Prestressed Concrete Structures

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Prestressed Concrete Structures

(1) Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Third Edition, SI Version
by T.Y. Lin
Ned H. Burns
John Wiley and Sons

(2) Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design

by Antoine E. Naaman
McGraw-Hill Book Co.

(3) Prestressed Concrete

by Narbey khaehaturian
German Gurfinkel
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
SI Units

Base Unit American SI Conversion Factors

force pounds(lb) Newton(N) 1lb. = 4.448 N

length foot(ft) meter(m) 1N = 0.2248 lb.
time seconds(sec) seconds(sec) 1ft = 0..3048 m.
1m = 3.2808 ft.
mass slug kilogram(kg) 1slug = 14.594 kg.
1kg = 0.06852 slug

1 psi = 6895 Pascal (Pa)

1psi = 6895 = 0.006895 Mega Pascal = 0.006895 MPa

1psi = = = 0.006895
10psi = 0.06895 MPa
100psi = 0.6895 MPa
1000psi = 6.895 MPa

Unit weight of concrete = = = 150 x

= 150 x 157.079 = 150 x 0.1571

= 23.56
Courses Contents
Definition of Terms
Comparison between RC and PSC
Historical Background
Sources of Prestessing
Elastic Analysis and Design of Statically Determinate Structures
 Balanced Design
 Approximate Design
 General design
 Magnel diagram
 Steel profile
 Variable Prestressing force
 Variable section
 Beams subjected to reversal of bending moment
Losses of Prestress
Post-tensioned beams
elastic shortening
anchorage take-up
steel relaxation
Pretentional Beams

Shear stresses – elastic analysis

Bond stress
Anchorage zone stresses
Torsion in PSC beams
Deflections of PSC beams
Elastic Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures
PSC beams curved tendons
Design of Statically indeterminate beams
Summary of Elastic Design Procedure
Ultimate strength design in flexure

Concrete- is a non-homogeneous manufactured stone composed of graded granular inert
materials which are held together by the action of cement and water.

Reinforced concrete – is a composite materiall which utilizes the concrete in resisting

compressive stresses and some other materials, usually steel to resist the tensile stresses.

Prestressed Concrete- is one in which there have been introduced internal stresses of such
magnitude and distribution that the stresses resulting from the given external loading are
counteracted to a desired degree.
Comparison of RC and PSC Beams

RC :

1. There are always cracks even at working area.

2. Only part of the section is load carrying, portion below the neutral axis carries no
3. The steel reinforcement carries the tensile stresses.
4. Highest stress occurs under load.

1. There are no cracks at working load.
2. the whole of the section is load carrying.
3. the steel neutralizes the tensile stresses.
4. the highest stress occurs at prestressing.


( Figure )



Sign Convention: Tensile stress = (-)

Compresseve Stress = (+)

Where P= prestressing force

A= Gross area of section
C1= distance from the n.a to top fiber
C2= distance from the n.a to bottom fiber
I= second moment of the area of the section
MD= bending moment at sec.x-x due to dead load
M= Bending moment at sec. x-x due to line load
Z= I/C1 = Section module of the beam
Z= I/C2 = Section module of the beam

Checking the Stresses

At transfer:
ftop = + - Figure

fbot. = + +

At working Load

ftop = + - + Figure

fbot. = + +

where = η = (1- ) and ηP = Effective Prestressing

forse after losses

Historical Development
The Romans were known to be the first to use the principle of prestressing:
Example is the wooden barrel used to store wine.

1886 – 1908 – Development of prestressing in concrete

1872 – P. A. Jackson (USA)
1888 – C.E.W. Doehring (Germany)
1907 – J.G.F. Lund (Norway)
J. Mandl (Austria)
M. Koenen (Germany)
1908 – G.R. Steiner (USA)
1928 – F. Von Emperger (Australia) suggested the use of height strength steel
1923 – R.E. Dill (USA) proposed the concept of full prestressing
1928 – E. Freyssinet (France) started the development work
1940 – G. Magnel
Y. guyon, P. Abeles, F. Leonhardt

After World War II

Full scale applications
T.Y. Lin

Sources of Prestressing:

1. Jacks reacting against the abutments –

The principal difficulty associated with such a system is that even a slight
movement of the abutment will reduce the prestressing force.


2. Preteusioning:
The wires afre stressed before the concrete is cast. When the concrete is hard
enough, the wires are cut, thus inducing compressive stresses on the concrete.


3. Postensioning (Bonded of unbonded)

Holes are provided for the cables and when the concrete is hard enough to carry
the prestress, the wires are inserted through these holes and stressed against the
ends of the concrete member. For bonded postentioning, neat concrete is pump
inside the duct.

Materials used in PSC.

1. Concrete- use high-early strength cement

2. Steel- use high strength steel


Development of Building Materials

Materials Materials Materials

Resisting Resisting Resisting Tension and
Compression Tension Compression


A prestressed- concrete rectangular beam 500mm. by 750 mm. has simple span of
7:30 m and is loaded by a uniform load of 45 KN/m. including its own weight. The
prestressing tendon is located 145mm below the neutral axis and the initil prestressing
force is 1620 KN. Compute the stresses in the concrete at the midspan section. What
would be the stresses if the losses in prestress are 15%?


M= WL2 = x 7.32= 299.76 KN-m.

P= 1620 KN; A= 500x750= 375,000 mm2
E= 145mm. I= bd3 = = 1.758x1010 mm4.

C 1 = C2 = = 375 mm.

At transfer:

Ftop= + 4.32- 5.01 = -0.69 MPa (tensile)

Ftop= +4.32+ 5.01 = +9.33MPa

At working load: (no losses of prestress)


Ftop= + 4.32 - 5.01 + 6.39 = 5.70 Mpa

Ftop= + 4.32 + 5.01 – 6.39 = 2.94 MPa

At. Working load (with losses of 15%)

Ftop= + 0.85(4.32)- 0.85(5.01)+ 6.39 = 5.81 MPa

Ftop = +3.67 + 4.25 – 6.39 = 1.53 MPa

Elastic Design in Hexure

(A) Balanced Design

Ftt= Allowable concrete stress in tension at transfer
Ftw= Allowable concrete stress in tension at working load
Fct= Allowable concrete stress in compression at transfer
Fcw= Allowable concrete stress in compression at working load
Md= Dead load bending moment at agiven section
Ml= live load bending moment at a given section
P= Initial prestressing force
A= Gross area of the section
N= Efficiency of prestress
E= Eccentricity of prestress at a given section
I= Second moment of area of the section
C1= Distance of top fiber from n.a
C2= Distnace of bottom fiber from N.A
Z1= Section Module

Z2= Section module

Consider the stresses at transfer due to dead load and prestress only:

Consider the stresses at working load:


+ (1)


+η (3)

+ (4)

From Eqs. (1) And (3) [Eq. (3) - η x Eq. (1)]

