Grvty 456 WP
Grvty 456 WP
Grvty 456 WP
Jeff Frankel, Senior Fellow; Jan. 2, 1996; rev. Feb. 19; Mar. 17; April 26;5/25tc:y
endog,renumb;5/28GEMU, 6/11Kleiman;/14;/24; 6/26 revisions of 6/25 re-installed: p.13-14 -.7; p.2 high
multicollinearity., p.4-5, one would not get an answer at all.
6/26 new rev.s: interactive effects of the common border
natural framework with which to attack this question is the gravity model of
bilateral trade.
however. There are at least three reasons for that revival: its empirical
"gravity." Perhaps the most classic and extensive early application of the
and urban sociologists used it by name as far back as 1946, for example. 1
No doubt there are other early references. It seems safest to cite Newton
bilateral trade, in its most basic form, says that trade between country i and
related to the distance between them. Other explanatory variables that are
often added include populations (or per capita GNPs), land areas, and
1 ?
Isard (1960), Steward (1948), and Zinf (1946).
One fits an equation like the gravity model to the data by means of
about OLS is that the technique holds constant for various factors, in order
econometrics must rest assured that the technique is not invalidated when
additive form of the equation. Trade between France and the United
Kingdom will be high due to their proximity, but trade between France and
margin of error, as always. But the estimates will be the best they can be,
given the data, so long as the model is correctly specified. Moreover, the
standard errors reported for the coefficient estimates will be the correct
ones. Thus we will be able to judge whether the estimates are reliable or
whether, to the contrary, the data set is too small to give us the information
we want. (The same point holds with respect to whether the explanatory
variables are too highly correlated to give us the information we want, the
When we have finished thinking of all the other variables that should
represent the bloc effects. The dummy variable is equal to 1 when both
otherwise. The estimated coefficient will then tell us how much of the trade
within each region can be attributed to a special regional effect. Again, the
independent effects that each has on trade (so long as we have not omitted
existence of the 15-country European Union, and tests for it at the same
countries, such as the EEC Six, one will generally get a different answer than
if one tests for the smaller subset alone. This is as it should be. The EEC Six
2 ?
Non-regional preferential agreements exist, of course, like the
British Commonwealth system of preferences, or the US-Israel Free Trade
Agreement. Indeed, Krugman (1991b) has given them a name, "unnatural"
trading blocs," for reasons that are explained in Chapter 8.
the same time than when it appears alone. If the regression technique tells
us that some arbitrary subset is an apparently significant trade bloc, and the
be important to keep this in mind when we interpret the bloc effects in the
results that include these groupings. In other words, those readers who do
regional bias to trade in APEC, FTAA or East Asia are welcome to skip the
results for those cases. They can turn directly to the results for bloc effects
among the EU, NAFTA, and the other formal FTAs, if those are the questions
One could argue that dummy variables for all possible groupings
should be tested, so that the data can decide for themselves what questions
they believe important: if the true effect of TACBLF (the Trading Area of
Countries Beginning with the Letter F) is zero, then the regression technique
dummy variable.3 There is the problem, however, that even a data set of
3 ?
More technically, the OLS estimate is an unbiased, efficient, and
1,953 country pairs has only so much information to give. If one tires it out
by asking a lot of silly questions, the answers to the questions we really care
try to estimate more coefficients than there are data points, one would not
get an answer at all. The set of all possible groupings among 63 countries is
in fact very large (2 to the 63rd power, minus 65). Thus we must use some
each country to have its own dummy variable or constant term. This would
reflect the possibility that some countries are more open than others to all
be captured by the effects of per capita GNPs (richer countries are more
open), dummy variables for Hong Kong and Singapore (which function as
the groupings we test (e.g., East Asian countries are on average more open
individual country in the results reported here. We have tried also giving
4 ?
Technically, estimating many needless parameters uses up degrees
of freedom. Then the parameter estimates, even if unbiased in small
samples and accurate in large samples, will be needlessly wide of the mark
in our sample.
each country its own intercept, and we report some of the results below. 5
But the results appeared unreliable when testing country effects and bloc
effects at the same time.6 Thus our standard equation does not allow each
foundation for the approach. Leamer and Stern (1970), for example, noted
5 ?
Appendix Table A10.1, described at the end of Chapter 9.
6 ?
At least one study even allows the coefficients on distance and
other variables to vary from country to country: Dhar and Panagariya
(1995). If one believes that distance has a bigger effect (e.g., shipping costs
are higher per kilometer, even after holding constant for per capita income
and the other variables) for some countries' trade than others', then this is
the right thing to do. If one is unpersuaded of the importance of allowing for
such variation, however, then one might suspect that the resultant loss of
degrees of freedom is responsible when surprising results come out for
estimates of some of the parameters about which we care most.
utility function that allowed him to find evidence that imports were closer
substitutes for each other than for domestic goods. He called his equation a
The best-known theoretical rationale for the idea that bilateral trade
depends on the product of GNPs comes from work by Helpman (1987) and
Helpman and Krugman (1985, section 1.5). Their approach is the one we
(Chapters 7 and 8 [previously 8]). This is the theory where consumers love
not just by country, and firms are monopolistically competitive. The authors
does not have the property that bilateral trade depends on the product of
incomes. Deardorff (1984, 500-504) concurred. Since the data do have the
purpose is to show that the empirical success of the gravity equation does
Heckscher-Ohlin model. For our purposes, the main point is that it seems
possible to derive the gravity model from a variety of leading theories. The
To most readers who have not studied enough trade theory to have
lost sight of the obvious, the assumption that trade between countries
depends positively on their size and inversely on distance will seem self-
the gravity model did not have an alternative model of bilateral trade to
offer. It was just that economists had not tried very hard to model bilateral
All that the gravity equation says, after all, aside from its particular
functional form, is that bilateral trade should be positively related to
the two countries' incomes and negatively related to the distance
between them. Transport costs would surely yield the latter in just
about any sensible model. And the dependence on incomes would
also be hard to avoid. [p.4]
(1987) and most of the other authors cited do not include a role for
distance, and thus cannot properly be called foundations of the full gravity
do they, that transportation costs raise the price of a good in the importing
Once one has rationalized a role for distance as an element that raises
the cost of trade, it is a small step to think of similar roles for dummy
or common language. Each of these links helps reduce the cost of doing
business abroad analogously to the way that proximity does. Near the
border, consumers can cross over to shop in the other country and firms can
source intermediate inputs in the other country, much more readily than
would be possible for anyone if the countries did not share a common
border. Linguistic links, and other historical and cultural links, are
The variable that calls for more serious modeling than anyone has yet
distance constitute the "basic" gravity model. In recent years there have
been many other extensions of the model as well, some pursued as part of
the present project, some by other authors. These extensions are also
discussed below.
many studies; these results are described as one of the later extensions in
end of the sample. Thus we have estimates for 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980,
1985, 1987, 1990 and 1992 [and some for 1994]. There is enough data in
the cross-section dimension that we can estimate each year separately. Our
that there are 1,953 data points (=63x62/2) for a given year. This trade
constituted 88.7 per cent of world trade reported to the United Nations (in
allowed testing for more, smaller, regional arrangements, but it would have
cut short the time span for which sufficient data is available to allow useful
geographic grouping.
Many of the early gravity tests concentrated on data for trade among
industrialized countries. There are three possible reasons for this. First,
data were more available for these countries. Second, where the motivation
usually the EC and EFTA that investigators had in mind. Third, when the
justification for the model, they were thought to apply only to the
certainly deserve serious attention. Third, even if the goal is only to assess
estimate normal patterns of trade, so that one can ascertain how European
links differ from what is normal. Fourth, some of the countries that have
and Hong Kong) are now richer than some of the ones that are included.
model should do a good job of explaining only trade among OECD countries.
They were surprised to find that it works equally well for the larger set of
substitutes, for each other as well as for goods from rich countries. This
applies both to agricultural products (say Chilean wine vs. Romanian wine
vs. French wine) or manufactures (Chinese jeans vs. Mexican jeans versus
derived the gravity model for a version of Heckscher-Ohlin trade, which has
deny that trade patterns for countries at earlier stages of development are
different than for countries at later stages. We shall be taking into account
countries' incomes per capita. The point is that developing countries should
There are two standard ways of measuring the size of countries in the
history alone will give the result that the ratio of trade to income falls with
7 ?
Our standard tests use GNP rather than GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) because of greater data availability. We have also tried the latter,
however. The difference does not seem important in this context
(Linnemann, 1966).
with a large land area, holding constant for the other measures of size, is
equation we find that, for every 1 percent increase in land area, trade falls
explanatory variables as GNP and per capita GNP, or as GNP and population.
To see this, consider the basic gravity equation, with some typical
log(Dist.ij ),
where Tij is trade between country i and country j. This equation is precisely
the same as an equation that expresses the income and population terms as
explanatory variables:
8 ?
The estimate is highly significant statistically. Frankel and Romer
(1995), Table 1.
In models of the Krugman-Helpman type, there is no role for GNP per capita.
empirically that there are in fact two independent effects. So this is an area
that bears further research. One possibility is that exotic foreign varieties
that are then demanded as exports by other countries. It has also been
facilitate trade.
than less developed countries is probably the pattern that countries tend to
liberalize as they develop. One reason for this pattern is that very poor
9 ?
Of the many relevant works, some of the more important are
Grossman and Helpman (1989, 1991a) and Rivera-Batiz and Romer (1991).
For further references on the connections between trade and growth, see
Frankel, Romer, and Cyrus (1995).
countries depend on tariff revenue for a large share of their budget, while
more advanced countries are able to apply other forms of direct and indirect
policy that we could use in the equation, such as a country's overall level of
tariffs, then we would not expect any of this effect to show up in the term
for per capita income. But given the absence of good measures of this kind
expect per capita GNP to have a negative effect on trade may be the
aggregate incomes. Yet China trades less with its various partners than
does Japan. This is what the equation would lead us to expect, because
China's large output derives primarily from its large population, while
Perhaps the easiest way of keeping in mind the variety of factors that
log(Dist.ij ).
Now, to see the effect of growth on trade, we first ask what is the source of
rather than population growth. Call it 8 per cent a year. Then the equation
predicts that their trade with slow-growing countries will increase by 8 per
cent a year, and their trade with each other will increase by 16 percent a
year (= 8+8).10
of production are capital and labor, then these theories have the prediction
capital/labor ratios.) The standard gravity model makes the prediction that
Before there was Krugman (and others), there was Linder. The Linder
(1961) hypothesis says that countries with similar levels of per capita
income will have similar preferences and similar but differentiated products,
and thus will trade more with each other. It is often viewed as being similar
that the sum of the logs of (GNP/popi) and (GNP/popj) will have a negative
predicting that the absolute value of the difference of the two variables will
log form or simply as ratios.) Heckscher-Ohlin is then seen as the third case:
The absolute value of the difference of the two variables will have a positive
11 ?
The Helpman-Krugman sort of theory, and its child the standard
gravity equation, also makes the prediction that if the distribution of
national incomes across countries becomes more equal over time, the
volume of trade should increase. The United States declined from almost
half of Gross World Product among market economies in the 1950s to 32 per
cent in 1970, and then to 26 per cent in 1993. Thus a more uniform size
distribution among economies is indeed one explanation for the increase in
global trade. (Helpman, 1987; Krugman, 1995, p.341.) As noted, Hummels
and Levinsohn (1995) find that the same pattern holds for LDCs that
Helpman found for OECD countries.
(1997 [p.15]) has argued that it can be viewed as having a certain kinship to
countries, then it follows that (1) capital-rich countries will trade more with
other capital-rich countries, than with capital-poor countries, and (2) capital-
poor countries analogously will trade more with others of their own kind.
These are the same as the predictions of the Linder hypothesis, derived in a
different way. The first of them is borne out by the common finding in
gravity equations that the product of per capita GNPs has a positive effect
gravity equation finding, which says instead that a poor country will trade
more with a rich country than with another poor country. In other words,
trade stems from economic development, not from similarity of the stage of
of each. One of the experiments we try below, within the standard gravity
per capita GNPs. A negative sign on this term would support the Linder
One must note that our specification of these other terms remains
part for the reason that, despite the progress made by Deardorff (1997) and
Gruber and Vernon (1970) and Thursby and Thursby (1987) added
time a role for taste variables in the spirit of Linder. The resulting equation,
however, uses only per capita income variables. Specific commodities are
One can also try to measure factor endowments directly, to get at the
performed less well than the standard income and population variables.
The last five explanatory factors are dummy variables. ADJij, short for
Langij is equal to one when they share a common language or past colonial
links. WE, WH, and EA are three examples of the dummy variables we use
standing in this case for Western Europe, Western Hemisphere, and East
Table 4.2 [previously 5.2] reports the results of OLS estimation of the
equation, where the trading blocs tested for are six groupings that currently
Mercosur, the Andean Pact, ASEAN, and the Australia-New Zealand CER.
Table 4.3 [previously 5.3] reports results when, as in equation (4), we test
for broader, less formal, blocs that currently exist only as proposals or
hypotheses: Western Europe, the Western Hemisphere, East Asia, APEC, and
TAFTA. In both cases, the tests are run separately at five-year intervals
from 1965 to 1990, and are also run on the most recent data available for
1992. In these tables, for comparability across time, we elect to test the
the EU, or that NAFTA did not exist at all. If we find no significant effects in
discuss them, before turning to the bloc effects in the next chapter.
In Tables 4.2 and 4.3 [previously 5.2 and 5.3], the coefficient shows an
research usually did not show a trend like this in the income coefficient.)
statistically, indicating that richer countries do indeed trade more than poor
the sample period to about .1 toward the end of the sample period. 13 In
most cases, a test would fail to reject the constraint that the sum of the
coefficients on GNP and per capita GNP is 1.0. Holding constant for
The reported results measure GNPs and per capita GNPs at current
13 ?
Linnemann (1966) obtains similar estimates for this parameter (in
the range .21 to .27) for the year 1959, as do others. Eichengreen and Irwin
(1995), however, obtain much higher estimates for the interwar period: .59
to .85.
14 ?
