A Proposed University

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Research Paper

Presented to

Ar. Joanne Cristabel S. Bernardino, UAP

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course Subject

Architectural Design 106 Site Development Planning & Landscaping


Calibo, Shaira Mae T.

Arch3B | 2020677

February 7, 2024


Related Literature…………………………………………………...………….3

Case Studies…………………………………………………….………..…….5

Data Presentation

i. Site Analysis……………………………………………………….……7
ii. SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………9

Spatial Programming

i. Organizational Structure………………………………………………11
ii. Space Definition and Identification……………………………..……12
iii. Demographic Data of Expected Users……………………….……..13
iv. User Analysis & Behavioral Pattern………………………………….15
v. Graphical Spatial Translation…………………………………...…….16

Utility Systems to be used

i. Structural System………………………………………………..…….17
ii. Electrical…………………………………………………………..……18
iii. Mechanical…………………………………………………….……….18
iv. Plumbing………………………………………………………..………20

Design Framework

i. Design Concept………………………………………………………..21
ii. Design Philosophy…………………………………………………….22
iii. Style Guiding Principles………………………………………………23





It is imperative that educational institutions adopt a transformative approach to

learning and release themselves from traditional restraints in light of the constantly
changing nature of education. In order to surpass the architectural constraints placed by
the current institutional paradigm, this research study investigates a creative idea for the
creation of a new branch within an already-existing school. The aim of this project is to
usher in a new era of education by replacing the conventional linear structure with an
organic, dynamic framework that encourages innovation, teamwork, and flexibility. The
conventional educational paradigm, which is typified by rigid classrooms, set schedules,
and hierarchical structures, has shown to be progressively insufficient in equipping pupils
to handle the intricate problems of the twenty-first century. Acknowledging the
shortcomings of this well-established paradigm, this study explores the possibilities of a
different educational architecture that fosters a more flexible and transparent learning
environment. The planned branch aims to rethink education by incorporating new design
concepts and progressive pedagogical ideas. This would encourage students to engage
with knowledge in a more holistic and integrated way.

This research aims to provide a thorough plan for the establishment of a novel
educational branch that goes beyond simple physical growth. Through overcoming the
architectural constraints embedded in conventional learning environments, the goal is to
enable a paradigm change in the fundamentals of education. The proposed branch seeks
to create an atmosphere that encourages both teachers and students to think outside the
box of traditional disciplines. This will enable interdisciplinary collaboration, critical
thinking, and a deep understanding of how knowledge is interconnected.

This study will focus on various aspects of the suggested educational branch,
including curriculum development, administrative reorganization, and architectural design.
The scope goes beyond the actual building and includes the educational concept itself,
promoting a change from the conventional hierarchical model to a more open,
decentralized structure. Through an analysis of successful case studies, discussions with
educational theorists, and consultation with pedagogy and architecture specialists, the
study seeks to make a strong case for the viability and desirableness of moving beyond
the current institutional model. This research proposes a new branch that overcomes the
historical pedagogical and architectural limitations in an effort to facilitate a revolutionary
leap in education. We seek to establish the groundwork for an educational paradigm that

not only breaks through boundaries but also paves the way for a future in which learning
is approached more naturally and transparently by carefully examining its purpose, history,
and scope.

Related Literature

Learning is defined as a relatively long-lasting change in behavior that results from

experience. Good teaching can be found in poorly built schools, just as poor teaching can
be found in well-built schools. However, it is widely accepted that buildings can both
promote as well as hinder learning (Weinstein, 1979).

Schools nowadays must be more considerate of the needs of both students and
staff, serving as both indoor and outdoor learning environments (Sanoff, 2001). A school
that meets the developmental requirements of both adults and teenagers is the aim. A
wide range of instructional strategies and social structures, including lectures, small-group
work, learning by doing, individual projects, and study centers, should be used (Jacobs,
1999; Lackney, 2009). Incidental learning occurs in addition to goal-oriented learning. The
planning process should also take into account the places where students spend their
leisure time. There should be space in the social sphere for playing, eating, drinking, and
reflecting. Also important is the flexibility to be used by various groups, including children,
adults, and disabled people (cf. Lackney, 2000).

The idea of open-space education began with the challenge of how to teach
students in diverse groups who function at different levels. But compared to structures
with partitions, open-design schools were more about cost and efficiency than they were
about a philosophical commitment. The educational paradigm provided child-centered
learning, emphasizing adaptable student groupings, customized instruction, unrestricted
access to learning resources, and the utilization of all available spaces, including hallways,
outdoor areas, and classrooms (Wolfe & Rivlin, 1987). Among other things, the concept
offered areas that promoted mobility, communication, social interaction, teamwork, and
group projects. They were extensively embraced as the emblems of "modern" school
architecture. But informal or transparent instruction did not accompany the concept of an
open-design school.