From Eqs. (2) and (4)

From Eqs. (5) and (6)


1. The section module are directly determining by Eqs. (5) and (6). The predominant
factor is the liveload bending moment ML.
2. Balanced design is not possible for slabs or symmetrical sections although the
difference between the balanced and symmetrical section is often very small.
3. With the section modkule known, Eqs. (11) and (17) remain for the determination
of the prestressing force P which also determines the area of steel AS and the
concrete area A which determines the depth of the section and the eccentricity e.
4. As in reinforced concrete, there are a number of sections which will satisfy the
condition of balanced design ranging from heavily reinforce deep sections. In
practiced the coice is limited by the following consideration:
a. The ratio of depth to width is limited by the possible danger of torsion buckling.
b. The ratio of web thickness to the overall width is limited by the shear stresses
and the ratio of the flange thickness to overall depth by secondary stresses in the
flange. The thickness of the web must be sufficient to allow correct placing of the
c. Since the cables must normally be inside the section, the eccentricity is limited by
the depth of the section.
B. Approximate Method of Design

Assumptions: Fcw = Fct = FC

Ftw = Ftt = 0
η = 1.0 (no losses of prestress


Due to prestress and MD



Due to presstress, MD and ML



Where: and
From Eqs. (1) and (3)

From Eqs. (2) and (4)

If an unsymmetrical section is used, it follows that

Cose A :
Suppose therefore; C2 > C1
From Eq. (1)
or (8)
Similarly, from Eq. (4)

Equating Eq.(8) and Eq.(9)

where C1 + C2 =h




Note that in Eq. (11) C1 is smaller than C2, thus Cmin = C1

From Eq. (9)

From Eq. (10)

Cose B
Then or
or Cmin = C2

From Eq. (10)

. (13)
From Eq. (11) and (13), it follows that

From Eq. (8)



Therefore, (15)
Note: that the eccentricity e as defined by Eq. (12) and (15) is the same.

1. Find the minimum section modulus from
2. Choose a suitable trial section
3. Find the prestressing force P

4. Compute MD from trial section

5. Determine the steel profile

6. Check stresses at transfer and working load

*Note: The equation in No. 5 is valid only when the direction of MD and ML are the same.

Design Example:

A post tensional beam simply supported at each end carrias a uniform load of 11.45
KN/m. on span of 16.3m. Calculate the midspan dimensions required for balnce design
is the following allowable stresses are assumed:

Fcw= Fct= 13.79 MPa

Ftw= Ftt= -0.89 MPa

Allowable steel stress is 931 MPa assume 15% loses o prestress. Use unsymmetrical I-


η= 1-
Assume dead weight of beam = 5.1KN/m.


Determine section module

From, Eq. (5); Z1=

From Eq. (6); Z=

From Eq. (11)

Pe= 388.64x106 Nmm.
From Eq. (17)


Ae= 55.73x106 mm3

From Eq. (18)

C2= h

C2= h

C2= 0.464 h lower flange is wider than top flange

 C1= 0.536 h

Assume that the tendon is located at 0.075h from the bottom of the flange.

e= 0.464h- 0.075h= 0.389h

In general, let e= Ø h, here; Ø= 0.389

Determine the ratio

In this example,
Note : the ratio is important in that by satisfying it means that the section is
deep enough to accommodate the tendons. From the tables, choose section width

Try the following proportion:

DF/D= 0.20 AC/bD=0 .64 IC/bD3= 0.064
Br/b= 0.50 ht/D= 0.46 2t/bd2= 0.138
BB/= 0.70 hB/D0.54 2B/bD2= 0.119

If D = 153mm. D=

ZB/ bD2 = 0.119 B=

BB = 0.070x401 = 281mm.
Br = 0.50x401 = 201mm.

Compute actual section properties

A = 281x153+401x153+459x201
A = 196,605 mm2 Trial Section

C2 = 353.9mm. ; C = 411.1mm.
I = 11,433.314 x106 mm4
Z 1= 27.89x106mm3
Z2 = 32.30x106mm3. > 32.16x106mm3



=1,371 KN

Check Stresses:
Unit weight of concrete = 150 16/ft3
= 150x0.1571 KN/m3
= 23.56 KN/m3

WD = 23.56x

MD =

N/mm2 (MPa)









At transfer:

Ftop= 6.973 – 13.934 + 5.477 = -1.484 N/mm2

Fbot = 6.973 + 12.031- 4.729 = + 14.75 N/mm2

At working load:

Ftop = 5.927 – 11.843 + 5.477 + 13.634 = 13.195 N/mm2

Fbot = 5.927 + 10.22 – 4.729 – 11.772 = -0.354 N/mm2

Note: The stresses at transfer exceed the allowable stresses. Redesign the section.

(C) General Design


Use the same notations

as in balanced design:

At transfer ( consider Pand MD )

( 1)


At working load ( consider ηP, MD and ML )



Multiply Eq. (1) by η and Eq. (3) by (-1),

- (6)
Adding Eq. (5) and (6)

or (8)


From Eq. (2) and (4).

Multiply Eq. (2) by N and Eq. (4) by (-1),



Adding Eq. (10) and (11).



Magnel Diagram


Rearrange Eqs. (1) to (4) and multiply to the sides by

From Eq. (1)


From Eq. (2)


From Eq. (3)


From Eq. (4)


But and

From Eq. (14)

or (18)

If ;

If e=0;

From Eq. (15)



From Eq. (16)

(20) GRAPH


From Eq. (!7)

 e  A MD ML 
n 1      Ftw 
 K1  P  Z2 

(21) GRAPH

Magnel Diagram


Note: The limiting lines therefore take the form shown in the figures.
The Hatched portion in each case represents the range of values of
and admissible by the inequality under consideration.

Minimum Maximum P
Maximum Minimum P

For points:
Below - overstressed in tension at transfer
Below - overstressed in compression at transfer
Above - overstressed in compression at working load
Above - overstressed in tension at working load
For Balanced Design:

(Graph) Note: The limiting lines combined into a Single

diagram and the hatched portions indicate the range of
values of and admissible for any given section.
For balanced design, and will coincide; and
will also coincide. The intersection of the resulting
two lines determine e balanced.

Example 3: Magnel Diagram

Design Example:
A post-tensional concrete beam shown below carries a line load of 11.45 KN/m.
on a simply supported span of 16.3m. in addition to its
dead stresses, find the amount of steel required and
eccentricity at midspan by Magnel Diagram.

Allowable Stresses:

Fct = 13.80 Mpa Fcw = 14.50Mpa

Ftw = -0.90 Mpa Ftt = -0.80 Mpa

Losses = 15% η = 0.85

Properties of Section (Figure)

A= 196,605 mm2
C1 = 411.1 mm.
C2 = 353.9 mm.
Z1 = 27.81x 106 mm3.
Z2 = 32.30x106 mm3.

Γc = 23.56 KN/ m3 ; W = 23.56x

= 4.6 KN/m.

