Academic Integrity Policy - Pathways Noida
Academic Integrity Policy - Pathways Noida
Academic Integrity Policy - Pathways Noida
IB Mission
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring
young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural
understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate
and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be
It is our mission to ensure that in a safe, tranquil, stimulating and intellectually challenging
environment, all students shall have ample opportunity to;
The Academic Integrity Policy at Pathways School Noida lays out transparently the definition
of this category to ensure that its implementation is fair and consistent. The work of IB
Learners must be produced with integrity and responsibility and this policy is directly drawn
from the school vision and the IB Mission statement. Our policy encourages our learners to
be principled and reflective along with being creative. Our learners are taught to
acknowledge external sources, take ownership of any work produced by them and
recognize that intellectual materials are owned by their creators as much as physical items
are. We recognize the special importance of this policy in a technological age of easy access
to materials in an online environment. The Academic Integrity policy is communicated to
parents and guardians and is familiar to all faculty including new teachers.
The Pathways School Noida Academic Integrity policy is graded through the four
programmes. In the PYP it is introduced at an early age and there is a focus on incorporating
parents who are explained the importance of the policy and what constitutes academic
dishonesty. In the MYP in addition to the PYP approach, there is a strong focus on self
management, personal responsibility for ethical action and formal methods of academic
citation. In the DP and CP programme the policy is strongly codified and there are clear
sanctions for breach of the policy.
Pathways School Noida believes in supporting practices related to Academic Integrity and
places a high value on integrity that extends to ownership of ideas and of work submitted
for assessment. This policy is guided by the IB publication Academic Integrity in the IB
Educational Context”, published in 2014 and is supported by the school’s Vision and
Mission. The main objective of the implementation of the policy on Academic Integrity is to
*Middle Years Programme. MYP: From principles into practice. May 2014. P. 76
create an intellectual climate in which sanctions and procedures which accompany
academic dishonesty become superfluous.
School expects students to be, in all aspects of school, work and play:
• inquirers
• principled
• thinkers.
Academic Integrity connects with the IB learner profile. It is common practice in all aspects
of life to be inspired by, or to adapt, ideas or work of others. It is acceptable to build on the
work of others and still produce authentic work. However, in an age flooded with shared
information and shared opinions, younger learners can find the concept of intellectual
property difficult to understand. The key is to guide them in building an understanding that
using other people’s work is acceptable, but honesty & integrity requires them to explicitly
give credit to the original author.
When is it taught?
In PYP, we highlight the importance of referring to the source from the early years (Nur to
Gr 1), even if it means naming the book or crediting the person from where they got the
information. From Grade 2 onwards, there is an increased emphasis on adding citations and
acknowledging the source, as well as guided and independent research (people, books, and
the internet). The importance and value of Academic Integrity is not just highlighted to the
students, but teachers as well as parents at the orientation when they become a part of the
Pathways family. It is our endeavor to make everyone aware of the practices and the
essence of Academic Integrity.
Academy integrity would be visible if the attributes of the IB learner profile are practiced.
We encourage learners to be: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators,
principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. Principled learning
needs learners to be honest and ethical in referencing sources of information and ideas in
their work. Academic misconduct is defined as behavior that results in, or may result in, the
student or another student gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment
components (MYP: From Principles into Practice 95). Malpractice includes plagiarism,
collusion and duplication of work (as defined below)
Academic dishonesty are acts which result or may result in an individual gaining unfair
Leadership Responsibility
● Creating the policy with the help of stakeholders and ensuring the implementation
and timely review.
● Educating teachers through orientations and workshops
● Supporting students, teachers, and parents to understand what good research looks
like at various levels of the middle school
● Ensuring consequences if there is a violation of the policy.
Teacher's Responsibility
• Communicate expectations you have for students by clearly referring to the Academic
Integrity guidelines
• Encourage honesty and communicate the consequences of breaching IB regulations.
• Detecting and reporting -Upon evaluating each student’s assessment, teachers need to
pay close attention to any work that seems misaligned with the level of that student.
