuado principle. commission of the crimes in both Criminal Cases.
● In a special complex crime of Because of the findings of conspiracy,
robbery with homicide or rape, it accused-appellants are jointly and severally liable.
is immaterial that two or more
persons are killed/rapped. Even if ●
In kidnapping, there are as many
there are four victims raped or killed criminal impulses on the part of the
on the occassion of robbery, the accused as there are kidnapped
accused are only liable for a single victims. Since the accused in
count of the special complex crime. kidnapping several victims are
motivated by several criminal
PEOPLE vs PATALIN impulses, the principle of delito
continuado is not applicable.
FACTS: Accused-appellants Alex Mijaque and Alfonso
4. Murder as a Comonent
Patalin, Jr, were charged with the crime of robbery
when they took advantage of nighttime and dwelling to
● A special complex crime is
steal and carry away with them P700 total of cash and committed when by reason or on
personal property from the victims. By reason or on the occasion of the rape/robbery,
the occasion of said Robbery, the accused inflicted homicide is committed. Hence,
wounds which required medical attendance of more there is no special complex crime of
than thirty days to Reynaldo Aliman, as well as robbery/raper with murder.
physical injuries to the other victims Corazon Aliman ● There is a special complex crime
and Josephine Belesario which required medical of kidnapping when the victim is
attendance for several days. In a Second Amended
killed or dies as a consequence of
Information, accused-appellants Alex Mijaque, Alfonso
detention. Killing in this sense may
Patalin, Jr., and Nestor Ras were charged with the
crime of robbery with multiple rape when they
constitute homicide or murder.
conspired with three others who are still at large,
performing themselves into a band, entered the NOTES:
dwelling of Jesusa Carcillar, and once inside, with Delito Continuado Principle
intent to gain and with violence, steal and carry away - continuing offense consists of a series of
with them P6,500 total of cash and personal property acts arising from one criminal intent or
and on the occasion thereof, have sexual intercourse resolution
with Perpetua Carcillar, Juliana Carcillar, Rogelia - there should be a plurality of acts
Carcillar, and Josephine Belesario, against their will performed during a period of time
and consent. The RTC rendered a judgement finding - unity of penal provision violated and unity
the accused guilty of Robbery with Physical Injuries of criminal intent or purpose
for the first complaint and Robbery with Multiple
Rapes for the second complaint.
RULING: All the elements of forcible abduction were
proved in this case. The evidence likewise shows that
the taking of the young victim against her will was
done in furtherance of lewd designs. However,
although the prosecution has proved that Lenie was
sexually abused, the evidence proffered is inadequate
to establish carnal knowledge. In the case at bar,
there is no evidence of entrance or introduction of the
male organ into the labia of the pudendum. Lenie's
testimony did not establish that there was penetration
by the sex organ of the accused or that he tried to
penetrate her. The sexual abuse which
accused-appellant forced upon Lenie constitutes the
lewd design inherent in forcible abduction and is thus
absorbed therein. The indecent molestation cannot
form the other half of a complex crime since the
record does not show that the principal purpose of the
accused was to commit any of the crimes against
chastity and that her abduction would only be a
necessary means to commit the same. Wherefore, the
accused-appellant is instead declared guilty of
Forcible Abduction only.
FACTS: Agents of the Narcotics Division of the FACTS: Victor Ng harbored such bitter hatred against
National Bureau of Investigation, went to raid a the victim, Mariano Lim, whom he considered as his
marijuana plantation. It turned out that the plantation rival for the affections of Ruby. Thus, Victor contacted
was being protected by a notorious bandit who shared his classmate, Gerry Dejungco, to play a leading role
with its owner the sales of marijuana. Upon being in the commission of the crime he wanted committed.
tipped that NBI agents were in the vicinity poised to It was Dejungco who arranged for the execution of the
raid the plantation, Manecio alerted and gathered his hideous plot upon Ng's offer to pay the sum of P2,000
men in preparation for an encounter with the raiding for the job. The appellants and their co-accused
team; among the group were the accused. Agents successfully killed Mariano. Hence, the lower court
Domingo and Dayao decided to conduct further found them guilty of murder.
investigation and surveillance on their own and had
left the plantation, however, they were ultimately RULING: There is no question that the clear manifest
captured by the group of Manecio. The two agents intention of the appellants was to kill the victim and the
died from multiple gunshot wounds on the head and kidnapping of the victim merely incidental to the
different parts of the body and were found at the pit of principal purpose. The circumstance of treachery
a dry creek. The agents had been divested of their cannot be applied to victor since he was not actually
shirts, firearms and personal belongings. The trial present when the crime was committed, having
court convicted them of the crime of Kidnapping with actually left to his co-accused the means for the
Murder with Direct Assault Upon Agents of a commission of the crime. Since the evidence disclose
Person-in Authority. that he induced the others to commit the crime for a
price or promise of reward, he is a principal by
RULING: The crime committed is Murder with Direct induction. Wherefore. the judgment of the court a quo
Assault upon Agents of a Person in Authority. It is not is hereby affirmed.
the complex crime of Kidnapping with Murder,
kidnapping not having been a necessary means to
commit the murder. The NBI agents were taken by the Demand for Ransom after Committing Murder
accused solely for the purpose of killing them and not ➢ If the crime committed is murder, the
for detaining them illegally for any length of time or for demand for ransom after killing the victim
the purpose of obtaining ransom for their release. The will not convert the crime from murder to
main purpose of the accused was to kill the agents, kidnapping for ransom with murder.
their forcible taking having been only incidental to the ➢ Since the victim is already dead, the
killing. It was not the purpose of the accused to accused cannot anymore use deprivation of
commit the crime of Illegal Detention. While band is liberty as a mode of asking for ransom
also present, it is deemed absorbed by treachery. No
payment. A dead body has no liberty that
mitigating circumstances exist. Appellants should be
the accused can deprive of.
convicted of two complex crimes of Murder with
Direct Assault upon Agents of a Person in
Authority because there were two victims killed by Kidnapping for Ransom
means of separate acts.