Boisso and Farrantino (1993, 1995). Linnemann tried both, and
found that it made little difference for the results, except for the coefficient
on income itself.
swings in the nominal exchange rate can create large swings in the real
exchange rate and distort the comparison of incomes. (It is possible that
our gravity estimates for 1985, the year when the dollar had reached its
peak real appreciation, are distorted.) The disadvantage of using the PPP
(1995) has pointed out. Most of our reported results thus measure incomes
positive value the coefficient on per capita GDPs in a year (1991) when the
sign.15 The results for the other variables were little affected. When
exchange-rate based incomes and PPP-based incomes are entered into the
equation at the same time, the data seem to prefer the former, though the
national provinces
The proximity measure that we use in most of our tests is the log of distance
15 ?
The data are not as complete as for earlier years. Appendix table
5.4a shows the results for preliminary 1991 data, with the standard
exchange-rate-evaluated GNPs, and Appendix table 5.4b shows the same
regression with the PPP-evaluated numbers.
between the two major cities of the respective countries. The cities are
usually the capitals of the two countries, but in a few cases we substitute for
the capital a top city that seems closer to the country's economic center of
gravity (Chicago for the United States rather than Washington, D.C., and
Shanghai for China rather than Beijing). Table 4.1 [previously 5.1] lists the
cities that we use as the location points for each of the 63 countries. 16
Such a data set would have at least three major advantages. The first is
that we could then be more precise about the distances, rather than being
The more information in the data set, the more reliably we can answer the
political union. One might infer the intra-national bias to trade in other
ways, e.g., by pondering ratios of trade to output that are low in most
16 ?
Boisso and Farrantino (1995) find very little difference in gravity
equation results whether measuring distance between most populous cities
or geographical centers.
predict declines in the volume of trade among the former constituents of the
Soviet Union, or the Czech and Slovak Republics. It would also help us
predict increases in the volume of trade between the old East and West
Germany, or among the members of the European Union, if and when hopes
7.1].17 The data analyzed in this book, however, are all at the national level.
One can measure the distance between two points on the globe in a
17 ?
One can obtain reasonably recent data on the international trade
of the 50 individual American states, but not their trade with each other,
which would be crucial. Richardson and Smith (1995) analyze 1987-89
exports. The only known source of data that includes inter-state trade
pertains to 1963 (though states' international trade is not broken down by
country). Greytak, Richardson and Smith (1995) plan to analyze the 1963
data, which are capable of estimating the effect of political federation on
trade between states.
measured "as the crow flies," what is technically called the great circle
distinguish between land and sea distances, and to measure distances along
the trade routes actually followed, described below, do not turn out to shed
This may be a good place in the book to observe that much trade goes
neither by land nor sea these days, but by air: 21 per cent of U.S. imports in
1993, up from 8 percent in 1970, and 29 per cent of U.S. exports, up from
the case of exports, and down in the case of imports.) As recently as 1970
the ratio of value of U.S. imports shipped by vessel to shipments by air was
7.3; by 1993 it had fallen to 2.6. For U.S. exports, the ratio of value shipped
by vessel to shipments by air has fallen from 4.0 to 1.4. The numbers are
American goods, by value, will be shipped abroad by air in the year 2000
than by sea. Air routes, whether used for shipping goods or human travel,
would be the most convenient justification for using the straight line or great
18 ?
Similar straight-line measures of distance are used in gravity
equations by Linnemann (1966), Pritchett ( ), Eichengreen and Irwin (1995),
and many others.
19 ?
The source is the U.S. Bureau of the Census, Highlights of U.S.
Export and Import Trade, through 1988, FT 990, and thereafter, U.S.
Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights, FT-920; as reported in Statistical
Abstract of the United States.
chapter 3 [formerly 4] that it does not seem to rise linearly with distance,
but rather less rapidly than that. This is as one would expect: there is a
large cost associated with loading cargo onto a vessel, and then a relatively
small marginal cost per mile of distance traveled. The logarithm has the
coefficient comes out less than one). We usually specify distance, like the
other variables, as entering the equation in log form. We have also tried
convenient logarithmic form. Lipsey and Weiss (1974) showed that the
transport costs, but with more unexplained variation than one would expect.
part of oligopolistic shippers), bulk (cubic feet per ton), small consignments
(under one ton), and the commodity in question (grains can be shipped in
costs more directly than simply using distance. The c.i.f.-f.o.b. differential
Geraci and Prewo (1985) supplements distance data (air routes) with
costs within the OECD is 12.8 per cent -- higher for the non-European
countries and lower (averaging 5.2 per cent) for the European countries.
the estimated coefficient on the log of distance is about -.75. 20 This means
that when the distance between two countries is increased by 1.0 per cent,
trade between them falls by about 3/4 of a percent. The adjacency variable
intermediate products and consumer goods that go back and forth across
The Netherlands is close to France, and Korea to Japan, but without the
seen in the tables. In pooled time series estimates (to be discussed later),
the distance coefficients cluster around -0.6. Such an estimate implies that
to take the exponent. Two countries that share a common border are
countries [exp(.6)=1.82].
variable. For example, one might imagine that small adjacent countries are
more highly integrated than would be predicted by the simple sum of the
variable at -0.36. This means that the lack of ocean ports reduces trade by
about one third, holding constant distance, population and land area. 22
trade that is left after controlling linearly for distance. The log of distance
(1992) enters measures of such sea distances and land distances separately
the lengthier trips involved in sea voyages around obstacles like the Cape of
Good Hope and Cape Horn, and she also adds the land distance from the
center of the country to the major port. We tried these data, generously
22 ?
The estimate is quite significant statistically. Both its magnitude
and significance fall, however, when the regular GNP measure of size, in
addition to population and land, is included in the equation, and estimated
by instrumental variables to account for the possible endogeneity of income
with respect to trade. Frankel and Romer (1995, Table 1).
23 ?
A significant positive coefficient on the quadratic term confirms the
property that "trade resistance" increases less-than-linearly with distance;
but the log is able to capture this property. Quadratic and cubic terms in
the log were not at all significant when tried alongside the log. (Frankel,
measure. It had relatively little effect on most of the results. 24 In short, the
that estimated by many others. The table displays some of their results.
Those controlling for adjacency tend to get lower coefficients on the log of
way of isolating the role of physical shipping costs from the other costs of
doing business at a distance. For those years when the Suez Canal was
but its low estimated coefficient [0.2], less than one fifth of the effect of the
regular distance variable, leads him to conclude that physical shipping costs
24 ?
Frankel, Wei, and Stein (1995). The coefficient of distance varies a
bit over the course of the observations, but with no clear trend.
Leamer (1993) obtains a similar elasticity, .68, for West German
trade. [He is struck by the importance of distance, and concludes that,
under NAFTA, Southern California will experience the greatest increase in
trade with Mexico.]
are less important than conventionally assumed, and that other sorts of
While air transport may explain a bit of the difference, this result is a good
reminder for us that shipping costs do not constitute the majority of costs to
show higher distance effects for manufactures than for agricultural products
or other raw materials, which are bulkier. In 1980, for example, the
highest of all three categories: 1965, 1970, 1975, and 1985 (the last year
that physical transport costs are not necessarily the most important
transport time and cultural unfamiliarity may be greater, and these costs
26 ?
The standard errors are all 0.06 to 0.07. The agriculture estimates
are significantly less than the others.
27 ?
Reported as Table 2 in Frankel, Stein and Wei (1994), but omitted
in the published version to save space. (Henceforth we often abbreviate
Frankel, Stein, and Wei by last initials.) Also Tables 4a and 4b of F, W and S
(1995). Smeets (1994) gets similar results when studying Germany's
bilateral trade in 1978: the negative effect of distance is least evident when
estimated for crude materials, is more evident for food and live animals,
followed by beverages and tobacco, and is consistently very highly
significant for mineral fuels, manufactures (the bulk of Germany's trade) and
other categories.
time during the course of our sample, 1965-1992. If anything, the trend
seems to be upward. The same is true for the distance coefficients in the
equation researcher estimated in the 1920s, 30s, and 50s. De Menil and
Maurel (1994) found a coefficient of -.70 during the period 1924-26, despite
what must have been much higher shipping costs at that time. Eichengreen
and Irwin (1995, p.14), analyzing a set of 34 countries (561 bilateral flows)
later in the inter-war period, also get coefficients similar to ours: -.71 in
1928, -.55 in 1935, and -.51 in 1938. Related estimates in Eichengreen and
Frankel (1994) show a distance coefficient of -.48 in 1928, -.37 in 1935, and
-.34 in 1938. The coefficient thus tends to be lower than estimates from the
post-war period. This trend goes against what one might expect from
28 ?
Earlier, when Boisso and Farrantino (1993) estimated the gravity
model without allowing a role for FTAs, they found that the apparent
coefficient on distance did decline steadily over the period. But the
coefficient must have been appropriating some of the effect of the regional
trading arrangements. This illustrates the need to allow for both bloc effects
and proximity effects in explaining existing regional concentration, neither
omitting the former (as in the Krugman-Summers school) nor the other (as
in the Bhagwati-Panagariya school).
estimates for the interwar period, and find similar effects for distance in
1949, 1954, and 1964, as well. Compounding the apparent failure of the
for the 19th century that are even lower: -.48 for 1860, -.49 for 1870, and
-.27 for 1880.29 In short, we have from different authors more than a
that physical shipping is only one of several sorts of costs associated with
should be declining over time right along with physical shipping costs, as a
though the average cost of shipping per kilometer has undoubtedly declined
over time, there is no reason to think that the marginal cost per percentage
increase in distance has declined over time. But this is what the coefficient
in the gravity equation measures. The reverse could even be the case, if
29 ?
Eichengreen-Frankel, Eichengreen-Irwin, and Flandreau all hold
constant for adjacency.
short distances more rapidly than it has reduced costs at long distances.
Trucking, for example, may have reduced shipping costs at short distances
by more than innovations in air and sea shipping have reduced costs at long
Linguistic links
a pair spoke a common language or had colonial links earlier in the century.
Dutch, and Portuguese.31 (We allow countries to speak more than one
with both France and Germany.) The results show a highly significant effect,
when all languages are constrained to have the same coefficient. The
estimate fluctuates over time between .33 and .77. Pooled time series
estimates of the coefficient cluster around 0.44 [to 0.57 (e.g., Tables 6.1-6.3
30 ?
I am most indebted to J. David Richardson for this point.
31 ?
Havrylyshyn and Pritchett (1991) find that three languages are
significant in the gravity model -- Portuguese, Spanish and English, in
decreasing order of magnitude. In a study of poor countries, Foroutan and
Pritchett (1992) find that French, Spanish and English are statistically
other words, the effect of sharing a common language, even for countries
than the others. When we tried supplementing the general language term
and allowing each of the five major languages to have an independent extra
coefficient, the language effects lost statistical significance for half the
Much of it goes through Hong Kong, and is thus counted twice. An attempt
to correct for this factor turns out to eliminate the extra effect of the
Chinese language term. The difference between the Chinese effect and that
has little effect on the other coefficients. The regional bloc effects, which we
will turn to in the next chapter, are not much lower when linguistic links are
32 ?
Table 6 in Frankel and Wei, 1995a. [When manufactured goods
are considered alone and the five individual major languages are estimated
independently, the language coefficients lose all statistical significance
(Table 5 in F, S and W, 1994).]
33 ?
Table 3 of F & W (1993a).
whereby trade in the postwar period has taken place among countries that
consistent with the upward trend over time in our estimated language
coefficients. Their result, however, does not hold constant for the other
linguistic lines. When the gravity model takes into account the increasing
To bring the most information possible to bear at once, one can pool
the data across the cross-section and time-series dimensions. Tables 5.1
34 ?
Estimates of the equation without the language effect were
reported in F (1993).
and 5.2 [formerly 6.1 and 6.2] will report estimates that pool the four years
1970, 1980, 1990, and 1992. One table tests the groupings that qualify as
formal regional trading arrangements, and the other tests the broader
continental groupings. Table 5.3 [formerly 6.3] will allow for a linear trend
in the bloc coefficients over this period. (See also Appendix Tables A5.2 and
meaningful tests for such FTAs as NAFTA and the Australia-New Zealand
35 ?
Bikker (1987, fn.3) points out that this is a problem with Aitken
(1973). Brada and Mendez allow yearly constant terms.
36 A brief Appendix to Chapter 4 discusses some of the
details of the interpretation of the intercept.
If there were nothing to the notion of trading blocs, then the five basic
distance, common borders and common languages -- might soak up all the
variable representing whether two trading partners are both located in the
rapid rate of overall economic growth. In this chapter, however, we find that
bloc as consisting of only those countries who were formal members of the
PTA (when there was a PTA) as of the year in question. The disadvantage of
want the reported EC effect to go down from one year to the next if three
new members join and, even though rapidly integrated into the club, they
the members who have long been in the club? We have generally opted for
comparability over legal niceties. One reason for doing so is that it would
it is ratified, which is in turn different from the year it goes into effect, which
is in turn different from the year that the transition period of trade
affected in advance of the date when the agreement goes into effect, as
reason for defining the membership of blocs to be uniform over time is that
wide informal trading areas that do not (yet) constitute formal PTAs. To
carefully distinguish the effects before and after the formal establishment of
institutions either did not exist in 1965, the beginning of our sample period,
to see effects early in the sample period. The aim, rather, is to see when
The reader is also warned from the beginning that the estimated bloc
effects seem to bounce around, more so than one would expect from the
variation over time in trade policies and their effects. In some cases, the
results, even if surprising, are probably telling us something that we need to
know. But in other cases, the fluctuations seem too great to be plausible.
We take this to be the result of estimation error. This is why we also report
the results of some tests that pool the time series and cross-section
(Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 [formerly 6.1-6.3]). If, on the other hand, one
then one should look for a change in the coefficient over the interval that
includes that year. This is why we also report estimates of the effect of bloc
formation on the change in trade. 1 Finally, we report some results for trade
1 1
In taking the first difference of the equation, such variables as
distance and linguistic links drop out. Probably as a result, the estimates
are less precise and the effects are usually insignificant statistically when
estimated in this way.
The European Union
We start, in Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2], at the level of the European Union,
counting all fifteen current members (as of 1996). The dummy variable
represents when both members of the country pair are among the EU 15.
