G2-Ca-Ratio-Ans. Key
G2-Ca-Ratio-Ans. Key
G2-Ca-Ratio-Ans. Key
4. The putting of offenders in prison for 10. Ibarra Alonzo was convicted to serve 6
the purpose of protecting the public and at the years of imprisonment. From this statement, he
same time rehabilitating them by requiring the would be classified as what kind of prisoner?
latter to undergo institutional treatment
program is referred to as A. Insular Prisoner
B. Detention Prisoner
A. Imprisonment C. Municipal Prisoner
B. Trial D. Provincial Prisoner
C. Detention
D. Conviction 11. Dormitory refers to the facility
exclusively used as confinement area of all
5. It is the branch of the administration of inmates within the prison camp with specific
Criminal Justice System charged with the consideration on spatial designation. What is
responsibility for the custody, supervision, and the recommended lot area per inmate?
rehabilitation of the convicted offender.
A. Law Enforcement A. 20 sq. m.
B. Prosecution B. 25 sq. m.
C. Court C. 30 sq. m.
D. Corrections D. 15 sq. m.
E. Community
12. Poy Tan is the third higher ranking
6. This was chiefly a way of ridding the officer in command in the Bureau of
country of criminals, which later developed as Corrections. What would be his position and
a plan for supplying new colonies with cheap title in the Bureau?
labor. It was also an attempt to substitute for
brutal punishment at home and an opportunity A. Director General
for rehabilitation in a new country. B. Deputy Director General
C. Director
A. Judicial Reprieve D. Correction Chief Superintendent
B. Recognizance
C. Transportation 13. Where does the exact location of
D. Benefit of the Clergy Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) in New
Bilibid Prison (NBP)?
36. How many percent of the prisoner’s A. Punishment disgraces the offender
earnings before public.
will be deposited in the trust fund? B. Punishment is serious compared with
the nature of offense
A. 20% C. Punishment serves as an example to
B. 30% the public.
C. 40% D. Punishment reduces the capacity of
D. 50% an individual to commit a crime.
37. Maria Clara is sentenced to serve an 44. Ideal number of days for proper
imprisonment of 3 years and 1 day. In what classification of newly arrived convicted
institution she would be confined? offenders at the Directorate for Reception and
49. Strip search (naked search) should 56. It refers to the money paid to the
be conducted relatives of a murdered person as
A. In the presence of other inmates so compensation and to prevent blood feud.
that there are witnesses “Payment for the victim or man’s price”.
B. At the warden’s office A. Wergild
C. At the admission office in the B. Lex Taliones
presence of other jail personnel C. Dowry
D. Private room where it will be out of the D. Fines
view of others to avoid further establishment
57. A criminal could avoid punishment by
50. In Special Conduct Time Allowance
claiming refugee in a church for a period of
(STAL), a deduction of from the period of
days at the end of which time he has
sentence shall be granted in case a prisoner
compelled to leave the realm by a road or path
does not leave his place of confinement during
assigned to him.
the earthquake.
B. 40
A. 1/5
C. 50
B. 2/5
D. 60
C. 4/5
D. 1/2
58. They pose lesser danger than
maximum security prisoners in case they
51. A deduction of sentence given to
prisoner in recognition of his good conduct or
A. Minimum Security Prisoner
good behavior.
B. Medium Security Prisoner
C. Maximum Security Prisoner
C. Parole
59. A device, tool or instrument used to
hold back, keep in, check or control inmates.
(e.g., handcuffs)
52. The Superintendent of the prison may
authorize an inmate to be taken out of prison
A. Iron Leg Lock
in the following instances, EXCEPT one.
