Assignment2 Report CSS SABRI AI200326

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Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

BIT 21503 Web Development

Assignment 2
Topic : Web page development with CSS
Instructions : Provide possible solutions for all given exercises, individually.

Assignment 2 submission must contain the following items

A. Assignment 2 Report
B. Web page files

Please adhere to the regulation stated.

Dateline : 10 May 2022 11:59pm (through Author)


Matric No : AI200326
Assessment :

Tas Learning Mark

Criteria Score
k Domain s
C2 Able to define and solve problem correctly 2

C3 Able to design the web page 2

C4 Able to justify the chosen solution 1

Able to develop web page as required (output) 2

1 P2
Able to run/execute the built web page 2

Able to apply the correct tags to satisfy task

P3 5
Able to provide the appropriate web page content 4

Able to add value creativity/knowledge/skill 2

Assignment 2
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Objective : Create web page and use various html and CSS
Instruction : Build a simple website using HTML, CSS to display product catalogs. You
can choose any product.
Solution : i. State the product selected as the case study for this assignment.

I have select to develop a website for Sports products Catalog

: ii. Describe the target users who can use this product catalog web system.

Its catalog that can be used by any kind of users without need to register
account or login so its catalog can be used by many users .

: iii. Draw the design of the website frame

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Products page

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

: iv. State the reason why the design was chosen.

I choose this design because its very easy for user to navigate through
and it looks cool and interactive beautiful design.

: v. Screenshot of the constructed web page(s).

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Categories page

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Products page

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
BIT 21503 Web Development

Lesson learned
Summary or conclusion discussing on what have been learned, any difficulties arise,
improved skill/knowledge throughout the exercise.

I have learned a lot of about HTML tags and CSS for styling the html web pages I faced
some difficulties during the working with this assignment in CSS style and I tried hardly
to mange and use as many CSS code as I can in order to make interesting and interactive
web page .

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