Traditional Logic I Student Book Sample
Traditional Logic I Student Book Sample
Traditional Logic I Student Book Sample
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
Judgment (Proposition)
What is Logic?
Introduction. T
he best way to answer the question “What
is logic?” is with a definition. But that is easier said than done. Throughout
history, many people have thought and written about the subject of logic and
many people have offered definitions. Some of them are useful and some are
Logic is the
Josiah Royce, an American philosopher, defined logic as “the science of science of right
order,” but this definition is so general that it really could include things thinking.
outside of logic, and so it really doesn’t tell us much.
Other definitions are a little too simple. The writer Oliver Wendell Holmes
said, “Logic is logic. That’s all I say.” That obviously won’t help us.
The writers of a book on fallacies (we’ll explain what those are later)
defined logic as “the defense against trickery.” That’s one thing logic is, but
certainly not all.
Much better is the definition given by Raymond McCall: “Logic in general
is the science of right thinking.” Jacques Maritain, a very famous philosopher,
had a similar definition. “Logic,” he said, “is the art which enables us to
proceed with order, ease, and correctness in the act of reason itself.”
Irving Copi, who wrote a book on logic still used in many colleges, gets
even a little more specific. “The distinction between correct and incorrect
reasoning is the central problem with which logic deals.” As you proceed in
this book, you will see that this is so.
Aristotle is
The History of Logic. T he eighteenth-century German considered the
philosopher Immanuel Kant called Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher,
the “father of logic.” If we are thinking only of traditional, or formal, logic
father of logic.
(which is the only kind of logic we study in this book), this is true. In fact,
formal logic has changed hardly at all since the time of Aristotle, who lived
from 384-322 B.C.
Shortly after the time of Aristotle, another Greek philosopher laid the
groundwork for modern symbolic logic—his name was Chrysippus (279-206
B.C.). During the Middle Ages, the kind of logic developed by Chrysippus
did not receive much attention. But in the 17th and early 18th centuries,
philosophers began to take another look at the logical system of Chrysippus.
One of the first and most famous of these is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1781-
1848). Since then, many advances have been made in symbolic logic.
In addition, another form of logical thought, called induction, has become
a part of the subject that we know as logic. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873),
who lived in the 19th century, pioneered the theories about induction that
we study today.
The two main At the end of the 19th century and into our own, other logical methods
branches of logic have been developed, many of which have as much, if not more, to do with
mathematics than with philosophy. Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), Alfred
are formal logic
North Whitehead (1861-1947), and Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) are names
and material associated with the more modern kinds of mathematical logic.
logic. For our purposes, we will stick to the formal logic of Aristotle, which is
just as useful today as it was when it was set forth over 2,300 years ago.
The Two Main Branches of Logic. There are two main
branches of logic. One is called formal, or “minor,” logic, the other material,
or “major,” logic. The two branches are quite distinct and deal with different
Material logic is concerned with the content of argumentation. It deals
with the truth of the terms and the propositions in an argument.
Formal logic is interested in the form or structure of reasoning. The truth
of an argument is of only secondary consideration in this branch of logic.
Formal logic is concerned with the method of deriving one truth from another.
The distinction between these two branches of logic was nicely described
by G. K. Chesterton:
Logic and truth … have very little to do with each other. Logic is concerned merely with
the fidelity and accuracy with which a certain process is performed, a process which can
be performed with any materials, with any assumption. You can be as logical about grif-
fins and basilisks as about sheep and pigs.… Logic, then, is not necessarily an instrument
for finding out truth; on the contrary, truth is a necessary instrument for using logic—for
using it, that is, for the discovery of further truth.… Briefly, you can only find truth with
logic if you have already found truth without it.
Three This last remark of Chesterton’s is important. It is not the purpose of formal
logic to discover truth. That is the business of everyday observation and, in
important terms certain more formal circumstances, empirical science. Logic serves only to
in logic are truth, lead us from one truth to another.
validity, and That is why, for example, you should not call a statement of fact logical
or illogical (although this is commonly done in everyday argument). You
soundness. should instead call it true or false. Likewise, you should not call an argument
(which contains several statements of fact) true or false. You should only call
it valid or invalid. Validity is the term we use when we mean to say that
an argument is logical. The term soundness, however, can be applied to an
argument to say something about both its truth and its validity.
Judgment Proposition
The verbal Syllogism. The mental act involved in the third of these three
logical processes is called deductive inference. We call the verbal expression
expression of of deductive inference the syllogism. A deductive inference occurs when we
a deductive make the logical connections in our mind between the terms in the argument
in a way that shows us that the conclusion either follows or does not follow
inference is from the premises. When we verbally express this in an argument, we have
called a syllogism. put this deductive inference in the form of a syllogism.