According to Wolfe and Rivlin (1987), there have even been attempts to provide
open or informal learning environments in places where school facilities were not originally
intended for this use. As a result, the concept eventually collapsed as a result of the chaos
brought on by the inappropriate educational programs and facilities. Issues including noise
and visual distraction, together with a territorial desire for various activity environments,
were also encountered. (1975 Taylor; 1991 Gump; 2002 Sanoff). Many of the institutions
that had been experimenting with open-design concepts have changed and are now using
typical segregated classroom setups. (Sanoff, 2002). There are some inconsistencies.
between educational techniques and philosophies. Despite the fact that creative small
schools inside the US education system are testing a student-centered education
paradigm. By emphasizing learning through continuous interaction among peers and
teachers, it is still possible to observe teachers’ control and dominance over students’
activities restricting students’ use of different spaces (Cushman, 1999).

The concept of smaller educational institutions, like academic house schools or

magnet schools, with a more focused curriculum and extracurricular activities has gained
traction in the US in recent years. The school environment is therefore credited with
bringing about fresh perspectives in the educational process with regard to how flexible
classroom spaces are organized and how many labs or project rooms are available to
support students' practices. In general, the goal of the educational environment was to
provide students with more stimuli in a more balanced network of social contacts, while
yet allowing them to operate within a framework of freedom. The objective was to help
young people fit into a variety of social roles, giving them equal opportunities and fostering
their moral, social, and psychological growth in order to help them reach their full potential.
Educational research indicates that participation in school activities, student satisfaction,
social connectedness, and achievement are greater in small schools relative to large
schools (Barker & Gump, 1964; Blundell Jones, 2007; Cotton, 1996; Sanoff, 2009), while
disciplinary problems, incidents of vandalism, truancy, drug use, and drop-out rates lower
(Fowler & Walberg, 1991).

Individuals who utilize buildings, settings, and surroundings attach symbolic values
to them. For some people, physical objects come to represent particular traits, ideals,
goals, and experiences. To some, a school represents opportunity, stability, hope, and a
place of safety in an unstable and fleeting world; to others, it represents repressive power
and failure.

Rittelmeyer (1994; see also Forster & Rittelmeyer (2010)) conducted a study that
draws findings on the effects of improving aesthetic form through rebuilding or renovation.
of educational institutions. Six hundred young people were questioned. regarding their
inclinations and distastes concerning certain interior design elements, color schemes, and
structural shapes. This study shows that people view school buildings as emotional
gestures, meaning they seem to be vibrant, happy, depressing, harsh, and so on; pupils
Examine architectural elements including facades, color schemes, and landscaping as
collaborators in contact. The result of the color and structure components result in a
backdrop ambience for the viewers. Rittelmeyer (2004) named three quality criteria for an
existing or planned school to be beautifully, appealingly, attractively, or pleasantly
effective: (1) inspiring, (2) unrestricted, and (3) warm or soft to reinforce the significance
of buildings’ form, Rittelmeyer (2004) cited an American study, according to which higher
levels of performance were achieved in a positive rated school buildings (Earthman, 1999,
2004), and a German study (Klockhaus & Habermann-Morbey, 1986), which determined
that less vandalism occurs in such buildings.

Case Studies

In the results of the PISA study (Program for International Student Assessment;
Lemke et al., 2001; OECD, 2004), education ministers, supervisory school authorities, and
planners deal with the effects of environment on the performance as well as the social and
emotional competence of students in kindergarten, grade schools, and tertiary schools
The concept of the environment as the “third teacher” alongside the children and actual
teachers is the central issue within the question of how to optimize conditions for in-school
learning (Edwards, Gandini, & Forman, 1998). Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994), one of the
most important “Reggio” pedagogues, made the following fundamental statement: in
addition to the teacher and fellow students, the building acts as a third “teacher” (1984).

According to a study on working conditions in urban schools, physical attributes

can directly affect teacher morale, students' perceptions of their own safety, their sense of
effectiveness in the classroom, and the overall learning environment. Teachers in one
district experienced a resurgence of hope, dedication, and confidence that the district's
leaders were concerned about the activities taking on in that building as a result of building

upgrades. A better physical setting had a beneficial impact on the school's social
atmosphere, which in turn enhanced learning (Duke, 1988). Two academics have
conducted thorough, non-overlapping collections of study findings regarding the
connection between student behavior and achievement and the state of school facilities.
In 1979, Weinstein published a review of 141 published studies and 21 papers presented
at professional conferences. Three years later, McGuffey (1982) completed another
review of the research, discussing 97 published studies. Following is a summary of
research on specific quality factors and their effect on educational outcomes.

A uniform teaching methodology was introduced into classrooms 150 years ago.
While teaching techniques have evolved in the modern era, classroom layouts have
frequently not changed. A review of contemporary teaching approaches and learning
styles points to the need for a new type of learning environment that emphasizes small-
group activities and various activity settings. For students to develop in a healthy way, a
few needs must be satisfied. School-age children need variety in both the activities they
participate in and the environments in which they do them. This means offering them a
range of learning opportunities and fostering diverse interactions with a variety of
individuals (Levin & Nolan, 2000). Students wouldn't be found doing the same thing in
identical rooms at the same time in a school that values diversity among its students. One
would not expect to see students sitting in neat rows of desks, all facing teachers who are
lecturing or reading from textbooks. Instead, in responsive schools, students and teachers
would be engaged in different learning activities in and out of the classroom. A variety of
teaching methods including small-group work, lectures, learning by doing, individualized
assignments, and learning centers would be used (Jacobs, 1999; Lackney, 2009).