When academic dishonesty is detected by a teacher, he/she should report the issue to
the principal and coordinator to provide adequate evidence of the malpractice.
• Make the Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills an explicit focus for teaching and learning,
particularly information literacy skills such as conducting research.
• writing academically to fulfill the expectation of authentic authorship.
• acknowledging sources using citations (MLA format)
• working collaboratively
• establishing timelines, so work can be proof-read and edited by knowledgeable sources
prior to the assessment submission deadline.
Parent’s Responsibility
• Encourage them to ask their teachers for advice if they are having difficulties with their
• Establish a good level of communication with the school so that you understand the
requirements of the MYP and what is expected of students.
• Support your child but be sure he or she is the one responsible for the work done.
Student Responsibility
• Make your work personal and write using your own “voice”.
• Acknowledge help and resources used.
• Allow yourself time to do the work properly.
• Submit work that is authentic as part of the e-Portfolios and personal/community
• Familiarize yourself with what constitutes academic misconduct in the on-screen
Role of Librarian
Each student is responsible for ensuring that all work submitted for assessment represents
authentic authorship, with the work or ideas of others fully and correctly acknowledged.
Even if the intellectual property is summarized or paraphrased, it requires proper MLA
citations. Parenthetical citations should be used in all essays, and a works cited page is
required for multi-source research and/or analytical writing.
If, at any point, a student is concerned that his/her behavior may be interpreted as
malpractice, he/she needs to seek clarification regarding Academic Integrity expectations.
Attempts to gain clarification prior to submission of work will never be penalized, as this
demonstrates the student’s desire to act in a principled manner and serves as a learning
opportunity. Therefore, students should feel comfortable asking for clarification and
remember that all questions concerning Academic Integrity are welcomed.
Students who may know of a potential act of academic dishonesty or of an act that has
already occurred, are required to report it to a teacher immediately. Students who report
these incidents act with integrity and help their peers see the importance of academic
Students “must bear the consequences if they submit work for assessment that is not their
own, regardless of whether the plagiarism was deliberate or the result of poor research
skills” It is our hope to avoid situations of malpractice, but should a situation arise, we
expect students to cooperate with staff, take responsibility for their actions, and use the
experience as a learning opportunity for the future.
Sanctions against academic dishonesty may range from warning to dismissal depending on
the seriousness of the offence. If any case of academic dishonesty is found the teacher will
inform the Coordinator and the Principal. The Principal will notify the parents in writing of
the incident. School will also inform the organization (IB) and will support any
consequences. The penalties may include one or more of the following:
The offence may be recorded on the infraction record form, a copy of which is placed in the
student's file. The candidate may be allowed to resubmit the work.
● A warning letter may be issued, a copy of which is placed in the student's file.
● Receiving no grade in the piece of work or examination.
● Suspension from regular lessons.
● Dismissal from the school.
● If a teacher or the IB coordinator has reason to believe that a piece of work to be
submitted to the IB is not authentic, that work will not be accepted. This will result in no
grade being awarded for the subject.
● Action that the IB may take in cases of alleged academic misconduct
● If the IB starts an investigation into academic misconduct, the coordinator is informed
by email. The IB requires the coordinator immediately to inform the head of school of
the investigation.
● The IB will include full instructions for the investigation, including the steps to be taken
by the coordinator, statement templates, and so on, with the email.
● The evidence is then considered by the Academic Integrity sub-committee of the final
award committee and the outcome is decided.
● If the allegation is established, the student's result will not be released for that
particular subject, and he/she will not be given his/her final passing MYP certificate. If it
is decided that no breach has occurred, the subject result will be released in the normal
Academic Integrity Policy for the IB Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme
Offences against Academic Integrity– Academic dishonesty are acts which result or may
result in an individual gaining unfair advantage. The following is a list of such behavior but it
is by no means exhaustive.
● Plagiarism: offering the words, ideas, works or arguments of another person (in whole
or part) as one’s own. This includes works of art whether music, film, dance, theatre arts
or visual arts.
● Copying from another student or making information available to another student
during a test or examination.
● Fabrication or falsifying research data.