It is at this point that we are said to make progress in knowledge. It is
through the process of deductive inference, as expressed in a syllogism, that
we can say, as we explained above, that we have gone from one truth or set
of truths to another truth.
Let’s say the reason you think this book is boring is because you think
all books are boring. If this were true, you would be performing a deductive
inference. You would be thinking to yourself, all books are boring, and this
is a book. Therefore, this book is boring. And if you verbally expressed this
deductive inference, you would do it in the form of a syllogism. The judgment
expressed by “All books are boring” and “This is a book” are different than the
judgment “This book is boring.” Through deductive inference, however, you
can go from these first two to the last one. In this way, you have gone from
one set of truths to another truth (if indeed they are true, which hopefully
they are not).
We would say that the argument above (the one about Socrates), in its
entirety, is a syllogism. It expresses a deductive inference that logically
connects certain simple apprehensions that are parts of three judgments.
And this process has been expressed in the form of a syllogism.
If we now put this all together, keeping our distinction between mental
acts and verbal expressions, it would look like this: The initial
Mental Act Verbal Expression act—picking up
his foot—is like
Simple Apprehension Term the initial logical
Judgment Proposition
Deductive Inference Syllogism
act of simple
In order to give ourselves a mental picture of these three logical processes, Taking a full step
let us think of a man walking. In order to get from, say, one room to another, is like making
he has to pick up his foot and take several steps in order to get to the room
that is his destination. The initial act—picking up his foot—is like the a judgment.
initial logical act of simple apprehension. Taking a full step is like making And stringing
a judgment. And stringing all the steps together into one movement is like all the steps
deductive inference—we move from one place to another.
together into
Summary. W e started out by defining logic as “the science of one movement
right thinking.” We said there are two main branches of logic. One is called is like deductive
formal, or minor, logic, the other material, or major, logic. Material logic inference.
is concerned with the content of argumentation. Formal logic is interested in
the form or structure of reasoning. We defined truth as correspondence with
reality. We said an argument is valid when its conclusion follows logically
from its premises. And we said that soundness indicates that all the premises
in an argument are true and that the argument is valid.
We said also that all arguments must contain two premises and a
conclusion. And we said, finally, that there are three mental acts that make
up the logical process: simple apprehension, judgment, and deductive
inference. These three mental acts correspond to three verbal expressions:
term, proposition, and syllogism.
1. Based on what you have read in this chapter, what is the definition of logic?
4. Give the name of one philosopher who made advances in symbolic logic.
6. Give the names of three people whose names are associated with modern kinds of mathematical logic.
8. Explain the first of the main branches of logic (in Question 7) and describe it in your own words.
9. Explain the second of the main branches of logic (in Question 7) and describe it in your own words.
Exercises for Day 2. Read “Truth, Validity, and Soundness” and “The Components of
an Argument.” Read them carefully.
12. On the basis of today’s reading, explain what it means to say an argument is valid.
15. In the following argument, identify the premises and the conclusion by writing the words ‘premise’
or ‘conclusion’ in the space next to the statement.
16. Name the three types of logical processes (or acts of the mind) involved in logic.
18. What is the mental act involved in the first of the three kinds of logical processes?
19. What is the verbal expression connected to this mental act (in Question 18)?
21. If you think of this book and have the concept in your mind, you are having a simple apprehension.
What is the term you use to verbally express this particular simple apprehension?
23. What does each one of these terms (in Question 22) represent?
24. What is the mental act involved in the second of the three kinds of logical processes?
25. What is the verbal expression connected to this mental act (in Question 24)?
27. If you think that this book is boring by affirming in your mind that this is so, your mind is
performing a judgment. What is the term you use to verbally express this judgment?
29. What does each one of these propositions (in Question 28) represent?
30. What is the mental act involved in the third of the three kinds of logical processes?
31. What is the verbal expression connected to this mental act (in Question 30)?
32. Describe in no less than one and no more than three sentences what occurs in our minds when we
engage in deductive inference.
33. If you think that because all books are boring and that this is a book, and that therefore this book is
boring, your mind engaged in deductive inference. What is the term you use to verbally express this
deductive inference?
34. Fill out the chart below, listing the mental acts and their corresponding verbal expressions in the
order in which we have covered them:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
35. Draw a line to indicate which action best describes what each mental act is like: