Firbolg Race Details in Full

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Firbolg Traits

Ability Score Increase:

Str: +4, Wis: +2, Con: +2, Res: +2, Dex: +2, Agi: -2, Cha -2, Com -2.

Pregnancy: Two years
Age: Adulthood at 30, avg lifespan of 500 years
Food: Firbolgs consumed twice as much as humans to survive.
Lycanthropy: Highly susceptible to all forms except wereraven, to which they are immune.
When affected, they had greater mastery over it than most, on account that they already
possessed many traits similar to lycanthrops.
Size: Large- (9’5 to 11’4), (460lb to 800lb), +1 hp per level, -1 AC.
Speed: 35ft
Vision: Darkvision
Diet: Omnivore
Appearance: Fleshy Pink skin, Blond or Red hair, Incredibly Hairy
Speech: Typically rolled consonants, deep and smooth voices
Fey: Do to being fey creatures, they have a vulnerability to iron, and experienced bad luck
near running water. Are also vulnerable to weapons that are magically enchanted to kill Fey.
Living: As a living being, a Firbolg has 1st tier resistance radiant dmg, and 1st tier vulnerability
to necrotic dmg.
Giant-kin: As a giant, firbolgs have vulnerability to weapons that magically enchanted to kill

Magic Resistance: Have 5th tier resistance to magic.
Magic Sense: Firbolgs were sensing magic around them subconsciously, like they were
permanently casting detect magic.
Face-shift: Firbolgs could alter the appearance of their face to a degree. This was used to
make themselves more appealing to those that would consider them ugly in their regular
Size-shift: Firbolgs could change their size, either larger or smaller. This was done to make it
easier to interact with those of a smaller or large stature. However this would also often be
used in battle.
Regenerative abilities: Firbolgs had a degree of a healing factor, that enhanced their threat
in combat.
Nature Speech: Firbolgs could speak to the animals and plants that lived in the land they
were native to.
Mouth of Truth: Firbolgs had great discomfort with lying, having disadvantage on any form
of deception, and being unable to gain proficiency in it. (Lies by omission count)
Invisibility: Firbolgs have the ability to turn invisible.
Fey Ancestry: 1st tier Magic can’t charm Firbolgs or put them to sleep, 2 nd tier magic, has
disadvantage on charming them and can’t put them to sleep. 3rd tier magic has disadvantage
on putting them to sleep.

Names: Most firbolgs don’t take names, and will go the majority of their lives without one,
only gaining a name when they interact frequently with a group of people that want a way
to refer to them.
Forests: Firbolgs saw themselves as caretakers of the forests, which they saw as sacred. To
them, forests represented the heart of the earth and the adaptability of life.
Greed: They despise greed, believing that one should always take only as one needs to live,
seeing little to no value in material wealth, but recognized that others valued such things,
and would find prankish ways to take valuables from people.
Charity: Firbolgs believed that charity was a virtue, but only if the recipient didn’t know who
the provider was. As such they were often very reclusive, helping out communities in secret
without revealing themselves.
Deciet: Firbolgs held extreme discomfort in being dishonest, even lies by omission were a
big deal to them.
Fear: Firbolgs are resistant to fear, however they have a phobia of large groups of people,
which they will avoid like the plague.

Armor and shields: Firbolgs saw the wearing of armor as cowardly, as such, they normally
didn’t carry shields either.
Druidic magic: Firbolgs were trained in druidic magic.
Melee: Large and heavy weapons were preferred. Most common were Giant Halberds and
Greatswords. They also occasionally wielded large human weapons such as greatswords in
one hand.
Strategy: Firbolgs fought the smart way, relying on tactics and teamwork despite their size
and strength.
Ranged: Firbolgs were adept at throwing objects, having a good eye and a powerful
throwing arm. This applied to bows too. They commonly had large longbows, or giant spears
and javelins.
Special: Firbolgs were particularly good at parrying or catching ranged attacks, being able to
use their reaction to add their proficiency to their AC if they are targeted by a ranged attack
that they can see coming.