ML =

check Z1 ;

Actual OK
Actual Z2 > 31.96x106 OK

Draw the Magnel Diagram of the section:

K1 = Z2 = 32.3x106 = 164.28 mm
A 196,605
K2 = Z1 = 27.81x 106 = 141.45 mm
A 196,605

From Eqs: (14),(15),(16) and (17)

Ftt line: If A = 0; e = + K2 = + 141.45

If e=0; A = -1 = -1 = -0.1589
P (MD/Z1 - Ftt) (5.493+0.80)
Fct line:
If A = 0; e=-K1 =-164.28mm
If e = 0; A = 1 = 1 = 0.0539
P (MD/Z1 – Fct) (5.493+13.80)

Fcw line:
If A = 0; e=+K2 = +141.45mm
If e=0; A= -n = -0.85 =-0.1814
P (MD+ML/Z1-Fcw) (19.184+13.80)


Magnel Diagram

From Magnel Diagram

Check stresses:

At transfer:

At working load:

Design of Steel (tendon) Profile

I. Beams of uniform cross-section with constant prestressing force.


At section x-x, the four basic inequalities are:



Multiply Eq. (1) by (-1) and solve for e, thus


From Eq. (2)


Multiply Eq. (3) by (-1) and solve for e, thus


From Eq. (4)


Taking equations (5) and (6) as a pair; choose the smaller of the two as the controlling
eccentricity. Similarly taking equation (7) and (8) as a pair, choose the greater of the two
as the controlling eccentricity. These two controlling eccentricities will form a safe
tendon zone where the wires can be placed.

Example 4: Design of steel profile

For the beam in wxample 3 (Magnel Diagram) draw the tendon zone profile.

For this beam:

MD = 152.77 KNm. Fct = +13.80 MPa
ML = 380.77 KNm. Ftt = -0.80
η = 0.85 Fcw = +14.50
Ftw = -0.90

Actual section properties

A= 196,605mm2 (Figure)
C1 = 411.1 mm.
C2 = 353.9 mm
Z1 = 27.81x106 mm3
P = 1,512,346 N

The tenzon zones are defined by the four equations for e, thus





At midspan:




At support:





(above n.a.)


(above n.a.)


II. Beams of constant cross-section and with variables prestressing force.

To simplify the procedure, use the approximate method of design.

At transfer:


At transfer, the stress at the top of the beam due to prestress and MD is


At the working load:


At working load, the stress at the bottom of the beam is



From Eqs. (1) and (2),



Equating Eqs. (3) and (4)

But C1+C2=h
Or P= (5)

For prismatic beams, A, C1, C2, I and h are constant from one end of the beam to another
end. It follows the P will very as ML.

Consider sec x-x where the first cable is to be cut. Assume that there are N cables at
midspan and they are all stressed equally.

Let P = total prestressing force

N = no. of cables or tendons

Assume that the inclinations of the cables are small so that cos θ 1.00. The cables force
is equal to the horizontal component.


Taking moments of forces at point E.


C1+ (6)

The eccentricities and should satisfy the stress requirements at transfer and working
load given by Eqs. (1) and (2).

Thus, if MDX and MLX are the dead load and live load bending moments at sec. x-x, then.
For the left of sec. x-x,

And for the right of sec. x-x,


Substituting the values of Eqs. (7) and (8) into Eq. (6) yields,

1st cable: MLX = (9)

Eq. (9) defines the moment at sec. x-x where the first cable is to be out.

It can be shown that for the next cable.

2nd cable: MLX = (10)

3rd cable: MLX = (11)


For a rectangular section,

K1 = K 2 =
Thus, from Eqs. (9) and (10) and (11), the bending moments MLX for the sections where
the first, second and third cables are to be cut are respetively:


MLX = For the first cable

MLX = For the second cable

MLX = For the third cable


Once the moment MLX is known, the point where to out the cable can be determined.

For simply supported beam with uniform load, MLX is related to the ML by the following:


From the property of the parabola


Example 5: Cutting of cables

For the beam in Example 4, assume that four (4) cables of equal prestressing force
are used. Determine the points where the cables can be cut.


I = 11,433.314x106mm4

A = 196,605 mm2

C1 = 441.1 mm. ML = 380.77 KNm.

C2 = 353.9 mm.

K1 = = 164.28mm.

K2 = = 141.45 mm.

P = 1,512,346 N

Forces per cable;

For the first cable: MLX =

Where N=4


1st cable MLX = 253.45 KNm.

2nd cable:



MLX = 137.86 KNm.

3rd cable:





Where x is measured from the ¢

First cable: x = 0.5L = 0.289L

2nd cable: x = 0.5L = 0.399L

3rd cable: x = 0.5L = 0.485L


III. Beams with variables section but with constant pretressing force

From fig: 1 MDX = dead load moment at sec. x

MLX = live load moment at sec. x

Or K2 = (1)

Similarly, from fig: (2)

Or K2 = (2)


Fig 3

From fig: 3

MLX = P (K1+K2)

Thus (3)
Good for sections of any shape.

For a rectangular section

C 1 = C2 = I= : A=bh

Use (+) sign


At the support, where MLX = 0

(minimum height for rectangular beam) (5)

Beams subjected to reversal of bending moments


1. Approximate Method of Design

Fcw = Fct = Fc

Ftw = Ftt = 0

, no losses

Consider the section at a-a

MD = dead load bending moment at a-a

ML = live load bending moment at a-a (x)

MN = live load bending moment at a-a (-)

The beam has to be designed considering the following cases:

1. The presence of P, MD and ML only

2. The presence of P, MD and MN only

3. The presence of P, MD , ML and MN

1. Due to P, MD and ML


(1) (3)

(2) (4)

From (1) and (3)


From (2) and (4)


2. Due to P, MD and MN


(1) (3)

(2) (4)

From (1) and (3)


From (2) and (4)

Z2= .

3. Due to P, MD, ML and MN


Case I: P+MD+MN case II: P+MD+ML

For case I:


For case II:



From Eqs. (1) and (3),


Note: (ML+MN) is the range of line load bending moment.

Likewise, from Eqs. (2) and (3)


The section module is dependent on the range of the line load bending moment.

From Eq.(1); (7)

From Eq.(2); (8)

From Eq.(3); (9)

From Eq.(4); (10)

From Eq.(6) and Eq.(8)


Eq.(11) is the same as Eq.(10)

From Eq.(5) and Eq.(9)


Eq.(12) is the same as Eq.(7)

Equating Eq.(11) to Eq.(12)

But C1+C2 = h

Thus, (13)

Note that P is dependent on the range of line load bending moment.

Determine the value of e

From Eq.(13),

Substituting the above into Eq.(7) yields


Consider sec. b-b.