These days, learning involves more than just writing and hearing in the classroom.
A wide range of spaces with various characteristics can be used for learning. Furthermore,
studies have demonstrated that kids' outdoor activities—like those on playgrounds—are
more creative than those conducted in regular playgrounds or classrooms (Lindholm,
1995). These activities also have a good impact on learning and cognitive abilities (Fjortoft
& Sageie, 1999; Fjortoft, 2004). The best schools for kids seem to be those where they
participate actively outside of the classroom and those with a lovely exterior (cf. Gifford,
2007; cf. Wasley et al., 2000). Louv (2008) made the connection between K–12 schools
and the concept of adopting natural landscaping specifically. He talked on the "nature-
defiant disorder" that American kids are suffering from, which is the result of their growing

alienation from the natural world. Louv attributed the trend to several causes: a more
technological society, parents’ fear of strangers, less access to natural settings, and so
on. But the case he and other child and environmental advocates have made for the
benefits of exposing children to the natural world has given schools cause to examine their
own surroundings and opportunities for outdoor learning and play. Studies now show that

connecting students to the environment improves not only their physical well-being, but
also their social and educational aptitude. A 2006 Canadian study (Dyment, Bell, & Lucas,
2009), for instance, found that students who interact on school grounds with diverse
natural settings were more physically active, more creative, more aware of nutrition,
and more cooperative with one another.

One proposed solution to the problems facing school facilities is to design and
construct high-performance schools. The terms “high performance,” “sustainable,” and
“green” are used to describe schools that minimize environmental harm, maximize the
performance of facilities, cost less over the life of the building, and create educational
environments that are optimal for learning (Gelfan & Freed, 2010). Although these terms
do not necessarily have the same meaning, practitioners often use them interchangeably
and define them similarly. These terms will also be used interchangeably in this paper to
reflect the wording of the authors being cited.

Site Analysis

There are three different types of site analysis. The physical analysis,
environmental assessment, and the social and cultural context. The foundation of a
successful urban development is the combination of careful site study and a rigorous
design process. This paper explores the relevance, methodology, and symbiotic
relationship that creates the built environment in an effort to offer readers with a thorough
grasp of the interwoven processes of site analysis and design. This examination seeks to
empower professionals and stakeholders involved in the transformative process of
building our urban environments through the lens of sustainable and equitable

In physical analysis, site analysis commences with an in-depth examination of the
physical attributes of the location. Topography, soil composition, climate, and hydrology
form the foundational elements that influence design decisions. Understanding these
aspects is imperative for creating resilient and responsive urban spaces. In environmental
assessment, the ecological footprint of a site is a critical consideration in contemporary
urban development. Site analysis delves into the assessment of biodiversity, existing
vegetation, and potential impacts on ecosystems. This step is pivotal in fostering
sustainable practices and mitigating environmental degradation. For social and cultural
context, beyond the physical realm, site analysis extends its reach into the sociocultural
fabric. Engaging with the community, assessing historical significance, and understanding
local values contribute to the development of designs that resonate with the people they
serve. This participatory approach ensures inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in the design

The University of Batangas Nasugbu Batangas is situated on a spacious site,

encompassing several acres of land. The main academic building is centrally located,
providing easy access for students and staff. The surrounding landscape is adorned with
greenery, creating a visually appealing and conducive learning environment. The school's
infrastructure includes modern classrooms equipped with advanced technology to support
interactive and engaging teaching methodologies. Ample outdoor spaces, including sports
fields and playgrounds, encourage physical activity and recreation. Additionally, the
campus features dedicated areas for administrative offices, ensuring efficient
management and coordination. Parking facilities are conveniently placed to accommodate
both staff and visitors. Security measures, such as surveillance cameras and controlled
entry points, contribute to a safe and secure campus environment. Furthermore, the
school's proximity to essential amenities and transportation hubs enhances accessibility
for students and their families. Overall, the private school's site analysis reflects a well-
planned and organized campus that prioritizes both educational excellence and the overall
well-being of its community.

This private institution will be able to evaluate its suitability and pinpoint
opportunities and potential problems related to the selected location with the aid of this
site analysis. To make sure that the location supports the mission, vision, and learning
objectives of the school, it is crucial to carry out a comprehensive assessment.

SWOT Analysis

Architecture benefits greatly from the use of the SWOT analysis, a strategic
planning tool that is normally used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. SWOT analysis is a flexible method that may be used in a variety of settings, such
as project management, business planning, strategic decision-making, and personal
growth. Reexamining and updating the analysis on a regular basis aid in keeping strategic
relevance and being adaptable to changing conditions.