1990. The estimate suggests that in 1990, two members of the EU Fifteen
traded only 35 percent more, after holding constant for GNP, proximity, etc.,
effect could either be due to the fact that the European Union did not exist
and many of the 15 were not in the precursor EEC, or to the progressively
more serious steps toward integration that were taken over time by the EC. 2
The EC
In other tests, we have tested for the membership of the EC and EFTA
as they stood at the end of the 1980s. There is an upward trend in the
coefficient for the EC. As recently as 1980, the EC bloc effect was not
statistically significant in most of our results. Only in 1985, 1990, and 1991,
2 2
The EU bloc effect becomes even weaker when we introduce terms
into the equation to allow for the general level of openness of the EU and of
the other groupings. These are dummy variables that are equal to 1 when
at least one country out of the pair in question is a member of the grouping
(as opposed to the bloc dummy, which is equal to 1 when both countries of
the pair is located in the EU). The results are reported in Table 5.2, in the
second column under each year. Introducing these terms deprives the EU
bloc term of its statistical significance in 1965, 1985 and 1990. The
implications are discussed in the next sub-section.
does the EC bloc effect generally become highly significant. 3 In some
earlier than that.4 A typical coefficient estimate for 1990, a year when
the EC actually comprised all 12 of the members that we attribute to it, is .5.
years -- 1970, 1980, 1990, and 1992 -- are pooled together, the estimated
openness, we find that the members of the EC 12 are more open than one
would expect from the gravity determinants. [In 1980 and 1985, for
.4, indicating that an EC member traded about 50 percent more with all
partners.7] When one takes into account this tendency for EC members to
3 3
F (1993, 1994) and F and W (1994a, 1995a, 1995b). The EC bloc
coefficient, highly significant in 1985 and 1990, can also be seen in Table
4 4
F & W (1994b, 1995c), and F, W & S (1995).
5 5
exp(.5)=1.65. This estimate can be obtained either from F & W
(1994a, Table 12.13; or 1995a, Table 3), which do not allow for the effect of
linguistic links, or F & W (1995b, Table 1), which does have a dummy
variable for common language. If one allows the English language to have a
different effect from Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and French, the difference is
positive and significant. In that case, the estimated EC bloc effect is lower in
1990, but higher in 1985. F & W (1995c), Table 2.
6 6
Table 6.1; taken from F & W (1997, Table 1).
7 7
The openness effect is particularly clear for the case of
manufactured products. F & W (1995c), Tables 2 and 3; or F, W & S (1995),
trade with all partners, the tendency to trade with fellow EC-members is
slightly less pronounced. Indeed, in the test where the years 1970-1992 are
positive bloc effect into a negative one. 8 Still the EC bloc effect remains
the definitions of the grouping unchanged over time, to study the effects of
the expansion of the EEC 6 into the EEC 9 in 1973 (the accession of the
United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark) and the expansion into the EC 12
during the period 1981-86 (the accession of Greece, Spain and Portugal).
trade flows. Therefore we take the first difference of the gravity equation.
Distance, and the border and language dummies, drop out, as they don't
change over time, and we are left with the GNP variables. 10 The results
existing members and the new members. In each case, the point estimate
8 8
Appendix Tables A5.2; also F & W (1996, 1997).
9 9
Results are reported, for example, in Appendix Table A7.2 for
1980; Table 2 in F & W (1995c) for 1985; and Appendix Tables A5.4a and
A5.4b, with incomes measured either as GNPs on an exchange rate basis or
as GDPs on a PPP basis, respectively, for 1991.
0 10
The results are reported in W & F (1995), Table 1.
is .3: trade between the existing EC members and the newcomers expanded
about 30 per cent over the appropriate five-year interval. The effects of the
the high level of intra-EC trade in the 1960s and 1970s that shows up in
measures such as the trade share in Table 2.1 [formerly 3.1] and Figure
2.1, most of this trade can be explained by the size, level of development,
share. There is little intra-EC trade left over, after correcting for these
itself, until the 1980s. One possibility, which we will consider in the next
1979, but not before. The more likely explanation, however, is simply that
Most of our statistical results are based on data for all merchandise
1 11
This is also the technique used by Bayoumi and Eichengreen
(1995). They find significant effects from both the EC and EFTA. [However,
they do not include developing countries in their sample.]
disaggregation, estimating separate equations for trade in manufactures,
trade in agricultural products, and trade in other raw materials (for the
appears to sharpen the tests. Whereas the EC bloc effect did not turn
positive until 1980 and did not become significant until 1985, when
manufactures alone. 13
The estimated effect for 1980 is about .5: two EC
The point estimate in 1985 is 1.4, indicating that two members of the EC 12
2 12
In 1965, the estimate is .6 and even significant at the 99 percent
confidence level, when not holding constant for the general openness of EC
countries. The estimate is .3 and significant at the 90 percent confidence
level, when holding constant for openness. These results are reported in F,
S and W (1994), Table 3b; and F, W & S (1995, Table 4a), respectively. They
omit the common languages term in the equations.
3 13
The EC loses a little of its bloc effect in manufactures when holding
constant for linguistic links (in particularly, the highly significant effect of the
English language), but is still positive more consistently than when
estimated for aggregate merchandise trade. This comparison holds
especially if one is not attempting to hold constant for significant EC
openness, but also holds even if one does so. The results with linguistic
links are reported in F, S & W (1994, Table 5) and F & W (1995c, Table 3),
countries.14 (The data were not available for 1990 or 1992.) Needless to
Agricultural Policy, which one might not wish to describe as the operations
of a free market, even with the usual caveats about trade diversion from
4 14
F, W & S (1995), Table 4b, and F, S & W (1994), Table 2. Smeets
(1994) had a similar finding in his study of Germany's bilateral trade:
agriculture was one of only two sectors (along with chemicals), out of ten,
that showed a significant EC bloc effect as far back as 1978. There was no
significant EC effect in manufactures, which constituted 67 percent of
Germany's trade.
5 15
F, S & W (1994), Table 2. Even if the effect is statistically
significant within each of the three component categories, it does not
necessarily follow that it will appear statistically significant when estimated
in aggregate form. The technical econometric problem is aggregation bias:
if the equation is seriously misspecified when estimated in aggregate form,
because in reality the coefficients differ by commodity, then (technically) all
bets are off. On the one hand, the fact that most of the coefficient
estimates are similar for the three components of trade, should help the
aggregation. On the other hand, the estimated coefficients for GNP per
capita and distance tend to be lower for the gravity equation estimated on
agricultural products, as compared to the case of manufactures. This
heterogeneity alone is capable of invalidating the aggregation.
hundreds of individual sectors. Nevertheless, the important point for the
though the tests run on aggregate merchandise trade data make it look like
significant at the 95 per cent level, comes in the case where data are pooled
from 1970, 1980, 1990, and 1992, and one allows at the same time for the
tendency of EFTA countries to trade less with outsiders. 17 The finding that
EFTA countries are less open than predicted by the equation appears
repeatedly, but in most cases the presence of the openness terms does not
Boisso and Farrantino (1995) find a moderate bloc effect for EFTA, but
only for the period around 1966-72. They, like we, show no significant effect
in the 1980s. (Where our tests look only every five years during the period
1965-1990, theirs are year-by-year.) Hamilton and Winters (1992) also find
EFTA insignificant for the one period that they estimate (1984-1986).
6 16
F, S & W (1995), F & W (1993b, 1995a, 1995c, 1996), F, W & S
(1995), and Eichengreen and Frankel (1995, Table 2).
7 17
F & W (1997).
Here again, some disaggregation of trade by sector may be helpful.
1980. That is only one or two years out of five, however. The same is true
for trade in agricultural products and other raw materials, except that here
there are clear monotonic upward trends in the coefficients over time. By
1985, the bloc effect in farm products reaches a highly significant 1.1: the
Western Europe
test comes when both are included simultaneously. Here it is clear that the
alongside it.
Western Europe might become one trading bloc, rather than looking at the
8 18
F & W (1995c), Table 3; F, S & W (1994), Table 2; F, W and S
(1995), Tables 4a and 4b.
9 19
Grant, Papadakis, and Richardson (1993, p.53) observe that intra-
regional trade is greater in Western Europe than in the EC. Based on this
and similar statistics for other groupings, they conclude that "trade indeed
follows the flag," i.e., that political affinities may be more important than
formal regional trading arrangements. Our finding (from F & W, 1995a)
suggests that this is an example of how one can be misled by relying on
intra-regional trade shares, unadjusted for country size.
past, continental aggregate estimates such as those in Table 4.3 [ formerly
5.3] might be of interest. Here we see that by 1990, the Western Europe
bloc coefficient had reached a highly significant .4, indicating that two
Western European countries trade 49 per cent more than two otherwise-
seems reasonable. In Table 5.2 [formerly 6.2] we pool the four observation
years 1970-1992 together and impose the constraint that the Western
We allow for a time trend in the coefficient, but the coefficient in the table
4.3 [formerly 5.3], it shows up significant and positive in 1980 and 1985,
though insignificant in the other years. In the pooled estimates for 1970-92,
Twelve dominates the closedness of the EFTA Five. 21 Taking into account
of the tendency for these countries to concentrate their trade with each
Perhaps the most common use of the gravity model by other authors
0 20
Similarly with 1970-1990 pooled, in F, S & W (1993).
1 21
F & W (1995a), Tables 1 and 2; also F & W (1995d).
in the 1970s and 1980s was precisely to evaluate the effects on trade of the
hypothesized effects of the EEC and EFTA, such as the study of 1967 trade
estimated to raise intra-group trade during the period 1965-1976, but only
the EEC effect was consistently significant in the preferred general form of
the equation.22
(=40x39/2). Brada and Mendez (1983) extend the sample to include some
1954-77. They find that the EC raised internal trade by a factor of 5, and
most sectors, when considering Germany's trade with the original EC Six
alone, but did not when the three newcomers were included in the definition
2 22
Hewett (1976) estimated the EFTA effect at 6, and the EC at 4.
Bayoumi and Eichengreen (1995) found significant effects of the expansions
of the EC in 1972, 1981 and 1986.
of the EC. Hamilton and Winters (1992) find, as we do, the EC 12 significant
These studies did not hold constant for common languages or, in some
case, for common borders, so it is possible that a bit of these effects were
trade can be mostly explained by the various natural factors, with little role
for the EC, until the 1980s (with the exception of agricultural trade, where
most likely explanation is that the membership of the EC Twelve was not
complete until the mid-1980s. But it is worth noting that some others have
(1987, p.330) gets the surprising result that intra-EEC trade in 1974 was less
than would be predicted by the gravity equation, though the intra-bloc term
find that trade among EEC members was actually significantly less than
would be predicted in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. The negative term steadily
erodes, so that by 1986 the EEC has attained neutrality. They attribute to
the formation and expansion of the EEC the trend whereby the European
reluctance to trade with each other. To the extent that one's impression of
3 23
Nitsch (1993) obtains a negative EC bloc effect as recently as
a large effect before the 1980s is based on calculations of simple intra-
regional shares that do not adjust for these other factors, 24 the answers from
EC preferences
1976 data, Oguledo and MacPhee (1994) find a significant positive effect of
the Lome preferences on trade with the EC [and ten other industrialized
countries].25 Hamilton and Winters (1992) found significant effects for the
Eastern Europe
very recently artificially diverted away from Western partners, and toward
trade among themselves and the Soviet Union (e.g., Holzman, 1985). In a
4 24
E.g., Wonnacott and Lutz (1989 p.76) show increases in intra-
regional trade that they attribute to the expansion of the EC and EFTA.
5 25
And a negative effect that is apparently very highly significant for
GSP preferences. These results are probably tainted by failure to allow for
the fact that poor countries trade less, even after allowing for tariff levels as
they do.
eastern European countries and fifteen western European countries that
trade between the CMEA and the West has been depressed far below what
would be normal. Once this factor is taken into account, the independent
CMEA, and even trade within the EC or EFTA, are not statistically significant.
One of the most important uses of the gravity model is to project the
natural pattern of trade that would hold if artificial political barriers were
Hamilton and Winters (1992), Winters and Wang (1994), and Baldwin
(1994), all have used the gravity model to predict the normal pattern of
after the end of the Cold War. 26 We have used the gravity equation to
estimate significant 1980 coefficients of -.97 for Hungary, -.98 for Poland,
and -.41 for Yugoslavia. These coefficients can be interpreted as the trade-
Germany's trade with the Central and Eastern European countries and the
former Soviet Union has already reached the levels implied by the gravity
model. (In other words, the negative openness terms have disappeared).
Vittas and Mauro (1996) find that, unlike Germany, five other western
6 26
Collins and Rodrik (1991) and Brown, Deardorff, Djankov and Stern
(1996) also forecast trade between these countries and the west.
European countries still have a ways to go (a 64 per cent gap, on average)
before experiencing the full predicted share of trade with Central and
Even less in operation during the sample period than the EU is the
TAFTA, which was only a gleam in the eye of some western leaders as of
1995. There has, however, been sufficient interest in the TAFTA proposal
potential TAFTA bloc as including all 15 members of the EU plus all three
members of NAFTA. The estimates are reported in Table 4.3 [formerly 5.3].
indicating that any two North Atlantic countries trade 35 percent less than
For boosters of TAFTA, of which the author does not count himself one,
Atlantic effect means that trade among these countries is less than its true
potential. Perhaps the U.S. has been overly distracted by APEC or Western
In any case, current trans-Atlantic trade falls significantly short of the high
"natural" level of trade that is justified by incomes and geography. So, one
effect. (The term is collinear with the term for openness of Western
Atlantic bloc effect. The bottom line is that there is no evidence of a TAFTA
As we turn to the Americas, let us begin with the existing formal FTAs.
respectively North America, the Eastern half of South America, and the
Western half of South America. In no other part of the world has there been
sub-regions: NAFTA, Mercosur, and the Andean Pact. Tight standard errors
and 10 (=5x4/2) for the Andean Pact. (Pooling across time should help a bit,
to the extent one is willing to view the structure as constant and the
countries belongs to the same PTA or FTA, regardless which one it is, and
another to indicate whenever the pair belongs to the same Customs Union
or Common Market.27 This constrains all PTA/FTAs to have the same effect
on bilateral trade, and the same for all Customs Unions. The PTA/FTA
variable is often statistically significant, particularly when the tests are run
better not to constrain such disparate agreements to have the same effects,
In Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2], the coefficient for a North America bloc is
almost never significant, not even in 1992, when NAFTA was actually
The only exception is when data are pooled over 1970-1992 (and one allows
8 28
[1.43 = exp(.36).] F & W (1997, Table 1). In Table 4 of F, W & S
(1995), however, a negative openness effect for North America (often
A test for a specific Canadian-U.S. effect yields an insignificant result. 29
The outcome is the same when the test is run on the change in trade
between 1985 and 1990. (Recall that the Canada-U.S. FTA was signed in
The small number of observations is probably the greatest problem with the
estimates. A bilateral relationship, after all, offers only one observation per
year. This does not reflect adversely on the efficacy of the Canadian-U.S.
not have enough data to address the question. This is certainly true in the
case of NAFTA, where the time elapsed since the 1994 implementation is
statistical methodology.