Case I: Case II:

Let Z1=






From Eqs.(1) and Eqs.(3)


From Eqs.(2) and Eqs.(4)


It can be shown that




II Balance Design

For sec. a-a






From Eq.(1) and (3)


From Eqs. (2) and (4)


It can be shown that





III. General Design

Consider sec. a-a Let Z1= and Z2=






From Eqs. (1) and (3)


From Eqs. (2) and (4)

Determine the Magnet Diagram

Let K1= and K2=

From (1)

when e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = +K2

From (2)

When e = 0 ;

e = -K1

From Eq. (3)

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = +K2

From Eq. (4)

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = -K1

From the value of e and , plot the magnel diagram of the beam.

For section b-b:






Fro Eqs. (1) and (3)


From Eq. (2) and (4)


Draw the Magnel Diagram:

From Eq. (1)

But Z1=AK2

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = -K2

From Eq. (2)

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = +K1

From Eq. (3)

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = -K2

From Eq. (4)

When e = 0 ; (figure)

; e = +K1

Losses in PSC Beams.

Post – tensioned Beams

1. Friction

(a) curvature effect

(b) wobble or length effect

2. Elastic deformation or elastic shortening

3. Shrinkage

4. Anchorage set

5. Relaxation of steel

6. Creep of concrete

Pretensioned Beams

1. Elastic deformation

2. Shrinkage

3. Relaxation of steel

4. Creep of concrete

Post – tensioned Beams

1. Losses due to friction

Consider an infinitesimal length as of the cable (figure)

Let μ = coefficient of friction between the steel

and the surrounding materials

K = wobble effect which is a friction stress

created pr unit tensile force in the cable per unit length.

Therefore KP is the friction stress per unit length induced by wobble effect.

Let Po = tensile force at the jacking end

Px = tensile force at any section

S = curved length of the cable

x = horizontal length of the cable

From the figure,

The vertical components of P and (P+dp) is Pv,

thus (Figure)

Pv =

Note that for small angles,


Pv =

Or Pv = P.dθ.

The vertical force per unit length is ef the coefficient of friction is , then the

frictional force is

The total frictional force is F= KP+ per unit length.

The equilibrium of forces in the horizontal direction yields.

Dividing all terms by P and integrating,

Ln Px-ln Po+


In practice,

Thus Px=Poe

For small values of say = 0.30

e- = 1- +

e- 1-


Friction loss; (Po-Px)= Po (*)

%loss = 100 (*)

Suggested values of and K

Wire cables 0.25 0.0015

High strength bars 0.30 0.0003

Galvanized strands 0.25 0.0015

Curvature wabble

effect effect
Angle of inflection;

For parabolic cables *****(FIGURE)*****

This is the equation of the parabola.

The slope at any point is


At support, x=0 slope θ=

Thus, the angle of inflection is

For inclined cables


Consider a parabola cables shown:


E= 4X2+bx+c

Boundary conditions: x= o; e= +e1

x= ; e= +e2

x= L; e= +e3

C= e1

The slope at any point is

Where A and B are known. The angle of inflection can be calculated.


For a beam with cable configuration shown below, find the effective prestressing force at
the other end if μ is 0.30 and K is 0.0002


(A) By Approximate method:


(B) Analyze the losses by segments:

Cable AB:

At B:

Cable BC:

At C:

Cable CD:

At D

Cable DE:

%losses =


Effective cable force Profile

II Losses due to elastic shortening


Consider a post- tensioned beam with N cables stressed one after the other .


N= total number of cables

e1, e2, …ex…eN= vertical eccentricity of cables 1, 2, x… N respetively

e1, e2, …ex…eN= horizontal eccentricity of cables 1, 2, x… N respetively

As= total area of prestressing steel

A= gross area of the section

IXX= Arx2= second moment of area about the x-x axis of the section
Iyy= Ary2= second moment of area about the y-y axis of the section

rx= radius of gyration about the x-x axis

ry= radius of gyration about the y-y axis

σ i= initial stress of each prestressing steel Force/ cable= (N)

If the (x+x)th cable is stressed, the effect on the xth cable can be calculated as follows:

The concrete stress at the vicinity of the Xth cable is



The concrete strain is

Є C=

Є C= (3)

If no slip secure the concrete strain will be equal to the steel strain, and the corresponding
steel stress is


Setting which is the steel ration and m= which is the modular ratio of the
module of steel to concrete,


If N cable are stressed one after the other, the loss of stress in the xth cable is


The average loss in all cables is


When all the cables have the same vertical eccentricity and ignoring the effect of the
horizontal eccentricity, the average loss may be simplified as


When the number of cables is large enough, (N-1) the average

loss reduces to


Ef the cables are curved, the expression for is

Where the eccentricity must be expressed in terms of L.


1st cable:

2nd cable:

3rd cable:

4th cable:

5th cable:


Ave (%loss)=

Example: Beam with parabolic tendons


For a parabolic cable shown

cable 1: ec= 5e

cable 2: ec= 3e

Cable 3: ec= e

Cabel 1: relative to n.a., the equation of the cables are:


cable 2


cable 3


loss of prestress:

Where e1 e2 and e3 are defined above

Evaluate and
Losses =

III. Losses due to shrinkage of concrete

Shrinkage is a time-dependent deformation it is influence by the following:

(a) type of cement

(b) type of aggregate

(c) mix design

(d) method of curing


Let: = shrinkage strain

= net concrete strain

= steel strain

= steel stress due to shrinkage

A = gross area of the section

= total area of stress

= second moment of area

= radius of gyration about x – x

From the diagram

If the stress of the steel due to shrinkage is , then the concrete stress in the vicinity of
the cable is:




From Eq. (1)




Substituting values,




To determine the value of , the shrinkage strain must be specified. Empirical

values are normally specified.

For example: (9)

Where H is the relative humidity in %.

Eq. (9) is suggested by schorer.

For sections where the steel ratio p is small, the term in Eq. (8)

Is close to 1.00, thus the loss of stress in the steel can be approximated as


IV. Losses due to creep of concrete

Creep is a non-elastic deformation under load believed to be due to the closure of

internal voids, viseous flow of the cement-water paste, crystalline flow in aggregate and
the squezzing of water from the cement under load.

(FIGURE) Let = initial stress before creep

= loss of stress in the steel due to creep

= final steel stress

The concrete stress in the vicinity of the wire is


Assume the loss due to creep is proportional to the stress in the concrete, thus

Thus; (2)

Where = creep / unit length / unit stress

From Eqs. (1) and (2)



% loss =

V. Losses due to anchorage stress


Let = slip of the anchorage

/L = modulus of elasticity of the steel

%loss = = initial stress of the steel

= length of the beam


VI. Losses due to relaxation of steel


= steel stress at any time t

= numbers of hours after initial stressing

= initial steel stress

= yield point stress of steel

The expression suggested by Magura, Sozen and Siess is

If is the loss of stress due to relaxation of steel,

For example:

log t = 3.9425

General Comment

If the total loss of prestress is not specified in the design, use the following:

For post-tensional beams:

where Fs is in lb./in.2

or where Fs is in N/mm2

Losses in Protensional Beams

I. Losses due to elastic deformation

(FIGURE) Let = initial steel stress

= steel stress at transfer

= total steel area

A = gross area of section

The stress at the vicinity of the concrete at transfer is


The concrete strain is


Since perfect bond exist between the steel and the concrete, therefore .






