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Board Exam Trial Ratio

Prepared by: Prof. Maria Ria Velasquez, 5th placer, APRIL 2023 CLE

Part I. Institutional Correction

7. What classification of prisoners
1. What was the first form of defense for according to degree of security if the prisoner
someone in a primitive society who did cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose
something wrong? lesser danger than maximum security
prisoners in case that escape?
A. Punishment
B. Penalty A. Super Maximum Security
C. Fines B. Maximum Security
D. Retaliation C. Medium Security
D. Minimum Security
2. The public humiliation or public
exhibition also means . 8. What is the lowest, authorized
disciplinary punishment imposable to inmate?
A. Banishment
B. Social Degradation A. Close confinement
C. Public Execution B. Extra fatigue
D. Public trial C. Reprimand
D. Temporary cancellation of
3. During the 16th up to the 18th century, recreational privileges
a criminal may be sent away from a place
carried out by prohibition to coming against a 9. What will be the classification of an
specified territory. This is an ancient form of inmate who is a first time offender or a newly
punishment called . arrived inmate?

A. Transportation A. 1st Class

B. Banishment B. 2nd Class
C. Ostracism C. 3rd Class
D. Public Trial D. Colonist

4. The putting of offenders in prison for 10. Ibarra Alonzo was convicted to serve 6
the purpose of protecting the public and at the years of imprisonment. From this statement, he
same time rehabilitating them by requiring the would be classified as what kind of prisoner?
latter to undergo institutional treatment
program is referred to as A. Insular Prisoner
B. Detention Prisoner
A. Imprisonment C. Municipal Prisoner
B. Trial D. Provincial Prisoner
C. Detention
D. Conviction 11. Dormitory refers to the facility
exclusively used as confinement area of all
5. It is the branch of the administration of inmates within the prison camp with specific
Criminal Justice System charged with the consideration on spatial designation. What is
responsibility for the custody, supervision, and the recommended lot area per inmate?
rehabilitation of the convicted offender.
A. Law Enforcement A. 20 sq. m.
B. Prosecution B. 25 sq. m.
C. Court C. 30 sq. m.
D. Corrections D. 15 sq. m.
E. Community
12. Poy Tan is the third higher ranking
6. This was chiefly a way of ridding the officer in command in the Bureau of
country of criminals, which later developed as Corrections. What would be his position and
a plan for supplying new colonies with cheap title in the Bureau?
labor. It was also an attempt to substitute for
brutal punishment at home and an opportunity A. Director General
for rehabilitation in a new country. B. Deputy Director General
C. Director
A. Judicial Reprieve D. Correction Chief Superintendent
B. Recognizance
C. Transportation 13. Where does the exact location of
D. Benefit of the Clergy Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) in New
Bilibid Prison (NBP)?


A. Camp Sampaguita
B. Camp Bukang Liwayway A. High risk inmate
C. Maximum Security Camp B. High profile inmate
D. Minimum Security Camp C. High value target
D. Medium risk inmate
14. It was formerly known as Luhit
Penal Settlement? 22. It is the person who checks the
credential of the person bringing the inmate to
A. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm determine his/her identity and authority.
B. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
C. Iwahig Penal Farm A. Gater
D. Leyte Regional Prison B. Records Unit
C. Desk Officer
15. What is referred to as “hustling” D. Jail Warden
inside the
prison? 23. Who is the chairperson of the
Classification Board of BJMP?
A. Doing assigned prison assignment
B. Reporting illegal activities A. Assistant Warden
C. Selling illegal commodities B. Warden
D. Having business inside the prison C. Security Officer
D. Custodial Officer
16. Which of the following are the major
24. The minimum number of times in
goals of corrections?
counting the prisoners on a daily basis
A. Deterrence, Punishment,
A. At least 2 times
Incapacitation, Treatment
B. At least 3 times
B. Retribution, Deterrence,
C. At least 4 times
Incapacitation, Rehabilitation
D. At least 5 times
C. Punishment, confinement,
retribution, punishment
25. The imprisonment of the convicted
D. Deterrence, Retribution,
offender may serve, at the rate of highest
Punishment, Treatment
minimum wage a day subject to a certain rules,
for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to do so
17. Classification of the dormitory which
by judgment is referred to as
can accommodate more than 500 inmates?
A. Subsidiary imprisonment
B. Preventive imprisonment
A. Type A
C. Secondary imprisonment
B. Type B
D. Substitute imprisonment
C. Type C
D. Type D
26. A City Jail Warden must have a rank
18. How many days before the election
does an inmate are prohibited from going out?
A. Jail Inspector
B. Jail Senior Inspector
B. 30
C. Jail Superintendent
C. 60
D. Jail Chief Inspector
D. 90
27. A security for the temporary detention
19. During the 6th to 10th year of of persons held for investigation or awaiting
imprisonment, how many days shall an inmate preliminary hearing.
is allowed deductions as GCTA?
A. Lock up Jail
A. 20 days for each month
B. Ordinary Jail
B. 23 days for each month
C. Workhouse Jail
C. 25 days for each month
D. Provincial Jail
D. 30 days for each month
28. What is the rank of the Head of the
20. Bureau of Corrections is under the BUCOR?
supervision of .
A. DILG Undersecretary
A. DOJ B. DILG Secretary
B. DILG C. DOJ Undersecretary
C. DND D. DOJ Secretary
D. Provincial Government
29. Who approved the application of the
21. Jake is a famous celebrity here in the prisoner to be a colonist?
Philippines and he was found guilty under the
case of serious physical injury. He will be A. Director
classified as what kind of inmate? B. Superintendent
C. Senior Supt.


D. Chief Supt.
30. In operation greyhound, all orders B. BJMP
concerning troop movements will emanate C. CIW
from him. D. Provincial Jails

A. Warden 38. How many days an inmate shall stay in

B. Ground Commander Inmate Classification and Counseling Unit to
C. Officer-in-charge undergo assessment by the different health
D. Team Leader professionals?

31. The lethal injection is consisting three A. At least 30 days

chemicals which will be injected to the person’s B. At least 60 days
viable body in the following sequence. C. Minimum period of 30 days but not
exceeding 60 days
I. Sodium Thiopental D. Minimum period of 30 days but not
II. Potassium Chloride exceeding 90 days
III. Pancuronium Bromide
39. Who among the following is a
A. I,II,III provincial prisoner?
C. III,II,I A. A prisoner serving a term of 6 years
D. II,I,III and 1 day to 12 years
B. A prisoner serving a term of 6 months
32. Detention prisoners who are awaiting and 1 day to 6 years
judgment or trial of their case are under the C. A prisoner serving a term of 6 months
supervision and control of . and 1 day to 3 years
D. A prisoner serving a term of 3 years
A. BJMP and above
C. Provincial Jails 40. Can a detainee be granted of GCTA?
D. National Bilibid Prison
A. No, because he is not a convicted
33. Books the newly committed inmate in prisoner.
the jail blotter. B. No, because GCTA is only for
sentenced prisoner.
A. Gater C. Yes, if he qualifies for the number of
B. Records unit years needed.
C. Desk officer D. Yes, provided that he voluntarily offered into
D. Jail Warden writing that he will be treated as such sentenced
34. A written order of the court, or any
other agency authorized by law to issue, 41. Media representative may file a written
entrusting an inmate to a jail for the purpose of request with the Superintendent at least
safekeeping during the pendency of his/her days prior to the proposed interview of an
case. inmate.
A. Commitment Order B. 3
B. Carpeta C. 5
C. Mittimus Order D. 7
D. Prison Record
42. What is the prescribed color of uniform
35. The jail social worker at the ICCU shall for the detainees of the BJMP is
conduct in-depth interview with the newly A. Brown
admitted inmate, an interview that the “who B. Orange
the inmate is from birth up to present”. C. Yellow
A. Psychiatric Examination D. Blue
B. Social Case Study
C. Background Investigation 43. When does punishment have
D. Risk Assessment deterrent effect?