Clausing (1995), however, does have enough data, in the case of the
trade between the two neighbors after 1988, when using a gravity model on
aggregate merchandise trade. This is despite that all her tests use data that
disaggregation, one can use direct information on how high tariffs were
before the agreement, and how quickly they are being phased out under the
1988, than those subject to low tariffs. The effects are about twice as great
in the long run as in the short run. She estimates that each one percent
United States in 1993 that are 6 percent higher than they would otherwise
be. Each one percent cumulative reduction in U.S. tariffs is associated with
imports from Canada in 1993 that are 12 percent higher than they would
agreement, she obtains estimates for the overall impact of the FTA on trade.
southbound trade 16 percent. In both cases, this was substantially less than
the actual increase in trade over this period. Overall, the estimated
increase in trade that can be attributed directly to the FTA was a little more
than half of the actual increase in trade. Much of the rest is presumably due
to the increases in incomes in the two countries over the period (and to
of this exercise is that one cannot simply look at the actual increase in trade
over the period, and attribute it to the effects of an agreement. This lesson
that some effects of regional trading arrangements are lost in tests like ours
on highly aggregated data. The problem is particularly severe in a context,
constraint. But Clausing's finding that the effects differ widely, depending in
particular on the initial level of tariffs and the speed of phase-out, also
There is a clear upward trend in the bloc effect for Mercosur. The
reaches a highly significant 1.9. This is the strongest bloc effect estimated
gravity equation can give very different answers than the simple intra-
measure. But when one takes account of the fact that the countries
constitute a small fraction of Gross World Product, and that they did not
grow very rapidly in the 1980s, their intra-regional trade looks far more
a greater propensity to trade in 1985 and 1990 knocks down the estimated
highly significant .93 (or .71, if one allows for the significant openness
effect). This is an effect on trade of 2.5 times. 32 Mercosur is another case
where a bit of disaggregation seems to help. The bloc effects are even
alone, and stronger still when estimated on agricultural products alone, than
when estimated on all merchandise trade in the aggregate. 33
Our results for Mercosur are consistent with those of Abreu and
Bevilaqua (1995, p.26), who find a very highly significant increase in intra-
Mercosur trade in 1991-1994.34
Venezuela). Despite the establishment of the Andean Pact in the 1960s, our
these countries actually traded with each other only one-quarter as much as
then turns positive, and in 1992 -- after the re-invigoration of the Andean
Pact -- it suddenly attains a highly significant 1.0: the Andes countries trade
openness terms have little effect on the Andean bloc effect, which remains
large, significant, and negative at the beginning of the sample period, 1965,
and large, significant, and positive at the end of the sample period, 1992.
When the 1970-1992 data are pooled, the bloc effect is insignificant.
Clearly, one does not want to mix the 1960s and 1970s, when the effect was
if anything negative, with the later years. A test for the effect of the
reinvigoration of the Andean Pact in 1990 on the change in trade among the
Other authors tend to find results weaker than ours. Brada and
Mendez (1985) find that the Andean Pact misses being significant, with a
point estimate implying a bloc effect of 1.3. Boisso and Farrantino (1995)
find neutrality for the Andean Pact overall; the coefficient is insignificantly
Winters (1992) also find the Andean Pact insignificant for the period tested
sample. Some relevant gravity equation results are available from others,
however. Brada and Mendez (1985) find a significant effect of the CACM [a
factor of 4]. Primo Braga, Safadi, and Yeats (1994) also find that CACM is
strong positive bloc effect for Central America going as far back as 1961, the
first year tested. The bloc effect began a steady decline in 1969, however,
until it abruptly lost all significance in 1988. The authors attribute this
negative trend to the political conflicts of the 1970s and 1980s in Central
Boisso and Farrantino find a strong positive bloc effect for the
Caribbean FTA, going as far back as 1973, the first year tested. It has no
tendency to increase thereafter, however, from which they infer that the
Free Trade Area of the Americas, that the region's leaders agreed to form in
Miami in December 1994. Thus we could call this bloc an FTAA effect. But
could have foreseen the FTAA in the 1970s and 1980s and acted in
last year of data; President Bush had proposed the Enterprise for the
Americas Initiative two years earlier, and NAFTA had been negotiated by
Western Europe and East Asia effects. They are of interest when we
consider the question whether there is a trend toward a world of three major
Doctrine, the Organization of American States, and the Alliance for Progress
are tangible evidence, if any is needed, that the United States has long
exercised a degree of hegemony over its part of the world. More abstractly,
welfare effects if the world broke up into three symmetric blocs. We will
need statistical estimates to help pin down some parameter values. Clearly
minus 0.3 in 1965. This reflects a general lack of openness on the part of
the Latin American countries during the hey-day of the import substitution
philosophy. (The negative bloc effect loses its statistical significance when
one allows a dummy variable to reflect the lack of openness of the countries
in the region.37) But the bloc coefficient turns positive in 1975, and
The pattern here -- intra-regional biases that are small or even negative in
the 1960s, becoming positive and significant in the 1980s -- mirrors the
results that we got from Mercosur and the Andean Group. 38 When one
allows for the low level of openness, the bloc coefficient registers .7 in 1991
{and .8 in 1992}.39
When the data from 1970 to 1992 are pooled, in Table 5.1 [formerly
region, the coefficient rises to .6. When we allow for a linear trend in the
strong when one allows for the fact that Western Hemisphere countries have
been in general less open than the average, but does not allow for common
Other authors' gravity results that are most relevant here pertain to
Latin American region. Brada and Mendez (1985) find that pairs of LAFTA
countries in fact had significantly less trade than other pairs of countries.
Hamilton and Winters (1992) find LAIA significant (1985-86), while Primo
Braga, Safadi, and Yeats (1994) find LAFTA is not statistically significant.
Boisso and Farrantino (1995) find a negative bloc effect for LAFTA that has
turned positive over time. Thus earlier results tend to match our finding
that the intra-American bloc effect was zero or negative in the 1960s and
5.3 [formerly 6.3]: Trading Blocs in East Asia and the Pacific
Only the FTA between Australia and New Zealand is truly well-advanced,
every year tested. It has a slight upward trend, reaching 1.7 in 1990 and
1992. This estimate says that the antipodean pair trade 5.5 times as much
as an otherwise-similar pair. The openness terms shows that trade by
Australia and New Zealand with other partners is consistently low, and
When the data years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 1992 are pooled, the
coefficient is 1.6.42 We have dated the cementing of the ANZCER as having
taken place in 1983. The test of the effect on the change in Australia-New
Zealand trade between 1980 and 1985 shows a point estimate that is close
to zero. As with the other FTAs tested, it appears that too much information
is lost when distance and the other unchanging variables are dropped out.
case of a bilateral agreement, where there is only one data point available.
Many studies of ASEAN have reported that trade creation is small, but
these conclusions generally seem not to take into account the incomes of
the ASEAN countries.43 Table 5.2 shows ASEAN, alone among the six
intra-regional bias in every year tested, 1965 through 1992. The coefficient
median, and mode of the yearly estimates. Two ASEAN countries trade six
exports are more than 100 per cent of GNP. It is possible that the apparent
dummy to the regression, representing any bilateral trade involving the city-
state. The Singapore dummy does indeed have a positive and very
This suggests that Singapore's extreme openness does not explain all of the
apparent inward bias among the ASEAN countries. 44
The effect in each year is reduced, a little more if one allows for the
fact that the entire group of ASEAN countries are more open than are typical
1992. These findings -- that ASEAN countries are significantly more open
than predicted by the gravity determinants, but that allowing for this
openness only reduces the strong estimated bloc effect by a little -- are
confirmed in other tests as well.45
When the data from 1970 to 1992 are pooled together, the ASEAN
coefficient is 2.0, or 1.3 when allowing for ASEAN openness. 46 Allowing for a
trend in the coefficient shows no evidence of one. 47 To test the effect of
ASEAN on the change in trade, there is no one clear date on which to focus.
in 1977, but serious progress in removal of barriers did not get underway
until 1987. As recently as 1989, the fraction of goods eligible for regional
preferences was only on the order of 3 per cent. It was not until January
1992 that the members proclaimed plans for an ASEAN Free Trade Area to
members" can change radically, depending what other bloc effects are
being tested at the same time. When we test for an East Asian bloc effect
will explore further layers of potential blocs below. If one is interested solely
in formal regional arrangements, then one can accept at face value the
strong bloc effects for ASEAN reported here. If one considers the larger less
formal blocs to be on equal footing a priori, then one will want to accept the
verdict of the data that ASEAN has no independent effect: Southeast Asian
phenomenon that Asian countries trade a lot with each other, not out of any
Wang (1992), Wang and Winters (1991), and Winters and Wang (1994)
in gravity tests found the ASEAN dummy to reflect one of the most
significant trading areas in the world. They did not include a broader
hypothesized yen bloc. As can be read from Table 4.5 [formerly 5.3], the
East Asia bloc effect follows a very different pattern than any of the other
regional groupings. In the first place, it starts out at a high level, by far the
highest of any in the 1960s. The estimate in 1965 is 1.6, implying an effect
As with the other groupings, we want to allow for the possibility that
most East Asian countries are open to trade of all sorts. The coefficient on
East Asian openness is positive and significant. It appears to rule out any
"trade-diversion" effects arising from the existence of the East Asian bloc:
these countries trade an estimated 22 per cent more with all parts of the
addition of the openness dummy often reduces a bit the level and
significance of the East Asian bloc dummy. The coefficient is usually still
significant statistically. The exceptions are 1991 and 1992, when making
allowance for the high level of openness in East Asia deprives the bloc
coefficient of its statistical significance. For the other years, 1965-1990, the
among East Asian countries does not eliminate the significance of the extra
tendency for them to trade among themselves. 50
manufactures remains almost as strong when one adds a term for linguistic
links, of which the Chinese language is the strongest, as when one does
When the four 1970-1992 years are pooled, in Table 5.1 [formerly
6.1], the East Asia bloc coefficient is estimated at .9 (.8 with the allowance
for openness). When one allows for a trend, it is negative and statistically
significant, as one would expect from the yearly results. 53
Western Europe and the Americas. It is, more importantly, a departure from
the popular impression that Japan is rapidly turning East Asia into a Tokyo-
East Asia. But we have now learned that all of the increase in intra-Asian
trade can be explained by the rapid growth of those economies. (GNP and
GNP per capita are the only variables on the gravity list that change over
typical East Asian country i trades far more with another East Asian country
j than it did twenty years ago for much the same reason that countries
everywhere in the world trade more with East Asian country j than they did
twenty years ago: as a result of rapid growth, it looms much larger in the
rapidly in the second half of the 1980s. Most of this increase merely
reversed a decline in the first half of the 1980s however. 54 More
importantly, the recent trend in bilateral trade between Japan and its
Japanese trade overall and the growth in trade levels attained by other
Asian countries overall. Lawrence (1991b) has calculated that, out of the 28
dummy variable for bilateral Asian trade with Japan in particular. It was not
even remotely statistically significant in any year, and indeed the point
estimate was a small negative number. 56 Thus there was no evidence that
trade bias was higher in East Asia as of the beginning of our sample period
than in the other two regions. One possible explanation is that there has
historically been a sort of "trading culture" in Asia. To the extent that such a
culture exists and can be identified with a particular nation or ethnic group,
Japanese. But there are other possible regional effects that may be showing
entrepot effect. We have allowed for the level of openness of East Asian
countries in general. But we should also allow for the extraordinarily high
level of openness in two East Asian countries: Hong Kong and Singapore.
Hong Kong, like Singapore, has levels of imports and exports well in excess
the way to other destinations, and they also import and export a lot of
represent the trade of these two island city-states with other East Asian
countries, to test the hypothesis that they are the true hubs of the East
Asian bloc, and another to represent the general openness of Hong Kong
and Singapore, that is, their trade with all partners regardless of location.
The latter variable is clearly the appropriate one: When the two dummy
variables are included simultaneously, it is only the openness variable that
Hong Kong and Singapore are each more open than other countries by a
factor of about 2.7. When the Hong Kong and Singapore variable is used at
the same time as the dummy variable for openness of all East Asian
countries, the latter remains significant as before. Its point estimate is .25,
which for 1980 and 1990 is lower than the East Asian openness coefficient
The introduction of the dummy does, however, knock down the strength of
the East Asia bloc effect in the three years tested, 1980, 1985, and 1990. It
significance of a given bloc effect turns out to depend on what other blocs
are tested at the same time. One way to draw the boundaries is to include
all the countries with eastern coasts on the Pacific, which includes Australia
and New Zealand along with East Asia. We call this grouping "Asian Pacific."
Its coefficient and significance level are both higher than the East Asia
dummy. When we broaden the bloc-search wider and test for an effect of
APEC, which includes the United States and Canada in with the others, it is
level than the initial results that did not consider any wider Pacific
test for an even broader definition of a Pacific Rim bloc, including Mexico
and the South American countries that border the Pacific (Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru and Chile), it is not at all significant, and the other coefficients
do not change.59 It remains true that the intra-regional biases in the EC and
Western Hemisphere blocs each roughly doubled from 1980 to 1990, while
intra-regional biases in the Asia and Pacific areas did not increase at all.
