Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plant - 01

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2 English

Topic : Sexual reproduction in flowering plant - 01

1. The given figure shows: 4. Few diagrams regarding the development of

pollen grain are given below arrange these
diagrams in correct order and find out the correct
option from options given below :

(1) Hypogeal germination

(2) Epigeal germination
(3) Viviparous germination
(4) None of the above (1) A, B, C, D, E (2) A, B, D, C, E
2. Which of the following structure is not labelled (3) A, C, D, B, E (4) A, C, B, D, E
5. Study the following diagram carefully and
identified the structure involved in syngamy and
select the correct option?

(1) Radicle (2) Plumule

(3) Cotyledons (4) Epicotyl
3. Identify the structure/s in given diagram which is
not present in dicot embryo?

(1) A : Egg (2) C : Egg

(3) B : Polar nuclei (4) D : Egg

(1) A and D (2) A and C

(3) A and B (4) A, B and C

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English 3
6. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C and D in the 8. Study the following diagram carefully and
given figure and select the correct option- identify the structure which is mainly found
towards chalazal end of ovule.

(1) B: Polar Nuclei (2) A: Antipodal cells

(3) C: synergids (4) D: egg cell
(A) (B) (C) (D) 9. The part marked as 'x' in the given figure is :
(1) Scutellum Coleorhiza Plumule Coleoptile
(2) Scutellum Coleoptile Epiblast Coleorhiza
(3) Coleoptile Epiblast Radicle
(4) Scutellum Endosperm Epiblast Coleorhiza

7. Following diagram showing entry of pollen tube

into embryosac. Identify A to E :- (1) Endosperm (2) Thalamus
(3) Endocarp (4) Mesocarp
10. Few diagram regarding the development of
pollen grain are given below, arrange these
diagrams in correct order and find out the correct
option from options given below :-

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(A) (B)
Central Polar Filiform Male
(1) Synergid
cell nuclei apparatus gamete
Central Polar Filiform Male
cell nuclei
apparatus gamete
(C) (D)
Polar Central Vegetative
(3) Synergid Antipodals
nuclei cell nucleus
Central Polar Filiform Male (E)
(4) Synergid
cell nuclei apparatus gamete

(1) A, B, C, D, E (2) A, B, D, C, E
(3) A, C, D, B, E (4) A, C, B, D, E

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4 English

11. 13. Identify the correct description about the given

figure :

Identify the diagram :-

(1) Hibiscus, multicarpellary, syncarpous
(2) Multicarpellary, syncarpous pistil of
papaver (1) Wind pollinated plant inflorescence
(3) Multicarpellary, apocarpous Gynoecium of showing flowers with well exposed
michelia. stamens.
(4) Multicarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium of (2) Water pollinated flowers showing stamens
michelia with mucilaginous covering.
12. Identify the A and B ? (3) Cleistogamous flowers showing autogamy
(4) Compact inflorescence showing complete
14. Identify the correct labels.

(1) A-Cotyledon, B - Endosperm

(2) A-Endosperm, B -Cotyledon
(3) A-Root-tip, B -Cotyledon
(4) A - Cotyledon, B - Root tip (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(1) shaped Suspensor Cotyledon
(2) shaped Cotyledon Suspensor
(3) shaped Cotyledon Suspensor
(4) Shaped Suspensor Cotyledon

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English 5
15. Identify A in the given diagram- 17. Identify the diagram given below :-

(1) Multicarpellary, apocarpous gynoecium of

(1) Filament (2) Anther Papaver
(3) Line of Dehiscence (4) Pollen grains (2) Multicarpellary, syncarpous pistil of
16. Identify the following parts A, B, C and D :- Papaver
(3) Multicarpellary, apocarpous gynoecium of
(4) Multicarpellary, syncarpous pistil of
18. Identify “A” in the given diagram :

(1) A-Seed coat, B- Cotyledon, C-Endosperm

(2) A-Seed coat, B-Hypocotyl, C- Cotyledon
(3) A-Endosperm, B-Cotyledon, C-Seed coat
(4) A-Cotyledon, B-Endosperm, C-Seed coat

(1) Well exposed stamens of wind polllinated

(2) Well exposed stigma of wind pollinated
(3) Well exposed stamens of insect pollinated
(4) Well exposed stigma of water pollinated
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6 English

19. The above diagram shows magasporogenesis and 21. Correctly identify the labelled structures and
development of typical female gametophyte in select correct option indicating them ?