36. How many percent of the prisoner’s A. Punishment disgraces the offender
earnings before public.
will be deposited in the trust fund? B. Punishment is serious compared with
the nature of offense
A. 20% C. Punishment serves as an example to
B. 30% the public.
C. 40% D. Punishment reduces the capacity of
D. 50% an individual to commit a crime.

37. Maria Clara is sentenced to serve an 44. Ideal number of days for proper
imprisonment of 3 years and 1 day. In what classification of newly arrived convicted
institution she would be confined? offenders at the Directorate for Reception and


A. 45 days A. To view the remains of a deceased
B. 30 days relative
C. 55 days B. For medical examination/treatment
D. 15 days or hospitalization in an outside clinic or
45. It is also called as block or isolation cell C. For attending the need of his
used to separate unruly, dangerous or immediate family in the hospital in case of
vulnerable prisoners from the general emergency
population, sometimes used as punishment. D. To appear in court or other
government agency as directed by the
A. Quarantine Unit competent authority
B. Reception Unit
C. Segregation Unit 53. An inmate maybe excused from
D. Cell 45 mandatory labor if he or she is
A. Over 56 years of age
46. If the inmate agrees to abide by the B. Over 60 years of age
same disciplinary rules upon convicted C. Over 65 years of age
prisoners, he shall be asked to manifest his D. Over 70 years of age
agreement in .
A. Certification 54. This kind of ancient punishment is
B. Writing characterized by sending or putting away of an
C. Certification and Writing offender which was carried out either by
D. None of the above prohibition against coming into a specified
territory such as an island to where the
47. Used of telephone of inmate in prison offender has been removed.
after showing good behavior is earned every A. Destierro
90 days. I such case, an inmate is entitled to B. Banishment
A. Not exceeding 5 minutes of call C. Death
B. Not exceeding 10 minutes of call D. Incapacitation
C. Not exceeding 15 minutes of call
D. Not exceeding 20 minutes of call 55. Gallows is a long, low, narrow, single-
decked ships propelled by sails, usually vowed
48. The purpose of classification is by criminals that are used as jails and prison.
A. To prepare inmate for prison life This statement is .
B. To develop integrated and realistic A. True
program for prison B. False
C. To orient inmate of prison life C. Partially true
D. All of the above D. Partially false

49. Strip search (naked search) should 56. It refers to the money paid to the
be conducted relatives of a murdered person as
A. In the presence of other inmates so compensation and to prevent blood feud.
that there are witnesses “Payment for the victim or man’s price”.
B. At the warden’s office A. Wergild
C. At the admission office in the B. Lex Taliones
presence of other jail personnel C. Dowry
D. Private room where it will be out of the D. Fines
view of others to avoid further establishment
57. A criminal could avoid punishment by
50. In Special Conduct Time Allowance
claiming refugee in a church for a period of
(STAL), a deduction of from the period of
days at the end of which time he has
sentence shall be granted in case a prisoner
compelled to leave the realm by a road or path
does not leave his place of confinement during
assigned to him.
the earthquake.
B. 40
A. 1/5
C. 50
B. 2/5
D. 60
C. 4/5
D. 1/2
58. They pose lesser danger than
maximum security prisoners in case they
51. A deduction of sentence given to
prisoner in recognition of his good conduct or
A. Minimum Security Prisoner
good behavior.
B. Medium Security Prisoner
C. Maximum Security Prisoner
C. Parole
59. A device, tool or instrument used to
hold back, keep in, check or control inmates.
(e.g., handcuffs)
52. The Superintendent of the prison may
authorize an inmate to be taken out of prison
A. Iron Leg Lock
in the following instances, EXCEPT one.
B. Handcuffs
C. Instrument of Restraint


D. Metallic Chains

60. This refers to the institutional record

(national record) of an inmate which consists
of his Mittimus/Commitment Order, the


information and the decision of the trial court, C. Loitering or being in an unauthorized
including that of the appellate court, if any: place

A. Mittimus Order
B. Carpeta
C. Commitment Order
D. Prison Record

61. It is an act of leaving from jail of an

inmate through unofficial and illegal ways or
without any legal order from the authorities.

A. Jail break
B. Jail escape
C. Noise barrage
D. Jail incident

62. Where does the lethal injection located?

A. Camp Bukang Liwayway

B. Camp Sampaguita
C. Camp Central
D. Camp Sta. Lucia

63. This is a warrant issued by the court

bearing its seal and signature of the judge
directing the jail or prison authorities to receive
the convicted offender for service of sentence
or detention?

A. Mittimus
B. Commitment Order
C. Search Warrant
D. Warrant of Arrest

64. What is the purpose of fencing the

surrounding in minimum security institution?

A. It is designed to prevent escapes

B. It is designed for agricultural purposes
C. It is designed to facilitate open view of
the surrounding
D. To keep away the civilian population
from entering the institution

65. An program employs

prisoners in various product or good producing

A. Industrial
B. Agricultural
C. Operational
D. Economical

66. He is the first leader to prescribe

imprisonment as correctional treatment for
major offenders also responsible for the
abolition of death penalty and torture as a form
of punishment.

A. John Howard
B. Alexander Maconochie
C. William Penn
D. Jeremy Bentham

67. Which of the following is a minor

offense in jail?

A. Keeping or concealing keys or locks of

places in the jail where it is off limits to inmates
B. Making untruthful statements or lies in
official communication, transaction or


D. Rendering personal services to fellow

68. What is the dual purpose of the

Correctional System here in the Philippines?

A. To rehabilitate and retaliate

B. To punish and rehabilitate
C. To retaliate and revenge
D. To punish and to imprison

69. It is called the Good Conduct Time

Allowance Law which was signed in 2013.

A. RA 10575
B. RA 10952
C. RA 10592
D. RA 10175

70. Albert was under this type of search

conducted by the authorized officer wherein
they check the whole body of Albert,
including its orifice.

A. Body Search
B. Strip Search
C. Frisk Search
D. Rub Search

71. According to this ancient law that

was practiced in the areas of Babylon, the
killer is answerable not to the family but to
the king.