The surprising finding is the magnitude of the APEC effect. Table 4.3
(when estimated along with the East Asia bloc, which still seems to belong
in, but without the other nested groupings, which do not). There is a slight
upward trend, reaching 1.2 in 1992: two APEC countries trade 3.3 times as
bloc estimate. The strong APEC bloc effect shows up under various
permutations of the specification.60
When the years 1970, 1980, 1990, and 1992 are pooled, in Table 5.1
[formerly 6.1], the coefficient on the APEC bloc effect is again a highly
significant 1.1. When we allow for a trend, it turns out to be positive and
significant.61 The introduction of dummy variables for openness of the
various groupings reduces the estimated APEC bloc effect only slightly,
though it eliminates the significant upward trend in that coefficient over the
extra openness of Hong Kong and Singapore does not reduce the strength of
the APEC bloc effect.62
boundaries more than larger ones. In the limit, when the unit is the world,
100 per cent of trade is intra-"regional." Our gravity results show that the
APEC effect is genuine. Thus the United States and Canada appear to be full
partners in the strongest grouping in the world, the Pacific bloc, even while
disaggregated trade data as well. The bloc effect is always highly significant
confidence level from 1975 on. Thus the upward trend that one would have
expected from the APEC effect is concentrated in manufactures. 63 The APEC
one allows both for the fact that APEC countries have a significantly lower-
effect of linguistic links. Of the linguistic links, Chinese is the strongest, and
English is the second strongest; both languages are relevant for the Pacific.
The bloc effect does not turn positive until 1970, does not turn significant
until 1975, and does not turn significant at the 99 per cent confidence level
until 1980.64 Even so, the bloc effect in manufactures toward the end of the
sample period is as strong for APEC as for any grouping. In agriculture and
A number of readers have found the bloc effect that we estimate for
APEC surprisingly high.65 We must admit to a bit of the same reaction
ourselves, though this does not necessarily mean the result is wrong. One
will never learn anything from statistics if one always throws out any results
alternative explanations.
our distance measure. If this were true, then the estimate of the APEC
shipping across the ocean. Recall that our variable, the log of distance,
to distance. One possibility is that the log specification does not allow the
marginal cost to fall off quickly enough. But the other functional forms we
A more likely possibility is that the cost of ocean transport is less than
obtained data that allowed a distinction for land versus sea travel, from
Winters and Wang. The APEC coefficient did indeed decline some when we
estimated the equation with the Winters-Wang measure. The strong effect
that had been estimated for 1980 fell only modestly, from 1.3 to .9. 66 A
weaker 1990 bloc effect that had been estimated for 1990 in that study
(possibly due somehow to the allowance for trade diversion effects), loses
its significance altogether with the Winters-Wang measure. The APEC point
estimate drops from .55 to .32. The coefficient estimates on the East Asia,
EC, and Western Hemisphere blocs are undiminished by the use of the
Winters-Wang distance measure for 1990. In any case, the issue of water
versus land transport should not affect results regarding changes in intra-
regional trade bias in the 1980s, however, given that the nature of shipping
costs does not appear to have changed over as short a time span as five or
ten years.
If one believes that distance has a smaller effect for Pacific countries'
trade than for others' (e.g., shipping costs are lower per kilometer, even
after holding constant for per capita GNP and the other variables), one
might want to allow them to have different distance coefficients. Dhar and
Panagariya (1995, Table 1A) allow each exporting country to have its own
1.53 (-1.74 for ten East Asian members, including Australia, and -.82 for the
that are estimated show an average distance coefficient of .92 (.67 for six
European countries and 1.43 for three other LDCs). This piece of evidence
tends to contradict the hypothesis that distance brings lower costs for APEC
benchmark appears to
Europe, Americas, and East Asia, it is easy to forget that a large fraction of
the planet's population lies outside these three groupings. Here we consider
South Asia
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives.)
Their past talks had been even more fruitless than ASEAN's. In May 1995,
into place in December. How much substance there will be in this PTA
remains to be seen.
In our sample, the term "South Asia" refers to only two countries, India
and Pakistan. One conjectures that the trade between these two countries
Unfortunately Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal are not in our sample
of available bilateral trade data. But Srinivasan and Canonero (1995, p.29)
do have data on trade between these countries and other major trading
partners. They note that Bangladesh and Sri Lanka trade very little within
the South Asia region. (Much of Nepal's trade is with India; but then Nepal
has few alternative routes to the outside world.) The no-bloc finding that we
obtained for South Asia might well generalize, even if all the members were
Pan-Asian groupings
South Asians wonder if they should not be included in Asia. The habit
standard only in the last few decades, largely in response to the superior
growth performance of most of these countries. 69 We have tried treating
South and East Asia collectively as one candidate trading group. The
indicating that two countries in this group trade 90% [=exp(0.65)-1] more
Asia dummies remain quantitatively large (1.36 and 0.37, respectively) and
statistically significant.71
The next question to arise is whether the right place to draw the line
and Iran, or whether the proper grouping instead goes all the way west to
Turkey. We include in the regression the whole of the continent of Asia (i.e.,
adding Asian countries in the Middle East to the above list) as a potential
bloc. Two results are noteworthy. First, East Asian economies continue to
show certain inward bias among themselves. Second, even after controlling
for a special East Asia effect, Asian economies as a group appear to trade
more among themselves than one would expect based on their economic
South Asia and the Middle East. Part of the pan-Asia trade concentration
undoubtedly has to do with the fact that many Asian economies have to
import a substantial amount of oil from the Middle East. 72
other continents. One is Foroutan and Pritchett (1992). They find, contrary
artificially low, that intra-African trade is somewhat higher than one would
expect, given the poverty of the countries and other standard determinants.
intensity coefficients. Wang and Winters (1991) and Winters and Wang
(1994) find the effects of two regional arrangements, ECOWAS and the
holding constant for changes in the countries' incomes over the same
period. The bloc effects that we have already discussed can be interpreted
such as Davenport (1991) and Page (1992), of the effect of the 1992 Single
do not produce primary commodities or close substitutes. Even for the case
p. 218)] are relatively optimistic. They argue that the Single Market is likely
Sweden, formerly members of the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) -- could
impact skill-intensive Japan, the United States and Canada, while another
future enlargement to include the poorer Czech and Slovak Republics,
Portugal and Greece into what was then the 9-member European Economic
some earlier studies of the effects on income within Europe, in the respect
that they allow dynamic effects on European growth. This approach tends
earlier static (and generally small) estimates, are maximized under the
references, the Cecchini Report (1988) and Baldwin (1989), estimated that
EC GNP by the end of the century would go up on the order of 2.5 to 6.5 per
cent as the result of the 1992 Single Market. This higher European income
would raise imports from all trading partners. If the elasticity of import
per cent. This effect is to be netted against the negative effects of trade
diversion. The grounds for the dynamic estimates are unusually uncertain
We take GNPs as given in our analysis. To the extent that incomes are
The results for Europe from our gravity estimation are mixed. On the
one hand, as we noted above, when the EC Twelve are considered as a
group, they generally appear open to trade with non-members, 73 and that
openness appears to increase over time. 74 On the other hand, specific tests
of the effect of the expansion of the EC Six to Nine in 1973 and the
expansion of the Nine to Twelve in the early 1980s, find negative effects in
the change in trade between existing members and the rest of the world. 75
At the end of Chapter 10, our goal will be to evaluate the long-term
In the case of EFTA, the dummy variable for trade with non-members
always shows a negative effect. This is the tendency under all three
coefficient, and the estimated effect of the expansion of the EFTA from four
to five in 1970.76 If the question is the effect of formal PTAs, then the results
from the broader groupings that were not operative during the sample
period are less relevant. For the record, however, tests for the European
Union Fifteen or for all of Western Europe, tend more often toward a low
degree of openness than a high degree. Examples are Tables 4.2 and 4.3
[formerly 5.2 and 5.3], reported earlier. Even though Western European
countries engage in more trade than the average countries in our sample,
level of openness than one would expect. The same is true of the EU 15.
Evidently it is the three new members of the EU, Austria, Finland and
preceding section.
It is too soon to tell the actual effects of NAFTA, but some authors
have predicted likely effects. Studies such as Hufbauer and Schott (1993)
predict a quite small amount of trade diversion. In part, this is because U.S.
tariffs were already very low to begin with (and were already slightly lower
against some Mexican goods than against imports from other industrialized
and Mexico are to a greater extent buffered from U.S. NTBs under the
objective in pursuing the FTA, from their viewpoint. Thus other countries'
concerns about diversion of trade are still quite relevant. 78 Mexico ran
a large and growing trade deficit in 1993 and 1994, which was initially
Following the peso crisis that broke in December 1994, the Mexican
begun to dry up after February 1994, and the central bank's reserves
that took place at that time, together with the subsequent sharp recession
their imports. Americans should not, however, view NAFTA as having been a
Mexico were still higher in 1995, the year after the crisis, than they were in
1993, before NAFTA (by 11 percent). U.S. imports from Mexico rose even
more. But it has never been a good idea for the United States to judge the
liberalization, has already shown its virtue in this crisis. In contrast to the
1982 debt crisis, when Mexico raised import barriers -- tariffs and licensing
debts, it did not raise trade barriers against the United States and Canada
after the 1994 crisis. For the reason the decline in Mexican imports from
the United States from 1994 to 1995 (9 percent) was less than the decline in
Mexican imports from Japan and Europe, and much less than the decline at
the time of the earlier crisis (a 50 per cent fall in imports from the United
Trade Area of the Americas. Anticipating the Miami Summit, Hufbauer and
FTA. They calculated by commodity groups how much of the increased U.S.
imports from the rest of the hemisphere would represent diversion of trade
that would otherwise come from other countries. The resulting numbers,
while calculated to be somewhat biased upward, are still small. One reason
already noted is that U.S. tariff barriers are already low, and will be even
lower after the Uruguay Round: below 3 per cent by the year 2000. (The
Latin America were currently as high as they were ten years ago, the trade-
countries have already come down a lot, and will probably come down a lot
more. This fact, together with the fact that the Latin American market is not
as large as the United States, implies that trade diversion should not be that
often shows a negative openness effect early in the sample period, but a
positive openness effect late in the sample, particularly in 1990, when the
customs union was actually being negotiated. 81 The Andean Group shows a
groupings, the most encouraging results come in the tests for the changes
East Asian groupings show up as the most open to trade with the rest
consistently show a level of openness that is higher than for other countries
in the sample.85 If 1990 is taken as the key date for ASEAN, the estimated
effect on the change in trade with non-members is also positive. 86 The same
openness is revealed for the broader grouping of East Asia. 87
The results for the Australia-New Zealand CER are mixed. When
the data are pooled, the opposite sign emerges, suggesting a positive effect
on trade with other countries. A test of the effect on the change in trade
after 1983 also shows a positive coefficient. 88 The results for APEC are also
important to realize that these estimates already hold constant for the
additional APEC effect largely reflects the level of openness of Australia and
New Zealand.
seen that the specifics of the relative magnitudes and trends of the bloc
effects in different parts of the world are different from what one would
strongest effects for ASEAN and the Australia-New Zealand CER: each
somewhat when one makes allowance for the special role of Singapore). We
also find very strong effects for the Andes Pact and Mercosur in the 1990s:
amount. There is not yet enough data for us to have obtained meaningful
and large in 1990. The Asia effect appears even more significant, and is
equally large from the beginning of the sample (1965). Unlike the European
allowance is made for the special role of Hong Kong and Singapore, or for
the openness of the entire East Asian region, the magnitude of the Asian
bloc effect is reduced. APEC appears to have a very strong bloc effect as
well, which so far has been robust to various attempts to dislodge it.
We should not expect always to be able to tell from the data whether
true concentration effects are coming from the formal RTAs or from the
Some readers will prefer to make the choice on a priori grounds. But in the
case of Europe, the true effect appears to be coming from the leading RTA
on the continent, the European Community, while in the case of Pacific Asia
it appears to be coming from the larger groupings (East Asia and APEC),
The gravity equation that we have estimated leaves out many factors.
in, we will get biased coefficient estimates. Thus it is important that we take
course, that we cannot take into account everything. Often the work of
others will help us learn what we want to know. We will see that the basic
bottom line is unchanged, that statistically significant bloc effects are arising
proximity or size will give the wrong answer. The country with which the
former Belgian Congo conducts the most trade, even in absolute terms, is
estimates, for lack of data). The colonial link was severed in 1960. Even
when the original reason for a high level of bilateral trade has disappeared
however, the stock of capital that firms have invested in the form of
and so forth, lives on for many years thereafter. The word hysteresis is
considered to be permanent.
their historical animosity. Their trade is 70% lower than trade between two
that the high levels of intra-regional trade that are already observed in such
areas as Europe must be the result of FTAs and other preferential trading
arrangements that are already in place. 1 The issue becomes an important
one for policy when other economists, such as Krugman and Summers,
argue that proximity does promote trade, and propose that regional trading
trade with each other. (In Chapter 8, we derive the idea of an optimal
necessarily trade more with each other. Historical enmity has indeed
reduced trade between India and Pakistan. Perhaps the root of Jagdish
other cases. Ideally, one would use a dummy variable to represent all pairs
antithesis of the dummy variable for linguistic and colonial links. The
distance and adjacency effects are so strong however, that they show up as
antagonist pairs.
Mansfield (1993), Mansfield and Bronson (1994, 1997), and Gowa and
they find, as one might expect, that trade is generally higher among
countries that are allies, and lower among countries that are actual or
be unchanged. The log of distance still has a negative and highly significant
countries by about 100 percent if they were not already military allies, and
by about 240 percent if they were. (The effects are different if the alliance
involves either of two major powers: the Soviet Union and China.) Once
again we see that both proximity and existing preferences are important
trade among the members of the European Union, in the event that they
bilateral trade is clearly boosted. It stands to reason that when two units
share a common cultural heritage or legal system, their trade will be
Data are not generally available on trade among U.S. states, Japanese
each other and with major American states. They show a strong intra-
Columbia as to California, even though the latter has ten times as many
McCallum (1995) has applied the gravity model to trade among the
provinces and states. The usual effects of size and distance show up. The
states or provinces lie in the same country. Two such provinces trade 22
times as much with each other as would a province and a state that are
otherwise similar but lie on opposite sides of the border. Helliwell (1995)
has updated this test. He finds that the intra-Canadian bias factor is 20.5 in
1988, 18.5 in 1989, and 24.8 in 1990. There is not enough data to read
much meaning into the trend; one should settle for an average estimate of
21.3 These results do not hold constant for provinces' adjacency, per capita
Wide is the Border?" by Engel and Rogers (1994), that crossing the
two cities as does traversing a physical distance of 2500 miles within either
country. This tendency for Canadian provinces to trade with each other is
all the more surprising because they tend to maintain trade barriers against
each other, never having had the advantage of a Constitution like the one in
the United States that reserves trade policy exclusively for the federal level.