● Submitting the same piece of work for more than one course (this is strictly forbidden
by IB).
● Communication with another student during examination.
● Bringing into the examination room materials which are not permitted.
● Interfering in the scholastic work of another student for example by stealing laboratory
reports, computer files and library materials.
● Altering grades awarded by a teacher.
● Stealing examination papers.
● Using an unauthorized calculator during a test or an examination.
● Impersonating another student.
Teacher‘s Responsibility-
Teachers at Pathways are expected to encourage good practice among students. The
following are some of the measures that should be adopted to avoid malpractice.
● Provide advice to students , so that they have a clear idea of what constitutes plagiarism
in the various subjects.
● Ensure that the words, ideas, works from sources are acknowledged appropriately
(Pathways has adopted the MLA system of referencing).
● Be vigilant enough to spot inexplicable changes in the style and quality of student work.
● Question students on written work, especially in the extended essay, to determine
whether it really is that of the student.
● Use a search engine whenever possible to detect plagiarized work. At Pathways we use
● Authenticate student work whenever required. The IB expects "each teacher to confirm
that, to the best of his or her knowledge, all candidates’ work accepted or submitted for
assessment is the authentic work of each candidate”
● Distinguish between collaboration and collusion to prevent allegations of collusion
against students.
● Be familiar with the IB publication “Academic Integrity: guide for schools”
● Cooperate in the investigation of suspended cases of malpractice.
● Write a statement on any report of malpractice to be submitted to the IB. The IB
provides guidelines on what should be included in this statement.
● Not leave candidates unsupervised during examinations.
● Not disclose the contents of an examination paper within 24 hours after the
examination has been conducted.
● Not start an examination before the scheduled time.
● Not provide undue assistance to a candidate in components that contribute to the
assessment requirement of the IB Programme. Guidelines on this are often provided in
the various subject guides and teacher support material published by the IB.
Student’s Responsibility
Ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the integrity of all work and to
understand what constitutes an offence against Academic Integrity. Students are strongly
required to abide by the following guidelines:
● Acknowledge all sources (e.g., books, journals, internet, CD ROM, magazines,
photographs etc.)
● Use footnotes and endnotes to acknowledge the source of an idea that emerged from a
discussion with another person.
● Paraphrased ideas of another person should also be acknowledged.
● When recording references ensure you do it precisely so that you are not required
additional work before submission.
● As far as possible work independently with the support of the subject teacher.
● When collaboration with other students is required or encouraged by the teachers
ensure that the final work is produced independently.
● Do not attempt a similar piece of work for different assessment components of your IB
Programme (e.g. your internal assessment and extended essay).
● Listen and follow all instructions given before an examination.
● The language used may not match with the student’s ability.
● Typically, these candidates turn in their assignments at the eleventh hour without prior
discussion with teachers.
● Generate originality report from
● Teacher, the HoD and DP Coordinator to conduct a viva with the candidate in question.
Sanctions against academic dishonesty may range from warning to dismissal depending on
the seriousness of the offence. The penalties may include one or more of the following:
● The offence may be recorded on the infraction record form, a copy of which is placed in
the student’s file. The candidate may be allowed to resubmit the work.
● A warning letter may be issued, a copy of which is placed in the student’s file. Parents
are brought in for a conference.
● Receiving a zero in the piece of work or examination.
● Suspension from regular lessons.
● Being placed on probation for one or more semesters.
● If a teacher or the IB coordinator has reason to believe that a piece of work to be
submitted to the IB is not authentic, that work will not be accepted. This will result in no
grade being awarded for the subject.
Individual violations of academic honesty are significant. It is the school’s intent, through
the use of consequences, that the student will learn from his/her mistakes and not exhibit
dishonest behaviour in the future. Violations of academic honesty are cumulative during
the student’s entire attendance at the school. All teachers will adhere to the following
1) The teacher must make an immediate referral to the Principal/DP Coordinator
2) The teacher will present evidence to support the allegations to the Principal
3) After discussions with the teacher, the principal will inform the teacher about the
sanctions to be imposed
4) The principal may impose one or many of the sanctions as mentioned below:
(This will be commensurate with the degree of malpractice committed, the final judgment
of which will lie solely with the principal.)