A. Code of Draco
B. Code of Kalantiaw
C. Code of Hammurabi
D. Code of Lex Taliones

72. This word means redress.

A. Penology
B. Punishment
C. Penalty
D. Correction

73. A powerful earthquake destroyed a

prison where W,X,Y and Z are inmates. All,
except Z, escaped. W surrendered after 24
hours, X surrendered after 2 days, and Y
surrendered after 3 days. Who among them
are not entitled to Special Time Allowance for

B. Y
C. W

74. Commission of Art. 247 of RPC has a

penalty of banishing a person from the place
where he committed a crime refers to what
contemporary forms of punishment?

A. Atonement
B. Destierro
C. Retribution
D. Incapacitation

75. The following are kinds of

punishment during the ancient or primitive
era, except

A. Corporal punishment
B. Flight restriction Reception and
C. Death
D. Incapacitation

76. These are the requisites of a valid

Mittimus Order, except

A. Seal of the Court

B. Signature of the Judge
C. Name of the President
D. Attestation of the Clerk of Court

77. The close confinement in a cell in BJMP

shall be between in any calendar month
provided that this punishment shall be imposed
only in the case of an incorrigible prisoner,
when other disciplinary measured had been
proven ineffective.

A. 1 month to 2 months
B. 1 day to 7 days
C. Not more than 1 month
D. Not more than 12 months

78. What is the rank of the head of BUCOR?

A. Director General
B. Undersecretary
C. Chief
D. Director

79. This is considered as the youngest and

fastest growing correctional institution in the

A. Davao Prison
B. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
C. Leyte Regional Prison
D. Iwahig –

80. What will be the percentage deduction

if a detainee disagrees with detainees

A. 1/5
B. 2/5
C. 3/5
D. 4/5

81. ICCU stands for

A. Inmate Collaboration Center Unit

B. Inmate Classification and Counseling
C. Inmate Charity and Custodial Unit

82. NIMS stands for

A. National Information Monitoring System

B. National Important Matter System
C. National Inmate Monitoring System
D. National Institute Monitoring System

83. When should an inmate be transferred

to the Separation and Placement Center?

A. 15 days before release

B. 30 days before release
C. 60 days before release
D. Anytime

84. Under the BJMP Manual, a detainee or

an inmate shall undergo the Directorate for


Diagnostic for proper classification. The
statement is

A. True
B. False – BJMP = ICCU
C. Partially True
D. Partially False

85. It responds immediately and in

shortest time for any form of jail
incident/disturbance while waiting for
National/Regional STAR Team.

A. Special Action Force

B. Quick Response Team
C. Quick Reaction Group
D. Short Response Force

86. When admitting an inmate for

serving of his sentence, the officer-in-charge
shall record the inmate’s commitments in a
chronological order:
I. Name of the Inmate
II. Sentence
III. Reason for Commitment
IV. Date and Hour of Discharge or Transfer
V. Date and Hour of Admission


87. Under the classification process done

under DRD, this is the formulation of
tentative treatment program.

A. Diagnosis
B. Treatment Planning
C. Execution of Treatment
D. Re-classification

88. Who can revoked the status of an

inmate as a colonist?

A. Chairman
B. Superintendent
C. Warden
D. Asst. Warden

89. If during a tsunami, an inmate

escaped but decided to surrender within 48
hours, how many percent would be deducted
from his sentence?

A. 1/5
B. 2/5
C. Evasion of service of sentence

90. Under the BJMP Manual, he/she will

be the one who shall consolidate all the
results and shall make proper decision as to
the classification of the inmates.

A. Psychiatrist
B. Asst. Warden
C. Case Manager
D. Jail Social Worker

91. Under the BJMP Manual, all cases

referred to the Disciplinary Board shall be
heard and decided within .


A. 3 days 99. Manila City Jail experience a sudden jail
B. 4 days break, as part of the SOP, who will sound the
C. 48 hours alarm?
D. 24 hours
A. Desk Officer
92. This is the term which referred to the B. Armorer
visitation of deceased member of an inmate C. Control Center
that’s within 30 kilometer radius, for 3 hours. D. Officer-in-Charge

A. Furlaugh 100. This refers to the act of prisoner trying

B. Furlow to convert or induce another to change his
C. Furlough religious beliefs or the like while under
D. Furlol confinement is referred to as
A. Prosecuting
93. This is a method of determining the B. Proselytizing
rightness of an action by balancing the C. Fraternization
probable pleasures and pains that it would D. Inducement
Part II. Non-Institutional Correction
A. Calculus
B. Philosophic Calculus 1. As a criminologist, how would you
C. Felicific Calculus describe probation?
D. Imaginative Calculus
A. A privilege granted by the court to a person
94. Making frivolous/groundless complaint convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the
is under the level of offense. community instead of actually going to prison/jail.
B. A disposition under which the
A. Minor defendant after conviction and sentenced, was
B. Less grave released subject to conditions imposed by the
C. Grave community and to the supervision of probation
D. NOTA officer.
C. Both a and b
95. All mail letters for the inmates before D. NOTA
distribution shall pass through for
inspection and examination of contents. 2. A suspension of sentence
implemented by the court as an alternative to
A. Mail Examination incarceration.
B. Letter Checking
C. Letter Sorting A. Parole
D. Mail Censorship B. Probation
C. Pardon
96. All letters passed by the censors should D. Commutation
bear the censor’s stamp at the of each
page and on the envelope. The letter should be 3. Carillo was convicted to a prison term
placed back in the same envelope and of prision correctional. Will he qualify for
resealed. probation?

A. Back A. No, his sentence is 6 years and 1 day.

B. Conspicuous area B. No, his sentence is more than 6 years
C. Side and 1 day.
D. Top C. Yes, his sentence is less than 6 years
and 1 day.
97. The Panopticon is a type of prison D. Yes, his sentence is 3 years and 1 day.
building designed by English Philosopher
Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The concept of the 4. What is the effect of the recommitment
design was derived from the word meaning of of a probationer?
“pan” and “opticon”. Opticon means
A. Serve the remaining portion of his
A. To allow observer to observe sentence
B. Without the prisoner B. Serve the original sentence of
C. To allow prisoners to watch imprisonment in full
D. To allow observer to play C. Serve the remaining portion of the
maximum sentence
98. If the inmate fails to claim his letter D. Serve the minimum sentence imposed
after it has been posted, the mail 5. Which has the authority to grant parole?
should be delivered to him.
A. President
A. 24 hours B. Board of Pardons and Parole
B. 48 hours C. Director of Prison
C. 72 hours D. Court - probation
D. 12 hours
6. To be eligible for the grant of
conditional pardon, what portion of must have


been served by a petitioner prisoner?


A. ½ of the minimum of his
indeterminate sentence 14. An inmate may be eligible for
B. ½ of the maximum of his commutation of sentence if he/she has served
indeterminate sentence
C. 1/3 of the maximum of his
indeterminate sentence
D. ¼ of the minimum of his
indeterminate sentence

7. One of the mandatory conditions to a

probationer is to present himself to the
probation officer designated to undertake his
supervision within
from receipt or said order.