Choose the correct match: - A B C D

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 E (1) Middle layer
Generative Vegetative
Spindle fibre
cell cell
(1) Meiosis-I Meiosis-II Mitosis Mitosis Mitosis Micro gametophyte
Vegetative Generative Asymmetric
(2) Meiosis-I Meiosis-II Mitosis Mitosis Mitosis Micro gametogenesis (2) Tapetum
cell cell chromosome
(3) Meiosis-I Meiosis-II FND FND FND Embryo
Vegetive Generative
(4) Meiosis-I Meiosis-II FND FND FND Cell wall formation (3) Endothecium Chromosome
cell cell
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (4) Middle layer
Vegetative Generative Asymmetric

cell cell spindle fibres
A plant of Commelina is shown in the figure.
Identify [A] & [B] of the given figure :- 22. Examine the figure (A-D) given below and select
the right option out of (1- 4) in which all the
flour structure A, B, C and D are identified
correctly :-

(1) [A] Cleistogamous flowers; [B]

Chasmogamous flowers
(2) [A] Chasmogamous flowers; [B]
Cleistogamous flowers
(3) [A] & [B] Cleistogamous flowers A B C D
(4) [A] & [B] Chasmogamous flower (1) Plumule Endosperm Epiblast Ovary
(2) Radicle Cotyledon Aleurone Seed
(3) Hypocotyl Nucellus Endosperm Fruit
(4) Plumule Cotyledon Scutellum Thalamus

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English 7
23. How many layers are found in angiospermic 25. Given below is the diagrammatic sketch of T.S.
anther at this stage :- of mature anther. Identify the labelled parts and
select the right option-

Part-A Part-B Part-C Part-D

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) Endothecium Sporogenous Tissue Tapetum Connective
24. Few events of male gametophyte development in (2) Tapetum Sporogenous Tissue Endothecium Connective
angiosperm are shown in figure given below. (3) Endothecium Connective Tapetum Sporogenous Tissue
Arrange the diagram in progressive order of their (4) Tapetum Connective Endothecium Sporogenous Tissue
occurrence and select the correct order from
options given below : (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

Identify (a) and (b) in given diagram.

(1) (a) Hypocotyl (b) root cap.
(2) (a) Plumule (b) Endosperm
(3) (a) Coleoptile (b) Cotyledons
(1) i, ii, iii, iv, v (2) i, v, iv, iii, ii (4) (a) Plumule (b) Cotyledons
(3) i, ii, iv, iii, v (4) i, v, ii, iv, iii

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8 English

27. Identify the state shown below as well as related 29.

right place of its process in plant, and select the
right option for the two together.

Options :
Stage Process/Phenomenon
1. Microspore tetrad Microsporogenesis
2. Megaspore tetrad Megasporogenesis
3. Microgamete Microgametogenesis
4. Megagamete tetrad Megagametogenesis

Select the correct option in which labelled

partsA, B, C, D and E are correctly identified ?
(1) A-style, B-filament, C-petal, D-Thalamus,
(2) A-style, B-filament, C-sepal, D-Thalamus,
(3) A-style, B-filament, C-sepal, D-petal, E-
(4) A-style, B-filament, C-petal, D-sepal, E-

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English 9
31. In a given section of an embryo of grass, select 33.
the mark which correctly label the scutellum

Identify (a), (b) and (c) in above diagram:

(1) (a)-Thalamus, (b)-Endocarp, (c)-Mesocarp
(2) (a)-Thalamus, (b)-Epicarp, (c)-Mesocarp
(3) (a)-Epicarp, (b)-Mesocarp, (c)-Endocarp
(4) (a)-Mesocarp, (b)-Endocarp, (c)-Seed coat
34. Which of the following labelled part(s) of
fertilized embryosac developes into nutritive
(1) D (2) B (3) A (4) C structure which provides nutrition to developing
32. The given diagram shows microsporangium of
embryo ?
an anther. Identify the incorrect feature regarding
the same.