Loss of stress



%1m =

2. Losses due to shrinkage use expression derived for post- tensioned beams
3. Losses due to creep use expression derived for post- tensioned beams

4. Losses due to relaxation of steel use expression derived for post- tensioned beams

General comment

FN pre- tensioned beams use

where FS is in eb/in2

Or where Fs is in N/mm2

Shear Stresses in PSC Beams

Consider a prestressed concrete beam with curve tendon as shown. The free- body of
the left portion of the beam is shown:


Let VT= total shear at sec.x-x

VC = shear carried by the concrete

VP= shear carried by the tendons

V T = V C+ V P (1)

Where VP= P sin θx (2)

For small angles of


From Eq. 3, it is obvious that the cables when property shaped will help carry the
shear in prestress concrete beams. Consider a parabolic cable as shown:

(4) **************FIGURE*****
EX= (5)

The slope of the tendon is obtained as


Distribution of shear stress





Where Q= = statical moment of area about the N.a of a section above y1.




Or (13)
Where b= width of the section under consideration

I= second moment of area of the section

Q= statical moment of the area above Y1 width respect to the centroidal


For rectangular beams:


Elastic Design of Shear Reinforcements

Consider the stresses of an element distance Y1 from the neutral axis of the beam
as shown below:


The longitudinal stress can be determined by considering the effect of the dead load,
live load and the pre-stressing cable, thus,

Similarly, T can be calculated from Eq. (13), thus,

The principal stresses can be obtained by the use of the Mohr circle.

Sign convention and notations:

is positive for compressive stress

= Principal compressive stress

= Principal tensile stress

= Shear stress

XX = Horizontal plane

YY= Vertical plane

CC= Plane of principal compression

TT= Plane of principal tensile


 1  



Let Av = Area of Stirrups

Fv = Allowable stress of the Stirrups

S = Spacing of Stirrups

Avfv = (Figure)



Note: the American practice is to use instead of in this formula. The Europeans
use the more conservative approach and use without regards to the allowable tensile
stress .

A rectangular PSC beam 406mm by 1220mm. with a span of 18m. carries two
concentrated loads of 222KN, each located at 6m. From each end plus its own dead
weight. The cable with an effective pre-stressing force of 3380KN is parabolic with sag
of 348mm at magnitude of the principal stresses of an element 3m from the support and
100mm. above the bottom of the beam. Assume concrete weight 23.56KN/m3



At 3m from the support:

R=222KN +11.669

Equation of cable




(Figure) (Figure)


Tan ;2

Effect of Vertical Pre-stressing

For beams subjected to high shear stresses, it is useful to provide vertical pre-


Consider the stresses of an element A as Shown:


For no principal tensile stress to be present

Bond stresses in PSC Beams

There are two types of bond stresses

1. Hexural bond stress

2. Stress-Transfer bond

A. Hexural bond stress


At any point y from n.a.

At the vicinity of the wire, the concrete stresses are and at point A and B

(Concrete strain=steel strain as there is no slippage)

The steel stress is:



Hence: where As= are of steel

But and

Or and

(Figure) let Perimeter of the wire

Where Vc=net shear force carried by the concrete at the sec.


As = are if the steel =

Perimeter of the steel = for circular wires

y = distance of the wire from n.a.

Stress-Transfer Bond


Let Poisson’s ratio of concrete

Poisson’s ratio of steel

Coefficient of friction between concrete and steel

Transfer bond stress at (x=0)

Transfer bond stress at x

Es = module of elasticity of steel

Ec = module of elasticity of concrete

= initial pre-stress

Shrinkage strain

Lt= transmission length

At any distance x from the end of the beam, the change in diameter of the steel is


The bond stress is


Since the beam is large compared to the wire, it may be assumed as a thick cylinder.
According to lame, the change in diameter of a thick cylinder under pressure of the
normal stress is


Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (3) and solving for ,


Where (6)



At the end of the beam, and thus




From Eq. (7), if the shrinkage strain is assumed constant, than the change in bond
stress is


Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (9) yield

Or (11)

To determine the effective pre-stress at distance Lt from the end of the beam,
integrate Eq. (9) from 0 to Lt and equate it to

As, thus


The stress at any distance x from the end of the beam is

The transmission length Lt is obtained from Eq. (13), thus



The transmission lengths Lt suggested by other research workers are as follows:

From Hoyer LT =


From Evans and Bennet, Lt = where =ship of the wire

From Kaar, La Fraugh and Mass , Lt= σsr is in kips/

ACl code:
Lt = 50 D

Anchorage Zone Stresses:

(Simplified Approach)


The state of stresses at the end of the beam is very complicated. Several methods
of analysis have been tried in the past but these methods are two complicated to be used
in the design office. A simplified approach will be presented. The analysis is valid for
any shape of section but since in practice the end of the beam is normally rectangular,
therefore the equations will be derived for a rectangular section.

Consider a rectangular end block subjected to the force P at an eccentricity e as



At any point y from the bottom of the beam, the stress in the end block is:

But A = bh, I=

Consider the equilibrium of the end block

For y < g Figure

P1 =
P2 =

∑MO = 0

for 0<y<g

For y>g


∑ MO = 0

M= P1

For g<y<h

In designing the anchorage reinforcement the maximum moment should be obtained for
use in design. The obvious point to check is at the level of the load.

Recommended Design Procedure:

1. Transverse reinforcement shall be provided within the distance from the
ends of the beam in the form of closed stirrups to carry the total force T by the
following expression:

Figure )************ where T=total tensile force

M= maximum moment
Z= distance between end of beam and the
centroid of stirrups within (h/2) from the
As a first trial use Z= h/4
h= height of the beam
2. The allowable stress in the stirrup should not exceed the following

Where: fs= allowable stress of stirrup psi

ES= modules of elasticity of stirrup psi
AS= area of one leg of stirrup, in2.
W= crack width, inches
Fc1=ultimate compressive strength of concrete psi

FS= 0.009492

Where fS, ES and fC1 are in N/mm2 and wis in mm, AS is in mm2

3. Number of stirrups (closed)

Total area of stirrups
(AS x no. of legs of stirrups)

Determine the magnitude and position of the maximum moment at

the anchorage zone of a beam subjected to concentrated prestressing
forces as shown. Determine the stirrups required.