B. Handcuffs
C. Instrument of Restraint
A. Mittimus Order
B. Carpeta
C. Commitment Order
D. Prison Record
A. Jail break
B. Jail escape
C. Noise barrage
D. Jail incident
A. Mittimus
B. Commitment Order
C. Search Warrant
D. Warrant of Arrest
A. Industrial
B. Agricultural
C. Operational
D. Economical
A. John Howard
B. Alexander Maconochie
C. William Penn
D. Jeremy Bentham
A. RA 10575
B. RA 10952
C. RA 10592
D. RA 10175
A. Body Search
B. Strip Search
C. Frisk Search
D. Rub Search
A. Code of Draco
B. Code of Kalantiaw
C. Code of Hammurabi
D. Code of Lex Taliones
A. Penology
B. Punishment
C. Penalty
D. Correction
B. Y
C. W
A. Atonement
B. Destierro
C. Retribution
D. Incapacitation
A. Corporal punishment
B. Flight restriction Reception and
C. Death
D. Incapacitation
A. 1 month to 2 months
B. 1 day to 7 days
C. Not more than 1 month
D. Not more than 12 months
A. Director General
B. Undersecretary
C. Chief
D. Director
A. Davao Prison
B. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
C. Leyte Regional Prison
D. Iwahig –
A. 1/5
B. 2/5
C. 3/5
D. 4/5
A. True
B. False – BJMP = ICCU
C. Partially True
D. Partially False
A. Diagnosis
B. Treatment Planning
C. Execution of Treatment
D. Re-classification
A. Chairman
B. Superintendent
C. Warden
D. Asst. Warden
A. 1/5
B. 2/5
C. Evasion of service of sentence
A. Psychiatrist
B. Asst. Warden
C. Case Manager
D. Jail Social Worker
A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 45 days
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 180 days
A. 10 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days
A. Conditionally exempted
B. Exempted
C. Partially exempted
D. Not exempted
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Regular
D. Summary
A. Parole
B. Pardon
C. Probation
D. Reprieve
A. Final Conviction
B. Served the minimum period of said
C. Maximum period of sentence
exceeds one year
A. Post-Sentence Investigation
B. Post-Sentence Investigation Report
C. Pre-Parole Investigation
D. Pre-Parole Investigation Report
A. Probation
B. Parole
C. Executive Clemency
D. Reprieve
A. 10 votes
B. 5 votes
C. Majority
D. 15 votes
40. It is a for of authorizing the PPA or the 47. What is the document required
Probation Office to secure any and all before the issuance of the CFRD?
information on the petitioner, shall be duly
executed and signed by him/her. A. Certificate of Final Release and Discharge
B. Progress Report
A. Waiver of agreement C. Release Document
B. Waiver of liability D. Summary Report
C. Waiver cum authorization
D. Probation order 48. R.A. 4225 created what
particular government agency?
41. A parolee or pardonee, upon release
from prison through parole or pardon shall A. DOJ
immediately report to his/her supervising B. BUCOR
officer immediately upon release there from C. Probation Office
within D. BPP
A. Release Order
B. Referral Order
C. Search Order
D. Termination Order
A. Release Order
B. Referral Order
C. Search Order
D. Termination Order
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
A. Mini Trial
B. Quorum
C. Qourum
D. Short Hearing
A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 5 days
D. 7 days
B. 1:3
C. 1:5
D. 1:7
A. Termination Order
B. Warrant of Arrest
C. Order of Arrest and Recommitment
D. Revocation Order
A. Only the criminal liability 79. A person who is placed under probation.
B. Only the civil liability
C. Both criminal and civil liabilities A. Client
D. Both criminal and civil liabilities, B. Probationee
including subsidiary C. Probationer
73. A probationer is ordered by the Court
to pay certain amounts to the victim as part of 80. Probation is a form of .
his civil liability. To whom shall he pay the
amount for the remittance of the victim? A. Incarceration
B. Punishment
A. Personally to the victim C. Treatment
B. To the bank account of the victim D. Enjoyment
C. To the Clerk-of-Court of the Trial Court
D. AOTA 81. Branch of the Government which has
the sole authority to exercise pardon.
74. Probation is a mere privilege and its
grant or denial depend upon the Trial Court A. Legislative
and when granted becomes . B. Executive
C. Judicial
A. Natural Right D. None
B. Constitutional Right
C. Statutory Right 82. Probation service is similar to parole
D. Civil Right service in a way that
A. Upon the discretion of the President 94. These are the authorized to order or
B. After the filing of Complaint/information approved the release of prisoners, except one
C. After the conviction of final judgment
D. Before prosecution and criminal action E. BPP in parole cases
F. Director of BUCOR upon the expiration
86. Who shall endorse to the Board the of the sentence of prisoner
petition for absolute or conditional pardon if G. President in cases of executive
the crime committed is against the national clemency or amnesty
election? H. PPA in cases of granting pardon
16. These are sanctions to the members 24. It is done when negative behaviors or
who commit repeatedly infractions or violations infractions to the House Rules/Norms in same
to the Cardinal Rules by prohibiting, disallowing offense are done for the 2nd time.
or limiting an activity or affiliation to a group.
A. Talk to
A. Bans B. Pull up
B. Restrictions C. Death with
C. Punishments D. Haircut
D. Penalty E. Learning Experience
17. Job functions are included in 25. A behavior shaping tool done involving
a panel of 5.
A. Behavioral Management
B. Emotional/Psychological Aspect A. Talk to
C. Intellectual/Spiritual Aspect B. Pull up
D. Vocational and Survival Aspect C. Death with
D. Haircut
18. Night activities in TC is held every E. Learning Experience
as a recreational event to purposely
instill fun, humor and entertainment after an 26. It is an outright correction done by any
intense and hectic week. member of the TC Community to another
member who has done a minor infraction but is
A. Friday not aware of it.
B. Saturday
C. Sunday A. Talk to
D. Monday B. Pull up
C. Death with
19. A TC Hierarchy that is responsible for D. Haircut
carrying-out tasks, duties and responsibilities E. Learning Experience
of their concerned departments.
