Final (Proofread)
Final (Proofread)
Final (Proofread)
Nowadays, the significance of English should not be denied and ignored as English
is the language that is used worldwide. In addition, English plays an important role in
formal letters such as emailing, letters and documentations. Another, English is also
used in many books enable every student across the world to understand the content
and context of the books in which English language is being used (Rao, 2016).
According to Priveswari (2021), English and Mathematics are associated with each
boosting logical and creative thinking of the students. On the other hand, English
helps the students to improve their communication skills and explain the difficulty of
Philippines drops into 22nd place out of 111 countries in the 2022 English
First (EF). Another, index is categorized as the rankings among many countries that
standard for adult English proficiency (The Philippine Star, 2022). According to
Romero (2009), the reason why students are struggling in speaking and
Mandated in the Philippine national policy, the subject mathematics should be taught
using English Language but, many students specially from low-income families have
limited knowledge of English (Katz et al., 2016). The Department of Education states
mathematics, and science wherein it remains low compared to the other countries
(PISA). Moreover, the Philippines ranked 6th to the last in reading and mathematics
(Bautista, 2023). According to the study of Bautista et al. (2009), Filipino students
cannot solve word problems by their own especially when these are given in English.
Most of the students only knew the basic math vocabulary however, they are unlikely
to comprehend the meaning of the whole sentence which means that the failure in
that the person reads (Butterfuss, et al. 2020). According to the study of Karacao and
Kasap (2023), reading comprehension is a basic skill that can be used in a lifelong
learning and it is widely used in many national and international studies. Moreover,
they state that many researchers emphasize that reading comprehension is directly
The Buting Senior High School is one of the schools that has a low level of
reading comprehension. The K-12 program was implemented to cater to the needs of
the students. Reading comprehension is one of the needed skills that every student
should have when they enter in universities or colleges (Fernandez, 2021). According
to the study of Caraig and Quimbo (2021), it states that the overall reading literacy of
the Filipino students was considered lower than the average rating, as 1 out of every
5 Filipino students can achieved at least the minimum proficiency level. In addition,
this study finds out that Grade 11 students needed a reading intervention to enhance
their reading comprehension skill. Furthermore, a study indicated that the level of
translation and comprehension skill is in the category of developing level. Also, the
study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the student’s reading
higher the reading comprehension will likely result to a higher possibility of solving
listen, and comprehend mathematics vocabulary presented within the text. Another,
the study also states that in order to understand and communicate in Mathematics
English language in the students learning towards Mathematics and also the
are limited studies that supports the effects of reading comprehension and math
the purpose of the study is to examine the effect of reading comprehension and
This study seeks to answer the research questions on the effects of reading
Research Questions:
a. Sex
b. Age
d. Family Income
School Students?
This study was conducted in Granja Kalinawan National High School among
207 Grade 11 students of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS) and Science
and Technology and Engineering Mathematics strand enrolled during the first
design was used. The data were gathered using a researcher-made and adapted
in the first semester of the academic year of 2023 – 2024. Correlation, Descriptive –
mean, Frequency and Percentage, and ANOVA was used to determine the
relationship of the dependent, independent, and the effects among all variables.
The study will benefit the following stakeholders within the field of teaching
future researchers.
The mathematics teachers will benefit from this study as it will give them an
they will be able to create better and more effective teaching strategies to improve
For Students:
to be aware of their abilities, skills, and proficiency which can encourage them to
will bring about good performance in solving mathematical word problems related to
With that information this study offers, the school will be informed about the
problems of students during face-to-face classes, and how this affects their
performance in algebra. Additionally, the school administration can use the gathered
information to be a basis for developing a plan that will assess students’ needs
The results of this study can be used as a reference for their future studies.
Conceptual Framework
The framework in Figure 1 illustrates the effects among variables in the study.
problems. Moreover, it is also shown in the framework that student’s profile indicates
The students’ profile specified in the study were age, sex, strand, time
the reading comprehension level of the students, while the mathematical vocabulary
hand, the reading comprehension level and mathematics vocabulary proficiency were
with the questions: what is asked, what is given and what are the possible
Theoretical Framework
the reader understand the text. Also, prior knowledge is also needed to create
meaning and decode the text (Oostendorp & Goldman, 1998). Another, is the theory
about content literacy. According to McKenna and Robinson (1990), content literacy
is the ability of the individual to read, and comprehend text from a specific subject
The theory of Cognitive processes, was defined as the ability of every reader
to process and actively make a meaning and representation on what they have read.
knowledge during reading and how the readers recognize and recall the text.