For O<Y<3:”
M1= 240(15)

M2= 60(9)

M3= 60(6)

M=15.417y2-0.1929y3 (1)
For 3”<y<9”

M1= 240(15)

M2= 60(9)

M2= 60(9)

M= 15.417y2-0.1929y3-240y+720 (2)

For 9”<y<12”

M1= 240x15

M2= 60x9

M3= 60x6

For y>12”

M1= 240x15

M2= 60x9

M3= 60x6

M= 15.417y2-0.1929y3-360y+1980 (4)

From (4)
2(15.417)y-3(0.1929)y2- 360 =0

Y2-53.2y+622.08 =0

y 17” Mmax= - 632.2 Kup-in

design of stirrups:

assume no.4 stirrups


FC1= 5000psi.; w= 0.005in.

ES= 30x106psi.

Assume Z= 9”= (h/4)

T= 633.2/(36-9)= 23.91kips




Torsional stresses in PSC beams occur because of the loads applied with certain


Circular Section

When a circular section is twisted plane sections remain plane and the shear stress
is therefore directly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis.



or Vmax=

for rectangular sections

****************(FIGURE)********* B<D


1.0 0.208
1.2 0.219
1.4 0.227
1.6 0.234
1.8 0.240
2.0 0.246
2.5 0.258
3.0 0.267
5.0 0.292
10 0.312

Approximate formula for

For I or T- sections

****(FIGURE)**** VW


Hollow Sections
*****(FIGURE)****** consider the area of the shaded portion

Or ds=

MT= 2q.A

But q= Vt or V=

Or V=
A refers to the shaded area as shown.

Total shear stress = V(due to load)

Determine principal stresses by Mohr Circle.

Deflections of PSC Beams

Deflections in PSC structure are due to the following:
1. Live loads and dead loads
2. Prestress
3. Axial shortening of members (this is not included for beams but its effect may
be significant in portal frames

Since superposition is assumed valid in prestress concrete analysis, the deflection

at any point in the beam is taken as the sum and prestress , thus
Yt = Y P Yw
Where Yt= total deflection
YP= deflection due to prestress
Yw=deflection due to loads

Consider a prestress concrete beam with a curved tendon shown below:


The moment at section due to prestress P is

M= Pe
Where e is positive below the n.a and negative above the n.a

The deflection due to prestress is obtained by integrating the expression


The equation of the tendon is determined first before any integration is done. In
deriving the equations of the tendons, eccentricities below the n.a are positive and
those above the n.a are negative. Hence, deflections above the n.a are negative
and those below are positive

Suppose we have a second- degree curve as shown below:


Let e= Ax2+Bx+C

Boundary conditions:

X= 0; e= 0

X= L/2; e= eC

X= L; e= 0

Hence: 0= A(0)2 + B(0) + C C= 0

Ec = A=

O= AL2+ BL B=

therefore: e=

Consider the simply supported beam with a second- degree curve as the shape of
the tendon. Find the deflection at any point x:

Solve for A and B using the boundary conditions:

X= O; Y= O B= 0

X=L; Y=O A=
The equation of the curve is



(upward deflection)

Consider this example:


Boundary conditions:

X= O; Y= O B= 0

X=L; Y=O A=


(Upward deflection)
Consider a cable with a profile as shown below.


Regume: 1-2 e= A1X2+B1X+C1

2-3 e= A2X2+B2X+C2

3-4 e= A3X2+B3X+C3

There are 9 unknown and 9 boundary conditions

1. x= 0; e1=

2. x= e1= 0

3. x= e1= solve for A1, A2, A3

4. x= e2= B1, B2, B3

5. x= e2= 0 C1, C2, C3

6. x=L(1- e2= e3

7. x=L(1- e12= e13

8. x= L; e3=eb

9. x= L; e31=0



EI Y1=



EI Y2=



EI Y3=

The unknown in the above equations are

D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 and E3.

Boundary conditions:

x= 0; y1= 0 Y2=Y3
x= y2= y1

x= Y3= 0

solve for D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 and E3.

Deflection by conjugate Beam Method
Consider this simple example:


Real Beam conjugate beam



moment ( ÷EI) load

slope shear

deflection moment

The moment at midspan of the conjugate beam with a uniform load

the deflection of the real beam at midspan is YP=

Deflection by Moment – Area Method




But (YC1+YP)=

Where YBA=deflection from point B to the tangent drawn at A.

YC1=deflection from point C to the tangent drawn at A.

Using this method, it will be helpful to remember the areas and centroids of common


A= A=

Long – Term Deflections of PSe Beams

Changes in the prestressing force P due to creep, shrinkage, etc.will change the
magnitude of the deflection. Creep itself will cause a change in the apparent value of E.

Let γ = specific creep, strain / unit stress

σ = stress after creep

E1 = instantaneous modulus of electricity

E2 = effective modulus of electricity


γ σ+


Analysis and design of Statically Indeterminate PSC Beams


1. The concrete acts as an elastic material within the range of stresses permitted in the
2. Plane section before bending remains plane after bending.
3. The principle of superposition is valid.
4. The effect of friction on the prestressing forced is small and can be neglected.
5. The eccentricity of the cable is small compared with the span, hence the horizontal
component of the tendon force can be considered equal to the tendon force and is
assumed to be uniform throughout the length of the member.
6. Axial deformation of the member is assumed to take place without restraint.


Figure Release support B and find YB

YB =

Find deflection due to RB.

YB =

Equating the two,

Moment diagram R B=
due to P.

Moment diagram due to RB.

Combine Moment diagram

Pressure diagram or diagram

Find stresses at sec. B due to prestress only:

Linearly transpose the tendon at B such that the shape is as shown:

From the conjugate beam

F1 =

F2 =

RA =

YB =
Moment diagram due to prestress

YB =


Conjugate Beam

Combined Moment diagram

Pressure or diagram

Note: The cable is “CONCORDANT”



Figure RA =

But YB =
R B=

Moment due to prestress

Moment due to RB

Combined moment diagram

Pressure or diagram

The cable is not – concordant

The three examples shown that the fixing the eccentricities at the ends of the
beam, the pressure diagram is the same irrespective of the position of the cable at the
intermediate support. These examples illustrate the very important principle of linear
transportation which can be defined as follows.

“The trajectory of the prestressing force in any continuous prestresses beam is said
to be linearly transformed if the location of the trajectory at the interior supports is altered
without altering the positions of the trajectory at the ends or support and without
changing the basic shape of the trajectory between any support. Linear transformation of
any tendon can be made without altering the location of the pressure diagram.”


Linear Transformation of Cables

Elastic Analysis of PSC Beams with curved Tendons

“The Equivalent Look Method”

The forces that the prestressing tendon exerts on the concrete are the forces on the
anchorage, the frictional forces which act on the concrete along the contract points of the
steel and concrete and the forces that are perpendicular to the frictional forces that the
steel exerts on the concrete.


Consider a small element ds of the cable from the diagram:

The pressure w over the length ds is w= or w=

But is the curvature of the tendon equal to where R is the radius of curvature.