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

35. Choose the correct match for label A and B?
(1) a is the epidermis
(2) b helps in protection but not dehiscence
(3) c is microspore mother cell
(4) d nourishes the developing pollen

(1) A-Micropylar end; B-Microspore tetrad

(2) A-Micropylar end; B-Megaspore tetrad
(3) A-Chalazal end; B-Microspore tetrad
(4) A-Chalazal end; B-Megaspore tetrad
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10 English

36. In the above diagram label the following parts 40. An angiospermic plant is having 24
A, B, C, D. chromosomes in its leaf cells. The number of
chromosomes present in synergid, pollen grain,
nucellus & endosperm will be respectively
(1) 12,12,12, 72 (2) 8, 8,12, 36
(3) 12,12, 24, 36 (4) 12,12,12, 36
41. If 28 chromosomes are present in the antipodal
cells of a plant. Then how many chromosomes
should be present in the zygote, leaf cell and
A B C D endosperm respectively?
(1) Plumule Hypocotyl Radicle Root cap (1) 14, 28 and 14 (2) 56, 56 and 14
(2) Plumule Radical Root cap Hypocotyl
(3) 56, 56 and 84 (4) 14, 14 and 56
(3) Hypocotyl Plumule Radicle Root cap
(4) Radicle Plumule Hypocotyl Root cap 42. How many meiotic divisions are necessary for
formation of 100 functional megaspores?

37. (1) 25 (2) 50 (3) 100 (4) 200

43. Ploidy of the cells of Nucellus, megaspore
mother cell, functional megaspore, male
gametophyte, secondary nucleus respectively
(1) 2n, 2n, n, n, 2n
(2) n, 2n, 2n, n, 3n
Identify the A : (3) n, 3n, 2n, n, n
(1) Radicle (2) Scutellum (4) 2n, 2n, n, n, 3n
(3) Plumule (4) Endosperm 44. If the number of chromosomes in filament of an
38. How many meiotic divisions are essential for anther is 14, then what will be the number of
chromosomes in a mesophyll cell of a leaf of
development of 200 grains of wheat?
same plant?
(1) 125 (2) 200 (3) 250 (4) 150
(1) 28 (2) 7 (3) 14 (4) 21
39. A diploid female plant and a tetraploid male
45. Pollen grains can be stored for several years in
plant are crossed. The ploidy of endosperm shall
be : liquid nitrogen having a temperature of
(1) – 196°C (2) – 80°C
(1) Tetraploid (2) Triploid
(3) – 120°C (4) – 160°C
(3) Diploid (4) Pentaploid

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English 11
46. There are 10 flowers in one individual plant of 49. For a gene if AA = male plant, BB = female
Crotalaria. Each flower has 10 stamens. In each plant. Find out the genotype of endosperm and
microsporangium of every stamen of all the embryo:
flowers, there are 30 microspore mother cells. (1) AAB, BBA (2) AAB, AB
How many pollen grains are formed from that
plant? (3) ABB, AB (4) BBA, AAB
(1) 4,000 (2) 10,000 50. If stem has 2n = 20 number of chromosomes
then find out: -
(3) 24,000 (4) 48,000 A= number of chromosmes in endosperm
47. What would be number of chromosomes of B= number of chromosomes in egg cell
aleurone cells of plant with 42 chromosome in C= number of chromosomes in central cell
its root tip cells? (1) 30, 30, 20 (2) 10, 15, 20
(1) 42 (2) 63 (3) 84 (4) 21 (3) 30, 10, 20 (4) 30, 10, 15
48. Pollen grains of a plant whose 2n = 28 are
cultured to get callus by tissue culture method.
What would be the number of chromosomes in
the cells of the callus?
(1) 14 (2) 56 (3) 28 (4) 21

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