Moreover, this theory draws suggestions on how the reader solve word problems,
how they acting up verbal instructions, and how they are going to respond based on
Hence, the creation of mental representation of the text is associated with the
creation of mental representation of the problem. This theory also states that the
deficiencies of the reader in literacy skills; general or content specific, has a huge
effect on the attempt of solving word problems since direct reading errors will result
Young (1992), describes on how the solvers comprehend problems, and on how they
comprehend problem information and access its real-world knowledge which they
can apply solutions to produce a coherent mental representation about the problem.
The Production-Rule model of Kintsch and Nathan (1985), simulated the reading
behavior of the students where they solve arithmetic problems, and production was
students a technique to analyze and acquire new knowledge and concepts. It also
and oral is needed. Moreover, this model of Frayer help the students to develop their
understanding of the new vocabulary which allows the students to pronounce, define,
and conceptualize the idea through the given words and targeted the student’s
describing how the minds process and operates. Constructivism indicates that all
ideas in a form of spoken language, symbols, drawings and objects. They believed
that mathematical concepts can be perceptible when the students can express them.
Definition of Terms
Reading Comprehension
text, understand the main focal point of the text, and the ability construct a meaning
based on the text that is being read (Healy, 2002). In addition, reading
process of the readers which they become aware of the idea, understand and
interpret the meaning based to the readers need and objectives (Khoiriyah, 2010).
Math Vocabulary
and for the improvement of critical thinking skills of the student. Math vocabulary
Mathematical Problem
opportunity to apply and perform their skills and knowledge towards Mathematics.
concepts and critical thinking skills of the students. Moreover, Polya’s steps in
problem solving was considered as the most prominent technique used in solving
Word Problems
Word problems are a mathematical word problem that are often represented
through the use of words. Word problems consist of one or more questions which
This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researchers
In the study of Osterholm (2006), the results showed that there is a similarity
comprehension. Also, the result suggests that reading comprehension is not the most
According to the study of Ozcan and Dogan (2018), the results showed that
understand worded problems, and because of the difficulty on word problems the
students should comprehend the very important part of the math problem and
In the study of Duru and Koklu (2009), it was found out that student had
comprehension of the students it was difficult for them to translates mathematical text
In the study of Powell, Berry, and Tran (2000), the results showed that
English learners and students with Mathematics difficulty had a limited vocabulary in
study were the one hundred thirty-eight (138) randomly selected from a population of
two hundred nine (209) Grade 7 students of Dulangan National High School for the
school year 2019–2020. Findings of the study revealed that the level of mathematics
counterparts who are not English learners when completing arithmetic assignments
overlap with common English terms, homophones, and likeness to phrases in one’s
own tongue.
According to the study of Ramberly et al. (2015), this study showed that the
cannot stand alone. The contribution of the reading comprehension and grammar
related studies showed a different result based on the effect of the independent
variables to the dependent variables. It also states that there is a difference on the
toward mathematical word problems. Hence, with these results, the study aimed to
Research Design
consideration the association between variables where none of the variables are in
the direct control of the researchers. It considers the direct association between two
or more variables which could be positive or negative. However, another design that
comparative analysis aims to look for the similarity and variance among the specific
group to be analyzed in the study. It also describes and explains the similarity and
The above-mentioned design fits in this study since it aims to determine the
proficiency to the students understanding towards mathematical problems and let the
Research Locale
The study was conducted at Granja Kalinawan National High School, located
at Real Street Barangay Kalinawan Jaro, Leyte. The school is one of mega schools
in its category that holds a large number of students. Granja Kalinawan National High
School is a public secondary level learning institution that offers two academic
Source: Google
Research Respondents
The respondents of this study were all SHS students under the HUMSS and
the chosen respondents were all Grade 11 students in Granja Kalinawan National
High School since they encountered algebra during their Junior High School times. In
addition, this study was conducted among 1,200 Grade 11 students enrolled in the
Research Sampling
This study used Stratified Random Sampling. The respondents of this study
were identified using Krejcie and Morgan's Table (1970). Wherefore, among 1,200
Grade 11 students under the HUMSS and STEM strands, 291 students were chosen
to be the respondents of this study. The respondents were identified using the
Stratified Random Sampling. With this sampling technique, researchers selected the
respondents in all sections in Grade 11 under the HUMSS and STEM strands in
Granja Kaliwan National High School proportionally. In addition, the whole process of
choosing the actual participants was done through the use of the "randbetween"
formula on MS Excel software. If ever the randomly selected participant did not
respond to the survey, the researchers must provide the complete lists of the
identify another respondent/s from the list using the same process.