The University of Batangas Nasugbu's' architecture boasts a well-designed and

modern campus layout, incorporating state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the overall
learning experience. The strategically planned classrooms, laboratories, and recreational
spaces create an environment conducive to academic excellence and student
engagement. The architectural design maximizes natural light, promotes energy
efficiency, and includes accessible spaces, ensuring an inclusive learning environment.
The incorporation of advanced technology infrastructure throughout the campus reflects
a commitment to staying at the forefront of educational innovation.

While the school's architectural design is impressive, there may be challenges

related to limited physical space for potential expansion as student enrollment grows.
Additionally, the current layout may not fully cater to evolving educational trends, such as
collaborative learning spaces or flexible classroom arrangements. Some areas might face
congestion during peak hours, impacting the flow of students and staff within the premises.
Addressing these spatial constraints and considering adaptability to changing educational
methodologies could enhance the overall effectiveness of the architectural design.

The school's architectural strengths provide a solid foundation for potential

opportunities, such as utilizing outdoor spaces for additional learning areas or creating
sustainable features to align with environmental awareness. Opportunities for aesthetic
improvements, like outdoor recreational areas or green spaces, could contribute to a
positive and inspiring atmosphere. Collaboration with architects and educators to
continuously assess and update the architectural design based on educational
advancements presents an ongoing opportunity to meet the evolving needs of the learning

External factors such as changes in building regulations, zoning restrictions, or

unforeseen economic challenges may pose threats to the long-term viability of the current

architectural layout. Natural disasters or environmental concerns could also impact the
structural integrity of the buildings. Additionally, the rapid evolution of technology may
necessitate frequent updates to the school's infrastructure, posing potential financial and
logistical challenges. Continual monitoring of these external threats and proactive
measures to mitigate risks will be crucial in sustaining the school's architectural

Organizational Structure

Private School Organizational Chart

Board of Trustees

School Director

Academic Administrative Student Services Facilities

Department Department Department Department

Head of School Principal Department Heads Teachers Students Business Manager School Counselor

Vice Principal Special Education

Highschool College Registrar Maintenance Staff
(Academic Affairs) Coordinator

Vice Principal Admissions Student Support

Junior Highschool Senior Highschool Custodial Staff
(Student Affairs) Coordinator Staff

Human Resources




College of Allied Medical


College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business,
Accountancy, and Hospitality

College of Criminal Justice


College Department

College of Education

College of Engineering and


College of Nursing and


College of Information and

Communications Technology

Space Definition and Identification

This well-defined and diverse set of spaces aims to meet the specific needs of
medical, architecture, and IT students, fostering a conducive learning environment that
encourages collaboration, innovation, and practical application of knowledge.

Auditorium- A multipurpose space for lectures, presentations, and events that can
accommodate large audiences from different departments.

Anatomy and Physiology Lab- Equipped with anatomical models, dissection tables, and
multimedia resources to facilitate hands-on learning for medical students.

Cafeteria- Spaces for students and faculty to eat, and socialize.

Classroom- A room in a school or college where groups of students are taught.

Central Administrative Office- Involves the management of all school operations, from
creating a safe learning environment to managing the school budget.

Computer Laboratory Room- Equipped with high-performance computers, software

development tools, and networking infrastructure for IT students to engage in coding,
programming, and software testing.

Corridors- A passageway into which compartments or rooms open.

Drawing Laboratory Studio- Often referred to as an art studio or drawing room, is a

dedicated space designed for students to engage in visual arts, specifically drawing. This
room serves as a creative hub where students can explore, practice, and refine their
drawing skills under the guidance of art instructors.

Faculty Offices- Adjacent to laboratories and studios for easy accessibility to professors
and instructors.

Gymnasium- Dedicated facility within an educational institution designed to

accommodate physical education classes, sports activities, and various indoor
recreational events.

Library- Designated space within an educational institution that is dedicated to the

collection, organization, and dissemination of a wide range of informational resources to
support the academic and recreational needs of students, teachers, and staff.

Lounge Areas- Spaces for students and faculty to wait, socialize, and relax.

Materials and Structures Studio- Dedicated to the study of construction materials,
structural testing equipment, and architectural innovations.

Medical Laboratory Room- A realistic healthcare environment with patient simulators for
medical students to practice medical and clinical skills and scenarios.

Parking Area- Designated space or facility on the school premises specifically intended
for the parking of vehicles. This area is set aside to accommodate the parking needs of
students, staff, visitors, and other members of the school community who use private
vehicles for commuting to and from the school.

Study Areas- Refers to a designated space within an educational institution, typically on

the school premises, specifically designed and set aside for students to engage in focused
and productive study or academic work.

Green Spaces- Landscaped areas providing a tranquil environment for relaxation and
outdoor activities.