A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 45 days

8. The Post-Sentence Investigation Report

(PSIR) is submitted by the Probation Officer to
the Court within

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 180 days

9. Upon receipt of the PSIR, the court

shall decide to the application not later than

A. 10 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days

10. This is the effect of the grant of


A. The sentence will be executed

B. The execution of the sentence is
C. The probationer is sent to the prison
D. The prisoner is sent to the half-way

11. An inmate may be granted parole if he

A. Earned a good behavior while serving
prison term
B. Earned good conduct time allowance
C. Serve his minimum sentence

12. It is a document that is issued to a

parolee when the maximum period of his
prison term has expired?

A. Certificate of final release

B. Certificate of final discharge
C. Certificate of final release and
D. Certification of discharge

13. The recipient of absolute pardon is

from civil liability imposed upon him by the

A. Conditionally exempted
B. Exempted
C. Partially exempted
D. Not exempted


A. 1/3 of the definite prison term
B. 1/3 of the minimum of his
indeterminate sentence
C. ½ of the minimum of his
indeterminate sentence
D. 1/3 of the maximum of his
indeterminate sentence

15. Nature of the hearing in violation

of a probation.

A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Regular
D. Summary

16. These are the possible decisions of

the Court in the summary hearing of the
violated condition of the probationer, EXCEPT

A. Dismiss the violation report

B. Modification of probation order
C. Revocation order

17. It is an executive clemency

whereby the convicted person should serve
part of his sentence.

A. Parole
B. Pardon
C. Probation
D. Reprieve

18. All except one are the requisites to

be eligible for review of a parole cases.

A. Final Conviction
B. Served the minimum period of said
C. Maximum period of sentence
exceeds one year

19. An investigation conducted by parole

officer made before the grant of parole

A. Post-Sentence Investigation
B. Post-Sentence Investigation Report
C. Pre-Parole Investigation
D. Pre-Parole Investigation Report

20. It is exercise exclusively within the

sound discretion of the President for the
objective of preventing miscarriage of justice
or correcting manifests injustice.

A. Probation
B. Parole
C. Executive Clemency
D. Reprieve

21. The board shall assess and

determine whether the petitioner is qualified
for parole, the decision or action must be
suspended by
of the members of the Board.

A. 10 votes
B. 5 votes
C. Majority
D. 15 votes


22. Amnesty can be granted trial or 30. Forerunner of parole.
A. Mark System
A. Before B. Solitary System – PENNYSLVANIA
B. After C. Congregate System – Auburn
C. During D. Recognizance – forerunner of probation
D. All of the above
31. Pardon can be extended to any of the
23. This is effect of the if the accused after cases, except
conviction filed an appeal to the appellate
court. A. Carnapping
B. Estafa
A. May still apply for probation C. Parricide
B. Sentence is deemed suspended D. Impeachment
C. Waiver of probation
D. All of the above 32. Who shall endorse to the Board the
petition for absolute or conditional pardon if
24. Under the rules and methods employed the crime committed is against the national
by probation, what is the maximum number of security?
minor violations that would result in the
revocation of the probation order? A. DFA
A.2 C. DOJ Secretary
B. 3 D. DND Secretary
C. 4
D. 5 33. Kind of executive clemency which
exempts an individual within certain limits or
25. He is considered as the Father of conditions from the punishment that the law
Probation in U.S. inflicts for the offense he has committed
resulting from the partial extinction of his
A. Edward Savage – first hired by the govt criminal liability.
in us
B. Matthew Davenport Hill – father of A. Absolute Pardon
probation in England B. Conditional Pardon
C. John Augustus C. Reprieve
D. Teodulo Natividad – father of probation D. Commutation of Sentence
in PH
34. It is an act of clemency which changes
26. Parole and Probation Administration is
the heavier sentence to a less serious one or a
under the direction of
longer term to shorter term.
A. Department of Finance
A. Amnesty
B. Department of Justice
B. Reprieve
C. Pardon
D. Commutation
27. Modifications of conditions for
35. This is a procedure which permits a
probation is allowed .
jail/prisoner to pursue his normal job during the
week (Mon-Fri) and return to the jail to serve
A. Only upon the application of the
his sentence during the weekend (sat-sun) or
non-working hours.
B. At any time during the supervision
C. 15 days after granting it
A. Amnesty
D. Any of these
C. Probation
28. How long is the period of probation of a
D. Delayed Sentence
defendant sentenced to a term of
imprisonment of more than one (1) year?
36. For amnesty to be granted, there should
A. Not exceeding 6 years
B. Not exceeding 8 years
C. Not exceeding 10 years
A. Recommendation from Malacanang
D. Not exceeding 2 years
B. Recommendation from U.N.
C. Application from PNP
29. The following are conditions of
D. Concurrence of the Congress
probation, except
37. Probation in Philippines was first
A. Granted by the court
introduced by virtue of also known as
B. He/she was once on probation
Philippine Probation Act of 1935.
C. Must not have committed any crime
against national security
A. RA 4221
D. Penalty shall not exceed six
B. ACT 4221
years imprisonment
C. PD 765
D. PD 968


45. A probationer and parolee have this
38. This is the temporary withholding of common, except
sentence, before or after judgment; as where
the Judge is not satisfied with the verdict, or A. Both committed a crime
evidence is suspicious, or indictment is B. Both have been sentenced by the court
insufficient, or sometimes if it be a small felony C. Both are persons
or any favorable circumstances appear in the D. Both have not served their sentence
criminal’s character.
46. Can a prisoner reject a grant of
A. Reprieve conditional pardon?
B. Executive Reprieve
C. Judicial Reprieve A. No, he is required by the law to
D. Legislative Reprieve accept it because he is qualified
B. No, he is obligated to accept
39. A term means “friend of court” conditional pardon once it is granted to him
C. Yes, he has the right to refuse the offer
A. Amicos Curae of condition pardon
B. Amigos Curaie D. Yes, if the prisoner finds the conditions
C. Amicus Curiae to be unacceptable, he can reject the grant of
D. NOTA pardon

40. It is a for of authorizing the PPA or the 47. What is the document required
Probation Office to secure any and all before the issuance of the CFRD?
information on the petitioner, shall be duly
executed and signed by him/her. A. Certificate of Final Release and Discharge
B. Progress Report
A. Waiver of agreement C. Release Document
B. Waiver of liability D. Summary Report
C. Waiver cum authorization
D. Probation order 48. R.A. 4225 created what
particular government agency?
41. A parolee or pardonee, upon release
from prison through parole or pardon shall A. DOJ
immediately report to his/her supervising B. BUCOR
officer immediately upon release there from C. Probation Office
within D. BPP