Research Instrument
Researcher made and modified questionnaire were used to carry out the
modified rubric and the questionnaire was divided into four parts. Part 1 was
designed to gather data about the profile of the respondents in terms of their age,
gender, family income, strand and time allotment in reading. Part 2 is designed to
gather data on the SHS students' reading comprehension proficiency based on the
level of proficiency. Part 3 was designed to gather data on the Math vocabulary
based on the level of proficiency: the Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. Part 4 was
Validation of Instrument
Figure 3:
t Flow
The research instrument that was used in the study was an adapted and
and one English expert to check the content’s coverage of all relevant parts of the
subject that it seeks to measure, and also an English expert to check whether the
research questionnaires followed proper grammar usage and syntax. While the
experts were validating questionnaires, the researchers sent a letter to the target
school for pilot testing. After the instrument was validated, the researcher conducted
a pilot testing in San Miguel National High School which offers strand under Science,
Sciences (HUMSS), the instrument was pilot tested using 30 respondents. The result
was tallied in a Microsoft excel and used to test the reliability of the research
analysis for every question to determine the difficulty index and discrimination index
of each item. The reliability testing and item analysis will be used to determine which
Checking and
finalizing of
gathered data
Prior to the conduct of the study, the principal in San Miguel National High
School San Miguel Leyte was given a letter seeking consent to conduct the research
study. Upon its approval, the researchers went to the students who were randomly
informed consent was disseminated to the respondents and the objective was
thoroughly explained to the respondents by the researchers. All the data that were
the respondents.
Statistical Analysis
All the gathered data from the respondents will be tallied, organized,
the students was analyzed using mean and description with a given rubric with
was analyzed using the following mean ranges and descriptions using a Likert Scale
from (Bringula, 2012). The 5-point Likert Scale of Excellent, Above Average,
mathematical problem was analyzed using mean and description using a rubric
based from Polyas steps on problem solving and from (Paradesa, 2018).
age, gender, family income, senior high school strand, time allotment in reading
reading comprehension level and math vocabulary proficiency, the two-way ANOVA
variables which are English and Mathematics vocabulary proficiency affect the
how the mean of quantitative variable changes based on the level of two categorical
factors. It is also used to know how the combination of these independent variables
affect the dependent variable. ANOVA was used to measure how these two
was used to determine the relationship of the independent variables such as reading
vocabulary proficiency.
data obtained during the study. Specifically, these includes the students’ profiles,
national high school under the HUMSS and STEM strand. Students’ profiles were
Table 1 presents the data on the students’ profile in terms of sex, monthly
Table 1.1
Male 85 41.06%
Based on the table presented above, it can be implied that among 207
respondents, there were a higher number of female respondents (58.94%) who took
Table 1.2
19 -20 1 0.48%
17-18 47 22.71
The table above implies that almost half of the respondents aged 15 – 16
years old (76.81), and only 0.48% aged 19 – 20 years old. It means that most of the
respondents of the study were 15 and 16. This indicates that the majority of the
Table 1.3
Mathematics (STEM)
Table 1.3 shows that most of the respondents are from Humanities on Social
which is (21.26%).
Table 1.4
Table 1.4 reveals data on the profile of the students in terms of family monthly
income. It shows that majority of the respondents have family incomes below 3,000
(32.85%), and only 12.08 percent have incomes above 20,000. It simply means that
Table 1.5
The data shows that most of the respondents of this study has a time
respondents allotted a 31 to 59 minutes, and there are students who responded that
This section showed the gathered data regarding the reading comprehension
Table 2
Mean Ranges: 1.00 – 1.80 Poor, 1.81 – 2.60 Below Average, 2.61 – 3.40 Average,
reading comprehension (M=5.46, SD=2.12). This further implies that students have
This section exhibits the results of the data gathered regarding the math
Table 3.
Table 3
Indicators M SD Interpretation
given problem.
I can easily Identify the math operation used in 3.25 1.08 Average
a word problem.
about algebra.