Reasons for the intra-Canadian bias in trade include the ease of doing
business within the same legal system, an integrated media and advertising
sector, nationwide store chains, and an East-West railroad network. 4
Helliwell and McCallum (1995) "suspect that the answers lie in a whole host
of educational and geographic ties based on migration and family ties and
along with portability of health care and pension rights -- if not completely of
beer." Presumably the sources of intra-national bias are even stronger for
other countries that do not share the cultural proximity and liberalized trade
provide possible models for the European Union The very high effects of
political union estimated in the Canadian-U.S. case tell us that trade among
the same degree of political integration that Canada and the United States
have each achieved within their borders. (Our results indicate that as
European trade will fall a bit short of intra-U.S. trade. Canada is a slightly
the exercise tells us that the European Union has a very long way to go
insights into the effect of federation on trade, and into the lags involved
limited availability. (This is also the problem even with some more recent
had been preserved, trade flows would have been 2 1/2 times what they
actually were in 1924. A more recent study by de Menil and Maurel (1994)
applies the gravity methodology, and finds that, five years after the break-
still almost four times as large as what would be expected from the
effects of the British Empire, and on this basis concur with the League of
Nations finding that the breakup reduced trade by more than half. The two
about eight-fold. The authors also remark that the partial persistence of the
effect into the 1920s must reflect "a network of business and personal
relations that it takes time to build, and that does not decay
constituents of the former empire, which was still highly significant in 1924-
29, had apparently disappeared by 1930-32. 6
which had at the time only recently attained its independence from Great
Britain, into the two sovereign countries of Singapore and Malaysia. Trade
between the two countries grew subsequently, but only because each of the
economies grew. Adjusting for their size in world markets, trade between
Singapore and Malaysia fell by 2 per cent in the year of dissolution (relative
The effect is much smaller than for the Austro-Hungarian case, perhaps
because the Federation of Malaya had only existed a short time, while the
Soviet Union. The data on trade among the republics of the former Soviet
Between 1990-91 and 1992-93, the share of trade that the FSU republics
conducted among themselves fell by more than half, as one would expect.
Trade with the rest of the world also fell sharply, however. The most
evident explanation why all trade flows fell is that income fell sharply. 7 The
simple trade concentration ratio [which divides the intra-FSU trade share of
the FSU's share of world trade, and which was very high to start with], more-
This figure runs counter to all the other examples. One likely
possibility is that the FSU's share of world trade is overstated by the use of
official exchange rates in 1990-91, and perhaps understated in 1992-93. 8
Another likely possibility is that a severe loss in trade credit and foreign
exchange reserves impeded trade with the rest of the world more than it
impeded trade among the republics, especially with Russia itself, much of
this period among Eastern European states: intra-regional trade did not fall
as rapidly after the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc as the decline in incomes
and the other determinants of the gravity model would lead one to expect. 9
Both within the former Soviet Union and within Eastern Europe, the barter-
like arrangements the countries had long had with each other appear
than did their fragile trade links with the rest of the world. In this case, we
One measure {which holds the weight in world trade at 1990 levels, to avoid
FSU concentration peaking in 1992, and then falling in 1993 and 1994.
resuming the dissolution of the old Hapsburg Empire that had taken place
75 years earlier. Data on trade between the Czech and Slovak halves exist
both before and after the "velvet divorce." As Table 6.1 shows, the ratio of
between the two republics declined a bit in 1992, as the dissolution was
contemplated, and then fell sharply in 1993, when it took place. Meanwhile,
trade with the rest of the world was growing. Thus, the intra-Czechoslovak
ratio fell sharply in 1993, to half its 1991 level. (It then recovered slightly in
1994.) The intensity ratios, which adjust for Czechoslovakia's share of world
trade, tell the same story. The net effect of the dissolution, from 1991 to
1994, was a decline in trade between the Czech and Slovak regions of about
While a number of countries have split up over the last three decades
absorption of the eastern Lander into West Germany in 1990, after the fall
of the Berlin Wall. Data are available on trade by the two halves before and
proximity of the two Germanies dictate a high natural level of trade, and yet
there was a severe unnatural barrier between the two, until it was suddenly
could respond more or less quickly when barriers are removed than when
Table 6.2 [formerly table 6.1] shows a six-fold increase in the level
German trade increased four-fold over this period. This change reflects not
only the redrawing of national borders, but also the radical switch of the
time: on the one hand, trade with all Western countries was opened up at
the same time as trade with West Germany, while, on the other hand, a
the trade concentration ratio is the simplest way of adjusting for these
1989 and 1994. The biggest increase comes in 1991, as expected, with
years is much greater than the negative effect that we estimated for the
breakup of the Malaysian Federation (or the effect for the Soviet Union,
which we were unable to find at all). The effect is also somewhat greater
passage of three years). The large effect in the case of Germany reflects
that the pre-1990 barriers consisted of far more than a simple political
high integration that had existed until 45 years earlier. The German case is
compared to the much larger estimate for the Canadian federation, that
only a small fraction of the effect is felt within five years of a change in
political status. One suspects it may take as long as a century to attain the
full effect. This is an important lesson for the European Union: it should not
anything like the full twenty-fold increase in intra-regional trade that the
fascinating, they leave one hungry for more information on the effect of
countries are much less open than most people think: the ratio of trade to
much of the difference remains after taking these factors into account, to be
There are (at least) two bothersome new data problems in this approach,
which have not arisen in our international gravity equation, where we do not
care about the absolute value of the constant term. First, the bilateral
merchandise trade data and output data are not comparable because
output includes services, and bilateral data on trade in services are not
construction and other services from the national GNP data, to make them
comparable with the trade data. This means limiting the sample to 19 OECD
countries; most other countries lack the necessary data. Second, we need
some measure of the average distance between buyer and seller for
Much of trade within Russia or Canada takes place over a longer distance
Wei finds that the bias toward trading domestically is high and
found for the Canadian federation. First, controlling only for country sizes
estimates of a 20-fold effect in the Canadian case, Wei finds that the home-
closer to those that emerge from the historical episodes of federation break-
bias to trade, over the sample period, 1982-1994, is small in magnitude and
significance. His third finding is that the bias against trading with foreigners
is somewhat reduced when both countries are members of the EC. This
trade ties to change relatively slowly over time. Long-span historical studies
ratios, which have less demanding data requirements than the gravity
equation.12 Anderson and Norheim (1993, p.38), examining intra-regional
trade intensities from 1928 to 1990, find numbers above 1, and steadily
rising, for Europe, the Americas, and each of their halves (East vs. West, and
North vs. South, respectively). Asia, Africa, and the Middle East each show
Kleiman (1976) finds that the bias in trade toward the colonial power
around the time of independence (the early 1960s for many French and
across all colonies and ex-colonies. The factor was 2 to 3 for trade between
the United Kingdom and its colonies, somewhat higher for France, and
higher still for Belgium, Italy, and Portugal (in 1960-62). He also finds that
independent four to six years, and by about three-quarters for those who
trade shares going back to the 1850s), Anderson and Norheim find that the
concentration of trade with the countries that made up the British Empire
peaked in 1938, and has declined monotonically since 1958, falling below
the critical level of unity by 1984. The intensity of French trade with the
countries that were French colonies peaked at a very high level in 1938 and
shows an intensity during this period that has a greater average trend, but
suffered a major step backwards between 1948 and 1958. The intensity of
Japan's trade with Asia peaked at a very high level in 1938, and has been
declining fairly steadily ever since. This is precisely the same result found
by Petri (1993).
Historical estimates with the gravity equation show links and trends
Linnemann found different coefficients for the two kinds of transactions, for
1958-1960, and even more so for the relationship between France and its
former colonies. Wang and Winters (1991) and Hamilton and Winters (1992)
as late as 1984-86.
Blocs in the 1930s
From 1931 onward there was an identifiable sterling zone. The maintenance
exchange rates, may have helped promote trade within the group. The
sterling bloc overlapped imperfectly with the Commonwealth. 13 For those
countries that stayed on the gold standard, trade may again have been
Agreements Act. Countries that pegged their currencies to the dollar were
fewer and less important, however, than the membership of the gold and
Eichengreen and Irwin (1995, 1996) apply the gravity model to the
expected. Less expected is their finding that much of this effect is simply a
continuation of significant bloc effects in 1928 [intra-regional trade
stronger than the German bloc in the 1930s, and the dollar bloc is not
Eichengreen and Irwin (1995) test for trade blocs and currency blocs
conclusions: (1) Worldwide trade was depressed in the 1930s, not only by
trade barriers, but also by exchange rate variability; and (2) trade was also
bloc. The authors choose to emphasize the evidence that (3) these blocs
were already beginning to affect trade flows in 1928, earlier than the
slowly over time, even when the change in regional trading arrangements or
political links is sudden. Eichengreen and Irwin (1996) take the bull by the
horns and include lagged values of bilateral trade in their gravity estimates
for the period from 1928 to 1965. They find, for example, that trade links
among British colonies in 1954 and 1964 that might otherwise be attributed
flows of 1949, when the countries belonged to the British Empire. They use
the term hysteresis to refer to these effects that seem to linger long after
the original reasons for the bilateral trade have vanished. They conclude
that one should always include lagged variables in the gravity equation.
look out for missing variables. These variables are likely to change slowly
over time, and so can produce significant coefficients on lagged trade. One
possible missing variable that addresses the hysteresis issue directly is the
two countries long after the colonial relationship has been severed. By
hope to capture the effect directly. The measured stock of FDI will
exporting country. But bilateral FDI should capture much of the essence of
this relationship.
6.3 [formerly 7.3]: The Effect of Cumulative Foreign Direct
to export more to that country, other things equal. Or, if the firm inherits a
import more from that country. Furthermore, subsidiaries are more likely
than local firms to turn to the mother country for intermediate inputs. There
such a way as to facilitate trade links with itself. Thus, for all these reasons,
and trade.
Theoretically, there is also an effect that can go the other way. If high
barriers to trade, such as tariffs or quotas, prevent firms from exporting into
market directly. Empirically, however, most studies have found that the
emphasize the role of FDI as a tool that Japan uses in East Asia to divert
the increase in Japanese FDI into East Asia was in proportion to the increase
growth of the economies involved. Moreover, Japanese FDI into East Asia is
smaller than into the United States and Canada. The latter is more than
twice what one would expect from North America's share of world trade.
the destination of FDI, applies even more strongly if one takes into account
flows we have been analyzing are influenced by past FDI. We wish to test
the hypothesis that the stock of foreign direct investment which country i
Bilateral FDI data are only available on a limited basis. Many previous
studies have looked at bilateral FDI between the United States and other
countries, or between Japan and other countries. 15 But there are few
There are serious problems of endogeneity: all the factors that affect
bilateral trade could also be expected to affect bilateral FDI. The simplest
way to try to address this problem is to use the lagged stock of FDI as an
FDI has an apparent high and very significant effect on bilateral trade. The
point estimate is .17. In other words, a 1 per cent increase in the stock of
FDI leads to a subsequent .17 per cent increase in exports. 17 The
gravity results are basically unaffected. The estimated coefficients for all
bloc effects decline slightly, suggesting the possibility that the bloc effects
earlier might have been appropriating a bit of the FDI effect. The bloc
effects for APEC, the Western Hemisphere (when holding constant for
openness), and the EC (when not holding constant for openness) are still
rational anticipation of a market for trade that will expand in the future. In a
used to isolate exogenous variation in the stock of FDI, we find that the
effect of FDI on trade vanishes. This finding suggests that, even though
causal relationship running from the first variable to the second. (An
alternative possibility is that the endogeneity problem is even worse for the
tax treaty variable than for FDI itself.)
Wei (1996) are a start. They omit many of the possible determinants that
To the extent that the motive for FDI is to sell into the local market,
positive effect on FDI, thus reversing a key plank of the gravity model. On
the other hand, to the extent that the motive is exporting back to the source
country, distance should have a negative effect, just as it does for trade.
significant and negative than is the case in the gravity model of trade.
links raised the stock of FDI by about nine-fold (exp(2.24) = 9.4). In this
light, it is not surprising that the addition of FDI into the trade equation, in
to the determinants of bilateral trade, which explains the effect that lagged
trade and investment would raise many interesting questions, but will have
surprise trade theorists of the past, as international trade has always been
goods intensive in unskilled labor, and trade them to rich countries, for
to test for Linder or Heckscher-Ohlin effects. The variable did not have the
trade more than dissimilar ones. This undercuts support for the Heckscher-
capita GNPs remains, as before, very highly significant, suggesting that the
educational attainment levels, and land/labor ratios. The data (for a subset
Saxonhouse (1989). The results are not quite as bleak for Heckscher-Ohlin
support for some of these terms, specifically for capital/labor ratios and
educational attainment in 1980. In the other years, however, the results are
poor. The coefficients on the other variables are, in any case, little
exogenous variables in the gravity equation. Yet there are good reasons to
modern theories of technology transfer through trade, have long said that
countries that are more open to trade will have higher or more rapidly
increasing levels of real income. There is good empirical support for this
effect as well.23
But trade is the dependent variable in our gravity equation. Thus the
the event of such a simultaneity problem, but so would the estimation of the
other coefficients. If, for example, FTAs are more likely to be successful
among rich countries than poor ones, improper measurement of the effects
of FTAs.
labor force, stock of physical capital, and stock of human capital (education
{had to renumber later tables} reports along these lines the results of
instrumental variables estimation of the gravity equation. 25 We follow the
convergence" literature in adding 1960 income to the list in IV2. The use of
income or income per capita very slightly, but the differences are not
by first linking their currencies. The link might be relatively loose, as in the
tighter, as in the fixed exchange rates that some Latin American countries
currency on which the members of the European Union have set their sights.
The idea is that currency links reduce the costs to doing business with the
partner country, in the form of foreign exchange risk (including the cost of
hedging such risk) and transaction costs. The reduction in costs should
promote trade. This was certainly a major motivation on the part of the
fathers of the proposal for EMU (European Economic and Monetary Union).