Demographic Data of Expected Users

Private Secondary School:

1. Total Enrollment: 900 students

2. Gender Distribution:
• Male: 450 students (50%)
• Female: 450 students (50%)

3. Grade Levels
• Grade 7: 100 students
• Grade 8: 100 students
• Grade 9: 100 students
• Grade 10: 100 students
• Grade 11: 250 students
• Grade 12: 250 students

4. Age Distribution
• 12-13 years: 100 students
• 13-14 years: 100 students
• 14-15 years: 100 students
• 15-16 years: 100 students
• 16-17 years: 250 students
• 17-18 years: 250 students

Private Tertiary School:

1. Total Enrollment: 2400 students

2. Gender Distribution:
• Male: 450 students (50%)
• Female: 450 students (50%)

3. Programs of Study
• College of Allied Medical Sciences: 300 students
• College of Arts and Sciences: 300 students
• College of Business, Accountancy, and Hospitality Management: 300 students
• College of Criminal Justice Education: 300 students
• College of Education: 300 students
• College of Engineering and Architecture: 300 students
• College of Nursing and Midwifery: 300 students
• College of Information and Communications Technology: 300 students

This demographic data provides a general overview of the composition of students

in both the private secondary and tertiary schools. It includes information on gender
distribution, age groups, programs of study, and diversity factors to give a comprehensive
understanding of the student population. Actual demographic data should be collected and
updated periodically to ensure accuracy and relevance.

User Analysis & Behavioral Pattern

Understanding the many stakeholders in the educational ecosystem is a key

component of user analysis for a private secondary and university school. Students are
the main users in the secondary school, and their age, developmental stages, and
academic objectives all have an impact on their unique behavioral patterns. Secondary
school adolescents generally display a variety of characteristics, such as heightened
social contact, personal interest discovery, and differing degrees of academic
engagement. Designing successful educational experiences requires an understanding of
their preferences for technological integration, extracurricular activities, and collaborative

Students' academic pursuits are more specialized in tertiary institutions, where

user analysis also include teachers, administrative staff, and possibly external
stakeholders like industry partners for research collaborations or internships. Students in
the tertiary setting exhibit more autonomous behavior patterns and take greater ownership
of their education. Academic disciplines and pedagogical approaches shape the distinct
patterns of research, teaching, and mentoring that faculty members engage in.
Conversely, the behaviors of administrative staff are associated with student support
services, organizational administration, and academic program coordination.

Behavioral patterns are also influenced by the integration of technology, with

students and faculty relying on digital platforms for communication, coursework, and
research. Understanding the preferences and adaptability of users to technological tools
is essential for optimizing educational delivery.

Analyzing behavioral patterns at the secondary and postsecondary levels entails

evaluating elements including study habits, preferred routes of communication,
participation in extracurricular activities, and responses to modifications in the educational
setting. In order to provide a customized and successful educational experience for all
parties involved in the private school setting, it is important to identify and address these
trends in order to make informed decisions about curriculum creation, methods of
instruction, and the general school atmosphere.

Understanding all of the stakeholders in the educational institution requires a

methodical strategy to be applied when analyzing school users and their behavioral
patterns. Schools can make well-informed decisions to improve the entire educational

experience by utilizing a multifaceted approach that combines quantitative and qualitative
methodologies. This allows schools to obtain useful insights on the behavioral patterns of
their users.

Graphical Spatial Translation

The graphical spatial representation of a school's architecture is important for a

number of reasons, as it fulfills several functions and serves different stakeholders within
the educational setting. The architectural system of the proposed university is
characterized by a thoughtfully designed campus that seamlessly integrates both
educational levels. The school's spatial layout promotes a smooth transition between the
secondary and tertiary sections, fostering a cohesive learning environment. At the
secondary level, academic buildings are strategically arranged to accommodate
classrooms, laboratories, and communal spaces, emphasizing the importance of
collaborative learning and extracurricular activities. The architecture encourages
interaction among students, with open courtyards and recreational areas serving as focal
points for socialization.

As students’ progress to the tertiary level, the architectural design reflects a more
specialized approach. Dedicated buildings house advanced laboratories, lecture halls,
and research facilities tailored to the specific needs of tertiary education. The spatial
organization emphasizes autonomy and academic exploration, providing students with
distinct zones for focused study, collaborative research, and faculty interaction. The use
of modern technology is seamlessly integrated into the architectural fabric, with smart
classrooms, digital libraries, and collaborative workspaces facilitating a technologically
enriched learning environment.

A central feature of the architectural system is the inclusion of multi-functional

spaces, such as auditoriums and amphitheaters, that serve as venues for lectures, events,
and gatherings, fostering a sense of community across both secondary and tertiary levels.
The overall landscape design incorporates green spaces, walkways, and recreational
areas, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and promoting a holistic educational experience.
The careful spatial translation between secondary and tertiary sections ensures a smooth

and purposeful flow, supporting the evolving needs of students as they progress through
their educational journey. The architecture reflects the school's commitment to providing
a dynamic and adaptable environment that caters to the diverse academic, social, and
technological requirements of both secondary and tertiary education. The graphical spatial
representation assists in the planning of safety and security measures. Emergency exit
routes, fire evacuation plans, and the placement of security features can be clearly
visualized and communicated, contributing to a safer learning environment.