IN general for a curve y=f(x) the curvature is = =

For flat curves, Y1 ,

hence the curvature may be approximated as

Therefore, the pressure W exerted by the tendon is

Consider a cable with the following configuration

Let e=
0 e= +e1 A=

L/2 e=+e2 B=
L e=+e3 c= e1

The equation of the curve is:


and e1= 2A + B (slope)

e11= 2A= (curvature)

hence: W= P(2A)= upward if negative

Note: It follows that for the cable of he shape e= the pressure W is


Suppose: e=


e11= ***(FIGURE)*****

In this case, he pressure W will vary linearly with X.

Suppose: e=


e11= ***(FIGURE)*********

In this case, the pressure W will vary as a second- degree curve.

By equivalent load method, check the stresses at midspan of the beam due to
prestress only.




Moment at midspan =

Find the stresses:



For tendons that are linear in shape, e= Ax+B, e11= 0, hence there is no
lateral pressure exerted on the concrete. However, where there is a discontinuity, an
equivalent concentrated load will be present.

Consider the following:


Segment A-B

0< <L1

Slope; ex1=

For BC: 0<X<L2


Slope; = ex1=

The angle of inflection at the junction B is

The vertical force at B is:


Consider the example: ***(figure)***

Check the stresses:



Draw the pressure diagram of the beam shown below:


Let ex= Ax2+Bx+C

Where A=



A= -

ex1= -

ex11= -


let M=
at B: 3/2 M=

At midspan


Check stresses: (From moment diagram)

At midspan: at support


Check stresses:

Using the pressure diagram

At midspan A support

Draw the pressure diagram of the beam shown below:


Calculate the inflection angels:

At B:



Forces at B, C and D:

VB= P.

Vc= P.

VD= P.

Moment Diagram:


RAL+ 1.242Pe= 8.25

RA= 2.058



RE=1.158 x.5L=0.579Pe

Beam is not concordant !

Check stresses at c: (use pressure diagram)

Sec. at C.

Draw the pressure diagram of the beam shown below:


Find the equation of the cable


e= Ax2+Bx+C

x=0; e=e1 A=

x= L/2; e= e2 A=

x=L; e= e3

Evaluate equivalent load, C= e1


e11= 2A
Pay moment Distribution

0 1 1/2 1/2 1 0

-0.50Pe +1.1Pe - 1.1Pe +1.1Pe -1.1Pe +0.50Pe

-0.6Pe - 0.3Pe +0.3Pe +0.6Pe

-0.5Pe +0.5Pe -1.4Pe +1.4Pe -0.5Pe +0.5Pe


Design of Statistically Indeterminate PSC Beams

Consider this two-span Continuous beam shown below:

A 1) B 2) C

For this structure, there are three critical sections to consider: D, B and E. Investigate
loading patterns so that maximum positions and negative moments can be obtained for
sections D, B and E.

Investigate section D:


 To produce positive bending moment at D1 load the span AB.

 To produce negative bending moment at D1 load the span BC.


Investigate sec B.


To produce bending moment at B1 load spans AB and BC.

Design of Sec. D

Approximate method of design: ***(FIGURE)****




From (1) + (3) Z1= (5)

From (2) + (4) Z2= (6)

From Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

e= (7)

e= (8)

e= (9)

e= (10)

Substituting Eq. (6) into (8)

e= (11) this is the same as Eq (10)

thus Eq. (8) is equal to (10). Similarly, we can show that Eq.(7) is the same as (9).

Equating (7) and (10)


Or (*)

Substitute P into Eq. (7)




Design of Sec B

Note: sec. B is always subjected to negative bending moment. However, to

generalize the derivation, let us assure that there is a positive bending moment present.

(1) ***(figure)****



From (1) and (3) Z1= (5)

From (2) and (4) Z2= (6)

From (2) and (3)



Equatin (7) and (8)

(ML+MN)1/P = (Z1+Z2) 1/A.

But (Z1+Z2)=

P= (ML+MN) (*)

And e= (*)

C1 C2

The design procedure appears to be the following:

1. Compute and plot the maximum and minimum bending moments which results
from the various possible combinations of live load and dead load.

2. Compute trial section from


3. Compute section properties and determine P from

4. Adopt trial cable profile and determine the pressure diagram by equivalent load

5. If desired, adjust the cable profile by linear transformation to make the cable

6. Check stresses at critical sections.

*or for the case where e is above the n.a.


Design a two-span continuous PSC beam of rectangular section to carry a live load
of 7.3 KN/m in addition to its own dead weight. The live load may be positioned
accordingly to produce the most severe conditions. Assume Fc=13.8 MPa and Ft=0, Unit
weight of concrete is 23.56 KN/m3.


Investigate Section B:
 Load both spans to produce maximum negative moment.

(Figure) (Figure)

B.M. diagram due to loads on both


Note: Draw moment on the compression side of the beam.

Investigate Sec. D or E


B.M. diagram

Load span BC



B.M. diagram
Section B:

Section D or E:

(Figure) , , .

Design Sec. B



try b = 250mm.



Compute section properties:

A = 250x478=119,500mm2



w/ of beam = 0.25x0.478x1x23.56=2.815kN/m!

MD =


Design of sec. D or E:

ML= ; MN = :ML+MN= . (same as in sec. B)

Section chosen appears to be adequate at D or E.
Tendon profile:
At D: at A:

MD= MD=0

ML= ML=0

MN= MN=0


e= +

e=68.12mm.(below n.a.)

at B:




e= + (above n.a.)

figure cable profile

Check if cable is concordant.

By equivalent load method:



W=6,353 KN/m. (↑)

at D

at B.


eD= (below n.a.)

eB= (above n.a.)

Pressure diagram is shown:


If cable is made concordant, what is the upward pressure w exerted by the tendons?


W=6.353 KN/m. ↑

Check Stresses

Sec. D and E: (By the equivalent load method )

(A) figure

(B) figure

Case A: +6.90+2.66+10.35-6.00=13.91 MPa.


Case B:

Use pressure diagram

P= 824.68KN MD,ML and MW are the same as above.

Case A=

Case B=
Section B
By equivalent load method

At working load.

=-0.21 N/mm2 check

Check the stresses at transfer also!