Some European leaders believe that currency links are not just a
necessary component of it. Others have also read the Latin American
in some of the PTAs of the 1970s, and large swings in the real exchange rate
between the Argentine peso and the Brazilian cruzeiro have put strains on
Mercosur.26 The Mexican peso crisis of December 1994 (rightly or wrongly)
soured some Americans and Mexicans alike on NAFTA and its expansion. On
the other hand, exchange rate stability does not seem to have been
Canadian and U.S. dollars has floated more cleanly and over a higher
fraction of the post-war period than any other bilateral exchange rate in the
decomposed into two: to what extent have bilateral exchange rates in fact
been stabilized within the major regional groupings, and to what extent
the first question, the unsurprising finding is that the values of currencies of
European countries are tied far more closely to the value of the mark than
The finding that surprises some people, however, is that out of nine
currencies in East Asia, only a few show a significant or growing link to the
yen, and all show that links to the dollar are much stronger than to the yen.
Although only Hong Kong pegs formally to the dollar, no currency pegs
formally to the yen. Those that have at times adopted loose basket pegs
(Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand) give far more weight in the basket to the
dollar (about .8) than to the yen (about variability that prevailed in 1980, a
volume of intra-EC trade would have increased by 14.2 per cent. This OLS
estimate should be regarded very much as an upper bound. For one thing,
the 1980 point estimate of the effect of exchange rate volatility is the
largest of all the years. In the earlier observations, the magnitude of the
partners. This has certainly been the case in Europe. Hence, there could be
even if exchange rate volatility does not depress trade. To address this
rates are highly correlated in theory (they are directly linked under the
but monetary policies are less likely than exchange rate policies to be set in
The Instrumental Variables results show the same sign pattern across
the years as the OLS estimates, but the negative effect is statistically
significant only in 1965. The coefficient for 1980 is (a completely
insignificant) 0.28. Even if the point estimate is taken at face value, it would
increase trade by only 0.9 per cent (=0.28x3.22). The weak results when
correcting for simultaneity is the second strike against the hypothesis that
hypothesis that real exchange rate volatility depressed bilateral trade a bit
in the 1960s and 1970s. But the evidence for a negative trade effect, which
starts out relatively strong in 1965, diminishes steadily in the 1970s and
1980s, especially if one takes due account of the simultaneity. Even as the
exchange rates were becoming more volatile, the effect of any given level of
other hedging instruments over this period may explain why the effect that
In any case, the exchange rate variability term does little to reduce
the strength of the trade bloc effects among such relevant groupings as the
In the interest of ensuring that the results from our gravity model are
Those in this section concern the distinction between the importing country
exports are aggregated together. Our goal has been to uncover the deep
studies of the model in this form find income coefficients that are slightly
different on the import side and the export side. Linnemann, for example,
found that the estimated income elasticities were different for the two, but
the results. If one concludes that the coefficients are equal, then it is
A further motive for adding imports and exports together, aside from
as one considers imports and exports separately, one has to recognize that
their difference is the trade balance. The trade balance is not determined
optimization by savers.
estimates often change wildly every time one extends the sample period, or
modifies the specification slightly, or applies a different technique. 30 Until
this point in our study, the hope (perhaps a vain one) has been that when a
country undergoes a real appreciation, the positive effect on its imports and
the negative effect on its exports approximately cancel out. This would
justify omitting a term for the real exchange rate, in the equation that
truth different for the importing country and the exporting country, then it
our results, we have now tried the estimation on imports and exports
equal in the importing and exporting country, but without the real exchange
rate term. The results are reported in Table 6.5 [formerly 7.2] (Table 6.5a
for 1965-75, and 6.5b for 1980-90; Table 6.3 [formerly 7.1] reported the
estimates for 1992). As others have found, the GNP coefficient is a little
greater for the importing country than the exporting country. This
the difference between the import elasticity and export elasticity is small,
capita is larger, and more significant, with the exporting country always
having the higher value. This might suggest that, of the various
explanations for the role of per capita income in determining trade, the
tendency for poorer countries to engage in more import protection does not
seem to be the dominant one. One must always recall, however, that
averaged over the very long run, a country's exports equals its imports.
[Tables 6.5a and 6.5b [formerly 7.1a and 7.1b] about here;
incomes is higher than in the earlier estimates. The same is true of the
coefficient on distance. It still has a trend that, if anything, rises rather than
falls. This is particularly true in the 1970s. (Over the decade 1980-1990 it is
fairly steady at .9.) The estimated coefficient on the adjacency variable now
has a strong upward trend from year to year. Evidently the costs to doing
business with close neighbors have been falling more rapidly than the costs
What are the effects on the bloc variables? As before, the strong
effects belong to East Asia and APEC. As before, the trend in the East Asian
bloc is, if anythini's currency in terms of j; so the real exchange rate is the
relative price of i's goods in terms of j's. In this table (as in the preceding
Boisso and Farrantino (1993) also had little success with a relative price
theory, but the estimated coefficients were again usually not significant
statistically. We will not concern ourselves with the real exchange rate term
of an exporter from the rest of the world has a positive effect on bilateral
example will illustrate the intuition. The distance between Australia and
New Zealand is the same as the distance between Spain and Poland. Spain
and Poland have lots of other natural trading partners close at hand, but
Australia and New Zealand do not. One might thus expect the antipodean
pair, who have less in the way of alternatives, to trade more with each
other, holding other influences constant, than the European pair. The idea
is that it is not just the absolute level of bilateral distance that matters, but
also bilateral distance expressed relative to the distances of each of the pair
away from the rest of the world than country S by one percent, then Z's
0.3 to 0.6 percent. Another way of stating this result is to break down the
coefficient on bilateral distance (.9), into two roughly equal effects: an effect
Apparently, if Z's average distance from the world is greater than S by one
percent, then Z's imports from M, other things equal, is less than S by 0.4-
0.8 percent. We have not yet figured out why this might be.
formal FTAs. The bloc variable is defined the same as in earlier tables. (The
tested were the European Community (EC), European Free Trade Area
point estimates of the EC bloc effect and their dynamics tell an interesting
story. In terms of levels, within-EC trade has always been below the
within-EC bias has clearly risen. This suggests that while the European
countries were more open to trade than many countries, for historical or
countries. Trade among the EFTA countries seems below what one would
Mercosur traded more intensely among themselves than the gravity model
intensity in the 1970's and 1980's. The Andean group also appears to show
the equation and the nature of the error term. While these inquiries are a
bit more on the technical side, to have explored them will reassure us about
Interactive effects: Are blocs more effective when the members are
close together?
One might wonder whether there are interactive effects between bloc
membership and the basic gravity variables, distance and adjacency. 34
are neighbors than when they are far-removed, an effect that is greater
than the sum of the two separate effects of bloc membership and distance.
on distance interacted with the bloc effect was always negative, and highly
significant statistically in two years out of seven (1965 and 1970). The
finding suggests that the combined effect of proximity and bloc membership
is greater than the sum of the two individual effects. (The negative effect of
adjacency interacted with the bloc effect fluctuated in sign and was not
statistically significant.
The results are reported in Appendix Tables A6.1a and A6.1b. The
dummy variable for regional blocs had a positive coefficient, and was highly
significant in four years out of seven. This result suggests that formal
Zero-valued entries
For some country pairs the data entry is zero, normally due to levels
of trade too small to be recorded. There are 245 missing values in our data
set in 1985, for example. These are generally countries that, by virtue of
small size and remoteness, would be expected to have little trade with each
zero, or is very small and has been rounded down to zero. Either way, these
model. The reason is that the standard procedure is to take the logarithms
There are three approaches that have been most commonly taken in
the literature. First one can simply omit the zero pairs from the data set.
This is the strategy followed by Brada and Mendez (1985), Bikker (1987) and
others. It is also the strategy that we have followed in most of our results.
One must be concerned, however, that the exclusion of these data points
might bias the results. If so, one could argue that a sample selection
problem arises inevitably, from leaving very small countries out of the data
set altogether. Even the few studies that include a broader set of countries
than our set of 63 nevertheless leave out the smallest countries. 36
zeroes, such as $1,000 or some other minimum unit. This is the technique
used by Linnemann (1966) and Wang and Winters (1992), among others.
(They found that inclusion of the missing values made little substantive
difference to the results.) The virtue of this strategy is that it allows the
computer to run the linear OLS regression. The obvious drawback is that it
positive number, though not negative infinity, is still a negative number that
is very large (in absolute value). OLS regression in effect gives larger
weight to extreme values, whether large or small. For this reason, the zero
pairs might then receive too large a weight in the estimates. This is closely
levels rather than logs (the semi-log formulation), and then use Tobit to
elasticities in the usual way. On the other hand, when TRADEij is small, the
a simple robustness check. The only reason that the zeroes cannot be
included is that the log of zero is minus infinity. Why let a pesky detail like
that stop us? We tried running the equation in multiplicative form, instead
reported as undertaking zero trade. When the sizes of the countries are
close to (or equal to) zero, the predicted level of bilateral trade will also be
close to (or equal to) zero, exactly as it should be. Once the equation has
been estimated in nonlinear form, we can test whether the results are
makes little difference to the results. This finding offers some assurance
that the omission of the zero observations from our standard log-linear
regressions does not lead us far astray. 37
Iceland-Kuwait trade. A good way to think about this is that a country like
the trade data for each of these units, their accuracy would likely be not
very much better or worse than the data for Iceland or Kuwait. When we
add up the U.S. trade data into an aggregate number, it is far more reliable
than it would be for a smaller unit: measurement errors tend to cancel out,
Squares, based on the size of the countries. As with so many of the other
econometric extensions that we have tried, the correction turns out to make
little difference.38
groupings. The Andean group, Mercosur, and ASEAN remain effective PTAs.
At the continental level, so do the EC, the Americas, and East Asia or the
Pacific. Perhaps this chapter's most interesting findings, in their own right,
also memorable. The larger message, in any case, is that the previous
gravity estimates toward the end of the book, when it is time to evaluate
analyzed here.
Table 4.5 [formerly 5.5]:
9 29
F & W (1996).
0 30
In the case of agricultural trade, there is an upward trend in the
point estimates of the NAFTA bloc effects, but only in 1980 is it statistically
significant. Given that the important formal agreements took place in 1988
and 1992, one should perhaps in any case not expect anything out of a data
set that ends in the mid-1980s. [The results are reported in Tables 4a and
4b of F, W & S (1995).]
1 31
In addition to Table4.2 [formerly 5.2] here, see Table 4 of F, W & S
2 32
2.5 = exp(.93). F & W (1997, Table 1). Given the evolution in
South American attitudes toward trade over this period, however, one
should probably not take this pooling too seriously, as it imposes an
unchanging structure of trade.
3 33
F, W & S (1995), Tables 4, 4a and 4b.
4 34
They estimate a doubling attributable to Mercosur after 1990 [=
exp(.72)]. Amjadi, Winters and Yeats (1995, p.17) also find, using intensity
coefficients, a very rapid 1991-1993 increase in Argentina and Brazil's trade
within Mercosur.
5 35
F & W (1996, 1997) and Table 4 of F, W & S (1995).
6 36
F, W & S (1995), Table 4a.
7 37
Surprisingly, the lack of openness appears in the Table to continue
right up to 1992. The finding of a negative openness effect in the Western
Hemisphere, or even one that worsens over time, is repeated in F & W
(1997), and Table 2 of F, W & S (1995). Evidently the North American
countries, which exhibit less openness than predicted by the gravity
variables, dominate the South American countries, which toward the end of
the sample period exhibit more openness than would be predicted. In
Table 2 of F & W (1995c), on the other hand, one gets a result that is more
consistent with what one expects: the Western Hemisphere term has a
Without controlling for adjacency
strong upward trend, from a highly significant -.3 in 1965 to a significant +.2
in 1990. In those estimates, the Americas bloc effect remains significant in
four out of six observations.
8 38
Other estimates show significant coefficients as high as 1.2 in
1990. (Table 2 in F & W, 1995c, which is the one that also shows a strong
effect for the English language and a Western Hemisphere openness term
that becomes significantly positive in 1985 and 1990.)
9 39
Appendix Table A4.4a [formerly A5.4a] {and 5.2?, respectively}.
0 40
Similar levels and trends in the Western Hemisphere bloc
coefficient are evident in F (1993, 1994), F & W (1994b, 1995b) and F, S & W
(1993, 1996).
1 41
F, S & W (1994), Tables 2 and 5; and F & W (1995c), Table 3,
respectively. Allowing for linguistic links reduces a bit the Americas bloc
effect in manufactures, although the effect for Spanish is no higher than for
other languages.
2 42
F & W (1997, Table 1).
3 43
E.g., DeRosa (1995, 25-28, 34). F & W (1996) gives other
references, and extends the gravity analysis to focus on Southeast Asian
trade patterns.
4 44
F & W (1995d).
5 45
F & W (1996, 1997).
6 46
F & W (1997, Table 1).
7 47
Appendix Table A4.3 [formerly A5.3].
8 48
References include DeRosa (1993a,b, 1995), Jackson (1991),
Panagariya (1994), and Jaggi (1995).
9 49
W & F (1995), Table 1.
Mansfield and Bronson (1995) -.51 to -.69 1950-1990
1 51
F, W and S (1995), Tables 4a and 4b; and F, S and W (1994), Table
2 52
Compare Tables 3b and 5, in F, S & W (1994).
3 53
There are similar results in F (1993, 1994), F, S & W (1996), and F
& W (1993a, 1993b, 1994a, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1997). Also Petri (1993)
and Saxonhouse (1993).
4 54
Petri (1991, 1993).
5 55
The empirical literature on whether Japan is an outlier in its trading
patterns, particularly with respect to imports of manufactures, includes
Saxonhouse (1989), Noland (1991) and Lawrence (1991a), among others.
Eaton and Tamura (1996) find that Japan, along with other East Asian
countries, is more open to U.S. exports than would be predicted by the
gravity model (but less open to direct investment).
6 56
F (1993, 1994).
7 57
The years were 1980, 1985, and 1990. F (1993, Table 2.5; 1994).
8 58
These results are reported in F (1993, Table 2.2-2.4; 1994).
9 59
We count only the core 15 in APEC, excluding Mexico, Chile and
Papua New Guinea which were not added until 1993. [CHK]
0 60
Including F & W (1997), F, W & S (1995), and F & W (1995c). In the
first two studies, APEC members are again estimated to be significantly less
open than predicted by gravity determinants. The third study shows the
more expected result, where APEC members go from low openness to high
openness during the course of the sample period. In all cases, the APEC
bloc effect is high and significant.