A. 15 days 49. Payment of civil liability by the

B. 30 days probationer for loss or damage incurred by the
C. 45 days victim is known in probation law as
D. 60 days
A. Indemnification
42. In the event that the court orders the B. Reimbursement
revocation of probation, the probationer must C. Payment
serve the original sentence and the time he D. Compensation
was placed on probation .
50. How much is the salary of VPA?
A. Will not be credited
B. Will be credited A. P5,000/month
C. Will be counted as time served B. P10,000/month
D. Will be partially credited C. P15,000/month
D. None
43. A pardonee released on conditional
pardon who violated the conditions of his 51. What document will be issued by the
release will be recommitted and ordered to BPP if the Parolee fails to report within 45 days
serve the remaining portion of his sentence. He to his/her Supervising Officer?
will also be charged with
under the RPC. A. Recommitment Order
B. Warrant of Arrest
A. Violation of conditional pardon C. Violation Report
B. Evasion of service of sentence D. Order of Arrest and Recommitment
C. Escape and evasion
D. Breach of contract 52. Who approves the request for change
of residence of a probationer?
44. Parole although not a form of executive
clemency is A. BPP
A. Judicial function C. Court
B. Legislative function D. President
C. Executive function
D. Court function


53. Can a person convicted of a crime with parole. The statement is
a prison term of less than 6 years be denied for
the grant of probation? A. True

A. No, because PD 968 provides this right

to the convict whose sentence is below 6
B. No, because probation is a matter of
C. Yes, because probation is a matter of
D. Yes, because probation is only a
matter of privilege.

54. What is this written order that BPP

submits to PPA in order to pull out an
Investigating Officer?

A. Release Order
B. Referral Order
C. Search Order
D. Termination Order

55. Under probation system, what is this

written order that court issues for the proper
closure of a probation case?

A. Release Order
B. Referral Order
C. Search Order
D. Termination Order

56. Under R.A. 10707, how many days

should the probation officer needs to submit
termination report to the trial court?

A. 30 days prior to end of probation – PD

B. 15 days prior to the end of probation
C. 5 days prior to the end of probation

57. Are the probationers allowed to go


A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe

58. Are the Parolees allowed to go or

work abroad?

A. No, because they are still under

Parole commitment.
B. No, because they can escape.
C. Yes, as long as it is approved by
the Administrator of PPA and confirmed by the
D. Yes, because they already served part
of their sentence.

59. When a parolee violates to the

contract/agreement, this summary hearing is
conducted in order to prove whether he/she
really made a violation or not.

A. Mini Trial
B. Quorum
C. Qourum
D. Short Hearing

60. An ex-parolee who violates to his/her

previous parole conditions can still re-apply for


B. False
C. Partially true
D. Partially false

61. When a probationer seeks to travel

up to 30 days outside the territorial
jurisdiction of the Probation Office, he should
file a request for outside travel for at least
how many days before the intended travel

A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 5 days
D. 7 days

62. Maximum number of case loads

under supervision of a Probation Aides.

B. 1:3
C. 1:5
D. 1:7

63. The following are the mandatory

conditions of probation, except one

A. Not to commit another offense

during the period of probation
B. To present himself to the probation
officer within 72 hours upon receipt of
probation order
C. Meet his family responsibilities
D. To report to the probation officer at
least once a month during probation period

64. All except one are the instances

wherein supervision of parole and conditional
pardon case deemed to archive or close.

A. Certificate of Transfer of Residence

B. Certified True Copy of Death
Certificate of Deceased Client
C. Order of Recommitment issued by the
D. Formal receipt of Certificate of Final

65. Probation is a privilege granted to

deserving and qualified petitioners, when
does it become a matter of right?

A. After the submission of the Post-

Sentence Investigation Report
B. When the convict files a petition for
C. When the appeal was undertaken
D. When his probation is granted

66. If a probationer did not comply with

the conditions, if the reasons for non-
compliance is not meritorious, the court will
issue a

A. Termination Order
B. Warrant of Arrest
C. Order of Arrest and Recommitment
D. Revocation Order

67. Which is true?

Statement 1: The age of the petitioner is a
factor in granting commutation of sentence.
Statement 2: Parole is not a matter of right
but rather a matter of privilege to a qualified
prisoner granted by the President.
A. Statement 1
B. Statement 2 A. True
C. Both statement B. False
D. Both are false C. True, only if the judgment provides
subsidiary imprisonment
68. He/she is a convicted defendant whose D. False, it is only applicable for the
application for probation has give due course penalty of imprisonment
by the court but failed to report to the
probation officer or cannot be located within a 76. The Director of the BUCOR or the
reasonable period of time. Warden shall forward the of the prisoner to
the BPP for evaluation and consideration for
A. Absconding Petitioner parole.
B. Absconding Probationer
C. Disobedient Petitioner A. Mittimus
D. Uncooperative Probationer B. Commitment Order
C. Recommendation
69. Who is the Ex-officio Chairman of the D. Prison Record and Carpeta
Board of Pardons and Parole?
77. Ms. Kim Chi was convicted of the crime
A. DOJ Sec. of homicide where she was sentenced to a
B. DILG Sec. penalty of Reclusion Temporal. She appealed
C. Parole and Probation Administrator the case to the higher court. While the appeal
D. President is pending, she filed a petition for parole.
Which of the following statement is correct?
70. Ex-officio member of BPP
A. It depends upon the Board whether to
A. DOJ Sec. grant or deny the petition
B. DILG Sec. B. Her petition must be acted upon
C. Parole and Probation Administrator because the penalty does not exceed 20 years
D. President C. Her petition must be acted upon
because sentence is not yet final
71. If you were convicted of a crime with a D. Her petition must be denied on the
penalty of not more than 6 years, where are ground of pending appeal
you going to apply for probation?
78. These are the authorized to order or
A. BPP approved the release of prisoners, except one
C. Court where you were convicted A. BPP in parole cases
D. DOJ B. Director of BUCOR upon the expiration
of the sentence of prisoner
72. The conviction and sentence clause of C. President in cases of executive
the statutory definition of probation clearly clemency or amnesty
signifies that probation affects D. PPA in cases of granting pardon

A. Only the criminal liability 79. A person who is placed under probation.
B. Only the civil liability
C. Both criminal and civil liabilities A. Client
D. Both criminal and civil liabilities, B. Probationee
including subsidiary C. Probationer
73. A probationer is ordered by the Court
to pay certain amounts to the victim as part of 80. Probation is a form of .
his civil liability. To whom shall he pay the
amount for the remittance of the victim? A. Incarceration
B. Punishment
A. Personally to the victim C. Treatment
B. To the bank account of the victim D. Enjoyment
C. To the Clerk-of-Court of the Trial Court
D. AOTA 81. Branch of the Government which has
the sole authority to exercise pardon.
74. Probation is a mere privilege and its
grant or denial depend upon the Trial Court A. Legislative
and when granted becomes . B. Executive
C. Judicial
A. Natural Right D. None
B. Constitutional Right
C. Statutory Right 82. Probation service is similar to parole
D. Civil Right service in a way that

75. Probation may be granted even if A. Both services are performed by

the sentence imposed is fine only. Prosecutors
B. Both services are performed by President


C. Both services are under judiciary 91. A probationer is allowed to do the
D. Both have similar investigation and following except
supervision functions
A. Make periodic office report
83. A Parolee who is residing inside Metro B. Stay away from bad people/society
Manila shall report at least twice a month, and C. Play in gambling den
if outside, at least once a month. D. Work regularly and support the needs
A. True of his family
B. False
C. Partially True 92. The additional data which are collected
D. Partially False from PSI is called as