27. Professional activity of helping
A. Department Crew individuals, groups or communities to enhance
B. Department Head or restore their capacity for psychological,
C. Coordinator emotional and social functioning and creating
D. Chief Expediter an environment favorable for the attainment of
these goals.
20. A TC hierarchy that serves as liaison
between resident and staff. A. Behavioral Management
B. Behavior Shaping Tools
A. Department Crew C. Therapeutic Community
B. Department Head D. Counseling
C. Coordinator
D. Chief Expediter 28. It is also called genuineness and define
as being honest and authentic in dealing with
21. A TC hierarchy communicates with the client.
department heads in execution of job
functions. A. Empathy
B. Warmth
A. Department Crew C. Congruence
B. Department Head D. Respect
C. Coordinator E. Confidentiality
D. Chief Expediter
29. The ability to perceive the client’s feelings
22. A TC Hierarchy that supervises the and
over-all functions of the department in the TC to demonstrate accurate perception of the client
A. Empathy
A. Department Crew B. Warmth
B. Department Head C. Congruence
C. Coordinator D. Respect
D. Chief Executive E. Confidentiality
23. It is done when negative behaviors or 30. It is also called “unconditional positive
infractions to the House Rules/Norms in same regard”. It involves accepting and caring about
offense are done for the 3rd time or more or for the client as a person regardless of any
first time offender. evaluation or prejudices on the client’s
behavior or thoughts.
A. Talk to
B. Pull up A. Empathy
C. Death with B. Warmth
C. Congruence
60. Online or e-marketing of PDL 68. Uses Bible as the primary source of
livelihood products is being run by the . inspiration to change
61. These are the Separation of Categories 69. First level of Shaping Behavioral Tools
under the UN Standard Treatment for PDL,
except A. Talk to
B. Pull up
A. Men and women should be separated C. Dealt with
B. Untried prisoners shall be kept D. Haircut
separated from convicted prisoners
C. Prisoners should be separated 70. Which of the following are the cardinal
according to the nature of their offense/crime rules in BJMP therapeutic community?
D. None
i. No sex or sexual acting out
62. It is an integral part in prisoner’s ii. No illegal drugs/alcohol
rehabilitation which serves as an outlet for iii. No violence or threat or violence
human expression and a form of release from iv. No stealing
one’s inherent desire to create.
A. Music B. I,II,III,IV
B. Sports C. I,II
C. Arts and Crafts D. III,IV
D. Drama
71. It refers to act of making an individual
63. Provides States with detailed guidelines incapable of committing a crime by execution
for protecting the rights of persons deprived of or banishment, and in more modern times by
their liberty, from pre-trial detainees to execution or lengthy periods of incarceration.
sentenced prisoners.
A. Rehabilitation
A. United Nations Standard Minimum B. Incapacitation
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners C. Reformation
B. Geneva Convention D. Restoration
C. Nelson Mandela Rules
D. Both a and c 72. It is the process whereby victims,
offenders and communities affected by a
64. When to break confidentiality? particular offense meet to find a way to restore
or make amends for the harm resulting from an
A. Children are being neglected or abused offense.
B. Appearance in the Court as a witness
or client express plan to commit suicide A. Rehabilitation -MAKING OFFENDER A
C. Client express plan to harm others LAW ABIDING CITIZEN
D. All of the above B. Incapacitation
C. Reformation – CHANGING AN
65. The principal guiding rule observed by INMATE’S
all residents in a TC Community with heavier BEHAVIOR
corresponding consequences. D. Restoration
A. True A. Talk to
B. False B. Pull up
C. Partially true C. Haircut
D. Partially false D. Learning experience
79. What are the four interconnected 87. Snow White was inadequate to handle
development aspects of TCMP? challenging life circumstances, but thanks to
TC Program, he had learned to manage and
A. Behavior Management, Emotional and deal difficult situations and able to understand
Pyschological, Intellectual and Spiritual, the significance of shaping the behavior.
Vocational and Survival
B. Behavior Management, A. Entry/Orientation Phase
Physical Management, Industrial B. Primary Treatment
Management, Social Management C. Pre-re-entry Phase
C. Behavioral, Instrumental, Educational, D. Re-entry Phase
Individual E. Aftercare
D. None
88. Iya will remain in custody until her case
80. It is done if there is a repeated breach is resolve or until she send to the BUCOR if she
to cardinal rules. found guilty.
A. E-dalaw
B. Help-Desk
C. Behavioral
D. Paralegal
A. True
B. False
C. Partially True
D. Partially False
E. Chain of Command
F. Command Group
G. Hierarchical Structure
H. All of the above