Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis
Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis
Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Differential Profile
A differential profile (or XOR profile) shows
the probabilistic relation between the input
differences and output differences of an S-
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Round Characteristic
A round characteristic is similar to a differential
profile but calculated for the whole round.
The characteristic shows the probability that one
input difference would create one output
Note: The characteristic is same for each round
because any relation that involves differences is
independent of the round key.
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Round characteristic
There are many round characteristics for a
round but figure below shows only 4 of them.
Fig 2
Differential Cryptanalysis
• In each characteristic there is division of input
differences and output differences into left
and right sections.
• Each left or right difference is made of 32 bits
or 8 hexadecimal digits.
• Fig a shows that the input difference of
(x,0000000016) produces the output difference
of (x,0000000016) with probability 1.
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Fig b shows the same characteristic as Fig a
except that the left and right inputs and outputs
are swapped; the probability will change
• Fig c shows that the input difference of
(4008000016,0400000016) produces the output
difference (0000000016,0400000016) with
probability ¼.
• Fig d shows that the input difference
(0000000016,6000000016) produces the output
difference (0080820016,6000000016) with
probability 14/64.
Differential Cryptanalysis
• A Three-Round Characteristic
The analyzer can combine different rounds to
create a multiple-round characteristic.
Fig 3
Differential Cryptanalysis
• In this Fig there are 3 mixers and only 2 swappers
because the last round needs no swapper.
• The characteristics shown in the mixers of the 1st
and 3rd rounds is same as of Fig 2.
• The characteristic of the mixer in 2nd round is
same as the one in Fig 1.
• In this particular case the input and output
differences are the same(∆L3= ∆L0 and ∆R3= ∆R0)
Differential Cryptanalysis
Fig 4
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Attack
Assume that Eve uses the characteristic of Fig
4 to attack a 16- round DES. Eve somehow
lures Alice to encrypt a lot of plaintexts in the
form (x,0), in which the left half is x(different
values) and right half is 0. Eve then keeps all
cipher texts received from Alice in the form
Note: 0 means 0000000016
Differential Cryptanalysis
• Finding the Cipher Key
By finding the round keys from the bottom to
the top(K16 to K1)
Finding the last Round key: If the intruder has
enough plaintext/ciphertext pairs she can use
the relationship in the last round, 0=f(K16 ,x) to
find some of the bits in K16 .This can be done
by finding the most probable values that make
this relation more likely.
Differential Cryptanalysis
Finding other round keys
Can be found using other characteristics or
brute-force attacks.
• Security
247 Chosen plaintext/ciphertext pairs are
needed to attack a 16-round DES. Finding such
a huge no. of pairs is difficult so DES is not
vulnerable to this type of attack.
Linear Cryptanalysis
• It is a known-plaintext attack
• The analysis uses the propagation of a
particular set of bits through the cipher.
• Linearity Relations
Linear Cryptanalysis is based on linearity
relations. Two set of relations particularly:
linear profile and round characteristics.
Linear Cryptanalysis
Fig 5
Linear Cryptanalysis
• Linear Profile
A linear profile shows the level of linearity between
input and output of an S-box. In an S-box, each
output bit is a function of all input bits.
The ideal case in an S-box is if each output bit is a
non-linear function of all input bits. Unfortunately
some output bits are linear function of some
combinations of input bits.
Linear Cryptanalysis
The cryptanalysis can create 8 different tables,
one for each S-box, in which the 1st column
shows the possible combination of 6-bit
inputs, 0016 to 3F16 and the 1st row shows the
possible combinations of 4-bit inputs, 016 to
F16 . The entries show the level of linearity.
Linear Cryptanalysis
• Round Characteristic
Shows the combination of input bits, round key bits,
and output bits that show a linear relation.
Fig 6 shows two different round characteristics.
Fig 6
Linear Cryptanalysis
• The notation used for each case defines the
bits that must be exclusive-ored together.
• For example, O(7, 8, 24, 29) means the
exclusive-or of 7th, 8th, 24th, and 29th bits
coming out of the function;
• K(22) means the 22nd bit in the round key;
I(15) means the 15th bit going into the
Linear Cryptanalysis
• The relations using individual bits :
• Part a: O(7) ⊕ O(8) ⊕ O(24) ⊕ O(29) = I(15)
⊕ K(22)
• Part b: F(15) = I(29) ⊕ K(42) ⊕ K(43) ⊕ K(45)
⊕ K(46)
Linear Cryptanalysis
• A Three-Round Characteristic
Fig 7 shows a case of a three-round DES in which
rounds 1 and 3 use the same characteristic as shown in
Fig 6, but round 2 uses an arbitrary characteristic.
Fig 7
Linear Cryptanalysis
• The goal of linear cryptanalysis is to find a linear
relation between some bits in the plaintext, the
ciphertext, and the key
• For Fig 7
Round 1: R1(7, 8, 24, 29) = L0(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕ R0(15) ⊕
Round 3: L3(7, 8, 24, 29) = L2(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕ R2(15) ⊕
Linear Cryptanalysis
• But L2 is the same as R1, and R2 is the same as R3.
After replacing L2 with R1 and R2 with R3 in the
second relation, we have:
• L3(7, 8, 24, 29) = R1(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕ R3 (15) ⊕ K3(22)
• Substitute R1 with its equivalent value in round 1,
resulting in:
• L3(7, 8, 24, 29) = L0(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕ R0(15) ⊕ K1(22)
⊕ R3 (15) ⊕ K3(22)
Linear Cryptanalysis
• This is a relationship between input and
output bits for the whole three rounds after
being reordered:
• L3(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕ R3(15) = L0(7, 8, 24, 29) ⊕
R0(15) ⊕ K1(22) ⊕ K3(22)
• In other words, we have:
• C(7, 8, 15, 24, 29) = P(7, 8, 15, 24, 29) ⊕
K1(22) ⊕ K3(22)
Linear Cryptanalysis
• A Sixteen-Round Characteristic
A 16-round characteristic can also be compiled
to provide a linear relationship between some
plaintext bits, some ciphertext bits, and some
bits in the round keys.
C(some bits) = P(some bits) ⊕ K1(some bits) ⊕
… ⊕ K16(some bits)
Linear Cryptanalysis
• Attack
After finding and storing many relationship between
some plaintext bits, ciphertext bits, and round-key bits.
Eve can access some plaintext/ciphertext pairs (known-
plaintext attack) and use the corresponding bits in the
stored characteristics to find bits in the round keys.
Linear Cryptanalysis
• Security
243 known plaintext/ciphertext pairs are
needed to attack a 16-round DES.
Linear cryptanalysis looks more probable than
differential cryptanalysis for two reasons.
First, the number of steps is smaller.
Second it is easier to launch a known plaintext
attack than a chosen-plaintext attack.