Physics 2 GQ

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Important Guaranteed Questions of Physics 2

Chapter no 12

State Faraday’s law & lenz’s law ,Eddy currents ,Explain :self inductancy ,mutual inductance,Explain why the
inductance of two coils connected in parallel is less than inductance of either coil.

Short note :Transformer

Distinguish (Step up vs Step down)

Explain , Motional Electromotive force :A.Translational motion of conductor

Find an expression for the power expended in pulling a conducting loop out of a magnetic field.

Chapter no 13

Obtain the expression for Average or mean value & RMS value of alternating emf.

Explain electrical resonance in LCR series or parallel circuit.Obtain the expression for resonant frequency

Explain the term :capacitve reactance ,inductile reactance.State its unit & dimensions

Expression for LCR Circuit .

Chapter no 14

Explain De Broglie’s hypothesis

Short note on Photoelectric effect with diagram & characteristics

What is threshold frequency ?

Chapter no 15

State the postulates of Bohr’s Atomic model , show energy of electron varies inversely to square of principal quantum
no ,[T.E α 1 / n2 ]
Expression for wavemeter , when electron jumps from higher to lower energy orbit. Show that shortest
wavelength for Balmer series is 4/R4
Expression for decay law of radioactivity.Show that A(t) = ΛN0 e -xt

Obtain the expression for half life time of radioactive material.

Expression for radius of orbit for hydrogen atom.Show that a) Linear Speed (vn) α 1/n

b)Angular speed (ω) α 1/n2

Energy level diagram for hydrogen atom.

Chapter no 16

Explain the working of NPN transistor,PNP transistor.

Explain ,half wave & fuel wave rectifier with diagram & working

Construction and working diagram of a) solar cell b)LED c) Transistor as an amplifier.

Explain the principle of operation of photodiode with its advantage & disadvantage.Draw the circuit
diagram to sudy the characteristics of transistor in common emmiter mode (CE),draw its input & output

Explain logic gates,its uses and Boolean expression ,diagram of a ) OR gate b)AND gate c) NAND gate

Define rectification,ripple,filter circuit

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