Mean Ranges: 1.00 – 1.80 Poor, 1.81 – 2.60 Below Average, 2.61 – 3.40 Average,
they are more proficient when it comes to interpreting every algebra terminology
stated in a given world problem (M=3.33, SD=2.25) and understanding the given
word problem in algebra based on the terminology that can be seen in the given
problem. (M=3.29, SD=1.02). Whereas, the respondents perceived that they are less
which is stated in the given problem (SD=3.14, .99) and creating a mathematical
expression and equation based on the given problem about algebra (M=3.14,
SD=1.02). Overall, these findings reveal that the mean level of the students have an
This section exhibits the results of data gathered regarding the students’ math
Table 4
Mean Ranges: 1.00 – 1.80 Poor, 1.81 – 2.60 Below Average, 2.61 – 3.40 Average,
Table 5.1
Comprehension Level
Reading Comprehension (M=6.897, SD= 3.261). It indicates that the higher the
comprehension level, the higher understanding towards math and low reading
Table 5.2
= 79.251, p<.001. Post hoc comparison in Table 5.2 showed that high
reading comprehension level at p <.001 indicating that the respondents that has
reading comprehension (M= 13.049, SD=1.923) has a high math understanding than
those that has an average comprehension (M=9.888, SD= 2.864), low reading
comprehension (M=6.89, SD=3.261). Further, the η²p value suggests that the
Table 5.3
Comprehension level
SE T ptukey
In Table 5.3, the post hoc test result shows that high comprehension versus
there are significant difference in the level of comprehension to the student’s math
Table 5.4
In Table 5.4, shows that a High Math Vocabulary has a (M=9.810, SD=3.876)
and Average Math Vocabulary has a (M=9.185, SD=3.255) and Low Math
Vocabulary has a (M=9.800, SD=3.360). It indicates that the data are spread further
Table 5.5
of Granja-Kalinawan National High School under STEM and HUMSS strand. Based
on the result, it can be gleaned that there was no significant difference in terms of the
mean score between math understanding and math vocabulary of students (F(2,
Table 5.6
Comprehension level
In Table 5., the post hoc test result shows that high math vocabulary vs
average math vocabulary, high math vocabulary vs low math vocabulary, low math
vocabulary vs average math vocabulary are significant at p<.0783. Hence, there are
Table 6.1
Variable Interpretation p-value Interpretation
Comprehension Highly
0.641 Strong <.001
and Math Significant
(HUMSS). The p<.001 which implies that there is a high significant correlation
between the mentioned variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there is a
accepted. This implies that in the population, students having high reading
Table 6.2
s rho
Math Vocabulary
Sciences (HUMSS). The p-value is 0.035 which implies that there is a significant
correlation between the mentioned variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there
accepted. This implies that in the population, students having high math vocabulary
Table 6.3
Math Vocabulary
(HUMSS). However, the p-value is 0.075 which implies that there is no significant
correlation between the mentioned variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there
students’ math vocabulary and math understanding. These further imply that in the
population, regardless of students’ math vocabulary, they can still have either low or
a. Sex
b. Age
d. Family Income
School students?
Summary of findings
After several statistical computations were made on the gathered data the
Profile of the Respondents. Based on the results, it was found that among
207 Senior High School Students (grade 11) under the strand of Science Technology
Kalinawan National High School (GKNHS) Jaro, Leyte, there were a higher number
of female respondents (58.94%) who took part in the study as compared to males
(41.06%). Almost half of the respondents were between 15 – 16 years old (76.81),
and only 0.48% aged between 19 – 20 years old. It means that most of the
respondents of the study were between 15 and 16. This indicates that the majority of
the students are in a mature age. It is also revealed that most of the respondents
were from the strand of Humanities on Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Science
High School.
respondents have family incomes below 3,000 (32.85%), and only 12.08 percent
have incomes above 20,000. It simply means that most of the respondents belonged
to low monthly income range. Moreover, the findings also showed that most of the
students who responded that they allot 1 hour and beyond in reading.
High School under Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and
(M = 5.46, SD = 2.12).
that most of the Grade 11 students of Granja-Kalinawan National High School under
Social Sciences (HUMSS) can interpret every algebra terminology stated in a given
word problem M = 3.33, SD = 2.25 can easily understand the given word problem in
(M = 9.53, SD = 3.60).
Understanding. The results of the study revealed that there is significant difference
revealed that there was strong positive correlation between reading comprehension
which implied that there was a high significant correlation between the mentioned
variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there was a significant relationship
comprehension of students, the findings revealed that there was a strong positive
Sciences (HUMSS). The p-value is 0.035 which implied that there was a significant
correlation between the mentioned variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there
accepted. This implied that in the population, students having high math vocabulary
understanding, the results revealed that there was strong positive correlation
However, the p-value is 0.075 which implied that there was no significant correlation
between the mentioned variables. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there was a
rejected. The results revealed that there was a meaningless relationship between
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.
respondents were 15-16 years old and female students. Most of them were
under Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). Apart from that, the
was of average level. This implied that students have average capacity in
of Duru and Koklu (2009), stating that reading comprehension can affect the
proficiency. As supported by the study of Bolus (2021), it states that the level
study of Ozcan and Dogan (2018), it states that reading comprehension of the
5. The findings of the study concluded that there was a strong positive
students and it was significant. This further means that students having high
of the study also revealed that there was a weak positive correlation between
means that students having high math vocabulary tend to have a high reading
and it was not significant. This further implies that in the population,
regardless of the students’ math vocabulary, they can still have either low or
Jordan (2018), it was gleaned that students’ math vocabulary has a significant
In view of the findings of the study, the following recommendation are presented.