● He/she will inform the teacher that the student’s name, date, time and details of the
offence will be kept on the student’s file.
● The Principal (with the teacher, if deemed necessary) will meet the student to explain
the nature of malpractice committed and the consequences.
e. The Principal will notify the parents by phone and/or send out a letter to the parents
informing them about the incident.
f. If deemed necessary, a meeting will be held with the parents/guardian and student to
explain the sanctions.
g. All the documents involved in the process will be placed on the student’s file.
Consequences that can be imposed on candidates for malpractice are outlined as follows in
IB manual, Academic Integrity: Guideline for Schools.
If the IB final awards committee decides that a case of malpractice has been established, no
grade will be awarded in the subject concerned. No diploma will be awarded to the
candidate, but a certificate will be awarded for other subjects in which no malpractice has
occurred. The candidate will be permitted to register for future examinations at least one
year after the session in which malpractice was established.
If a case of malpractice is very serious, either because of its nature or because the
candidate has already been found guilty of malpractice in a previous session, the final
awards committee is entitled to decide that the candidate will not be permitted to register
for examinations in any future session.
Pathways School Noida employs a multi-faceted approach to detect and prevent instances
of academic misconduct involving AI. These measures include:
Utilization of advanced plagiarism detection software(Turnitin and AI report similarity)
capable of identifying similarities between student submissions and AI-generated content
from online sources, databases, or proprietary repositories.
Students found to have engaged in academic misconduct involving AI tools are subject to
disciplinary action in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Academic Integrity
Depending on the severity of the infraction, consequences may include, but are not limited
● Not accepting the submission until the whole detected plagiarism is rectified
● Failing grades for the in school assignments.
● Notation of academic misconduct on the student's academic record.
● Appeals Process:
Students have the right to appeal decisions related to academic misconduct through
established procedures outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy. The appeals process
ensures that students have the opportunity to present their case and seek redress if
they believe they have been unfairly accused or penalized.
● Teachers are responsible for educating students about the ethical use of AI tools and
the consequences of academic misconduct.
● Teachers should vigilantly monitor student assignments, exams, and other academic
activities to detect signs of potential misconduct facilitated by AI.
● Teachers should promptly report any suspicions or evidence of academic misconduct
to relevant authorities, such as academic integrity coordinators or principals.
● Teachers may be required to provide evidence or documentation to support
allegations of academic misconduct, including instances where AI tools were misused.
● Coordinators are responsible for overseeing the institution's academic integrity
policies and procedures, including those related to AI-enabled misconduct.
● Coordinators may facilitate investigations into allegations of academic misconduct
involving AI by coordinating with relevant stakeholders, collecting evidence, and
ensuring due process is followed.
● Coordinators should provide guidance and support to teachers and students on issues
related to academic integrity, including the responsible use of AI tools.
● Coordinators may work to implement preventive measures, such as educational
programs or technology solutions, to deter and detect academic misconduct involving
● Principals are responsible for enforcing the institution's academic integrity policies
and ensuring that appropriate disciplinary actions are taken when violations occur.
a) have read the Academic Integrity Policy published by the IB and Pathways and
understood the clauses listed, very carefully
b) will always abide by the rules of the Academic Integrity policy.
c) am completely aware of the serious repercussions that would follow the slightest
breach of the rules and guidelines mentioned in the policy
d) will be solely responsible for any infringement in following the Policy and accept the
decision of the school and the IB in case an offence against Academic Integrity is
found against me.
Academic Integrity, Fountain Head,
Anon, (2018). [pdf Available at:
pxx_sup_1609_1_e.pdf [Accessed 27 Mar. 2018].
Discovery College MYP Programme Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures. Retrieved
March 15, 2013
/learning-andteaching/ myp-programme-policies/myp-academic-honesty
Frank C. Martin International K- 8 Center IB Middle Years Programme Academic Integrity
Policy. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
International Baccalaureate Organization. (2009). Academic Integrity. Cardiff, Wales
MYP Academic Honesty (integrity)