Structural System

The structural system proposed for the research paper envisions a sustainable and
innovative design for a modern educational facility, specifically tailored for a private
secondary and tertiary school. The structural framework integrates a combination of steel
and reinforced concrete elements, ensuring both strength and flexibility. The buildings are
designed with large, open-span areas to accommodate flexible learning spaces,
incorporating movable partitions that allow for easy reconfiguration according to varying
educational needs. To enhance natural lighting and energy efficiency, the structural design
incorporates expansive windows and skylights, complemented by solar panels integrated
into the roofing system. Additionally, the use of sustainable materials and green building
practices aligns with environmental considerations. The structural system prioritizes safety
and resilience, incorporating seismic-resistant features and advanced fire protection
measures. The integration of technology is seamlessly woven into the structural
framework, allowing for smart building functionalities, efficient energy management, and
state-of-the-art security systems. Overall, the proposed structural system aims to create
a cutting-edge educational environment that not only meets safety and sustainability
standards but also facilitates a dynamic and adaptable space conducive to contemporary
teaching and learning methodologies.

Ensuring the structural integrity of school buildings is critical for the safety and
security of students, faculty, and staff. A well-planned structural system minimizes the risk
of accidents, collapses, or other structural failures, contributing to a secure learning

Planning for energy-efficient structural elements, such as proper insulation, natural
lighting, and sustainable materials, contributes to the school's environmental
responsibility. This not only lowers operational costs but also promotes a healthy and eco-
friendly learning environment. Different educational disciplines often require specialized
spaces. Proper structural planning allows for the incorporation of laboratories, studios,
libraries, and other facilities tailored to the specific needs of various academic
departments. Proper structural planning allows for the optimization of learning spaces.
Well-designed classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and recreational areas contribute to a
conducive and functional environment, positively impacting the overall educational


Efficiency, safety, and sustainability have been given top priority in the electrical
system's thorough design, which aims to fulfill the wide range of demands of a
contemporary educational establishment. The electrical infrastructure of the entire campus
consists of evenly spaced power distribution panels that guarantee a steady and even
supply of electricity to different buildings and facilities. Modern smart boards, audiovisual
equipment, and enough power outlets are provided in classrooms to support the
integration of new technologies into instructional approaches. Specialized electrical
setups are present in laboratories, especially in the scientific and IT departments, to
facilitate cutting-edge equipment and testing. Energy conservation is given top priority at
the school thanks to the installation of motion sensors, programmable thermostats, and
LED lights. In addition, a strong backup power system is in place to provide uninterrupted
operation during unplanned outages. Examples of this system include generators and
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units. Emphasizing safety, the electrical system
adheres to the latest building codes and standards, incorporating surge protection, fire
detection, and emergency lighting throughout the campus. Additionally, the school is
committed to sustainability, exploring renewable energy sources like solar panels to
reduce its carbon footprint. This comprehensive electrical system not only ensures a

conducive learning environment but also aligns with the school's commitment to
technological advancement and environmental responsibility.

Planning the electrical system of a school is crucial for ensuring a safe, efficient,
and conducive learning environment. The importance of this planning is multi-faceted,
encompassing various aspects that contribute to the overall functionality and well-being
of the educational institution. A well-planned electrical system provides a reliable power
supply to support the uninterrupted operation of essential services, including lighting,
heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), audio-visual equipment, and technology
infrastructure. This reliability is crucial for maintaining a consistent learning environment.
With the increasing integration of technology in education, planning the electrical system
is essential to accommodate the power demands of computers, smartboards, audio-visual
equipment, and other technological devices used in classrooms and laboratories. The
electrical system is a critical component of a school's infrastructure, impacting safety,
functionality, and the overall learning experience. Strategic planning ensures that the
electrical infrastructure is not only safe and reliable but also adaptable to evolving
technological and educational needs.


The mechanical system of the proposed school is intended to be a state-of-the-art,

energy-efficient, and sustainable infrastructure that improves the overall learning
environment. The best possible indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency
will all be achieved by the design of the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
system. In order to optimize energy usage and preserve a favorable environment for
teaching and learning, smart sensors and controls will be integrated to automatically
manage temperature, lighting, and ventilation based on occupancy and environmental
circumstances. In order to recover and repurpose heat, the mechanical system will include
energy recovery devices, which will improve the facility's overall efficiency. In addition, the
school will prioritize the use of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient equipment,
such as high-efficiency boilers and programmable thermostats, to minimize the ecological
footprint. The mechanical infrastructure will be designed with a focus on long-term

sustainability, ensuring a comfortable and healthy environment for students and staff while
contributing to the school's commitment to environmental responsibility.