ability. Also, the student should understand the important details that
are present in the text that they are reading to widen their
comprehension ability.
new math words and practice these words many times. The students
specifically in mathematics.
prior text reading. Further, take into the utilization of the modified
(Robinson, 1946).
with new math words explicitly and expose them to math words on
many occasions. Organize math word banks for each student and a
formats other than paper and pencil to teach math problems, such as
pictures, pie charts, and graphs. When grading math problems, write
down the wrong answers and discuss with students the process used
workshop for teachers to enable for them to learn new skills and teaching
place so as to find out whether these results are similar with other
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Buslon, J. B., & Alieto, E. O. (2019). Lexical inferencing strategies and reading
Ambasa, R. W., & Tan, D. (2019). Student mathematics performance and problem-
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Fernandez, R. J., (2021). Comprehension levels among grade 11 senior high school
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Gender: ________
Jack London, one of America’s major writers of adventure tales, was born in
California in 1876. During his life, London worked at many jobs. His broad life
California at Berkeley, but he stayed for only six months. He thought Berkeley was
London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had
making a living. He knew their problems first hand. He worked as a sailor, rancher,
factory employee, railroad hobo, and gold prospector, to name just a few of his many
London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland. He loved the water. When he
was fifteen years old, he bought a small sailboat called a sloop. Later he sailed to
Like many people of the time, London caught the Klondike Gold Rush Fever.
In l897, he headed for Alaska. He didn’t find gold, but he discovered something even
more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up
with his vivid imagination. London entertained the miners with story after story. Later,
using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories.
London resolved to live a full, exciting life. He once said, “I would rather be a
superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent
planet.” Each day, he pushed himself. Once London determined that he was going to
be a writer, nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at least one thousand words
every day. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, the writer
published fifty-one books and hundreds of articles. He was the best-selling and
highest-paid author of his day. Many people also considered him to be the best
White Fang and The Call of the Wild are his most famous stories and are
about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness. Readers can enjoy Jack London’s energy
and his talent for telling wonderful stories each time they open one of his novels.
A. The miners
B. Jack London
C. The travelers
D. Alaskans
A. Writer
B. Poet
C. Story Teller
3. How many books and articles did Jack London published in eighteen
A. Fifty-one books
B. Hundreds of Articles
A. Adventurous
B. Persevere
C. Skilled
A. cautious
B. unfocused
C. imaginative
D. compassionate
Problem 1:
Ninety-six golf balls were pick up at the driving range and placed into two
buckets. One bucket has 28 more golf balls than the other bucket. How many golf
1. What is asked?
C. Find the diving range that are placed into the two buckets
II. Bucket A has 28 more golf ball than the other bucket
A. I and II only
D. IV Only
I. x + y=96
A. I and II Only
Problem 2:
their beverages. The first server helped three times as many people as the second
server and the third server help twice as many people as the first server. How many
1. What is asked?
III. The first server helped three times as many people as the
second server.
IV. Third server help twice as many people as the first server
A. I and II only
D. I and IV only
A. 162+ x + y=z
B. 162−x + y =z
C. x− y −z=162
D. x + y + z=162
Problem 3:
ordered chicken, while twelve more guest ordered steak and nine fewer ordered sea
1. What is asked?
D. Find the total number of the guest who attended the banquet?
2. What is given?
A. I and II only
D. IV only
A. 43+ x+ y=z
B. x + y + z=43
C. 43−x− y =z
D. 43+ x− y=−z
Problem 4:
Three taxi drivers are working at an airport. The first driver transported
seventeen passengers in one day. The second driver transported six more
passengers than the first driver, while the third driver transported two fewer
passengers than the second driver. How many total passengers did the three drivers
1. What is asked?
II. The second driver transported six more passengers than the
first driver.
III. The third driver transported two fewer passengers than the
second driver.
A. I only
D. IV only
A. z +17=x + y
B. 17+ x + y= z
C. z + y + x=17
D. x +17+ z= y
Problem 5:
Two caseworkers share an office. The first caseworker has fifteen active
cases. The second caseworker has twice the number of active cases. How many
1. What is asked?
C. A only.
D. Both A and B.
A. y=x +15
B. 15=x+ y
C. y=x −15
D. x= y +15
5 4 3 2 1
word problem