84. It is a written report submitted by A. Relevant information

Parole Officer to the BPP after his conduct of B. Collateral Information
investigation. C. Supplementary Information
D. Background Information
A. Post-Sentence Investigation
B. Pre=Probation and Parole 93. To what agency is an alien parolee
System Investigation Report turned over for disposition, documentation and
C. Pre-parole Investigation appropriate order?
D. Pre-parole Investigation Report
A. Bureau of Immigration and Deportation
85. Pardon by the President shall be B. BuCor
extended C. BPP
. D. NBI

A. Upon the discretion of the President 94. These are the authorized to order or
B. After the filing of Complaint/information approved the release of prisoners, except one
C. After the conviction of final judgment
D. Before prosecution and criminal action E. BPP in parole cases
F. Director of BUCOR upon the expiration
86. Who shall endorse to the Board the of the sentence of prisoner
petition for absolute or conditional pardon if G. President in cases of executive
the crime committed is against the national clemency or amnesty
election? H. PPA in cases of granting pardon

A. DFA 95. Whom to apply for parole?

B. Comelec
D. DOJ Sec B. Chairman of BPP
C. Judge
87. Federal Probation Act signed by D. DOJ Sec.
President Calvin Coolidge became on a law on
96. This is granted by the court.
B. 1990 A. Parole
C. March 4, 1925 B. Probation
D. December 4, 1989 C. Pardon
D. Amnesty
88. Who among the following may be
granted conditional pardon? 97. What document shall be issued by the
BPP for the termination of parole case?
A. A prisoner with good behavior.
B. A prisoner who is 60 years old and A. Summary Report
above B. Termination Report
C. A prisoner who served as bastonero C. Release Document – discharge on parole
D. A sick prisoner, certified as such by D. Final Release and Discharge
98. Shortening of the sentence.
89. The word parole means
A. Pardon
B. Parole
A. Palabra de Honor
C. Reprieve
B. Word of Honor
D. Commutation
C. Word of Wisdom
D. Penance
99. It is also called as General Pardon
90. VPA may be appointed from among
A. Collective Pardon
the citizens of
B. Blanket Pardon
C. Group Pardon
A. Good religious background
B. High educational level
C. Good repute and probity
D. High social standing or status


D. NOTA 8. A resident/client is expected to have
been proven his ability to take on more
100. It refers to leniency or mercy responsibility hence needs lesser supervision.

A. Grace A. Entry/Orientation Phase

B. Power B. Primary Treatment
C. Damages C. Pre-re-entry Phase
D. Longevity D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare
Part III. Therapeutic Modality
9. A resident/client is handled gently and
1. A self-social learning treatment model is expected to commit mistakes in the process
used in the rehabilitation of drug offenders and of learning the program.
other clients with behavioral problems.
A. Entry/Orientation Phase
A. Therapeutic Community B. Primary Treatment
B. Restorative Justice C. Pre-re-entry Phase
C. Therapeutic Program D. Re-entry Phase
D. Modality Program E. Aftercare

2. It serves as a guide to what direction 10. The resident/client is focused in

the community is headed for the day. creating a new lifestyle applying the tools and
concept of TC.
A. Concept of the day
B. Title of the day A. Entry/Orientation Phase
C. Program of the day B. Primary Treatment
D. Task of the day C. Pre-re-entry Phase
D. Re-entry Phase
3. Action or activity that reflects or brings E. Aftercare
out the goodness in a man.
11. A phase wherein the client is learning
A. Intellectuality how to trust the environment by disclosing self
B. Spirituality to the community and develop insight in the
C. Anger process.
D. TC Philosophy
A. Entry/Orientation Phase
4. The entire treatment process of an B. Primary Treatment
offender requires individualized treatment C. Pre-re-entry Phase
program success will depend upon . D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare
A. Fiscal Planning and Allotment
B. Workable Classification Program 12. Morning meeting is an activity under
C. Effective Custodial Discipline
D. All of the above A. Behavioral Management
B. Emotional/Psychological Aspect
5. There are four major programs under C. Intellectual/Spiritual Aspect
the mandate of BJMP and they are the D. Vocational and Survival Aspect
following, EXCEPT
13. This program is in line with the
A. Decongestion program government’s policy of providing timely and
B. Good governance speedy access to the government service.
C. Provisions of basic needs
D. Welfare and development program A. Paralegal Program
B. E-Dalaw Program
6. “I am here because there is no refuge, C. Help Desk
finally D. Behavioral Management Program
from myself”
14. Counselling is an activity under
A. Self-disclosure
B. Reflection A. Paralegal Program
C. Surrender B. E-Dalaw Program
D. Growth C. Emotional/Psychological Aspect
D. Behavioral Management Program
7. The phase wherein the client is focused
on the integration into society. 15. In extreme cases, when a resident is
incorrigible and becomes a threat to the
A. Entry/Orientation Phase community, the Director with the
B. Primary Treatment recommendation of the Disciplinary Board may
C. Pre-re-entry Phase transfer him/her to the nearest jail facility with
D. Re-entry Phase an appropriate Court Order.
E. Aftercare
A. Bans
B. Expulsion


C. Banishment D. Haircut
D. Destierro E. Learning Experience

16. These are sanctions to the members 24. It is done when negative behaviors or
who commit repeatedly infractions or violations infractions to the House Rules/Norms in same
to the Cardinal Rules by prohibiting, disallowing offense are done for the 2nd time.
or limiting an activity or affiliation to a group.
A. Talk to
A. Bans B. Pull up
B. Restrictions C. Death with
C. Punishments D. Haircut
D. Penalty E. Learning Experience

17. Job functions are included in 25. A behavior shaping tool done involving
a panel of 5.
A. Behavioral Management
B. Emotional/Psychological Aspect A. Talk to
C. Intellectual/Spiritual Aspect B. Pull up
D. Vocational and Survival Aspect C. Death with
D. Haircut
18. Night activities in TC is held every E. Learning Experience
as a recreational event to purposely
instill fun, humor and entertainment after an 26. It is an outright correction done by any
intense and hectic week. member of the TC Community to another
member who has done a minor infraction but is
A. Friday not aware of it.
B. Saturday
C. Sunday A. Talk to
D. Monday B. Pull up
C. Death with
19. A TC Hierarchy that is responsible for D. Haircut
carrying-out tasks, duties and responsibilities E. Learning Experience
of their concerned departments.
27. Professional activity of helping
A. Department Crew individuals, groups or communities to enhance
B. Department Head or restore their capacity for psychological,
C. Coordinator emotional and social functioning and creating
D. Chief Expediter an environment favorable for the attainment of
these goals.
20. A TC hierarchy that serves as liaison
between resident and staff. A. Behavioral Management
B. Behavior Shaping Tools
A. Department Crew C. Therapeutic Community
B. Department Head D. Counseling
C. Coordinator
D. Chief Expediter 28. It is also called genuineness and define
as being honest and authentic in dealing with
21. A TC hierarchy communicates with the client.
department heads in execution of job
functions. A. Empathy
B. Warmth
A. Department Crew C. Congruence
B. Department Head D. Respect
C. Coordinator E. Confidentiality
D. Chief Expediter
29. The ability to perceive the client’s feelings
22. A TC Hierarchy that supervises the and
over-all functions of the department in the TC to demonstrate accurate perception of the client
A. Empathy
A. Department Crew B. Warmth
B. Department Head C. Congruence
C. Coordinator D. Respect
D. Chief Executive E. Confidentiality