The planning of the mechanical system in a school is crucial for several reasons,
as it directly impacts the comfort, safety, and overall functionality of the educational
environment. Planning a mechanical system with adaptability in mind allows the school to
accommodate changes in occupancy, technology, and educational methodologies.
Flexible systems can easily be adjusted to meet evolving needs without requiring
significant retrofitting or reconstruction. Proper temperature and ventilation control
contribute to creating optimized learning environments. Students and teachers are more
likely to remain focused and engaged in comfortable spaces, positively impacting
educational outcomes. Mechanical systems must comply with building codes and
regulations related to safety, energy efficiency, and environmental standards. Adequate
planning ensures that the school remains in compliance with local and national


The plumbing system that is being suggested for this proposed school building
designed carefully constructed to satisfy the various water supply and sanitary
requirements of the learning environment. The system ensures a dependable and
effective water distribution system across the campus by integrating an extensive network
of pipes, fixtures, and water storage facilities. The primary water supply lines are arranged
to service a variety of structures, such as offices, labs, classrooms, and recreation areas.
Sufficient water pressure is preserved to facilitate necessary operations including
lavatories, drinking fountains, and housekeeping services. In order to reduce water usage
and encourage environmental responsibility, the plumbing design incorporates water-
saving fixtures and technologies that follow sustainable principles. Additionally, the system
incorporates robust sewage and drainage infrastructure, ensuring the proper disposal of
wastewater and preventing any potential environmental hazards. The proposed plumbing
system aligns with the school's commitment to providing a safe, hygienic, and sustainable
learning environment for students and staff.

The planning of a plumbing system for a school is of paramount importance due

to several key reasons that impact the overall functionality, health, and safety of the

educational institution. A well-designed plumbing system ensures access to clean and
safe water for drinking, handwashing, and other sanitary purposes. This is crucial for
maintaining a healthy environment within the school, preventing the spread of waterborne
diseases, and promoting overall well-being among students, staff, and visitors. Proper
planning ensures the availability of adequate restroom facilities throughout the school,
promoting good sanitation practices. Sufficient toilets, sinks, and other amenities
contribute to a comfortable and hygienic environment, enhancing the overall experience
for students and staff. Thoughtful planning enables the efficient distribution of water
throughout the school, optimizing water pressure and ensuring that all areas, from
classrooms to laboratories, have access to an adequate water supply. This contributes to
the smooth functioning of daily activities. Proper plumbing planning includes the design of
an effective wastewater management system. Adequate drainage, sewage disposal, and
wastewater treatment facilities are essential for preventing environmental contamination
and maintaining the cleanliness of the school premises. A well-designed plumbing system
incorporates water-saving fixtures and technologies, contributing to resource
conservation. This aligns with sustainability goals, reduces water consumption, and
promotes an environmentally responsible approach within the school.

Design Concept

The proposed University of Batangas Nasugbu, a ReLeaf Learning Pavilion, is

ideally situated to optimize solar exposure while taking into account the direction of the
predominant winds to provide natural ventilation. The plan makes use of the topography
as it is, maintaining green areas and bringing them into the overall scheme. The layout of
the school is designed to reduce solar heat gain and maximize natural light in the common
areas and classrooms. The school has large red roofs that are covered with natural plants
to improve insulation, lower heat absorption, and increase biodiversity. Throughout the
campus, integrated living walls perform a variety of functions, including insulation, natural
air filtration, and the creation of visually beautiful green areas. Passive design techniques
are used in the design to maximize energy efficiency. By maximizing natural daylighting
through the use of suitable shading systems, large windows can minimize the demand for
artificial lighting. The integration of thermal mass elements with a well-ventilated building
design optimizes natural ventilation and controls inside temperatures, so mitigating the
need for mechanical heating and cooling systems.

The idea behind the design promotes inquiry-based learning about environmental
stewardship and sustainability. The school incorporates sustainable characteristics as
educational tools, such as interactive displays and prominent signage that highlight its
eco-friendly aspects. Encouraging learning environments and outdoor classrooms in the
natural world offer exceptional chances for environmental education. The ReLeaf Learning
School is a community center for environmental education. A sense of community
involvement and environmental responsibility is fostered by community gardens, shared
green spaces, and public events that focus on sustainability.

The ReLeaf Learning School's design concept embodies the concepts of green
architecture, resulting in an inspiring and sustainable learning environment that places a
high priority on the health of the surrounding ecology, staff, and students.

Design Philosophy

The design philosophy of the proposed school is centered on a dedication to

environmental responsibility, sustainability, and the welfare of the school community. Our
goal is to design a learning environment that not only satisfies the demands of teachers
and students now, but also makes a positive impact on the planet's future by embracing
the concepts of green building. Utilizing renewable energy sources, energy-efficient
lighting, and smart building technologies, the school places a high priority on energy
efficiency. By minimizing the need for artificial lighting and cooling, passive design
strategies—such as appropriate orientation and shading—help reduce our carbon

The school itself functions as an educational tool. The curriculum incorporates

green design elements so that students can learn about sustainability through the built
world. The learning process incorporates interactive displays, energy monitoring devices,
and sustainable activities. Our school's design recognizes the dynamic nature of
environmental concerns and welcomes resilience and adaptability. Modular construction,
adaptable spaces, and progressive design concepts enable modifications and
enlargements that correspond with forthcoming sustainable methodologies and
technological breakthroughs.