1 61
We found similar results in F & W (1993a, 1993b) and F, W & S
Tinbergen (1962) -.56
2 62
F (1993, 1994).
3 63
F, W & S (1995), Table 4a; and F, S & W (1994), Table 2. If one
neglects to correct for a lower-than-average level of openness with respect
to manufactures among Pacific countries, the bloc effect in APEC
manufactures is highly significant in 1965 and 1970 as well; F, S & W (1994),
Table 3b. This is also without the common language dummy.
4 64
F & W (1995c), Table 3. If one allows for the languages, but not for
the low level of openness, then the APEC bloc effect in manufactures again
does not take hold in a significant way until the 1970s. (F, S & W (1994),
Table 5).
5 65
E.g., Polak (1996).
6 66
F, W & S (1995), Tables 2 and 3. For the 1980 results, the EC bloc
effect loses its previous borderline-significance when the Winters-Wang
distance measure is introduced.
7 67
Garnaut (1993, p.5). Drysdale and Garnaut (1993) borrow the
terms from Cooper (1974).
8 68
F & W (1995d). Srinivasan and Canonero (1995, p.29) also find a
negative effect for India-Pakistan trade, as do Dhar and Panagariya (1995, p.12-13).
India-Pakistan is probably undercounted however, by some $2 billion according to
The Economist (Jan. 27, 1996, p.36); it is estimated that half this amount is
smuggled across the border, and half goes by third-country ports.
9 69
Easterly (1993) and Easterly, Kremer, Pritchett, and Summers (1993) see
the drawing of the line that separates East Asia from the rest of Asia as having been
0 70
Dhar and Panagariya (1995), however, find a negative effect for
India-China trade, where there has been political and military animosity in
the past.
1 71
F & W (1995d).
2 72
Adding the Hong Kong and Singapore dummies does not change
Appendix to Chapter 4:
A Note on the Intercepts in the Pooled Estimates
3 73
Table A4.2 [formerly A5.2] and F and W (1996, 1997).
4 74
F & W (1995c) and F, W & S (1995). Not, however, in Table A5.2
[formerly A5.3].
5 75
W & F (1995). The effects are estimated at -0.1 (borderline-
significant) and -.3 (highly significant), respectively.
6 76
F & W (1995c, 1996), W & F (1997); F, W & S (1995); and W & F
(1995), respectively. Trade with non-members showed an estimated
coefficient on the expansion to include Iceland of -0.2.
7 77
E.g., Harris and Cox (1984) and Primo Braga (1994).
8 78
Krueger (1993).
9 79
F & W (1996).
0 80
Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2] here; W & F (1997); and F, W & S (1995).
1 81
Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2] here; W & F (1997); and F, W & S (1995).
2 82
F & W (1996), F, W & S (1995), and W & F (1997); versus Table 4.2
[formerly 5.2].
3 83
W & F (1995).
4 84
W & F (1997), F, W & S (1995), and Tables 4.3 and 5.1 [formerly
5.3 and 6.1].
5 85
Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2], F & W (1996), and W & F (1997).
6 86
W & F (1995).
7 87
Table 4.3 [formerly 5.3], F (1994), F & W (1995c, 1995d), F, W & S
(1995), and W & F (1995, 1997). These results are similar to those of Dhar
and Panagariya (1995), who use the gravity model to find that East Asian
factor of 2.002.1 The theory of Chapter 7 suggests that national dollar GNPs
in each year should be deflated by dollar Gross World Product. We have not
bothered to do so in the cross-section context because it is not necessary.
But here we should add 1.9 to the intercept on the 1992 cross-section, 2 to
see if there has been a secular increase in real worldwide trade, relative to
1970, beyond what can be attributed to inflation and growth. As an
illustrative example, the estimated intercept term in 1990 is about -1.3. 3
Thus the increase in real trade, adjusted for GNP and the other factors
(population is the other variable that changes over time) is -1.3 + 1.9, or
0.6. Expressing the trend on an annual basis, trade has increased at about
countries are open with respect to outside countries, contrary to the usual
8 88
Table 4.2 [formerly 5.2]; W & F (1997); and W & F (1995),
9 89
F & W (1995c).
0 90
Table 4.3 [formerly 5.3], F, W & S (1995), and W & F (1997).
1 1
Panagariya (1995, pp. 9-10) echoes Bhagwati's suspicions. He
attacks Summers' argument that an FTA among natural bloc partners is less
likely to be trade-diverting, with "natural" defined by a low level of trade
with countries outside the group. To the extent that a low observed level of
trade reflects natural barriers, such as distance, our results support
Summers and Krugman. Bhagwati and Panagariya (1995) are correct to
point out, however, that high bilateral trade volume alone does not imply a
natural partnership, if it exists for reasons other than low transportation
costs or geographical proximity. Summers (1991) seems to imply
otherwise. The proposition that one criterion for a trade-creating welfare-
improving FTA is that a high proportion of trade be conducted among
partners ex ante goes back to Lipsey (1960). But it seems evident that, to
the extent such trade is the result of preferences that are already in place, it
cannot be used to justify further preferences. These issues are addressed
more formally in the next chapter.
2 2
Fischer (1993, pp. 434-436).
3 3
The Canadian bias for Quebec trade is even higher than for other
provinces, at 26.0. This comes as a surprise, in light of Quebec's insistence
on the separateness of its culture. The explanation is that, even though
Quebec's trade with other Canadian provinces is, as one expects, estimated
to be lower than the gravity variables predict, Quebec's trade with American
states is lower still. Quarrelsome Quebec is even more separate from the
United States than it is from the rest of Canada.
4 4
According to Rousslang and To (1993), domestic costs of
transporting, wholesaling, and retailing foreign-produced goods are in
3 per cent per year. This increase could be attributed to declining transport
costs, or to worldwide liberalization of trade policy. 4
5 5
Layton and Rist (1925).
6 6
Maurel (1995). The effect reappeared in 1933-1938. The
fluctuations in the 1930s are probably influenced by new shifts in regional
relationships, at least as much as by gradual unwinding of the legacy of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire.
7 7
Inter-republic trade on the whole tended to fall much more rapidly
than income from 1991 to 1992, but some of the republics' trade with
Russia actually rose relative to their incomes. Stern (1994, p.15, 16, 19).
8 8
An alternate measure based on implicit exchange rates, however,
gives similar results for the concentration ratio [while not even showing a
decline in the simple intra-regional trade ratio]. A third measure, at
domestic prices, is the only one available for the years 1987-1991; it
confirms the simple intra-regional trade share at .7 in 1990 [the same as the
other two measures], and reports that this statistic and the concentration
ratio had been steady over the preceding four years.
9 9
Brada (1993).
0 10
To compare across time, look, for example, at the intercepts in
Tables 6.1-6.3, discussed in the appendix to Chapter 4 [formerly 5]. To
compare across countries, look at the intercepts in Appendix Table A4.5
[formerly A5.5], which estimate openness relative to the United States.
1 11
Perhaps as much as a factor of five [10/2 = 5]. This would
apparently leave a factor of four to be attributed to intra-Canada bias [20/5
= 4]. But the only way to know would be to estimate the gravity model on
provincial data, including variables for adjacency, remoteness, and
commmon language. Adjacency refers to the fact that Canadian provinces
share borders with each other somewhat more often than they do with
American states. Remoteness refers to the fact that Canada is one of those
countries that is located rather far from the rest of the world, so that it is
more dependent on trade with its immediate neighbor and with itself. The
remoteness effect is examined later in this chapter.
2 12
Flandreau (1993), however, manages to estimate a simple gravity
model for Europe, during the period 1860-1880. He finds that trade within
the Latin Union and Scandinavian Union can be explained by proximity, and
need not be attributed to the effects of these early regional trading
3 13
For example, Canada was in the Commonwealth but not sterling
zone, and three Scandinavian countries vice versa; Eichengreen and Irwin
4 14
Ramstetter (1991a, pp. 8-9; 1991b, pp. 95-96) and F (1993, pp. 67-
5 15
Sachs and Shatz (1994, 45-49) show in a gravity model of U.S.
bilateral exports and imports that the bilateral activities of multi-national
corporations are a significant determinant.
6 16
Taken from Table 4 of W & F (1997). This test necessitates
introducing the distinction between the importing country and the exporting
country, which is discussed at length later in the chapter. The FDI tests are
extended to 1990 and 1994, with a special emphasis on Southeast Asia, in F
& W (1996).
7 17
An extension of these tests, with an extra emphasis on Southeast
Asia, finds a somewhat smaller effect in 1990, and a somewhat larger effect
in 1994 (F & W, 1996). The effects are significant in all three years.
8 18
Eaton and Tamura (1994, 1996) estimate bilateral gravity models
for FDI. But they include only two source countries: the United States and
Japan. They find that features of a country associated with more trade with
the U.S. or Japan are also associated with more FDI from those countries.
9 19
Eaton and Tamura (1996) find in their gravity model that distance
inhibits FDI much less than it inhibits trade.
0 20
But one knows that there is probably a bad misspecification in this
equation in this regard. We have not yet included terms for GDP per capita,
which would capture the fact that rich countries tend to be the source of
1 21
F, S and W (1995, Table 3).
2 22
The results are reported in table 4 of F, S & W (1995); also in Table
5 in F and W (1993b).
3 23
Frankel and Romer (1995) and Frankel, Romer and Cyrus (1995)
give extensive references to the empirical literature. Those two papers also
show that the statistical effect of openness on growth holds up well, even
when allowing for the possible endogeneity of trade. Thus, while we are
about to use exogenous variables from the growth equation (such as
investment) to correct for simultaneity bias in the trade equation, the two
earlier papers use exogenous variables from the trade equation (such as
distance) to correct for simultaneity bias in the growth equation.
4 24
Wei (1996) also allows for the endogeneity of income in the gravity
equation, using simple population as an instrumental variable. Harrigan
(1991) uses a more complete set of factor endowments as instrumental
variables for income. Unfortunately, he omits any measure of distance from
his calculations, which must have a major effect on the results.
5 25
Drawn from Cyrus (1996). Results for 1980 and 1985 are reported
there as well.
6 26
E.g., Abreu and Bevilaqua (1995).
7 27
The estimates are taken from F & W (1996), Tables 4, 5 and 6.
Similar results are reported in the earlier F & W papers.
8 28
For a given country, proximity or common language could
conceivably have a bigger effects on imports than exports. With our general
formulation however, where the variable to be explained is simply Tij, no
such distinctions are possible. [When we use distance to measure transport
costs, for example, we abstract from the fact that sailing time or flying time
from east to west may be different than from west to east.]
9 29
It is, moreover, legitimate to take logs. One has simply added
log(2) to the righthand side of the equation that describes the log of exports
and the log of imports.
0 30
A few authors have sought to estimate relative price terms in their
bilateral trade equation, on the grounds that they appear in a gravity-type
equation derived from a general-equilibrium theory, without thinking of
themselves as having entered the realm of macroeconomics. In fact,
however, relative price variation is in practice so heavily dominated by
exchange rate variation, that there is really no way of escaping that this is a
macroeconomic phenomenon. This is especially true because conventional
indices measure prices only relative to a base year, preventing comparison
on a pure cross-section dimension. These studies tend to get unsatisfactory
results for the relative price terms.
1 31
Also on suggestions from Jacques Polak (1996) and Ed Leamer, and
a theoretical formulation in Stein (1995).
2 32
The results are reported in F & W (1997), Table 2. (Table A7.2 here
is taken from Table 1 there.)
3 33
Its coefficient has the same interpretation as the coefficient on
openness in earlier tables. However the coefficient on the bloc variable in
this table exceeds the bloc coefficient in the equation specification used
before, by the amount of the openness coefficient. (This follows from the
definitions of the dummy variables: openness = non-bloc + bloc.)
4 34
Brada and Mendez (1985) find that the bloc effects interact with
other effects, that preferential trading arrangements are more likely to
boost trade if the members (a) are close together, and (b) have relatively
high per capita incomes. Mansfield and Bronson (1995) find that bloc effects
interact with the effect of common membership in regional geographical
groupings, as well as in multilateral alliances.
5 35
The Regional Bloc (RB) dummy variable in Table A6.1 is the sum of
the narrowly-defined FTAs -- ASEAN, Mercosur, etc. -- not the continental
6 36
Boisso and Farrantino (1995) use a data sample of over 260,000
export-import pairs. This sample only goes up to 1985, however. The price
of including so many countries is that more recent data is not available.
7 37
The results were reported in F & W (1993b); the Appendix Tables
A2 and A3 to CIDER Working Paper 93-025, U.C. Berkeley; and Appendix
Table A2-A3 to F & W (1993b). The use of the multiplicative form itself
changes the results some, however.
8 38
Reported in F & W (1993b) and appendix, ibids., Table A1.
Techniques that will correct for heteroscedasticity without requiring any
information regarding the structure of the variance matrix have become
fashionable among econometricians. When one has a good idea as to the
source of the heteroscedasticity, however, as in this case, it seems much
better to apply that a priori knowledge.
1 1
The log of the dollar price level increased by 1.24, or .056 at an
annual rate, while the log of real income increased by .694, or .032 at an
annual rate.
2 2
Where does this number come from? 1.93=1.24+.69. (See
preceding footnote). If one takes first differences of the gravity equation
estimated, sets the GNP coefficients to one, and assumes no change in the
other variables, then the estimated equation looks like:
growth in nominal trade = estimated time trend + 2(nominal GNP growth).
The true equation is:
growth in real trade = true time trend + 2(real growth) - real world growth.
Thus true time trend = estimated time trend + real world growth + inflation.
3 3
Tables 6.1-6.3; F & W (1995d); or F, S & W (1996).
4 4
The reported intercept term for 1992 is not comparable with the
others. [It needs to be increased by the log of 1,000, to be comparable with
the earlier numbers (because the trade and income data for that year
differed from earlier years by a factor of 10 6 and 103, respectively).]
Perhaps the most reliable estimate would be the sum of the three intercept
terms in the estimates based on changes in trade, from W & F (1995). It is
1.24. Adjusted for inflation, the estimate is 1.24-(.25+.38)1.24=.46, a trend
increase in trade of 2.1 percent per year.