Stresses at transfer:
Sec. D ( use equivalent load method)



At Sec. B (by equivalent load method)


Ultimate strength Analysis and Design

Load- Deflection Response


ΔG = depletion due to self-weight

ΔFe = camber of weight less beam due to prestress
ΔFi = camber of weight less beams due to initial prestressed

Figure : Typical load-deflection curve of prestressed beams

Points 1. and 2. theoretically predicted camber of the beam assumed weight less due to
initial and effective prestress

3. camber due to weight of beam and effective presstress assuming losses have taken
4. point of zero deflection
5. decompression or zero stress at the bottom of the beam
6. Onset of cracking
7. Non-elastic behaviour
8. Yielding of steel
9. Ultimate strength

Types of flexural failures

1. Fracture of the steel immediately often creaking of concrete and thus, sudden
2. Crushing of the concrete compression zone, preceded by yielding and plastic
extension of the steel
3. Crushing of the concrete compressive zone before yielding of the steel


Calculation of Cracking Moment


C2 Mcr


Let fr = cracking stress or modulus of rupture of concrete

Ac = area of concrete
Zb = section modulus
Aps = area of prestressing steel
Fpe = effective pretress

For the bottom fiber,

Ultimate Strength of PSC Sections
1. Plane sections remain plane under loading.
2. Perfect bond exist between concrete and steel (additional assumptions by ACI
3. The limiting compressive strength of the concrete is 0.003 regardless of the
strength of the concrete
4. The tensile strength of the concrete is neglected
5. The total force in the concrete compressive block can be approximated by
considering a uniform stress block of magnitude 0.85 over a rectangular
block of width b and depth where C represents the depth of the neutral
axis and B1 a factor defined as
Fc1 0.85fc1
h dp

T Apsfps


Values of

(1) For members with bonded prestressing tendons:

where is the ultimate strength of prestressing steel
is the reinforcement ratio given as
(2) For members with unbonded prestressing tendons:


or in



From Eq. (2)


Let = reinforcement ratio


= reinforcing index

The design moment of resistance is

where for flexure
The ACI Code specifies that the equation for Mn is only applicable for
or under reinforced beams.

For over-reinforced members; , thus Mn becomes

T-Beams, I-Beams and Box-Beams


The compressive force on the concrete is

Determine if is less than
If ; then is less than and the stress block is within the flange.
Analyze the section as a rectangular section.

If Cf >T the stress block extends to the web.


Tnf= 0.85f1c (b-bw) hf (1)

Tnw= 0.85f1c bw a (2)
T= Aps fps (3)

0.85f1c bw a + 0.85f1c(b-bw) hf= Aps (4)

Mn= Tnf= (5)

From Eq. (4)

a= (6)

Substituting in (5)

Mn= 0.85f1cbw a (dp- + 0.85f1c(b-bw)hf(dp- (7)

Design Nominal Moment= Ø Mn
Check if Pp= as in a rectangular sec.
If section is over- reinforced and T<Cf the stress block will be within the
flange, hence
Mn= 0.25f1cbd2p (8)
If section is over- reinforced and T< Cf the stress block will be in the web,
Mn= 0.25 f1cbw d2p+ 0.85f1c(b-bw) hf (dp- (9)

Over load Factors

Ae1 code 318-77

Dead load + Live Load: 1.4WD + 1.7WL

Wind load, live load + Dead Load: 0.75 (1.4WD+1.7WL+ 1.4WW)

Or 0.75(1.4WD+ 1.7WW)
Or (0.9WD+ 1.3WW)

Which ever is the greatest?

Where WD= dead load
WL= live load
WW= wind load

Reduction Factors:
Prestressed Concrete: Hexure= 0.90
Shear= 0.85
Torsion= 0.85
Compression= 0.75(spiral reinforcement
= 0.70 (others)
Axial Tension= 0.90
Reinforcement Index for T- Beam, I- Beam and Box- Beams
For rectangular section q=

Where P P=

For T section:



qrectangle= ; map value= 0.30

if section is over- reinforced.

Example 1:
Given: Aps= 1750mm2 fpu= MPa; f1c= 48MPa
Fse= 1100 MPa


PP =
Check if fse is greater than 0.50 fpu= 930 MPa
For bounded beams.
ok, thus


section is under reinforced.

or stress block is in the flange

Analyze the section as rectangular section

Example 2:
Suppose and all other data are the same:


Check PP=

` 0.5fpu = 930 MPa (fSC=100θMPa>0.5fpa)

fp s= fpu (1-0.50xPpx )

fps = 1860 (1-0.50x.00651x )

Cf = 0.85x48x460x175 = 3284.4KN

T= APS x fPS = 2350x1625 = 3818.75 KN

T > Cf : stress block extends to the web.

Area of compression zone =

Area of flange = 460x175 = 80.5x103mm2.

: Web area below flange = (93.20-80.5)103mm2. = 13.1x003mm2

a = 175+ = mm.

Check qT:

qT = 0.30

qT = 0.30

qT = 0.0913+.1318 = 0.2231<0.30

Section is under – reinforced.

Mn = 0.85fc1bw a (dp- ) +0.85fc1(b-bw) hf (dp- )

Mn = 0.85x48x140x269(785- )+0.85x48(460-140)175(785- )

Mn = 999.81+1593.65 = 2593.46 KNm.

Mn = ØMn = 0.90x2593.46 = 2334.11 KNm.

Shear and Diagonal Tension – Ultimate strength

Strength of the PSC Beams without web Reinforcement

The mechanism of diagonal cracking associated with stress and the manner in
which shear reinforcement behaves are no more susceptible to theoretical analysis in
prestressed concrete beams than they are in reinforced concrete. Extensive testings have
been done during the period 1955 – 1965 and these results form the basis of the present
AC1 formulas.
Test the results showed that there are basically two (2) types of shear failure in
PSC beams:

1. Shear compression failure

2. Web distress failure.
The first is due to diagonal cracking associated with flexural cracks. The second is due to
cracking in regions without flexural cracks.

Shear Compression Failure:


Consider a section at the shear span:


= MO=0 M = Mcr + V

Mcr =



From test results:

Or Vci = 0.6bwd + + Vd (an AC1 formula)

Where fc1 is in psi:


Mcr = net flexural cracking moment

M = bending moment due to externally applied load.

Vci = shear due to externally applied load when such cracking is the result of
combined shear and moment.

Vd = shear due to dead load

bw = minimum width of web.

V = shear due to LL. and DL.

The expression for Vci has been modified by dropping the term d/2 in the denomination,

Vci = 0.6 bwd +

Or in SI Units

Vci = 0.05 bwd + *


Mcr = ; fc1 in psi.

Mcr = ; fc1 in MPa *

fpe = stress at extreme tensile fiber due to prestress

fd = stress at extreme tensile fiber due to dead load

Y = distance from the neutral axis to extreme tensile fiber

d = distance from compressive face to central of steel or 0.8h whichever is greater

To fit all test results to the equation, an upper limit has been suggested for Vci, thus
Vci the following:

Vci 1.7bwd in psi.

Vci 0.14bwd in MPa.

Web – Distress Failure

Consider the principal stress of an element at the neutral axis of a psc beams.


From the Mohr Circle of Stress

R= figure

f2 = R-

f2 =

V2 = f22+

V = f2

Assuming f2 = 3.5 in psi.

V = 3.5
This can be approximated by

V = 3.5 +0.3ft

The nominal shear stress may also be used as a measure of diagonal tension for web
distress failure and the stress Vcw is given as

Vcw = bwd

Or in SI units,

Vcw = bwd *

If the cable is draped,

Vcw = bwd

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