Style Guiding Principles

The proposed school prioritizes the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable
building materials, such as low-impact concrete, bamboo, recycled steel, and reclaimed
wood. Make sure that the creation of these materials has no negative effects on the
environment and that they increase the school's overall energy efficiency. To improve
insulation, lessen stormwater runoff, and create natural habitat areas, use green walls and
roofs. These elements enhance the school's overall attractiveness while encouraging
biodiversity and reducing the impact of the urban heat island.

Consider natural ventilation when designing common areas and classrooms to

encourage airflow and lessen the demand for continuous mechanical ventilation. This
creates a healthier learning environment and improves indoor air quality. To reduce
construction waste, think of adaptively reusing existing structures or recycling components
from earlier projects. This strategy lessens the environmental impact of demolition and
new building while adhering to recycling principles.

To educate students, staff, and visitors about the sustainable elements integrated
into the building, post educational signage all over the school grounds. Encourage
students and staff to adopt eco-friendly modes of transportation by supporting green
transportation projects, providing enough bicycle parking facilities, and fostering a feeling
of environmental responsibility and awareness through clear and engaging
communication. By following this style guide, the school can not only promote green
architecture but also create an inspiring and environmentally conscious learning
environment that instills sustainable values in its community. This reduces the
environmental impact of commuting and promotes a culture of sustainability.


In conclusion, the proposed school's design, which incorporates green architecture

principles and prioritizes the creation of educationally open spaces, exemplifies a forward-
thinking and comprehensive approach to contemporary learning environments. The
extensive study that was done demonstrates the many advantages of sustainable design,
which include lower environmental impact, resource conservation, higher indoor air

quality, and increased energy efficiency. The proposed school will be in line with global
sustainability goals and act as an example of environmental care for its staff, pupils, and
the community at large by implementing green architecture.

Furthermore, the emphasis on using open spaces for learning highlights a

dedication to creating a vibrant and welcoming learning environment. The deliberate
integration of green courtyards, outdoor classrooms, and collaboration areas fosters
creativity, fosters a sense of connection with the natural world, and offers adaptable
spaces that may adjust to changing teaching approaches. This study has looked at how
these kinds of open areas improve students' wellbeing by promoting social contact,
physical activity, and a feeling of community.

This study emphasizes how crucial it is to combine innovative architecture with

environmentally friendly methods. With its open areas and green architecture, the
proposed school not only meets the immediate demands of its users but also sets itself
up as a role model for educational institutions across the globe. The research's
conclusions support a paradigm change in favor of environmentally responsible school
design by highlighting the mutually beneficial relationships that exist between superior
architectural design, environmental stewardship, and the creation of lively, captivating
learning environments. By accomplishing this, the proposed school becomes a hub for
academic achievement as well as an example of how sustainable architecture might
change the face of education in the future.


Given the research results emphasizing the noteworthy advantages of integrating

green architecture into the suggested school and the focus on establishing educationally
open areas, a number of crucial suggestions come to light to direct the use of sustainable
design principles.

First and foremost, in order to improve the school's visual appeal and aid in
stormwater management and energy efficiency, the architectural plans ought to give
special consideration to integrating green walls and roofs. These aspects not only give life
to the campus, but they also offer educational opportunities that let students observe and

learn about the surrounding environment. Second, the school ought to investigate using
energy-efficient design features, such making the most of natural lighting and using
passive solar techniques. The school can lessen its dependency on artificial lighting and
heating by carefully placing windows, skylights, and shading devices. This would save
energy use and create a comfortable and well-lit learning environment. Thirdly, the
creation of outdoor learning areas ought to be a priority in order to encourage ecological
consciousness and sustainability. These locations can be designated for hands-on
environmental education, outdoor classrooms, and planted gardens. This method not only
adheres to the principles of green building but also gives pupils chances to engage with
the natural world, resulting in a greater understanding and respect for the environment.

Last but not least, the school's green architecture effort ought to be centered
around community engagement. In addition to increasing the school's effect, planning
workshops, outreach initiatives, and incorporating neighborhood groups in the
development and implementation of sustainable practices will foster a feeling of collective
accountability for environmental stewardship within the larger community. By
implementing these suggestions, the planned school will be developed in a way that not
only adheres to the principles of green architecture but also fosters the development of an
environment that is open, sustainable, and educationally enriching, demonstrating a
dedication to the welfare of the school community and the surrounding ecosystem.


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Online References

School Organizational Chart Example | Org Charting

Spaces for Education (uoregon.edu)


Site Analysis Architecture: An introduction - archisoup | Architecture Guides & Resources


Free Architecture Research Proposal Samples and Examples List - StudentShare

Ten sustainable architecture proposals by SUTD students (dezeen.com)


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