23. It is done when negative behaviors or 30. It is also called “unconditional positive
infractions to the House Rules/Norms in same regard”. It involves accepting and caring about
offense are done for the 3rd time or more or for the client as a person regardless of any
first time offender. evaluation or prejudices on the client’s
behavior or thoughts.
A. Talk to
B. Pull up A. Empathy
C. Death with B. Warmth
C. Congruence


D. Respect


E. Confidentiality
38. TC is a place where
31. Belief in the client’s ability to make
appropriate decisions and deal appropriately A. One can change-unfold; the group can
with his or her life situations, when given a safe foster change; individuals must take
and supportive environment. responsibility; structures must accommodate
this; act as if go through the motion
A. Empathy B. One can’t change-unfold; the group
B. Warmth can’t foster change; individuals must take
C. Congruence responsibility; structures must accommodate
D. Respect this; act as if go through the motion
E. Confidentiality C. One can change-unfold, the group can
neglect change; groups and peers take
32. It means that anything discussed responsibility; structures must hinder this; act
during counseling sessions is held absolutely as if go through the motion.
private and not be discussed anywhere. D. NOTA

A. Empathy 39. Pepito was released from the jail and

B. Warmth sent to LGU units for his follow-up session to
C. Congruence maintain his skills and positive behavior. What
D. Respect phase of treatment describes in this situation?
E. Confidentiality
A. Entry/Orientation Phase
33. Permanent group of peers and leaders B. Primary Treatment
that meet regularly while the residents are in C. Pre-re-entry Phase
treatment. D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare
A. Static Group
B. Peer Confrontation Group 40. Through self-discovery, Elsa became
C. Secrets part of the community and learn to trust people
D. Encounter Group around her. What phase of treatment does this
E. Extended Group belongs?

34. It is commonly known as “safety valve” A. Entry/Orientation Phase

within B. Primary Treatment
the community which is high pressures and C. Pre-re-entry Phase
D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare
A. Static Group
B. Peer Confrontation Group
41. Daily ritual that starts the day in a TC
C. Secrets
facility. It is attended by the whole community
D. Encounter Group
and lasts for an hour.
E. Extended Group
A. Morning Meeting
35. Group activity where participants are
B. General Meeting
given the opportunity to unload emotional
C. Pre-morning Meeting
baggage and thus experience freedom from
D. Staff Meeting
internal psychological conflict.
42. This meeting is done early in the
A. Static Group
morning prior to Morning Meeting. Senior
B. Peer Confrontation Group
members of the community will meet for about
C. Secrets
15 minutes to discuss the attitude of residents
D. Encounter Group
previously. It is where the senior members
E. Extended Group
formulate solutions to the concerns discussed
and to be executed during the day.
36. It is known as a probe marathon and
typically has 5 to 12 residents. It is conducted
A. Morning Meeting
by 2 highly trained members.
B. General Meeting
C. Pre-morning Meeting
A. Static Group
D. Staff Meeting
B. Peer Confrontation Group
C. Secrets
43. This phase of encounter group involves
D. Encounter Group
verbalization of concerns or honest disclosure
E. Extended Group
of emotions that has been provoked during
interpersonal interactions with another
37. These are groups that have been
chosen by the staff and are based on peers.
A. Confrontation
A. Static Group
B. Exploration
B. Peer Confrontation Group
C. Resolution and Commitment
C. Secrets
D. Socialization
D. Encounter Group
E. Extended Group


44. At this phase, it involves structured 51. Duration of Pre-morning Meeting
social events where all those in an encounter
group will have ample time to mend fences A. 15 minutes
with those they have offended or hurt in the B. 30 minutes
past. C. 45 minutes
D. 1 hour
A. Confrontation
B. Exploration 52. As part of the morning meeting,
C. Resolution and Commitment participants and facilitators recites the .
D. Socialization
A. TC Philosophy
45. The resident involved will now express B. TC Program
how he feels about the whole thing and may C. TC Core Values
own up his behavior which has caused the D. TC Mission and Vision
53. Mr. Tommy, as a counselor, is aware
that he still needs to improve himself in dealing
A. Confrontation with his client in order to build a more effective
B. Exploration counselling. Which of the following
C. Resolution and Commitment psychosocial skill for counseling was
D. Socialization demonstrated?

46. The feeling expressed of the resident A. Empathy

are further examined and find out how it could B. Warmth
have resulted in such a way to evoke C. Respect
awareness on the connection of behavior, D. Congruence
feelings and attitude. E. Confidentiality

54. Counselors in TC change regularly every

A. Confrontation
B. Exploration A. 1 month
C. Resolution and Commitment B. 2 months
D. Socialization C. 4 months
D. 6 months
47. It is introduced to provide the residents
the opportunity to learn how to reason ably 55. Information gathering in counseling
and put together arguments in a logical session lasts for how many minutes?
A. 10 minutes
A. Grab bag B. 15 minutes
B. Meditation C. 20 minutes
C. Seminars D. 30 minutes
D. Debate
56. An older member of the community
48. It is used to help an individual establish tasked to provide guidance to the newly-
a practice of moving his attention within, committed residents.
finding his place of relaxation and peace by
contacting his inner wisdom. A. Friend
B. Big Brother
A. Grab bag C. Director
B. Meditation D. Coordinator
C. Seminars
D. Debate 57. The highest position attained by a
resident in TC Hierarchy, who works with the
49. It enhances the residents ability to staff in running the house and implementing
communicate, analyze ideas and develop rules.
insights about themselves with the use of
identification with the inanimate object. A. Friend
B. Big Brother
A. Grab bag C. Director
B. Meditation D. Coordinator
C. Seminars
D. Debate 58. The highest staff facility who has direct
command to both residents and staff.
50. It provides intellectual stimulation and
seek personal involvement among the A. Friend
residents. It is a way of providing information, B. Big Brother
improving the resident’s speaking and writing C. Director
abilities. D. Coordinator

A. Grab bag 59. It refers to all residents of the TC

B. Meditation Community.
C. Seminars
D. Debate A. TC Community


B. TC Family B. Understand rather than be understood
C. TC Association C. What goes around comes around
D. TC Organization D. Personal growth before vested status

60. Online or e-marketing of PDL 68. Uses Bible as the primary source of
livelihood products is being run by the . inspiration to change

A. Welfare and Development Office A. Eclectic Approach

B. Alternative Learning System B. Spiritual Approach
C. Office of the Jail Warden C. Behavioral Approach
D. Business Administration Office D. Sports Approach