Distrusting of orcs, genasi, Aarakocra, dwarves, drow, halflings, gnomes and humans.
Neutral with dragonborn, elves, druids and seelie fey.
Respectful of Stormgiants, who they emulated a lot.
Aggressive to unseelie fey, goliaths, bugbears and most giant-kin

Family centered, clan based society of 4 to 16 members with a main leader being a powerful
shaman or druid, and lived in strongholds built from trees. Hiding their home using magic.
Some clans were nomadic, and on rare occasion, the strongholds were instead dug from a
Home: One-story building with log walls, with a large fireplace.
Caretakers of the woods: Firbolgs lived carefully and resourcefully from the land, ensuring
balance of the ecosystem. Storing excess nuts, fruits and berries from the summer, to
provide food to animals during winter.
Food: Farming was only done as a supplement to their diet, as they lived as hunter-
gatherers. Their hunting grounds spreading out in an average of 20-mile radii from their clan
homes. Eating small amounts of meat most meals, as they saved large amounts of meat for
Politics: Firbolgs tended to avoid any races or cultures outside their territory, and were
largely unaware of what happened in the outside world. If there were people within their
territory, they would typically try to get them to leave, at first indirectly, then by
confrontation. However, they would often trade with peaceful and good settlements within
their territory, providing aid in exchange for food and other goods.
Adventuring: Adventurers were rare among Firbolgs, and were either the occasional
knowledge hunter, or a Firbolg who had been tragically separate from their clan or tribe. Or
are on a mission to help themselves or another be relived of lycanthropy.
Lycanthropy: Firbolgs tended to not shun those with lycanthropy, instead rallying around
them to help cure them.

Bravery, Effort, and Honor over birth.
The tribe's honor over yours.
The blood of the runt is the blood of a king.
Give a thousand for nothing.
Truth is the honor of the tribe.
Violation of the code meant enslavement or banishment. The code implied treating all
intelligent living beings as equal
The Cast: All the Firbolgs in a clan would come together and make a vote by casting a rune
in a stone, when making decisions
Inter-clan politics: During fall solstice, the clan leaders would come together for a meeting
to settle disputes between clans.

Illanis: Lesser Diety of, Love, Forgiveness, Beauty, Mercy, Good, Healing, Strength and Sun.
Grond Peaksmasher: Demigod of Firbolgs, Animals, Combat, Elemental, Healing, Plant,
Protection and War.

Firbolg: Called Jotunelff by Giants, it is a mix of Elven and giant. And uses the Giant script
Other: Common, Giant, Elven

Druid: Firbolgs had a tendency towards druidic magic, and almost always they would
become druids, usually in the service of Illanis, Grond, or just Nature itself.
Ranger: Due to their hunter-gatherer culture, and innate connection to nature, Firbolgs who
were less interested in the religious sides of things often became rangers.
Barbarians: Due to their dislike for armor and brute strength, Firbolgs were excellent
barbarians, even though they normally had a genteel manner, a Firbolg that was angered
was a scary thing, able to sweep small army units by themself.
Wizard: A Firbolg almost never cared to learn magic beyond what was innate to them, as
such a Firbolg Wizard is rare even among the small amount of adventuring Firbolgs.
Fighter: Due to their large size and brute strength, Firbolgs made great fighters, even if they
disliked the wearing of armor.
Sorcerer: Firbolgs would be severely unlikely to become sorcerers except via Wild Magic.
Artificer: Similar to a wizard, Firbolgs only learn that which they need.
Cleric: A firbolg who lives outside of their clans are not unlikely to worship gods other than
their own.
Palladin: The reserved nature of Firbolgs makes it unlikely that they would become
Palladins, alongside the fact that they dislike armor
Bard: The reserved nature of Firbolgs makes them unlikely to become Bards.
Monks: Due to the isolation of Firbolgs, and the fact that monks are primarily found outside
of Faerun, there are almost never, like never ever Firbolg monks.
Rogue: Although incredibly talented for being a rogue, since they can alter appearance,
adjust size and turn invisible, however, their strong distaste for deceit discourages them
from following such a path.
Warlock: A Firbolg might turn to a patron if they feel that they need more power than they
currently have to survive.
Bloodhunter: Similar to Warlock

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