61. These are the Separation of Categories 69. First level of Shaping Behavioral Tools
under the UN Standard Treatment for PDL,
except A. Talk to
B. Pull up
A. Men and women should be separated C. Dealt with
B. Untried prisoners shall be kept D. Haircut
separated from convicted prisoners
C. Prisoners should be separated 70. Which of the following are the cardinal
according to the nature of their offense/crime rules in BJMP therapeutic community?
D. None
i. No sex or sexual acting out
62. It is an integral part in prisoner’s ii. No illegal drugs/alcohol
rehabilitation which serves as an outlet for iii. No violence or threat or violence
human expression and a form of release from iv. No stealing
one’s inherent desire to create.
A. Music B. I,II,III,IV
B. Sports C. I,II
C. Arts and Crafts D. III,IV
D. Drama
71. It refers to act of making an individual
63. Provides States with detailed guidelines incapable of committing a crime by execution
for protecting the rights of persons deprived of or banishment, and in more modern times by
their liberty, from pre-trial detainees to execution or lengthy periods of incarceration.
sentenced prisoners.
A. Rehabilitation
A. United Nations Standard Minimum B. Incapacitation
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners C. Reformation
B. Geneva Convention D. Restoration
C. Nelson Mandela Rules
D. Both a and c 72. It is the process whereby victims,
offenders and communities affected by a
64. When to break confidentiality? particular offense meet to find a way to restore
or make amends for the harm resulting from an
A. Children are being neglected or abused offense.
B. Appearance in the Court as a witness
or client express plan to commit suicide A. Rehabilitation -MAKING OFFENDER A
C. Client express plan to harm others LAW ABIDING CITIZEN
D. All of the above B. Incapacitation
C. Reformation – CHANGING AN
65. The principal guiding rule observed by INMATE’S
all residents in a TC Community with heavier BEHAVIOR
corresponding consequences. D. Restoration

A. Jail Rules 73. TCMP was introduced in what year?

B. House Rules
C. Cardinal Rules A.2000
D. No Rules B. 1999
C. 1998
66. The chain of command of residents in D. 1997
74. Therapeutic Community Modality
A. Chain of Command Program (TCMP): inside the institution
B. Command Group : outside
C. Hierarchical Structure the institution
D. All of the above
A. Therapeutic Community Outside Program
67. “Whatever you do unto others will be B. Therapeutic Community External Program
done unto you” is an example of what TC C. Therapeutic Community Ladderized
unwritten philosophies? Program
A. Act as if


82. Under the British Democratic Maxwell
75. Under the American Drug-Free Jones- Type TC, the face to face communication
Hierarchy Concept Based TC, these are the refers to
elements that comprises them:
A. Permissiveness
i. Community B. Democracy
ii. Hierarchy C. Communalism
iii. Self-help D. Reality Testing
iv. Communalism
v. Confrontation 83. You have to continually confront them
with their own image.
B. I,II,III,IV A. Permissiveness
C. I,II,III,V B. Democracy
D. I,II,IV,V C. Communalism
D. Reality Testing
76. This is the phase wherein the client
becomes part of the community starting as a 84. Equal chance and opportunities
crew member of the Housekeeping
Department. A. Permissiveness
A. Entry/Orientation Phase B. Democracy
B. Primary Treatment C. Communalism
C. Pre-re-entry D. Reality Testing
D. Re-entry
E. Aftercare 85. You can freely express your thoughts
without any negative repercussions.
77. It is considered as a backbone program
of BJMP. A. Permissiveness
B. Democracy
A. TCMP C. Communalism
B. TCLP D. Reality Testing
D. TIP 86. Tyron often neglected to organized his
bed, so, the staffs requested him to teach
78. Interfaith program is one of the core incoming resident on how to maintain their bed
programs of TCLP. neat and orderly.

A. True A. Talk to
B. False B. Pull up
C. Partially true C. Haircut
D. Partially false D. Learning experience

79. What are the four interconnected 87. Snow White was inadequate to handle
development aspects of TCMP? challenging life circumstances, but thanks to
TC Program, he had learned to manage and
A. Behavior Management, Emotional and deal difficult situations and able to understand
Pyschological, Intellectual and Spiritual, the significance of shaping the behavior.
Vocational and Survival
B. Behavior Management, A. Entry/Orientation Phase
Physical Management, Industrial B. Primary Treatment
Management, Social Management C. Pre-re-entry Phase
C. Behavioral, Instrumental, Educational, D. Re-entry Phase
Individual E. Aftercare
D. None
88. Iya will remain in custody until her case
80. It is done if there is a repeated breach is resolve or until she send to the BUCOR if she
to cardinal rules. found guilty.

A. Haircut A. Entry/Orientation Phase

B. Learning experience B. Primary Treatment
C. General meeting C. Pre-re-entry Phase
D. Expulsion D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare
81. Action/ activity given to a resident
subjected to haircut or general meeting. 89. The principal guiding rule observed by
all residents in a TC Community with heavier
A. Haircut corresponding consequences.
B. Learning experience
C. General meeting E. Jail Rules
D. Expulsion F. House Rules
G. Cardinal Rules
H. No Rules


structures must accommodate this; act as if go
90. Poy participates in varieties of through the motion
activities inside the jail facility that are suitable G. One can change-unfold, the group can
for his abilities in order to maximize his neglect change; groups and peers take
development. responsibility; structures must hinder this; act
as if go through the motion.
A. Entry/Orientation Phase H. NOTA
B. Primary Treatment
C. Pre-re-entry Phase 98. TCMP was introduced in what year?
D. Re-entry Phase
E. Aftercare E. 2000
F. 1999
91. Duration of Morning Meeting G. 1998
H. 1997
A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes 99. Under the American Drug-Free
C. 45 minutes Hierarchy Concept Based TC, these are the
D. 1 hour elements that comprises them:

92. What is the proper pattern of i. Community

counselling session? ii. Hierarchy
iii. Self-help
i. Information gathering iv. Communalism
ii. Conclusion v. Confrontation
iii. Discussion
iv. Introduction E. I,II,III,IV,IV
D. IV,III,II,I 100. Last or extreme level of Shaping
Behavioral Tools
93. To introduce and institutionalized
the program of the BJMP for
inmate E. Talk to
F. Pull up
A. Needed G. Expulsion
B. Essential H. Bans
C. Backbone
D. Nucleus

94. TCMP is under this BJMP Core Program

A. E-dalaw
B. Help-Desk
C. Behavioral
D. Paralegal

95. TCMP was made in order to make the

suicidal people to be God-centered individuals.

A. True
B. False
C. Partially True
D. Partially False

96. The chain of command of residents in


E. Chain of Command
F. Command Group
G. Hierarchical Structure
H. All of the above

97. TC is a place where

E. One can change-unfold; the group can

foster change; individuals must take
responsibility; structures must accommodate
this; act as if go through the motion
F. One can’t change-unfold; the group can’t


foster change; individuals must take responsibility;


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